Shared posts

03 Apr 18:39


03 Apr 18:35

El alcalde de Santiago ve «horrendo» el edificio de la Casa da Xuventude

by Efe
Ángel Currás ha justificado el derribo del inmueble por no tener «ningún valor arquitectónico»
03 Apr 18:34

Varios okupas toman otro inmueble histórico de Santiago para convertirlo en espacio «abierto» a la cultura

by Europa Press / La Voz
El edificio ocupado es el antiguo local de la agrupación folclórica Cantigas e Agarimos. Esta tarde ha tenido lugar una asamblea en su interior
03 Apr 18:33

Jeff Smith's newest comic, Tuki Saves the Humans, is free to read online

by filthy light thief
Jeff Smith, author of the highly lauded and much-awarded Bone comic series, and the subsequent RASL comic series, has returned with a new comic: Tüki Saves the Humans, a web series based on "the most current speculations of scientific experts" about a major ice age somewhere between 2 million and 975,000 years ago ancient Africa drying up, driving or allowing hominids to move from Africa. The first "season" of Tüki is now complete, which makes the Bones happy.

The current version of has some material from Bone and RASL, but you'll have to look elsewhere to read those stories in full.

Bone, previously.
03 Apr 18:32

To Catch a James Franco: actor caught trying to pick up 17-year-old girl on Instagram

by Robyn Pennacchia
To Catch a James Franco: actor caught trying to pick up 17-year-old girl on Instagram

“I’ll be down in a minute, James Franco! But there are some cookies and ice tea on the table for you! Did you remember to bring the Mike’s Hard Lemonade?”

Someone better call Chris Hansen because it seems James Franco is scouring Instagram for a touch of the younger ilk. The actor/poet/MFA student met an 17-year-old Scottish high schooler outside his production of “Of Mice and Men” when she was visiting New York. She asked to take a video of him, he asked her to tag him in it and later on Instagram, hijinks ensued.

francoseventeen3 500x666 To Catch a James Franco: actor caught trying to pick up 17 year old girl on Instagramfrancoseventeen4 500x666 To Catch a James Franco: actor caught trying to pick up 17 year old girl on Instagram

francoseventeen5 500x987 To Catch a James Franco: actor caught trying to pick up 17 year old girl on Instagram

It’s pretty shady. Of age or not, it would actually be pretty creepy either way because of the whole “Should I get a room?” thing. I mean, seriously. That’s pretty forward, especially for a girl that young. And to just assume she’s going to bang you because you are James Franco is also real obnoxious. He’s awfully pushy.

After these messages started getting spread around the internets, Franco tweeted and deleted that he was not “a teen fucker” and that parents should keep their teenage daughters away from him. He then added an age limit to his Instagram profile.

jamesfrancoinstagram To Catch a James Franco: actor caught trying to pick up 17 year old girl on Instagram

Of course, as we all know, Mr. Franco is an artiste, so this could also be an elaborate performance art thing or whatever. Either way, gross.

03 Apr 18:31

Is Standup Comedy the New Punk Rock?

by Megh Wright
by Megh Wright

Portland's famous underground record label Kill Rock Stars is profiled in a recent article for the Portland Mercury that examines its recent foray into standup specials, and it's pretty interesting. Known for helping push bands like Bikini Kill, Sleater-Kinney, and Elliott Smith to mainstream fame, Kill Rock Stars has taken more and more interest in recording standup sets since a chance Twitter encounter with Kurt Braunohler in 2012 led to their release of his hour standup special How Do I Land? The label's most recent additions include Laura Kightlinger, Hari Kondabolu, Ian Karmel, and Cameron Esposito.

Kill Rock Stars president Portia Sabin even goes so far as to call comedy "the new punk rock" in the article, citing the underground music scene as "super safe" for the past eight years. "I'm not gonna say boring, because there's still good stuff out there, but what happened to the anger, the passion, the emotion? That's why I think the idea of working with Kill Rock Stars is resonating so much with a lot of these alternative comics. We want you to be political. We want you be a strong feminist. We want you be out there with something to say."

03 Apr 18:26

Harvard has books bound in human flesh

by Joe Veix
Harvard has books bound in human flesh

Among Harvard’s 15-million volume collection, three books are bound in human flesh. And it’s possible there may be even more.

The first book is a Spanish medieval law book titled “Practicarum quaestionum circa leges regias Hispaniae.” It’s 794 pages long and dates to 1605. It’s accessible in Langdell Law Library’s reading room, and it looks fairly unremarkable. There are a few black splotches, and it’s a strange shade of yellow, but there are no hairs or tattoos or almost anything else to indicate that the book binding was once a real living person.

But on the book’s final page, there’s an inscription in purple cursive that reads,

“the bynding of this booke is all that remains of my dear friende Jonas Wright, who was flayed alive by the Wavuma on the Fourth Day of August, 1632. King Mbesa did give me the book, it being one of poore Jonas chiefe possessions, together with ample of his skin to bynd it. Requiescat in pace.”

Poore James, indeed.

