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17 Jan 23:48

Wandows Wat R U Doin

Wandows Wat R U Doin

Wandows stahp.

Submitted by: Unknown

Tagged: computers , wat r u doin , windows , start normally , monday thru friday , g rated Share on Facebook
17 Jan 21:12


16 Jan 17:13

Aaron's Law

by Xeni Jardin
"We should prevent what happened to Aaron from happening to other Internet users," Rep. Zoe Lofgren announced today on Reddit. "I'm introducing 'Aaron's Law' to change the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA)."

16 Jan 17:01


by umad
Christopher Lantz

Step on through my gateway.

16 Jan 17:00


by jeffhamada
15 Jan 20:07

jeremycham.jpg (JPEG Image, 650x953 pixels)

by sphansavanh
Christopher Lantz

Happy Tuesday everybody!

15 Jan 05:06

Rick Genest Doppelganers in DREDD?

by Shannon Larratt

Arresting Judge: Judge Francisco
Plea: 2 = CONTEST    Finding: 412 = INSANITY
Sentence: 71 months(s) isocube, no parole
Probation: 3YRS    Appealed: Y = YES, Rejected


I believe that’s the lead singer of Sküllböï

I was initially pleasantly surprised to see that in the new Dredd movie, Zombie (Rick Genest) seems to play the part of a Peyote Kings gang member, although it’s a brief part because he is almost immediately murdered by the rival Ma-ma gang. Every rigger, gaffer, muffin wrangler, and fluffer is listed in the credits, but for some reason they decided Rico wasn’t worth including among them. Then I realized an odd thing (and maybe someone more familiar with the Dredd franchise has an explanation) — there is more than one person in the movie wearing his skullface tattoos. At first I thought it was a reflection in a mirror, but no, it’s a doppelganger (different hair, and one has stretched ears and the other thin hoops) — and then I realized that the mugshot above likely isn’t Rick either, judging by the throat tattoo. And then I started to become convinced that none of the characters are actually Rick!!!

rick-genest-dredd-screencap-1-t rick-genest-dredd-screencap-2-t rick-genest-dredd-screencap-3-t

Like I said, Rick doesn’t appear to be listed in the Dredd credits. I can’t find any mention of him appearing in Dredd anywhere online, and while I’m willing to accept that my google-fu can be weak at times, I find it highly dubious that Rick would make a major appearance in a movie as big as Dredd and not mention it on his blog or facebook page. But ripping off his character rights seems like a shocking oversight for a major film to make… Isn’t it? I think it’s important to note that this isn’t “coincidental”… It’s not as if it’s just someone tattooed like a skeleton. Many specific details of his tattoos have been copied — for example, the spiderweb on his right ear — in a way that makes it obvious they’re exploiting the theft of his character and likeness, and ensures almost everyone will believe it is him.

Here are some side-by-side comparisons… what do you think? Am I imagining this?



But then I reminded myself that it’s pretty common to see people “draw inspiration” from Zombie’s tattoos and mimic him in various mediums. It’s no big deal if someone makes a YouTube video of themselves in makeup looking like him, but it becomes a problem when a movie rips off the character that Rick has created without getting his consent first — and this is just what happened in the first episode of the first season of the show American Horror Story. One of the characters in the show appears with Rick’s tattoos done so precisely that it’s obvious that it’s been directly copied and he’s the first thing that comes to mind when you see the image. Here’s a pair of screencaps of the episode:


They might have gotten away with this if Rico was still a Montreal gutterpunk, but now that he’s ascended into one of the glitterati he had his lawyer slap them silly and Fox settled out of court for what I assume is more money than Rick had made in his entire life up to the point he was first unleashed on the world with that glib “you call yourself a misfits fan” ModBlog post back in 2006. Perhaps that is what’s happening right now — an ongoing legal matter would certainly explain the complete lack of mention of this online. Ah, the wages of fame.

Well, if anyone knows the truth as to what’s up with ol’Skullboy’s presence in Dredd, please let me know. Either way, Rico really is one of my favorite rags to riches stories — what a wonderful unexpected adventure his tattoos are bringing him.

15 Jan 02:49

Consumed "American Horror Story - The Complete First Season"

by (smutne_reader)
Christopher Lantz

I do not recommend watching this show on shrooms. But it was intensely gripping. A fantastic exploration of American archetypes in horror.

14 Jan 22:42

Trailer for Pirate Bay documentary

by Cory Doctorow
Christopher Lantz

Hmm, this will be worth seeing for sure.

Evan sez, "Just released: the trailer for the upcoming documentary "TPB:AFK" about the founders of the Pirate Bay. The film will be released for free online at the premiere of a major film festival. Release date to be announced during Jan 2013. Staring Peter Sunde (Flattr Co-founder), Gottfrid Swartholm Warg (PRQ), Fredrik Neij (PRQ) Directed by Simon Klose."

