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16 Feb 08:50

On Kickstarter, everyone is Peter Molyneux

by Kyle Orland

I did take part in the Godus kickstarter, just in case Peter managed to get something closer to Populous than his later doings. Overly optimistic, knowing how the ROI of his plans have been in the last decades, I know, but I felt like giving it a shot and him a chance.

Since I got access to the beta in Steam, I've had a go at three versions, each with new worlds. It's just not *fun*.

Peter Molyneux and his team at indie developer 22Cans have not been having a good week. It started on Monday, when Rock Paper Shotgun published a report highlighting the fact that Kickstarter backers are still waiting for a promised PC version of god-game Godus, nearly two years after the game exceeded £500,000 in funding. Though the Kickstarter pitch promised development would take "seven to nine months," backers are still stuck with a buggy "early access" PC version that is missing key features like combat, a "hubworld," and multiplayer support (a mobile version of Godus launched last year with the help of a third-party publisher).

Despite this, recent reports suggest that 22Cans was planning to shrink the Godus development team in favor of a newly announced mobile project, The Trial. As one frustrated new 22Cans developer put it on the game's message boards, "to be brutally candid and realistic I simply can't see us delivering all the features promised on the Kickstarter page, a lot of the multiplayer stuff is looking seriously shaky right now especially the persistent stuff like hubworld." Molyneux and his team took to YouTube to reassure backers, and the public at large, of the game's continued development.

Molyneux and members of the Godus team offer apologies and updates on the game's status.

The bad news continued on Wednesday, when Eurogamer published a fascinating piece about Bryan Henderson, who had won the opportunity to share in the revenues from Godus in exchange for serving as the game's first "God of Gods." After some initial enthusiasm on both sides, contact between Henderson and 22Cans fell away, and the promised revenue share and "God of Gods" functionality are still pending more than 18 months later. In response to Eurogamer's article, Molyneux said he "totally and absolutely and categorically apologize[s]" to Henderson for not living up to his promises.

Read 15 remaining paragraphs | Comments

12 Feb 05:49

Why are you unvaccinated?

by Jason Weisberger

I honestly can't understand how there are people in a supposedly civilized country, who don't vaccinate their children :s

attribution: matt bors

attribution: matt bors

Cleanly sums it up. (via Daily Kos)

11 Feb 07:49

A most excellent Star Wars Millenium Falcon cake

by Xeni Jardin

This Star Wars-themed cake by by Cup A Dee Cakes includes so many loving, nerdy details: panels, access hatches, floodlights, all in an array of edible hues. Read the rest

09 Feb 07:47

Build your own working Lego ballista

by Nannan

Jason Allemann has come up with a design for Lego ballista that can launch a 2×4 brick 15 feet (which will let you hit almost any target in even the biggest dioramas). The best part is that he has posted step-by-step instructions for you to build your own. Time to get ready for battle!

Flying Elephant VS LEGO Ballista. Fight!

06 Feb 10:13

Gratuitous Space Battles 2 is in beta at last… RIGHT NOW

by cliffski

I'm... most intrigued.

Oh god the fear…game launches are terrifying. And this isn’t release day it’s beta day but still…let this trailer do some of the talking…

So yup, GSB2 is now taking pre-orders direct from my site, and this gives you access to the beta. You can grab it right now from here:

Note that this is a proper beta, not some super-early-access proof of concept thing where most of it doesn’t work. In other words, most stuff works! it’s playable. Hopefully its fun! It’s PC-only and English only for now, but that will change come-release. There will of course be bugs, and myriad balance issues. And I will be adding some extra voiceover and a few other bits and pieces. But hopefully this is something you can play and enjoy right now. You get a download link, an online serial (for challenges, if you want to use them), and a steam code for its eventual steam release (the code obviously isn’t working yet).

PLEASE tell people you know about it, this is really appreciated. If you are a member of the press, please check your inbox, and if you don’t hear from us today please email me at cliff At positech etc… and I will put you in touch with *my people*. Yeah that’s right, cliffski got people now :D.

And of course, we have forums that you can go chat on and offer feedback and suggestions, criticism, maybe even some praise for things you like? and ask questions about stuff. You can log in to my forums with google or twitter or facebook, or manually sign up for an account. We also have a facebook page.

Holy cow I’m nervous. I actually feel sick.

