Shared posts

30 May 13:48

Re-Thinking the Game of Monopoly

by reenum
K. Mike Merrill at BigThink has some ideas on how to modernize Monopoly while helping players better understand the nature of our financial system.
30 May 13:44

Baa Baa Black Sheep, have you any, uh... wool?

by ovvl
The Age of Uncertainty, A Personal View by John Kenneth Galbraith was a 12 (or 15) part documentary mini-series about the fickle art of economics, co-produced by the BBC, CBC, KCET & OECA, and broadcast on television in 1977. Galbraith's dry Scottish Canadian wit, and the 70's-style art-direction, are worth viewing for those who like this sort of thing. The parody corporate videos for the Conglomerate UGE anticipated some of the ideas explored later in the 2003 documentary The Corporation. Some parts will seem dated, considering that this series was produced in the thick of The Cold War, before the rise of Reaganomics, Thatcherism, The Fall of the Berlin Wall, the rise of the EU, yuan, electronic transfers, etc. The basic insights about the instability of financial markets are still real, as always.

1.The Prophets and Promise of Classical Capitalism
2.The Manners and Morals of High Capitalism
3.The Dissent of Karl Marx
4.The Colonial Idea
5.Lenin and the Great Ungluing
6.The Rise and Fall of Money
7.The Mandarin Revolution
8.The Fatal Competition
9.The Big Corporation
10.Land and People
11.The Metropolis
12.Democracy, Leadership, Commitment
13.Weekend in Vermont, 1
14.Weekend in Vermont, 2
15.Weekend in Vermont, 3

Weekend in Vermont is a curious symposium/home-movie which was added onto this series.
Henry Kissinger drops by for a visit.

Of course, not everyone loves the ideas of left-leaning liberal economists.
Milton Friedman responded with his own 1980 Conservative Economics Television Documentary Mini-Series:
Free to Choose.
20 May 22:11

¿Dónde está Toby, el niño de Dentro del Laberinto?

by administrador


¿Os acordáis de Labyrinth (Dentro del Laberinto)? Esta es sin duda una de las cumbres del cine fantástico ochentero, una película protagonizada casi exclusivamente por marionetas de Jim Henson en la que seguíamos la gran aventura de Sarah, una adolescente interpretada por Jennifer Connely que tenía que adentrarse en un mundo de fantasía para rescatar a su pequeño hermano Toby, que había sido secuestrado por el Rey de los Goblins, interpretado por David Bowie.


Todos sabemos cómo han transcurrido las carreras de David Bowie y Jennifer Connely, pero Toby Froud, el bebé de apenas un año que interpretó a Toby, el hermanito de Sarah, solamente se puso ante las cámaras de cine en aquella ocasión.

Toby es hijo de Brian Froud, que trabajó en esta película como diseñador de vestuario. Ahora se dedica al cien por cien al diseño de marionetas, incluso ha llegado a trabajar en el taller de los Muppets de Nueva York. Sin duda el rodaje de esta película le ha marcado positivamente para toda la vida.

Toby_froud03 Toby_froud02


The post ¿Dónde está Toby, el niño de Dentro del Laberinto? appeared first on Teenage Thunder.

20 May 22:05

Twins all grown up, naked in ‘The Shining’ porn parody

by Brian Abrams
Twins all grown up, naked in ‘The Shining’ porn parody

You’d think after all the love (in the form of press coverage) that we’ve sent smut parody auteur Lee Roy Myers over the years, we’d expect the “SpongeBob SquareNuts” director to reciprocate in an inappropriately awesome way, e.g. dispatching cast members to our studio apartments. But the truth is, we’re grateful for his art. Name one other Canadian-born pornographer who currently lives in Las Vegas and is capable of churning out quality humor sleaze at such a rapid pace. You can’t.

And so we have to appreciate Myers’s work as it comes. Whether in the form of “horny Tolkien fan boy fantasies” or a dirty dig at Jerry Seinfeld’s superfluous web series or “Here’s The Shining,” an erotic photo gallery of Stanley Kubrick’s creepy would-be twins as nubile adults, they all deserve a nod. I don’t think he needs to do any favors. Do you?

See more photos [NSFW] of Myers’s erotic interpretation of “The Shining” here.

top15 Twins all grown up, naked in The Shining porn parody
Woodrocket [link NSFW]

20 May 20:47

Giving the World Cup to Qatar Was a Really Stupid Idea

by Alice Speri
Giving the World Cup to Qatar Was a Really Stupid Idea
20 May 20:36

Kate Monro Is the Grand Oracle of Losing Your Virginity

by Amelia Abraham

All illustrations courtesy of Kate Monro

A couple of years ago, Kate Monro quit her job in marketing so she could spend her time talking to people about losing their virginity. Once she'd gathered enough stories from a wide range of people spanning the past eight decades, she wrote them all down and put them into a book, Losing It: How We Popped Our Cherry Over the Last 80 Years.

Those stories include the firsthand account of a married man who hasn’t had sex because he prefers to be punished; the words of a woman who refuses to acknowledge that her first sexual experience was with her doctor; and the story of a man with disabilities who paid for his first sexual experience but enjoyed the post-coital cuddle more than the act itself.

The book manages to demonstrate the huge variety of stuff that bones people up and moistens vaginas, while also—unsurprisingly, given it's about people dropping their V-cards—making for a pretty fascinating read. I wanted to find out the story behind the stories, so I asked Kate some questions about poking her nose into other people’s sex lives and what she thinks tales of virginity loss ultimately tell us about ourselves.

VICE: Hi, Kate. What compelled you to start asking people about how they lost it?
Kate Monro: I loved the idea of exploring modern culture via first-person stories of first sexual experiences. Also, I figured that if I had questions about what people get up to behind closed doors, I might not be alone.

Why is virginity loss such a big deal to us?
There are valid and traditional reasons as to why it’s a big deal. In days gone by, if you were a Western female and not "intact," you could be in real trouble—and let's not forget that it’s still the same for many of the world’s women, even today. But for those of us lucky enough not to be judged by our sexual status, a lot of the people I interviewed saw virginity loss as a really important step between childhood and adulthood.

