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08 Apr 00:22

Ser español es una herejía molona

by Ainhoa Rebolledo

El otro día leí que los hermanos Kellogg eran unos pirados veganos que iban por ahí con sus pétalos de maíz intentando convencer a las gentes de que desayunar carne y alcohol era malo para la salud. Leí esto justo antes de explicarle a mi cuerpo que lo mejor para todos era que se acostumbrara al estúpido horario de verano y mejor que dejara de llorar porque apenas me quedaban frases motivadoras para enfrentarnos juntos a la vida sin pensamientos suicidas cuando salimos de casa a las ocho de la mañana para arrastrarnos como culebras hasta la oficina. Aviso con tiempo suficiente, me pegaré el tiro en la sien izquierda porque soy zurda. Lo haré antes de cumplir los 30, antes de se agoten mi juventud y mi ilusión, porque los cuerpos se estropean pronto y no hay recuperación posible para el desencanto y la celulitis. Si eres mujer, procura salir guapa en las fotos para que presten atención a lo que haces. Hazte las fotos años antes de que te las pidan los periodistas. Si además te gusta escribir, a los 50 serás una perdedora desconocida o una exitosa escritora de novela romántica medieval para jóvenes y amas de casa, recuerda que los hombres no están acostumbrados a leer con respeto lo que escribís las mujeres; no intentes cambiar el mundo, no pretendas arreglarlo con tu monólogo interior de mierda en forma de novela para intelectuales a la que le sobran ciento cincuenta páginas. Limítate a intentar que la destrucción sea más lenta, vete peinada y aseada por la vida. Sonríe todo el rato, no pienses demasiado.

El ritmo de vida de los españoles me desconcierta. Vivir como un español resulta nefasto para la salud, sólo conlleva siniestralidad y fracasos vitales pero incluye sangría, castañuelas, renuncias a las decisiones racionales, privación crónica del sueño y la obligación de participar desde bebé en el negocio de la salvación del alma. Siendo español te puedes morir en cualquier momento pero no te mueras suicidado porque eso está muy mal visto en los periódicos, como los combates de boxeo. Es normal, es español, que no desayunes y que te mueras de hambre hasta las dos de la tarde o que te metas en la cama sin haber digerido la cena. Te gusta echar agua en una sartén con aceite hirviendo, prestas atención a las mentiras que sueltan los curas en los funerales. Ser español es una herejía molona y yo soy partidaria de rociar España con gasolina y prenderle fuego por las esquinas; por Galicia, País Vasco, Cataluña y Andalucía. ¡Alguien tenía que poner un poco de orden! ¡Alguien debería explicarme de una vez el uso correcto del punto y coma!

Los españoles viven los inviernos una hora adelantados desde 1942 y ni por esas llegan puntuales a las fiestas de cumpleaños. Por esa época se inventaron las siestas porque los españoles de posguerra trabajaban en un sitio de siete de la mañana a dos de la tarde y en otro lugar a partir de las cuatro o las cinco y, claro, qué iban a hacer durante esa pausa. ¿Leer? Leer es un aburrimiento y usar adjetivos una pedantería desde que existen los emoticonos. Los toreros hoy en día no levantan las pasiones de antaño y los bancos no se han adaptado a la nueva vida porque siguen cerrando a las dos. Todo son desgracias, todo me parece raro y estúpido, mi ilusión por las cosas se torna en desprecio y ya tengo la pistola cerca. A pesar de que los libros con copyright fechado en el siglo XXI son demasiado comerciales, todas las editoriales van quebrando poco a poco. Menos mal que se inventaron las series de televisión porque el tiempo que las gentes dedicaban a consumir cultura se estaba convirtiendo en un doloroso experimento muy caro e intelectualmente exigente. Los niños de la LOGSE se mueren de ganas de pegarle una paliza al joven Rimbaud por jugar con las palabras y le insultan asociándole una sexualidad opuesta; vamos, que le llaman maricón por escribir poesías. Si Rimbaud hubiera nacido en la España de 1995, hoy, a sus 19 años, sería un youtuber de éxito víctima del bullying. Me faltan palabras en castellano para explicar lo que pasa a mi alrededor pero nunca me faltan muecas para mostrar mi desagrado. Las imperfecciones se heredan y por eso os parecéis tanto a vuestros padres, los defectos se adquieren con muchísima facilidad, no hay escapatoria, los buenos nunca ganan y nadie besa al perdedor. Cuando eres español no puedes elegir cómo se llamarán tus propios hijos porque siempre hay un nombre en la familia que te persigue, como una maldición, como un cáncer de colon, como una calvicie pero tranquilo, que puedes elegir postre. ¿Café, yogur o fruta? Cuando eres español no sabes estar sobrio ni solo; si alguien está comiendo o cenando por su cuenta en un restaurante es porque algo va realmente mal en su vida y más le vale suicidarse antes de acabar el postre pero sin molestar demasiado, por favor, que la carne y el alcohol gustan mucho pero no hay nada más desagradable que tener cerca a un borracho desangrado hasta la muerte mientras se está cenando.

07 Apr 23:39

Wolfskin Vol2

by Arsenio Lupin
Nuevamente Floid Wayne junto a W.D. de Outsiders nos traen una continuación de una obra de Warren Ellis (gran autor de Planetary, Transmetropolitan, DV8, RED y un muy largo etcétera), la vez anterior fue Anna Mercury 2 y esta vez es Wolfskin.

Wolfskin se encuentra peleando en una nueva guerra, con enemigos desconocidos que pueden ocasionar el fin del mundo y de la mismísima magia... ¿O no?