I blogged this back in 2010 and helped support it on Kickstarter. Got a very cool t-shirt!

The Pirate Bay: Away From Keyboard (official trailer) (Thanks, Evan!)

13 Jan 06:12

Short Film ‘R’ha’ Mines “Enhanced Interrogation” For Sci-Fi Thrills

by Russ Fischer
Christopher Lantz

Wow, some sexy sci-fi here.

When you read about a guy named Kaleb Lechowski getting a gig directing some expensive sci-fi film, this short might be the reason. Lechowski made the CG short R’ha over a period of seven months, animating it on his own while studying film and animation at Berlin’s Mediadesign Hochschule. Lechowski’s people are happy to note that he’s only 22, and will turn 23 in March.

The short presents and interrogation between an alien and a machine. It’s well-animated, if not exactly crafted with much nuance. Lechowski has probably earned himself a career in digital animation with this, at least. Coming as it does just as Zero Dark Thirty goes wide, the subject matter is interesting — the same blend of interrogation techniques that are at the center of the debate over Kathryn Bigelow’s film are the core of the story here. While I’m not wild about this short overall, I do like seeing that controversial subject matter put into a different context.

See the short below.


  • No Related Post
12 Jan 23:13

A Transgender's Photo-a-Day Project

by Brad
Christopher Lantz

Striking transition.


For the past three years, YouTuber iiGethii took a picture of herself everyday to document her transition from a man to a woman. Check out the mind-blowing result.

12 Jan 15:01

Marc’s Third Double-Canvas

by Shannon Larratt
Christopher Lantz

That's really beautiful.

I have mentioned Marc (Little Swastika) and his multi-person tattoos before — you can click here to see the first two (four?) that he did. Over four presumably epic sessions he’s completed his third double-canvas tattoo, which you can see below. It’s not uncommon for someone to get a tattoo of their partner’s name, or to get little matching tattoos with their best friend, but this takes it to a whole new level… It resculpts the body into something that doesn’t make sense on its own any more… It creates a world in which you are forever — like it or not — unified with another person. The bond is so extreme it’s almost mindboggling to think about… And heartbreaking to imagine what it would be like if the two were separated, be it by death or be it by the foibles of love. If things don’t work out, one is forever broken in half. And while you’re thinking about this, look carefully at the tattoo — it’s not just a tattoo that runs across the beast with two backs. The tattoo is designed to look it’s best only when the one is holding the other.


12 Jan 04:54

No Longer Imaginary

Christopher Lantz

Math humor!

No Longer Imaginary

Submitted by: Unknown

Tagged: poop jokes , imaginary numbers , math , School of FAIL Share on Facebook
12 Jan 04:48

this isn't happiness.™

by turn
12 Jan 04:48

Eros Art

by nemoflow
12 Jan 04:45

Guigo Reader (1000+)

by emiliodossi
11 Jan 21:23

Excellent drive-thru "invisible driver" prank, caught on video

by Xeni Jardin
Self-described "Magician Prankster!" Magic Of Rahat produced this clever video demonstrating an effective "invisible driver" prank to play on hapless fast food attendants. (thanks, Joe Sabia!)

11 Jan 06:26

Cops Discover Internet Memes & Use Them While Fighting Crime

by Justin Page

Old Cops Discover The Internet, a quick and humorous film by 5-Second Films, shows two older cops who have newly discovered the world of internet memes. They each have a great time using them while fighting crime.

Delighted by hilarious, extremely current memes, or “may-mays,” as they referred to them, these two beat cops found their life’s work reinvigorated. Every time they badger badgered someone dealing mushroom mushrooms, every time a perp took an arrow (bullet) to the knee, it felt like a shoop da whoop was happening inside their souls. Unfortunately, they both died when they starting doing the Yuma Yuma dance during a tense shootout with the Crips.

10 Jan 21:08

James Tissot - Satan Tried to Tempt Jesus, 1895

by Aeron
Christopher Lantz

What? By feeling him up?

James Tissot - Satan Tried to Tempt Jesus, 1895
10 Jan 18:21

Portlandia: Spoiler Alert

Christopher Lantz

Tssskshhh, I haven't seen it yet.

Spoiler Alert: this clip contains spoiler alerts.
10 Jan 04:53

The Truth About Phones on Airplanes

by EDW Lynch
Christopher Lantz

Seriously, the last two times I flow I almost felt like standing up and having a loud rant about how none of these devices interferes with airplane equipment.