What did you learn from writing the book?
One thing I found out is that you’ll never know how many normal, attractive people have not lost their virginity until you write a book about it. The story about the married man in his 40s who's still a virgin was the story that stopped everybody in their tracks, including me. Some are too nervous or scared, and it becomes "a thing." Some don’t get around to it—the timing is wrong and it feels too late to try to start. My blog, The Virginity Project, became a voice for these people because there is no place in society for them to exist.

What did you learn about yourself while writing the book?
When you’re talking at a certain level of intimacy with people, they will drop things into the conversation that you’re not expecting. One woman told me that, as a teenager in the 1950s, her male GP had shown her how to masturbate.

You have to learn to control your emotions at moments like that, because, actually, she came from an era in which people knew very little about sex compared with today. And while she was confused about this experience, she also felt strangely liberated by it. As she said, "I had never done this to myself. This was something strange and new. As a result, I learned to masturbate, and it was a complete and utter revelation to me." That was the way she chose to frame the experience, and it didn’t feel right to burst that bubble for her, particularly as she was now an elderly lady.

Sometimes you interviewed people you already knew. Was that awkward?
People were constantly surprising me, and I learned not to prejudge, because you never know which sweet old friend-of-a-friend is going to sit across a table from you and tell you in the most casual way imaginable that he lost his virginity at age 13 in the summer of 1959 to two sisters who were 15 and 16. Generally speaking, I found this older generation so much less Victorian than we imagine they were. They were motivated by exactly the same hormones as we are today.

Was that the most surprising story you heard?
One of my most memorable surprises was the stay-at-home dad. His wife is the breadwinner and she also has a penchant for pegging. Pegging, as I learned, is the act of anally penetrating a man with a dildo. So while he "took" her virginity when they were first together, years later she took a special type of virginity from him.

His observations on this were priceless. "I'd come as close as I ever will to experiencing what Georgina had experienced the first time I screwed her," he said. "This was not like my first experience all those years ago, from which I took away feelings of power and exhilaration. To the contrary, this mostly involved powerlessness—being pursued, penetrated, and under the control of another person. But it was a mind-blowing orgasm, the likes of which I'd never experienced before."

So what does this tell us about the power dynamic between men and women when it comes to sex?
I learned something about the delicate balance between physical and mental power for men and women. He also told me that his wife “felt surprised at how easily I'd let her do what she was doing, and in a way lost some respect for me. I was surprised by that and a little angry that that was how she felt. After all, I'd just done what she wanted me to."

There tends to be a genuine sense of physical vulnerability about virginity loss for a woman, though. It’s a big deal, to let another person into your body for the first time—whether that’s how you define your "first time" or not—and I’m not sure that people always appreciate what a major act of trust that is and why it shouldn’t be undertaken lightly.

But interestingly, it’s also usually the woman who dictates if the deal goes down in the first place. The male virgins I encounter—the ones who are desperate for that first time to happen—are having a much harder time than the women because the women know that, if push comes to shove, they can nearly always find a willing man to have sex with for the first time. It doesn’t always work the other way around. Women really hold the cards in that respect.

Your book spans stories of virginity loss over the last 80 years. Has our attitude toward it changed in that time?
The word "virgin" was chucked around like an insult when I was a teenager, whereas I think today’s youth are slightly less encumbered by the term, mostly because of the internet. On the one hand, we all know now that there are a million-and-one different ways to have a sexual encounter that doesn’t involve penetrative sex. So we are much freer to define the idea of virginity loss on our own terms.

But there's so much unrealistic pornography on the internet that, like it or not, has become the default sex education for a lot of young people. While I’m not knocking hairless people who want to "take it hard up the ass," I really think that now, more than ever, it feels right to uncover the truth about what men and women really think and feel about their sexual lives and experiences, and share that information with a wider audience.

Why did you decide to include your own story in the book?
I told it partly because it was the inspiration to write the book and explore the subject matter in the first place, but also because in some small way I wanted to repay the favor to the people who had sat and painstakingly told me their own stories. It seemed like the least I could do. Weirdly, I never considered for a moment that I might feel odd about telling my story publicly, but the day it was published in a magazine article, a little bit of me felt like staying indoors. It’s such an exposing story.

How did you define virginity loss before writing Losing It, and how would you now after writing the book?
If you’d asked me beforehand, I would have stuck to a conventional definition of virginity loss and gone with the first act of penetration, but I see now that that is such a load of dull patriarchal bollocks. Sure, it’s a big thing—that moment can be one of the most intimate experiences you’ll share with a partner. But sex can be a whole series of intimate and meaningful moments.

As an interviewee once said to me, "After a few months of sleeping with my boyfriend, I started to feel the twinges of a possible orgasm. And then he made me come. That’s when I really started to lose my virginity." That is an incredibly significant moment in a woman’s life. Why is that less meaningful or important than the very first sex act?

In the end, what matters most is that lots of us can now define our experiences in the way that we want to, and not the way someone else wants us to—and that is a really great thing.

Thanks, Kate.

Losing It: How We Popped Our Cherry Over the Last 80 Years is published by Icon Books.


20 May 20:35

Comics: Megg, Mogg, & Owl - Part 3

by Simon Hanselmann

Click here for last week's episode

20 May 12:54


by cequelinhos

A palabra quintana non existe no galego estándar. O dicionario da Real Academia Galega non trae esta palabra, as nosas autoridades lingüísticas consideran que quintana é un castelanismo.

Si aparece quintana como substantivo común nos dicionarios piares da nosa lexicografía: o Estraviz, o Eladio e o Franco Grande. Nos tres ten un significado claro: adro situado ao redor dunha igrexa que servía de cemiterio. Velaí o caso da praza da Quintana de Santiago, antigo cemiterio (a Quintana de Mortos), tan ampla hoxe que ten unha parte tamén de vivos.

Curiosamente, en castelán a quintana non ten ese significado, senón que define un tipo de edificación rural de orixe medieval na que os colonos ou servos debían pagarlle ao señor ou propietario unha quinta parte dos froitos que recollesen das terras que cultivaban.

