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16 Aug 23:06

Avoid These Common Pizza Mistakes So You Can Make and Eat the World’s Most Perfect Food

by Rochelle Bilow

We’ll say it: Pizza is one of the world’s most perfect foods. But some of the things we love best about a good pie—charred crust, chewy dough, and oh! the toppings!—are the hardest to nail in our home kitchens. We spoke with Bon Appétit senior food editor Dawn Perry and assistant food editor Claire Saffitz—two women who know a thing or two about a good pie (after all, they’ve made plenty in the BA test kitchen). Here’s the good news: You can bake a pizza parlor-worthy pie at home. But first, ask yourself this: Are you making these common pizza mistakes?

1. When It Comes to Salt, a Pinch Is Plenty
“Without salt, flour doesn’t taste like much,” Perry explains. And since pizza dough is made from, um, flour, it’s imperative you season the dough well; most home cooks err on the side of caution when it comes to seasoning, leaving the dough as little more than a vehicle for the toppings. That’s a mistake according to Saffitz, who insists that a good pizza is all about the crust. Most store-bought doughs are also lacking in sufficient salt, says Perry, so you should just make your own. (If you do go the store-bought route, Perry likes FreshDirect’s and Trader Joe’s doughs.) Of course, keep in mind the saltiness of your toppings. You can scale back the amount of salt in your dough—though not too much—if your pizza is about to get hit with anchovies, olives, and Parmesan.

2. At Last, a Chance to Break Out My Rolling Pin!
Look, no one’s saying you have to become a master pizza twirler. Only the best of the best should let that dough fly high above their heads. But we do insist on one thing: Do not roll out your dough. The bubbles take a beating under a rolling pin, leaving the finished product dense and tough. Instead, think light and gentle, and work with your hands to pull and stretch the dough out to your desired size. Worried your pizza won’t be a perfectly round circle? Free yourself from the stress: “Your pizza can be an oval. It can be a square. It can be any shape you want it to be,” says Perry. If the dough proves impossible to work with—snapping back when stretched, for instance—it’s either been overworked or is too cold. Let it sit at room temperature for a full 15 minutes to let the gluten relax and the temperature rise before trying again.

3. But My Mom Always Used Jarred Sauce!
You’re not using store-bought dough (right?), so why bust out the jarred marinara? Premade tomato sauce is too sweet—it’s loaded with sugar—and has a distinctly “store-bought” taste that’s hard to ignore. But don’t take things to the opposite extreme either: Both Saffitz and Perry advise against fresh tomatoes on pizza. Placed on the pizza post-cooking, they’re too watery for a satisfying topping, but they won’t have time to cook down properly in the oven, either. (“It’ll just be a warm tomato,” says Perry.) Instead, make a simple sauce by cooking a can of crushed tomatoes with garlic, basil, salt, and pepper. Or make things even easier and make a raw sauce: The BA test kitchen likes puréeing tomatoes, garlic, basil, and anchovy in a blender before spreading on pizza.

The same goes for cheese—pre-packaged, pre-shredded cheese has a lot more in it than, well, cheese. Saffitz says the point of making a pizza at home is that you have the opportunity to use quality ingredients. Embrace the chance to get the good stuff.

4. More Is More
This is not the place for a meat lover’s dream pizza, or whatever other combination of 10 different sausage and cured pork products you can order at a chain restaurant. For those hefty pies to work, they need an ultra-sturdy crust and a really, really, really, really hot oven. Leave it to the pros and go simple. “You don’t need seven ingredients,” says Saffitz. Instead, choose a handful of complementary flavors and use restraint (remember, it’s all about the crust). No to black and green olives, peppers, mozzarella, ricotta, Parmesan, chicken wings, pepperoni, mushrooms, and broccoli. Yes to mozzarella, a simple tomato sauce, and a loose fennel sausage. A drizzle of olive oil once the pizza comes out of the oven is a very good thing.

5. It Ain’t Pizza Without a Pizza Stone
That’s not true. You don’t need to use a pizza stone. Sure, preheating the stone in a hot oven (more on that in a minute) will help achieve the crispy, just-charred crust of your dreams, but it’s not necessary. You can make pizza on a regular old baking sheet just fine. Either preheat it in the oven as you would a stone, or else rub it down with oil and build the pizza directly on the sheet; the oil will help the crust fry; it’s ultimately just another brilliant way to achieve a crunchy, charred crust.

If you are using that stone, great! But make sure to really give it some love in the oven: It should preheat for at least 45 minutes, says Saffitz. A baking tray doesn’t need as much time, but whichever one you choose to bake on, both Saffitz and Perry say fuggedaboutit when it comes to pizza peels for transferring the pizza from your cutting board to the oven. Do you have a pizza peel? Because we don’t. They’re not really commonplace in most kitchens; instead, you can build your pizza on a sheet of parchment paper, then carefully (carefully!) transfer it to your hot stone or baking sheet.

And not to harp on this whole pizza stone thing, but it must be properly taken care of after the pie is done, too. Turn the oven off and leave it there until it has cooled down completely. It’s screaming hot and dangerous to handle, and besides, an extreme temperature change—like from 500 degrees to your kitchen’s breezy 68—can cause the stone to crack and break.

6. One Shot Is All You Got
Far too many of us forget about the art of the par-bake, but it’s a handy trick that keeps crust from getting soggy. If you’re topping your pizza with something that’s moist or wet (like fresh mozzarella), you want to partially bake the crust before proceeding with the add-ons. Bake it until it’s just firm enough to stand up to the extra weight, then make your pizza pretty. Saffitz and Perry offer a genius tip for how to tell when the crust is perfectly cooked: Use tongs to carefully lift the pizza and peek underneath it—in the center of the pie, not the quicker-cooking edges. Oh, and P.S.: If it’s a thin, crispy crust you’re going for, you will definitely want to par-bake, every time.

