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21 Oct 21:54

Ella Frances Sanders

14 Oct 18:14

‘Tresspass Against Us’ Trailer: Michael Fassbender Wants Out of the Criminal Family Lifestyle

by Angie Han

Trespass Against Us trailer

Before you watch Michael Fassbender play a man descended from a long line of assassins, how about watching Michael Fassbender as a man descended from a long line of low-level criminals? The actor recently hit TIFF with Trespass Against Us, which chronicles three generations of a criminal family in the British countryside.

Brendon Gleeson plays patriarch Colby, who’s alternately charming and intimidating, while Fassbender plays his son Chad. Father and son don’t always see eye to eye, but their tensions really boil over when Chad decides he wants out of the family lifestyle for the sake of his son, young Tyson (Georgie Smith). Trespass Against Us is the feature directing debut of Adam Smith, whose work you may have seen on the British show Skins and Doctor Who. Smith also shot a documentary for the Chemical Brothers, who have returned the favor by scoring Trespass Against Us. Watch the Trespass Against Us trailer below. 

The Trespass Against Us trailer takes a pretty sharp turn about halfway through. The first half has traces of darkness, but mostly feels like a quirky dramedy about a criminal family — like an edgier Little Miss Sunshine, maybe. Then it suddenly becomes a dead-serious crime drama full of spectacular car chases and violent run-ins with law enforcement. Maybe it’s intentional, but it’s definitely jarring.

I missed this one at TIFF, but reviews out of the premiere were very mixed. Indiewire’s David Ehrlich gave it a B- and described it as “the rare film that’s tense and charming in equal measure,” while Screen Daily’s Allan Hunter praised the “dynamic storytelling and powerful performances.” But Collider’s Matt Goldberg was far less impressed, complaining in his D- review that the film “goes nowhere.” And perhaps no one hated this film more than Variety’s Owen Glieberman, who snarks, “Even Ed Wood would have said, ‘Needs work.'” Ouch.

A24 has not announced a release date for Trespass Against Us.

Trespass Against Us is set across three generations of the Cutler family who live as outlaws in their own anarchic corner of Britain’s richest countryside. Chad Cutler (Michael Fassbender) is heir apparent to his bruising criminal father, Colby (Brendan Gleeson) and has been groomed to spend his life hunting, thieving and tormenting the police. But with his own son, Tyson (Georgie Smith) coming of age, Chad soon finds himself locked in a battle with his father for the future of his young family. When Colby learns of Chad’s dreams for another life he sets out to tie his son and grandson into the archaic order that has bound the Cutler family for generations. He engineers a spectacular piece of criminal business involving a heist, a high-speed car chase and a manhunt, which leaves Chad bruised and bloodied and with his very freedom at stake.

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12 Oct 18:24

Are These The 10 Best Improvised Scenes Of All Time?

by Ethan Anderton

Best Improvised Scenes

While the art of improvisation is most commonly associated with comedy, it’s a creative process that is used on movies of every kind. Sometimes improvisation happens during a table read and inspires something to be written into the script, other times it happens on set while the cameras are rolling. No matter how it happens, it has resulted in some classic moments in cinema.

Now a new video attempts to pinpoint the Top 10 Improvised Scenes In Movie History. That’s a pretty tall order, and I can almost guarantee that once you watch the video after the jump, some of you are going to be upset, or will at least have some different opinions on how this list was put together.

Here are what CineFix deems the best improvised scenes of all time:

We know this video list is from 2014, but it definitely got the wheels turning regarding our thinking of improvised scenes in cinema, so we ran with it. But there are some qualms that I have with this particular list.

While I totally understand breaking the set of rules established be the creator of any given list here and there, when you set out to pick the best scenes in a predetermined category, you should probably choose single scenes. Not only does the video cheat by using the entirety of Iron Man, but the top spot goes to all the improvisation that Robin Williams did throughout his career.

The main reason for the last inclusion is that that the video was made shortly after Robin Williams passed away. But it would have been just as easy to choose one of the great scenes he did in his career in order to honor him. Williams was truly a master of making things up on the spot, but there are levels to his greatness that can be determined when comparing to other improvised scenes.

Personally, I would have included the scene in Rain Man towards the end of the movie where Dustin Hoffman places his head on the shoulder of Tom Cruise in the first truly tender moment that the brothers mutually share. Believe it or not, that one moment was improvised by Hoffman, and it’s simply beautiful.

What are your favorite improvised scenes?