En galego esa é a orixe da palabra quinta, que hoxe simplemente define unha propiedade rural que amais de casa ten terras de labradío ao redor. “Herdou unha quinta na Terra Chá que era da súa avoa”.

A palabra quintá tampouco aparece no dicionario da RAG e pásalle un pouco coma a quintana. Está moi presente na toponimia e tamén aparece nos principais dicionarios históricos. Quintá significa pequeno bosque mais tamén define unha quinta de tamaño máis pequeno. As quintás son tamén unhas febres intermitentes, que aparecen de cinco en cinco días, común nalgunhas enfermidades infecciosas, especialmente o paludismo.

Do meu punto de vista, quintana, quinta e quintá son palabras completamente galegas que deberiamos empregar acotío. Están moi presentes na nosa historia e na nosa xeografía.

20 May 12:09

Why Can’t Grindr Be For Women?

by Rachel Hodin

Here are two Youtube videos: one where a girl asks 100 guys to sleep with her and another where a guy asks 100 girls to sleep with him. Not one girl agreed to have sex with the guy, while hardly any of the guys didn’t turn down the opportunity to have sex with the girl. These results seem to reflect our current state of dating and the dating websites we use — or, more specifically, why there’s only Grindr for men, and not for women.

Overall, the videos seem to suggest: men will fuck anything that walks; women have much higher standards when it comes to the people they’ll have sex with; and most significantly, men are entirely capable of having casual sex, while women are not.

But is this really true — that an average man’s default state of emotions is wholly unconnected to and unfazed by his sexual activity? Literature would seem to suggest otherwise; Clive James in Cultural Amnesia argues this with one of literature’s first main event: “Troy burned because Paris was smitten by Helen’s beauty.” Alexander Pope, too, James goes on, was deeply hampered and debilitated by his all-consuming infatuation with women,

Pope’s poetry might seem to scorn courtly love, but the poet’s mockery of trivial young ladies is a clear attempt to offset the boggling effect of their beauty on a mind deprived of the bodily means to do anything else about it.

As was Goethe supremely affected by his love for Ulrike Von Levetzow,

The tendency for the love object to grow younger as the genius grows older was exemplified with embarrassing clarity by Goethe, who was in his seventy-fourth year when he fancied his chances with the nineteen-year-old Ulrike von Levetzow…The greater the mind, the bigger the fool.

Yet somehow, as we have evolved, so too has this image of man’s overwhelming obsession with woman. The image we have comfortably grown into today is one that’s more made of utter complacency towards intimacy and affection than anything else.

In his opening monologue for SNL this year, Louis CK lamented the state of guys right now, some of whom his daughters will soon begin to date,

I was talking to my friend and he said his girlfriend is mad at him and I said, ‘What happened?’ And he said, ‘Well I guess I, uh, said something. And then she, uh, got her feelings hurt.’ Such a weird way to phrase it: she got her feelings hurt. It’s like saying, ‘Yeah, I shot this guy in the face. And then I guess he got himself murdered.’

Louis paints a picture of a man whose emotions are not only not to blame, but are actually moot — they don’t even exist. A look at recent history, however, would seem to suggest that’s not true of all men. In the past couple years, we’ve seen an inordinate number of male politicians all but demolish their careers because they couldn’t restrain their urges with women who weren’t their wives. If men can so easily separate their emotions from sex as effortlessly as everyone claims, surely it should not have been so hard for these men — as it patently was — to stop themselves from destroying their careers.

On last night’s Mad Men, we finally saw some real concerns with existing gender roles. As Peggy was trying to come up with an idea for their client, “Burger Chef,” talking aloud and detailing the pristine family image they were attempting to portray, she finally had the impulse to stop and question herself, “Does this family exist anymore?…Are there people who eat dinner and smile at each other instead of watching tv?” Peggy knew, all along, that this image was false; she just had to let it surface on her own terms.

Obviously our society’s gender roles are not as sexist and isolating as they once were, but to this day the majority still does maintain that all women ever really want is monogamy and a faithful husband, despite the fact that most of the actual research doesn’t corroborate this claim.

In The Cut, Terri Conley addresses men,

The reason women are turning you down for casual sex seems to be that, for one thing, a lot of you are calling them sluts afterward. A lot of you aren’t bothering to try to be good in bed. Until you can try to get that under control, it’s kind of hard to take seriously all these complaints about not having access to casual sex. It’s largely a product of your own behaviors.

In another piece, Ann Friedman says, “Long-term monogamy actually saps women’s sex drives,” and “[Daniel] Bergner makes a pretty strong case that women are socially, not biologically, discouraged from initiating and enjoying sex.”

Broad City is one of the only shows out there that’s made a clearly concerted effort to portray women accurately — by which I mean, according to actual research; again, in The Cut, Terri Conley remarks,

I would talk to journal editors about [whether or not monogamy is best for us], and they’d say, Everyone knows that non-monogamy doesn’t work, we did a lot of research on that before. Okay, so, where is that research? I can’t find it.

On the show, Ilana is casually hooking up with Lincoln (Hannibal Buress), and, in a wild twist, it’s Lincoln who wants to settle down with Ilana, and Ilana who wants to have fun and not be tied down. Perhaps Ilana is able to pursue this lifestyle so easily because of the blatant lack of terms like “slut” said on the show.

With Monica Lewinsky’s recent reemergence into the public also came her declaration that she was abandoned by feminists during the height of her scandal. She wrote,

The movement’s leaders failed in articulating a position that was not essentially anti-woman during the witch hunt of 1998. In the case of the New York Supergals, it should not have been that hard for them to swoon over the president without attacking and shaming me. Instead, they joined the humiliation derby.

Lewinsky was dubbed a slut and “Sluts” are sometimes a murky area for hardcore feminists. It’s sad to think that, since that scandal, Clinton’s image has only progressed, becoming increasingly more faultless, while Lewinsky’s image has only gotten worse (if not forgotten entirely). The story, as we look back on it, goes like this: Clinton had sex with her, snubbed her, and then forgot about her. As we see it, he had all the power. But why? She was the one who, singlehandedly, almost dismantled his entire presidency. Oftentimes, a woman is much more powerful than she realizes. TC mark


20 May 12:07

Is Apple Sexist For Rejecting Female Masturbation App?

by Jim Goad
"Happy," the "Friendly Neighborhood Vulva," from

“Happy,” the “Friendly Neighborhood Vulva,” from


Would Steve Jobs have had a problem with women giving themselves hand jobs?