Idioma: Español.
Editorial: Avatar
Historia: Warren Ellis
Guion: Mike Wolfer
Dibujo: Gianluca Pagliarrani
Tradumaquetadores: Floid, W.D. (Outsiders)
Archivos: 6
Formato: CBR.
Tamaño: 179 Mb

ws_01_001aP00006 - HowtoArsenioWskn v2 #2P00002 - HowtoArsenio.Wskn v2 #3
P00003 - HowtoArsenio.Wskn v2 #4P00004 - HowtoArsenio.Wskn v2 #5P00005 - HowtoArsenio.Wskn v2 #6

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07 Apr 23:38

Friendship Town

by Reza


07 Apr 20:31

Maybe I Don't Want To Be A Princess After All

by ThatFuzzyBastard
Game of Thrones: Being A Princess Is A Rough Gig "...The privileges held by princesses came at an enormous price. They were used and valued as diplomatic chess pieces, often sent at a very young age to far away places, often to places where they didn't speak the language to live among people who might not care for them or may even be openly hostile.... Game of Thrones does an extraordinary job of showing what being caught in that particular trap must have looked like and felt like. Some flail, some are lucky, some are doomed, some do their best to turn it to their advantage, some become monsters. In this post, I'm going to take a look at the various Game of Thrones princesses in the context of some possible real life counterparts"
07 Apr 20:29

Letterman Retires, Conan Waits by Phone

by Etrigan
It's official: David Letterman, the bridge between Johnny Carson and today's viral-video-driven talk shows, is hanging up his desk at the end of his current contract next year. The news was broken by, of all people, REM's Mike Mills via Twitter. Letterman surpassed Carson's record for hosting longevity last year, and many thought that his latest extension would in fact be the last.

The inevitable "Who's next?" conversation jumped into gear immediately. Craig Ferguson, the host of Letterman-following The Late Late Show, has a "Prince of Wales" clause in his contract that gives him the 11:35 Late Show upon Letterman's retirement, but that clause gives CBS a buyout option of $8 to $12 million.

Further possibilities (all of which are, of course, somewhere between Really Being Looked At and Their Agent Wants Their Name In The News) include Stephen Colbert (presumably in his actual persona, not his Colbert Report persona), Ellen Degeneres (who actually makes more money than Letterman at the moment), and... well, of course people are making Top Ten lists about it.
07 Apr 20:22

The Great Hemp Experiment Begins

by David Bienenstock

Photo by Adrian Cable, from Wikimedia Commons

In Manitoba, anti-drug units of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police now inspect massive hemp fields for legal compliance, instead of raiding them—all part of a $1 billion homegrown industry that's experiencing rapid growth.

In China, the central government is currently expanding domestic hemp planting significantly, after scientists at Bejing's Hemp Research Center produced studies showing the plant can serve as a superior alternative to cotton, and may one day displace concrete, fossil fuels, and a wide-range of petroleum products.

And in the United States, this year's Farm Bill included an amendment allowing universities and state agriculture departments to “experiment” with hemp in any state with a law approving such production, opening the door for America's first fully legal crop since the Second World War inspired the federal government's famous “Hemp for Victory” campaign. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack has even been investigating ways to import industrial hemp seeds from the Ukraine, as a way to bolster the embattled nation's economy amid Russia's annexation of Crimea.

Back in 2000, however, when Canada first began legal hemp production, a report from the USDA Economic Research Service sought to downplay the crop's potential, concluding that “US markets for hemp fiber (specialty textiles, paper, and composites) and seed (in food or crushed for oil) are, and will likely remain, small, thin markets. Uncertainty about longrun demand for hemp products and the potential for oversupply discounts the prospects for hemp as an economically viable alternative crop for American farmers.”

So which one is it? Can marijuana's non-psychoactive cousin really save the world, or is it’s universal utility just a pipe dream of cannabis dweebs and conspiracy theorists that’s coming into vogue because of marijuana accelerating legality?

Author, NPR contributor, and self-described solar-powered goat herder Doug Fine says yes it cannabis. Though his big Aha! hemp moment came not while blazing weed in college, or reading an annual agricultural report, but rather when he had his first child, and noticed that hemp diapers stood up better than anything else to repeated line drying under New Mexico's brutal summer sun.

In Farewell My Subaru (2009), Fine related the pleasures and pitfalls of transforming an old ranch into a green and sustainable nearly carbon-neutral farm, where he continues to live, work the land, and raise kids (both kinds). Then in Too High To Fail (2012), he envisioned a local, sustainable  approach to cannabis legalization. And now, in Hemp Bound: Dispatches from the Front Lines of the Next Agricultural Revolution, he's penned a primer for the future hemp farmers (and consumers) of Earth, upon whom relies, apparently, the very survival of our species.

Of course, if you've smoked at least two ounces of pot in your life (cumulatively or all at once), at some point, somebody must have already told you about hemp fiber's incredible strength and versitility, that the plant's seed oil is the world's most nutritionally complete single food source, that the crop thrives without pesticides and fertlizers, and that it has the potential to replace drilling, logging, mining, monoculture corn farming, and countless other environmentally destructive industries. But after hearing all that, you probably just nodded politely, passed the Dutchie and moved on.

Doug Fine decided to investigate.

In Hemp Bound, he profiles the leading pioneers building this new industry, ultimately concluding that the end of prohibition will indeed unleash a second agricultural revolution, one where hemp produces even more taxable revenue than legalized marijuana, while feeding the world, freeing us from fossil fuels, reversing climate change and restoring our planet's depleted soils.

The author spoke with VICE while preparing for an extensive tour to spread the word about all things hemp. Including taking the very simple step of starting each day with a nice hemp smoothie.

VICE: How do you talk about hemp without sounding like one of those guys on a street corner, hollering about salvation?
Doug Fine:
You mean how do I deal with the fact that your roommate in college with the lava lamp was basically right about hemp saving the world?

Because, yes, this plant can, if we utilize it correctly, have a transformative impact on the future of humanity, including climate mitigation and—ultimately—freedom from fossil fuels. But first we have to deal with all of this cultural and political baggage surrounding it. So I do try to temper my exuberance. Also, I remind myself that those currently unable to visualize hemp's potential will be seeing it for themselves soon enough. In just a few years, we won't be discussing if hemp's going to be a massive industry. Because, as Spinal Tap's Bobbi Flekman once noted: Money talks, and bullshit walks.

