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26 Jul 20:04

The Coffee Nap

Is your napping technique backed up by scientific research? This one is...(Read...)

25 Jul 15:49

This startup is using Uber and Lyft drivers to bring self-driving cars to market faster

by Kirsten Korosec

Roads aren’t the stagnant strips of concrete and asphalt they appear to be. They’re constantly changing. Traffic lights are added and removed, stop-and-go intersections turn into roundabouts, a typically quiet street turns into a construction zone. It’s happening everywhere, all the time.

Human drivers might be able adjust to this dynamic environment, but autonomous vehicles need extra help. They need maps. But not just any old map will do, say the three founders behind Lvl5, a new mapping and localization startup that launched publicly today.

high-definition 3D maps that are constantly refreshing

Lvl5 was founded in December by Andrew Kouri and Erik Reed, who both worked on Tesla’s Autopilot team, and George Tall, a computer vision...

Continue reading…

19 Jul 05:17

Flexible OLED Displays by New Vision at I-Zone of SID Display Week

by juliusaugustus

New Vision is a startup spinning out of the South China University of Guangzhou China showing their plastics based flexible AMOLED technology using an oxide TFT backplate, enabling entirely new designs of electronics as new categories of products with flexible unbreakable displays can be made. Nuvision currently shows 400ppi Flexible AMOLED but they will also be able to soon present Flexible OLED with pixel densities of up to 1000ppi. Filmed at the I-Zone startups and New Tech Demos area at the SID Display Week.

18 Jul 21:26

DEF CON Badgelife: Someone Finally Did It

by Brian Benchoff

Badgelife is the celebration of electronic conference badges, a way of life that involves spending far too much time handling the logistics of electronics manufacturing, and an awesome hashtag on Twitter. Badgelife isn’t a new thing; it’s been around for a few years, but every summer we see a massive uptick in the lead up to Def Con.

For the last few years, the designers and engineers deep into Badgelife have had the same conversation dozens of times. One person says, “you know, someone should build a badge that’s a quadcopter.” Another person replies, “Can you imagine how annoying that would be? You’d be putting ten thousand people in a room during the closing ceremonies at DefCon, and a few dozen people would have quadcopters. It would be horrible” Yes, there have been plans to build a quadcopter badge for the last few years, but cooler heads prevailed.

Someone finally did it. The wearable electronic conference badge that’s also a quadcopter is finally here. It’s the work of [b1un7], and it’s going to be exactly as annoying as you would expect.

This badge is actually two PCBs, the first being the quadcopter itself, the second being the joystick/controller. The quad is shaped like the familiar jolly roger found in most Whiskey Pirate badges ([b1un7] hangs with that crew), and the controller is a pirate’s treasure map loaded up with joysticks, buttons, and radios. The motors for this quad appear to be brushed, not brushless, and it looks like the arms of the quad have some space for obnoxiously bright LEDs.

This is an awesome badge but it’s still [b1un7]’s first attempt at making a badge. Right now, there’s still a bit of work to do — there’s only one week until Defcon — but with any luck [b1un7] will have 25 of these wearable electronic conference badges buzzing around. It’s a terible idea and we love it.

Filed under: cons
15 Jul 21:36

Despite efforts to prove its relevance, Juicero is shutting down

by Trevor Mogg

When it comes to getting the juice out of a Juicero pack, it seems that your bare hands can do the job just as quickly as the $400 high-tech machine designed specifically to do the job. Now, Juicero is shutting down.

The post Despite efforts to prove its relevance, Juicero is shutting down appeared first on Digital Trends.

15 Jul 17:59

This Could Change the Way We Grow Food Forever

by Joi Matthew

This could change the way we grow food forever

The post This Could Change the Way We Grow Food Forever appeared first on Futurism.

13 Jul 12:15

5 Vital Tips To Make Your Chatbot Great

by Mike Lovegrove

Mark my words — The back half of 2017 will be the year that chatbots enter mainstream media.

However, just like the website and the app, there are certain principles that we must adhere to, ensuring our creation is effective and valuable to our audience/customer.

Related: 4 ways to deploy a highly effective chatbot

1. Create a persona

Millennials are now the largest consumer group in the market place (if you want to know more about this, head over here.)

These creatures like to have fun when they interact with a company or brand. When creating a bot, One way to satisfy this is to give your bot a quirky persona (make it like Jay Z, if you wish.)

Now, you should have an idea about who your target market is. You should also understand the main personality types that are associated with this market.

From this knowledge, create your bot to represent this personality. For example, if your target market involves young and ‘hip’ teenagers, then using colloquial language isn’t just ok, it’s beneficial.

For example: “What’s up man!?”, “Gimme a sec…” you get my drift.

Related: Bot the Builder

2. Give your audience options, not free reign

It’s no secret that chatbot technology is not quite good enough to answer EVERYTHING, so a way around this is to 1) let your audience know you cannot answer everything and 2) give them options regarding what your bot can answer.

A perfect way to do this is to provide a message along the following lines:

“Just so you know [insert name here] I can answer questions related to the following…” (Remember point one though, please do not create a boring sentence like this!)

Then actually give you audience the opportunity to select one of these options by using buttons or quick replies. Your audience will benefit, because they will receive value instantly.

3. This ain’t email. Keep it short and sharp

Let me pose you this question: Why doesn’t email marketing work?

Answer: Am email takes too long to read and are they are generally impersonal (there are obviously other reasons, but let’s focus on this for now)

When creating a chatbot, do not fall into the trap of long messages. Keep it short, sweet and to the point. Your audience is interacting with a chatbot because they want something from it right here, right now. Don’t make it complicated by adding useless jargon or edge case language.

Answer the questions posed by your audience. No more, no less.

4. Have a proactive focus, rather than reactive

Too many of the current chatbots are purely focused on answering audience questions in a reactive manner. Meaning they are waiting for the consumer to make the first move.

Why is this a problem you ask? Well, the majority of consumers are actually looking for value before they do ANYTHING. So, based on how your audience has previously interacted with your bot, why not send them content/information that is relevant to them?

Push more interactive content out to your audience, and I guarantee that your chatbot interaction rate will increase dramatically.

5. Make it fun!

Just so we’re clear — I do not have an obsession with Jay Z. He just so happens to have a few great GIFs ;)

People crave excitement. So, why not make your bot the thing that they can gather such excitement from? Along with a quirky persona, ensure that you have he required functionality that allows your audience to have fun with your bot. This can range from witty replies, to conversational games.

Regardless of the benefit of your bot (engagement, sell products etc) the fun aspect can and should be included.

If you have found this beneficial, please like and share below.

If you have anything you would like to add, I’d love to hear from you! Simply leave a comment below and I will get back to you. Alternatively, reach out to me on twitter.

For more information on chatbot utilisation, check out the Bot the Builder feed.

5 Vital Tips To Make Your Chatbot Great was originally published in Chatbots Magazine on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

13 Jul 12:13

RGPD / GDPR – « N’attendez pas de solutions clef en main : développez votre politique de la donnée au service de votre stratégie »

by millie


Le 4 juillet dernier, Cap Digital recevait Sophie Pène, Anne-Sophie Taillandier, Cédric Mora et Jean-Baptiste Soufron pour étudier à quatre voix le Règlement Général sur la Protection des Données (RGPD) qui entrera en vigueur en 2018 dans toute l’Union Européenne. Retour sur une soirée d’échange et de partage qui a permis de dégager le sens de ce dispositif, son histoire et ses perspectives.