Apple Computer, which likely has facilitated and enabled billions of jack sessions and hookups worldwide, has now cast a dark and sinister shadow on female self-pleasuring and feminine orgasmic self-empowerment by rejecting the HappyPlayTime app from its iTunes stores worldwide.

What’s worse, they have done it during International Masturbation Month. Coincidence?

According to the HappyPlayTime website, this crowd-funded app and its adorable bouncing pink-vulva mascot named “Happy” are “designed to eliminate the stigma around female masturbation”:

Loving your body, in every way, is not a sin. No more shame, no more secrets. This little vulva is on a mission: to free the world from a silly social stigma.

On May 13, Apple sent a rejection notice to the app’s developer, citing some archaic and discredited patriarchal rules about how “Apps that present excessively objectionable or crude content will be rejected” and how “Apps containing pornographic material…will be rejected.”

I am SO SICK of such mansplaining, I swear I could smash my iMac right now. If you could see me right now, you’d know that I’m shaking my damn head.

After all we’ve been through as a nation—I mean, like, Martin Luther King and Take Back the Night and Occupy Wall Street and Nelson Mandela and The Bee Gees and the Black Panthers and Jackie Robinson and Gloria Steinem—this is clearly a sign that there is much more progress yet to be made. I believe that the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards the clitoris and stimulates it. I may not get there with you, but I want you to know tonight that we as a people will get to the clit, come hell or high water.

For now, women with iPhones are left out in the cold, unless they want to set the ringer on “Vibrate” and have a friend call them hundreds of times in a row. TC mark

20 May 11:57

Bolsa buena de propaganda tiene un valor incalculable para una madre

by Kike García
Señalando que “es muy aparente”, una madre de Tarragona prestó ayer a uno de sus hijos una bolsa de plástico de propaganda que, según el testimonio de la mujer, podría tener un valor incalculable. “No solo se mostró reacia a prestármela sino que me repitió mil veces que no la...... Leer más
20 May 10:49


by Keanu alikante

Richard Stark es el seudónimo utilizado por Donald E. Westlake para firmar su serie de novelas protagonizadas por Parker.
Con El cazador se inicia la adaptación al cómic de la serie de novelas de Richard Stark (Donald E. Westlake) protagonizadas por Parker. Westlake, fallecido en diciembre de 2008, tuvo tiempo de ver los trabajos preliminares de Darwyn Cooke (The Spirit) para la adaptación de sus novelas, con los que se mostró entusiasmado.
Los cómics han recibido tres premios Eisner y un Harvey (al mejor guionista y dibujante y mejor novela gráfica).

Idioma: Español.
Editorial: Astiberri – IDW 
Guion: Darwyn Cooke 
Dibujo: Darwyn Cooke 
Tradumaquetadores: Jiman, ooooo, Jbabylon5 (CRG)
Archivos: 3 Tomos 
Formato: CBR
Tamaño: 176.3 Mb

El cazador es la historia de un atracador que se enfrenta al submundo criminal de Nueva York con toda la sutileza de un impacto de escopeta en el pecho. 

Abandonado por la mujer que amaba y traicionado por su compañero de fechorías, Parker se abre camino a través del país con un único propósito en mente: vengarse fría y brutalmente, y reclamar todo aquello que le arrebataron.
P00001 - Parker - El cazador

Tras arreglar las cuentas con los que le habían traicionado, Parker, el truhán surgido de la pluma de Richard Stark (seudónimo de Donald Westlake), se ha arreglado la cara y disfruta de las comodidades de la vida alojándose en buenos hoteles. Hasta que un chivato lo descubre ante La Compañía para conseguir la recompensa. 

El intento de eliminarle sale mal y Parker recurre a diversos contactos de los bajos fondos que le deben favores para ir a por la cabeza de la organización que quiere quitarle de en medio.
P00002 - Parker - la compañía

Parker, el truhán surgido de la pluma de Richard Stark (seudónimo de Donald Westlake), reúne la mejor docena de delincuentes que puede encontrar para dar su golpe más ambicioso: toda una ciudad. 

El equipo montado por Parker planea, prepara y ejecuta su plan con precisión militar sin percatarse de que todo está a punto de estallar en su propia cara.
P00003 - Parker - El golpe - Darwy


    20 May 10:49

    To her friend...

    by (MRTIM)

    19 May 19:32

    These Photos Of Red Pandas Will Make Your Day Infinitely Better

    by Michael Koh
    Red pandas are a threatened species with an estimated 10,000 adults living in the wild. Their population is declining due to deforestation and poaching (even though they are a protected species in countries where they are found.

    @CutieAnimaIs: Me on Mondays” red paNDAS YAS

    — princess lisa (@LeslieFitz23) May 19, 2014

    SNOW FIGHT, SNOW FIGHT! | If These Red Pandas Can Enjoy The Snow Then You Should, Too

    — Animal Pictures (@bestfunnyanimal) May 19, 2014

    Splendid day, I love red pandas #redpanda #drusillas

    — Jess Stanford (@Jessiflaa) May 18, 2014

    Idk what to say so have a nice pic Red pandas are great

    — Games Yo (@GamerSon87) May 17, 2014

    From now on I feel I should only express myself through red pandas. Current thoughts on revision:

    — Ellie Booth (@eboothio) May 16, 2014

    red pandas are dope

    — b r y n (@nomorecandy4u) May 14, 2014

    Thirsty for news? @WGNNews Send a crew over to @Dryhopchicago and raise a pint for #redpandas w/ @lincolnparkzoo :-)

    — Red Panda Network (@RedPandaNetwork) May 7, 2014

    #devonhour paignton zoo red pandas

    — steven underhill (@torbaydesign) May 7, 2014

    "@amazinwildlife: Ever wondered how red pandas sleep" And that would be Good Night, sweet people! Love you xxx

    — ♕Yamina♕ (@Juliet3012) April 29, 2014

    There are about 2,500 to 2,000 red pandas left in the wild. Such a shame.. Beautiful creatures.

