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27 Nov 17:50

How and Why Crowd Reviewing Works

by van Gemmeren, Manuel

DOI: 10.1055/s-0040-1705955

In this Account, the development of Select Crowd Reviewing from the initial idea through a pilot phase to the present moment, when it is now used as the default method for the evaluation of manuscripts at Synlett and SynOpen is detailed. We describe the workflow through which a manuscript is evaluated when Select Crowd Reviewing is applied. A series of questions and answers is used to address typical concerns and the advantages Select Crowd Reviewing offers when compared to traditional peer review.1 Introduction: The History of Select Crowd Reviewing2 The Select Crowd Reviewing Workflow3 Questions We Have Received Regarding Select Crowd Reviewing4 Conclusion

Georg Thieme Verlag KG Rüdigerstraße 14, 70469 Stuttgart, Germany

Article in Thieme eJournals:
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27 Nov 17:34

Shining Light on the Light-Bearing Element: A Brief Review of Photomediated C–H Phosphorylation Reactions

by Ung, Sosthène P.-M.

DOI: 10.1055/s-0040-1705978

Organophosphorus compounds have numerous useful applications, from versatile ligands and nucleophiles in the case of trivalent organophosphorus species to therapeutics, agrochemicals and material additives for pentavalent species. Although phosphorus chemistry is a fairly mature field, the construction of C–P(V) bonds relies heavily on either prefunctionalized substrates such as alkyl or aryl halides, or requires previously oxidized bonds such as C=N or C=O, leading to potential sustainability issues when looking at the overall synthetic route. In light of the recent advances in photochemistry, using photons as a reagent can provide better alternatives for phosphorylations by unlocking radical mechanisms and providing interesting redox pathways. This review will showcase the different photomediated phosphorylation procedures available for converting C–H bonds into C–P(V) bonds.1 Introduction1.1 Organophosphorus Compounds1.2 Phosphorylation: Construction of C–P(V) Bonds1.3 Photochemistry as an Alternative to Classical Phosphorylations2 Ionic Mechanisms Involving Nucleophilic Additions3 Mechanisms Involving Radical Intermediates3.1 Mechanisms Involving Reactive Carbon Radicals3.2 Mechanisms Involving Phosphorus Radicals3.2.1 Photoredox: Direct Creation of Phosphorus Radicals3.2.2 Photoredox: Indirect Creation of Phosphorus Radicals3.2.3 Dual Catalysis3.3 Photolytic Cleavage4 Conclusion and Outlook

Georg Thieme Verlag KG Rüdigerstraße 14, 70469 Stuttgart, Germany

Article in Thieme eJournals:
Table of contents  |  Abstract  |  Full text