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13 Dec 18:56

Chuck Norris | 60b.jpg

13 Dec 02:29

Congratulations, Barack Obama, on winning PolitiFact’s “Lie of the Year”!

by Allahpundit

Clinton one died

Obama lied....everyone goes fucking broke

The One.

As my pal Nathan said, this might be the first award he’s gotten that he truly deserved. But give him time. A few more years of dithering until Iran has a nuclear weapon and he might earn that Nobel Peace Prize after all. “If you like your health care plan, you can keep it,” President […]

Read this post »

13 Dec 02:25

Twitter's new block function poses a major privacy problem (Cooper Fleishman/Daily Dot)


awesome, I can continue harassing celebrities I hate again

Cooper Fleishman / Daily Dot:
Twitter's new block function poses a major privacy problem  —  Let's say someone on Twitter is spamming you with hostile message after hostile message, then retweeting your posts to his friends, who follow suit.  What do you do?  Normally, you'd just hit the block button …

13 Dec 02:25

Let’s Go Shopping!

by Lyndsey

funny auto-correct texts - Let’s Go Shopping!

If only Toys R Us was that much fun!

Submitted by BumpStop

The post Let’s Go Shopping! appeared first on Damn You Auto Correct!.

13 Dec 02:24

Infected Tattoo Popped

13 Dec 02:23

Identity Theft Now Costs Far More Than All Other Property Crimes COMBINED

by Erin Fuchs

man upset at credit card

The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) has a sobering new report finding identity theft cost Americans $10 billion more last year than all other property crimes measured by the National Crime Victimization Survey.

While identity theft cost Americans $24.7 billion in 2012, losses for household burglary, motor vehicle theft, and property theft totaled just $14 billion.

The BJS report measures both direct and indirect losses tied to identity theft. Direct losses, the majority of the $24.7 billion, consisted of the money thieves got by misusing a victim's personal info or account information. Indirect losses included other costs associated with identity theft — like legal fees and bounced checks.

The BJS's last report on identity theft, for the year 2010, measured just direct losses and put them at $13.1 billion. While that report didn't measure indirect losses, a separate research firm called Javelin Strategy and Research found this year that identity thefts are indeed on the rise.

Here are some key points from the BJS report:

  • 85% of theft incidents involved the fraudulent use of existing accounts, rather than the use of somebody's name to open a new account.
  • People whose names were used to open new accounts were more likely to experience financial hardship, emotional distress, and even problems with their relationships, than people whose existing accounts were manipulated.
  • Half of identity theft victims lost $100 or more.
  • Americans who were in households making $75,000 or more were more likely to experience identity theft than lower-income households. 

While the majority of victims spent a day or less resolving the issue, identity theft can also be a drawn-out nightmare. A dramatic instance of ID theft occurred after a man named David B. Dahlstrom lost his wallet in Utah back in 1985. For the next 17 years, a German immigrant named Yorck A. Rogge masqueraded as Dahlstrom, The New York Times in 2007.

The real Dahlstrom was denied a credit card and even received an insurance claim for an accident he had nothing to do with.

In more recent years, identity thieves have begun targeting smartphone users and people who use social media and aren't cautious about that use, experts told Reuters in 2012.

Javelin Strategy & Research found that year that someone whose information is revealed as part of an online data breach becomes 9.5 times more likely to have their identity stolen.

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13 Dec 02:23

Gmail Changes Enables Tracking of User Email Activity

by Michael Coates

Changes to Gmail Image Handling Enables Tracking of User Activity with Emails

Google has just modified Gmail so images automatically load within emails.

An important privacy element was omitted from discussion with this change. The change to image handling in gmail creates a reliable method for companies and advertisers to track if a user opens any email sent by the company/advertiser.

This is accomplished since the image within the email can be accompanied with a unique URL parameter that acts as a tracking beacon. If a user opens the email then the image will be automatically loaded and the beacon will be sent back to a web server controlled by the sender. This provides an alert that the specific user opened the email.

Previously Gmail blocked images by default and required users to take a specific action to display the images. So while this beacon based email tracking has always been possible, the default handling in gmail previously made it an unreliable tracking method that wasn't worth the effort.

How Does The Tracking Work?
In this example the company sending the email would own
  1. Company crafts an email and includes an image with a tracking beacon number within a url parameter
  2. User opens the email within gmail and the browser automatically requests the image included in the email
  3. Google has modified the email so the image new resolves through the new proxy service. This means the url from step #1 now looks like this in the source
  4. The browser automatically requests the image
  5. The google proxy service at receives this request and makes an outbound request to
  6. The sender of the email returns picture.jpg and records that user 0001234 has opened the email

    Here's a screenshot of my webserver showing the request which includes the URL parameter and also a mention to google's domain

    [12/Dec/2013:23:48:10 +0000] "GET /Turkish_Van_Cat.jpg?id=01234 HTTP/1.1" 200 1718186 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; de; rv: Gecko/2009021910 Firefox/3.0.7 (via"

    In practice companies wishing to track email activity will simply add a hidden 1 pixel by 1 pixel image that will perform this tracking unbeknownst to the end user.

    Opt-Out Argument
    The argument that you can opt-out of this new setting is a red-herring. If only those that read this post take actions to opt-out then the vast majority of people can still be tracked using this technique.