    — Planet Earth (@planetepics) April 11, 2014

    39 Ridiculously Cute Red Pandas To Waste Your Time With: via @500px #cute

    — 500px (@500px) April 10, 2014

    OMG red pandas in the snow FOLLOW SO HARD

    — Joel Pavelski (@joelcifer) February 3, 2014

    The Red Pandas can't wait to meet you @BJLaflin and your sports pro family! #endangeredspecies

    — Red Panda Network (@RedPandaNetwork) January 1, 2014

    Only 10,000 Red Pandas left! This beautiful animal is often killed in snares set for other animals!

    — Dan (@DanHere77) November 22, 2013

    Red Pandas, Lincoln Children's Zoo – National Geographic Photo of the Day by Joel Sartore

    — Sonja Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ♥●• (@Sojanna) October 7, 2013

    In Thursday's #NWWN – All together now, aaaaaahhhhh! Two baby red pandas born @WelshMountainZo

    — NorthWalesWeeklyNews (@NWWeeklyNews) October 2, 2013

    Birmingham Zoo excited over baby red pandas –

    — WAFF 48 (@waff48) July 2, 2013

    #mammaltweet Red pandas will sunbathe on high ground to warm up when cold. There's a red panda here: @bezukhova

    — Laura Del Rey (@isawfireworks) September 19, 2013

    Dublin Zoo welcomes baby red pandas!

    — SPIN 1038 (@spin1038) September 12, 2013

    Red Pandas are some of the cutest things I've ever seen in my life

    — Lewis Price (@lewisprice95) July 10, 2013

    RT if you like red #pandas … via @EarthActivists

    — Irina Tikhomirova (@IrinaGreenVoice) June 25, 2013

    Check out the Red Panda Network to find out how you can help save red pandas! TC mark

    19 May 10:12

    The Pros And Cons Of Living With Big Boobs

    by Caity Mae

    Boobies. Tits. Breasts. Bosoms. Jugs. Sweater Stretchers. Knockers. Amen.

    There is a certain splendor that comes with big boobs. Like having a majestic mountain range on your chest. With your great titties, you wear, like a badge of honor, the mightiest symbols of womanhood, capable of both nurturing offspring and driving a man mad with lust. Your ample bosom embodies all that it is to be a woman: maternal softness, feminine curves, and bold sexuality. Like the figurehead of some glorious ship, your boobies make a statement to the world, “I am woman”.

    My pride in my boobs borders on all-consuming adoration. I developed early and have proudly been a D cup since I was in 6th grade. With my immaculate set of perfectly rounded, perky orbs came confidence and joy. I have worn them proudly all my life and have allowed myself to be empowered by them. They are, in a way, my spiritual totems from which I draw my womanly power. But, with great rack comes great responsibility. There are definitely ups and downs to living the #BigTitLife (please don’t make this a thing, I hate hashtags and was only trying to use it ironically… oh god, what have I done?) This one’s for all my comrades in bras, my busty soul sisters.


    You give the best hugs

    Basically, you have two giant pillows attached to your chest; warm, squishy pillows that are made for comfort. They bring joy to all those who know your embrace. When my friends and I were navigating the savage jungle that is high school, I would often let my friends cry into my cleavage, as I patted their head soothingly. I don’t mean to brag, but my breasts had the power to help people get over breakups.

    Filling out your clothes

    There is nothing as satisfying as pulling on a tee shirt and seeing your hourglass figure come into shape. Your boobs are lovingly hugged and defined by the fabric, instantly turning a simple tee into a sexy outfit choice. But wait, there’s more! Benefits that come with boobies and fashion include: Being able to hold up a strapless top, being a total babe in a bikini, lingerie looking even more sexy on you, sultry cleavage in dresses, and many, many more.

    Sweet, sweet lovin’

    Men worship a good set of breasts. All those gentle caresses and firm squeezes. The fact that just about any view of your naked body is a damn good one with those beautiful, luscious curves. What man doesn’t want to roam those hillsides? (Bonus points for the fact that we can actually tit-fuck!)

    Hours of entertainment

    Your boobs are more than just growths on your chest. They are your own personal stress balls. Give them a light squeeze now and then, bounce them in your hands just because you can and it’s fun! Pretend they’re chest-mounted machine guns and save America from evil space monsters! The possibilities are endless! Fun Fact: Lightly squeezing your breasts on a regular basis has been proven to help prevent breast cancer.

    Convenience built right in

    It’s raining and you’ve got an open cup of coffee and no umbrella! No problem, your boobs will shelter your meticulously crafted drink. Snacking on the couch as you binge watch “Girls”? You’ve got your very own shelf attached to your chest that is perfectly equipped for resting plates/bags of food on.


    Kids grab them

    Children of all ages seem to have a fascination with boobs. The fact that I won’t hold your new baby is only partially due to the fact that I hate kids. The truth is, taking an infant into my arms is basically asking for a drooling mouth to try and latch onto my chest, or at least for a greedy little hand to attempt to pull down my shirt. You can always count on an adorable little girl to loudly proclaim, “Mommy! Her boobies are even bigger than yours!!” as you stand behind her in line at the grocery store or for some pre-teen to ogle you at the public pool.

    Wardrobe malfunctions

    As fun as boobs are for filling out certain clothes, there’s an abundance of problems that come with trying to outfit a large chest. Button up shirts leave you with huge gaps, flowy tops hang off you like an unflattering tent, and even the slightest V-neck shows off your porn star cleavage in a very brazen way. It’s tough finding clothes that are both trendy and capable of containing the bold and bouncing party on your chest. From the bra to the raincoat, every layer presents its own problems

    Magnets for spillage

    If it can spill, it will spill, directly onto your chest. Big boobs are magnets for spaghetti sauce, taco fillings, and drinks of all sorts and kinds. It is just the way.