7. Slow and Steady Wins the Race
Is your home oven as hot as the wood-fired one at your favorite pizza place? No. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t give it your best effort. High-heat cooking can be intimidating, so many people bump down the temperature and go for a slow bake. But 350 degrees will get you nowhere on your quest for pizza nirvana—you’ll wind up with a limp crust and overcooked toppings. Go hot and fast: Crank that oven temperature to 500, or as high as you can go without broiling, and keep your eye on the pie. Don’t be boxed in by recipes and predetermined cooking times that can be affected by altitude, weather, and a variety of other factors. “If your cheese is melty and bubbly, and your crust is golden brown, that’s when it’s done,” explains Saffitz. “Pizza is a wild animal. Give it time to do its thing,” adds Perry.

Ready to make pizza magic yourself? Try out one of these recipes and put all that learning to good work.

The post Avoid These Common Pizza Mistakes So You Can Make and Eat the World’s Most Perfect Food appeared first on Bon Appétit.

16 Aug 22:46

Happy fucker

by tiki god

Happy fucker 700x933 Happy fucker

Happy fucker originally appeared on MyConfinedSpace NSFW on August 15, 2014.

16 Aug 22:25

Cat owners may claim that their pets love ice cream and doughnuts, but it's the fat they enjoy.

by Mark Strauss

Cat owners may claim that their pets love ice cream and doughnuts, but it's the fat they enjoy. The taste receptor for sweet is encoded in two genes. In cats, a chance mutation appears to have broken one of these genes. That's why tigers, lions, and your kitty will never have a sweet tooth.


16 Aug 22:25

Do Different Kinds Of Alcohol Get You Different Kinds Of Drunk?

by Robbie Gonzalez

Do Different Kinds Of Alcohol Get You Different Kinds Of Drunk?

When your friend gets tipsy and starts rambling about how tequila turns her into a savage party monster, and then your other friend vehemently calls bullshit, calmly put your hands up and say this: "Friends. Please. I got this." And then explain to them what I'm about to explain to you.


16 Aug 22:20

5 Ways To Feel Ridiculously Cool At Home

by Patrick McLellan
Flickr / intrepidation
Flickr / intrepidation

Do you want to know how to live the rock and roll lifestyle from your own home? Shut up. Yes you do. YES YOU DO! YES! YES HUH! MOM, the people won’t listen to me again. I’m trying to help you realize your full potential as a bad ass homebody. Gallivanting (Sweet word, huh) around swanky bars, and hip restaurants isn’t necessarily the key to being cool. Is wearing a leather jacket to church cool? Yes it is. Next question, please. Is having a pet dragon named Craigory cool? YES, that’s definitely cool! Wait, I’m getting off track. Here are five ways to be a homebody and still remain ridiculously cool.

Leave on your normal clothes a little while longer, unless you dress like an asshole.

There’s no question that putting on comfy clothes is orgasmic. I will not argue that. My point is you feel how you’re dressed. If you’re dressed nice, you’ll feel nice, whether you’re on the couch or not. What if that hot lady from Dress Barn calls and wants to drop by all of a sudden? Why was I at a Dress Barn? Is this an interrogation? Just trust me on this one.

Play as much music as you can.

Music is one of the few things that can instantly change your mood. It enhances essentially everything you do. Cooking? Dance in the kitchen and have a blast, until you get second degree burns on your nipple from bacon grease that burned through your shirt. That second part isn’t as awesome, but it’s important to always be careful. Hell, music might help the swelling (No, no it won’t).

Watch documentaries.

Not only are they entertaining and informative, but you can make people feel stupid for not being up on things the next day at work, which is always a treat. “Did you see that documentary on cat crime called Cat Burglars: A Cat-astrophy in The Making? YOU DIDN’T? You just HAVE to see it. It’s riveting.”


Disregard the bacon grease thing I said in number two. This is one of the most cathartic and sexiest things you can do. Open a bottle of wine, turn up Forgot About Dre, and prep your ingredients. Even if you’re just making microwaved nachos, which is probably the case; try using some different kinds of cheeses or venture out and utilize Rotel for once. It doesn’t matter what you’re making. It will taste better and you will feel accomplished. Maybe even take a picture of it and post it on Instagram to impress that lady from Dress Barn, or the cute boy from the toy helicopter kiosk.


Just switch things up every so often to break up the monotony. I’m not talking about completely changing your place; rearrange the furniture set up. Buy a sweet growling bear rug. I know for a fact this goes with any design motif. A new look never hurt anybody. Actually, that’s not true. A new look bit me in the shin in 1997. Other than that it never hurt anybody.

Hopefully, some (all) of these tips will help make your home life a little (a lot) better. They don’t call me Captain Awesome Ideas for nothing. Okay, nobody calls me that, but they should! Here’s to being a happy homebody! TC mark

16 Aug 22:19

The Greatest Fake Religion of All Time

by Jesse Walker

The Greatest Fake Religion of All Time

Over fifty years ago, a group of pranksters founded a satiric religion devoted to creating conspiracy theories so insane that nobody would ever believe uncritically in conspiracies again. They called themselves the Discordians. And their weird ideas are still influencing us today.


16 Aug 22:19

A Beginner’s Guide To Contemporary Feminist Language

Understanding everything from “intersectionality” to “transmisogyny”.