05 Feb 07:12

Philly TSA supervisor Charles Kieser sent a traveller to jail for asking to file a complaint

by Cory Doctorow

TSA ,wtf...

After sending Roger Vanderklok for jail for the audacity of asking to file a complaint, Philadelphia International Airport TSA supervisor Charles Kieser then lied about what happened on the stand in court. He fabricated an aggressive confrontation and a bomb threat, neither of which are in evidence on the CCTV footage or in the police report. His victim was help incommunicado in jail, panicking his wife who had no idea where he'd gone. Kieser gets to keep his job.

Read the rest

04 Feb 05:41

How to Extend the Life of Pricey Hobby Paints

by Gareth Branwyn

I moved from Citadel paints to Vallejo just because of that: the citadels dried up damn quick, a couple of them before I got to actually use them! And that was a couple of citadel paint generations ago.

citadelDropperPaints_1Has Games Workshop/Citadel Miniatures finally come to their senses and started releasing paints in convenient, air-tight dropper bottles? Hardly. But frustrated with Games Workshop bottles’ notorious habit of drying up long before the paint is gone, a hobbyist took matters into his own hands. Using dropper bottles found on eBay, […]

Read more on MAKE

04 Feb 05:39

Mine Craft: Decommissioned Naval Weapons Repurposed Into Beautiful Furniture

by Gareth Branwyn
Ahi_01Estonian artist and sculpture, Mati Karmin, makes beautiful wood stoves and furniture from decommissioned naval mines.

Read more on MAKE

04 Feb 05:30

Gratuitous Space Battles 2, the brand new ship classes…

by cliffski

So if you have played the original Gratuitous Space Battles game, you will remember that there were three classes (or crudely put: ‘sizes’) of ship in the game. They were cruisers, frigates and fighters. In simple terms, cruisers were the big damage-dealing and damage-soaking tanks, frigates were the smaller, faster raiders, and fighters were tiny things that zipped about and sneakily shot through enemy shields at very close range, plus enjoyed some aesthetically pleasing dog-fighting with enemy fighters. This was pretty simple and obvious, but it didn’t lead to enough variety, and thus we have doubled the number of ship sizes/classes this time round. So here they are, and here is what they do…


Same as before, the small fast little one-lifeform dogfight ships, that can also carry some small missiles and do damage to enemy frigates & destroyers, but not much else. The big changes in GSB2 are that these ships (and this also applies to gunships) need to be brought to the battle aboard a carrier, and need to refuel now and then. (depending on how big the fuel tanks are you fit to them of course :D)



These are new. basically big fighters, more power, more hull slots, able to mount two weapons at a pinch rather than one, so consequently they can also pack enough armor to survive one or two shots and still make it back for repairs, unlike many of the smaller, cheaper fighters.


These are quite deliberately targeted to be raiders this time round. They are faster, and more geared towards attack. They are vulnerable to fighters. Ideally deployed in a nice big formation and told to keep moving to leverage their speed and avoid getting hammered by the slow-tracking cruiser & dreadnought guns.



These are support-ships, that you will generally find escorting or in formation with a cruiser or dreadnought. They are roughly the same size as frigates, and share some of the same module choices. They have special ability modules such as shield support beams, propulsion support, and defensive systems such as point defense and guidance scramblers. These don’t generally attack they enemy, they defend your bigger ships against attack.


The main line-of-battle ships. these do the majority of the damage, blasting enemy cruisers and frigates to bits with serious weaponry and decent defenses, meaning they will last a good time into the battle, even in the middle of things. They have the capability to act as carriers, and have some of the big, scary weapons. Cruisers can also take on enemy dreadnoughts, and actually share quite a few module choices with them.



The ultimate ship. This is the ship that a fleet is built around, and you are unlikely to have many of them deployed at once. Expensive, big, very slow, and capable of carrying the biggest weapons available. Like cruisers, they are vulnerable to missiles and fighters, and rely on an escorting group of destroyers to defend them from enemies while they deliver the killer blow. Ideally suited as carriers, that stay at the rear of the battle, refueling and repairing endless squads of fighters. Losing a dreadnought in battle can be a disaster.

I think this variety is going to add a lot to the game. Right now it’s not, I have to admit, as balanced as it could be, but that will be something endlessly debated and tweaked during beta. I’d like there to be really distinctive roles for each class and that is going to mean a lot of restricting modules to one type or another, and maybe adding a bunch of new ones. If you don’t want to wait until all thats sorted out, and want to get your tentacles dirty with the beta, we are taking pre-orders and giving out beta copies to people who pre-order starting this friday… So keep an eye on this blog, or our facebook page.