And the facts on the ground show the Canadian hemp seed oil industry growing 20 percent this year, to nearly $1 billion. Canadian hemp farmers already profit around $250 an acre—up to ten times as much as they'd be getting for corn crops. While using about half the water, which actually allows dry cropping in places that have been ravaged by drought.

In fact, because of its long, strong, fast growing roots, farmers can plant hemp in basically desert-like soil, and still turn a profit on the first harvest. So I believe hemp will eventually win out in the marketplace in a wide variety of industries, including energy, housing, textiles, and manufacturing. And this is worldwide, not just Stateside.

In Hemp Bound, for instance, I visit a joint public/private enterprise in Winnipeg called the Composites Innovation Centre, where researchers turn hemp into roofing materials, insulation blankets, soundproof walls—you name it. They showed me a hemp-constructed tractor body, made from their own harvest, that was vastly stronger, lighter, and more fuel efficient than the petrol plastic hunk sitting next to it, and it took way less energy to construct. I was literally looking into the future. Plus I kicked it—it was strong.

As Simon Potter, the center's sector manager for product innovation put it : We're coming back to something that we should have never forgotten about. These natural fibers work better than the often toxic materials made of petroleum.

In the book, David West, a former Big Corn scientist turned hemp researcher, describes visiting America's National Seed Storage Library, where he found just a few bags of the once highly prized Kentucky hemp seed stock sitting in a hallway—long rotten. West described a terrible loss, since the world renowned strain blended the best of Asian and European cultivars. So where will this year's hemp seeds come from? And does America have enough experienced hemp farmers to grow them?
When frontier people and homesteaders set out to cross the then-wilderness to places like Missouri and Nebraska, they carried hemp seeds stored in coffee cans that ended up taking root all along those routes West. The legacy of that is millions of what are called ditchweed plants that come up every Spring in large areas of the country. They were originally used not just as commercial crops, but as erosion control and cattle feed. Today, we taxpayers, in fact, currently pay millions of dollars to eradicate ditchweed, though it always comes back.

So some argue that we can start by breeding with those cultivars that won out Darwin-style, as it's the heartiest seed stock around. It literally grows like a weed. But on a political level, the federal government needs to immediately change the law to allow importation of live hemp seeds into the United States. The reason for that was explained to me by experienced Canadian and Dutch hempsters: this is the hairnet era. The uniformity era. If you want to sell your hemp cereal in every supermarket, you must use approved cultivars. And the Canadians have had success with that model. It’s definitely the grown-up, Digital Age route.

Regarding finding experienced farmers, as a rancher myself, not of cannabis yet—until federal prohibition ends—but a rancher nonetheless, I know that any new crop requires trial-and-error and a lot of learn-as-you-go. But if you're a guy who's already got half-a-million dollars of not-paid-off farm equipment, and GMO crops have left you in debt with heavily damaged soil, and suddenly here comes a chance to make $300 a year per acre, instead of $50—then yeah, I have faith that America's small family farmers will start to figure out hemp cultivation plenty quickly.

Is hemp's role to bring about incremental change that sparks a larger movement, or is hemp itself a game changer, one we've kept on the bench needlessly for nearly a century?
Hemp's a game changer if the industry grows quickly and grows in a sustainable fashion. I say this as a fellow who is generally a rugged individualist: to get hemp off the ground,the government should be subsidizing it, instead of standing in its way. But even in a true free market, it will win out.

When I first started researching Hemp Bound, I visited Eastern Colorado during a long drought that had terrible echoes of the Dust Bowl in the 1930's. And on that trip, I met these wonderful farmers who took me to a wheat field that looked like the Sahara. They'd previously never even thought about hemp, but now, out of pure necessity, they'd started researching it. As had a lot of their neighbors in an incredibly conservative county, one that actually voted to ban marijuana stores locally, even after legalization passed statewide.

This is also a part of the country that's never had a historical hemp crop. Though one woman did come up to me and say, “It's interesting to hear you mention hemp, because I remember my Daddy used to plant it around the irrigation ditches as erosion control. And then in the fall, we'd let the cattle have at it. And boy, they sure loved it!”

That’s borne out by science. Hemp is the real deal when it comes to soil restoration, erosion control, and drought remediation. It's also been proven that hemp feed improves the omega-3 profile of eggs laid by chickens. I know because I went to check out the research at the University of Manitoba, and also tried some eggs for myself. Which means even one level removed it's still having a positive impact on overall nutrition.

Right now, I feed my family hemp seeds imported from Canada. They're very expensive. As is the organic grain mix I currently give my goats, which I have to burn a lot of vegetable oil to go pick up five hours away. So when I can finally just grow hemp myself, and cut those carbon miles out while healing my land and raising a valuable crop—that's going to be fantastic. I can press the seed, feed my family the oil and my livestock the remaining, protein-rich seed cake. That’s the kind of lifestyle decision, repeated on a mass level, including with the cellulose hemp stalks providing regional energy, that can have a significant and positive impact on the future of humanity. It’s not a pipe dream, either. Communities in Germany and Austria are today becoming energy independent with farm waste.

And in the meantime, we can all get hemp into our lives and bodies with a nice hemp smoothie, right?
Between goat ranching, parenting, and writing, I really don't have the time in the morning to spend 20 minutes mixing up a super-healthy superfood hemp shake, but I still do it, because I'd rather pay the grocer now, not the doctor later. My personal recipe has something like 50 ingredients in it, but if you simply throw your favorite juice in a blender with some yogurt, a tablespoon of hemp seed oil and some ginger, I believe you're going to see positive health effects. And you'll be helping bring just a little more hemp into the world.