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12 Oct 18:11

‘MacGruber 2’ Is Officially Being Written Right Now

by Ethan Anderton

MacGruber 2 Script

The Saturday Night Live feature comedy MacGruber only pulled in just over $8.5 million at the box office on a budget of just $10 million. Not only did it bomb hard at the box office, but it couldn’t even make its budget back. However, in the years since it was released in 2010, it has garnered quite a cult following, and talk of a sequel surprisingly surfaced in 2012, with sparse updates here and there since. But now MacGruber 2 may finally be on its way towards becoming a reality.

Jorma Taccone took to Twitter today to tease work on the anticipated sequel, complete with proof that the MacGruber 2 script actually exists. Here are the two posts that Taccone made on Twitter, one including the film’s star and co-writer Will Forte:

As you can see on the cover page, this is what they’re calling a “super duper rough” draft. Back in 2015, Will Forte provided an update on development, revealing that they had a loose outline of the first couple acts. However, they had to wait to see what the fate of his new TV show The Last Man on Earth would be. Since the series ended up getting a second season, that likely delayed any progress MacGruber 2 might have made, but we’re glad to see that Taccone and Forte are back at it.

As of now, we know nothing about the sequel other than that it will bring back Will Forte in the title role, along with his companions played by Kristen Wiig and Ryan Phillippe. In addition, the latter has teased the the villain in the movie will be someone that will blow people away. More recently, Forte discussed potential plans for a wild opening sequence, one that he’s not sure they have the balls to actually follow through on. But we hope they do.

The question is, who will have the balls to actually distribute MacGruber 2? With the first movie being such a bomb, it doesn’t seem to be a sound investment for a studio, especially with comedy sequels like Anchorman 2 and Zoolander 2 not exactly living up to the hype, not to mention the lackluster performance of sequels this past summer in general. Plus, Taccone is just coming off co-directing Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping, one of the best comedies of the year which sadly suffered the same box office fate as MacGruber.

On the other hand, the low-budget comedy sequel Super Troopers 2 was able to get off the ground thanks to the help of an IndieGogo campaign, so maybe MacGruber 2 can drum up support in that same way. Will Forte has previously said they’ll make the movie even if they have to do it with their own video camera. Sounds like the kind of passionate project that Netflix could get behind with little risk involved.

Personally, I can’t wait to see what MacGruber 2 brings to the table. I put the movie at #3 in our ranking of all the SNL movies, and if a sequel delivers more insanity like that, then we’re all in for a treat.


The post ‘MacGruber 2’ Is Officially Being Written Right Now appeared first on /Film.

06 Oct 20:10

The PaddyWagon Is An Inflatable Irish Pub You Can Open Anywhere

by Zeon Santos

I'm not sure what the situation is in other cities/states/countries but Boston has more than enough Irish pubs to keep its thirsty citizens satisfied.

However, there are a few parts of Boston that are lacking Irish pubs, namely parks, backyards and other grassy lots, and that's where the PaddyWagon pub comes in.

The PaddyWagon is an inflatable structure that can be blown up wherever an Irish pub is needed, with room for 80 guests, food service and a full bar which the company supplies upon request.

This service is currently only available in the Boston area, but I could easily see this idea catching on here in Southern California, where we have perfect inflatable pub crawl weather all year long!

-Via design you trust

06 Oct 19:59


by Miss Cellania

This is how I operate when I’ve got a feature article deadline looming. The more I think about it, the more I remember the email, the dishes, the garbage, the bill that needs to be paid, and the nap I really need. Comic artist Sarah Andersen knows she’s not the only one. If it weren't for the last minute, I'd never get anything done. 

05 Oct 20:47

I Watched People Punch Each Other to Settle Movie Arguments

by Neil Miller

Fantastic Fest takes a violent turn. On the Internet, we have arguments all the time.

Continue reading on Film School Rejects »

05 Oct 16:44

Benedict Cumberbatch Sings “Comfortably Numb” With Pink Floyd’s David Gilmour (Video)

by The Movie God

Benedict Cumberbatch Sings "Comfortably Numb" With Pink Floyd's David Gilmour

During a performance at the Royal Albert Hall in London earlier this week, Pink Floyd's David Gilmour surprised fans with a special guest: Benedict Cumberbatch, star of Sherlock, The Imitation Game, and the upcoming Marvel title Doctor Strange.

But Cumberbatch wasn't just there to hang out and enjoy the show. He was there to sing. After Gilmour began playing "Comfortably Numb," the actor took the center stage spotlight to sing Roger Waters' parts of the song.