02 Feb 06:39

A preview of space ship design in Gratuitous Space Battles 2

by cliffski

I was sold on GSB2 as soon as Cliffski announced it, thanks to GSB itself :p

So we are only a few days away from the GSB2 beta (oh yes), and I thought I’d write up a little preview about the basics of spaceship design in the game…

As you probably know Gratuitous Space Battles 2 is a game about ship design and fleet design, not really a typical real-time strategy game where you give individual instructions during a battle. As a result, what really matters is your ability to perfect a decent spaceship design, one which is efficient and effective in battle. This is harder than it sounds. In GSB2, like the original game, you select a ship ‘hull’ from a list of presets, and then equip it with modules that contains engines, weapons, defenses and other abilities…


The trick is balancing all the different attributes of a ship to get the right mix. Basically everything you select has a cost, a weight, and probably both a crew and power requirement (plus many more attributes specific to that type of module). Cost means you will be able to afford more or less of these ships in any given fleet. Heavier modules make a heavier ship, which makes them slower (which is countered by more engines…). The last two requirements (crew & power) are often the two you spend time fussing over.


Each hull in GSB2 (unlike the original game) comes with some power generation and crew supplied, but you are likely to need to add to that with extra modules. There are power and crew modules in various sizes, but getting the exact balance right, where you have enough of both, but are not wasting capacity on surplus power (wasted) or surplus crew capacity (again…wasted) can be tricky. This also leads to a lot of head scratching and chin-rubbing. You *could* add another engine, but if the engine needs more power and that demands another powerplant, then actually will the heavier weight reduce the ships speed enough to mean that the extra ‘marginal’ engine wasn’t worth it? There are a LOT of trade offs, and ship design is an art.


As well as those variables, there are also lots more, such as range, damage and tracking speed for weapons, fire interval, salvo size, fighter capacity for carrier bays and many many more. Thankfully, the game does try to make comparing it all a bit easier than it sounds, as you can click on any variable associated with a ship module and it launches a handy list to show you how it compares against other modules for that particular attribute:


This is just scratching the surface, because the choice of ship hull also affects how things turn out. Some are relatively cheap, some expensive, and many of them have bonuses (or penalties) to cost, power requirements, armor, and so on. There is no ‘best’ hull for each class, it really depends what you will be using it for? A tank, a sniper, a support ship, an anti-fighter platform? a raider?

This is a BIG part of the game. Part of the fun is fighting and winning a battle, and then working out how to do it with a cheaper ship. Every point you don’t spend on fleet cost gets transformed into ‘honor’ if you win the battle. If you beat your honor record for a mission, you earn the difference, so you can keep re-fighting a single scenario with a more and more cleverly balanced fleet to score as many points as possible.

…and of course, once you earn that honor there is the decision to make as where to spend it on the research screen. On a new hull? new weapons? new shields or engines? Or shall we be gratuitous and just spend it on a nice new decorative fin for one of our ships? :D


If you like watching huge at space battles AND the idea of studying starship blueprints to work out whether you can make your space cruiser more deadly for less cost you will be in heaven :D.

Gratuitous Space Battles 2 is still in development, although pre-orders & beta are coming at the end of this week… Tell your friends! (and warn your enemies…)

02 Feb 06:33

Preparing for Gratuitous Space Battles 2 beta (and pre-orders…)

by cliffski


Gratuitous Space Battles 2 is approaching pre-orders + beta. You know the sort of thing by now. The game isn’t finished but you can pre-order now and get immediate access to the beta. Steam early access made it popular. So why not put the game into Early Access? basically this isn’t an early-access kind of beta. It’s a proper ‘we think it’s more or less done’ beta, like betas used to be back in the old days. It’s pretty much content complete (a few more extra graphics & voiceover await). It’s definitely feature complete. It’s definitely playable. it has been optimized a lot, and bug tested a lot. It’s essentially what my idea of a beta is, which is a finished game, with some rough edges, and maybe some compatibility issues. There are a few big things not done, namely translations and ports. The beta will be PC only, and English only. I plan on a Windows/Mac/Linux  and English/French/German/Spanish (maybe more) release when the game actually gets released on steam, Humble Store, GoG.