07 Apr 12:04

"The filmmaker Jim Jarmusch is old school."

by Fizz
07 Apr 11:18


by Keanu alikante


P00001 - Miracleman

Marvelman/Miracleman, conocido como Marvelman en el Reino Unido y como Miracleman en EUA, es un superhéroe de cómics creado en 1954 por el guionista y dibujante Mick Anglo para la editorial L. Miller & Son. Inicialmente, pretendía ser un sustituto inglés del personaje estadounidense Capitán Marvel. La serie se extendió hasta el año 1963.

El personaje fue revivido en 1982 en una oscura y serie deconstrucionista posmoderna del escritor Alan Moore, con aportaciones posteriores de Neil Gaiman.

El personaje fue objeto de una importante, compleja y cara batalla legal por los derechos legales. El litigio afectó directamente a Gaiman, Todd McFarlaney otros artistas que también reclamaban, al menos parcialmente, la autoría del personaje y los trabajos que le incluían.

Estos conflictos por los derechos evitaron la reimpresión y distribución de muchas de las historias de Miracleman, lo que ha hecho que el trabajo, aclamado por las críticas, sea realmente difícil de encontrar.

Finalmente, Marvel Comics se hizo con los derechos del personaje en 2009 (Seguir leyendo aquí).

Idioma: Español.
Editorial: Eclipse Comics - Forum 
Guion: Alan Moore, Neil Gaiman, Varios. 
Dibujo: Alan Davis, Mark Buckingham, Varios.  
Tradumaquetador: Merlinda, Fede, Lightniir, Meisenhauser, Howard, el patero solitario (CRG
Archivos: 22 (27 Numeros)  
Formato: CBR.
Tamaño: 345 Mb

P00002 - MiraclemanP00003 - Miracleman #4P00004 - MiraclemanP00005 - MiraclemanP00006 - MiraclemanP00007 - MiraclemanP00008 - MiraclemanP00009 - MiraclemanP00010 - Miracleman  por MerlindaP00011 - MiraclemanP00012 - miracleman  traducido porP00013 - miracleman  traducido porP00014 - miracleman  traducido porP00015 - miracleman  traducido porP00016 - MIRACLEMAN - Historia De P00017 - Miracleman  traducido porP00018 - Miracleman  traducido porP00019 - Miracleman  traducido por

En apócrifos, once equipos creativos se les dio una oportunidad de contar una historia que presentaron lo que ellos pensaban que sería el escenario perfecto Miracleman. La lista de creadores incluido Alex Ross (Marvels) Neil Gaiman (Sandman) Norma Breyfogle (Prime) Stefan Petrucha (The X-Files), y muchos más.
P00020 - Miracleman - Apocrypha #1P00021 - Miracleman - Apocrypha #2P00022 - Miracleman - Apocrypha #3

    07 Apr 11:18

    Broken Lamp

    by John martinez

    Broken Lamp

    07 Apr 10:05

    Cute dog video: Frenchie puppy goes to sleep

    by (biotv)
    Frog the French bulldog puppy grumbles a little before going to sleep, as commanded.

    07 Apr 10:02

    New fad: Aftersex selfies

    by (biotv)

    A new trend that is sweeping Instagram right now id the #AfterSex Selfie, in which couples upload photos of themselves posing after intercourse.

    More - after the jump

    07 Apr 10:01

    A smooth jazz cover of the "Game of Thrones" intro

    by (biotv)
    In honor of Game of Thrones returning to the little screen, pianist Scott Bradlee and his alternative music band Postmodern Jukebox teamed up with Grammy-nominated saxophone player Dave Koz for a smooth jazz cover of the show's opening sequence theme music.

    ScottBradleeLovesYa | via
    07 Apr 09:59

    ¡Viva el Trigo! Larga vida a Norman Borlaug

    by Aitor

    Le debemos mucho al trigo. Y le debemos mucho a Norman Borlaug. Hace apenas unos días se conmemoraron los 100 años de su nacimiento. Ya escribí sobre él hace tiempo y no me voy a repetir. Simplemente quiero dedicar este post a su legado.

    Parece que últimamente está de moda criticar el trigo. No me malinterpretéis, mi hija no puede comer trigo, no porque sea celiaca, tiene una de esas otras alergias alimentarias no tan conocidas. También soy consciente de que hay muchos celíacos, y que gracias a los avances científicos, se pueden detectar más y mejor nuevos casos. Y sí, el glúten del trigo es un grave problema para ellos.

    Pero creo que hay quien está olvidando la importancia del trigo, y aprovechando los problemas que puede causar en algunas personas, para acusarle de todos los males. Si además a esto unimos la moda de culpar a los hidratos de carbono, y a la harina refinada de ser el demonio, ahora da la impresión de que el trigo es malo. Yo digo, ¡viva el trigo!

    Lo confieso, yo también caí en la trampa de pensar que el trigo podía producir problemas, cuando la verdad es que nunca he tenido ningún problema comiéndolo. Es más he disfrutado, disfruto y espero seguir disfrutando muchos años del pan, la pasta, la bollería, etc… Sí, con moderación, pero también con la tranquilidad de que no tendré mayores problemas. Y aunque se presentaran, hoy en día, se pueden detectar y solventar. De hecho, unos investigadores españoles del CSIC ya han creado un trigo sin gluten, que en unos años, podrán disfrutar millones de personas.

    Fue Norman Borlaug el que, con sus investigaciones en México, logró evitar una catástrofe alimentaria mundial. Millones de personas, en todo el mundo, le debemos la vida. Ni nosotros, ni el planeta hubiera podido sostenerse, de no ser por las variedades de trigo enano que ayudó a diseñar. O bien hubiéramos tenido que ser menos millones de personas, o bien hubiéramos tenido que usar millones de hectáreas más para cultivar, o ambas cosas a la vez. Gracias a él, países que dependían de importaciones de alimentos de otros países como la India, o México, pudieron, no solo evitar hambrunas masivas, sino ser capaces de exportar alimentos. Por desgracia, siguen teniendo graves problemas de alimentación infantil y adulta, pero cada vez menos, y desde luego, ya no sufren hambrunas como antaño. Algo similar ocurrió en China.

