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12 Aug 09:08

Your Daily Happy: Two Red Pandas Playing

by Katharine Trendacosta

Sometimes, watching two animals in a slow, playful tussle is just what we need.


12 Aug 09:05

Statue Selfies Are Bringing Online Vanity To The Fine Art World

by Zeon Santos

Everybody else seems to be obsessed with taking pictures of themselves with their smartphones wherever they go, so why wouldn't those handsome statues we see in museums and art galleries want to do the same?

They were long considered visual examples of physical perfection, and people have been ooing and aahing about how lifelike they look for centuries, so Redditor Jazus_ur_lookin_well decided it was time for these marble hunks and beauties to join this self-obsessed scene.

He came up with the idea while visiting the Crawford art gallery in Cork, Ireland, as he realized these handsomely sculpted men were just dying to share their good looks with the world, so with a clever positioning of the camera the statue selfie was born!

-Via Bored Panda

12 Aug 09:02

Santiago, entre las urbes más verdes de España con los nuevos parques

by marga mosteiro
Los 18.000 metros cuadrados de O Espiño se abren hoy al público y el Gaiás aportará 23 hectáreas más
12 Aug 01:57

Sad Pug Looks Even Sadder In Ridiculous Hats

by A B

Etsy seller Sweethoots makes cute little hats for pugs and sells them in her store. Her pug Pickles is an adorable model but is really getting tired of this crap…

12 Aug 01:52

“Españoles en el mundo”: mínima antoloxía do disparate turístico

by magago

Debería haber unha palabra -e, se cadra, xa exista (agradezo comentario)- para describir esas conversas collidas, involuntariamente, ao voo no medio dunha multitude. Esa irrupción sen querer nunha conversa involuntaria que chega ás túas orellas como un peixe que se engancha accidentalmente nunha rede coa malla máis pequena. Teño a sensación de que cando estás nun país cunha lingua allea a atención magnifícase en canto se escoita algo nunha lingua próxima. Prestamos máis atención a esas frases soltas intercambiadas entre estraños nunha cola, nun grupo próximo ou na mesa do carón, da que lle prestariamos aquí.

Durante a viaxe que fixemos este verán a Escocia -cunha pequena parada en Londres- cruzámonos con moitísimo turista español, pero unicamente nos puntos de masificación turística (Lago Ness, castelo de Edimburgo, Torre de Londres). Uns poucos quilómetros alén do tour programado ou do libro de Historia de secundaria, o turista español adoita desaparecer. Foron moitísimas as frases recollidas ao chou que fan reflexionar sobre que é o que realmente percibe moita xente cando vai ao estranxeiro, cales son as motivacións da viaxe e cantas destas motivacións son persoais e cantas, realmente, son sociais, de estatus, de inercia, etc. E faime graza porque este Estado é un lugar no que a xente adoita ter un concepto culturalmente moi elevado de si mesmos: aquí reina o chiste do americano inculto e que viaxa sen saber por onde anda, ou a risa pailana sobre o mal que fala inglés aquel ou aquela que se atreve a facelo en público. A realidade, percibida ao chou, é terrible. Xuro por Snoopy que estas dez frases foron escoitadas e son reproducidas literalmente. E deixámolo en dez, como unha mínima selección, porque, desde logo, non nos parecía unha ocupación interesante do verán andar a recoller frases do estilo.

Como veredes, máis que ignorancia -que tamén-, o que resumen é a arrogancia dun turista que viaxa sen saber por onde anda e cun interese mínimo pola propia idea de viaxe.

1. British Museum. Sala do Partenón. Señor duns cincuenta anos a un amigo. “Pepe, esas dos rusas de ahí seguro que quieren rollo”.
2. Aeroporto de Stansted. “Me voy de aquí y todavía no sé qué coño es el porridge ese”.
3. Castelo de Edimburgo. “¿Quillo, pero entonces estos se van con Irlanda o no se van con Irlanda?”
4. Castelo de Stirling. Referíndose aos marabillosos medallóns renacentistas do pazo de Xacobe V: “Estos botones los hacían para tapar las humedades”.
5. Castelo de Stirling. “Hazle foto también a la reconstrucción en 3D”, en referencia a unha maqueta posta nunha mesa.
6. British Museum. Neno duns 8 anos: “Papá dijo que nos encontráramos en la sala 25″. Nai: “A mí lo que diga tu padre me la suda, ¿eh? Me la suda”.
7. Camera Obscura de Edimburgo. Xogo de espellos deformantes na rúa. “Vamos a entrar aquí que esto sí que es divertido”.
8. Torre de Londres. “Vente, vente, que aquí están los cuervos del poema”. A señora debeu pensar que os corvos homenaxeaban o poema de Poe, así que debeu levarse un chasco ao saber que tiñan que ver, máis ben, cunha profecía para Carlos II.
9. Fort William. Comedor dun Bed & Breakfast. Moza adolescente: “¿Probamos el desayuno escocés?”. Nai: “Vamos a comer cosas normales. Vete tú a saber qué tiene eso”.
10. Fort William. “¡Tanta historia con la cerveza y luego son incapaces de servírtelas frías!”. En referencia a unhas cask ales, as cervexas de barril, que están sen filtrar, e que se sirven simplemente frescas, case mornas, na cultura local.