« Le nouveau RGPD, c’est un changement de business model qu’il faut voir comme une opportunité de se démarquer ». Dès le début des échanges, Anne-Sophie Taillandier donne le ton de la soirée : si la réglementation européenne est souvent perçue par les entreprises comme une contrainte supplémentaire (avec obligation de mise en conformité dès le 27 mai 2018), le RGPD porte aussi en lui de nombreuses opportunités stratégiques. Avec en premier lieu, l’enjeu fondamental de la dataliteracy. A l’heure où 54% des citoyens européens se déclarent plus vigilants qu’auparavant sur la protection de leurs données personnelles en ligne, la question de la confiance ne peut plus être ignorée. Dans le domaine de la publicité, par exemple, médias et annonceurs font face à des bloqueurs d’annonces (ad-blocker) qui témoignent de la prudence des utilisateurs. Si les entreprises montrent où les données sont stockées et comment elles sont utilisées, alors les utilisateurs seront plus à même de livrer celles dont ils estiment l’utilisation utile, sans recourir à des techniques de contournement.

Regagner en confiance et en compétitivité

C’est bien là l’esprit de ce règlement qui offre la possibilité aux entreprises d’impulser un changement culturel vers une meilleure protection des données personnelles au profit des utilisateurs ET de la valeur d’usage de leurs produits et services numériques.  « On est sur un principe d’écologie des données. Il faut maintenant ne récupérer que les données dont on a besoin« , insiste Jean-Baptiste Souffron pour marquer les esprits. Il s’agit de mettre un terme à la période des habitudes minimales en termes de protection des données personnelles, précise Sophie Pène, afin que les entreprises se pensent comme de véritables « info-structures » responsables. Et sur cette question, l’Union européenne compte bien se donner les moyens de son ambition. Le RGPD imposera ainsi à chaque entreprise de se doter d’un Digital Privacy Officer (DPO) – en remplacement du Correspondant Informatique et Libertés (CIL) créé par la loi de 1978. En cas de non-respect de la loi, les sanctions seront renforcées – jusqu’à 4% du chiffre d’affaire annuel mondial pour une multinationale. De quoi inquiéter tous les acteurs en place, des PME jusqu’aux GAFA.

Assurer la portabilité des données

Le RGPD tente donc de remettre les citoyens au cœur du jeu. Ces derniers doivent jouir pleinement de la propriété de leurs données afin qu’ils ne soient pas captifs d’écosystèmes fermés, comme c’est souvent le cas aujourd’hui. Le nouveau règlement intègre à ce titre la notion de portabilité des données qui entend restituer aux individus les données collectées lors de l’utilisation de services sur internet, pour leurs usages personnels ou pour les transférer vers un autre service.

C’est ce qu’a rappelé Cédric Mora en évoquant le travail de la start-up CosyCloud, dans laquelle a récemment investi la MAIF, qui prône la possibilité pour chaque citoyen d’avoir à disposition un serveur personnel sur lequel stocker ses données et en garder le contrôle. Si l’objectif est louable, Jean-Baptiste Soufron souligne les enjeux techniques que soulève ce principe de portabilité : « La donnée n’est pas quelque chose de fluide, qui passe d’une plateforme à une autre facilement, parce qu’il n’y a pas de standard en portabilité. Si je demande à Whatsapp de transférer mes données à Snapchat, c’est compliqué. Alors imaginez si je veux les transmettre à 1 000 start-up ! ». Il reste aussi à évaluer comment la fluidité et la portabilité des données seront de nature à redistribuer les cartes du jeu de la concurrence, dans un contexte de domination des plateformes.

Privacy by design : penser données dès la naissance d’un projet

De même, le RGPD défend le principe du privacy by design. Chère à Margrethe Vestager, commissaire européenne en charge de la concurrence, cette notion obligera les entreprises à mettre la protection des données au cœur de leur réflexion, dès la naissance d’un projet. L’enjeu : produire des outils et services numériques qui protègent mieux nos données personnelles, en garantissent l’utilisation minimale utile et s’interdisent de recueillir des données non nécessaires. C’est ce que défend la start-up Snips, labellisée par Cap Digital et lauréate du Concours Mondial de l’Innovation en 2014, qui propose d’utiliser l’intelligence artificielle de chaque objet connecté pour anticiper le comportement de l’utilisateur. Un process qui permet de lui proposer les applications dont il a besoin sans lui faire perdre de temps et sans utilisation excessive de ses données personnelles.

Un texte vivant…

Si ces grands principes sont désormais figés dans la loi, les intervenants ont cependant insisté sur le fait que le RGPD est un règlement vivant. Le texte continuera d’évoluer en même temps que les technologies qu’il régule. Cette condition est nécessaire pour stimuler la réflexion et établir une nouvelle culture responsable de la protection des données personnelles à laquelle aspire l’Europe.

En cela, le RGPD ne propose en rien des solutions clef-en-main pour les entreprises. « N’attendez pas de solutions toutes faites » met en garde Sophie Pène. Entreprises et organisations doivent maintenant discuter ensemble afin de mieux définir le nouveau modèle qu’elles souhaitent voir émerger et qui leur permette de respecter le règlement européen et de regagner la confiance des utilisateurs.

… dont on mesure déjà quelques limites

Enfin, notons que le RGPD ne traite que des données personnelles et pas des autres types de données, comme celles produites par les machines et capteurs. C’est là l’une des faiblesses du texte qui laisse s’échapper de son radar les enjeux liés aux croisements des données personnelles et non-personnelles. Autre lacune : le règlement reste flou sur la nécessaire transparence des algorithmes, véritable serpent de mer de la politique numérique européenne face auquel les États peinent à apporter une réponse commune. Jean-Baptiste Soufron a également rappelé le risque d’émergence, sur fond de lutte contre le terrorisme, d’une société du contrôle permanent par les nouvelles technologies et souligne à ce titre la portée hautement politique des questions soulevées par le RGPD… auxquelles le texte ne répond finalement pas. Dès lors, si le RGPD offre une véritable mise à jour de la loi informatique et libertés de 1978 et introduit de nouveaux concepts centraux, il ne semble être que la première pierre d’un édifice juridique qui reste à construire. Construction à laquelle nous devons tous prendre part, collectivement Le pôle Cap Digital réfléchit déjà aux formes de réflexion et de mobilisation les plus adaptées pour avancer sur quelques-unes des pistes évoquées le 4 juillet.

13 Jul 11:48

Particle Properties

Each particle also has a password which allows its properties to be changed, but the cosmic censorship hypothesis suggests we can never observe the password itself—only its secure hash.
13 Jul 11:35

Elle transforme les bornes anti-stationnement en Minions

by GOLEM13

Depuis quelques années, les minions sont partout. Sur des bornes d’incendie, sur des tuyaux, en gâteaux, en tatouages ou sur du vernis à ongles. Alors que Moi, moche et méchant 3 est actuellement sir nos écrans, à Córdoba en Argentine, la street artist Lu Yorlano vient de transformer des bornes-stationnement de la ville en une armée de Minions. Une réalisation de street marketing commandée par Universal Pictures pour promouvoir la sortie des nouvelles aventures de Gru et des Minions. Dans l’esprit, on avait adoré ce silo à grain dans l’Indiana transformé en Minion géant. Décidément, les petits bonhommes jaunes n’ont pas fini de squatter notre quotidien.