    Sin embargo, no hay dieta “alternativa”, ya sea paleo, lowcarb, Dukan, o la que sea, que no afirme que el trigo tiene que eliminarse porque causa nosecuantos males. Lo que ninguna de esas dietas y/o gurús dicen es que sin el trigo, probablemente, jamás hubieran nacido ni podido escribir sus libros, simplemente por el motivo de que ningún otro alimento en la historia de la humanidad, ha dado de comer tanto a tanta gente. Que no se nos olvide. ¡Viva el trigo!

    Imágenes | Por juanjominor
    En Directo al paladar | El árbol genealógico del trigo
    En Directo al paladar | Por qué comemos trigo y no bellotas

    La noticia ¡Viva el Trigo! Larga vida a Norman Borlaug fue publicada originalmente en Directo al Paladar por Aitor.

    07 Apr 09:58


    by Mikey Heller


    Finally, all is revealed!

    07 Apr 09:50

    Like, Degrading the Language? No Way

    by beisny
    We may not speak with the butter-toned exchanges of the characters on "Downton Abbey," but in substance our speech is in many ways more civilized.... We are taught to celebrate the idea that Inuit languages reveal a unique relationship to snow, or that the Russian language's separate words for dark and light blue mean that a Russian sees blueberries and robin's eggs as more vibrantly different in color than the rest of us do. Isn't it welcome, then, that good old-fashioned American is saying something cool about us for once? - John McWhorter on colloquial American English (SLNYTIMES)

    IF there is one thing that unites Americans of all stripes, it is the belief that, whatever progress our country might be making, we are moving backward on language. Just look at the crusty discourse level of comments sections and the recreational choppiness of text messages and hit pop songs.

    However, amid what often seems like the slack-jawed devolution of a once-mighty language, we can find evidence for, of all things, a growing sophistication.
    07 Apr 09:45

    Miguel Anxo Murado califica el libro digital como «un bluf»

    Este formato ocupa el 5 % del mercado, dijo en el congreso sobre edición

    06 Apr 23:38

    Lemur Twins are Twice the Fun

    by Andrew Bleiman

    Ring tailed lemur mum Hasina with one of her babies at LongleatA rescued Ring-tailed Lemur gave birth to twins at Great Britain’s Longleat Safari & Adventure Park.

    The twins, who were born on March 25 and have yet to be named, have already enjoyed a classic Lemur pastime – sunbathing!

    Ring tailed lemur mum Hasina with her twins at Longleat
    Baby ring tailed lemur at Longleat
    Ring tailed lemur mum Hasina with her twins at Longleat twoPhoto Credit:  Longleat Safari & Adventure Park

    Mom Hasina and dad Julien were rescued as youngsters from unsuitable living conditions and given a new home at the park, where they have thrived.

    Keeper Beverley Evans said: “Hasina is a very laid back mum and this is her third pregnancy. She seems to have taken the whole birth very much in her stride and is an extremely attentive mother.”

    In the mornings the Ring-tailed Lemurs sunbathe to warm themselves. They face the sun sitting in what is frequently described as a "sun-worshipping" posture or lotus position.

    Sunning is often a group activity, particularly during the cold mornings. At night, troops will split into sleeping parties huddling closely together to keep warm.

    Ring-tailed Lemurs are found only on the island of Madagascar, where populations are in decline due to habitat loss.

    06 Apr 19:23

    Cuddles and Rage

    by Alex Santoso

    Group Hug

    Liz and Jimmy Reed are the husband and wife team behind the "disturbingly cute" comic Cuddles and Rage (who is cuddles and who is rage? Perhaps they switch roles every now and then to keep things interesting). The two started drawing food-related things during a bar trivia in 2010 and decided to turn that into a webcomic and neat side business - plus, the couple said, they like to talk about food A LOT.

    There's a lot of webcomics out there, but what sets Cuddles and Rage apart is their weekly diorama, where they spend 3 to 8 hours creating detailed scenes featuring the comic's various characters in polymer clay with dollhouse furniture as props.

    Here are some of our favorites Cuddles and Rage dioramas - (their cartoons ain't bad either, be sure to check out their website) Enjoy!

    Glass Ceiling

    The Perfect Seat

    Jam Session

    Egg on Your Face

    Face Peel

    Making Babies

    Hold The Tomato

    Chip on Your Shoulder

    Desserted Island

    06 Apr 19:22

    Turn that camera OFF

    by Potomac Avenue
    The Jon Spenser Blues Explosion was (is) a groundbreaking rock and roll band (not a blues band) well known for its live performances. Not much video footage of their concerts is extant, but this performance on an Australian TV show in 1994 is pretty typical, if the word "typical" is suitable for someone trying to incite a riot.

    They're still touring every few years even now, but there was just something about seeing JSBX in the 90s that is hard to capture, but impossible to forget.

    Netherlands 99
    UK TV 94
    French TV 98(?)
    Live on MTV late 90s
    Norman OK 93
    Japan 98
    More Japan 98
    French TV 96
    Canadian TV 95
    Swathmore 94
    London Studio 94 (3 parts)
    Toronto 95 (4 parts)
    Amsterdam 96 (with RL Burnside!)
    Vancouver 02
    06 Apr 18:42

    Rosie & The Riveters – Ms. Behave (2018)

    by exy

    Rosie & The RivetersRosie & the Riveters — the Canadian trio comprised of Alexis Normand, Farideh Olsen & Allyson Reigh — look sweet as pie, gosh golly. It’s an intentional visual choice: They paint their faces with bold red lipstick. They tease their hair with big plastic curlers to build unflappable retro ‘dos that complement their post-flapper vintage dresses. They rely on these post-war aesthetics to present as passive, conformist women of the Silent Generation.
    But sweetness and pie be damned. Rosie & the Riveters’ sophomore album Ms. Behave is a punk record masked with girl group harmonies and slinky snare brush percussion.
    Over the course of the 12 songs of Ms. Behave, Rosie & the Riveters seem to try on as many seemingly retro genres as rotating vintage outfits.