Ollo, con isto non quero dicir que o turista español sexa máis burro que o resto. Seguro que se din as mesmas barbaridades en italiano, en inglés, en alemán ou en francés, pero faime graza que sempre se vexa a palla no ollo alleo.

Por certo, dirán que non hai ningunha frase en galego. É certo. É que só escoitamos falar en galego unha vez. Foi na habitación dedicada ao pazo real asirio de Nimrod no Museo Británico. Un pai amosáballe un marabilloso friso ao seu fillo e dicíalle:

“Fíxate, a escena representa a xerarquía de poder establecida dentro da corte e do exército de Asurbanipal e exemplifica a gloria do soberano na captura desta cidade inimiga”.

…que igual é un pouco o outro estremo, non? En fin, que cadaquén xogue a tirar a conclusión que queira (se é que se pode, que non creo) :-)

12 Aug 01:43

RIP :(

by vividme
12 Aug 01:30

RIP Robin Williams

by Carillon
Robin Wiliams famous for his impressions, role as Genie in Aladdin, standup comedy, Mrs. Doubtfire and many other comedy roles has died at the age of 63.
11 Aug 20:49

23 Female Cartoonists On Drawing Their Bodies

Let’s get naked!

Kristen Radtke

"The graphic novel is a man's world, by and large," wrote Charles McGrath in a New York Times Magazine cover story in 2004. He was right — in a way. Most successful graphic artists and writers were men, and the comic's industry was and remains exceedingly male-dominated. From R. Crumb, one of the most celebrated comics artists of all time, and his often violent depiction of women, rendered as grotesque, over-accentuated commodities, to the hypersexualized, bra-breaking breasts and quivering thighs of superhero comics, most female bodies in graphic form are enough to make Barbie look realistic.

So what happens when women draw their own bodies in a medium that has represented them so poorly? While graphic books published by men each year still outnumber those by women, the exclusionary landscape of American comics has been called into question. From blockbuster successes like Alison Bechdel's Fun Home and Marjane Satrapi's Persepolis, to rising indie artists and vibrant online communities, female cartoonists are producing some of the most exciting work in the genre. Here, 23 successful graphic artists share their illustrations and discuss how women are reshaping a form that has marginalized them nearly since its inception.



Nicole J Georges / Via

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11 Aug 20:48

I Took Note Of Every Mean Thing I Said To My Boyfriend For A Month, And This Is What I Found

by Charlotte Green

I don’t think of myself as a mean person. I am human, and I can get angry or bitter from time to time, and I don’t deny that — but I wouldn’t consider myself overly mean. But as with most people, I know that I have a tendency to take my frustrations out on the people closest to me, because on some level I take for granted the fact that they’ll always be there. For me, there is no one closer than my boyfriend, and the fact that I love him more than anyone else in the world doesn’t stop me from snapping at him, making sarcastic comments, or arguing for no reason. In fact, it probably makes it more likely.

So I decided, without letting him know, to start taking note of it. Initially I thought I would only do it for a week or so, but the results were pretty significant, so I decided to keep going. And despite my initial hesitations, taking note didn’t stop me from actually doing it. It was a mental tic that I didn’t really think about, and I didn’t realize I was being mean until I had already said something. To keep track, I got one of those (well-hidden) tickers that bouncers use (you can get them for a couple bucks online), and I did my best to write down the things I said once I got a second.

Now, it wasn’t a perfect science, but I think I got a good idea of how mean I could be to my boyfriend (whom I see approximately four days a week, sometimes more, sometimes less). These are the results I got from keeping track of myself to the best of my abilities.

On average, I said something mean between five and ten times a day when I saw him. To be honest with myself, I counted “mean” as any time I responded sarcastically, rolled my eyes, snapped, nitpicked about something that wasn’t important, or was genuinely mean-spirited. if I counted only the directly mean stuff, it wouldn’t have been nearly as high.

