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18 Aug 10:01

Why Isn’t Women’s Masturbation A Thing?

by Audrey Morgan
Ekaterina Pokrovsky / (
Ekaterina Pokrovsky / (

All throughout middle school, it’s a running joke between boys—whacking off, jerking off, playing pocket pool, southern comfort, spanking the monkey—the list goes on and on. It was not only considered funny, it was acceptable. At the same time, twelve-year-old me was being taught to wear a bra and cover up and be embarrassed about having my period.

Boys, even more so now, constantly pull at their junk and scratch it and just touch it all the fucking time. Can someone explain to me why I would be stared at if I was to put my hand down my pants like that?

Why aren’t girls encouraged to explore their sexuality like boys are? How come it was OK for boys to trade their dad’s Playboys from the eighties, but I wasn’t even aware of what a penis looked like until 9th-grade health class? (And even then, it was a CARTOON.)

Masturbation is a known stress reliever and can help to keep your heart rate and blood pressure in check. It also can help to induce sleep and reduce restlessness, along with alleviating women’s menstrual pains.

So why is masturbation still considered a “man’s thing?” Why wasn’t I taught (or at least led to believe) that “flicking the bean” feels fantastic until my boyfriend did it for me? Why aren’t young girls “allowed” to explore their own bodies? How come it always seemed like a “no-no” (and still does)?

I didn’t even know that other girls even touched themselves until I went to college: A drunken conversation led me and two of my girlfriends to the topic. My roommate and I didn’t know anything about it, and our friend (a passionate feminist and self-liberator) gasped when she learned of our ignorance.

“You’ve never masturbated?!”

My face flushed and we both shook our heads. Thanks to cheap Sangria and her outgoing personality, I actually garnered some knowledge of the mysterious activity. Eventually, we were asking questions without hesitation, and it was the first time I realized I wasn’t alone in the desire to just know.

Why did it take all my life and too much alcohol for me to sum up the courage to ask? Why is it OK for everyone to know my brother masturbates, but I feel like it’s a topic I could never even bring up? Why didn’t my mother, or anyone’s mother for that matter, teach us that it is OK? That it’s normal—healthy, even.

Whatever. One of these days, I’m going to explore for myself. And no double standard is going to stop me. TC mark

17 Aug 21:26

We Won an Emmy Award!

by VICE Staff

Remember last month when VICE on HBO received three Emmy nominations, and we were like, “Is it too early for a lifetime achievement award?” Well, guess what? We did it! We won an Emmy for Outstanding Informational Series or Special.

Congrats to Shane Smith, Bill Maher, Eddy Moretti, BJ Levin, Fareed Zakaria, and the incredible correspondents and crew on their achievements. We can’t wait to watch seasons three and four!
17 Aug 21:22

Playing Magic with Geek Friends

by Navelgazer
So all of your friends have either just started playing Magic: the Gathering or have picked it up again or else admitted to having played it continually for twenty years now, and eyes are glazing over as they discuss bomb rares and 2-for-1s and mana flooding and drafting. You're not sure if you actually want to immerse yourself in this but you can't know for sure without, well, immersing yourself in it. We've all been there. Thankfully, Felicia Day's Geek & Sundry channel has a show for you - Spellslingers!

Host Day[9] (a.k.a. Sean Plott) explains the basics of how to play, what types of cards do what, and general strategy over a series of games with internet celebrities, with great production values and a lot of good humor.

Episode 1.1: Blizzard's Rob Simpson
Episode 1.2: NASA's Bobak Ferdowski
Episode 1.3: Comedian Jesse Cox
Episode 1.4: Actress Michelle Boyd
Episode 1.5: Felicia Day Herself
Episode 1.6: Mythbusters' Grant Imahara
Episode 2.1: IGN's Greg Miller
Episode 2.2: MMA Fighter Josh Barnett
Episode 2.3: Hyperbole and a Half's Allie Brosh
17 Aug 10:36

Reason #94837 I love the internet.

by Swollen Goods
17 Aug 10:28

Un paraíso natural en el corazón de Santiago

by raquel embodas/ p.c.
El parque do Espiño, que ya se puede visitar, sorprende por su carballeira, su flora ornamental, la huerta y las vistas
17 Aug 10:28