Ailbhe Malone / Ulf Andersen / Getty Images

Despite this popularity, the language used to talk about feminism is still reliant on niche acronyms, academic definitions, and in-jokes. If you don't spend all your free time on Twitter or reading feminist blogs it can be easy to feel left behind.

Here's a beginner's guide to understanding the language, and how to use it.



Feminism is, according to Merriam-Webster, “the theory of the social, political and economic equality of the sexes” – as demonstrated by this superior GIF from Beyoncé’s 2013 track "Flawless".

"Feminist: a man or a woman who says, 'Yes, there's a problem with gender as it is today, and we must fix it, we must do better.'"

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16 Aug 22:18

16 Hilarious Fake Adverts For British Tourist Attractions From The Pages Of Viz

All of these from the unmistakable comic .

"It's January all year round at JanuaryLand."

"It's January all year round at JanuaryLand."


"Come and see HUNDREDS of dads going about their normal Sunday morning business."

"Come and see HUNDREDS of dads going about their normal Sunday morning business."


"Visit the famous 'Wank Echo Chamber'."

"Visit the famous 'Wank Echo Chamber'."


"Experience some of the most EXCITING queues you will EVER stand in!"

"Experience some of the most EXCITING queues you will EVER stand in!"


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16 Aug 22:14

12 Reasons Samantha Baker From "Sixteen Candles" Is All Of Us

Who wasn’t just like Samantha Baker in high school?

She knows the horrifying, consuming slight that is someone forgetting your birthday.

She knows the horrifying, consuming slight that is someone forgetting your birthday.

Wait. I don't see a comment from my best friend. Did she really not leave me a Facebook comment on my birthday?!

Universal Pictures / Via

Unrequited love. Girl gets it.

Unrequited love. Girl gets it.

If I just wish hard enough something will happen, right?

Universal Pictures / Via

She's familiar with the struggle that is getting ready in the morning.

She's familiar with the struggle that is getting ready in the morning.

Can I pull this off?

Universal Pictures / Via

Sam tells it like it is.

Sam tells it like it is.

And she hasn't even hit her twenties.

Universal Pictures / Via

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16 Aug 21:44

This explains so much academic writing

by shivohum
"It seems that, if you just present the correct information, five things happen," he said. "One, students think they know it. Two, they don't pay their utmost attention. Three, they don't recognize that what was presented differs from what they were already thinking. Four, they don't learn a thing. And five, perhaps most troublingly, they get more confident in the ideas they were thinking before." It turns out that confusion is a powerful force in education.
16 Aug 21:41

Hilarious Twitter Feed Gives Awkward Captions to Renaissance Paintings

by John Farrier

As Francis patiently modeled for his girlfriend's Etsy store, he reminisced fondly about his bachelor days.

— wtf renaissance (@WtfRenaissance) August 10, 2014

This is the funniest thing I've seen all week!

WTF Renaissance is a Twitter feed that shows Renaissance (and Baroque and Academic) paintings and fills in the backstories that may not be obvious.

Content warning: occasional foul language and racy humor.

On behalf of the band, Pam had to break the news to Sarah that she was the 'Ringo'.

— wtf renaissance (@WtfRenaissance) August 14, 2014

Richard looked around, having just snapped out of another blackout. This one was going to be difficult to explain.

— wtf renaissance (@WtfRenaissance) August 12, 2014

Gerry tried to explain the original Poké Ball to Marcus, but the mechanics were beyond him.

— wtf renaissance (@WtfRenaissance) August 14, 2014

The smell of moonshine alone ensured that Ralph would later being praying to the porcelain gods.

— wtf renaissance (@WtfRenaissance) August 14, 2014

Even in its earliest incarnation, Batman's costume attracted a lot of criticism regarding the ears.

— wtf renaissance (@WtfRenaissance) August 14, 2014

I was going to be a dancer.

— wtf renaissance (@WtfRenaissance) August 9, 2014

Melanie's dating-by-mail profile was not off to a strong start.

— wtf renaissance (@WtfRenaissance) August 9, 2014

Tina looked over the prints from her children's portrait session. Anne Geddes work had certainly taken a dark turn.

— wtf renaissance (@WtfRenaissance) August 14, 2014

-via BuzzFeed

16 Aug 21:26


by Arsenio Lupin
Caliban 001 01
Presentamos con este post una nueva tradumaquetadora: CosmaFulanita, esperemos que siga con más tradumaquetaciones.

Caliban cuenta la historia de un carguero espacial que se encuentra de repente con algo que nadie se esperaba, vida extraterrestre. Los humanos han estado explorando y explotando recursos en el espacio por años. No habían encontrado vida o incluso evidencia real de otras razas estelares, hasta ahora. Un accidente en el hiperespacio desencadenará una aterradora historia que te llevará a los lugares más oscuros de la mente humana. Cuando una violenta reacción en cadena comienza, la tripulación del Caliban se encontrará viviendo una pesadilla de la que no podrán despertar.

Idioma: Español.
Editorial: Avatar Press
Guion: Garth Ennis
Dibujo: Facundo Percio
Tradumaquetación: CosmaFulanita (HTAL)
Archivos: 2 / 5
Formato: CBR.
Tamaño: 33.8 MB

Caliban 001 02 001 03 002 01 002 02 001 05 002 05 002 03

Descargar comics:
16 Aug 21:25


by Chris


16 Aug 21:04

How To Grill The World's Best Cheeseburger

by Christine Byrne

Step one: Turn on your favorite playlist and drink a beer.

