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12 May 15:18

Vistas de las obras de la torre de la Carraca

by Álvaro Ballesteros
Imágenes de cómo serán las nuevas visitas guiadas a la fachada del templo compostelano. Desde el andamio se tiene una gran panorámica de Santiago
12 May 15:16

ALL the Porn

by quin
12 May 15:16

The Fictional Country Quiz

by Miss Cellania

How well do you know made-up nations from pop culture? Buzzfeed has a quiz that gives you a fictional country and you have to match it with the movie, book, TV show, comic, or video game it comes from. I got about half right. Specifically, I got all the old ones right and blew the newer ones. I guess I expected Lower Slobbovia, Grand Fenwick, Elbonia, Oz, and Starvania to be on this list. You will do better!

12 May 14:47

The '90s alt-rock vocal hook supercut

by (biotv)
If you're a child of the 90's, you'll love this: Canada's music service CBC Music compiles some of the best non-lyrical vocal hooks from 1990s alternative rock hits.
The doot-doot-doos, whoa-ohs, na-na-nas, and ooh-oohs that defined a decade.

CBC Music
12 May 14:41

Weirdest and Most Unexplainable Pictures Ever

by A B

09 May 13:06

Amy Schumer Has a Heart-to-Heart Chat with a 106-Year-Old Woman

by Megh Wright
by Megh Wright

Here's a segment from last night's episode of Inside Amy Schumer, in which Amy interviews a lovely woman named Downing who has lived long enough to see the Great Depression as well as the point in time where women wearing pants became a permanent thing. It's both adorably hilarious and enlightening, and we can only hope that in another 70 years there will be a young lady of the future who interviews Schumer about the days women didn't get equal pay and the Twitter fad was in its prime.

09 May 11:14

i didn't feel bad.

by and they trembled before her fury
09 May 10:15

Watch ‘Bon Jovi’ the cat repeatedly maul his owner

by Maggie Serota
Watch ‘Bon Jovi’ the cat repeatedly maul his owner

Cat owner Kai Dunn loves his fluffy Maine Coon named “Bon Jovi” almost as much as Bon Jovi loves attempting to murder Kai Dunn. As the video of Dunn’s collected Vines will show, this little Shreddie Krueger loves trying to kill the person in charge of taking care of his every need.

Although Bon Jovi seems to draw Dunn’s blood on a daily, if not hourly basis, we think we’re on the cat’s side. For starters, Dunn can’t seem to keep a camera out of the little guy’s face. Also, the poor cat has to endure a lifetime with the name Bon Jovi when he clearly looks more like a Van Halen or a Black Sabbath.

07 May 11:48

Cast your vote

by rollick
Not sure who to vote for in this month's European Parliament elections? Find the party that best represents you at While you're there, play the game and find out how much you really know about EU politics.
07 May 11:28

Möbius Strip Table

by John Farrier

The Möbius strip table is cool-looking, but it takes forever to dust. I started at one end yesterday and I'm still not done!

Pierre Renart, a furniture designer in Paris, created this endless table. It's made of rosewood over carbon fiber.

-via Fubiz

07 May 11:26

The Wonder Woman Movie

by Miss Cellania

Hollywood is dancing all around to avoid saying that the reason there is no Wonder Woman movie is because she’s a woman. Dorkly is responsible for punching a hole in another excuse. Would you go see a superhero movie starring a female? Be honest, because the future of Wonder Woman, Black Widow, and other super comics heroines will hinge on your willingness to part with $20 or so to see them in theaters.

07 May 11:25

Dad Jokes

by Alex Santoso

In case you haven't noticed, dad jokes have evolved beyond "pull my finger" (ah, 'twas classic!). But as British painter and web phenom Hector Janse van Rensburg, better known by his nom de guerre Shitty Watercolour, shows us, they haven't evolved that much.

Take a look at three in his series of Dad Jokes (hopefully he'll produce more of these in the future!) that'll probably remind you of good ol' dad:

Has your dad ever made one of these jokes?

07 May 11:24

Game Of Thrones Pick-Up Lines

by Zeon Santos

When you come from a land like Westeros, which is full of brutality, slavery and the threat of death by dragon or frozen zombie, you don’t have time to master the subtle art of the pick up line. You need a more direct way to meet members of the opposite sex, ways to cut to the chase and show your prey that you're hungry like the wolf.

Imgur user GarthAlgar has come up with some rather creative ways to woo the apple of your eye in a series called (appropriately enough) Game of Thrones Pick-Up Lines, which includes gems like "Are your clothes a slave? Because I'd like to free you of them" and of course "Hodor? Hodor." because Hodor.