I was by far most likely to be sarcastic. Without realizing it, I had a tendency to respond in a flippant, aggravated way, even when I didn’t really feel that angry. This was especially common when it came to do with anything about chores or general daily tasks. Errands were a big one as well.

When it came to saying directly mean things, I did it less than once a day, but I did it more on days when I was upset about work. When I was angry about work or something else in my personal life, I had a tendency not to talk about it directly, but I would say more directly mean things. It was a way of subverting my anger into something easier to manage, that gave me immediate release.

Often, when I would engage in small arguments, I wasn’t actually angry. In fact, when I took note of when I was doing it, the most common emotion I felt was boredom. It seemed like I was nitpicking or feeding arguments simply to have something to do.

Almost every time I received a compliment, I said something negative. I decided to count self-deprecating or sarcastic responses to compliments as something mean, and I found that nearly every time, I responded that way. It was easier for me to dismiss a compliment than to accept it head-on and understand that he genuinely believed it.

When I look at the facts, I’m ashamed of myself. There’s no escaping fact that the old expression “we always hurt the ones we love” is very true. I know that it is, now more than ever, because I’ve monitored myself and confirmed it. After seeing this stuff head-on, I talked to my boyfriend about it, and we were both pretty shocked. He told me that he didn’t view me as mean at all, but that he can tell when I’m stressed out from work, and he wishes I would ask him for help instead of getting angry at him. It broke my heart, the level of understanding he showed, even in the face of my clearly mean behavior.

But then again, I think most people, if they carried on this little experiment honestly, would find similar results. And honestly, it’s a very important thing to do, because now that I have this information, I know how to make it better. And I know what I was like before. I will make myself be gracious for compliments, and be honest about my frustrations (instead of turning them into anger), and to take a second to breathe before starting a petty argument for nothing. I’m glad I was able to look at this side of myself, because it is clearly something that would have gone on forever (and gotten worse) if I didn’t.

But how would you fare if you tried this? And what would you do to be better about it?

And why aren’t you doing that already? TC mark

11 Aug 16:57

6 Things Young Feminists Don’t Understand About Womanhood (And Life)

by Carolyn Hall

1. Your career should not continue in the same way after you have a kid.

I am 100 percent on-board with the idea of making men share the responsibility (and professional consequences) of having a child. It’s only fair that it be more egalitarian, and not always fall to the woman to suffer for. But as someone who is approaching 40 and is surrounded with professional women who have one or more children and have tried to keep their career going at the same speed (often in the name of feminism), I can’t tell you how terrible that is for all involved. The children barely see their mothers, the mothers are constantly stressed, tired, and unable to appreciate anything, and their bosses are having to work with someone whose attentions are clearly (and rightfully) divided. Certain brands of feminism seem to desire more female CEOs who have children, but this is incredibly naive. Having a child is and should be a choice that slows down your career, because it gives you another focus in life. Feminism cannot (and should not) encourage women to have children and continue their Superwomen careers in the same way.

2. Making fun of women who don’t understand feminism isn’t helping.

I’ve seen a lot of young feminists making fun of the I Don’t Need Feminism blog, and I can’t imagine anything more naive or ineffectual to do if your actual goal is to bring women to your cause and promote equality. Shaming and mocking other women for being ignorant or misinformed about something — or even taking real issues with your ideology — is immature and shameful. It adds nothing to the conversation, and only drives them further away from your cause because they see you as mean, ostracizing people. If you have mocked that blog, instead of engaging it with openness and communication, you are part of the reason that people are getting fed up with modern feminism.

3. In the real world, plenty of “feminists” don’t identify that way.

You will meet many women throughout your life, particularly as you age and take on power/responsibility in your life, who embody every value of feminism (and who actively make this world a better place for other women) who don’t call themselves feminists. That’s their prerogative, and it’s not your place to judge them for not taking your label. Learn from them, and accept your differences.

4. Valuing the working woman at the expense of the SAHM makes things worse.

Every Stay At Home Mom I know — without exception — has expressed at some point that she felt a certain degree of shame or judgment about her choice to stop working, or to dedicate her life to her children. And all of those women — again, without exception — felt that way because of fellow women, not men. These were most often feminists, working women, and generally what you would consider “progressive” on the surface. But (perhaps without realizing it), they had created a hierarchy of value in the choices women make, and made others feel less-than for the choice to stay home. You may say “feminism is about respecting all choices,” but you have to be humble enough to accept when fellow women are telling you that this isn’t always the case in practice. Their experience is not invalid just because it doesn’t align with your textbook.