The second book is a 1597 French translation of Ovid’s “Metamorphoses,” though the annotation that reads “Bound in human skin” is possibly apocryphal. According to librarian Jack Eckert, “I think even this is somewhat doubtful as [the book] doesn’t greatly resemble others I’ve seen in the past.” That’s a man who knows a skin book when he sees one.

The third book is poet Arsène Houssaye’s 1880 collection of essays “Des destinées de l’ame.” A lost memorandum in the book stated that, “the back of the unclaimed body of a woman patient in a French mental hospital who died suddenly of apoplexy.” Her pores are still visible on the binding.

Houssaye gifted the book to his friend Dr. Bouland, who had the book rebound in skin, believing that “a book on the human soul merited that it was given a human skin.” Which is a totally normal sentiment and not insane at all.

But these are only three books—it’s possible there are more, as the oldest known book bound in human flesh is a 13th century French Bible. It’d take extensive testing and resources to find these books, however, and it’s not exactly a priority for the library. But if they did, it’s probably a safe bet that they start with the works of Ann Coulter.

h/t Harvard Crimson, Image: “Evil Dead II”

03 Apr 14:18

Zoo Miami Welcomes Their First Clouded Leopard Cubs

by Andrew Bleiman

2 leopard

Zoo Miami has announced their first successful births of highly endangered Clouded Leopards. The two female kittens were born on March 13 and have been secluded in a den with their mother since then to avoid any external stress and allow the new mother to properly bond with them.

Zoo staff were able to separate the mother from her cubs for the first time this week to do a neonatal exam in order to evaluate the condition of the kittens and accurately determine their sexes. Both offspring are doing well and the mother continues to be attentive and nurse them on a regular basis. The mother and kittens will remain off exhibit for the next several weeks until zoo staff determine that they are established and stable enough to face the public.

3 leopard

1 leopard

4 leopardPhoto credit: Zoo Miami

The mother, Serai, was born in May of 2011 at the Smithsonian’s Conservation and Research Center in Virginia. The father, Rajasi, was born in March of 2011 at the Nashville Zoo in Tennessee. This is the first successful litter for both parents.

See and read more after the fold.

8 leopard


10 leopard

5 leopard

6 leopard


9 leopard


7 leopard

Clouded Leopards are a very secretive cat found in the forests of Southern China, Taiwan, and Malaysia.  Adults usually weigh between 30 and 50 pounds (18-23 kg) and they have a very long tail with relatively short legs and large paws to facilitate their frequent arboreal lifestyle. Their diet includes a variety of birds and mammals including monkeys, deer, and porcupines. Clouded Leopards have the longest canine teeth relative to their size of any wild cat. They are highly endangered over most of their range due to hunting for their attractive pelts which have ceremonial value in a variety of cultures.

03 Apr 14:14

Ketamine vs Depression

by marienbad
Short BBC report about a small study where people with depression were given small doses of ketamine: "A team at Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust gave patients doses of ketamine over 40 minutes on up to six occasions. Eight showed improvements in reported levels of depression, with four of them improving so much they were no longer classed as depressed. Some responded within six hours of the first infusion of ketamine. Lead researcher Dr Rupert McShane said: "It really is dramatic for some people, it's the sort of thing really that makes it worth doing psychiatry, it's a really wonderful thing to see. He added: "[The patients] say 'ah this is how I used to think' and the relatives say 'we've got x back'.""
03 Apr 14:09

Self-Righteous Food TV Makes Me Hate Food and Myself

by Filipa Jodelka

They never show my dinner on TV.

The ubiquity of food TV has become gross. On any given week, scrolling through the TV listings can feel a lot like being strapped down and waterboarded with melted butter. Taken individually, the programs are pretty palatable. Some might be cheap, others patronizing, but mostly they’re enjoyable, and the cliché that you eat with your eyes takes on a new truth when skillful TV chefs start rhapsodizing about the delicious food they're making. But while it's entirely possible to binge on them for three hours at a time every day of the week, it's hard to escape the feeling that food TV exists to make you feel ashamed that it's pasta with ketchup for you again tonight.

The litany of messages we are fed surrounding what we should and could eat through food programming is tiring. I can’t be the only one who feels less inclined to cook because of this constant televised assault upon my appetite, or embarrassed that I might not be able to whip up something amazing out of three "well-sourced" ingredients. In many ways, our diets are used to define what social class we belong to, and food TV has a hand in this. After all, what sort of mother are you if you can't sustain your adoring family with a freshly baked loaf of bread every day? What kind of feckless cow doesn't sack off a social life to transform herself into a walking cake factory?

Shows like Top Chef are fun, but they're essentially built on the premise of shaming their audience. They make it look so easy when it really isn’t. It’s hard not to be cynical, even if you enjoy watching this kind of thing, when everything feels so… righteous. So priggishly middle class. Righteousness prevailed in the heavily-rationed kitchens of the 1940s. It was rife in the glowing-with-goodness whole-foods movement that flourished in the 70s and 80s. And it’s everywhere today, when it seems that barely a week goes by without some story popping up in the tabloids about hag-faced moms defiantly feeding hot dogs through the bars of the school gates to their fat-starved children beyond.