You can see a video of Cumberbatch singing with Gilmour below. [...]

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03 Oct 20:55

The Walking Dead TV Show And Comic Will Have Different Endings

by Rich Johnston

Walking Dead 154 09Originally, the plan was for The Walking Dead comic to end when Rick Grimes’ crew reached Alexandria.

Then Robert Kirkman and Charlie Adlard changed it. And are almost 100 issues passed where that would have been.


But they did have a new ending in mind.

Well whatever it is, it is not going to be the same as the ending of the TV show, as Kirkman explained to Kevin Smith on AMC’s Geeking Out. Least of all, because he’s not telling people on the TV show what it is.

And especially because he doesn’t expect the TV show to continue as long as the comic book will…

So anything could happen with Negan.

The Walking Dead TV Show And Comic Will Have Different Endings

30 Sep 21:26

Zapp Brannigan's Voice Actor Reading Stupid Donald Trump Quotes [Updated]

by Luke Plunkett on Kotaku, shared by Rob Bricken to io9

There is nothing funny about the real Donald Trump, a raisin company mascot channelling the spirit of an internet commenter. What is funny is the voice actor behind Futurama’s Zapp Brannigan reading some of Trump’s dumbest quotes in character. UPDATE, SEP 28: Now featuring snippets from the first Presidential debate.


30 Sep 21:17

This Millennium Falcon Charging Cable's Got It Where It Counts, Kid

by Andrew Liszewski

The microUSB cable that came with whatever gadget you need to charge every night probably works just fine, assuming you take care of it. But ThinkGeek still makes a strong argument for replacing it with this electroluminescent cable that makes the Millennium Falcon on the end look like it’s making the jump to hyperspace.


30 Sep 20:17

Crazyhead, From The Makers Of Misfits, Will Turn Your Life Upside Down, On E4 And Netflix

by Rich Johnston

On the way home from a screening at the Soho Hotel in London, I was accosted by an elderly man at a bus stop who told me he had been possessed for 44 years and asked me what I knew about it? Naturally, I didn’t know much, but I talked with him, spent the next few minutes engaging, with him rather than my usual Londoner trick of staring off into the middle distance, nervously edging away, and looking at my phone/copy of the Evening Standard/nails.

Nothing bad happened. I went on my way, he went on his. But I wouldn’t have done even that little if I hadn’t just watched Crazyhead, the new genre series written by Howard Overman, the creator of Misfits, and it wasn’t still spinning around my head. Here’s the teaser.

It’s a drama about a couple of demon hunters. But it is so much more – and it will mean so much more to so many people. Although it’s airing in the UK on E4 in October, the same channel that aired Overman’s Misfits, it’s been instantly picked up by Netflix who will air it subsequently to that, for an international audience.

Crazyhead is funny. It is scary. It is scary funny and relishes in both embracing tropes and overturning them. But it also covers all sorts of interesting ground that the creators may not have even realised they were treading.


Cara Theobold – previously of Downton Abbey, plays Amy, a young woman in a dead end comfortable life, who has been treated for hallucinations. Coming off her drugs however, she begins to see them again. People who are burning inside.

Susan Wokoma – previously of Crashing, plays Raquel. Who has always seen these people, and knows them for what they are. Demons. And suddenly Amy has someone who believes her, who backs up her world view and, crazy as it all sounds, it all fits together, possibly for the first time.


This might be seen as an unhealthy, codependent relationship – if they weren’t utterly right. Demons do walk the earth, travel from person to person and do very bad things. Oh, and at least one is high up within the psychiatric profession. This is clearly a touchy subject for E4, especially considering the name of the show, and when I asked about the mental health aspects of this show, I was told that the show is about battling inner demons, just externally. I think it’s more than that, intended or not, it shows a world where people have different views of reality, that these views can be useful and valid as others and demonstrates a greater acceptance and understanding of mental diversity. As taboo as it is, our world, our culture, has been formed by people who saw things at odds with others, from William Blake to Vincent Van Gogh. The demon hunters may bot be a perfect analogy, but as far as I was concerned, mulling this all over as I was approached at the bus stop a couple of hours later, changed the way I reacted.

It’s not every television programme that makes you a better person, but Crazyhead just did.

So these are our demon hunters, two very lonely who believed they were the only ones who saw the world the way they did, have found each other and are trying to make a difference. They are from very different worlds, but through circumstance are smashed together and find in each other the support and friendship they have both been yearning for their whole lives.