Instagram Photo

08 Jul 06:30

LG Display shows 8K 31.5″, Wallpaper OLED, pOLED, Transparent OLED, 4K bezel-less and more

by Charbax

LG shows their ultra-thin 77” OLED wallpaper display, the thinnest in the world, displays with speakers built-in, and other leading display technology such as the LG Mobile and VR displays such as a bezel-less 5.5" 4K smartphone display, Plastic Flexible or Conformed OLED displays for upcoming Flexible Smartphones, 31.5" 4K HDR narrow bezel PC Monitor, 10bit Curved 37.5" WQHD+ display, 14" 4K for the laptop market, 31.5" 8K Display, in-touch systems on 14", 15", 23.8" laptop displays for the 2-in-1 market. LG also shows some automotive displays such as a conformed 12.3" plastic OLED display, 12.3" 60% Transparent OLED for the automobile HUD market, LCD and OLED display as a hybrid 12.3 MLD where LCD can be the background and the OLED can show the needle. A 6.13" mirror display. They also show a 55" FHD 40% Transparent OLED Display. Filmed at SID Display Week.

07 Jul 19:12

Artist Depicts The Apocalypse Of Pop Culture [Pics]

by Geeks are Sexy

Prague, Czech Republic-based artist Filip Hodas, AKA Hoodass, creates gorgeous 3D renderings, inspiring himself from elements from pop culture and video games. In this new series of artwork, he portrays decaying pop culture icons as he thinks they’d look in a dystopian future. Check ’em all out below! (After the “read more” link if you’re reading this from the front page!

[Source: Filip Hodas on Instagram | Filip Hodas on Society6 (Prints) | Filip Hodas on Behance]

The post Artist Depicts The Apocalypse Of Pop Culture [Pics] appeared first on Geeks are Sexy Technology News.

07 Jul 10:47

CMU researchers create a huge dome that can read body language

by John Biggs
 The Panoptic Studio is a new body scanner created by researchers at Carnegie Mellon University that will be used to understand body language in real situations. The scanner, which looks like something Doc Brown would stick Marty in to prevent him from committing fratricide, creates hundreds of videos of participants inside the massive dome interacting, talking, and arguing. The team has… Read More
06 Jul 12:56

This ‘third thumb’ is the unnecessary prosthetic of my dreams

by James Vincent

Dani Clode is a grad student at London’s Royal College of Art (RCA) and her latest creation is something called The Third Thumb: a 3D-printed prosthetic that does exactly what its name suggests. “The origin of the word 'prosthesis' meant 'to add, put on to,’ so not to fix or replace, but to extend,” Clode told Dezeen. “The Third Thumb is inspired by this word origin, exploring human augmentation and aiming to reframe prosthetics as extensions of the body.”

It’s absolutely unnecessary stuff, and I love it.

The thumb straps on to the side of your hand, and connects to a bracelet containing wires and servos. The wearer controls it using pressure sensors that sit under the soles of their feet. If they press down with one foot the thumb will...

Continue reading…

06 Jul 07:18

Alibaba lance "Tianmao JinglingX1" son assistant vocal intelligent

by François Deschamps

Cantonné à être commercialisé sur le marché chinois, l'assistant vocal intelligent du géant de l'e-commerce ne reconnait - pour l'instant - que le Mandarin. Avec cette initiative, Alibaba est en retard sur ses concurrents, notamment et Baidu.

 Lire l'article
04 Jul 20:31

E-Ink Display Dress

by staff

The E-Ink display dress is the high tech garment that can change its appearance effortlessly. Made for a fashion exhibition in Japan, this unique dress utilizes an extremely flexible E-ink Prism film that can change colors and patterns instantly.

Check it out

02 Jul 21:48

Pourquoi tout le monde devrait apprendre à coder ?

by Yohann Poiron

Si vous prévoyez de créer une application ou même un site Web, vous devez bien sûr apprendre à coder. Bien qu’il soit possible de créer des applications et un site en utilisant d’autres moyens, développer par vous-même vous donnera, de loin, la plus grande flexibilité et le meilleur contrôle sur le produit fini. Mais, ce […]

Cet article Pourquoi tout le monde devrait apprendre à coder ? est apparu en premier sur BlogNT : le Blog dédié aux Nouvelles Technologies.

02 Jul 21:09

Zelda Guardian Sword

by staff

Add authenticity to your Legend of Zelda cosplay by topping it off with your very own Zelda Guardian sword. This stunning handcrafted prop measures 32 inches long and is outfitted with built-in neo pixel LEDs that bring the entire sword to life.

Check it out


02 Jul 19:53

Ethernet Cable Houses Android Computer

by JLister

We’ve seen several computers built into USB sticks, but a new design puts an Android computer in an Ethernet cable. The InnCable designed mainly for hotel travellers but could well be adapted for other uses.

The cable has an Ethernet plug at one end for plugging into a hotel wall Internet socket; there’s also support for WiFi, though that isn’t recommended as the best option. The other end is an HDMI plug. The cable also bulges slightly in the middle where it houses two USB ports and a RJ-12 serial port.

Power can come from the Ethernet socket or the TV’s HDMI socket where supported. Alternatively power can come from a USB socket on the TV or a USB charger plug to a power outlet. It’s not completely self-contained as the gadget requires a separate remote control to operate, though an API can allow third-party controllers such as a smartphone app.

The initial plan is to market it to hotels themselves and include a standard platform that includes support for IPTV, Chromecast, iOS streaming and a selection of Android apps such as Spotify and Netflix. (The makers haven’t given specs but say the processor is “blazingly fast.”)

However, the company says it’s looking into both producing customized versions for other businesses and retailers, and producing a consumer version, which would no doubt attract the interest of home modders.


The post Ethernet Cable Houses Android Computer appeared first on Geeks are Sexy Technology News.

30 Jun 19:54

Le portrait présidentiel au cœur d’une belle Photoshop Battle

by Fred
Macron MemeEmmanuel Macron a publié cette semaine sur Twitter son portrait présidentiel et donc la photo que nous allons bientôt retrouver dans toutes les mairies et dans tous les tribunaux. La toile étant ce qu’elle est, l’image a rapidement été détourée… pour donner vie à une Photoshop Battle comme seuls les internets en ont le secret. […]
30 Jun 16:00

This augmented reality concept is like a real-life video game tutorial for your Airbnb rental

by Adi Robertson

We’ve seen some cool uses for Apple’s ARKit and other phone-based augmented reality, but this concept design is one of my personal favorites: an AR overlay for settling guests into an Airbnb rental. It’s like a real-life version of the tutorial interface in a video game, except instead of telling you that you can open grates to sneak into locked rooms, it shows you how to use the thermostat or find a first-aid kit. (It’s also a clever replacement for taping notes to the wall, which is probably more accurate, but less fun to imagine.)

The concept was made by interface designer Isil Uzum, who imagines combining the augmented reality capabilities of ARKit or Google’s Project Tango with a smartphone’s location-sensing features. Airbnb hosts...

Continue reading…

28 Jun 22:08

Quand j’expérimente un nouveau framework

by nlecointre

Par Kyuubi

26 Jun 06:02

7 things you need to do after building your chatbot

by Moshe Mor

Most of us know that building something good is not easy. You need to be up for the challenge in order to actually make something of worth. So after a lot of time, sweat and tears, you have finally finished building your chatot. Well congratulations, but making a good product usually will not be enough, you will need to follow these 7 steps to make sure your product will succeed.

Step 1: Spread the word

I believe I made a great chatbot

First things first, you need to get a buzz about your product. but how? well, there is not right or wrong answer for this question. You need to try getting good and wide coverage about your bot and company before you even launch your product. It is important for you to start the work before, so you can do a ‘rolling launch’ and get people to talk about you even after the official launch date. The way to do so lays in the next steps.