Jenny Chang / BuzzFeed

This is chef Matt Jennings. He is a man you should trust when it comes to food, and he is going to show you how to grill a cheeseburger.

This is chef Matt Jennings . He is a man you should trust when it comes to food, and he is going to show you how to grill a cheeseburger.

Jennings started his career as a cheesemonger running the cheese shop Farmstead in Providence, RI. He later opened an adjoining restaurant, La Laiterie, and was a three-time finalist for the James Beard Foundation's 'Best Chef - Northeast' award. Earlier this year, he left Providence to focus on a new restaurant, Townsman, which will open in Boston later this year. If you know what's good for you, you will make it a priority to try Townsman once it's open.

Victor Tatum / BuzzFeed

Here are the tools you will need:

Here are the tools you will need:

(Clockwise, from left):
Charcoal Grill (Gas works too, but charcoal grills rule, and you should learn to light one.)
Plates to hold burger toppings
Medium mixing bowl
Grill chimney
Cutting board
Charcoal briquettes (not "matchlight")
2 seasoning trays or baking sheets
Grill brush
Grill spatula*
Sharp knife
Parchment paper

*Our grill spatula is comically large. Yours doesn't have to be.

Victor Tatum / BuzzFeed

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15 Aug 21:27

Cops rescue family held hostage by Cuppy the Cat

by Maggie Serota
Cops rescue family held hostage by Cuppy the Cat

In what seems like it could be the start of an epidemic of cat hostage situations, a mother and daughter in San Diego County had to barricade themselves into a bedroom in order to escape the wrath of Cuppy, their 14-year-old cat.

According to the Daily Mail, the elderly cat flew into a rage on Tuesday when the daughter tried to use the bathroom in the middle of the night, but “Cuppy wouldn’t let her pass and shredded her nightgown with his claws.”

The mother ended up telling the 911 operator that she and her daughter were in an actual hostage situation with the cat. Police then showed up and engaged with an actual stand-off with a cat who firmly stood his ground. One of the cops was reportedly brandishing a broom to shield himself from Cuppy’s unquenchable blood lust. However, Cuppy eventually left the house on his own after the officers softly called his name enough times.

article 2725195 2088E44C00000578 546 634x384 Cops rescue family held hostage by Cuppy the Cat

Unsurprisingly, the cat has a reputation for being a bit erratic and isn’t exactly a hit with the neighbors.

“He’s just a ball of fury I guess,” neighbor Karen Yarger told local news.

Ball of fury sounds about right.

Unfortunately, this little performance may end up costing the Cuppy his life as his owners are giving serious consideration to euthanizing the volatile cat.

Unless Jackson Galaxy can swoop in and convince the owners that Cuppy isn’t bad, just misunderstood, things are looking pretty grim for this feline terror.

Source: Daily Mail, KGTV-TV

15 Aug 21:26

Woman hides 2 kilos of cocaine in breast implants, gets busted

by Brian Abrams
Woman hides 2 kilos of cocaine in breast implants, gets busted

In Madrid, police arrested a 43-year-old at Adolfo Suarez Airport after discovering 1.7 kilos (3.7 pounds) of cocaine in her fake breast implants.

The Venezuelan in question landed at the airport on Friday. She was on a flight from Bogotá, Colombia, and, according to Euro Weekly News, was “displaying a nervous attitude and strange behaviour,” which then prompted a thorough search at customs.

The eagle-eyed security team noted that there were “certain irregularities and odd shapes in both her breasts,” the news report said. Eventually, the woman cracked under pressure and admitted that, yes, there was in fact an unbelievable amount of cocaine in her implants.

She was then rushed to a hospital for a surgical procedure. After recovering, she was arrested and now faces charges related to drug smuggling. Holy shit this is gonna be a bad rest of the year for her.

In related-but-not-really news, back in December, a man tried to smuggle a ton of rooster testicles through an airport in New Zealand.

h/t HuffPo

15 Aug 21:24

KISS boycott begins after Gene Simmons tells depressed people, ‘kill yourself’

by Alex Moore
KISS boycott begins after Gene Simmons tells depressed people, ‘kill yourself’

KISS singer Gene Simmons treats controversy as a personal currency, but he may have gone a little far this time as his recent comments encouraging depressed people to kill themselves are making waves in the wake of Robin Williams’s suicide.

Most recently Simmons made headlines for suggesting that immigrants need to learn to “speak goddamn English.” As with most of Simmons’s controversial statements, he justified it by saying that he and his family—immigrants themselves—learned to speak English. And if they could do it so could everyone else.

Applying the same narcissism to depressed people, Gene recently dismissed all depression as charlatanism in an interview with

No, I don’t get along with anybody who’s a drug addict and has a dark cloud over their head and sees themselves as a victim. Drug addicts and alcoholics are always: ‘The world is a harsh place.’ My mother was in a concentration camp in Nazi Germany. I don’t want to hear f**k all about ‘the world as a harsh place.’ She gets up every day, smells the roses and loves life. And for a putz, 20-year-old kid to say, ‘I’m depressed, I live in Seattle.” Fuck you, then kill yourself

He continued:

I always call them on their bluff. I’m the guy who says ‘Jump!’ when there’s a guy on top of a building who says, ‘That’s it, I can’t take it anymore, I’m going to jump.’ Are you kidding? Why are you announcing it? Shut the f**k up, have some dignity and jump! You’ve got the crowd.

The remarks were made in late July, before Robin Williams took his own life, but in the wake of the loss Simmons’s diatribe is rubbing some especially badly. Fellow ’80s rocker Nikki Sixx of Motley Crue denounced the comments and Australian radio station Triple M announced a boycott of all KISS material, calling the comments “misguided and insensitive.”