The term "convenience food" is knowing shorthand for a certain type of person. There's a running joke on the British food show EastEnders about the most down-at-heel resident, Bianca, feeding her horde of multi-tonal children chicken nuggets every night. It's easier to mock people whose lives really are like this than it is to ignore the factors that led them there: no time, no money, and no idea how to healthily feed their families for less than the cost of a dollar bag of tater tots. Will these women watch Nigel Slater? Maybe. But there’s a gulf between the two realities. The idea of having leftover duck to serve with your griddled peaches is as exotic as chartering a plane to the Maldives. So Slater, in all his pregnant-pausing glory, is an entertaining presence on our TVs, rather than an educational one.

TV chefs are ostensibly there as models for us to aspire to. They stand—despite what they may protest otherwise—not for what we are but what we’re not. Follow us, they say, while rarely actually providing widely accessible recipes for us to introduce into our own lives. Follow us around bustling markets, into our well-stocked pantries, into the romance of lives lived in beautiful, editing-room “natural morning light” hues. All this is a tonic and, particularly in the case of Nigella Lawson, is a dream to watch. But who the fuck has time to spend the hours before midday whipping up that evening's dinner?

Conversely, there's a sense that merely watching the sort of cooking show in which the presenter happens to chance upon some well-marbled pancetta at the back of the fridge is enough in itself. That in doing so, the viewer is somehow elevated above the rest of the gruel-slurping, McDonald's-chomping proles. Most people aren’t comfortable with being caricatured as selfish, lazy, and poor. Food TV can be a salve for this; the presenters' wisdom helps to drive a wedge between you and "that other lot." They can help stuff your brain with the precise science required to cook a triple-fried chip, or the ability to distinguish arborio from carnaroli rice. The faces of food TV become fonts of knowledge. Deified, even. But frankly, any genre that elevates Gregg Wallace to divine status needs to have a word with itself.

The price, the effort, and the piles of bloody washing-up mean that few people actually replicate the dishes cooked by TV chefs. The reality for most of us is one of boring frugality. Nothing underlines the grinding monotony of life more than forcing down the last dregs of a stew your bank balance won’t allow you to sling out. For most, there is no glamor to be found in leftovers. And however delicious Nigel Slater's midweek supper might look, Wednesday nights, for most, are spent prostrate on the sofa trying to ignore emails. You really can, if you try hard enough, find great profundity in the cold sludge left over from an evening meal of Coco Krispies. Freeing yourself from this drudgery is simple: just bang on whatever Pompous Little Kitchen Adventure happens to be on the screen that night.

If the gulf of food programming in Britain does render itself hollow, though, what does our obsession with the shows say? Traditionally, the aspiring middle classes have defined themselves with an interest in the better things in life. But while you might hunger for Ottolenghi's next freekeh-and-feta adventure, how many of his viewers will actually scour the independent delis in their zip code trying to find an expensive artisan grain? Some will, maybe. Most won't. 

For all that man-on-the-moon and discovery-of-penicillin stuff, humans are pretty thick. Our minds are as soft and malleable as mashed potato, and if you really want to make something your "thing," all you need do is immerse yourself in it deeply enough. The result is that there are millions of us who are, because of the sheer volume of food TV hammering our grey matter, couch-potato gourmands. In the kitchen, would we have the chops to actually transfer this knowledge?

TV stations know the habits of their viewers. They probably know that the less we cook, the more justified the shows are in presenting rich, complex, expensive meals. We all need escapism, but should there be fewer food shows? Probably. The messages are too muddled. Eventually, it all becomes a swirling frieze of seared duck and buttery razor clams, like a nauseating orgy on the banquet table of a French duke. And afterward, all you really want is a glass of water. Maybe a bottle of Gaviscon.

Follow Filipa Jodelka on Twitter.

03 Apr 13:55

THE WIL WHEATON PROJECT is a Go for SYFY & Other Important Details

by Alicia Lutes

Last week we told you about the announcement that friend of Nerdist Wil Wheaton was getting a new TV show, a very exciting prospect. Well now we’ve got even more details — straight from the horse’s mouth (erm, blog). Wheaton took to the Internet on Wednesday to expound upon the announcement and provide more details on The Wil Wheaton Project (and yes, that is its very official new name).

Wheaton’s new show has been a year-long labor of intensive love (detailed in all its montage-y goodness over on his blog if you’re interested in a long read), and will be “a weekly roundup of the things I love on television and on the Internet, with commentary and jokes, and the occasional visit from interesting people who make those things happen.” So, E!’s The Soup, but for geeks!

Coming to your screens on May 27th at 10PM on Syfy, the 12 episode, 30-minute long summer series will cover science fiction and genre favorites in TV, popular culture, and — of course — the Internet. The Wil Wheaton Project has Wheaton not only as host, but deeply entrenched in its creative process as a writer and producer.