So the beta will be direct-sales only, and will get you a download link & online challenge game serial (no DRM, don’t worry), and a steam key that will be useless until release.

So thats all the warnings and caveats. What will you get? You will get a VERY explodey, lasery, space-battley smorgasbord of laser-death and gratuitous zappyness that makes the battle at the start of the last star wars film look like an episode of Blakes Seven. I’ve kind of gone a bit overboard of the graphical shininess this time. I might have overdone the lens flares a bit, and the particles, and the everything else. And yup, the multi monitor stuff works fine in the beta.


Gameplay wise, it’s Gratuitous Space Battles, but with more ship classes (hello dreadnoughts, destroyers and gunships) and better formation orders, better targeting AI, and *drumroll*… You get to design the ships yourself from components, so they look exactly how you want them. This is I suspect…a bit of a killer feature. It is VERY cool, to design a whole fleet of spaceships then watch them blow up your friends fleet.

So yup, it should be a lot of fun. It’s tons better than GSB1. I can’t believe how GSB1 looks and feels and plays now, this new version is basically laughing at it, like kirk laughed at khans superior intelligence.

Anyway…stay tuned. beta SOON.

02 Feb 05:56

theWAREHOUSE comic 934 – Diver’s City

by carlh


So if you follow theWAREHOUSE on Twitter or Facebook you’ll have already seen that I just found a triptych of paintings I did a little while ago and totally forgot about! Put them away some weekend when I was cleaning and – boom – out of sight, out of mind!

I’ll have to figure out some sort of contest or promotion or something to give the set out as a prize.

Happy Friday!

29 Jan 09:20

The PSF Brochure

by Mary Ann Sushinsky
Sometime back in 2011, the PSF realized that Python, although at the time a mature and widely-used language, was still unknown to many decision-makers outside of the tech world. To remedy this obstacle to Python's growth (and grave injustice), the brochure project was born.
For over two years, the brochure team, headed by PSF Director, Marc-Andre Lemburg, sought success stories and sponsors, in order to demonstrate to “CIOs and chief developers, scientists and programmers, university lecturers, teachers and students, customers, clients, managers and employees”  that Python could be the programming solution they were looking for. The brochure team also worked hard to ensure there would be no cost to the PSF membership by securing sponsors' ads to fund all printing and distribution.
Making its debut in April at PyCon 2014 in Montreal (issued in two releases of 5,000 copies each, with the first release running out almost immediately), the brochure was titled “python: a programming language changes the world.” The brochure makes clear in 32 pages of vivid detail why Python has become a leading programming language in business and industry, finance, science and research, media, education, the public sector, government, and charity worldwide. 
Python's leanness (for example, "a task that requires an average of twenty lines of code in C and seven in Java can often be done with just one line in Python”), agility and flexibility, ease of teaching and learning, capacity for system integration, along with the extremely large number of libraries available, were cited in the brochure over and over again as reasons for its use. According to Chuck Groom – Head of Engineering at the Seattle SurveyMonkey office, “The transition to Python from NET has been a great success. Our Python applications handle heavy traffic without problems. Developers have found it possible to add new features much more quickly than before. New employees get up to speed in a manner of days, and recruiting has become easier.” And other web-service providers featured in the brochure, including Google and You Tube, are just as effusive in their praise. 
Examples from science and industry also abound. ArcGIS (geographic information systems), who created the ArcPy module for data analysis conversion and management, identifies an additional benefit in describing the Python community as “an extended workbench of a company's own IT department.”  More scientific uses are described in the brochure by OpenQuakeOpenERP, and Intellovations (maker of ForecastWatch). 
Making "heavy use of Python," scientists at the European Space Agency (ESA) are able to develop software that will, in the future, be put to use on Mars to search for signs of life. And at CERN, physicists, in only 6 months, were able to replace the C++ analysis framework used for choosing experiment parameters with Python. The result, “This new system has been in use for a few years now, and many problems that could not be solved using the previous system are now literally one-liners.”
Today's film industry is also shown to be committed to Python. Companies such as Industial Light and Magic and Side Effects use Python for their animation software and to manage production processes. Accoring to Tommy Burnette, head of Global Pipeline, Lucasfilm, "Python plays a key role in our production pipeline. Without it a project the size of The Avengers would have been very difficult to pull off. From crowd rendering to batch processing to compositing, Python binds all things together."  And Blender , “a free open-source 3D content creation suite," uses Python as its primary language.
Not to be overlooked, the financial services industry is also featured as greatly reliant on Python. Examples in the brochure include Swisscom IT Services and Landesbank Baden-Wurttemberg. And companies such as, which provides Python-based software to the nation of Ghana for the collection of VAT revenue, point up Python's importance in contributing to developing economies.
The brochure also features several educational uses of Python that serve to empower disadvantaged learners, like One Laptop per Child (OLPC), which has provided laptop computers to over 2.5 million children and teachers in 42 countries, and the PHOENIX project (Physics with Homemade Equipment and Innovative Experiments) started in 2004 by the Inter University Accelerator Centre (IUAC) in India.
The above are just a few of the abundant and impressive stories highlighted in the PSF brochure. Visit the website or download a copy for more info about how Python is indeed "changing the world." And If you or someone you know would benefit from this type of exposure or if you have a success story you'd like to share, please let us know.