The Chatbot Conference

Step 2: Contacting Influencers

You need to catch them all

Everybody knows that the way to get to your massive target audience, is by early adopters who will be the first ones to go and buy your product. The way to obtain them is through influencers. Who are they? They are the people who every word they say or write reaches thousands of people and they are a household name in a specific field. Contact them in every way you can- social media, email, phone call, face to face conversation. Do whatever you need to do in order to tell them, that you have something worthy and interesting for them to check out, but do not be too mysterious. Remember, you need to interest them and not waste their time, so that they actually check your bot and hopefully, like it enough to post about it and give you feedback.

Step 3: Draw people’s attention

It’s about attention

You need to target your audience and drop them hints about your upcoming release. It can be anything you want as long as it is implied gently and focused to those who can be eager for your bot- Tweets that say ‘coming soon’ or prephase ‘leaked’ photos and of course a good GIF is always a smart move. After you do this you build interest and make people notice and monitor you. A fine specimen of example is how Apple operate in their launches (look at the ‘leaked’ photos of the new iphone 8).

Step 4: Do not expect much

You need to know that during the launch everything can go wrong, things you did not even dream of going wrong. It is ok, do not worry, that is just how life works. Being ready to fail and not getting surprised is super important, it helps you to better improvise and make the best out of every situation you will encounter. Remember, the official launch is just the day your bot was actually available, life still goes on after.

Step 5: Stand out

Be special

During your release cycle you need to keep people talking about you and reporters having an opportunity to write about you. You need to produce ‘how to’ manuals, customer stories, how your bot provides return on investment (ROI) to customers and so on. The way to do it, is by making a funny video, cool infographic, survey or anything that can make you stick out in a small bot crowd.

Step 6: Benefit from your partners

Getting help never hurts

Harness those who have a financial interest in your success, including business partners, shareholders, marketers and all those who can benefit you. All of these people share the same interest as you, so they should be hyped as you are.

Step 7: Focus on what matters

Getting Facebook likes, Twitter followers and shares on social media, is all nice and dandy, but do not let it distract you. You need to get meaningful and useful engagement so that your product will sell. Likes, followers and shares will only get you so far. People that talk about you online and can benefit you are far more better because they can help to promote you.

Everything worth doing started with a dream

After you do all of what i have mentioned, the option of you making a business out of your chatbot, will start to become more a reality than rather just a dream.

7 things you need to do after building your chatbot was originally published in Chatbot’s Life on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

25 Jun 07:48

Cook This Page is IKEA’s brilliant cooking hack

by Jules Yap

Finally, easy to follow assembly instructions from IKEA.

It’s hard to go wrong with the Cook This Page recipe parchment paper, an interactive recipe card from IKEA. Using food safe ink, the recipes are printed on parchment paper, with ingredient blanks measured to size. All you need to do is to place the ingredients on their corresponding images, roll it up and place it in the oven to bake.

Cook this page IKEA parchment paper - ingredients close up

Cook this page IKEA parchment paper - ingredients close up

The ingredients get steamed in the wrapper and when it’s done, cut it open and voilà! It’s ready to serve. And what I like most, it’s so easy to clean up. The lazy cook/ dishwasher in me is jumping with joy!

Cook this page IKEA parchment paper - blank

Cook this page IKEA parchment paper with ingredients

Cook this page IKEA parchment paper - cooked

Parchment paper cooking is not an entirely new idea, so we can’t give IKEA all the credit. The concept has been around ever since our forefathers learnt how to wrap food in leaves/ mud/ bamboo/ whatever. In my hometown, we have a famous salted chicken baked in parchment paper and it’s the yummiest ever and it’s been around since I was wee small.

But most parchment paper is just that – paper – they don’t come with recipes printed on them, with to-size measurements of ingredients. Well, this may change soon. I see a Kickstarter in the making.

Cook this page IKEA parchment paper - blank

Cook this page IKEA parchment paper with ingredients

Cook this page IKEA parchment paper - cooked

Kudos to IKEA and their agency Leo Burnett for the fresh twist. The extra step of printing the illustrations onto the paper makes it easier for “people who find new recipes intimidating. IKEA wanted to show people that getting creative can be deliciously simple,” it says in this video. It’s a great way for the beginner cook to get started on healthy homemade meals. I think it’s also an awesome way to introduce kids to cooking. What better way to keep little fingers busy than lining up shrimp!

The recipes incorporate IKEA food and kitchen items. From what I can see, each booklet comes with 4 recipes: Salmon with Lemon and Dill, Meatballs with Ravioli, Shrimp with Olives and Rhubarb Raspberry Crumble. Yums.

Cook this page IKEA parchment paper - blank

Cook this page IKEA parchment paper with ingredients

Cook this page IKEA parchment paper - cooked

Now, don’t get too excited. The Cook This Page recipe sheets were a promotional item for the IKEA Canada’s kitchen sale, so we may never see them in stores. But we’re keeping our fingers crossed, aren’t we?

The post Cook This Page is IKEA’s brilliant cooking hack appeared first on IKEA Hackers.

25 Jun 07:47

Adobe and Stanford just taught AI to edit videos — with impressive results

by Hillary Grigonis

Could Adobe Premiere Pro get an AI update? Researchers from Adobe and Stanford just developed a pretty good AI video editor. The program automates the edit while still giving the editor stylistic controls.

The post Adobe and Stanford just taught AI to edit videos — with impressive results appeared first on Digital Trends.

25 Jun 07:41

How Sound Design Can Add Texture To A Virtual World

by Alex Colgan
How Sound Design Can Add Texture To A Virtual World

Explorations in VR Design is a journey through the bleeding edge of VR design – from architecting a space and designing groundbreaking interactions to making users feel powerful.

Sound is essential for truly immersive VR. It conveys depth and emotion, builds and reinforces interactions, and guides users through alien landscapes. Combined with hand tracking and visual feedback, sound even has the power to create the illusion of tactile sensation.

In this Exploration, we’ll explore the fundamentals of VR sound design, plus take a deep dive into the auditory world of Blocks. Along the way, we’ll break a few laws of physics and uncover the surprising complexity of physical sound effects.

What Can Great Sound Design Achieve in VR?

Presence and Realism in 3D Space

When it comes to depth cues, stereoscopic vision is a massive improvement on traditional monitors. But it’s not perfect. For this reason, sound is more than just an immersive tool – how (and where) objects around you sound has an enormous effect on your understanding of where they are, especially when you’re not looking at them. This applies to everything from background noises to user interfaces.

Engines like Unity and Unreal are constantly getting better at representing sound effects in 3D space – with binaural audio, better reverb modeling, better occlusion and obstruction modeling, and more. The more realistic that zombie right behind you sounds, the more your hair stands on end.

Mood and Atmosphere

Music plays a crucial role in setting the mood for an experience. Blocks has a techno vibe with a deep bass, inspired by ambient artists like Ryuichi Sakamoto:


Weightless features soft piano tracks that feel elegant and contemplative:

Finally, Land’s End combines a dreamy and surreal quality with hard edges like tape saturation and vinyl noise.

If you imagine shuffling the soundtracks in these three examples, you can understand how it would fundamentally change the experience.

Building and Reinforcing Interactions

Sound communicates the inception, success, failure, and overall nature of interactions and game physics, especially when the user’s eyes are drawn elsewhere. Blocks, for example, is designed with a wide range of sounds – from the high and low electronic notes that signal the block creation interactions, to the echoes of blocks bashing against the floor.