The whole thing came about because of Wheaton’s love for “those hilariously bad paranormal reality shows” (there’s heaps of comedy gold there, for sure). The host is sure the show will excite audiences as much as it did the executives at the network, and is set to bring “Science Fiction back to Syfy.”

But for fans of Wheaton’s worried about what this means for his other ventures, such as Tabletop (his web series with Felicia Day), have no fear: “I made sure that everyone knew I’d be doing Tabletop, and I made sure that my contract included language that would guarantee my ability and availability to make Tabletop.” So, basically: everybody wins here! Exciting, innit?

Are you going to tune into The Wil Wheaton Project when it premieres next month? Sound off in the comments!

03 Apr 13:48

VÍDEO VIRAL: Wil Wheaton te explica cómo has de reaccionar si te llaman Nerd

by administrador


Wil Wheaton ha hecho del nerdismo no sólo un estilo de vida. También se gana la vida con ello. Este actor debutó hace muchos, muchos años en la serie Star Trek: La Nueva Generación, donde interpretaba a un estomagante adolescente que vivía en la nave Enterprise. Su personaje era el más odiado de la serie, y muchos trekkies pedían constantemente mediante cartas (no había twitter) que lo retirasen del show.

El chaval ha crecido, y bueno, como actor no ha conseguido hacer cosas importantes. Interviene de vez en cuando en la serie The Big Bang Theory, en la que se interpreta a sí mismo, y por otro lado viaja constantemente para hacer apariciones en convenciones de frikis y nerds. Un trabajo muy digno que le permite conocer a todos sus fans around Usalandia. Ah, casi se me olvida de cid que Wil Wheaton fue también uno de los protagonistas de Cuenta conmigo.

Wil Wheaton ha estado recientemente en la Denver Comic Con, y allí ha dejado un momentazo convertido en vídeo viral. Una niña le pregunta que si cuando era niño le llamaban nerd en el colegio. En este vídeo subtitulado podéis ver lo que responde, ante el entusiasmo general.

¡Eres grande, Wil Wheaton!

Gracias a Hernán Migoya por el soplo.

The post VÍDEO VIRAL: Wil Wheaton te explica cómo has de reaccionar si te llaman Nerd appeared first on .

03 Apr 13:36

How To Tell If You’re A Basic Bitch

by Chrissy Stockton
Definitive signs you might be a basic bitch in the video, but don’t worry, basics aren’t that bad. Everyone’s a little bit basic, and they’re actually pretty dateable. #BasicsUnite TC mark


03 Apr 13:26

Análisis comparativo por MJ López

Análisis comparativo

por MJ López

03 Apr 13:15

La Xunta cancela la edición de este año de Xuventude Galicia Net

by La Voz
Traballo e Benestar apunta a la reducción presupuestaria como motivo para suspender la edición número 15 de la party más numerosa de Galicia
02 Apr 21:07

Wizards finding a path out of the dungeon

by grobstein
How did Pathfinder become the only table-top role-playing game ever to outsell Dungeons & Dragons, outpacing it 2:1? What were the economics of the Open Gaming License, whereby Wizards of the Coast effectively gave away the rules to its flagship D&D product? Why did the table-top market collapse? This and more on Episode 73 of the Game Design Roundtable podcast, with guest Ryan Dancey, architect of the Open Gaming License strategy at Wizards of the Coast, and former marketing exec at CCP Games (makers of EVE Online). Dancey is now the business lead on Pathfinder Online, an upcoming sandbox fantasy RPG broadly in the mold of EVE and Ultima Online. TGDRT is usually about game design, but this episode is a fascinating look into the business side of the RPG world, both online and off -- from someone who has been at the heart of the most interesting business cases in the space. The first 30 minutes are all about business history and economics.

Some other highlights from the always-interesting TGDRT:
  1. Soren Johnson on his upcoming MULE-inspired game, Mars;
  2. Alpha Centauri discussion with its designer, Brian Reynolds;
  3. X-COM and tactical games, with X-COM designer Julian Gollop;
  4. endgames;
  5. story-game simulation King of Dragon Pass, with its designer David Dunham;
  6. the fantastic Crusader Kings II with two of its designers.
TGDRT is organized by Dirk Knemeyer (and until recently Jon Shafer) and features a rotating cast of cool regulars, as well as great interview subjects.
02 Apr 21:06

Terrabyte Incognita

by infini
Africa Might Not Look Like You Think It Does
There is no such thing as an objective map. This was true of cave paintings, Roman tapestries, and colonialists' charts of Africa. It is also true of Google Maps.
02 Apr 20:59

Katni$$ FTW

by Diablevert
Do movies that pass the Bechdel Test make more money than movies that don't? Walt Hickey, writing for Nate Silver's new fivethirtyeight site, examines the data.
02 Apr 20:20

These jobs will make you fat

by Joe Veix
These jobs will make you fat

A new study published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine has found which jobs tend to have the highest prevalence of obesity. And chances are if you’re idly reading blogs like this one on your work computer to kill time, your job probably qualifies.