However notes that Simmons did tweet a message of solidarity after Williams’s death:

R.I.P. Robin Williams. A kind and generous man.

— Gene Simmons (@genesimmons) August 11, 2014

Looks like Simmons was just doing what he does best in his Songfacts interview—being an asshole.

Image: Billboard

15 Aug 21:24

Aaaand the winner is...

by Orange Dinosaur Slide
15 Aug 20:34

Prediction: Winter is coming. Pretty sure.

by filthy light thief
I finally gave in and started reading Game of Thrones. When I got to the end of the first chapter, I texted a bunch of my nerd friends like, "Why do people think this is surprising? It is like super-obviously signposted!" From there, it turned into a project where I try to predict what will happen in Game of Thrones. Predicting Game of Thrones, a blog by Eyebrows McGee, with an accompanying predictions log. NOTE: this is full of spoilers for the first two books, and the first half of Book III (Storm of Swords) will be online soon. Plus any number of theories could come true in the later books. [via mefi projects]

If you wish for Eyebrows McGee's knowledge and insight, it helps to be well read (and studied) in the source materials (including the SFF genre in general and epic and grimdark fantasy in particular; British history; and religious epics), look into typology (predictive relationship of the Old Testament to the New Testament), read up on Jungian archetypes (see also: Archetypes 101 and twelve character archetypes (PDF)), and generally be a skeptical reader.
15 Aug 20:31

"But really, if you can make tea, then you can make beer."

by joseph conrad is fully awesome
Meet craft brewers, home brewing enthusiasts, bartenders in "Craft Beer – A Hopumentary", which focuses on California. [YT]

Want more? How about "Beer Culture", a documentary about the craft brew scene in Colorado.

The basics: How It's Made: Beer (Science Channel)

The Guardian reports that, "Britain is now firmly in the grip of its own craft beer revolution." and that "the momentum is unstoppable."

How To Brew Your Own Beer with Bonnie (for less than $2 a 6-Pack!) [YT]
15 Aug 15:27


by Anita Bryant
15 Aug 15:25

Daniel Radcliffe wants to play Iggy Pop on film

by Joel Freimark
Daniel Radcliffe wants to play Iggy Pop on film

While a film chronicling the life of arguably the most powerfully wild and wholly captivating frontman of all time, Iggy Pop, is inevitable, one rather unexpected actor has tossed his hat in the ring for the role. One-time boy-wizard Daniel Radcliffe told a radio host that not only is he a massive fan of The Stooges and their music, but he’d be a great pick to play The Rock & Roll Iguana because, “We’ve got a similar, gnarly sort of, slightly strange skinny bodies.”

Though there is not currently a film on the iconic band or singer in production, due to their massive impact on music as well as the legendary stories of Pop’s on and off stage antics, there’s no question that there is more than enough material for such a project.

Delving into the world of music is nothing new for the actor, as he has many times made his passion for a wide range of bands quite apparent. He also made an appearance in Slow Club’s “Beginners” video, and was spotted at shows in New York City while he was performing on Broadway in The Cripple Of Irishmaan.

As one of the most explosive bands to ever take a stage, The Stooges released a trio of perfect albums in the early 1970’s before disbanding for the better part of four decades. When they returned to the stage, they remained just as raw and powerful, but the passing of Ron Asheton in 2009, and that of his brother Scott earlier this year all but ended their return to glory.

Iggy on the other hand is quite possibly immortal, as even approaching 70 years old, he appears very much similar to his younger self, and his stage energy and allure have not diminished in the least.

But with no offense to Radcliffe, there is only one man capable of playing Iggy Pop, regardless of age: James Osterberg. He’d without question be the ideal pick for this role.

Watch The Stooges rip through “TV Eye” in 1970 with Iggy in full glam-gear:

Joel Freimark hosts a daily music-related webseries HERE and you can follow his daily music musings and suggestions HERE as well.

image via

Follow @thedailyguru

15 Aug 15:24

Miley Cyrus's Instagram Account Is Better Than a Million Art Museums Combined

by Dan Ozzi
Miley Cyrus's Instagram Account Is Better Than a Million Art Museums Combined
15 Aug 15:21

Life Is Terrifying

by John Farrier

(Invisible Bread/Justin Boyd)

At some point, I'm supposed to feel like I know what I'm doing, right? Maybe that will happen in my 40s. 40-somethings among you, isn't that what happens? Or are we all just pretending to be adults?

15 Aug 14:03

Porn collages

by Jarret_Noir

15 Aug 13:58

British People Are Naming Their Children After "Game Of Thrones" Characters

“Hi, my name’s Khaleesi. Khaleesi Jenkins.”

The Office for National Statistics just released data on the names given to babies in England and Wales in 2013. And it turns out that lots of people have taken inspiration from Game of Thrones.

The Office for National Statistics just released data on the names given to babies in England and Wales in 2013. And it turns out that lots of people have taken inspiration from Game of Thrones .

That's a big increase on the 42 Aryas born in 2010, before the TV series was broadcast (although after the books had already become popular).

HBO/Tom Phillips/BuzzFeed

It's given us some completely new names.

It's given us some completely new names.

Back in 2010, there were no Khaleesis or Daeneryses at all.

HBO/Tom Phillips/BuzzFeed

Again, there were none in 2010.

HBO/Tom Phillips/BuzzFeed

Obviously there have always been lots of Brandons (and variants on it), but there were no boys just called "Bran" back in 2010.