28 Jan 05:58

Me Grimlock not stupid

by Ralph

Considering all the rubbish TV shows I used to love as a child, I was undoubtedly very good at suspending my disbelief. However, even as a child I knew Dinobots make no sense whatsoever.

Grimlock: Dino and robot mode

I can understand that, for a robot of alien origin on Earth, the ability to turn yourself into a car and blend into a crowd might make some sort of sense. However, disguising yourself as a 15 ft. tall metallic dinosaur does not strike me as a particularly sensible way to become inconspicuous. I am also sure that their personalities irked me.

Sludge: Dino and Robot mode

Still, that does not mean Dinobots cannot be exceedingly cool as LEGO models, as shown by the tiny but fully transformable versions of Grimlock and Sludge built by Chief Supreme. I like the use of minifig headgear for the robots’ heads in particular. Dinobots may be stupid, but these are definitely clever.

28 Jan 05:56

How To Find An Object’s DrawGUI Co-ordinates In Game Maker Studio With A Rotated View

by Pentadact

Update: This was originally a post to ask for help, but now that we’ve solved the problem I’m posting the solution for anyone who needs it, and changing the title to make it more searchable. It’s a function that lets you find where an object appears on-screen, so that you can use the DrawGUI event to draw interface elements over it or annotate it, useful for tutorials. Original post follows, updates and working script at the end!

I have a maths problem in Heat Signature that I can’t quite get my head around, so if you’re into trigonometry, read on and see if you can help me! I think I know all the rules I need to solve this, but I can never quite reframe the problem into something I recognise.

In Game Maker, everything the player can see on the screen at one time is called ‘the view’. The whole game world is called ‘the room’. In my game, the view moves around the room and also rotates, to follow the action. In the diagram, the whole image is the room, and the rotated black rectangle is the view: what the player sees.

Finding view-relative co-ordinates

What I’m trying to do is find rx and ry: an object’s x and y co-ordinates relative to the screen, at its current position and rotation. I have every other piece of information:

  • x and y, the co-ordinates of the object, relative to the upper left corner of the room.
  • vx and vy, the co-ordinates of the top left corner of the view
  • theta, the rotation of the view, measured in degrees from horizontal, going anti-clockwise.

So, how do I combine those things to find rx and ry?

My usual method is to bash my head against these problems for a day or two, drawing endless diagrams and running tests and simulations in code. But lately I’ve realised how quickly some problems can be solved by just checking in with someone who already knows or finds it easy, so I’m trying that! Any help much appreciated.

Update: Thanks for all the suggestions so far! It’s possible that my diagram implies some assumptions I didn’t intend. To be clear:

  • y and vy are not the same, it’s just coincidence that they’re close here. No values mentioned are the same, related, or constrained by each other.
  • theta can range from 0 to 360, meaning the whole view could be upside down relative to the room.
  • vx and vy are the ‘top left’ of the view when it’s at theta 0. It rotates around that point as theta increases, meaning it could end up not being the top left. I am mistaken about this! See below.
  • The object can be completely outside the view, we still want to know rx and ry even if they’re negative or larger than the view size.

To illustrate the full shittiness of the problem, here’s another diagram this also has to solve:

Finding view-relative co-ordinates nightmare mode

Update 2: The plot thickens! The reason nothing has worked for me so far is that I have misunderstood how the view rotates. vx and vy do stay the same as it rotates, BUT the rectangle itself rotates around its center! So for most angles, vx,vy is well outside the screen area! Bizarre! We still need rx,ry relative to what the player will see as the top left of the screen.