Generally, employees who spend more than 40 hours per week and are exposed to a hostile work environment are way more likely to become obese. While this seems fairly obvious—longer hours and stress tend to make it more difficult to eat healthy and exercise. What makes this survey especially interesting, however, is that certain jobs tend to have higher obesity rates. This includes jobs involving, manufacturing, transportation, and ironically people who work in health care.

The study’s authors used data from the 2010 National Health Interview Survey and the Census. To figure out which jobs had hostile environments, they asked workers if they’d ever been “threatened, bullied, or harassed by anyone while on the job.”

2962f3b46 These jobs will make you fat

It’s worth pointing out that pretty much all jobs could potentially put you at risk—one in three people in America are obese, after all. But hey, if your industry made the chart, it’s one more reason to hate your job.

h/t and graph The Atlantic Cities

02 Apr 20:03

El Coro da Ra celebra sus veinte años de historia con un musical

by P. Calveiro
El espectáculo tendrá lugar en el Salón Teatro el 23 y 24 de mayo
02 Apr 20:01


by cequelinhos

A pesar de dous indicios claros da súa castelanidade: o n entre vogais e a terminación -illa, a palabra coronilla é usada acotío entre galegofalantes, tanto para definir a parte máis alta da cabeza coma na expresión castrapa “até a coronilla”. En galego temos recursos abondos para prescindir deste castelanismo.

O castelán define o alto da cabeza cunha palabra procedente de coroa, que en galego que non só define a peza circular que se pon na cabeza como símbolo de autoridade ou nobreza senón tamén a parte máis elevada dalgún accidente xeográfico, en especial outeiros e montañas. Este significado, por analoxía, aplícase tamén á definición da parte da cabeza máis prominente só nun caso: cando nesa área escasea o pelo, ben por alopecia ben pola tonsura, esa práctica católica que consistía en rapar o cabelo en forma de círculo para así marcar a condición de relixioso. “Tes bo pelo, meu fillo; cando eu era dos teus anos xa tiña a coroa repelada”.

Cando definamos a parte alta da cabeza sen máis, podemos empregar varias opcións: algunhas relacionadas co alto: curuto, curucho, alto da cabeza, e outras relativas á forma coco: cocote, cocorote, cocorota, croca, coca, couquizo e (por deformación desta última) toutizo.

Coco é unha palabra con diferentes significados, procedente do grego, onde significaba gran. Pola súa forma redonda define moitos obxectos esféricos, especialmente a cabeza. Algunhas teorías afirman que o nome do coco como figura fantasmal vén da forma da cabeza e que desa forma fantasmagórica xurdiu o nome para a froita do coco, que semella unha pantasma de ollos escuros e cabelos irtos. O curioso é que o dicionario da RAE considera que a palabra coco é de orixe portuguesa mais nesa lingua non se usa coco para definir monstro ou pantasma ningunha. Non será, coma en tantos casos, que a RAE inventa unha orixe portuguesa para non admitir a ampla presenza de galeguismos no castelán?

Cando queiramos traducir a expresión “hasta la coronilla” debemos fuxir desa imaxe. En galego preferimos expresións como “estar cheo”, “estar farta”, “estar que bordo”, “estar até o carallo/cona”…

02 Apr 20:00

Presentada en Madrid la biografía del ferrolano Canalejas, jefe de Gobierno en 1910

by Raul Salgado Rodriguez

FERROL360 | Miércoles 2 abril 2014 | 21:36

El alcalde de Ferrol, José Manuel Rey Varela, ha estado este miércoles en Madrid en el acto de presentación de la biografía del ferrolano José Canalejas, jefe del Gobierno español entre 1910 y 1912, durante el reinado de Alfonso XIII. La cita tuvo lugar en el Salón de los Pasos Perdidos del Congreso de los Diputados, en la Carrera de San Jerónimo, y también contó con la asistencia de Jesús Posada, presidente de la Cámara Baja.

Gabriel Elorriaga, también ferrolano, coordinó la edición. A él se refirió Rey Varela en su alocución, que también escucharon personalidades como José Ramón Ónega, responsable de la Casa de Galicia en Madrid; el catedrático de Historia Contemporánea Octavio Ruiz Manjón y el actual duque de Canalejas y descendiente del político, José Manuel Canalejas Huertas.

El regidor recordó que la obra ensalza la trayectoria de Canalejas, que «alcanzó la presidencia del Gobierno» gracias a su «vocación», de una forma que definió como «singular». «No estamos ante la fría erudición de un historiador profesional que plaga el texto de citas textuales y notas a pie de página», sino que Elorriaga, a su entender, «escribe pretendiendo diseccionar a alguien con quien solo la cronología le separa».


No en vano, sostuvo que podría haberse tropezado con él «en las calles y plazas del Ferrol de la infancia de ambos». Para Rey Varela, autor y jefe del Ejecutivo son «hijos de una ciudad plural y compleja desde su entrada en la historia de España en el siglo XVIII como enclave fundamental en los planos industrial y militar».

