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01 Jun 17:03

Get Carter

27 May 18:31

Syncopated Ladies Salute Prince

by Miss Cellania

Today is National Tap Dance Day! You might think tap is an obsolete form of dance, but the troupe Syncopated Ladies puts a modern twist to their routines.

(YouTube link)

Here they dance to Prince’s song “When Doves Cry.” They dance in perfect rhythm with very little repetition in the routine. This had to take some real work to learn.

Want to see more tap? Check out these 12 famous tap dance routines.

27 May 18:30

Game of Lulz

by Miss Cellania

Some people watch Game of Thrones regularly, some wait to binge-watch, others just don’t care. Then there’s me, who follows the story only by reading all the spoilers on Monday. I know someday I might have time to watch the entire series, but then again, maybe not. In other words, I read all the spoilers so you don't have to. A list of funny images spawned by Sunday’s Game of Thrones episode at Uproxx is definitely full of spoilers, but if you watched it, they are darn clever. The image above is the least spoilery of them. You can check out the lulz from previous episodes, too.

27 May 18:28

Dazzling GIFs Summing Up The Careers Of Famous Actors

by Zeon Santos

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Some actors get stuck playing the same kind of characters over and over again, typecast and trapped in a role loop that ultimately tanks their career.

On the other hand, many big name actors rise to the top because they're such good character actors, able to embody any role they're hired to play.

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They are the actors who keep our eyes glued to the screen, the stars who inspired artist Prasad Bhat to create these colorful career spanning caricature GIFs.

Prasad creates these fun pieces in Illustrator, spending a lot of time getting the caricature just right before dressing up his cartoon cast in the iconic costumes from their most famous roles.

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See 10+ GIFs Summing Up Famous Actors' Careers here

27 May 16:46

Review: The Nonda ZUS Car Charger Is The Charger James Bond Would Use If He Had Trouble Remembering Where He Parked

by Jeff Beck

IMG_20160409_170105-01-01I've owned, used, and abused a lot of USB car chargers over the years. They all do more or less the same thing, and most look nearly identical to every other car charger on the market. When Nonda contacted me asking if I was interested in taking a look at their ZUS dual port car charger ($30), I almost deleted the message.

With a max output of 2.4A per outlet (ideal for Apple products), the charger sports decent charging speeds, but with no Qualcomm Quick Charge technology or Nexus Rapid Charge support, I didn't think it was worth my time to review.

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Review: The Nonda ZUS Car Charger Is The Charger James Bond Would Use If He Had Trouble Remembering Where He Parked was written by the awesome team at Android Police.

26 May 21:46


26 May 19:23

Watch Lightning Creep Towards Earth In Super Slow Motion

by George Dvorsky on Gizmodo, shared by Cheryl Eddy to io9

Scientists at the Florida Institute of Technology recently captured a beautiful lightning storm using a new high speed camera.


26 May 18:04

LOL: ‘Game of Thrones’ Gets a Visit from Martin Lawrence as the ‘Black Knight’

by Ethan Anderton

Game of Thrones Black Knight

There has been some pretty crazy stuff happening on Game of Thrones this season. If you haven’t watched this past weekend’s episode yet, you’re missing out on one of the biggest revelations of the series, as well as the shocking origin story of one of the most beloved character’s on the show. That’s all we’ll say just in case you’ve fallen a little behind and haven’t checked out our latest weekly episode recap.

However, nothing that has happened in Westeros this season is crazier than this trailer mash-up that just hit the web. What if the newest character addition to Game of Thrones was Martin Lawrence, as seen in the fantasy comedy Black Knight? Thanks to some clever editing, the results are pretty entertaining. Watch the Game of Thrones Black Knight mash-up below.

Here’s the great Game of Thrones parody from PizzaPartyFX:

It’s the reaction shots in the footage from Game of Thrones that sells this mash-up the best. Plus, the footage from Black Knight has been tweaked just enough that aesthetically, it fits perfectly with the HBO series.