5. Not everyone has access to the same education as you.

Assuming that someone is bigoted where they are likely just ignorant about an issue is an all-too-common problem in feminism today. Very few people had the privilege — yes, the privilege — of being educated on complex and systemic gender-based issues in society, and can enter in conversations without as much information as you. A degree in women’s studies might make you informed, but it should also make you humble, because you realize that a lot of people need to be treated with understanding, not shame for not being as knowledgeable as you are.

6. Men face certain disadvantages, too. And it’s not a joke.

I see a lot of young feminists pay lip service to “the effects men face as a result of patriarchy,” but I see very few who take the time to address those issues, or treat them with the same seriousness as issues women face. But as you age, and you see the repercussions of some of our societal attitudes about men — from incredibly biased custody courts, to alimony, to circumcision-as-norm for newborn boys, to the dismissal of violence against men — you realize that these issues to be acknowledged as much as any female-facing issues. Men’s issues are not a joke, and they are not secondary to women’s. And until we start including all gender inequalities in the discussion, we will get nowhere. TC mark

featured image – Ella Ceron

11 Aug 16:53

Call For Submissions: Estamos buscando artículos en español

by James B. Barnes
via Flickr Commons – Seth Anderson

¿Alguna vez quisiste que ThoughtCatalog publicara artículos en castellano? ¡Esta es tu oportunidad! Envía tu artículo en español por medio del botón que dice “Contact” en mi perfil. En cuanto el contenido, las reglas que se aplican para cualquier artículo de ThoughtCatalog se tomarán en cuenta en este caso: Nos interesan artículos relevantes y bien escritos. ¡Esta es tu oportunidad para expresarte a tu modo!

Many thanks to Virginia Castiglioni. TC mark

11 Aug 16:46

20 Things We Want to See In BuzzFeed: The Movie - LOL

by Rebecca Pahle

bf featured

It was announced over the weekend that BuzzFeed raised $50 million to pour into BuzzFeed Motion Pictures, their new video division being helmed by YouTuber Ze Frank. According to The Hollywood Reporter, the site will use that moolah to “produce everything from six-second videos to long-form episodic series to feature-length films,” to be distributed on BuzzFeed (natch), YouTube, and “other digital platforms.”

And sure, I could write a srs bsns post about what this means for the blogosphere in terms of having to create original content. I could speculate as to what “new technologies” the BuzzFeed Motion Pictures funding will serve as an “in-house incubator” for. Or I could make a stupid joke post about BuzzFeed’s reputation for that highest form of journalism: the listicle.

ance party1

So. BuzzFeed: The Movie. Here’s what we want:

1) This cat.


2) This cat.


3) This cat.


4) This cat.


5) This cat.


6) This cat.


7) This cat.


8) This cat.


9) This cat.


10) This cat.


11) This cat.


12) This cat.


13) This cat.


14) This cat.


15) This cat.


16) This cat.


17) This cat.


18) This cat.


19) This cat.


20) This dog. Because dogs are better than cats. Sorry.


Are you following The Mary Sue on Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, Instagram, & Google +?

11 Aug 16:42

La jícama. Una mexicana prehispánica

by Gaby Tejeda

Del náhuatl xicamatl, “raíz acuosa”, la jícama, cuyo nombre científico es Pachyrhizus erosus, se cultiva en México desde tiempos prehispánicos, al igual que las calabacitas, el maíz, el jitomate, y otras plantas nativas de nuestro continente.

jicamas.jpg No es una fruta, es un tubérculo, como el nabo, el camote y la papa, pero a diferencia de estos, posee más agua que hidratos de carbono, por lo que es una gran aliada de las personas que no encuentran que "picar" entre comidas sin comprometer su dieta. bangkuang_060307-2647_la.jpg Se consume solamente el bulbo de esta planta, y tiene una textura similar a la de las castañas de agua, la papa cruda o la pera. Por lo que al morderla, se siente crocante y deliciosa. Es refrescante, y se dice que ayuda a adelgazar, aunque es porque no tiene grandes aportes calóricos, no porque contribuya en alguna forma a "quemar grasas".

Las buenas jícamas, son las conocidas como "de agua", porque algunas variedades, salen con una textura "leñosa" que en lugar de soltar un líquido transparente y fresco al partirlas, sueltan una especie de "leche". Esto es, cuando no es buena para comer cruda porque su sabor desmerece mucho.

jícama_rallada_agtc.jpg De esta planta solo el tubérculo es comestible, el resto se considera tóxico. Una de las maravillas de la jícama, es su versatilidad en la cocina, va bien con la cocina asiática como sustituto de los brotes de bambú, por ejemplo, o como sustituto del coco rallado en algunos postres. jícamas_agtc_cmda.jpg