Sobre Canalejas, afirmó que su «vida quedó truncada por un magnicidio cuando el siglo XX daba sus primeros pasos, víctima de un atentado terrorista, fenómeno que desgraciadamente ha sido una constante en la vida de España en los inicios y en los finales del pasado siglo». Igualmente, remarcó que «poco importa la naturaleza o la supuesta ideología bajo la que se encubra esta lacra, sea anarquista o nacionalista».

Observó el alcalde que la biografía «actualiza a Canalejas y extrae de su pensamiento y acción de gobierno todo aquello que es aplicable a las circunstancias actuales». Comparando aquellos años y los presentes, resaltó que «estamos en una etapa difícil, pero no de imposible salida». Se refirió a las «críticas que algunos expresan sobre la Transición, el bipartidismo imperante y quienes lo cuestionan».


Así, estimó que ese bipartidismo era «garante para Canalejas de un funcionamiento eficaz de la democracia». De igual forma, censuró «la ausencia de puentes de entendimiento entre las principales fuerzas políticas» ante temas decisivos. «Cuestiones que vienen de antaño y a las que tuvo que hacer frente Canalejas», indicó Rey Varela.

Mencionó «la relación que mantuvo con Pablo Iglesias, así como los intentos para que el socialismo se integrara en la actividad parlamentaria y no optara por vías ajenas a la democracia». Aludió a Elorriaga como un «viejo y admirado profesor que vuelve la vista atrás para poner ante nuestros ojos una vida que no es modélica», pero que sirve para «enseñarnos cómo manejarnos ante situaciones muy complejas».

Finalmente, asumió el alcalde que «es doloroso decir que en el otro extremo de la península, en Alicante, se le recuerda más que en su población natal, con una magnífica escultura en un parque que lleva su nombre». «En mi ciudad apenas una placa en el emplazamiento que ocupó su casa natal», reconoció.

Imagen de la presentación este miércoles de la biografía de José Canalejas en el Congreso de los Diputados, con Jesús Posada y José Manuel Rey Varela en la mesa presidencial (foto: Concello de Ferrol)

Posada y Rey Varela hablaron de Canalejas en el Congreso (foto: Concello de Ferrol)

Imagen de la presentación este miércoles de la biografía de José Canalejas en el Congreso de los Diputados, con Jesús Posada y José Manuel Rey Varela en la mesa presidencial (foto: Concello de Ferrol)

Imagen de la presentación de la biografía de Canalejas (foto: Concello de Ferrol)

02 Apr 19:56

To his friend...

by (MRTIM)

02 Apr 17:43

Las mejores bromas del April Fool´s Day

by administrador

El 1 de abril se celebra el April Fool´s Day, una festividad que el mundo anglosajón es equivalente al Día de los Inocentes en España. Los medios de comunicación tienen carta blanca para publicar las noticias más inverosímiles que se les ocurran, para que los cándidos lectores traguen el anzuelo. Hemos recopilado las mejores bromas que inundaron ayer la red. Si ayer te topaste con alguna de estas noticias, esperamos que no te hiciera ninguna demasiada ilusión…


Lionsgate anunció a través de varias de sus páginas de Facebook que estaban preparando Fright Club, una película de terror que reuniría a algunos de los iconos más terroríficos del estudio: Leatherface, Patrick Bateman, La bailarina de Cabin in the woods, el muñeco de Saw


Wes Craven colgó en sus redes sociales un mensaje que prometía el estreno de una película suya que había permanecido inédita desde los 70. También colgó el trailer, que podéis ver en este enlace.


Fangoria, (la revista, no el grupo de Alaska) publicó la noticia de que Quentin Tarantino iba a rodar una home invasión movie autobiográfica sobre unos fans locos que entran en su casa para robar sus guiones. El título de la peli era The Gawkers.


Full Moon anunció que iban a producir una nueva secuela de su saga PuppetMaster protagonizada por… ¡Justin Beaber!


Bloody Disgusting anunció el estreno de Catfurnado. Nosotros también.


Stephen King dijo en su sitio web oficial que iba a empezar a escribir una secuela de su novela Christine.


The Walking Dead, la web oficial del comic, anunció que uno de los personajes creados para la serie de TV iba a saltar al cómic: Daryl Dixon.


Screen Rant anunció que Tom Welling iba a ser contratado de nuevo para hacer del Superman de La Liga de la Justicia en Arrow. Esta noticia nos la creímos y estuvimos a punto de publicarla.

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02 Apr 17:40

O Arsenal militar e os novos barrios da Magdalena e Esteiro en...

O Arsenal militar e os novos barrios da Magdalena e Esteiro en Ferrol nunha vista de 1872

02 Apr 15:37

Are You Ready to Fuck Like a Nerd?

by Monica Heisey

Photo via Flickr user Catherine Snodgrass

The 1980s image of nerds as desexualized virgins was as outdated then as it is laughable now. For a start, there's no longer one kind of nerd. The intense following of niche interests that the internet accommodated has sparked a proliferation of nerd subcultures, which overlap and intertwine like a long gray braid down the back of a seasoned RuneScape master.