For game developers, this is also a double-edged sword that relies on careful timing, as even being off by a quarter second can disrupt the experience.

Tutorial Audio

It’s sad but true – most users don’t read instructions. Fortunately, while written instructions have to compete with a huge variety of visual stimuli, you have a lot more control over what your user hears.

Using the abstract state capabilities in Unity’s Mecanim system, you can easily build a flow system so that your audio cues are responsive to what’s actually happening. Just make sure that the cues work within the narrative and don’t become repetitive.

Setting Boundaries

Virtual reality is an exciting medium, but for first time users it can take a few minutes to master its limitations. Our hand tracking technology can only track what it can see, so you may want to design interaction sounds that fade out as users approach the edge of the tracking field of view.

Evoking Touch

In the absence of touch feedback, visual and auditory feedback can fill the cognitive gap and reinforce which elements of a scene are interactive, and what happens when the user “touches” them. This is because our brains “continuously bind information obtained through many sensory channels to form solid percepts of objects and events.” Some users even describe phantom sensations in VR, which are almost always associated with compelling sound design. To achieve this level of immersion, sounds must be perfectly timed and feel like they fit with the user’s actions.

Sound Design in Blocks

We’ve already talked about its ambient-inspired soundtrack, but you might be surprised to learn the sound effects in Blocks were one of our biggest development challenges – second only to the physical object interactions, an early prototype of the Leap Motion Interaction Engine.

Magic and Progression

One of the core design ideas behind Blocks was that we never imply a specific device underneath anything. For example, there are no whirring or mechanical noises when the arm HUD appears. It’s just something that magically appears from nowhere. The block creation sounds are also minimal, suggesting a natural progression. This was central to the narrative we wanted to tell – the miraculous power to create things with your bare hands.

This philosophy was also reflected in the physical sound effects, which were designed to suggest the embodiment of the object itself, rather than a specific material. When you grab something, a minimal subtle clicking sound plays. Nothing fancy – just tactile, quick, and precisely timed.

Getting the Right Physical Sound Effects

Here’s where it got challenging. To ensure a natural and immersive experience, the physical sound of block impacts is driven by 33 distinct effects, which are modified by factors like block sizes, collision velocities, and some random variations that give each block its own unique character. This aspect of the design proved nontrivial, but also was a fundamental component of the final product.

Since the blocks don’t have a representative material (such as metal or glass), finding the right sound took time. In creating the Blocks audioscape, sound designer Jack Menhorn experimented with kitty litter, plastic jugs, cardboard boxes, and other household objects. The final sound suite was created by putting synths into cardboard boxes and slamming the boxes into each other.

Violating the Laws of Physics

In an abstract environment with simple geometry, sound design is the difference between disbelief and physical presence. Sometimes this involves breaking the laws of physics. When you have to decide between being accurate and delighting your user, always opt for the latter.

In the real world, sound follows the inverse square law – getting quieter as the source gets farther away. The Unity game engine tries to reinforce this real-world falloff. But a block that lands silently after being thrown a long distance isn’t very satisfying. With Blocks, we created a normal falloff for a number of meters, but then the falloff itself stops. Beyond that point, blocks sound to be the same volume, regardless of how far away they are.

At the same time, the reverb goes up as blocks get farther away – creating an echo effect. In the real world, this would be impossible, since there are no walls or anything in the space that suggests there should be reverb. This is all just part of setting the rules for the virtual worlds in ways that feel human, even as they violate the laws of physics. So far no one has complained, except maybe this guy:

The Future of VR Sound Design

Imagine all the different ways that you can interact with a coffee mug, and how each action is reflected in the sound it makes. Pick it up. Slide across the table. Tip it over. Place it down gently, or slam it onto the table. All of these actions create different sounds. Of course, if it breaks, that’s a whole other problem space with different pieces!

This is the root of the biggest challenge on the horizon for sound design in VR – the economy of scale. When you move away from a simple scene with a few objects, to fully realized scenes with many different objects, everything in the scene has to be interactive, and that includes sound. You need to have variations and sensitivity.

This is one of the reasons why we recommend only having a few objects in a scene, and making the interactions for those objects as powerful as possible. As VR experiences grow in size and complexity, these new realities will need richer soundscapes than ever before.

Tagged with: leap motion

25 Jun 07:35

100 announcements (!) from Google Cloud Next '17

by Alison WagonfeldGoogle Cloud

San Francisco — What a week! Google Cloud Next ‘17 has come to the end, but really, it’s just the beginning. We welcomed 10,000+ attendees including customers, partners, developers, IT leaders, engineers, press, analysts, cloud enthusiasts (and skeptics). Together we engaged in 3 days of keynotes, 200+ sessions, and 4 invitation-only summits. Hard to believe this was our first show as all of Google Cloud with GCP, G Suite, Chrome, Maps and Education. Thank you to all who were here with us in San Francisco this week, and we hope to see you next year.

If you’re a fan of video highlights, we’ve got you covered. Check out our Day 1 keynote (in less than 4 minutes) and Day 2 keynote (in under 5!).

One of the common refrains from customers and partners throughout the conference was “Wow, you’ve been busy. I can’t believe how many announcements you’ve had at Next!” So we decided to count all the announcements from across Google Cloud and in fact we had 100 (!) announcements this week.

For the list lovers amongst you, we’ve compiled a handy-dandy run-down of our announcements from the past few days:


Google Cloud is excited to welcome two new acquisitions to the Google Cloud family this week, Kaggle and AppBridge.

1Kaggle - Kaggle is one of the world's largest communities of data scientists and machine learning enthusiasts. Kaggle and Google Cloud will continue to support machine learning training and deployment services in addition to offering the community the ability to store and query large datasets.

2AppBridge - Google Cloud acquired Vancouver-based AppBridge this week, which helps you migrate data from on-prem file servers into G Suite and Google Drive.


Google Cloud brings a suite of new security features to Google Cloud Platform and G Suite designed to help safeguard your company’s assets and prevent disruption to your business: 

3Identity-Aware Proxy (IAP) for Google Cloud Platform (Beta) - Identity-Aware Proxy lets you provide access to applications based on risk, rather than using a VPN. It provides secure application access from anywhere, restricts access by user, identity and group, deploys with integrated phishing resistant Security Key and is easier to setup than end-user VPN.

4Data Loss Prevention (DLP) for Google Cloud Platform (Beta) - Data Loss Prevention API lets you scan data for 40+ sensitive data types, and is used as part of DLP in Gmail and Drive. You can find and redact sensitive data stored in GCP, invigorate old applications with new sensitive data sensing “smarts” and use predefined detectors as well as customize your own.

5Key Management Service (KMS) for Google Cloud Platform (GA) - Key Management Service allows you to generate, use, rotate, and destroy symmetric encryption keys for use in the cloud.

6Security Key Enforcement (SKE) for Google Cloud Platform (GA) - Security Key Enforcement allows you to require security keys be used as the 2-Step verification factor for enhanced anti-phishing security whenever a GCP application is accessed.

7Vault for Google Drive (GA) - Google Vault is the eDiscovery and archiving solution for G Suite. Vault enables admins to easily manage their G Suite data lifecycle and search, preview and export the G Suite data in their domain. Vault for Drive enables full support for Google Drive content, including Team Drive files.

8Google-designed security chip, Titan - Google uses Titan to establish hardware root of trust, allowing us to securely identify and authenticate legitimate access at the hardware level. Titan includes a hardware random number generator, performs cryptographic operations in the isolated memory, and has a dedicated secure processor (on-chip).