Thankfully, Game of Thrones isn’t the kind of show that’s going to overstay its welcome to the point that they’ll have to employ ridiculous gimmicks like this. It won’t turn into Family Matters where Steve Urkel goes to space or anything stupid like that. Though there are some fans who are a little upset/disappointed in the most recent revelation on the show. It’s a real gamechanger (no pun intended), and it’ll be interesting to see how it plays out as the show continues.

The post LOL: ‘Game of Thrones’ Gets a Visit from Martin Lawrence as the ‘Black Knight’ appeared first on /Film.

26 May 18:01

‘X-Men: The Animated Series’ Honest Trailer: Return to the Era of Super Soakers & Pizza Bagels

by Ethan Anderton

X-Men Animated Series Honest Trailer

For many children of the 90s, their first experience with X-Men came in the form of the animated series that aired Saturday mornings on FOX. Plenty of those kids still view that adaptation of the comic as the definitive version of the X-Men, even moreso than the big screen franchise that has been playing out over the past 16 years.

So with X-Men: Apocalypse hitting theaters this weekend, there’s no better time to take aim at X-Men: The Animated Series with an Honest Trailer. But this particular installment pays plenty of compliments where they’re due. Watch the video after the jump.

Here’s the X-Men animated series Honest Trailer from Screen Junkies:

Even though the cartoon version of the X-Men isn’t without some cheesiness from the 90s, as the Honest Trailer points out, they handled the Dark Phoenix storyline and Wolverine’s origins better than X-Men: The Last Stand and X-Men Origins: Wolverine did. Plus, their costumes have always been far better than the leather body suits we’ve seen the X-Men wearing for years now. However, I’m not sure I agree with the bold claim that the series as a whole is better than the movie.

X-Men: The Animated Series tackled some pretty intense material for a Saturday morning cartoon, and it had a lot more substance than most animated comic book series have today. While it’s funny to see that the X-Men had so many stereotypes among them while fighting prejudice against mutants, the real treat is seeing the 90s in all their glory, from Cyclops’ “not” joke to a then-topical Saturday Night Live reference.

The post ‘X-Men: The Animated Series’ Honest Trailer: Return to the Era of Super Soakers & Pizza Bagels appeared first on /Film.

26 May 14:04


by Lunarbaboon

25 May 21:55

Drink up and be somebody

25 May 21:55

I get it

25 May 21:55

Lee Crutchley

25 May 20:17

by (John)

Some really great photos.

"It is here in Patagonia where Orcas have learned the unique skill of intentionally stranding themselves on the beach to catch sea lion pups."
25 May 19:00

Grandpa Winner and Other Pro Wrestlers

by Miss Cellania

Fucking love these.

Children’s book author Sean Leahy introduced his three-year-old daughter to the world of professional wrestling a few months ago. He asked her to name wrestlers from the Golden Age of wrestling in the US, the ‘80s and ‘90s. She came up with some gems! The last two made it clear that eight is enough of this game.

He tried it again this month. Yeah, it’s obvious that there was some creative license taken between daughter and father and Twitter, but the end results are still funny. These names are at least as good as the nicknames they got from the WWF, and more memorable to those outside the wrestling world. -via With Spandex

25 May 15:34

He Stole the Show

by Miss Cellania

It’s the senior talent show at the high school. The entire student body has already sat through singers, musicians, and drama students with amazing talent that they’ve seen dozens of times before. Then this guy steps up. He has one talent, and he wrings all the drama he can out of it.

(YouTube link)

Well, to be honest, he probably has other talents. Like showmanship, and making a lot of friends. How else would you draw a standing ovation for tossing a water bottle? The other question is, how long did he train to master this maneuver? -via Viral Viral Videos

25 May 15:33

Simple Ways To Tell Whether Clothes Are Cheap Or High Quality

by Zeon Santos

When people need new clothes they usually head to the store (or online) and purchase items that look right with the right price.

It has become the norm to care less about the quality of clothing because people think it's hard to tell whether a garment is high quality, and impossible to tell when you can't see the clothes in person.