Parece que no cae mal a niños o adultos, por lo que es buen refrigerio crudo, solo o de las muchas formas que puede comerse, una de las cuales, está adquiriendo una gran popularidad en fiestas de pequeños y mesas de bodas o eventos, en forma de jicaletas, que no son más que una rebanada gruesa de este tubérculo, ensartado en un palito, y sumergido en salsa chamoy para ser luego espolvoreado con algún polvo de color y de sabor agridulce, o bañado con polvo de chiles secos con sal y limón. jicaletas-.jpg

Esta es una forma muy divertida de presentar la jícama, y puede ser un éxito en cualquier reunión, sin importar las edades de los invitados. Intenten una mesa de esta golosina saludable, y verán el éxito que tiene. Pueden presentarla rallada o en juliana como parte de una ensalada fresca, en forma de palitos o en cubos, con otros vegetales crudos como apio, calabacita, zanahoria, coliflor y brócoli, acompañada de dips de consistencia cremosa, lograda con queso crema y el ingrediente que gusten: Atún, ostiones, camarones, marlin, jamones u otros embutidos, algunas gotas de salsas como salsa inglesa, jugo maggi, salsa de soya, mostaza, crema o mayonesa, y gotas de limón o como postre horneada y dorada.

Como siempre, en Directo al Paladar, les dejo este enlace de Snacks para la lonchera, reuniones o para llevar al trabajo, y la primera parte de una serie de post dedicados al Adulto mayor, consejos y sugerencias de alimentación.

La noticia La jícama. Una mexicana prehispánica fue publicada originalmente en Directo al Paladar México por Gaby Tejeda.

11 Aug 16:39

5 Ways You're Sabotaging Your Own Life (Without Knowing It)

By David Wong  Published: August 11th, 2014  When you were little and people asked you what you wanted to be when you grew up, what did you tell them? Did you stick with the standard "doctor" or "veterinarian," or did you shoot for the moon with "pop star" or "astronaut"? Whatever it was, I'd s
11 Aug 16:35

Learn About Payday Loans with John Oliver and Sarah Silverman

by Megh Wright
by Megh Wright

Here's a clip from last night's Last Week Tonight, in which John Oliver breaks down the corrupt payday loan industry — or as he describes it, the "recycling symbol of human misery" — with a little help from Sarah Silverman in the form of a counter campaign ad.

11 Aug 16:34

Man’s Best Friend with Benefits

by Nadja Sayej

Joey, a Siberian husky, and his human lover, Oliver Burdinski. Photo by the author

Oliver Burdinski is fighting for the right to have a relationship with his dog. His purebred Siberian husky, Joey, is his sexual partner. And while some of his fellow Germans might reel at the prospect of intercourse with another species, Burdinski is open to discussing the taboo of being a literal animal lover. Just don’t use the word bestiality.

“I don’t like this word because it’s often misleading and used in different cases,” Burdinski told me.

Burdinski first realized he was a zoophile while growing up with a German shepherd—his family dog. He was responsible for taking care of the creature, which lived in his bedroom. Around the age of 14 or 15, the young man started exploring his sexuality with his companion. He remembers being more attracted to the dog than to humans but felt rather alone with such desires. After living without a dog for a decade, Burdinski began dating men and women. He settled down with a long-term girlfriend until 1995, when he got an internet connection. That’s when he discovered forums and chat rooms devoted to the zoophile community. Soon thereafter he broke it off with his human partner (they’ve remained good friends). Burdinski realized he could never be happy in a traditional relationship.

Joey came from an animal shelter in 2004. Burdinski and Joey share ownership of each other because Burdinski disagrees with the idea of treating animals as possessions. But he cares for Joey and uses a leash when he takes him for walks, and there’s a clear intellectual imbalance between them—which is to say there was no wining and dining in this courtship. “I don’t try to humanize him,” Burdinski said. “He gets food made for dogs.”

As for what goes on in the bedroom, Burdinski does have sex with Joey, but the lovemaking does not involve penetration, as Burdinski doesn’t want to harm the dog. “I would never force him,” he said. He tries to be the passive member of the sexual relationship and simply react to whatever Joey wants. Burdinski pointed out that dogs can clearly show what they like and don’t like, whether they’re hungry or whether they like being touched. They can also indicate whether they do or do not want to have sex. Mounting is a sign not only of dominance but also of desire, though Burdinski told me his dog is “not really interested in sex anymore.” Joey is 11 years old, well past any canine’s sexual prime.

Pet owners often neuter their dogs, a process to which the animal, of course, does not consent. “People can’t accept that their dogs are adult animals with adult wishes and desires,” Burdinski said. “They can’t accept that a dog is not a soft toy.”