HBO/Tom Phillips/BuzzFeed

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15 Aug 13:57

How to Be Polite

by keli
15 Aug 10:44

De vacaciones por la España negra

by Álvaro Corazón Rural

Picturesque Andalusia, una imagen de Ronda en 1902. Fotografía: Underwood & Underwood / Library of Congress (DP).

Pero esta suciedad hay que perdonarla; vale más taparse la nariz y seguir adelante, porque gracias a la falta de cuidado se piensa poco en demoler, menos en modernizar y jamás en restaurar; todo tiene cierta poesía para el artista: torrecillas truncadas, losas gastadas, goznes torcidos, la vejez en todo reinando siempre. (Darío de Regoyos, 1899)

La imagen estereotipada que se tiene de nuestro país ha cambiado notablemente con los años. A grandes rasgos, podríamos decir que por un lado tenemos la percepción a la alemana, la que considera que somos unos vagos, que no damos un palo al agua, que no trabajamos. Y por otro a la británica, que entiende que estamos todo el día de fiesta. Guitarra, palmas. Cachondeo, cubata, chiringuito y chupaíta al cristal.

La réplica a la escuela alemana es bastante fácil. Solo hay que llevar al que piense así a uno de los lugares donde más se trabaja en España, por ejemplo a Andalucía, y poner al caballero a recoger aceitunas. Sencillo.

Y al pensamiento británico, qué sé yo. Es cierto que sirve para que los chavales de ese país que nos visitan se tiren por la ventana del hotel a la piscina, en plan de fiesta, y se queden tetrapléjicos. O para que una joven entre en una disco y, en plan de fiesta, a cambio de una copa se ponga en mitad de la pista a chupar la polla a los presentes que tengan los problemas sexuales más profundos y oscuros como para ofrecerse voluntarios.

Pues hombre, no es nuestra cultura. Es verdad. Había una tira de Ata en el TMEO hace años que contaba que un amigo del dibujante, cuando estaba en la disco a determinadas horas, solía romper a gritar «Gratis, gratis, quién le quiere chupar la polla a un borracho gratis». En España nunca se ofrecía nada a cambio, solo amor del bueno, al contrario que esa copa de los británicos. Pero no debemos ponernos tiquismiquis con el choque de civilizaciones. Para una vez que los ingleses salen de sus islas para denigrarse a sí mismos en lugar de a los aborígenes pertinentes ¿vamos a poner el grito en el cielo? Estamos hablando del milagro fiestero español. Un hito en la historia.

Pero vamos, todo esto sería sin hilar fino, repasando lo que hay con brocha gorda, porque lo que comentaremos en esta entrega de «Busco en la basura algo mejor» es que antes estos estereotipos no eran así; antes no éramos vagos y festivos. Ciento y pico años atrás nos veían como todo lo contrario, como amigos de la muerte, enamorados de la oscuridad. Para los europeos con estudios éramos un país tétrico y de gentes macabras. Algo similar al estereotipo del México profundo que ya huele en el cine, pero a lo decimonónico. Es decir, a lo bestia.

De ello da fe el libro que nos ocupa, España Negra, donde el pintor asturiano Darío de Regoyos describe sus viajes por España a finales del siglo XIX con un turista belga, el poeta Émile Verhaeren. Visto con la mentalidad actual, se trata de un excepcional folleto para ahuyentar el turismo de por vida.

No obstante, Verhaeren era un turista. Uno de muchos europeos de aquel tiempo, europeos extravagantes y modernos, que se consideraban «españolistas» en plan hipster. Como cita Pío Baroja en el prólogo de la obra:

Contaba Darío su vida en Bruselas con mucha gracia, y las aventuras de un amigo belga, españolista, que por su entusiasmo por España iba con la capa y guitarra por la calle y decidió dejar su nombre flamenco y llamarse desde entonces don Alonso Fernández de las Castradas…

Los tipos estaban enamorados de la peor versión de España. De la superstición, del fanatismo religioso, del subdesarrollo. Y sintiendo la llamada de la oscuridad, como Verhaeren, venían a recorrer nuestro país. Regoyos, en este caso, ejerció de cicerone.

Una familia gitana en Granada, 1901. Fotografía: Library of Congress (DP).

Baroja explica al principio que Regoyos no era un hombre convencional. Cuando se compraba un traje, cuenta, se tiraba al suelo y se movía frenéticamente, como con espasmos. Al cabo de un rato retorciéndose se levantaba y, con el traje arrugado, decía: ¡ahora sí está bien! Era porque consideraba que la ropa debía adaptarse a él y no al revés. Un shock para todos los que asistían al baile. Aunque ahora podríamos considerarlo como un precursor del chándal.

Además, también señala don Pío que el pintor tenía cierta inclinación a retratar al óleo cadáveres de personas y animales, pero reconocía, riendo como un loco, que se debía a sus épocas neurasténicas.

Era un elemento este pintor asturiano, sí, pero tenía la cabeza bien amueblada. En la primera página del diario de viajes ya empieza citando involuntariamente al Facebook y lo patéticos que somos todos hoy en día con la obsesión por el turismo.

¡Oh, notarios, dentistas, fabricantes de biberones o jeringas que forzosamente necesitáis descansar vuestras posaderas en asientos bien mullidos y tener los platos emperejilados! Ellos y los ferrocarriles han vulgarizado la pasión de los viajes. Ahora son estos lujos que se paga uno en cumplimiento de la promesa que se hizo a la mujer o a los niños si son buenos. Del delicioso sueño que antes era ir a la ventura en busca de lo desconocido se ha hecho hoy una distracción metódica, uniformada para libro de memorias.