La crisis regala un museo a Teo

El estallido de la burbuja inmobiliaria motivó a un constructor a transformar su tienda en una galería de arte en la que ya exhibe 130 obras realizadas por él
17 Aug 10:27

Agustín Hernández cumple con el voto de la ciudad a San Roque

17 Aug 10:27

La maleza y el abandono deslucen el transitado paseo fluvial del Sarela

by maría segade/ i.c.
17 Aug 10:26

This is Mr Fine Wine, playing old soul 45s for the next two hours...

by garlicsmack
Downtown Soulville, WFMU's weekly show for classic soul 45s, hit its 20th anniversary on Friday. The learned, laidback cratedigger Mr Fine Wine has played an estimated 20,000 old soul 45s since the show's launch. The full shows from the last six years are available on the WFMU website. Expect two-hour bursts of soul vinyl, early RnB and Detroit funk from Matt Weingarden.
17 Aug 10:26

Celebrating Bukowski's Birthday With R. Crumb's Illustrations of His Books

by Lisa Marcus

Today is Charles Bukowski's birthday. The celebrated poet and novelist would have been 94 today, August 16th. What better way to honor the larger-than-life writer's birthday than to feature larger-than-life artist Robert Crumb's illustrations of Bukowski books Bring Me Your Love and There’s No Business, as well as a 1998 posthumously published collection of his journals, entitled The Captain is Out to Lunch. Via Brain PIckings.


16 Aug 23:10

John is the new Jon

by Room 641-A
With a combination of humor and fearlessness, Last Week Tonight has done an unlikely thing: spurred action. John Oliver's segment on net neutrality this past June perfectly summed up what his HBO show Last Week Tonight is so good at: transcending apathy. It's an ingenious formula that's making a difference in the real world. "Making a difference" isn't hyperbole. The FCC's website actually crashed from overwhelming web traffic the day after Oliver's segment originally aired. The Atlantic looks at How John Oliver Beats Apathy.
  • Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, previously
  • John Oliver on net neutrality, previously
  • Last Week Tonight with John Oliver on FanFare
16 Aug 23:09

This Is What The Average Single Man's Sex Life Looks Like

Guys would really take male birth control?!

16 Aug 22:53

Saturday, August 16 @ 3:25:17 pm

by ThunderCunt
16 Aug 22:42

Early morning funnies,,,,

by dw
16 Aug 22:41

hey guys I bring some beer

by feelslav
16 Aug 22:13

24 Reasons Jubilee Is The Most Underrated Member Of The X-Men


O meu CRUSH mutante!

Because baby she’s a firework. So, deal with it.

Jubilee has always been my favorite mutant teen. She's actually a lot more badass than you think. Feel free to press play on this song as you read...

Criterion Studios / Via

She ran away from an orphanage and hid out at the mall before being found by the X-Men...

She ran away from an orphanage and hid out at the mall before being found by the X-Men...

Marvel / Via

...and then got to ACTUALLY BE PART OF THE X-MEN at a time when no other kids did.

...and then got to ACTUALLY BE PART OF THE X-MEN at a time when no other kids did.

Marvel / Via

Have you ever been NEAR a firework? They're much more dangerous than Katy Perry suggests.

Have you ever been NEAR a firework? They're much more dangerous than Katy Perry suggests.

Marvel / Via

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16 Aug 22:07

Aubrey Plaza Was On Conan Last Night And Couldn't Stop Talking About Penises



Insert dick joke here.

Apparently Aubrey's summer was full of penises.


Literally, these were her first words when Conan asked about her summer so far.

Literally, these were her first words when Conan asked about her summer so far.


As it turns out, all the penises came into her life via a bachelorette party.

As it turns out, all the penises came into her life via a bachelorette party.

Sounds about right.


Aubrey was in charge of gathering the party favors and decorations, so naturally she went a little crazy with the penis paraphernalia.

Aubrey was in charge of gathering the party favors and decorations, so naturally she went a little crazy with the penis paraphernalia.

As one does.


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16 Aug 21:56

If You Want To Get Angry, Watch This “Women In Refrigerators” Supercut - Deep breaths deep breaths deep breaths

by Sam Maggs

When a woman is “fridged,” it means that she has been killed or harmed for the plot or character advancement of a dude. Did you guys see Thor: The Dark World?? Remember how a woman gets murdered, and that forces the brothers to work together and grow and stuff? That’s fridging. It’s uncool. Tragically, fridging happens way too often in media – and here’s a painful supercut to remind us of that fact.