As in most other countries, zoophilia is a legal no-go in Germany. Prior to the formal criminalization of the practice in February 2013, there were already laws that covered violence against animals in the country, but the new one bans the act itself regardless of the well-being of the creature involved. The Germany-based zoophile activist group ZETA—Zoophile Engagement for Tolerance and Enlightenment—has indicated it would accept a legal framework that prohibits sexual intercourse demonstrated to be physically or emotionally harmful to an animal. But its members argue that the new measure is unjust. “At the moment we work with a special lawyer to prepare the lawsuit,” Burdinski said.

When I asked whether he’s afraid of being charged and having Joey taken away, Burdinski replied, “Of course. That’s one reason I fight against this law.”

ZETA formed in 2009 when the German parliament proposed outlawing zoophilia. At the time, zoophiles were coming under attack from animal activists and far-right groups. Zoophiles say there’s no clear boundary between those who care for animals and those who are sexually attracted to them. Most of the members have relationships with dogs and horses. “I also know zoophiles who are into other mammals, maybe bovines or pigs,” Burdinski said.

A lot of zoophiles also have human partners. They make a distinction between zoophiles and zoosadists, and they don’t tolerate people who harm animals.

Nonetheless, ZETA members have been driven out of their homes and their jobs and shunned by their families. The group’s former chairman, Michael Kiok, had to leave the city of Münster after receiving death threats and being harassed by animal-rights activists. Burdinski has drawn some flak too. “I always get a lot of hate mail, also hate messages on Facebook,” he said.

This February, the German zoophiles will meet for the third annual Zoophile Rights Day in Berlin. They’ll demonstrate at Potsdamer Platz, a concrete intersection steps away from the Canadian Embassy, the Berlin Wall, and the glowing Sony Center. There’s already a rebuttal from animal-rights activists and far-right groups in the works. Burdinski told me that last year’s event saw roughly 30 to 50 neo-Nazis, including representatives from the National Democratic Party of Germany, turn out. “They were aggressive. They insulted us and spat on us,” he said. Police intervened as violence broke out. “Three Nazis were arrested by police.”

11 Aug 16:30

Watch Episodes of 'The Office,' 'Rick and Morty,' 'The Simpsons,' and More with the Jokes Removed

by Megh Wright
by Megh Wright

Recently a Redditor decided to edit episodes of Seinfeld, Friends, and The Big Bang Theory to include only plot information and no jokes, and the result was an interesting look at how all three shows approach story and punchlines. If those three shows weren't enough, the same Redditor has gone and edited episodes of Community, The Office, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Everybody Loves Raymond, The Simpsons, Family Guy, South Park, and Rick and Morty. Of all the shows highlighted in this series so far, The Office currently has the smallest plot with a clip that lasts just over a minute, while Adult Swim's Rick and Morty leads the pack with a 4:37 clip. Click through to watch all the newly added episodes.

11 Aug 09:30

11 Pit Bulls Who Are Gentle Hippies At Heart

Photographer Sophie Gamand created the “Flower Power, Pit Bulls of the Revolution” photo series to bring awareness to an often misunderstood breed. (H/T Ditmas Park Corner )


Baby / Via


Sweetheart / Via


Jellybean / Via


Cali / Via

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11 Aug 09:28

A history of electronic music

by coleboptera
In These Hopeful Machines "James Gardner traces a personal path through the evolving world of electronic music – and meets some of the people who made it happen. In six content-rich episodes he looks at over 100 years of recording techniques, electronic instruments and gizmos, and their use in popular music, art music and their position in Western culture."

This series from Radio New Zealand is constructed in a manner similar to Strictly Kev's Raiding the 20th Century (previously), with narration and interviews over a non-stop mix of the music being talked about. It's a comprehensive, if necessarily personal, look at the history of electronic music, I think getting a spot-on balance between art music and popular music. Each episode has an extensive bibliography and links:
  1. Everything Audible in the World Becomes Material, "Recording and electricity crack open the world of sound. What happens next?."
  2. Raindrops In The Sun, "New musics rise from the secret projects and surplus junk of World War II."
  3. Fag ends and lollipops, "The BBC Radiophonic workshop takes electronic music from highbrow drama to primetime TV and school playgrounds."
  4. I was Born to Synthesize "In the 60s, it is 'Sex, Drugs and Moogs' as rock adopts electronics, while synths sell soda on Madison Ave."
  5. Load Your Program. I am Yourself., "Born of war and raised on mainframes, computer music comes of age in the 70s and hits the charts thanks to the sampler."
  6. A Dance To The Music of Time, "For many people, electronic music is now synonymous with Electronic Dance Music. Has the laptop really brought about the democratization of music?"
And there are links to transcripts of the interviews at the program's index site
10 Aug 22:17


by Swollen Goods
10 Aug 20:23


by Swollen Goods

read more

10 Aug 20:20

Erotica for Foodies

by Lisa Marcus

From Wikipedia: 

Food porn is a glamourized spectacular visual presentation of cooking or eating in advertisements,infomercials, cooking shows or other visual media, foods boasting a high fat and calorie content, exotic dishes that arouse a desire to eat or the glorification of food as a substitute for sex.