    Attracting too much attention

    As I mentioned earlier, with great rack comes great responsibility. Having a glorious bosom draws attention, both good and bad. Unfortunately, big boobs have kind of a bad reputation amongst the ranks of women. In the world of girl-on-girl hate, the bigger the boobs the dumber/sluttier you must be. It’s a pretty vicious assumption. What’s worse are the men in clubs that think that it’s okay to grab a big handful of stranger titty, just because they are there. As fun as it can be to be the girl with the fabulous rack, it also opens you up to a world that is rife with danger.

    You’ve got to stay in shape, but if you’re of the busty set things can be challenging. Ever been suffocated by your own boobs in a yoga class? Forget about running. Even if you can manage to find a sports bra that can hold down your free-spirited breasts, the sheer weight of their existence is enough to make your back break. TC Mark

    19 May 09:49

    man cave

    by kris


    jen had a little trouble “adjusting” so she’s mostly at her mother’s house with the kids these days. hey anybody want to gather kindling and help me put mud on this wound

    19 May 09:38

    elpliego: Hermanamiento de Lugo y Ferrol, 1957.


    Hermanamiento de Lugo y Ferrol, 1957.

    19 May 09:36

    La fiscal reprocha a los ediles de Santiago que «sabían que era un caso de corrupción»

    by La Voz
    El juicio ha quedado visto para sentencia. La fiscal pide inhabilitación especial para siete concejales de Santiago y el abogado, la libre absolución, basándose en informes técnicos. Los concejales han insistido en que el pago estaba condicionado a la inocencia de Varela. La portavoz María Pardo considera que la petición del pago de su defensa fue «un error político enorme»

    18 May 20:27

    Crescent City Bounce, From Blues To R&B In New Orleans (4CD)

    by Jillem
    18 May 20:26

    The Sonics "Boom" (1966/1999 Expanded re-issue)

    by (RYP)
    While it might not be the mainline shot of rock & roll that was their debut, the Sonic's second studio full-length, released in 1966, is a stellar album in its own right. BOOM, which alludes to both the band's regional origins and the inspiration for their name (the Pacific Northwest being a fabled testing ground for Boeing jets), contains raw garage-rock originals such as "Cinderella" and "The Hustler"; punked up versions of "Jenny Jenny Jenny" and "Don't You Just Know It"; and a howling, scorched-earth take on the definitive anthem for rock-&-roll delinquency "Louie Louie." The Sonics embodied everything rock & roll was and is still about: taking the most primal and carefree aspects of being alive and providing them with a musical avatar. Three chords never sounded so truthful.The Sonics' second album is every bit as explosive and influential as their debut outing, loaded with gritty Northwest rock & roll. Sandwiched in between the abrasive classics of "Cinderella" and "Don't Be Afraid of the Dark" (with the Wailers on backing vocals), the funk sass of "The Hustler" and "Shot Down," the demonic "He's Waitin'," and the sledgehammer, inside-out version of "Louie, Louie" (only three chords to play and they don't even play 'em) are the band's straight-ahead takes on old R&B chestnuts like "Skinny Minnie," "Let the Good Times Roll," "Don't You Just Know It," "Since I Fell for You," "Hitch Hike," and a nice barn-burning version of "Jenny Jenny." Where the Wailers cut down the trees and paved the highway, the Sonics were the first group from their neck of the woods to take that music somewhere wilder than their original inspirations. The second chapter of Northwest rock & roll after you absorb the Wailers' Golden Crest sides. --Cub Koda, AllMusic (4,5/5 stars)trax:
    01. Cinderella 02. Don't Be Afraid Of The Dark 03. Skinny Minnie 04. Let The Good Times Roll 05. Don't You Just Know It 06. Jenny Jenny 07. He's Waitin' 08. Louie Louie 09. Since I Fell For You 10. Hitch Hike 11. It's All Right 12. Shot Down 13. The Hustler 14. The Witch [Alternate take] 15. Psycho [Live]  16. The Witch
    ...served by Toxxy...
    18 May 20:26

    The Northern Soul Story Vol.1 - 4: The Twisted Wheel / The Golden Torch / Blackpool Mecca / Wigan Casino

    by Jillem
    18 May 16:30

    A De María

    by Alberto López Traba
    ¡¡Hola zampones!! Hoy os traemos un sitio que ya muchos de vosotros conoceis, se trata del "A De María" en Cacheiras (enfrente Armando, "O rey das tortillas" y subiendo 50 metros). Se llama así porque "María" es una pulpeira de O Carballiño que vino a Cacheiras a montar un local de comidas :).

    Un lunes (día de cierre de muchos locales) no sabíamos muy bien donde ir... y acabamos aquí después de varias vueltas. El local tiene un par de mesas fuera "estilo feira" aunque nostros en esta ocasión nos acomodamos dentro.

    Pues eso, llegamos dos zampones y nos empezaron a cantar el menú... aunque... como escuchamos pulpo entre las opciones de los primeros y croca entre las opciones de los segundos... no hicimos caso a lo demás, jajaja ;).

    Pedimos una cerveza, una coca-cola (por eso de que toca conducir...) y esos platos que os hemos citado.

    El pan en una presentación muy apetecible, muy rico.

    El pulpo muy, muy bueno (y pensad que es dentro de un menú), un lujo barato :D.

    Aquí teneis detalle del pulpo... um.... :)

    La croca en su parrilla, otro pequeño lujo para ser un menú, ¿no creeis?

    Y su bandejita de patatas de acompañamiento.

    En cuestión de postres pedimos una tarta de queso y un arroz con leche.

    Ambas cosas muy interesantes.

    Pedimos café de pota y otro con leche...

    Y luego cayeron un par de chupitos de esta botella tan original.

    Licor café, crema de orujo y licor de hierbas, tu eliges.

    En total pagamos 20€, es decir, 10€ por cada menú... Genial ¿No?
    Nosotros repetiremos en este local sin duda. ¡¡Hasta la próxima zampones!!