-Via Nerdist

07 May 11:12

Peluches de compañía para que los clientes no coman solos

by Pakus

moomin cafe

Si os toca viajar en el trabajo, seguro que os ha tocado comer solos en alguna ocasión y a veces es una sensación poco agradable. Para evitar ese sentimiento, un restaurante japonés llamado Moomin Café, ofrece peluches de compañía para que sus clientes no coman solos.

El sistema funciona así: Al entrar solo al Moomin Café, el camarero te ofrece la compañía de alguno de los peluches que se sienta contigo para que al comer no tengas la sensación de desasosiego producida al comer solo sin hablar con nadie. Hay muchos personajes para elegir, y además de para acompañarte durante la comida, los peluches también se venden.

peluche de compañíaDejando de lado que los peluches son simpáticos y pueden hacerte sonreir durante un minuto, a mí me parece una mala idea, ya que si lo piensas detenidamente, debe ser muy triste darse cuenta de que has recurrido a este sistema por no tener con quién comer.

En mi opinión, esta idea puede ser divertida para comidas con niños, en las que sentar a la mesa a alguno de los hipopótamos de Moomin será algo divertido, pero como solución para la soledad de los adultos, lo de comer en compañía de peluches creo que podría ser incluso contraproducente.

Tras el éxito de los cat-cafés donde puedes comer en compañía de gatos este formato japonés puede convertirse en un nuevo modelo de negocio. A mí no me veréis por allí, os lo aseguro. Y vosotros, ¿qué opináis de comer acompañados de un peluche?

Vía | Dangerous Minds Imágenes | Benelic y Dangerous Minds En Directo al Paladar | Restaurante el Rinconcillo. La verdad de la cocina en un gran restaurante sin estrella En Directo al Paladar | La Taberna del Río. Disfrutar de la buena comida en Córdoba con vistas al Guadalquivir

La noticia Peluches de compañía para que los clientes no coman solos fue publicada originalmente en Directo al Paladar por Pakus.

07 May 11:12

Nachos con carne. Receta

by Philippe Saez


nachos con carne

Seguimos esta semana con recetas básicas de la cocina casera mexicana con estos deliciosos nachos con carne hechos en casa que podrán preparar a su mamá este próximo Día de las Madres.

Los nachos se han convertido en un referente internacional de la comida para picar de origen mexicano. Se les puede encontrar en muchos países con sus variantes locales.

Hoy haremos estos nachos con carne recubiertos de una salsa pico de gallo y crema.

Los ingredientes:

Una bolsa de totopos, 250g de carne molida de res, un jitomate maduro, 1/2 cebolla chica, 200g de queso Manchego, Gouda o Chedar, 2 cucharadas de salsa pico de gallo, una cucharada de crema ácida, una cucharada de aceite vegetal.

La preparación:

Picar y sofreír la cebolla con el aceite vegetal en una sartén. Picar el jitomate y añadirlo a la cebolla. Revolver y agregar la carne molida. Revolver bien y dejar cocinar a fuego lento por unos 20 minutos o hasta que la carne esté bien cocida.

nachos con carne

Rallar el queso de su preferencia y colocarlo sobre la carne que todavía se encuentra en la sartén con la lumbre al mínimo. Esperar a que derrita el queso.

En un plato extendido colocar los totopos y verter encima cuidadosamente la carne con el queso ya derretido. Agregar la salsa pico de gallo y la crema ácida.

Servir estos nachos con carne como botana caliente, acompañados de su bebida favorita. Personalmente les recomendaría una cerveza clara fría o un vino blanco espumoso.

Directo al Paladar| Caldo de chile pasilla. Receta

La noticia Nachos con carne. Receta fue publicada originalmente en Directo al Paladar México por Philippe Saez.

07 May 11:11


by Ana Boyero


BSO: Nus Cuevas Esta feo que yo lo diga, pero a Gonzalo se le fue la cabeza con el gato. El médico nos acababa de confirmar que no podíamos tener hijos. Yo lo acepté mejor que él, y eso que era por mi culpa (síndrome de ovarios poliquísticos). Durante tres meses, Gonzalo volcó su frustración [...]
07 May 11:06

Caballo ganador

Hola, mi parte favorita de tener novi es que se corra dentro, así sin paños calientes ni nada, lo que estáis leyendo, TRACATRÁ. 

Joder que es muy guay el rollito ese de construir un mundo juntos y que la soledad mola mucha más cuando tienes a quien contársela pero a mí, lo que más de lo más me gusta de tener novi es follar y notar como se corre dentro y no, ESO no se puede hacer con todos, que ni la goma te aprieta ni sientes menos, flipau.