Gemma Correll poking fun at the notion of food porn is perfect for a weekend diversion — and right on target.

10 Aug 20:19

Comics: Kenny G Adventures

by Johnny Ryan

10 Aug 20:14


by kaibutsu
Chesscademy is a chess teaching website modelled on Codecademy. As such, it gives a sequence of short puzzles and exercises which help you build up knowledge of everything from how the pieces move to the intricacies of positional play. Sections of each 'course' are introduced by a short video. It's like a well-written chess book with interactive diagrams!
10 Aug 20:09

Hermann Tertsch dice en Telemadrid que ‘Podemos’ asesinará a gente si llega al poder

by Borja Terán

En las redes sociales circula con fuerza un vídeo de una tertulia de Telemadrid en la que Hermann Tertsch repite, como si tal cosa, que el líder de ‘Podemos’, Pablo Iglesias, matará a gente si llega al poder.

En sólo 30 segundos el editorialista de Telemadrid repite hasta seis veces que matarán a gente. Y todo desde la palestra de un canal autonómico que, aunque ha renovado su programación con dos nuevos magazines, no logra subir la audiencia porque el público lo considera una trinchera de propaganda política extrema. Ya no conecta con los espectadores.

Telemadrid pasa desapercibido -incluso se ha arrinconado en el mando a distancia- a diferencia de antaño, cuando era una de las cadenas autonómicas más vistas y más cercanas. Ahora el canal sólo tiene repercusión por situaciones como éstas, que amplifican la indignación por la televisión pública madrileña.

¿Todo vale en la guerra dialéctica de una tertulia? En los últimos años, las tertulias se están llenando de titulares efectistas, de un lado y del otro, que sólo buscan el enfrentamiento como si del programa Tómbola se tratara. Los contertulios lanzan sus pensamientos al aire, como si estuvieran en un bar, buscando el efectismo y los miedos de los votantes. El acalorado enfrentamiento con sensacionalistas declaraciones puede jugar a favor del espectáculo televisivo, pero no a favor de la credibilidad política ni periodística. No todo vale. Y el moderador, en estos casos, debe moderar. No dar alas a discursos contaminados que no contrastan, sólo sueltan, sin pruebas, rimbombantes temores.


> Claves de la agonía de Telemadrid

10 Aug 20:09

La era de las microagresiones

by S Moda EL PAÍS
Felicitar a alguien porque a pesar de ser oriental se le entiende bien cuando habla o asumir que a un gay le interesa la moda pero no el fútbol son algunos ejemplos de microagresiones.
10 Aug 19:58

21 Weird Home Decorating Tricks That Might Actually Work


Pot problems? Use a towel rod on the end of your counter.

Pot problems? Use a towel rod on the end of your counter.

Works especially well if you don't want to hang the pots above your head. From here.

(Collection of perfectly tarnished cookware optional. This works just as well for your cheapo pots and pans).

Also works for coffee mugs.

Also works for coffee mugs.

This blogger used Ikea FINTORP rails.

Use a drum for a bedside table.

Use a drum for a bedside table.

View Entire List ›

10 Aug 19:54

Lugnasad de Cedeira bodas celtas 2014

by (Servicios Digitales)
Nueva edición del Lugnasad de Cedeira 2014 con su celebración de las bodas celtas los días 29 y 30 de agosto

Sobre una idea que partió del historiador del arte y medievalista, vecino de la localidad, Manuel Aneiros Loureiro, Cedeira recrea, los días 29 y 30 de agosto, por sexto año consecutivo, la popular fiesta de Lugnasad en la que se celebran las denominadas bodas celtas. 

En el Camiño Real da Magdalena, cerca de la playa, en una zona habilitada por el Concello de Cedeira, tiene lugar la celebración que, año tras año, va adquiriendo tintes de carácter internacional debido a la cantidad de parejas que se acercan al Lugnasad de Cedeira para celebrar su boda celta. 