Anthony Carboni of DNews provides a number of counter arguments to the FAA’s restrictions on the use of portable electronics during air travel. For more, see this recent post by Nick Bilton on The New York Times Bits Blog.

via Veronica Belmont

09 Jan 23:57

Fallen Astronaut, A Figure Sculpture That Was Left on the Moon in 1971

by EDW Lynch

Fallen Astronaut by Paul Van Hoeydonck

“Fallen Astronaut” is a 3 inch tall aluminum sculpture of a human figure was left on the moon in 1971 by Apollo 15 astronauts. Created by Belgian artist Paul Van Hoeydonck, the sculpture is a memorial for astronauts and cosmonauts who have died in the pursuit of space exploration.

via Weird Universe & Boing Boing

photo via NASA

09 Jan 23:56

How to Tie an Eldredge Necktie Knot

by EDW Lynch

Alex Krasny demonstrates how to tie the incredibly fancy & quite unusual Eldredge necktie knot.

The Eldredge Knot

via Aaron Muszalski

09 Jan 23:55

William Shatner Tweeted an Astronaut Living in Space & He Replied

by Rusty Blazenhoff


Former Star Trek starship captain William Shatner sent a tweet to Commander Chris Hadfield, a Canadian astronaut currently living in space aboard the International Space Station as Flight Engineer. About an hour and a half later, Hadfield tweeted back to Shatner. Then, George Takei posted their interaction on Facebook and also had an exchange with Hadfield on Twitter. Finally, Buzz Aldrin got in on the fun.

@williamshatner Yes, Standard Orbit, Captain. And we’re detecting signs of life on the surface.

— Chris Hadfield (@Cmdr_Hadfield) January 3, 2013

With @georgetakei posting about our space comms, all we need is @therealnimoy to beam in and we’d have an away team! :)…

— Chris Hadfield (@Cmdr_Hadfield) January 4, 2013

.@cmdr_hadfield: I’m fine with beaming down with the away team, as long as I don’t have to wear the red shirt.

— George Takei (@GeorgeTakei) January 4, 2013

@cmdr_hadfield @williamshatner Neil & I would’ve tweeted from the moon if we could have but I would prefer to tweet from Mars. Maybe by 2040

— Buzz Aldrin (@TheRealBuzz) January 4, 2013

via The Atlantic

09 Jan 23:54

5 Second Film of Two People Analyzed by the Reduction of Their Smile

by Justin Page

Post-Interaction Smile Reduction Quantifier, a quick and funny film by 5-Second Films, shows two people’s facial expressions immediately being analyzed after walking away from one another. The lower the mouth corners drop during their smile reduction, the more full of hate and or crazy they are.

The highly scientific PISRQ (often referred to as “Piss Rock” for short) can analyze the fall of the mouth corners as a person turns away from a friend or acquaintance, and determine whether that person is full of sunshine and warmth or bitterness and a desire to choke things until the police arrive. Piss Rock is accurate to within a percentage point.

via The High Definite

09 Jan 23:42

The Illustrated Evolution of Famous Musicians, Film Actors & Characters

by Justin Page

Bill Murray Evolution

Evolution of Bill F$%^ing Murray

Evolutions, an illustrated series by Los Angeles artist Jeff Victor, displays a great collection film actors, characters and musicians and how each has evolved in their roles throughout the years. Prints are available to purchase online.

Tom Hanks Evolution

Evolution of Tom Hanks

The Dark Knight Evolution

Evolution of The Dark Knight

Rick Moranis Evolution

Evolution of Rick Moranis

Michael Jackson Evolution

Evolution of Michael Jackson

Johnny Depp Evolution

Evolution of Johnny Depp

images via Jeff Victor

via My Modern Metropolis, TwistedSifter, Neatorama

09 Jan 23:40

Long Exposure Photos of Abandoned World War II Bunkers

by EDW Lynch

Long exposure photos of WWII Bunkers

For the past 3 years, British photographer Jonathan Andrew has been taking photos of abandoned World War II-era bunkers around Europe. He achieves a ghostly effect by photographing them in long exposures during the last minutes of daylight.

Long exposure photos of WWII Bunkers

Long exposure photos of WWII Bunkers

Long exposure photos of WWII Bunkers

Thanks Lori Dorn!

09 Jan 23:33

Presidents on US Money Reimagined as Justice League Comic Heroes

by Justin Page

Justice League by Aslan Malik

Justice League Of America, a series of defaced US currency by German artist and designer Aslan Malik, shows Presidents on the $5, $10, $20, $50 and $100 bills reimagined as Justice League comic book heroes.

Justice League by Aslan Malik

Justice League by Aslan Malik

Justice League by Aslan Malik

Justice League by Aslan Malik


images via Aslan Malik

via Obvious Winner

09 Jan 23:00

It's Underground

09 Jan 06:55

Manic Pixie Dream Girl

by Don
Christopher Lantz

Look out, there is a MPDG right behind you!!! Arrrggh!


This stock character noted for being shallow, quirky and overtly feminine has been criticized by many for perpetuating offensive stereotypes toward women.