    Local ganador de mención de honor "El Zampón de Compostela" 2014

    Y tu... ¿Ya lo has probado? ¡Cuentanos tu experiencia aquí abajo!
    18 May 16:28

    En San Pedro aumentan los que piden la peatonalización de la rúa

    by marga mosteiro
    La apertura al tráfico solo está pendiente de las pruebas de carga
    17 May 21:12

    The Sonics "Here Are The Sonics!!!" (1965/1999 Expanded Re-issue)

    by (RYP)
    "Here Are The Sonics" is the debut album of American garage rock band The Sonics. It was released in 1965 on Etiquette Records. It was re-released in 1999 by Norton Records. "Here Are the Sonics" was influential on later punk rock.The utterly most fabulous debut album from the loudest crowd of punk rockers ever! Originally released in early ‘65, this hard-hitting screamfest took the local teen scene by the eardrums and never let go! An astonishing battle of the wills of Parypa, Bennett, Roslie, Lind and Parypa, this LP has long provided the measuring stick for all wishful thinkers! Lush packaging, interviews, tons of info, pix! Featuring Nortophonic Loud Sound mastering for massive fidelity. Includes four bonus cuts. --Norton Recordstrax:
    01. The Witch 02. Do You Love Me 03. Roll Over Beethoven 04. Boss Hoss 05. Dirty Robber 06. Have Love Will Travel 07. Psycho 08. Money 09. Walkin' The Dog 10. Night Time Is The Right Time 11. Strychnine 12. Good Golly Miss Molly 13. Keep A Knockin' [Bonus track] 14. Don't Believe In Christmas [Bonus track] 15. Santa Claus [Bonus track] 16. The Village Idiot [Bonus track]
    ...served by Toxxy...
    17 May 21:09

    Truck Driver's Boogie - Big Rig Hits Vol. 1 1939-1969

    by The Commuter

    Truck Driver's Boogie - Big Rig Hits Vol. 1 1939-1969

    01-Cliff Bruner & His Boys-Truck Driver's Blues (1939).mp3
    02-Dick Reinhart & His Lone Star Boys-Truck Driver's Coffee Stop.mp3
    03-Karl & Harty-Truck Driver's Sweetheart (1942).mp3
    04-Art Gibson-I'm A Truck Driving Man (1947).mp3
    05-Milo Twins-Truck Driver's Boogie (1948).mp3
    06-Joe ''Cannonball'' Lewis-Truck Driver's Night Run Blues (1951).mp3
    07-Doye O'Dell-Diesel Smoke (Dangerous Curves) (1952).mp3
    08-Terry Fell-Truck Driving Man (1954).mp3
    09-Johnny Horton-I'm Coming Home (1957).mp3
    10-Dave Dudley-Six Days On The Road (1963).mp3
    11-Del Reeves-Girl On The Billboard (1965).mp3
    12-Kay Adams-Little Pink Mack (1966).mp3
    13-Curtis Leach-Highway Man (1964).mp3
    14-Dick Curless-A Tombstone Every Mile (1964).mp3
    15-Jimmy Martin-Widow Maker (1964).mp3
    16-Jim & Jesse & The Virginia Boys-Diesel On My Tail (1965).mp3
    17-Jim Nesbitt-Truck Drivin' Cat With Nine Wives (1968).mp3
    18-Bobby Braddock-Gear Bustin' Sort Of A Feller (1967).mp3
    19-Johnny Dollar-Big, Big Rollin' Man (1968).mp3
    20-Red Simpson-Roll, Truck, Roll (1966).mp3
    17 May 19:13



    17 May 19:13

    Premios del Saló del Còmic de Barcelona 2014

    by (Rafel Sabater)


    Un nombre clave del cómic y la ilustración de las últimas décadas es Miguel Gallardo, creador del mítico Makoki y autor de Un largo Silencio y María y yo, entre otras obras. Los profesionales del cómic han votado para concederle el Gran Premio del Salón, en reconocimiento a su trayectoria profesional. Paco Roca ha ganado el premio a la Mejor Obra de Autor Español por Los surcos del azar (Astiberri), mientras Clara Soriano, autora de Colmado Sánchez (¡Caramba! Cómics), ha sido reconocida con el Premio Autor Revelación, patrocinado por la Fundación Divina Pastora.
    El Libro de los insectos humanos de Osamu Tezuka (Astiberri) ha sido elegida como Mejor Obra de Autor Extranjero. Papel Estrujado de Nadar (Astiberri) ha obtenido el premio a la Mejor Obra por Votación Popular.

    Gran Premio del Salón 2014: Miguel Gallardo
    Miguel Gallardo (Lleida, 1955) es un clásico del cómic underground español de los 80, creador, entre otros muchos personajes, del mítico Makoki, representante del lado más salvaje de la vida, el lumpen, el sexo, las drogas y el rock’n’roll, un inadaptado social huido del manicomio, que hasta tuvo su propia canción en la movida. Ya en los 90 y a principios del siglo XXI, Gallardo desarrolló nuevas facetas creativas y empezó a dedicarse al cómic autobiográfico, publicando, con éxito, novelas gráficas de la talla de Un largo silencio y la galardonada María y yo, basada en su relación con su hija María. Además, Miguel Gallardo es reconocido internacionalmente como ilustrador, siendo un autor que ha publicado en diversos diarios y revistas.

    Pulsa aquí para ver las obras disponibles de Miguel Gallardo:

    Mejor Obra de Autor Extranjero publicada en España en 2013: El Libro de los Insectos Humanos, de Osamu Tezuka (Astiberri Ediciones)
    He aquí una obra de lo que se entiende por vertiente más épica de Osamu Tezuka, considerado el "padre del manga". Este viaje por el mundo del arte, el entretenimiento, el crimen, la política y los negocios también contiene un profundo mensaje sobre las trampas y los callejones sin salida de la sociedad moderna. Su protagonista, Toshiko Tomura está considerada como un genio, un moderno Da Vinci. Con poco más de 20 años, es una actriz de renombre internacional, futura arquitecta y está a punto de recibir el premio literario más importante de Japón. Sus actividades se reflejan en los titulares de los periódicos e inspiran programas de radio y televisión. Pero ese genio y ese rostro angelical esconden numerosos misterios, que el periodista Aokusa está dispuesto a desvelar.