Ellos prepararon su viaje por España en los peores carromatos y diligencias. Pensaban dormir al raso si fuese preciso. Todo por la autenticidad.

El trayecto por lo que obsesionaba al poeta belga, la España negra, empezaba en el País Vasco. Recorrieron sus aldeas «construidas como a bofetadas contra las laderas de la costa». Alucinaron con las viejas «que parecía que habían asistido a la agonía de Cristo». Se colaban en los funerales y escuchaban los cantos de los fieles, que duraban horas, como un mantra con un órgano desacompasado. En los campanarios de Guipuzcoa se tocaba a muerto, pero se daban también cinco campanadas en la agonía. ¿Es necesario? Se preguntaba el pintor. Eso solo podía ocurrir en un país amigo de la muerte, se lamentaba.

Vieron también alguna procesión y Regoyos admiraba la talla grosera y desproporcionada de las imágenes «expresión torpe, pero qué penetrante», puesto que en España entonces empezaban a entrar esculturas modernas francesas, «insípidas imágenes de confitería», se quejaba.

Después se fueron a ver una corrida de toros a cuyo término todos los asistentes se dirigían al bosque a continuar la fiesta presenciando bailes antiguos eúskaros.

Que las fiestas vascongadas tienen un carácter tétrico por mucha alegría que les quiera dar. La dominante negra en los trajes, la seriedad en los bailes y cantos, el paisaje y aquel cortejo de alcaldes y curas presenciando los bailes como un duelo.

El baile de los domingos, que se suponía más alegre, asombró aún más al belga. Las mujeres donostiarras bailaban sin hombres. Decía que eso causaría risa en Flandes. Regoyos le explicó que era peor la Semana Santa vasca. Ahí sí que se respiraba tristeza. El no creyente no tenía dónde meterse en esas fechas. En los bares cerraban el piano y encima de las mesas de billar se ponían los tacos formando una cruz con las bolas en los sitios donde le pusieron los clavos a Cristo. Aviso a navegantes para que a nadie le diera por jugar, por disfrutar de algo, en Semana Santa.

Tras asistir a una procesión en San Juan de Gaztelugatxe en la que las personas les parecieron hormigas, decidieron coger una diligencia en San Sebastián para ir hasta Pamplona. El viaje lo hicieron con un gitano que fascinó a Verhaeren. Era un sacamantecas, un muy bello oficio.

Antiguamente, en las corridas de toros los caballos no llevaban peto. En la suerte de varas, lo corriente era que el toro los destripase. El ruedo todo lleno de intestinos empanados en albero, eso era arte y no lo de ahora.

Una corrida de todos en Sevilla, 1902. Fotografía: Underwood & Underwood / Library of Congress (DP).

Después de la masacre, este gitano iba a sacarle la grasa a los caballos, un producto muy valioso. Y por eso viajaba de fiesta en fiesta. De hecho, al poeta y el pintor no les extrañó cuando se lo encontraron en primera línea de la plaza de toros de Pamplona gritándole a la presidencia: ¡más caballos! ¡más caballos!

Y mientras tanto, el turista encantado:

Creí que el belga se asustaría como la mayor parte de los extranjeros; pero, muy al contrario, se ponía loco de entusiasmo, diciendo que eso era lo hermoso de las corridas; aplaudía más a los picadores vencidos por el toro y al jamelgo ensartado, que a una buena pica quedando el caballo sano y salvo. Su placer era la parte cruel de la fiesta: la sangre y los caballos patas arriba.

Muy bonito de ver. Por eso, después de la corrida, se fueron a echarle un ojo a los caballos muertos en un descampado:

Los chicos daban patadas o tiraban de la cola a los muertos del montón por ver si se levantaba algún penco, cerciorarse bien si no había alguno vivo; otros apretaban las heridas para hacer salir la sangre.

—Cosas de chicos —le dije.

Y Verhaeren añadía: Cosas de España.

Pasaron la noche con los gitanos. A su campamento acudían los soldados andaluces que estaban haciendo la mili en Navarra para bailar y cantar, «para hacerse más la ilusión de que estaban en su país». Sin embargo, el gitano sacamantecas cuando se puso a cantar coplas en el corro todas hablaban de la muerte.

También asistieron a los Sanfermines, y Regoyos explicó que los naturales iban cada año con el mismo entusiasmo. «Para esto se necesita únicamente ser pamplonés», le explicó a su amigo.

La siguiente visita fue al cementerio de Zaragoza y sus lápidas con azulejos «tóscamente coloreados». Desde allí, cogieron un tren para Sigüenza. El compañero de vagón era un ciego, Verhaeven apuntó que en ningún país los había visto «de tan hermosa tristeza».

Castilla le pareció al turista como otro planeta. Regoyos siguió ejerciendo de guía, le contó:

La diferencia de líneas entre la distinguida raza vasca y la castellana es tan grande hasta en los mendigos que sabría uno diferenciarlos desnudos. Una vieja vimos en la que se reflejaban las miserias del país seco, de cerros pelados; en su cara pajiza y descompuesta se veían los colores de aquellos desiertos y las huellas de la vida de sufrimientos en tan duro clima. Sus arrugas conservaban la misma contracción sin duda de muchos años como sujeta por un resorte de tanto guiñar los ojos, luchando contra la luz fuerte; ese visaje que queda fijo en la gente que vive al sol, envejeciéndola antes de tiempo.


Vivir en las ciudades castellanas de ruinas es vivir en lo muerto, aunque sea una ruina con cielo azul.