New GCP data analytics products and services help organizations solve business problems with data, rather than spending time and resources building, integrating and managing the underlying infrastructure:

9BigQuery Data Transfer Service (Private Beta) - BigQuery Data Transfer Service makes it easy for users to quickly get value from all their Google-managed advertising datasets. With just a few clicks, marketing analysts can schedule data imports from Google Adwords, DoubleClick Campaign Manager, DoubleClick for Publishers and YouTube Content and Channel Owner reports.

10Cloud Dataprep (Private Beta) - Cloud Dataprep is a new managed data service, built in collaboration with Trifacta, that makes it faster and easier for BigQuery end-users to visually explore and prepare data for analysis without the need for dedicated data engineer resources.

11New Commercial Datasets - Businesses often look for datasets (public or commercial) outside their organizational boundaries. Commercial datasets offered include financial market data from Xignite, residential real-estate valuations (historical and projected) from HouseCanary, predictions for when a house will go on sale from Remine, historical weather data from AccuWeather, and news archives from Dow Jones, all immediately ready for use in BigQuery (with more to come as new partners join the program).

12Python for Google Cloud Dataflow in GA - Cloud Dataflow is a fully managed data processing service supporting both batch and stream execution of pipelines. Until recently, these benefits have been available solely to Java developers. Now there’s a Python SDK for Cloud Dataflow in GA.

13Stackdriver Monitoring for Cloud Dataflow (Beta) - We’ve integrated Cloud Dataflow with Stackdriver Monitoring so that you can access and analyze Cloud Dataflow job metrics and create alerts for specific Dataflow job conditions.

14Google Cloud Datalab in GA - This interactive data science workflow tool makes it easy to do iterative model and data analysis in a Jupyter notebook-based environment using standard SQL, Python and shell commands.

15Cloud Dataproc updates - Our fully managed service for running Apache Spark, Flink and Hadoop pipelines has new support for restarting failed jobs (including automatic restart as needed) in beta, the ability to create single-node clusters for lightweight sandbox development, in beta, GPU support, and the cloud labels feature, for more flexibility managing your Dataproc resources, is now GA.


New GCP databases and database features round out a platform on which developers can build great applications across a spectrum of use cases:

16Cloud SQL for Postgre SQL (Beta) - Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL implements the same design principles currently reflected in Cloud SQL for MySQL, namely, the ability to securely store and connect to your relational data via open standards.

17Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise (GA) - Available on Google Compute Engine, plus support for Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) and SQL Server AlwaysOn Availability (GA).

18Cloud SQL for MySQL improvements - Increased performance for demanding workloads via 32-core instances with up to 208GB of RAM, and central management of resources via Identity and Access Management (IAM) controls.

19Cloud Spanner - Launched a month ago, but still, it would be remiss not to mention it because, hello, it’s Cloud Spanner! The industry’s first horizontally scalable, globally consistent, relational database service.

20SSD persistent-disk performance improvements - SSD persistent disks now have increased throughput and IOPS performance, which are particularly beneficial for database and analytics workloads. Read these docs for complete details about persistent-disk performance.

21Federated query on Cloud Bigtable - We’ve extended BigQuery’s reach to query data inside Cloud Bigtable, the NoSQL database service for massive analytic or operational workloads that require low latency and high throughput (particularly common in Financial Services and IoT use cases).


New GCP Cloud Machine Learning services bolster our efforts to make machine learning accessible to organizations of all sizes and sophistication:

22.  Cloud Machine Learning Engine (GA) - Cloud ML Engine, now generally available, is for organizations that want to train and deploy their own models into production in the cloud.

23Cloud Video Intelligence API (Private Beta) - A first of its kind, Cloud Video Intelligence API lets developers easily search and discover video content by providing information about entities (nouns such as “dog,” “flower”, or “human” or verbs such as “run,” “swim,” or “fly”) inside video content.

24Cloud Vision API (GA) - Cloud Vision API reaches GA and offers new capabilities for enterprises and partners to classify a more diverse set of images. The API can now recognize millions of entities from Google’s Knowledge Graph and offers enhanced OCR capabilities that can extract text from scans of text-heavy documents such as legal contracts or research papers or books.

25Machine learning Advanced Solution Lab (ASL) - ASL provides dedicated facilities for our customers to directly collaborate with Google’s machine-learning experts to apply ML to their most pressing challenges.

26. Cloud Jobs API - A powerful aid to job search and discovery, Cloud Jobs API now has new features such as Commute Search, which will return relevant jobs based on desired commute time and preferred mode of transportation.

27Machine Learning Startup Competition - We announced a Machine Learning Startup Competition in collaboration with venture capital firms Data Collective and Emergence Capital, and with additional support from a16z, Greylock Partners, GV, Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers and Sequoia Capital.


New GCP pricing continues our intention to create customer-friendly pricing that’s as smart as our products; and support services that are geared towards meeting our customers where they are:

28Compute Engine price cuts - Continuing our history of pricing leadership, we’ve cut Google Compute Engine prices by up to 8%.

29Committed Use Discounts - With Committed Use Discounts, customers can receive a discount of up to 57% off our list price, in exchange for a one or three year purchase commitment paid monthly, with no upfront costs.

30Free trial extended to 12 months - We’ve extended our free trial from 60 days to 12 months, allowing you to use your $300 credit across all GCP services and APIs, at your own pace and schedule. Plus, we’re introduced new Always Free products -- non-expiring usage limits that you can use to test and develop applications at no cost. Visit the Google Cloud Platform Free Tier page for details.

31Engineering Support - Our new Engineering Support offering is a role-based subscription model that allows us to match engineer to engineer, to meet you where your business is, no matter what stage of development you’re in. It has 3 tiers:

  • Development engineering support - ideal for developers or QA engineers that can manage with a response within four to eight business hours, priced at $100/user per month.
  • Production engineering support provides a one-hour response time for critical issues at $250/user per month.
  • On-call engineering support pages a Google engineer and delivers a 15-minute response time 24x7 for critical issues at $1,500/user per month. site - Google Cloud Platform Community is a new site to learn, connect and share with other people like you, who are interested in GCP. You can follow along with tutorials or submit one yourself, find meetups in your area, and learn about community resources for GCP support, open source projects and more.


New GCP developer platforms and tools reinforce our commitment to openness and choice and giving you what you need to move fast and focus on great code.

33Google AppEngine Flex (GA) - We announced a major expansion of our popular App Engine platform to new developer communities that emphasizes openness, developer choice, and application portability.

34Cloud Functions (Beta) - Google Cloud Functions has launched into public beta. It is a serverless environment for creating event-driven applications and microservices, letting you build and connect cloud services with code.

35Firebase integration with GCP (GA) - Firebase Storage is now Google Cloud Storage for Firebase and adds support for multiple buckets, support for linking to existing buckets, and integrates with Google Cloud Functions.

36Cloud Container Builder - Cloud Container Builder is a standalone tool that lets you build your Docker containers on GCP regardless of deployment environment. It’s a fast, reliable, and consistent way to package your software into containers as part of an automated workflow.

37. Community Tutorials (Beta)  - With community tutorials, anyone can now submit or request a technical how-to for Google Cloud Platform.


Secure, global and high-performance, we’ve built our cloud for the long haul. This week we announced a slew of new infrastructure updates. 

38. New data center region: California - This new GCP region delivers lower latency for customers on the West Coast of the U.S. and adjacent geographic areas. Like other Google Cloud regions, it will feature a minimum of three zones, benefit from Google’s global, private fibre network, and offer a complement of GCP services.