Of your many clever and much appreciated suggestions, the two I’ve had most success understanding and implementing are, roughly:

The Andrew/Andrey ‘cos-sin’ version

xDifference = x – view_xview[0]
yDifference = y – view_yview[0]
Angle = view_angle[0] * -1

GUIx = (xDifference * dcos(Angle)) – (yDifference * dsin(Angle))
GUIy = (xDifference * dsin(Angle)) + (yDifference * dcos(Angle))

The Puzey/Varanas ‘arctan’ version

xDifference = x – view_xview[0]
yDifference = y – view_yview[0]
Distance = point_distance(0,0,xDifference,yDifference)
Angle = darctan(yDifference/xDifference) – view_angle[0]

GUIx = Distance * dcos(Angle)
GUIy = Distance * dsin(Angle)

These both work at view_angle[0] = 0, but drift in a circular way when the view is rotated, because it’s not rotating around the point I thought it was. The point it’s rotating around must be something like:
view_xview[0] + (view_wview[0]/2)
view_yview[0] + (view_hview[0]/2)
But we still need co-ord relative to ‘the top left of the screen’, which is something I no longer even have a variable name for.

Now that I know this I might have a way of figuring it out, will update if I do so.

Update 3: Got it! For anyone who needs it, here’s a rotation-proof function to find an object’s position in screen co-ordinates, for us in the Game Maker Studio’s DrawGUI function so you can draw HUD elements over it and annotate it and stuff. Now accounts for zoom too!

Thanks so much to everyone who helped!

var ViewCenterX = view_xview[0] + (view_wview[0]/2);
var ViewCenterY = view_yview[0] + (view_hview[0]/2);
var Zoom = view_wport[0] / view_wview[0];

var MyDistanceFromCenter = point_distance(ViewCenterX,ViewCenterY,x,y) * Zoom;
var MyDirectionFromCenter = point_direction(ViewCenterX,ViewCenterY,x,y) + view_angle[0];

GUIx = (view_wport[0]/2) + lengthdir_x(MyDistanceFromCenter,MyDirectionFromCenter)
GUIy = (view_hport[0]/2) + lengthdir_y(MyDistanceFromCenter,MyDirectionFromCenter)

Update 4: One year later, I needed to do the reverse – find world co-ordinates from GUI co-ords. So here’s that, slightly more verbose to explain what’s happening:

var ScreenViewCenterX = view_wport / 2;
var ScreenViewCenterY = view_hport / 2;
var Zoom = view_wport[0] / view_wview[0];
var MyDistanceFromScreenViewCenter = point_distance(ScreenViewCenterX,ScreenViewCenterY,GUIx,GUIy);
var MyDirectionFromScreenViewCenter = point_direction(ScreenViewCenterX,ScreenViewCenterY,GUIx,GUIy);
var MyDistanceFromWorldViewCenter = MyDistanceFromScreenViewCenter / Zoom;
var MyDirectionFromWorldViewCenter = MyDirectionFromScreenViewCenter – view_angle;
var WorldViewCenterX = view_xview + (view_wview / 2);
var WorldViewCenterY = view_yview + (view_hview / 2);
x = WorldViewCenterX + lengthdir_x(MyDistanceFromWorldViewCenter,MyDirectionFromWorldViewCenter)
y = WorldViewCenterY + lengthdir_y(MyDistanceFromWorldViewCenter,MyDirectionFromWorldViewCenter)

27 Jan 06:56

superbestiario: “I saw that the camera could be a weapon...


“I saw that the camera could be a weapon against poverty, against racism, against all sorts of social wrongs. I knew at that point I had to have a camera.” – Gordon Parks

Segregation history, Gordon parks. 1956

This isn’t ancient history. This was NORMAL and ACCEPTED in America in my parents’ lifetime.

We still have a lot of work to do, to realize the promise of equality in this country.

27 Jan 05:55

Incredible LEGO Pompeii model

by David Pescovitz

This incredible LEGO model of Pompeii is on display at Sydney, Australia's Nicholson Museum. Read the rest

26 Jan 06:15

Chemistry Tools

by Caylin

When I first spotted this, I did not realize it was a render. I am a big fan of scientific builds, and this is definitely up my alley. I particularly love the molecule model. The scale is fantastic. The periodic table is instantly recognizable.