Pocas cosas me ponen más cerder que pedirle que me muerda fuerte el cuello justo antes de que se corra, dientes clavados y semen es orgasmo asegurado, ojo que es más mental que real tampoco ahora lo vayáis a flipar  creyendo se os sale chorrazo porque NO, de hecho cuando tras comérosla nos limpiamos la mano lamiéndola y mirándoos es más por gusto que porque caiga algo, el típico postureo de pro. Y nada, solo eso.

Moraleja: Titis, semen que no has de beber, no le hagas correr. ^^

07 May 11:02

The Power of the Press

by O.C.T.P.F.A.S.

IMG_4183Yesterday the Huffington Post reported on our adventures: Then so did Oyster Magazine: Then an Italian radio station’s website. Then Tucker Carlson’s The Daily Caller.

And lo and behold, we suddenly got inquiries from a whole bunch of cool women excited to discover that we exist and eager to join us at our next event. We couldn’t be more pleased. The word is spreading! And we can wait to meet our newest members.

Reminder: If you’re reading this and think you might enjoy taking part, drop us a note at toplesspulpfiction[AT]gmail[DOT]com. The summer is coming (slowly, but it’s coming). Wouldn’t you like to feel the warm sun and cool breeze on your breasts rather than an underwire or too-tight sports bra…?


06 May 22:37


by (Mr.Eliminator)

Over two and a half hours of funky Afro-influenced tracks from the 60s and 70s golden period of the seminal Discos Fuentes label in Colombia. 43 dancefloor hits in an irresistible mix of genres: Salsa, Cumbia, Boogaloo, Tropical Funk, Chicha.

AFRO 1                                AFRO 2


06 May 14:39


by Swollen Goods
05 May 22:24

Monday, May 5 @ 8:14:42 pm

by chocolateface

05 May 22:16

5 Ways Hoarders Think Differently Than Non-Hoarders

by Rachel Kramer Bussel

Ever since I started publicly claiming the label “hoarder,” I’ve had many people — including my current boyfriend (who I affectionately call a neat freak) — respond with some version of “why?” when I explain some of my hoarding tendencies, which led, at their worst, to me hiring a trash removal service when I moved from my home of 13 years. Even though hoarding was named its own disorder in the DSM-V last year, rather than a subset of OCD, it’s still often seen as something over-the-top and sensational, an utterly irrational way of existing. Now, I can’t explain what motivates every hoarder, such as the man who hoarded over 44,000 pieces of mail in Kentucky. But I do think we as a culture need to show hoarders more compassion than hatred. So here are 5 key ways I believe hoarders think fundamentally differently than non-hoarders.

1. Rather than asking, why keep it, we ask, why not keep it?

When my boyfriend and I moved recently, to me it was a no brainer to hold on to my very first computer, a Mac Color Classic, purchased in 1993 when I went to college. Firstly, I’d kept it this long, why give it away now? I’d been holding on to it for sentimental reasons — as I said, it was my first computer, and over 20 years later, I’m curious about unearthing my no doubt very juvenile thoughts that I took so seriously back then.

My boyfriend’s response, though, was, “You haven’t looked at it in all this time, and you probably never will. You don’t even have a way to turn it on.” Technically, he was right on the latter, and very likely, on the former. But still, it’s not like we didn’t have space — my new home has a basement, the first of my life. Why would I toss it? Those just weren’t good enough reasons to my mind. The same with my old cell phone, that I know buried in its depths has some text messages and old numbers that will remind me of who I was in my 20s. Even if I never turn those pieces of equipment on again, knowing I own them matters to me, because they remind me of who I was at previous stages of my life.

2. We like to be prepared.

Hoarders aren’t just keeping stuff for the sake of keeping it, though it may seem that way to outsiders. We keep stuff because we think it’s useful, either now or, it will be in the future. Maybe we know, deep deep down, that a given dress no longer fits, but someday we might be able to squeeze into it. It’s why I like buying in bulk — I never do it simply for the sake of “owning extra,” but because I’d rather know that I have enough padded envelopes or toilet paper or whatever it is to last for months. Unless an item is irreparably broken, I’m loath to get rid of it.

3. We see the potential in our stuff.

Similar to being prepared, we look beyond the surface and see what our stuff might be useful for someday in the future. For example, I own what’s probably thousands of books, and many people have told me, Well, you can always get the from the library or buy them as ebooks. Sure, but why would I do that when I own them right now? I clearly don’t pick up each of them every week or even every month, but if it’s a book I may go back and pick up, even if I haven’t touched it in a decade, I want to hold on to that possibility. I feel the same about heels that seemed perfect in the store and only wound up being worn once — if I liked them way back when, I may rediscover them at any point.