Fun fact: Comics writer Gail Simone coined the term “women in refrigerators” after she read an issue of Green Lantern where the titular hero comes home to find his girlfriend has been killed and stuffed in the fridge. Cute.

(via The Daily Dot)

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16 Aug 21:46

This Terrifying Worm Leaps at You out of the Ocean Floor

by John Farrier

This is the Eunice aphroditois, a worm found in the depths of warm ocean waters across the world. It lives at depths of about 10 to 40 meters. The Eunice aphroditois burrows into the ocean floor, where it lies in wait for prey to swim by. Five antennas poke out from the anterior, sensing passing movement.

(Video Link)

When the worm detects prey--a fish or another worm--it leaps from its burrow, seizing the prey with sharp mandibles.

Most of these worms are about 1 meter long, but they have been found as long as 3 meters. Although they can't consume an entire human body, they have been known to bite as people who stray too close.

(Photo: Jenny Huang)

-via io9

16 Aug 21:40

Homosexuality Is For The Birds

by The Whelk
16 Aug 21:39

How Should a Person Tweet?

by Rustic Etruscan
"There are a lot of people who are so innovative on twitter. That's why it's so puzzling to me when someone like Jonathan Franzen is like, 'twitter is murdering literature with a gun!' Twitter is seen as a millenial thing. Naturally, older people assume we only use it to send thousands of disrespectful selfies to God, or whatever the stereotype is nowadays." - Kimmy Walters (@arealliveghost) to Sheila Heti in Part One of The Believer Logger's interview series, "What Would Twitter Do?"

Part One: Kimmy Walters/@arealliveghost

Part Two: Kate Zambreno/[deactivated]

Part Three: Teju Cole/@tejucole

Part Four: Mira Gonzalez/@miragonz

Part Five: Tao Lin/@tao_lin

Part Six: Christian Lorentzen/@xlorentzen

Part Seven: Patricia Lockwood/@TriciaLockwood

Part Eight: Sadvil/@crylenol

Part Nine: Various

Part Nine and a Half: Melville House (not an actual person's name, sadly)/@melvillehouse

Part Nine and Three Quarters: Roxane Gay/@rgay

Part Ten: Kenneth Goldsmith/@kg_ubu
16 Aug 21:38

"May cause dizziness, sexual nightmares, and sleep crime."

by the young rope-rider


[...] others resist sleep and embrace the woozy, out-of-body license. To some, this is an opportunity to take part in what Rachel Uchitel, a former girlfriend of Tiger Woods, has reportedly described as "crazy Ambien sex."

A New Yorker article that is pretty funny, IMO, but also serious
16 Aug 21:36

Action Comics #1 on Ebay

by Miss Cellania

(YouTube link)

A pristine issue of Action Comics #1 from June of 1938, featuring the debut of a new superhero named Superman, is up for auction at eBay, with proceeds going to the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation. Want it? The current bid is $1,750,100, and there’s more than a week left before the auction ends. Good lulck! -via Boing Boing

16 Aug 21:36

20 Delightfully Weird Forms of Sushi

by John Farrier

Good sushi prepared fresh by a skilled chef is a mouth-watering treat. Usually you're eating variations of fish, rice, and seaweed. But you're not limited to just those ingredients. For example, you can try these tiny sushi cheeseburgers.

Or if you'd like something sweet for breakfast, then try Dan's waffle breakfast sushi rolls. They're made of pizzelles filled with strawberries, bananas, pineapple, and cream cheese.

If it's St. Patrick's Day, then make Irish sushi. Joy of the food blog The Cooking of Joy (clever title) made hers with cabbage leaves wrapped around mashed potatoes and corned beef.

These are just 3 meals from a list of 20 unusual takes on sushi rounded up at Rocket News 24. I'd like to try them all!

16 Aug 21:35

Warner cambia el título de Al filo del mañana (Edge of Tomorrow) para su lanzamiento en vídeo doméstico

by administrador


A veces un título anodino y random puede perjudicar a una película, como ha sido el caso de Edge of Tororrow (Al filo del mañana), la sensacional película de ciencia ficción protagonizada por Tom Cruise con la que dio en los morros a todos los haters que la vieron. Sin embargo la pelíucula ha patinado en taquilla, como los últimos estrenos de Tom, y por eso Warner ha decidido cambiar el título de la película para editarla en DVD, Blu-Ray y copia digital. Ahora la película se llama Live. Die. Repeat/Edge of tomorrow. El cambio es menos sutil en la carátula, donde las palabras Live: Die. Repeat. son gigantescas.