Matt Bace is definitely knocking out some amazing things, like the power strip we featured last week. I definitely recommend poking around a bit in his flickr steam.

Chemistry Teacher's Desk

21 Jan 08:09

Announcing Apollo 1201: Eradicate DRM within a decade!

by Cory Doctorow

I have gone back to the Electronic Frontier Foundation to work on a project called Apollo 1201, which will use a combination of code, law, norms and markets to eradicate DRM within a decade: we choose to do this not because it is easy, but because it is hard. Read the rest

21 Jan 08:07

Cory Doctorow and EFF aim to “eradicate DRM in our lifetime”

by David Kravets

The Electronic Frontier Foundation announced Tuesday that Boing Boing's Cory Doctorow has been commissioned to tackle digital rights management technologies (DRM) that the rights group says threatens security, privacy, and undermines public rights and innovation.

The group said Tuesday that Doctorow, a vocal DRM opponent, is to become a special consultant for what the group is calling the Apollo 1201 Project, "a mission to eradicate DRM in our lifetime."

Doctorow, the EFF's former European affairs coordinator and current Boing Boing editor, said in a statement:

Read 5 remaining paragraphs | Comments

19 Jan 13:46

Paperholm: a growing, tiny, adorable paper model city by Charles Young

by Xeni Jardin

Artist Charles Young creates a new, tiny, glorious little model for his Paperholm tiny city project each day. Read the rest

19 Jan 09:12

Giant LEGO Landspeeder is 3000 bricks worth of droid smuggling awesomeness

by Iain

These are not the bricks you’re looking for!” Given that this is only Aaron Fiskum‘s second build, we are very impressed. Using almost 3000 bricks and measuring about 2 feet (half a meter) in length, this Star Wars “X34″ landspeeder was designed to match the scale and style of LEGO’s Ultimate Collectors Series (UCS) sets, that have become much coveted by LEGO’s more grown-up fan base.

Every detail has been faithfully recreated, right down to the very comfortable looking cockpit shown below. Make sure to check out Aaron’s Flickr album for loads more close-up shots.


16 Jan 10:06

Seven-Year-Old Georgia Boy Receives a 3D-Printed Arm Modeled After ‘Star Wars’ Stormtroopers

by Brian Heater

Those "Stormtroopers" are Clonetroopers. And yes, nitpicking is my hobby.

Anyway: cool 8)

Seven-year-old Liam Porter of Augusta, Georgia was presented with a 3D-printed prosthetic arm modeled after Star Wars Imperial Stormtroopers when he emerged from a theater at Regal 20 Cinemas. Members of the 501st Legion of costumed Stormtroopers presented Porter with the arm designed by E-Nabling the Future, along with a matching helmet and made the seven-year-old a commander in the organization.

Stormtrooper Arm

Stormtrooper Arm

images via The Augusta Chronicle

via The Augusta Chronicle, Boing Boing

14 Jan 08:24

50 years of David Bowie's hairstyles

by Jason Weisberger

Bowie's hairstyles by Helen Green

Helen Green drew and compiled this fantastic GIF of Bowie's hairstyles. (h/t

13 Jan 08:36

What David Cameron just proposed would endanger every Briton and destroy the IT industry

by Cory Doctorow
David Cameron says there should be no "means of communication" which "we cannot read" -- and no doubt many in his party will agree with him, politically. But if they understood the technology, they would be shocked to their boots. Read the rest
12 Jan 08:02

Apple won't let EFF release a DRM-free app

by Cory Doctorow

EFF has released its mobile app to help people join in important, timely struggles, but you can't get it for your Iphone or Ipad, because Apple insists that EFF use DRM, and this is contrary to everything it stands for. Read the rest

12 Jan 07:55

Russia bans trans people from driving

by Cory Doctorow

They've off their rockers, I'd say. Again.

Under an insane new Russian "safety law," people with "mental disorders" may not drive. Read the rest

12 Jan 07:53

“The second half of this show reminds me of Aspen ...cause it’s all downhill from here!”

by Iain

Jim Henson’s beloved Muppets probably need no introduction, thanks to the international success both of the Sesame Street franchise, and a long series of excellent Muppet movies. But it’s a little harder to gauge how well-known The Muppet Show was. Airing over several seasons in the late seventies, the television show was produced and aired in the UK, as no US network would touch it.