39. New data center region: Montreal - This new GCP region delivers lower latency for customers in Canada and adjacent geographic areas. Like other Google Cloud regions, it will feature a minimum of three zones, benefit from Google’s global, private fibre network, and offer a complement of GCP services.

40. New data center region: Netherlands - This new GCP region delivers lower latency for customers in Western Europe and adjacent geographic areas. Like other Google Cloud regions, it will feature a minimum of three zones, benefit from Google’s global, private fibre network, and offer a complement of GCP services.

41. Google Container Engine - Managed Nodes - Google Container Engine (GKE) has added Automated Monitoring and Repair of your GKE nodes, letting you focus on your applications while Google ensures your cluster is available and up-to-date.

42. 64 Core machines + more memory - We have doubled the number of vCPUs you can run in an instance from 32 to 64 and up to 416GB of memory per instance.

43. Internal Load balancing (GA) - Internal Load Balancing, now GA, lets you run and scale your services behind a private load balancing IP address which is accessible only to your internal instances, not the internet.

44. Cross-Project Networking (Beta) - Cross-Project Networking (XPN), now in beta, is a virtual network that provides a common network across several Google Cloud Platform projects, enabling simple multi-tenant deployments.


In the past year, we’ve launched 300+ features and updates for G Suite and this week we announced our next generation of collaboration and communication tools.

45. Team Drives (GA for G Suite Business, Education and Enterprise customers) - Team Drives help teams simply and securely manage permissions, ownership and file access for an organization within Google Drive.

46. Drive File Stream (EAP) - Drive File Stream is a way to quickly stream files directly from the cloud to your computer With Drive File Steam, company data can be accessed directly from your laptop, even if you don’t have much space on your hard drive.

47. Google Vault for Drive (GA for G Suite Business, Education and Enterprise customers) - Google Vault for Drive now gives admins the governance controls they need to manage and secure all of their files, including employee Drives and Team Drives. Google Vault for Drive also lets admins set retention policies that automatically keep what’s needed and delete what’s not.

48. Quick Access in Team Drives (GA) - powered by Google’s machine intelligence, Quick Access helps to surface the right information for employees at the right time within Google Drive. Quick Access now works with Team Drives on iOS and Android devices, and is coming soon to the web.

49. Hangouts Meet (GA to existing customers) - Hangouts Meet is a new video meeting experience built on the Hangouts that can run 30-person video conferences without accounts, plugins or downloads. For G Suite Enterprise customers, each call comes with a dedicated dial-in phone number so that team members on the road can join meetings without wifi or data issues.

50. Hangouts Chat (EAP) - Hangouts Chat is an intelligent communication app in Hangouts with dedicated, virtual rooms that connect cross-functional enterprise teams. Hangouts Chat integrates with G Suite apps like Drive and Docs, as well as photos, videos and other third-party enterprise apps.

51. @meet - @meet is an intelligent bot built on top of the Hangouts platform that uses natural language processing and machine learning to automatically schedule meetings for your team with Hangouts Meet and Google Calendar.

52. Gmail Add-ons for G Suite (Developer Preview) - Gmail Add-ons provide a way to surface the functionality of your app or service directly in Gmail. With Add-ons, developers only build their integration once, and it runs natively in Gmail on web, Android and iOS.

53. Edit Opportunities in Google Sheets - with Edit Opportunities in Google Sheets, sales reps can sync a Salesforce Opportunity List View to Sheets to bulk edit data and changes are synced automatically to Salesforce, no upload required.

54. Jamboard - Our whiteboard in the cloud goes GA in May! Jamboard merges the worlds of physical and digital creativity. It’s real time collaboration on a brilliant scale, whether your team is together in the conference room or spread all over the world.


Building on the momentum from a growing number of businesses using Chrome digital signage and kiosks, we added new management tools and APIs in addition to introducing support for Android Kiosk apps on supported Chrome devices. 

55. Android Kiosk Apps for Chrome - Android Kiosk for Chrome lets users manage and deploy Chrome digital signage and kiosks for both web and Android apps. And with Public Session Kiosks, IT admins can now add a number of Chrome packaged apps alongside hosted apps.

56. Chrome Kiosk Management Free trial - This free trial gives customers an easy way to test out Chrome for signage and kiosk deployments.

57. Chrome Device Management (CDM) APIs for Kiosks - These APIs offer programmatic access to various Kiosk policies. IT admins can schedule a device reboot through the new APIs and integrate that functionality directly in a third- party console.

58. Chrome Stability API - This new API allows Kiosk app developers to improve the reliability of the application and the system.


Attendees at Google Cloud Next ‘17 heard stories from many of our valued customers:

59. Colgate - Colgate-Palmolive partnered with Google Cloud and SAP to bring thousands of employees together through G Suite collaboration and productivity tools. The company deployed G Suite to 28,000 employees in less than six months.

60. Disney Consumer Products & Interactive (DCPI) - DCPI is on target to migrate out of its legacy infrastructure this year, and is leveraging machine learning to power next generation guest experiences.

61. eBay - eBay uses Google Cloud technologies including Google Container Engine, Machine Learning and AI for its ShopBot, a personal shopping bot on Facebook Messenger.

62. HSBC - HSBC is one of the world's largest financial and banking institutions and making a large investment in transforming its global IT. The company is working closely with Google to deploy Cloud DataFlow, BigQuery and other data services to power critical proof of concept projects.

63. LUSH - LUSH migrated its global e-commerce site from AWS to GCP in less than six weeks, significantly improving the reliability and stability of its site. LUSH benefits from GCP’s ability to scale as transaction volume surges, which is critical for a retail business. In addition, Google's commitment to renewable energy sources aligns with LUSH's ethical principles.

64. Oden Technologies - Oden was part of Google Cloud’s startup program, and switched its entire platform to GCP from AWS. GCP offers Oden the ability to reliably scale while keeping costs low, perform under heavy loads and consistently delivers sophisticated features including machine learning and data analytics.

65. Planet - Planet migrated to GCP in February, looking to accelerate their workloads and leverage Google Cloud for several key advantages: price stability and predictability, custom instances, first-class Kubernetes support, and Machine Learning technology. Planet also announced the beta release of their Explorer platform.

66. Schlumberger - Schlumberger is making a critical investment in the cloud, turning to GCP to enable high-performance computing, remote visualization and development velocity. GCP is helping Schlumberger deliver innovative products and services to its customers by using HPC to scale data processing, workflow and advanced algorithms.

67. The Home Depot - The Home Depot collaborated with GCP’s Customer Reliability Engineering team to migrate to the cloud in time for Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Moving to GCP has allowed the company to better manage huge traffic spikes at peak shopping times throughout the year.

68. Verizon - Verizon is deploying G Suite to more than 150,000 of its employees, allowing for collaboration and flexibility in the workplace while maintaining security and compliance standards. Verizon and Google Cloud have been working together for more than a year to bring simple and secure productivity solutions to Verizon’s workforce.


We brought together Google Cloud partners from our growing ecosystem across G Suite, GCP, Maps, Devices and Education. Our partnering philosophy is driven by a set of principles that emphasize openness, innovation, fairness, transparency and shared success in the cloud market. Here are some of our partners who were out in force at the show:

69. Accenture - Accenture announced that it has designed a mobility solution for Rentokil, a global pest control company, built in collaboration with Google as part of the partnership announced at Horizon in September.