4. We like our stuff to be useful.

I do actually give things away, which is my preferred way of purging possessions. I hate throwing them directly in the garbage; it makes me feel guilty and wasteful, whereas if I donate clothes to Goodwill or books to a charity bookstore like Housing Works, I feel okay about it. So sometimes I hold on to things because I’m waiting to determine (or maybe meet) the perfect person to give a given object to, one who would truly appreciate it. This is often the most baffling thing for others to understand, because they see our stuff as impeding our lives, when what we want is for it to make our lives, or other people’s lives, better.

5. We don’t mind going to great lengths in the name of our stuff.

No, I haven’t gone so far as New Yorker Kevin McCrary, who GQ reports has resorted to sleeping on the street and church benches because there’s no room in his apartment for, well, him. I haven’t even rented a storage space. But I did sacrifice a lot in the depths of my hoarding mania — I slept on a mattress on the floor, rather than a proper bed, largely because bringing one in would have involved displacing the objects already littering the floor. I didn’t have any guests over for many years, lest they stop being my friend because I was a hoarder. I didn’t use my stove because I had stuff piled on and around it, and didn’t ask my landlord for help turning on my brand new refrigerator when it didn’t work, because I was afraid he’d evict me. I’m not saying I’m proud of those things, but they do show the lengths we’re willing to go to hold on to our hoards. TC mark

featured image – Shutterstock

05 May 22:07

Wombat Breeding Could Help Save a Species

by Andrew Bleiman

2 wombat

Taronga Zoo in Australia is celebrating the arrival of its second Southern Hairy-nosed Wombat joey in three years, a breeding success story that could also help the Critically Endangered Northern Hairy-nosed Wombat.

The female joey, which has been named Sydney, has just begun venturing outside mom Korra’s pouch at eight months old, to the delight of keepers and visitors.

3 wombat

1 wombat

4 wombatPhoto credit: Taronga Zoo

Keeper Brett Finlayson said the birth was particularly exciting as Southern Hairy-nosed Wombats are notoriously difficult to breed.

“Compatibility and timing seem to be crucial ingredients for success, as the female is only receptive to the male for a 12-hour window. Korra and our male, Noojee, have proven to be a great pairing as this is their second joey in three years,” said Brett.

See photos and learn more after the fold.

5 wombat

6 wombat

Discovering the successful “formula” to breed Southern Hairy-nosed Wombats is also seen as an important step towards saving their Critically Endangered cousin, the Northern Hairy-nosed Wombat, of which there only around 200 left in the wild.

“There’s no zoo-based breeding program for Northern Hairy-nosed Wombats at this time. However if we can perfect and apply what we learn from our breeding program here to Northern Hairy-nosed Wombats in the future, the ramifications for this critically endangered species could be immense,” said Brett.

05 May 22:06

Comics: Megg, Mogg, & Owl

by Simon Hanselmann

Welcome to the newest weekly strip in our ongoing mission to ramp up the number of comics on Thanks to the efforts of Nick Gazin, the man who lurked around the office giving us back rubs for so long we decided to make him art editor, we now have a recurring comic almost every day of the week! Today we are proud to present Megg, Mogg, and Owl, a new comic by Simon Hanselmann that will run on this website every Monday for forever.

05 May 22:03

The "vast wasteland", revisited

by Atom Eyes
"It wasn't the existence of new cult shows that left me befuddled, or even the tonnage of critical praise heaped on them. It was the hungry-hippo, remote-happy tone that continues to define this 'golden age of TV.' Kill Your Television has morphed into Love Your Television. I find this transformation deeply disorienting, but not in an old-person, out-of-touch kind of way. Because watching TV is an activity I associate with retirement homes, it feels more like the world around me has prematurely aged."

Stephen Colbert won't save us, "Game of Thrones" is not that good: This "golden age" of TV is a big sham — Salon's Alexander Zaitchik brashly pisses on the third rail of popular media criticism
05 May 21:46

Quedarse con las ganas, es de feas

Hola, ayer dijo Helentology “hay que ser muy cerder en el primer polvo con alguien porque puede que sea el ultimo y te quedes con ganas de mostrar de lo que eres capaz” y si no quedarte con las ganas no es madurar, yo ya no sé, NO SÉ.