And they have friends. Well, Amy has friends. Raquel just has a brother, Tyler – who fancies Amy. Amy has a co-worker, Jake – who fancies Amy. And Amy has a flatmate, Suzanne – who fancies people she really shouldn’t – and probably fancies Amy too. Just a bit. This focus on Amy might be a little overwhelming, if it wasn’t for an absolutely bombastic performance of Raquel, who explodes onto the screen like – well – Nathan in Misfits., Like Rudy in Misfits, Like Cassaday in Preacher. And with just those kind of lines, filthy, horrible disgusting lines ready with gusto and sincerity that redeems them, she possesses the screen, and no one is going to exorcise that away.

Because Crazyhead also an utterly filthy show. Did you know you can tell someone’s a demon by the temperature of their semen? That you can only exorcise someone after urinating on them first? And killing a demon outright means sticking a pole up their ass? Makes Buffy’s stakes seem rather… impotent.

But it’s all a front, there are secrets to be hidden, there is a past with a not-all-bad demon who is definitely not Raquel’s friend, but is an enemy to the other demons. Raquel… has an Angel. Or, rather, she did. She may, quite literally, say “I am a strong, black woman” and ready to pour hatred and filth in deserving directions, but she is compensating for a time where she was alone, scared and – it seems – betrayed.

The comparisons are there, with Buffy – and Angel. The PR does it from the get go, the trailer beginning with the line about how one in every generation is chosen… But, as Overman says, that was a long time ago, the current audience probably hasn’t seen it and, frankly, it feels like a very different show.

But it is the kind of show that fanbases are made for. It gives agency, representation and iconic portrayal to groups of people who, frankly just don’t have them. A genre show with a powerful black female not-thin lead, with a history of mental diversity? But in no way ever feeling anything like some kind of token casting, and rejecting any kind of “political correctness” with its language? I can see the fan art, the cosplay, the Tumblr posts, the shipping with Amy, and the screams of six thousand people in Hall H or Ballroom 20 next San Diego Comic Con. This show is made for that and, for once the Americans are going to get a hold of it very easily indeed, as it airs on Netflix as soon as the series has finished in the UK on E4.

America is also, of course, the very thing that destroyed Misfits. The show was so highly regarded that its actors were just picked off for movies and TV shows and the churn hurt the show. Overman talked about constantly getting calls from American producers and casting asking about the actors he worked with, to his irritation. But on Crazyhead, the main actors have been optioned for future seasons, a rarity for British television, but a modern necessity, it seems.


That’s if Overman remembers who they are of course.  I asked Lewis Reeves and Rian Steele who played Jake and Suzanne about how it compared working with Howard on Misfits where they had minor roles, to the much meatier parts in Crazyhead – and Howard was astounded to discover they were both on Misfits. He had no idea, despite casting them in Crazyhead.

So what else did I learn? That Rianne almost suffocated while making the show, when her breathing hole was covered with a leaf when being buried. That Susan can’t actually drive, and her car scenes were all green screened – but when filming started, she’d never actually sat in the driver’s seat of a car and didn’t know where anything was – so  Cara had to keep grabbing her hand to help her change gear for the camera.

Then there’s the sound. From the opportune music (even if Burt Bacharach’s people said no to the urination scene) to the slight breaths from Amy in the bowling alley – to the bowling ball giving me tricycle flashbacks to The Shining, it sounds wonderful.

The visuals are also a step up for Overman’s productions, they have more money than Misfits and better technology, which makes for decent CGI-edited demon faces. There are beautiful touches throughout – the standout moment for me is when Amy confronts a suspected demon in a car park, walking around, unable to see him, there are prominent crosses in the background, it feels like a religious war is just beginning. And the use of actual rubber masks that contrast with the demon masks in an attractively mundane way – even if, as Raquel tells us, they smell of balls. “Rubbery balls.”

Oh and, at the screening, we learned where the whole Crazyhead story began in Overman’s head. When watching a female cyclist being letched after by a man on the street, shouting out “lucky saddle!” As the cyclist dismounted, and detached the saddle from the bike (for security reasons), ignoring the man, he had a vision of her taking that saddle and bashing the guy’s head in.

This merged with another script he had planned, a father wearing a World’s Best Dad shirt stalking his daughter through a house, the idea of being hunted by someone you know, love and trust, being the scariest thing going.

Crazyhead came from there.