La fiesta de Lugnasad está relacionada con antiguas tradiciones celtas y es un evento muy participativo, donde los cedeireses recrean un antiguo poblado celta y se visten de época para la ocasión. En un ambiente genuino y sorprendentemente grato, los diferentes clanes construyen sus cabañas con madera, telas, ramas, etc. para disfrutar de unos días de auténtico ambiente castrexo, en el que no faltan los típicos asados, una buena bebida y mejor música, ya que en Cedeira son muy pocos los que no cantan o saben tocar algún instrumento.

Turistas y visitantes, descubren el arte e inventiva que los diferentes clanes llevan a cabo en la construcción de sus cabañas a lo largo de toda la semana. Para tal efecto están, en la Oficina de Turismo, a disposición de los clanes que deseen participar en la formación del poblado, los impresos que deberán cubrir para inscribirse.

El Lugnasad es también el momento de la celebración de las bodas celtas, donde las parejas de novios se comprometen a pasar el próximo invierno juntos. Este compromiso dura un año y, como en el mundo celta hombres y mujeres tenían exactamente los mismos derechos, cualquiera de los dos puede dar por finalizado el compromiso o renovarlo al año siguiente.

Las bodas celtas están relacionadas directamente con las antiguas “fiestas de la fertilidad”, tan populares en Galicia, donde aun se conservan en muchos santuarios cristianizados, ritos y costumbres vinculados con el tema, como el santuario cedeirés de San Andrés de Teixido y su famosa Herba de Namorar o Herba Namoradeira, elemento mágico por excelencia para todos los asuntos del amor.

Al Lugnasad de Cedeira se acercaron, desde sus inicios, numerosas parejas de toda España, e incluso del extranjero, para celebrar su boda celta en un paraje único, a la orilla del mar, en la Praia da Magdalena.
Este año 2014 tienen confirmada su presencia para celebrar las bodas celtas, parejas de León, Lima (Perú), Coruña, Boiro, Madrid, Salamanca, Ávila, Vigo, Pontevedra, Guadalajara, Vilalba, Cangas do Morrazo, Cuntis, Santiago de Compostela, Valladolid, Río de Janeiro (Brasil) y Laruns (Francia), además de algunas de Cedeira y alrededores. 
En el momento de emitir este comunicado se encuentra abierto el plazo para todas aquellas parejas que deseen inscribirse para celebrar su boda celta. Pueden hacerlo mediante correo electrónico a las siguientes direcciones: o bien

o directamente en la Oficina de Turismo. Tlf: 981 48 21 87

El Lugnasad de Cedeira pretende potenciar, al mismo tiempo, la creatividad popular y los recursos gastronómicos y turísticos de la zona. Habrá también diversos juegos para niños y adultos y otras actividades. 

La repercusión mediática, participación popular, interés de visitantes venidos de toda España y la dinamización del comercio, el turismo, la cultura y la gastronomía de la comarca, que el Lugnasad de Cedeira tuvo en estos años pasados y que se prevé tenga en el presente, lo convierten en una actividad turística de primer orden. 

Colaboran en el proyecto el Concello de Cedeira, la Asociación Amigos do Lugnasad, la Banda de Gaitas Robaleira, la Sociedade de Caza e Pesca Cedeira-Cerdido y diversos empresarios, comerciantes, artesanos y vecinos de Cedeira
09 Aug 19:36

Bubbline Shippers Rejoice: Adventure Time‘s Marceline & Princess Bubblegum Confirmed To Have Dated - "You... kept the shirt I gave you?"

by Sam Maggs


This past Thursday, Marceline voice actress Olivia Olson joined writer Martin Olson at a Barnes & Nobles signing for his new book, The Adventure Time Encylopaedia. During the panel, Olson at one point answers a fan question by saying, “You know [Bubblegum and Marceline] dated, right?” It’s canon, guys! Bubbline is canon!

Sadly, Olson goes on to say that, because Adventure Time airs in countries where same-sex relationships are controversial (or even illegal), they’re not able to put any sort of confirmation into the actual TV show. Blergh. Still, you can see that awesome minute of the panel right here:

Weirdly (and confusingly?), Olson did tweet what seemed to be a redaction later on that day:


But, she’s since deleted the tweet, and no one has made any moves to further deny her original statement, so… canon!

(via YouTube, photo via Darryl Pamplin)

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09 Aug 19:33

Personality Type: skeptic

by storybored


This well-known personality test is taken by over two million people a year. It's the go-to-quiz for the career consultant industry. It is used by 89 of the Fortune 100 companies and 200 Federal agencies, including the CIA and the military. But not many know that this test was developed by two people in 1940 who had no formal training in psychology. And that the test is based on a 90-year old speculative framework that has no scientific support. Yes, the Myers-Briggs test is totally meaningless.