Fuente: Cinema Blend


The post Warner cambia el título de Al filo del mañana (Edge of Tomorrow) para su lanzamiento en vídeo doméstico appeared first on Teenage Thunder.

16 Aug 21:28

Pimientos picantes para combatir el cáncer intestinal (al menos en ratones)

by Sergio Parra

pimUna investigación llevada a cabo por la Escuela de Medicina de la Universidad de California y que ha sido publicada en The Journal of Clinical Investigation sugiere que los pimientos picantes pueden ayudar a reducir el riesgo de sufrir cáncer intestinal.

Con todo, el experimento se realizó con ratones modificados genéticamente para desarrollar múltiples tumores en el tracto gastrointestinal. El resultado reveló que la capsaicina, contenida en los pimientos picantes como las guindillas o el chile, redujo la carga tumoral y alargó la vida útil de los ratones en más de un 30%.

Al parecer, la capsaicina produce la activación de un receptor (el gen TRPV1) en las células que recubren el intestino, según explica Eyal Raz, líder del estudio:

Nuestros datos sugieren que los individuos con alto riesgo de desarrollar tumores intestinales recurrentes pueden beneficiarse de la activación crónica de TRPV1. Hemos aportado la prueba de principio.

La capsaicina pertenece a una familia de moléculas llamadas vaniloides. Estas moléculas producen la muerte de las células cancerígenas. Pero lo más impresionante es que no solamente matan las células cancerosas, sino que no dañan las células que rodean al tumor.
Imagen | | yankara |591603940_3e1e709093_o.jpg

La noticia Pimientos picantes para combatir el cáncer intestinal (al menos en ratones) fue publicada originalmente en Xatakaciencia por Sergio Parra.

16 Aug 21:22

travelpotato: The rest by jameher (Source:...


The rest by jameher (Source:

16 Aug 21:07

19 Wine And Font Pairings You Never Knew You Needed

by Jessica Probus

Ollo aos viños que se coñecen no mundo...

Completely unnecessary. But surprisingly awesome.


Champagne pairs well with Porcelain.

Champagne pairs well with Porcelain.

Get the font here.


Merlot goes nicely with Peach Sundress.

Merlot goes nicely with Peach Sundress.

Get the font here.


Riesling pairs with Amptmann.

Riesling pairs with Amptmann.

Get the font here.


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16 Aug 20:51

Aprende a comer aquellos alimentos que no te gustan

by Mary Soco

alimentos-que-odiamos Cuando alguien nos pregunta ¿qué te gusta comer? muchos acostumbramos contestar con un "De todo", pero la realidad es que todos tenemos algún alimento o ingrediente que no nos gusta. A mí, por ejemplo, no me gustan las habas secas ni el apio cocido, aunque este último lo he aprendido a comer fresco, mientras que las habas, si están verdes o fritas, me encantan.

Particularmente, esos no gustos se acentúan en la infancia, pero afortunadamente nuestro paladar va madurando conforme cumplimos años, además de que es con la edad con la que nos vemos obligados a comer más sano y a manejar mejor el dinero que ingresa a nuestros hogares, lo que nos lleva a ir incluyendo algunos alimentos, como el brócoli, la berenjena, los ejotes, los rábanos, la coliflor y la col, que quizá son las hortalizas que menos gustan en la niñez.

Con esta idea, hoy comparto con ustedes algunos consejos para ir incluyendo en nuestra alimentación aquellos ingredientes que no nos hacen tanta gracia.


Vuélvelo irreconocible

Para volver irreconocible un ingrediente podemos optar por varias técnicas, como lo es incluirlos en salsas o purés. El truco consiste en cambiar la imagen de la verdura que tenemos en nuestra cabeza y asociarla con una imagen de una buena comida.

Úsalo en una receta que realmente te guste

Así como hay alimentos que no te gustan, también hay platillos que te encantan, y es justo en ellos donde podemos agregar un poco de esos ingredientes que tanto odias, y quien sabe, puede que incluso haga aún más rica esa comida.