One of the takes I had from watching was the idea that strange men, unknown men, can be potentially scary to women – and how well do we know anyone anyway.  Just…  because… you never know. This reading was something Overman rejected, but it seems pretty on the surface in the origins of the idea. Overman has a history of backing into socially relevant aspects with his work in an unintended fashion – Misfits was never meant to have themes about the empowering of an underclass, but it managed anyway.

In Crazyhead, the demons are men – white men in positions of power. If you could move from body to body, it might make a lot of sense that demons would gravitate to those identities in order to do better in this world. But it also emphasises all manner of social ills, making subtext into text like great genre shows do.

And this, from the first episode and a preview of the second, is exactly that. Which meant, after the screening, I had to do the kind of thing, I never ever do.


Sorry, Cara and Susan. Something just possessed me.

Crazyhead airs on E4 in the UK in October, and will be available on Netflix later this year.

Crazyhead, From The Makers Of Misfits, Will Turn Your Life Upside Down, On E4 And Netflix

30 Sep 14:41

Is Leaky Lindsey running? 👍🇺🇸 #garbagepailkids #funko...

Is Leaky Lindsey running? 👍🇺🇸 #garbagepailkids #funko #2016election #trump #hillaryclinton

29 Sep 21:11

Sixth Tremors Movie Officially in the Works

by Andrew Paul
Sixth Tremors Movie Officially in the Works

Like any good B-movie monster, despite most people’s foolish assumptions that it’s dead and gone, the “Tremors” series improbably keeps on coming back to life.

Series mainstay Michael Gross — better known as Burt Gummer to fans of the franchise — announced via Facebook that a new entry into the giant predatory worm oeuvre had been officially greenlit. Now, the Tremors series’ own Facebook page confirms this to be true, just in time for the Halloween season.

Gross himself admits he “can’t divulge too many secrets” yet, although we do know that “Tremors 5” director Don Michael Paul will be returning, along with Jamie Kennedy, who previously played Burt Gummer’s long-lost son. We can also probably assume the movie will also include a lot of graboids and their various subspecies — before they’re comically blown up with explosives.

The new film doesn’t appear to be directly connected to the new “Tremors” television series apparently still in development, which will include Kevin Bacon reprising his role from the successful original film.

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29 Sep 20:26

‘MacGruber 2’ Is Finally On Its Way With Director Jorma Taccone

by eelyajekiM


Though a critical flop, the interest in seeing MacGruber 2 has never died. It's been nearly 6 years since the original film based on the Saturday Night Live skit was released, and any hopes of seeing a follow-up have been kept alive thanks to its cult following. In fact, the last substantial thing we've heard about a MacGruber 2 was way back in 2013, when the thought of producing a sequel using crowdfunding was being explored. While plans for that fell through, it seems as though MacGruber director Jorma Taccone will be giving us that sequel we've all be waiting for [...]

The post ‘MacGruber 2’ Is Finally On Its Way With Director Jorma Taccone appeared first on Geeks of Doom.

28 Sep 17:43

VOTD: ‘Film Meets Art’ Compares Cinema To The Art That Inspired It

by Ethan Anderton

Film Meets Art

Some have criticized Quentin Tarantino for stealing from other movies, but it’s a practice that he’s very open and even proud of, and he should be. For centuries, all the best artists have been inspired by the artists the came before them, and the same can be said of every single filmmaker out there.

While most directors may not borrow as much from other movies as Quentin Tarantino, a video series called Film Meets Art compares movies like There Will Be Blood, Melancholia, Lost in Translation, Empire of the Sun, Inherent Vice and and even Django Unchained to the pieces of art that inspired some of their gorgeous shots.

Watch the Film Meets Art videos after the jump.

The first video debuted about six months ago, while the second installment was just posted about a week ago. I had no idea that the inspiration for some of these beautiful shots were these classic paintings. As creator Vugar Efendi says, “Art inspires cinema, cinema inspires art. As lover of both, I just wanted to look into films that are inspired by famous paintings throughout history.”

It just goes to show you how every filmmaker borrows from other artists. More than likely other visual inspiration comes from photographers, sculptures and other visual media. There’s probably an endless series of videos that could be made comparing cinema to art.

Thanks to FirstShowing for bringing these videos to our attention.

The post VOTD: ‘Film Meets Art’ Compares Cinema To The Art That Inspired It appeared first on /Film.

27 Sep 22:00


27 Sep 21:59

Send no flowers

27 Sep 18:49

Darth Trump Comes To New York Comic Con 2016

by Rich Johnston

DKE Toys specialise in creating and selling parody toy figures based about pop cultural icons, specifically and repeatedly, Star Wars. Sometimes the models are entirely new, sometimes they are existing toys repurposed, reaccessoried, repackages and resold.