But if you read these 14 Expert Ways To Tell If Clothes Are Well Made Or Super Cheap you'll learn how to grade clothing like a pro!

In person you can apply the pull test (stretch the garment and see if it easily snaps back into shape), the scrunch test (ball up clothing and see if it wrinkles easily) and hold the fabric up to the light to see how thin it is.

Looking at clothes online? You can grade clothing visually based on a few things- exposed zippers are a sign of cheapness while patterns that match at the seams are a sign of quality.

And when in doubt about durability check for fabric content, because natural fibers such as wool, cotton and silk are more durable than synthetics.

Read 14 Expert Ways To Tell If Clothes Are Well-Made Or Super Cheap here

24 May 21:58

Vanilla Ice and the Original Movie Ninja Turtles Invaded the TMNT2 Premiere 

by Germain Lussier

You’d be hard pressed to come up with a more ’90s moment than the end of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: The Secret of the Ooze. Well, at least until this week, when attendees of the premiere for the latest Turtles movie sequel did a little time travel for a reunion of stars not seen since that seminal 1991 movie.


24 May 20:33

Don't Let The Captain America Persona Fool You, Chris Evans Is One Crazy Guy

by Zeon Santos

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(Image Link)

Captain America is one straight-laced sir, but the guy who plays him in the Marvel films, Chris Evans, is a strangeoid, a goofball and, when he's feeling particularly squirrely during an interview, a bit of a sicko.

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(Image Link)

Now nobody's expecting Chris to act like Cap in Civil War, but the more you see of Chris the more it seems like he's trying to get himself recast as the Joker in the next Batman movie.

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(Image Link)

It's refreshing to see someone famous acting like a total maniac for reasons other than to get out of a contract or get on TMZ, but Chris is so *on* all the time he may just be off his meds...

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(Image Link)

-Via BuzzFeed

24 May 20:03

USNA Class of 2019 Scales Mount Herndon

by Miss Cellania

Earlier today, the freshmen class at the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis performed the annual ritual that ends their time as plebes. Every spring, the class rushes to “climb Mount Herndon,” meaning to scale the 21-foot-tall Herndon Monument, which is covered in grease for the occasion. The goal is to remove a "dixie cup" plebe hat on top and replace it with an upperclassmen’s hat.

The plebes first try to remove as much grease as possible, becoming covered with grease themselves. That makes climbing the monument, or each other, quite difficult. Today’s climb took one hour, 12 minutes, and 30 seconds. The cap at the top was removed with a thrown projectile, but it still had to be replaced. Chris Bianchi, of Virginia Beach, Virginia, finally placed a hat at the top, ending the grueling mission.


And there was much jubilation. See a video report of the climb at WBAL-TV. See more pictures in the Naval Academy’s Flickr album.

24 May 19:23

Newswire: Mike Myers joins Simon Pegg in Terminal, is really turning things around now

by Danette Chavez

Rooting for him.

Deadline reports that Mike Myers is going to do the right thing and team up with Simon Pegg and Margot Robbie—two actors who are in high demand these days—for the noirish Terminal. Myers hasn’t appeared onscreen much since the dreadful Love Guru, preferring to lend his voice to ogres and his words to Canada. He did put his British accent to good use in 2009’s Inglorious Basterds, though, and joining Pegg and Robbie for Terminal seems like another step in the right direction.

Robbie was the first to sign on to the film, which she did just months ahead of the release of the multiple summer blockbusters she’s appearing in this year. There’s currently no word on just what Myers or Pegg’s roles will be in Terminal, which centers on a pair of hitmen (not played by them) who accept an especially dangerous ...

24 May 19:12

Lyft Announces Scheduled Rides, Soon Users Will Be Able To Plan Their Trips Ahead Of Time

by Jacob Long


Lyft, the definitely-not-a-taxi service that is not Uber, is adding a useful feature: scheduled rides. This means exactly what you think, giving the option to call for a, well, Lyft for some future time. With that said, you probably can't use scheduled rides just yet as it is currently being piloted in San Francisco.