    Security Win and Privacy Loss?
    Perhaps there are security merits to this change. However, the collateral damage should not be ignored and overlooked in this change that impacts all gmail users.

    -Michael Coates - @_mwc
    13 Dec 02:22

    I'd watch it

    13 Dec 02:20

    Intense Police Chase Shows Off How Cool GTA Online's Content Creator Is

    by Gergo Vas

    While Grand Theft Auto Online's creator tools are still fresh out of the package, players like rechyyy—the YouTuber behind one of the best GTA V chase videos—are already filling up their custom maps with ramps, police vehicles and rockets.



    13 Dec 02:19

    nevver: The tree is up

    Lee Jeong Lok

    Lee Jeong Lok

    Lee Jeong Lok

    Lee Jeong Lok


    The tree is up

    13 Dec 02:19

    A Building Is Digitally Reconstructed In Surreal Photo Series

    by Zeon Santos

    Talk about your mind blowing architecture! This impossible looking structure was constructed in the imagination of photographer Victor Enrich, who saw much more than a simple skyscraper when he looked at the NH Munchen Deutscher Kaiser hotel in Munich, Germany.

    In fact, he saw 88 different versions of the hotel, each more impossible than the last, and his photo manipulation skills have improved quite a bit since we last featured his works on Neatorama (Link). Victor’s visionary buildings would make a great addition to cityscapes across the globe if we didn’t have that pesky thing called gravity keeping our architecture in check.

    Via Laughing Squid

    13 Dec 02:19

    Drag Style 1961 Chevrolet Biscayne 348/4-speed

    by Frank

    This 1961 Chevy Biscayne is said to be rust-free with original paint. A factory radio/clock delete stripper, it runs a 348 CI V8 and4-speed Muncie with Hurst competition linkage. A Posi rear spins cheater slicks on vintage ET-III wheels, and the great looking interior benefits from a recent upholstery job. The dual exhaust is all new and we love the drag style side exit cutouts. As a clean, period style lightweight hot rod this one checks all the right boxes. Find it here on Craigslist in Spanaway, Washington for $25k OBO.

    1961 Chevrolet Biscayne For Sale Side

    13 Dec 02:19


    13 Dec 02:19




    13 Dec 02:18

    iPhone Cookies Used to Prank Police But Cops Get Last Laugh

    iPhone Cookies Used to Prank Police But Cops Get Last Laugh Comedian Randy Liedtke thought it would be a fun idea to troll cops with iPhone cookies. He'd get pulled over, eat the cookie and laughs would be plentiful, right? Unfortunately, that's not what happened.
    13 Dec 02:17



    Submitted by: SatevisM

    Tagged: critters , gifs , roadrunners
    13 Dec 02:17

    Also, Santa hates you

    by Kerry

    Writes our submitter from Portland, Oregon: “People steal out of the fridge all the time, so I’m not sure why someone thought money would be safe taped to barbecue sauce.”

    Happy Holidays Co-Workers! Are you $2 richer? Did you find $2 taped to a bottle of BBQ sauce in the fridge? Well that means you are a thief! Also Santa hates you and I hope a Reinder poops on you. Merry Christmas you dirty animal!

    related: I hope you…

    13 Dec 02:16

    Finally an honest online dating profile photo

    13 Dec 02:16

    Do I feel like walking?

    13 Dec 02:15


    13 Dec 02:15

    China's air pollution as seen from space

    by Robert T. Gonzalez

    China's air pollution as seen from space

    Via NASA's Terra satellite comes a staggering view of China's pollution problem.



    13 Dec 02:14

    The Hat Rack In the spirit of colder weather, this particular...

    by festivegrenadelauncher

    The Hat Rack

    In the spirit of colder weather, this particular Etsy store specializes in crochet patterns! These look as cute as they do warm, and if you know how to crochet or know someone who does this is the perfect shop for you!

    CORRECTION:  These are crochet patterns! My bad!

    13 Dec 02:14

    When my girlfriend tells me she bumped into my ex-gf and they're grabbing lunch together tomorrow.

    13 Dec 02:14

    Trolling the cops

    13 Dec 02:13

    Well that makes sense

    13 Dec 02:00

    10 Life Hacks You Need To Know For Christmas! [Video]

    by Niel


    Make your holidays hassle free and more magical with these 10 easy hacks!

    10 Life Hacks You Need To Know For Christmas! [Video] is a post from: The Inquisitr News

    13 Dec 01:46

    How far games have come since MY childhood.

    13 Dec 01:45

    Magic Piano Viral Video Is Fake, Say Redditors

    by Beckett Mufson

    Reddit users are claiming that a viral Christmas video that appears to show passers-by interacting with a remote controlled piano is fake — in that the passers-by are played by actors.

    The YouTube account RobBlissCreative uploaded a video called "Chicago's Magical Piano" earlier Thursday, earning more than 200,000 views. The video, supposedly sponsored by Amtrak, captures travelers in Chicago's Union Station playing with a remote-controlled piano, dancing and performing duets.

    About two hours after it was shared on Reddit, a user named schwagro claimed in the comments that the video was fake. Schwagro posted a link to a notice about an Amtrak casting call for a video in Chicago's Union Station with a "magical piano around Christmastime that seems to be truly alive." Read more...

    More about Viral Videos, Christmas, Chicago, Amtrak, and Piano
    13 Dec 00:46

    B*tches be like

    13 Dec 00:46

    Identical Twin Prank