70. Alooma - Alooma announced the integration of the Alooma service with Google Cloud SQL and BigQuery.

71. Authorized Training Partner Program - To help companies scale their training offerings more quickly, and to enable Google to add other training partners to the ecosystem, we are introducing a new track within our partner program to support their unique offerings and needs.

72. Check Point - Check Point® Software Technologies announced Check Point vSEC for Google Cloud Platform, delivering advanced security integrated with GCP as well as their joining of the Google Cloud Technology Partner Program.

73. CloudEndure - We’re collaborating with CloudEndure to offer a no cost, self-service migration tool for Google Cloud Platform (GCP) customers.

74. Coursera - Coursera announced that it is collaborating with Google Cloud Platform to provide an extensive range of Google Cloud training course. To celebrate this announcement  Coursera is offering all NEXT attendees a 100% discount for the GCP fundamentals class.

75. DocuSign - DocuSign announced deeper integrations with Google Docs.

76. Egnyte - Egnyte announced an enhanced integration with Google Docs that will allow our joint customers to create, edit, and store Google Docs, Sheets and Slides files right from within the Egnyte Connect.

77. Google Cloud Global Partner Awards - We recognized 12 Google Cloud partners that demonstrated strong customer success and solution innovation over the past year: Accenture, Pivotal, LumApps, Slack, Looker, Palo Alto Networks, Virtru, SoftBank, DoIT, Snowdrop Solutions, CDW Corporation, and SYNNEX Corporation.

78. iCharts - iCharts announced additional support for several GCP databases, free pivot tables for current Google BigQuery users, and a new product dubbed “iCharts for SaaS.”

79. Intel - In addition to the progress with Skylake, Intel and Google Cloud launched several technology initiatives and market education efforts covering IoT, Kubernetes and TensorFlow, including optimizations, a developer program and tool kits.

80. Intuit - Intuit announced Gmail Add-Ons, which are designed to integrate custom workflows into Gmail based on the context of a given email.

81. Liftigniter - Liftigniter is a member of Google Cloud’s startup program and focused on machine learning personalization using predictive analytics to improve CTR on web and in-app.

82. Looker - Looker launched a suite of Looker Blocks, compatible with Google BigQuery Data Transfer Service, designed to give marketers the tools to enhance analysis of their critical data.

83. Low interest loans for partners - To help Premier Partners grow their teams, Google announced that capital investment are available to qualified partners in the form of low interest loans.

84. MicroStrategy - MicroStrategy announced an integration with Google Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL and Google Cloud SQL for MySQL.

85. New incentives to accelerate partner growth - We are increasing our investments in multiple existing and new incentive programs; including, low interest loans to help Premier Partners grow their teams, increasing co-funding to accelerate deals, and expanding our rebate programs.

86. Orbitera Test Drives for GCP Partners - Test Drives allow customers to try partners’ software and generate high quality leads that can be passed directly to the partners’ sales teams. Google is offering Premier Cloud Partners one year of free Test Drives on Orbitera.

87. Partner specializations - Partners demonstrating strong customer success and technical proficiency in certain solution areas will now qualify to apply for a specialization. We’re launching specializations in application development, data analytics, machine learning and infrastructure.

88. Pivotal - GCP announced Pivotal as our first CRE technology partner. CRE technology partners will work hand-in-hand with Google to thoroughly review their solutions and implement changes to address identified risks to reliability.

89. ProsperWorks - ProsperWorks announced Gmail Add-Ons, which are designed to integrate custom workflows into Gmail based on the context of a given email.

90. Qwiklabs - This recent acquisition will provide Authorized Training Partners the ability to offer hands-on labs and comprehensive courses developed by Google experts to our customers.

91. Rackspace - Rackspace announced a strategic relationship with Google Cloud to become its first managed services support partner for GCP, with plans to collaborate on a new managed services offering for GCP customers set to launch later this year.

92. Rocket.Chat - Rocket.Chat, a member of Google Cloud’s startup program, is adding a number of new product integrations with GCP including Autotranslate via Translate API, integration with Vision API to screen for inappropriate content, integration to NLP API to perform sentiment analysis on public channels, integration with GSuite for authentication and a full move of back-end storage to Google Cloud Storage.

93. Salesforce - Salesforce announced Gmail Add-Ons, which are designed to integrate custom workflows into Gmail based on the context of a given email.

94. SAP - This strategic partnership includes certification of SAP HANA on GCP, new G Suite integrations and future collaboration on building machine learning features into intelligent applications like conversational apps that guide users through complex workflows and transactions.

95. Smyte - Smyte participated in the Google Cloud startup program and protects millions of actions a day on websites and mobile applications. Smyte recently moved from self-hosted Kubernetes to Google Container Engine (GKE).

96. Veritas - Veritas expanded its partnership with Google Cloud to provide joint customers with 360 Data Management capabilities. The partnership will help reduce data storage costs, increase compliance and eDiscovery readiness and accelerate the customer’s journey to Google Cloud Platform.

97. VMware Airwatch - Airwatch provides enterprise mobility management solutions for Android and continues to drive the Google Device ecosystem to enterprise customers.

98. Windows Partner Program- We’re working with top systems integrators in the Windows community to help GCP customers take full advantage of Windows and .NET apps and services on our platform.

99. Xplenty - Xplenty announced the addition of two new services from Google Cloud into their available integrations: Google Cloud Spanner and Google Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL.

100. Zoomdata - Zoomdata announced support for Google’s Cloud Spanner and PostgreSQL on GCP, as well as enhancements to the existing Zoomdata Smart Connector for Google BigQuery. With these new capabilities Zoomdata offers deeply integrated and optimized support for Google Cloud Platform’s Cloud Spanner, PostgreSQL, Google BigQuery, and Cloud DataProc services.

We’re thrilled to have so many new products and partners that can help all of our customers grow. And as our final announcement for Google Cloud Next ’17 — please save the date for Next 2018: June 4–6 in San Francisco.

I guess that makes it 101. :-)

22 Jun 05:59

Chatbot Summit Berlin

by Nikita Galinkin

Chatbot Summit Berlin, June 26, 2017 is the second event of Chatbot Summit founded by tech entrepreneur Yoav Barel of Tel Aviv, Israel in 2016. After huge success last December with a first meeting held for “Bot Heads” in Israel — Barel and his team of industry tech and entrepreneur leaders put the event together in less than three months and drew over 200 participants — Barel knew he needed to think bigger and Chatbot Summit was born.

Chatbot Summit is a global think tank-collaborator haven, tech style — think fast-brain with start-up mojo in the digital space — for tech, big brand, entrepreneurs, developers, and freelancers. The event, whose sponsors include Deutsche Bank, LivePerson, SAP, Deloitte, Amazon Alexa and more will bring new and becoming Chatbot Enthusiasts together to discuss, market and explore each other’s services, strategize, and overall become driving players in the Bot Revolution.

The summit is a one-day event featuring close to 100 speakers presenting over three stages — there is a fourth space reserved for an Amazon Alexa Workshop. If you are a chatbot startup, you can reserve a booth along the “Chatbot Boulevard.” Start getting your Chatbot Economy on the evening before the big day with a pre-networking event. On the day of, there is plenty of time built-in for networking and coffees (and after-party, too, which everyone will surely need after 40+ sessions. Dance Bot, anyone?)

For full details and to buy tickets, visit the Chatbot Summit website.

P.S. When getting your tickets make sure to use the code ‘CHBTMGZ30’ and get a 30% discount!

Chatbot Summit Berlin was originally published in Chatbots Magazine on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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