After that, it’s less clear how widely syndicated the show became. But these excellent builds of show regulars Waldorf/Statler and the Swedish Chef by German builder Andreas Weissenburg (grubaluk) suggest to me that maybe the show did gain some international popularity after all!

Oh, and a word of warning: If you ever meet someone from Sweden, please please please do NOT ask them what they think of the Swedish Chef …it’s still kind of a sore point with them!

08 Jan 10:34

Why your game design is generic, and rubbish

by cliffski

Ok, it’s just a theory, but hey, if you don’t come to a guys blog to hear his personal take on things…you are doing it wrong…:D. And to be fair, it’s not just mine, I don’t recall where, but I recall once reading someone make the point that if you could go back in time and remove the movie ‘aliens’ and the book ‘the lord of the rings’, you would basically eradicate modern gaming. Obviously that is a huge generalization, but I think a decent point is being made. I’ve also noticed it in personal experience, I’ve been in a design meeting where the designer has described big sweeping changes to the way the game should look, and it was obvious to absolutely everyone that he saw ‘The Fellowship of the Ring’ the night before.

The problems with that is we have ALL seen Aliens and we have ALL seen The Lord Of the Rings. I’m serious in suggesting 99% of you readers have seen both. You have all seen Star Wars too.

Now there is some decent mileage in saying that you are making a game that appeals to your demographic, and that this is a sensible thing to do, and that yes, lots of people like space monsters, laser guns and orcs. The trouble is, EVERYONE ELSE is doing this too. As a result, you need to bring something else to the table if you are going to compete. The problem is, you are stuck, creatively speaking inside the prison of your own experiences.


Game developers tend to be young, sometimes shy, introverted indoors types who can be a bit obsessive. As a result, they tend towards having knowledge and experience in depth, rather than breadth, and from a game design POV that is stifling. Game design works well (in fact I’d suggest all creativity works well) when you bring multiple influences, hopefully really diverse ones into the mix. Saying you like both Star Wars AND Star Trek does not count. I mean really diverse.

I’d never heard of Ayn Rand before Bioshock. Since then I’ve even bought a book of hers (out of curiosity, don’t hate me, I’ve read The Communist manifesto too, I’m open minded…). I really liked Bioshock (up to a point), and I think the atmosphere and story was what made it great. When I play Bioshock I feel like I’m experiencing ‘Alien’ ‘20,000 leagues under the sea’ and ‘Doom’ combined with a (to me) fairly obscure Russian philosophers writings, with a strong background in art deco. This is why it works. This is why it is cool. This is why Bioshock is not just another corridor shooter or RPG.


Nobody who really does any proper game design thinks they are gods gift to game design. I certainly do not. But sometimes people *do* ask me for advice, and the advice I give is nothing to do with games. If you want to be a better game designer, Read a book you would never normally read. Sit through a movie you would never normally watch, Go somewhere amazing, try something weird. Build up as many experiences as you can. I’ve tried tons, from helicopter/fixed wing flying to horseriding, archery, clay-pigeon shooting, guitar & piano playing, and lost more. I’ve read a fairly bizarre range of books from War & Peace to Chuchill’s War Diaries to Kurt Vonnegut to A.S.Byatt and Naomi Klein.

Kudos (my life sim game) was inspired by a film (Donnie darko…don’t ask), Democracy inspired by a book about cybernetic chimpanzees, GSB by a book about D-Day. It’s probably hard to tell any of those connections, but there are there, and they make a difference.

Don’t stay in the geek bubble, don’t just read science fiction and fantasy, don’t just watch the blockbuster movies. There is a huge range of amazing culture out there that can act as your inspiration, stop sticking to the same few movies.

And yeah…I get the total irony of a guy making ‘Gratuitous Space Battles’ typing this stuff :D

08 Jan 09:41

In Memoriam

by Francois Launet

I was planning to deliver you the regular wishes and give some explanations about the recent black-out of the site, but the sad actuality forced me to publish this (bad) strip right now. I'm (was?) an occasional reader of "Charlie Hebdo", and also a genuine fan of Charb's corosive humor. Wolinsky and Cabu were important figures in the cartoon landscape. And my thoughts also go the the other victims. I'm not myself a political satirist and an "engaged" artist, and can only admire those who defend strong (not to say extreme) ideas by their own art. When such people die for their opinions, we are going back into some gloomy darkness...