    93 MB  320 ** FLAC

    Sultry vocals from the title track and scatting in “La Boheme (Dweet Doo)” honor elements of jazz standards, while “Let ‘Em Talk” (with its sly references to Michelle Obama’s proclamation, “When they go low, we go high”) evokes R&B empowerment anthems by Aretha Franklin and Nina Simone. Elsewhere, the string-accented “I Wanna Do Nothing With You” waltzes to a 3/4 beat, while “Life is Good Today” flirts with country-folk and “Gimme Gimme” even edges toward bossa nova. Still, they’re able to maintain a coherent sound and identity throughout the record.

    The band’s unflinching lyrics, however, expose that punk ethos and political consciousness. Lyrics from the sarcastic, mansplaining takedown “Ask a Man” like, “Ask a man / ’cause I don’t understand / Explain it so I can!” are ones that — in another life — you scream to a ferocious backbeat in a sweaty club or in a car speeding down an open highway. In the pay gap call-out “Gotta Get Paid,” lines like “Equal work for equal pay!” evoke those written in Sharpie on poster board taped to wooden stakes and chanted at pickets and protests.

    Ms. Behave closes with a somber note, though. The ballad “I Believe You” serves as the band’s tribute to victims of sexual assault, an especially moving work within the context of the ongoing #MeToo movement. The song’s title is its chorus, as Rosie & the Riveters sing directly to themselves, their friends, their colleagues and fans, and to anyone who has endured such violence. They’re listening to our stories, accusations, fears, and triumphs. In turn, if audiences listen to Rosie & the Riveters closely, they’ll hear one of the bravest depictions of women in the world today.

    06 Apr 13:36

    piercingsnipplesndimples: cravings

    06 Apr 13:10

    Cristóbal García Nores: «Ni en A Coruña atan los perros con longaniza ni en Ferrol estamos tan mal»

    by Raul Salgado Rodriguez

    RAÚL SALGADO | @raulsalgado | Ferrol | Domingo 6 abril 2014 | 15:20

    Si no está en su comercio, en la milla de oro de la calle Real, aparecerá en algún lugar no muy lejano realizando alguna gestión. Veterano comerciante pese a su juventud, Cristóbal García Nores lidera el gremio en A Magdalena. La zona, probablemente, más azotada por los vaivenes urbanísticos de la ciudad y por la propia crisis económica. El centro es fiel reflejo de las particularidades de la urbe naval.

    A pocos días del inicio de la Semana Santa, reflexiona durante una conversación con Ferrol360 sobre los beneficios que las tiendas de la tableta de chocolate pueden obtener de la afluencia masiva de turistas y de ferrolanos en la diáspora. Avanza, además, actividades específicas para esas fechas, como una primera sesión vermú para animar las calles, que se repetirá cada mes.

    FERROL360 – ¿Cuál es la situación actual en el comercio ferrolano? ¿Evoluciona favorablemente en plena crisis?

    CRISTÓBAL GARCÍA NORES – En Ferrol lo peor de la crisis fueron las navidades del año anterior. Se suprimió la paga extra y todo el mundo aquí cobra del Estado. Fuimos poco a poco, estas navidades fueron mejores que las anteriores y parece que, sin grandes avances, poco a poco hemos dejado ya de retroceder y de mirar el futuro con tanto pesimismo.

    A partir de ahora, yo creo que nos toca a todos trabajar más que nunca, esforzarnos más que nunca, y sobre todo vender una imagen diferente de la que vendíamos de Ferrol. Estábamos acostumbrados a quejarnos, a echar la culpa siempre a lo de fuera… Yo creo que también tenemos que empezar a mirarnos al ombligo, algo podremos aportar para encontrar una solución.

    Toca trabajar más que nunca, cambiar mentalidades y ser un poco camaleónicos y adaptarnos. Ahora hay que adaptarse a otras cifras, pero esto no para y hay que seguir.

    360 – ¿Qué datos se manejan sobre el cierre de tiendas?

    CGN – No hay más que darse un paseo. En una comarca con 20.000 parados, se resienten mucho. Hay ciertas calles que se han visto afectadas por ocho años de obras de la plaza de España. El tema urbanístico es fundamental para el comercio.

    A partir del mes de abril o mayo se va a empezar a regular el tráfico en superficie, éramos la única ciudad de España donde no estaba regulado. Había coches que podían estar tres meses aparcados y no pasaba nada. Cuando se hace una superficie comercial, lo primero que se planifica son las plazas de aparcamiento.

    A partir de 2.000 plazas, se hace el centro comercial. Aquí era un poco al revés: estábamos sin zonas de aparcamiento. Te decían “voy a otras ciudades y tengo donde aparcar”, pero pagando, siempre. Aquí se va a hacer sin pagar. Había mucha gente que se negaba a venir a la ciudad por miedo a las multas.

    El comercio también tiene que evolucionar, antes era un sector refugio. Muchos esperaban a los 65 para jubilarse y hoy no aguantas, estás compitiendo con monstruos: franquicias, grandes cadenas… Al público no le puedes contar la crisis, te exige más que nunca. Quiere todo y que tú no le hables de crisis, es un acto de ocio y no podemos estar llorando en la puerta.

    360 – En el caso de Parque Ferrol, se considera que no es un centro comercial convencional. ¿En qué medida afecta al centro de la ciudad?

    CGN – Ahora mismo la tendencia ya no es abrir grandes áreas comerciales. Lo que se está buscando son tiendas más grandes dentro de las ciudades. Llevar a la gente a polígonos industriales no es lo adecuado. Tenemos el ejemplo en A Coruña, que ha sido machacada por la mala gestión, sobre todo política, de haber permitido lo que se ha permitido.

