Shared posts

09 Nov 04:23

Mad Man Vincent Kartheiser’s tiny Hollywood cabin

Mad Man Vincent Kartheiser’s tiny Hollywood cabin

09 Nov 04:23

Maison Germanier, Switzerland

Maison Germanier, Switzerland

07 Nov 13:09

56 Victorian Slang Terms

56 Victorian Slang Terms : AfternoonifiedA society word meaning “smart.” Forrester demonstrates...
07 Nov 13:07

A bridge too far

07 Nov 13:07

Say It With Sea Otters

06 Nov 13:29

lustik: Cath Price Ceramics Lustik:  twitter | pinterest |...

05 Nov 18:16

Dr. Seuss

05 Nov 03:25

Love wears you out © Mark Nixon © Mark Nixon © Mark Nixon © Mark Nixon © Mark Nixon

Love wears you out

05 Nov 03:24

Hey, that’s my bike.

04 Nov 23:34

"I thank you for your friendly letters. You sure know how to cheer up a really old geezer (84) in his..."

“I thank you for your friendly letters. You sure know how to cheer up a really old geezer (84)...
04 Nov 23:33

"[T]his isn’t about me. It’s about the three-quarters of a...

"[T]his isn’t about me. It’s about the three-quarters of a million people who are arrested for simple possession every year. And the fact that blacks are arrested at seven times the rate of whites. Which is a subtle way to suppress the black vote, because 48 states limit voting rights for convicted felons. Only two states do not: Maine and Vermont. And Maine’s black population consists of a bear.”

Bill Maher on Marijuana Civil Rights Issue

01 Nov 23:04

Orchard Keepers

01 Nov 20:24

"There is no problem so bad that you cannot make it worse."

“There is no problem so bad that you cannot make it worse.” - Chris Hadfield
01 Nov 12:25

"This is the rule I always give myself: that nothing new can come from a situation that involves..."

“This is the rule I always give myself: that nothing new can come from a situation that...
01 Nov 12:15

"It’s early but “should have brought a coat” is already the most popular costume..."

“It’s early but “should have brought a coat” is already the most popular...
30 Oct 17:55

House G: a barn redux

30 Oct 12:32

Can’t Get Away From It All? The Problem Isn’t Technology — It’s...

Can’t Get Away From It All? The Problem Isn’t Technology — It’s You

"Getting away from technology by leaving it behind becomes a pointless exercise in competitive reductionism. Where do you draw the line? Your smartphone? Your GPS? Your compass? Your tent? Fire?

Here’s a better idea: Shut up and bring your iPhone into the backcountry, but resist the urge to open the email app. If you can’t manage that, delete or turn off the account. Don’t worry, it’ll come back.

The phone isn’t the problem. The problem is us—our inability to step away from email and games and inessential data, our inability to look up, be it at an alpine lake or at family members. We won’t be able to get away from it all for very much longer. So it’s vitally important that each of us learns how to live with a persistent connection, everywhere we go, whether it’s in the wilderness or at a dinner party.”

30 Oct 12:30

Mischief Night


Is it a French Canadian thing?

30 Oct 12:29

Flowing Data

29 Oct 22:44

Costume update

29 Oct 22:43

The More You Know

29 Oct 21:17

A Carpenter’s cabin

29 Oct 19:04

Felix Luque’s Chapter I : The Discovery

by jeff

Chapter I by Félix Luque Sánchez:

The installation “Chapter I: The Discovery” consists of a sculpture representing an unidentified object in the shape of a dodecahedron and a number of videos restaging the moment of its discovery.

Azul 166_720

Read more.

28 Oct 23:42

Measuring America’s Decline, In Three Charts

28 Oct 18:08

A Tiny Oregon House

28 Oct 18:08

"I’ve never seen more white knuckles." "The entire world has an...

"I’ve never seen more white knuckles."

"The entire world has an interest in the South China Sea, but China has nearly 1.4 billion mouths and a growing appetite for nationalism to feed, which is a kind of pressure that no other country can understand."

“‘You’ve got the wrong science-fiction movie,’ one former highly placed U.S. official later told me, when I described what we saw at Subi, and what it might mean for the guys on Ayungin. ‘It’s not the Death Star. It’s actually the Borg from ‘Star Trek’: ‘You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile.’  The scholar Huang Jing put it another, more organic way. ‘The Chinese expand like a forest, very slowly,’ he said. ‘But once they get there, they never leave.’”

Another fascinating interactive from NYT: A Game of Shark & Minnow

28 Oct 17:50

“The Scott Expedition is a 1,800-mile (2,900km),...

The Scott Expedition is a 1,800-mile (2,900km), four-month unsupported return journey from the coast of Antarctica to the South Pole on foot following [the same route that claimed the lives of Captain Robert Scott and his men a century ago]. Equivalent to 69 back-to-back marathons, the team will face temperatures as low as -50 °C and will haul sledge loads of up to 200kg each.”

Then & Now | NG & All in the Mind

28 Oct 17:47

Elephant Paints a Rose Bush

by Jason Jose

Elephant Paints a Rose Bush

Amazing video released by Travel for Kids of an Asian elephant painting a rose bush at the Thai Elephant Conservation Center in Lampang, Thailand.
28 Oct 13:52


by adafruit

“Mathematics, rightly viewed, possesses not only truth, but supreme beauty — a beauty cold and austere, without the gorgeous trappings of painting or music.” —Betrand Russell
By Yann Pineill & Nicolas Lefaucheux

27 Oct 04:19

The Expiration Date