The word itself is now basically just a synonym for "fan." For example, you've got everything from Airfix nerds to sneaker nerds, equals in their level of obsession but very different when it comes to the obsession itself—one spending hours painting a miniature wing to make it look like it's flown through a sandstorm, the other spending hours arguing with strangers about the merits of ventilated toe caps.

Even sex, something that was always supposed to be kept secret from nerds, has its very own nerds nowadays: sex nerds—the kind of people who get into polyactivism and livestream discussions about sexual fluidity.

What makes someone a nerd is no longer an interest in RPGs or history or comic books, because all of those passions have, to a certain extent, become mainstream in the past decade or so. In fact, in The Rise of the Creative Class, Richard Florida wonders if “perhaps the nerds were the mainstream all along, and the jocks were the deviants.”

This is maybe the nerdiest thing you could ever possibly say, but you have to wonder—with the popularity of shows like The Big Bang Theory, the enduring obsession with dressing like Screech, and an increasing cachet associated with technological ability—how much longer we can pretend that nerds couldn’t also be leading the way sexually, as well as culturally.

As a group, nerds may be especially suited—if not wholly predisposed—to great sex and/or relationships. After all, what is a nerd but someone who's thought about something longer and deeper than you? A 1976 study by psychologist Jacquelyn Knapp noted that individuals in multi-partner relationships shared many of the same qualities. They tended to be individualistic, academic, non-conformist, and stimulated by complexity. Basically, an archetypal nerd.

Photo via Flickr user Chris

Sure, classic nerds might be into MythBusters, Magic: the Gathering, and Minecraft. But they’re also into sex. In fact, the crossover between sex and the more traditional realms of nerd interest is longstanding; science fiction, for example, is frequently pointed at as a source of progressive and even transgressive sexual theory.

In devising alternate universes, authors, filmmakers, and fans imagine new ways of living, loving, and fucking. Sci-fi and comics are full of latex and leather and futuristic orgy planets where anything goes. Everyone loves it. Conventions like Arse Elektronika exist exclusively to provide an intersection for the worlds of sex and tech.

Robert A. Heinlein—who wrote sci-fi short stories, novellas, and novels from 1939 until 1987—is often held up as an early promoter of sexual liberation and polyamory. As early as 1939, his works dealt with group marriage, multi-partner relationships, and the elimination of sexual jealousy as a positive force for society.

The cult classic Stranger in a Strange Land, published in 1961, features a protagonist arriving to Earth from Mars, bringing Martian values—among them, non-monogamy—that transform society. If you ask a nerd about it, they'll tell you that Heinlein is not a perfect example of a secret crusader for alternative sexualities, and that his work is problematic in a lot of ways. But that’s what nerds do—they argue and complicate and think.

Yes, sometimes that culture of imagination leads to things like this fuckable dragon’s mouth, but that’s honestly not much weirder to me than the disembodied vagina and butt combos you can buy anywhere online, or those Twilight dildos you're encouraged to toss in the fridge for an "authentic experience." I would also venture that nerd sex is less about realistically salivating over mythical creatures and more about what nerd culture has always concerned itself with: debate, dissection, and discussion.

So this relatively new breed of sex nerds who get all earnest and intense while discussing their copulation habits are simply doing what nerds have always done: talking about their passions.

What makes things interesting is how crucial these discussions are to good sex and healthy romantic relationships—which arguably can't be said for more conventional nerd pursuits. Dedicated Trekkies will probably disagree, but in theory, your enjoyment of Star Trek is not predicated on the ability to discuss each episode with your message board. The quality of the episode remains the same, regardless of any additional pleasure derived from going on Reddit and debating the realism of an alien planet that’s been hiding from the rest of the universe via a planet-wide cloaking device. 

Photo via Flickr user Matt Refghi

However, ask any relationship or sex expert about the key to both of those things, and across the board they will tell you that one factor is more important than any other: communication. In their instinctive desire to talk about, question, and critique their interests, sex nerds might have hacked sex.

So what are sex nerds into? Consent. The destigmatization of kink. Sexual fluidity and the dissolution of gender binaries. Feminism. Sex positivity. Figuring out a place for BDSM in a world where rape culture is the norm. LGBTQ activism. Polyamory and other alternatives to traditional monogamy. Hacking sex toys to make them bigger, better, and scarier. 

Of course, this is not a comprehensive list. As with any nerd interest, there are hundreds of specific subcultures that bleed into one another or exist completely disparately. However, the general message of sex-nerd sex seems to be: “You do you, and whomever else you want, however you want, as long as you’re being safe and responsible with their and your physical, emotional, and mental health.”

As with many nerd or alt interests from the past (tech, graphic novels, bands that play songs about ships on antique instruments), some of these issues are now picking up steam in more “mainstream” communities.

Which, of course, makes complete sense. If you wanted to know about the future of technology, would you just talk to some guy who texts a lot? No, you’d find someone who’s been making use of wearable tech for years. If you wanted to buy something expensive, would you ask your parents what they did 30 years ago when the economy was completely different? No, you’d probably consult real estate experts or some kind of car fetish message board or your old classmate who collects boutique electronics.