    Hoy se ven los resultados. La gente no va a A Coruña de compras, va a un polígono. La ciudad no recibe nada, está como está; hablamos de Ferrol, pero hay que ver las calles de otras ciudades cómo están…

    Cristóbal García Nores, presidente del Centro Comercial Aberto de A Magdalena (foto: Marta Corral)

    Cristóbal García Nores, presidente del Centro Comercial Aberto de A Magdalena (foto: Marta Corral)

    Tenemos que convivir, estamos en un país de libre mercado, pero sí que es cierto que hay ayuntamientos que no han permitido ni una sola superficie comercial y la ciudad ha mejorado muchísimo.

    360 – ¿El comercio también saca provecho de la Semana Santa?

    CGN – Tenemos que sacar más. No podemos culpar a nadie. Tenemos un proyecto para Jueves Santo, que es festivo, pero llevamos unos años abriendo. No le sacábamos el valor añadido que tiene toda la gente que nos visita. Vamos a empezar a hacer una vez al mes una sesión vermú, en colaboración con la hostelería.

    Está muy de moda y queremos ser pioneros, como lo fuimos con la Fashion Night o los mercadillos de gangas. Se pueden hacer actividades en la calle, sacarle más partido. No puedes estar esperando a que nadie lo haga.

    Yo creo que estaríamos bastante peor si no hiciésemos nada, pero me gustaría que hubiese más unión y colaboración.

    360 – ¿Cuáles son los próximos desafíos para el sector? ¿Se volverá a hablar de peatonalización, por ejemplo?

    CGN – Hemos intentado siempre tener una buena relación con el Ayuntamiento. Yo soy del PC, del Partido del Comercio, digo siempre. Nosotros, más que pedir calles peatonales, pedimos que se acaben las que se empezaron hace años.

    Lo lógico es que sea para mejorar, pero aquí hemos hecho calles peatonales que han desertizado. Todas han perdido. Hay un ejemplo muy claro, la calle María, que es un desierto de cemento; la calle Magdalena… Una calle peatonal es más que quitar los coches.

    Faltan peatones, no calles peatonales. Hay que cambiar la política urbanística para que haya más gente viviendo en Ferrol. Ni en A Coruña atan los perros con longaniza ni aquí estamos tan mal. Parece que aquello es el paraíso y no es cierto.

    Ferrol es el municipio que más población pierde, pero Narón es el que más gana y no vienen de Cuenca o Toledo, son gente de aquí. No estamos tan mal, pero hay que dar facilidades para que la gente se instale en los barrios históricos.

    El proyecto original -de peatonalización-, desde la plaza de España a Capitanía, es excesivamente grande. No hay otra ciudad en España con el mismo plan.

    06 Apr 13:04

    "Koality" Selfies

    by Tiffany

    Here's a quick quiz. Can you name at least one of the adorable arboreal herbivorous marsupials reaching instagram fame for their adorable selfies? If you said Bruce, Jay, or Aaron the Koala you are right!

    Please don't feel sad that even the Koalas at the Wildlife Sydney Zoo are taking better selfies than you. In your defense you don't have a cool, motion activated, camera attached to a tree that is ready to capture your every move. You probably also lack super cute fluffy ears and a spoon shaped nose. Well, maybe you do have fluffy ears and a spoon shaped nose. If that's the case pull out that camera right now and start taking those koality, er ... quality selfies we are all going crazy for.

    06 Apr 02:13

    Avoid using the word “very”…

    by Jonco

    Avoid using the word very

    Thanks Miss Silver


    06 Apr 02:05

    El acantilado gigante de la Garita de Herbeira, Cedeira.

    by Roberto PR

    La Garita de Herbeira o Vixía Herbeira (Cedeira, Galicia) se encuentra en la sobrecogedora e impresionante costa de A Capelada y es el acantilado más alto de Europa Continental, con 614 msnm (metros sobre el nivel del mar). Se puede decir -sin temor a equivocarse- que es uno de los escenarios naturales de más belleza de Galicia y de España.

    En primer término el faro de Punta Candieira (Candelaria), Cedeira. Al fondo el acantilado gigante de la Garita de Herbeira

    La Garita de Herbeira es un balcón impresionante al Océano Atlántico, uno de los paisajes más bonitos de Galicia
    Aunque no es un acantilado cortado a pico, los desniveles son de hasta el 80 por ciento. Al fondo el Islote Gabeira, San Andrés de Teixido está un poco más adelante, a la izquierda.
    Desde la Garita de Herbeira (614 metros) se divisa Cedeira y un trozo de la Ría de Cedeira, Punta Frouxeira con el Faro de Meirás, el Monte Campelo a su izquierda, Cabo Prior (Ferrol) después y al fondo a la derecha las Islas Sisargas (Malpica), a una distancia de ¡80 kilómetros!

    La Garita de Herbeira está en la cuarta posición de los acantilados más altos de Europa, contando los acantilados situados en islas, que están en el primer, segundo y tercer lugar:

    1º - Hornelen (en isla), Noruega: 860 metros.

    2º - Cabo Enniberg, Islas Feroe, Dinamarca: 754 metros.

    3º - Croaghaun (en isla), Irlanda: 668 metros.

    4º - Vixía Herbeira (continental), Cedeira, Galicia, España: 614 metros.

    5º - Preikestolen (continental), Noruega: 604 metros.

    6º - Slieve League (en isla), Irlanda: 601 metros.

    7º - Cabo Girão (en isla), Isla de Madeira, Portugal: 580 metros.

    8º - Jaizkibel (continental), Gipúzkoa, Euskaki, España: 547 metros.

    9º - Conachair (en isla), Escocia: 427 metros.

    10º - Cap Canaille (Continental), Francia: 394 metros.

