Shared posts

15 Jan 10:50

The reasonable consensus any time "men should be able to hit women back" comes up

10 Jan 12:43

Especially in quiet places.

10 Jan 12:10

Students Life

09 Jan 13:27

Black Friday...

03 Dec 10:48


03 Dec 10:46


03 Dec 10:46

Oort Cloud

... I wanna try.  Hang on, be right back.
03 Dec 10:12


03 Dec 10:07

11/27/13 PHD comic: 'Work vs. Cleaning'

Piled Higher & Deeper by Jorge Cham
Click on the title below to read the comic
title: "Work vs. Cleaning" - originally published 11/27/2013

For the latest news in PHD Comics, CLICK HERE!

02 Dec 13:46

George Takei just shared this on Facebook

02 Dec 13:03

What I have learnt in my first job

02 Dec 13:02

Batman Moustache

02 Dec 12:50

No Doubts. Things Would Have Been So Much Better.

02 Dec 12:46

"When I tell you I need to be alone, what I mean is that I don’t want you to see me changing the..."

“When I tell you I need to be alone, what I mean is that I don’t want you to see me changing the batteries on my confidence, or the mercury levels in my floundering.”

- Buddy Wakefield, “Floating Device” (via beardycoxmilkshakeman)
02 Dec 12:08


02 Dec 11:36

Behind the signs

02 Dec 11:34

You know you've been studying too long when you are trying to determine if your dinner is male or female.

28 Nov 13:00

How to catch a cat the right way.

27 Nov 11:44

Thank you, Terry Pratchett, for 40 books in 30 years time that...

Thank you, Terry Pratchett, for 40 books in 30 years time that made us think, snicker and spit out our water.

27 Nov 11:42

Signs they didn't teach you at dive school

27 Nov 11:41

USA Economy Explained In A GIF

22 Nov 07:38

Love me...

22 Nov 07:00

kadrey: Insomnia Jeopardy


Insomnia Jeopardy

22 Nov 06:59

The V-word…

22 Nov 06:54

11/20/13 PHD comic: 'What to do when you\'re overwhelmed'

Piled Higher & Deeper by Jorge Cham
Click on the title below to read the comic
title: "What to do when you\'re overwhelmed" - originally published 11/20/2013

For the latest news in PHD Comics, CLICK HERE!

22 Nov 06:47

From Willie Nelson's FB feed

22 Nov 06:47

hackedy: I’m pretty pleased with the 12th doctor


I’m pretty pleased with the 12th doctor

21 Nov 07:09

"So my Chemistry teacher has an Asian grading scale..."

20 Nov 12:12

Their own private reality [Stoat]

by William M. Connolley

Over at Scottish”Sceptic” there’s an attempt at a report of what not-Prof Salby said at a lecture recently. The talk sounds to have been not too dissimilar to the Hamburg one I commented on and if you read the comments a variety of people make a variety of the obvious points as to why its all a pile of dingoes kidneys. Not terribly surprisingly it all bounces off, because if SS were the kind of person to listen to reason, he wouldn’t have written the post in the first place. And really, although you can play around with fancy ideas, if you can’t answer “so where did all the human-emitted CO2 go?” its all a waste of time.

I rather started blipping through the comments, there are more than 50 now, and like some slow-motion train wreck there are no end of people happily offering advice to the driver, but he’s not listening. The trouble, in this argument, is that there are just so many reasons for the bleedin’ obvious. SS does have the advantage of being polite – well, mostly – and apparently reasonable; but the reason is a veneer of words.

After a while, I realised he was still calling Salby a Prof, even though he knows full well Salby isn’t one. Its all a bit embarrassing for them, but still: isn’t Dr good enough? Its a real title that you earn and get to keep; Prof comes with the job, and when you lose the job you lose the title. I pointed this out and got the bizarre response:

I’ve checked and anyone can make anyone a professor,. so we’ve decided to make him and honorary professor of the Scottish Climate and Energy Forum.

Is this an attempt at humour? Its not funny. It just comes across as a total disconnect from reality. JBL complains too, and gets told:

What actually matters is whether someone warrants a title. I am more than happy that Prof Salby warrants the title so I will use the title. If you don’t agree then I can’t force you to do so.

So that’s it then. In “sceptic”-world, anyone can award anyone else any title they like, purely based on their own opinion. This would be mindbogglingly stupid, if it was what SS believed.

But actually, he doesn’t believe a word of it. The answer is worse: he’s been caught out in an error, and can’t bear to correct himself, no matter how blatant the error may be. Given that, what’s the point of attempting a scientific argument with him?

20 Nov 10:45

These People Recreated Their Childhood Photos And The Results Are Epic