So why look to conventional pornography or Hollywood for the future of sex? Sex nerds know more about sex not only because they're talking about it and passionate about it but because forging their own paths is what nerds have always been doing. Sexual experimentation and individualism is simply a natural extension of the nerd lifestyle. If you and your friends already exist on the social fringes for your clothed interests, why bother continuing down the path of vanilla sex when you could at least survey the other options?

In recent years, the internet has done for alternative sexuality what it did for comic fans, anime otaku, and gamers—uniting like-minded but geographically distant subgroups and revealing the “fringe” to be larger and far more passionate than anyone had expected. And considering how deeply nerd subculture permeated fashion, film, and television, you have to wonder if the sexual fringe can even accurately be called a fringe at all.

Photo via Flickr user Ryan C

An American study found that more than 40 percent of millennials think that traditional marriage is becoming obsolete, while OKCupid data indicated that more than 34 percent of its users have had a same-sex sexual experience or would like to. The numbers are similar regarding threesomes, according to an ABC survey. 

Gen Y’s much-discussed hyperconnectivity, constant communication, and desire for gratification on their own terms actually puts them in a prime position to become a generation of sex nerds. They can figure out the parameters of their relationships on an individual level and eschew conventional sexual and romantic codes in favor of ongoing discussion about their own needs and interests, and the needs and interests of their partners.

But it’s not just young people. The slow mainstreaming of alt sex and love is picking up speed. How much longer can we classify BDSM as a niche interest while Fifty Shades books and paraphernalia fly off shelves nationwide? Sure, it's not exactly an ideal introduction to BDSM, but it implies a large-scale interest in kink across North America, the UK, and elsewhere.

And if a single trashy trilogy can ignite global interest in an allegedly “deviant” sexual subculture, what else are people interested in? How can they access it? Are they already doing so, in quiet corners of the internet after the kids have gone to bed? Are body-positive threesomes the new functional bum-bags? Is queer-friendly feminist tumblr porn the next Star Wars?

Are you ready to start having sex like a nerd? 

Follow Monica on Twitter

02 Apr 13:42

‘Tennessee Williams saved my life’: John Waters talks role models in animated short

A young John Waters, already a foxy creep beyond his years
I know he’d probably hate to hear me say this, but this clip from a recent John Waters interview at the New York Public Library is so sweet and sentimental, it almost feels wholesome. And I mean that in a...

02 Apr 11:36

Morning Glories

by Keanu alikante

Morning Glories es una de las más celebradas obras del cómic estadounidense moderno, escrita por el nuevo talento de Marvel: Nick Spencer.

La Academia Morning Glory es una de las preparatorias más prestigiosas en el país, pero detrás de sus consagradas paredes ronda algo siniestro y mortal.

¡Cuando seis brillantes, pero perturbados nuevos estudiantes llegan, se encuentran a sí mismos atrapados y desesperadamente buscando respuestas en un lugar donde nada es lo que parece ser!

Idioma: Español.
Editorial: Image
Guion: Nick Spencer 
Dibujo: Joe Eisma 
Tradumaquetador: MMDSX, Wicked, Mar1801, Viztok16,  josefo290, Red Steel, Hocus pocus, AT- Noir (L9D – AT Comics)
Archivos: 34
Formato: CBR.
Tamaño: 653 Mb

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    02 Apr 11:32

    SYLVIE VARTAN - Surfadelic Collection [1962-1967]

    by (Mr.Eliminator)

    Bajárselon, babecos.

    Oh là là, what we got here?!? Lately I've stumbled upon some interesting 60's singles of this famous French singer/sex symbol and discoverd some fine Pop/Rock/Twist tunes she recorded back then. So, I decided to make a collection of her more rockin' 60's stuff, diggin' the tunes from some 45's and Lp's as Sylvie [1962], Twiste Et Chante [1963], Sylvie A Nashville [1964], A Gift Wrapped From Paris [1965], and 2'35 de bonheur [1967]. Here you can find cool [mostly sung in French] covers of Elvis "Don't Be Cruel", Ray Charles "What I'd Say", Gene Vincent "Say Mama", Eddie Cochran "Completely Sweet", Roy Orbison "Dream Baby"The Shirelles "Baby It's You", The Angels "My Boyfriend's Back", Chris Montez "Let' dance", Little Eva "Locomotion", The Spaniels "Rockin' Good Way", The Cookies "Chains", Mel Torme "Comin Home Baby", The Supremes "You Keep Me Hangin On", The Yardbirds "Putty In Your Hands", Spencer Davis Group "Gimme Some Lovin" as well as some fine originals. Cool & sexy as it shoulda be at Surfadelic... 
    Permettez moi de vous présente SYLVIE VARTAN !!!

    02 Apr 11:12

    Debe a Xunta exaltar os viños de Rioja?

    by David Lombao

    O Goberno galego xustifica a presenza da directora de Turismo de Galicia nun acto no que xurou "fidelidade" aos caldos de La Rioja. O evento, organizado pola Denominación de Orixe riojana, tiña como obxectivo que estes viños "sigan liderando" o mercado galego.