Que en pleno siglo XXI se siga viviendo con el temor del qué dirán y no existan las espadas láser es alucinante, aunque no más que creer que follar es sinónimo de follar con cualquiera, en fins, a ver si ahora va a ser nuestra culpa que existan subnormales? Además ya te digo yo lo que dirán (si el tío es imbécil, claro) que eres una guarra, hagas lo que hagas, así que chica haz lo que te de la gana, lo que te haga sentir bien, que ni a todas nos mola tocar con la barbilla la tripa del susodicho cuando se la estamos chupando, ni follar a lo misionero es tan soso ( si el tío la tiene grande y gorda, el misionero es LO MÁS y follar a cuatro patas hace daño)

Moraleja: Titis, si te llaman puta piensa que ya has follado más que ellos. By OvejaAsesia

05 May 21:41

Cool Small Cat

by Reza


05 May 11:28

Study: Rude Salespeople Make You Want to Buy Fancy Things

by John Farrier

(Photo: zoetnet)

The social dynamics of a luxury goods store can be weird. As we noted two months ago, dressing like a slob at a high-end shop impressed salespeople. That's because the employees assumed that only a rich person would have the confidence to dress that way in public without feeling ashamed.

Unfortunately, you did not wear your old sweatpants to the fancy clothing boutique. You wore simple slacks and a button-down shirt, so the you can feel the heavy eyes of the salespeople on you, judging you as riffraff that rolled in from the local Walmart. They're rude to you.

What is your response? According to a study that will be published in an upcoming issue of the Journal of Consumer Research, you're more likely to buy expensive goods. That's because if the staff subtly tells you that you're not good enough, you may buy more in order to convince the staff that you really are high class. Dr. Darren Dahl of the University of British Columbia, the lead author of the article, explains:

"It appears that snobbiness might actually be a qualification worth considering for luxury brands like Louis Vuitton or Gucci," says Sauder Marketing Professor Darren Dahl. "Our research indicates they can end up having a similar effect to an 'in-group' in high school that others aspire to join."

For the study, participants imagined or had interactions with sales representatives – rude or not. They then rated their feelings about associated brands and their desire to own them. Participants who expressed an aspiration to be associated with high-end brands also reported an increased desire to own the luxury products after being treated poorly.

The effect only held true if the salesperson appeared to be an authentic representative of the brand. If they did not fit the part, the consumer was turned off. Further, researchers found that sales staff rudeness did not improve impressions of mass-market brands.

"Our study shows you've got to be the right kind of snob in the right kind of store for the effect to work," says Dahl.

-via Marginal Revolution

05 May 10:53

TWISTIN' RUMBLE!! Vol.9 & 10

by (Mr.Eliminator)

Joder. Si.

Killer new LPs of wacked-out and DANCEABLE 50s & early 60s slop!! R&B, titty-twisters, GO-GO mania, jungled exotica and many more. The Swingin'est Dance Party Ever! Only on Surfadelic, RUMBLE!!!


05 May 10:50


by (Mr.Eliminator)

A mellor introdución ao xénero, baixa aí!

"Northern Soul" was the name initially coined by UK soul aficionado Dave Godin to describe the kind of soul desired by customers from the North of England visiting his London record shop "Soul City". Up north, to begin with mainly in and around Manchester, a scene devoted to rare soul records had grown into something approaching a movement complete with unique clothing style, dance moves, fanatical followers and all-night raves. The music at the centre of it all was the soul groups and singers who more or less copied the remarkably successful sound of Motown, recording for a multitude of small labels largely unknown outside soul connoisseur circles from Okeh in New York to Mirwood in Los Angeles. The term has today, thanks in large part to world leading soul reissue label Kent and eBay sellers eager to satisfy a steady demand for Northern Soul rarities, gained widespread use outside the world of UK soul record collecting though it remains a very niche genre.
Northern Soul is often juxtaposed with its more serious down home brother Southern Soul and it is important to keep in mind that while "Southern" refers to where the bulk of the music was recorded, "Northern" refers to where the fan scene developed in the North of England. It so happens that most Northern Soul was recorded in the Northern United States (Detroit, Chicago, Philadelphia and New York especially) but that is a coincidence. [RYM]

The sometimes dubious task of Northern soul compilations is to distinguish what an accurate representation of the movement really sounded like and what is just a simple throwaway compilation laced with minor hits that may have had a few spins at the movement's major clubs. But The Best Northern Soul All-Nighter...Ever! strips away the guesswork and presents a diverse look at a rather large history. It's a fairly comprehensive survey for newer fans of the genre who want a balanced blend between the obscure classics that have collectors paying top dollar (Frank Wilson's "Do I Love You" has seen five-figure sums at auction houses and is considered one of the most rare records on the circuit) and the pop chart hits (by Jackie Wilson, Edwin Starr, Curtis Mayfield, and the Isley Brothers, just to name a few) that made their way from the all-nighter dancefloors to the commercial markets. [Rob Theakston]


SOUL 1                              SOUL 2