Un pueblo desvencijado cayéndose a pedazos, sentenciaron sin más sobre Sigüenza. Cuando veía a alguien a caballo se lo imaginaban fácilmente con casco y espada. Y al llegar a Madrid, pensaron que todo era lo mismo, pero en pueblo grande. Decidieronn volver a ir a los toros, pero encontraron que por las calles los chulapos publicitaban un evento mucho más interesante, un criminal iba a ser ajusticiado con el garrote. «¡A dos reales al patíbulo!», gritaban para vender butacas.

En la capital el belga alcanzó el éxtasis. Las funerarias, lejos de estar escondidas discretamente de la atención del público, exponían sus productos a la vista de todos. Fue el punto culminante de su viaje, una funeraria con escaparte. Desgraciadamente, no pudo entrar al «pudridero de reyes», en el monasterio del Escorial.


Lavanderas en el Puente de Toledo de Madrid, 1908. Fotografía: Underwood & Underwood / Library of Congress (DP).

De vuelta a su país, Verhaeren escribió emocionado que era necesario llevar gafas de vidrio color rosa para ver España en tonos alegres. Apoyó el texto en una serie de coplas que robó a los soldados andaluces en Pamplona. Ahí van las tres más refrescantes de la recopilación:

Yo quisiera ser el nicho
donde te van a enterrar
para tenerte en mis brazos
toíta una eternidad.

En el carro de los muertos
la vi de lejos venir
llevaba una mano fuera
por eso la conocí.

En un cementerio entré
pisé un hueso y dio un quejío
no me aprietes con el pie
que soy tu madre, hijo mío.

Regoyos se quedó bastante contrariado con esta aventura. Vio al poeta partir más triste de lo que había llegado, pero feliz por estar triste, explicaba entusiasmado que a eso venía a España. El pintor asturiano esperaba que el sol del país le hubiese alegrado el espíritu, pero el belga dijo al partir: «Por lo mismo que es triste, España es hermosa».

No obstante, pasaron los días y Regoyos siguió pensando en su extraño amigo. En el porqué de su pasión por lo siniestro de España. Una procesión, esta vez en La Rioja, acabó con sus dudas. Un pintor riojano, Paternina, se lo reveló como un secreto. «Hay una cofradía de disciplinares que se azota cruelmente, hasta correr la sangre, hiriéndose la piel con vidrios rotos. En pleno siglo XIX , casi en el XX, sucede esto». Fue para allá porque le costaba creerlo.

Era la Semana Santa en San Vicente de la Sonsierra, cerca de Haro. Hay que añadir, echen un vistazo al Google, que esa aberrante costumbre aún se mantiene. Esta vez, en pleno siglo XXI. A Regoyos le costaba creer que la gente se azotase a sí misma, en un cuadro de Goya había visto que antaño cada disciplinante golpeaba a un compañero, pero aquí no era solo eso.

El llamado padrino, un viejo con cara de Nerón, termina aquel terrible castigo haciendo brotar la sangre agolpada en las doloridas espaldas amoratadas a fuerza de zurriagazos, con un instrumento que pone los pelos de punta, una bola del tamaño de las de billar, hecha de cera y que contiene unos pedazos grandes de vidrios rotos, salientes y cortantes. De esta bola llamada «esponja» me dieron un ejemplar, y la operación o sangría la llaman picar; así tan en crudo; lo mismo que en las plazas se pican toros, en aquel pueblo se pican los hombres.

Lo irónico del tema es que los hombres que pasaban por este tormento voluntario luego eran un buen partido para las mujeres y considerado un valiente entre los hombres. Le contaron que un gobernador mandó en una ocasión a la guardia civil para impedir que la gente se castigara de esa forma, pero no lograron nada, porque se fueron todos a su casa y allí encerrados se zurraron lo mismo, todavía con más ganas. «Desde entonces no insistió el señor gobernador en ser caritativo».

Regoyos descubrió que cada año repetían el juego cada vez más motivados. El castigo era adictivo. Y si alguien se ponía enfermo en invierno, la curiosa sabiduría popular del lugar lo achacaba a que no se había golpeado lo suficientemente fuerte.

Se disiparon todas sus dudas. Concluyó la obra en mayúsculas con un «ESPAÑA ES NEGRA». Y como publicó el libro tras el desastre del 98, añadió: «Y si el poeta nos visitara ahora, nos encontraría a todos más muertos».

Niños de la calle en Madrid en 1896. Fotografía: Alfred S. Campbell / Library of Congress (DP).

15 Aug 09:48

Hey Ladies! and the Shudder of Recognition

by yasaman
Ok, this may be the most important email I send all year, so PLEASE RESPOND RIGHT AWAY. We need to figure out our summer weekend plans ASAP!!!! We're closing in on our mid-twenties and I think this is gonna be the summer we all meet our potential first husbands, so location is EVERYTHING!!! Plus Sex and the City. Let's take a vote! Creeping psychological horror, hilarious satire, or terribly accurate glimpse into the emails of a group of passive aggressive group of "friends" in their mid-late twenties? The Hey Ladies saga by Michelle Markowitz and Caroline Moss at The Toast chronicles the adventures of a group of friends who live in New York via their group emails as they plan various outings and events.

The story thus far, in order:

Bachelorette Party
Ladies' Brunch
Halloween Planning
Book Club
New Year's Eve Fallout
Love Is in the Air
St. Patrick's Day Edition
The May Edition
Happily Ever After
15 Aug 09:35

Hernández devuelve el proyecto de Galeras por incumplir la normativa

by Marga Mosteiro