Pruébalo en un plato étnico

plato-etnico.jpg Ya sea un plato tailándes, chino, japonés y por qué no, mexicano. Lo cierto es que muchas veces, algunos alimentos como el brócoli y los germinados se vuelven más atractivos cuando los combinamos con sabores a los que no estamos acostumbrados. Después de todo, en la cocina se trata de experimentar.

Haz la mejor receta que puedas encontrar

Hoy en día, encontramos en Internet muchos sitios de gastronomía y recetas de cocina, así que nos es cada vez más sencillo encontrar las opiniones de diversas recetas, de modo que no tenemos pretexto para no encontrar la receta más recomendada que tenga ese ingrediente que tanto odiamos y cocinarla, te puedes llevar grandes y agradables sorpresas.

No tienes por qué comerlo como mamá lo prepara

sushi-veggies.jpg Quizá las mamás me van a odiar por esto, pero lo cierto es que muchos no gustan de las verduras porque cuando eran niños sus mamás o abuelas las cocinaban tan seguido y de una manera tan poco apetecible, que los llevaron a no quererlas ver ni en pintura, y a eso le podemos agregar las amenazas o castigos por no comerlas.

Así que nada, si mamá las preparaba cocidas con caldo de pollo u otra manera que aborreces, ¡olvídate de ello!, deja al lado el viejo recetario y anímate con otras preparaciones: puedes asar, saltear, combinar con salsas y aderezos, agregar quesos, frutos secos y mucho más para crear platos deliciosos.

Prueba su versión más sútil

Un ejemplo sencillo para esta recomendación es el chile, podemos empezar, por ejemplo, con los pimientos, que tienen un tono dulce con un muy sútil toque picante, para después ir pasando por el chile poblano, el jalapeño, el de árbol, hasta llegar a los más picantes como el habanero. Vamos, que hay que ir educando al paladar.

Inténtalo una vez más

chapulines Cuando era niña, tenía cierta alergia al pescado, por lo que en mis primeros años decidí que no me gustaba, lo mismo me pasó con las lentejas, y pasaron años sin volver a probarlos. Lo cierto es, que años después puedo comerlos sin ningún problema, simplemente cuestión de probarlos una vez más.

¿Otro ejemplo? Los chapulines. Conozco a personas que aseguran que no les gustan, por el hecho de que son insectos pero, si se les pregunta si alguna vez los han comido, la respuesta es no. ¿cómo puede no gustarte algo que nunca has probado?

Ahora bien, si ya has intentado con todas estas recomendaciones y algo sigue sin gustarte ¡déjalo ir! y acepta el hecho de que algunos ingredientes no son para tí, tal como algunas otras cosas en la vida.

Flickr | william.neuheisel | avlxyz | SweetOnVeg | Tatiana12

En Directo al Paladar México | Granos enteros: cereales necesarios para una dieta saludable

La noticia Aprende a comer aquellos alimentos que no te gustan fue publicada originalmente en Directo al Paladar México por Mary Soco.

16 Aug 18:25

The 15 Best Charles Bukowski Quotes

by Heather Harrington
KUCO / (
KUCO / (
In honor of what would have been Charles Bukowski’s 94th birthday, here are a few of his best quotes.

The free soul is rare, but you know it when you see it – basically because you feel good, very good, when you are near or with them.

We’re all going to die, all of us, what a circus! That alone should make us love each other but it doesn’t. We are terrorized and flattened by trivialities; we are eaten up by nothing.

Find what you love and let it kill you.

I wanted the whole world or nothing.

What matters most is how well you walk through the fire.

I am a series of small victories and large defeats and I am as amazed as any other that I have gotten from there to here.

We are here to laugh at the odds and live our lives so well that Death will tremble to take us.

You are marvelous the gods wait to delight in you.

She’s mad but she’s magic, there’s no lie in her fire.

The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubt, while the stupid people are full of confidence.

Nobody can save you but yourself and you’re worth saving. It’s a war not easily won but if anything is worth winning then this is it.

If it doesn’t come bursting out of you in spite of everything, don’t do it.

I’ve had so many knives stuck into me, when they hand me a flower, I can’t quite make out what it is. It takes time.

Sometimes you climb out of bed in the morning and you think, I’m not going to make it, but you laugh inside — remembering all the times you’ve felt that way.

Some people never go crazy, what truly horrible lives they must live. TC mark