    Enlace a El libro de los insectos humanos: 

    Y aquí para ver todas las obras de Tezuka disponibles:

    Mejor Obra de Autor Español publicada en España en 2013: Los Surcos del Azar, de Paco Roca (Astiberri Ediciones)
    A través de los recuerdos de Miguel Ruiz, republicano español exiliado en Francia, Paco Roca reconstruye la historia de La Nueve, una compañía a las órdenes del capitán Dronne integrada en la segunda división blindada del general Leclerc, y formada mayoritariamente por republicanos españoles. La mayoría de los hombres que componían la Nueve tenían menos de 20 años cuando en 1936 cogieron las armas por primera vez para defender la República española. Ninguno sabía entonces que los supervivientes ya no las abandonarían hasta ocho años después, y que en la noche del 24 de agosto de 1944 serían los primeros en entrar en París. Los carros de combate llevaban, en el morro y en los flancos, nombres sorprendentes: Madrid, Don Quichotte, Guadalajara, Ebro o Guernica. Los soldados se apellidaban Granell, Campos, Fábregas, Royo, Pujol... Ellos encabezarán el desfile de la victoria del día 26 por los Campos Elíseos.

    Enlace a Los surcos del Azar: 

    Y al resto de obras de Paco Roca:

    Autor Revelación Español en 2013: Clara Soriano por Colmado Sánchez (¡Caramba! Cómics)
    Clara Soriano lleva varios años publicando tiras e historias cortas casi exclusivamente en internet (Caniculadas, El Estafador) salvo excepciones (El Jueves). Ahora da el salto al papel con Colmado Sánchez, un trozo de universo en el que conviven chonis, abuelos, hipsters, familias-como-Dios-manda y solitarios incautos, en una mezcla tan poco coherente como la vida misma. Colmado Sánchez retrata una mañana cualquiera en un comercio de barrio, un negocio en el que tienen de todo menos de lo que no hay.
    Enlace a Colmado Sánchez:

    Mejor Obra por votación popular: Papel estrujado, de Nadar (Astiberri Ediciones)
    Javi tiene 16 años, ha dejado el instituto y se ha convertido en una suerte de sicario bien remunerado al que le piden todo tipo de trabajos los mismos estudiantes: venganzas, recuperar objetos robados, romper alguna nariz... Hasta que un día todo cambia.

    Enlace a Papel Estrujado:

    17 May 19:10

    7, Rebolling Street y 13, Rue del Percebe

    by Arsenio Lupin
    P00002 - 7 Rebolling Street #1
    Otro aporte de Aaron, esta vez de humor y con textos de él:
    Darrakis de La Mansión del C.R.G. hizo una excelente recopilación procedente de la revista Guay sobre la obra del inigualable Francisco Ibáñez titulada "7 Rebolling Street". Yo, con premeditación, alevosía e incluso nocturnidad, ya que lo hice por la noche, cuando todos los gatos son pardos, aprovechando el trabajo de Darrakis, me dispuse a cambiar casi por completo su obra. Y dicho y hecho.

    Así, el original estaba escaneado a doble página, pero yo, ya que con mis ojos un tanto cegatos no veía bien el comic, procedí a hacerlos a una sola página y sólo dejé a doble página aquellos que no me dejaban más remedio (sólo unos pocos).
    No contento con tan sólo eso, y continuando mi execrable acto, le bajé el tamaño.
    Y ya para rematar, y ya que no tenía portadas, le añadí 4 del Tope Guay, que seguro que no le corresponden. 
    Quise hacer un bien, pero eso no es excusa. Perdón Darrakis. Y ya que esta obra se basa en otra del mismo autor, "13, Rue del Percebe", le añadí al post, pero esta vez sin cambiar nada al original.

    7, Rebolling Street es una historieta creada por Francisco Ibáñez cuando empezó a trabajar para la Editorial Grijalbo.

    7, Rebolling Street nació a raíz del cierre de la Editorial Bruguera, la cual publicaba, entre otras obras de Ibáñez “13, Rue del Percebe” y “Mortadelo y Filemón”. Con motivo del cierre de la editorial todos sus autores se vieron en la calle y éstos tuvieron que emigrar a otras editoriales, ya que la editorial Bruguera registraba los personajes a su nombre y no al del autor. Ibáñez fue a parar a la Editorial Grijalbo y empezó a publicar en la revista Guai!, con dos series: Chicha, Tato y Clodoveo y 7, Rebolling Street.

    13, Rue del Percebe es una macroviñeta que ocupa una página, dividida a su vez en viñetas no secuenciales, y que muestra en clave de humor un edificio de apartamentos y la comunidad que lo habita: En este cómic hay historias variadas sobre el edificio 13, Rue del Percebe. Ibáñez se vio obligado a sustituir el personaje de doctor chiflado, una especie de doctor Frankenstein que creaba monstruos horripilantes pero que siempre le salían buenazos, por un sastre desastre que lo horripilante que creaba eran sus trajes. El motivo del cambio, obligado por la censura franquista fue que solo Dios podía crear vida. Entre estos dos inquilinos la portera enseñaba el piso vacío intentando engañar a los posibles compradores con sus supuestas posibilidades.

    Idioma: Español.
    Editorial: Bruguera, Guay
    Guion: Francisco Ibáñez
    Dibujo: Francisco Ibáñez
    Escaneado y recompilado por: Darrakis (CRG)
    Archivos: 5
    Formato: CBR.
    Tamaño: 338 MB

    P00003 - 7 Rebolling Street #2P00004 - 7 Rebolling Street #3P00005 - 7 Rebolling Street #4P00001 - Rue del Percebe #13

    Descargar comics:
    17 May 19:05

    "Feliz día del gallego"

    by David Lombao

    A retranca de usuarias e usuarios galegos de Twitter levou hai uns anos ao nacemento do #díadelgallego, unha irónica etiqueta para darlle a volta aos rituais do 17 de maio en ámbitos como a prensa. Máis de 30 anos despois das primeiras normas legais para potenciar a lingua propia no ámbito da comunicación o traballo por facer continúa a ser inxente.

    17 May 19:03

    O BNG propón que se legalice a marihuana

    by Redacción

    A formación nacionalista inclúe esta proposta no seu programa de cara ás europeas e pide que o cannabis "reciba un tratamento similar ao alcohol e ao tabaco, ambos os dous legalizados" e que se valore a súa "distribución controlada"