    Un rascacielos natural de 614 metros de altura

    Desde la Garita de Herbeira (Cedeira) mirando hacia Cariño. Punta Robaliceira abajo a la izquierda. En la Garita de Herbeira las nieblas y nubes bajas son una constante casi todos los días del año; no es fácil que el cielo esté despejado a esa altura
    El Océano Atlántico no se oye a esa altura (614 metros), ni siquiera su murmullo
    El acantilado gigante de la Garita de Herbeira a la derecha. Foto hecha desde el Cruceiro do Curutelo, Teixidelo, Cedeiera
    Desde la entrada de la Garita de Herbeira se puede ver al fondo a la izquierda la Punta de Estaca de Bares (punto más septentrional de la Península Ibérica) y la entrada de la Ría de Cariño/Ortigueira. El Concello (Ayuntamiento) de Cariño empieza después de la cerca (se ve en la foto) que está a pocos metros de la Garita de Herbeira.
    Las vacas y en este caso los caballos salvajes son muy abundantes en la Serra da Capelada. Ahí están a pocos metros de la Garita de Herbeira
    Las tontas disputas entre Concellos (Ayuntamientos) hacen en este caso que el nombre de Cedeira esté borrado en la placa que hay al lado de la Garita de Herbeira.

    06 Apr 01:59

    Cat Cafes move out of Japan

    by waytoomuchcoffee
    Turin is the latest city to claim a cat cafe, which opened today. Originally a phenomena only in Japan, other cat cafes are already open in Paris, London, Vienna, St Petersburg, Budapest, Munich, Berlin, Madrid and Devon. Coming soon: San Francisco, Oakland, San Diego, Los Angeles, Montreal, Vancouver, Toronto, and Lithuania.
    05 Apr 16:48

    The beat goes on and on and on and on and on and on...

    by asterix
    Everybody loves the drum fill from "In The Air Tonight". Here, have a 30-minute loop of it. (SLYT) (Previously.)
    05 Apr 12:52

    John Mulaney Unveils First Preview of Fox’s MULANEY

    by Jake Kroeger

    Comedian John Mulaney‘s self-titled sitcom Mulaney, after being passed on by NBC, has now found its way to Fox. This show not only is being allowed to keep alive at another network, but is retaining its high profile cast around Mulaney that features the likes of Martin Short and Elliot Gould as well as SNL‘s Nasim Pedrad, very funny stand-up comedian Seaton Smith, and Zack Pearlman from The Inbetweeners.

    After numerous occasions at which Mulaney‘s fate seemingly hung in the balance, the very first preview was unveiled (at minute 28 of this clip) during John Mulaney’s appearance last night on Late Night with Seth Meyers. The sitcom, following “an up-and-coming comedian” named (you guessed it) “John Mulaney” who writes for a self-centered veteran comedian played by Martin Short, is one of the most anticipated shows on Fox’s upcoming slate.

    You should also note that in a TV world increasingly populated by single camera shows, Mulaney could potentially be the next great multi-cam sitcom.

    05 Apr 12:43

    Genius NPR April Fool’s Day post trolled jerks who comment before reading an article

    by Robyn Pennacchia
    Genius NPR April Fool’s Day post trolled jerks who comment before reading an article

    Everyone who writes on the internet has their own pet peeves when it comes to internet commenters. I, for one, really annoyed by people who comment “And I’m supposed to care why?” or “Who?” on silly posts about celebrities like they are being super sassy and clever and are the first person to do that ever. Seriously. If you are going to insult someone, at least be original and witty and not all “take my wife–please!” about it. I guess it specifically bothers me on days when I’ve spent hours writing about the super important shit that I know is never going to be as popular as a post about Farrah Abraham or what-have-you.

    My other pet peeve is people who don’t understand that there is a difference between straight journalism and an op-ed. I write op-eds, so when someone comments “This is so one sided! If you were a real journalist you would just give all sides and let me come to my own conclusion!” I think it’s kind of the funniest/saddest thing ever. Particularly since this seems to happen largely when I am writing about dumb conspiracy theories and fail to include the “evidence” that all our world leaders are totally Lizard People. In case you were at all confused, I am a blogger and not a “real journalist.” Real journalists also don’t make a ton of jokes or swear all the time.

    I am, of course, well aware of the “Don’t read the comments” maxim, but I tend to ignore it. Why? Because sometimes the comments are good, sometimes I learn something from them, and–quite honestly–if someone does take the time to thoughtfully or cleverly comment on something I’ve written, I feel I owe it to them to read that. And to thank them. I believe thoroughly in being gracious.

    Then, there is commenting before reading. Which is annoying, particularly when the comments complain about a point addressed in the piece itself. It does seem that people do not like the idea of having to read a whole entire article to get all the facts about something, and would much prefer that this were somehow all addressed in the headline.

    NPR pulled an amazing prank on people who make a nasty habit of doing this on April 1st. Normally I think April Fool’s pranks are the worst, but this is just gloriously satisfying.

    Post by NPR.

    The commenters went nuts, all bragging about how much they all read and how it was so totally unfair of NPR to judge them like that.

    NPR AprilFools3 Genius NPR April Fools Day post trolled jerks who comment before reading an article

    Except, if you actually clicked on the article, you got this SECRET MESSAGE:

     Genius NPR April Fools Day post trolled jerks who comment before reading an article


    Actually, I inadvertently did something similar on April 2nd, when I parodied an “Upworthy” style headline (and was super clear about it being a parody) and was immediately lambasted by some of our very own beloved Facebook commenters. Who apparently take “clickbait” so super seriously that no one is even allowed to joke about it.

    What’s the takeaway here? Read stuff before you comment, sure, but also be sure you know what you’re talking about before you open your mouth. Remember that, and thank me later when you don’t get trolled by NPR.

    h/t Mediaite

    05 Apr 12:27

    Siniestro Total: "Non se pode regalar todo; a xente non pretende que o fútbol sexa gratis"

    by Javier Ramajo

    O grupo galego anda de xira co seu novo traballo, 'Country & Western', e o seu líder, Julián Hernández, reflexiona sobre a música, a situación política ou os plans culturais do Goberno.