Assuming Lyft does roll it out to their other markets this summer as they say they will in their announcement, there will be some guidelines.

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Lyft Announces Scheduled Rides, Soon Users Will Be Able To Plan Their Trips Ahead Of Time was written by the awesome team at Android Police.

23 May 21:56

The Martian, Onur Kurnaz

The Martian, Onur Kurnaz

23 May 21:39

Junkfood Cinema Podcast: The Last Boy Scout

by Brian Salisbury

Love Shane Black.

We celebrate Shane Black’s new movie the only way we know how.

Continue reading on Film School Rejects »

23 May 18:42

Coleman Montana 8-Person Tent $96, Coleman Road Trip Beach Shade $32 at Amazon

by giveNforgive

I'm not much a camper, but this looks like a good deal for a 3 bedroom, 4 bath tent.

Coleman Montana 8-Person Tent $96, Coleman Road Trip Beach Shade $32 at Amazon

Thumb Score: +21
Amazon has select Coleman Tents & Summer Shelters on sale today. Shipping is free w/ Prime or on $49 or more. Thanks giveNforgive
[LIST][*]Coleman Road Trip Beach Shade $31.99[LIST][*]Lime
23 May 18:41

Great Job, Internet!: Texas woman dons Chewbacca mask in a Kohl’s parking lot, experiences pure joy

by Marah Eakin

I'm sure you've seen this, but I enjoy it.

A video of a Texas woman gleefully donning a Chewbacca mask in a Kohl’s parking lot is the internet’s latest viral sensation. Candace Payne, the aforementioned woman, was already clad in a Death Star T-shirt when she bought the mask, which she just couldn’t wait to get out of the box. She started broadcasting the unboxing live from her car on Facebook, and as of this post, almost 40 million people have watched the clip, which is full of pure, unadulterated Star Wars nerd joy. While Payne is a joy from start to finish, things really get going with about 2:20 remaining in the clip.

While she says she’ll let her children, Duncan and Cadence, play with it, she insists the mask will live in her room—no doubt along with the dozens of other Star Wars items she’ll surely get during her inevitable ...

23 May 18:41

Hear This: Tracy Chapman understands the freedom of a friend’s “Fast Car”

by Becca James

I do love this song.

In Hear This, The A.V. Club writers sing the praises of songs they know well. This week, in honor of Car Seat Headrest’s new record: songs about cars.

Tracy Chapman, “Fast Car” (1988)

I never enjoyed owning a car. I’m bad at taking care of them and worse at driving them, which has little to do with my ability to do either of those things and more with my lack of interest in them. I do, however, love riding in a car. Even when you’re not the one driving, the sense of freedom, the possibility of escape—it’s all there, which is probably why some of my favorite memories are of road trips in the passenger seat, music blaring, the open road unfolding before me.

Tracy Chapman captures it best in her hit single “Fast Car,” when she perfectly hits on the most moving part ...

23 May 18:22

TV Club: All men must serve on Game Of Thrones (newbies)

by Brandon Nowalk

Welcome to another season of Game Of Thrones reviews for those who have not read the books the series is based on. Since critics won’t be receiving screeners this season, each week I’ll publish the episode page once the broadcast ends and add my review to the page when I finish. That way newbies have a spoiler-free place to discuss the episode as soon as possible. As such, spoilers are strictly forbidden. Any spoilers in comments will be deleted on sight. Remember: Discussions of things that were different in the books or confirmations of things that won’t happen count as spoilers, too. Have you read the books and want to discuss whats coming? Thats what our experts reviews are for.

Valar morghulis, the high school jock nod of Westeros, soaks up all the attention. All men must die. It has a romance to it. But ...

23 May 16:08

Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode Posters

by (John)

Available here.
23 May 06:13

There are giant river otters that can grow up to 6 feet long...


6 Feet???

There are giant river otters that can grow up to 6 feet long and take down caimans for lunch. Source Source 2 Source 3

Photo: Wired

Photo: reddit/imgur

Photo: reddit/imgur

Photo: reddit/imgur