And they are coming to New York Comic Con with a shedload of exclusive, limited, product. I have my eye on the Jim Mahfood-designed Luke Skytoker.

But the one that might get the bigger headlines?


Darth Trump.

From Time Bandits Special Edition Toys.

Trump Wars - Card Art

The packaging may have it marked down to $2.99. But you will pay $85 each, limited to 25 editions, they feature the Sith Lord himself, in the original packaging, lead figure in Trump Wars.   Each comes with a free galactic brick and Sith steak. I hear they are both amazing and tremendous.

29188098843_fff480e70b_oHere are some of the other toys they are bringing to the show…

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Darth Trump Comes To New York Comic Con 2016

27 Sep 14:25

Trump Clinton Debate #1

by hoboken411

I think I have to stop reading this guy's shit.

He really is an atrocious human being.

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Trump Clinton Debate #1 {Top 10 Observations} Okay – we actually watched the Trump Clinton Debate tonight. Top 10 Trump Clinton Debate Questions Here are our Top 10 Observations: For one, we were surprised...

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27 Sep 14:22

Nothern Soul 2.0

by hoboken411

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Northern Soul 2.0 {re-born!} I’m sure many of you know – the beloved downtown neighborhood bar Northern Soul was essentially “kicked out” of their First St. spot earlier this year. As owner Marc Russell...

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26 Sep 17:03

Darth Vader voice changer mask is half off

by (John)
$19.99 at the BBTS.

Also MotU Scorpia is $20 off today.
26 Sep 17:02

"25 Things You Didn't Know About Baseball"

by (John)
1. 1. Seth Lugo’s curveball is a vertical tornado.


MLB’s data on the spin rate of pitches goes back to 2008, and coming into this season, only 26 times had a pitcher thrown a curveball that turns at least 3,300 rpm. Then came Seth Lugo, he of the curveball that did this in his debut for the New York Mets.

That was a 3,485-rpm spinner that Anthony Rizzo swung through before it bent and hit him on his back foot. When you’re striking out on a pitch that should automatically place you on first base, you’ve swung at a good pitch.


Of the 796 pitches Lugo has thrown, 76 have been 3,300-rpm-plus curveballs. The rest of the major leagues this year has done so 34 times.


7. The Brewers, the base-stealingest team in half a decade, take crazy leads.

One of the best parts of Statcast is it can measure just about anything on a baseball field, and that includes the distance, to the inch, of a lead off a base. At the moment a pitcher makes his first move to the plate, Milwaukee runners who attempt a steal average 12.4 feet off first base. Toronto is next best at 12.1 feet, whereas, the A’s and Orioles average a mere 10.2 feet.


11. Chris Young’s fastball wasn’t just bad. It was historically bad.
23 Sep 21:56

Hulu Picks Up Top Cow’s Postal For Series

by Dan Wickline

PostalVol3TP_Cvr585x900Postal, the Top Cow comic series based on a criminal version of the witness protection program, has been picked up by Hulu for a live-action adaptation from  Matt Tolmach Productions and Legendary TV. It’s being written by The Walking Dead executive producer Seth Hoffman.

The comic series by Matt Hawkins, Bryan Hill and Isaac Goodhart tells of Eden, Wyoming, a unique town filled with fugitive criminals looking for a second chance and to be someone new. When the town wakes up to the first murder in 25 years, the reaction isn’t normal as there is zero tolerance for any illegal activity that might draw attention to the town. The town is run by a tight-knit family, but whose Mark Shiffron who has Asperger’s and runs the local postal branch decides to investigate the murder.

Postal is on their third trade and still going. You can read the first issue of Postal here for free.

[Source: Deadline]

Hulu Picks Up Top Cow’s Postal For Series

23 Sep 14:20

Brotherhood of the Wolf Defies Labels by Being Everything at Once

by Rob Hunter

Great movie.

An essential action-horror-historical-fantasy-romance.

Continue reading on Film School Rejects »

23 Sep 11:14

VOTD: Robert Downey Jr., Mark Ruffalo & Lots Of Famous People Hilariously Implore You To Vote

by Ethan Anderton

Trying to get the Avengers to make me vote.

Nice try.

Save the Day Campaign Video

Famous people are used to shill for politicians all the time. But unlike making a decision on which soft drink, pizza or shoes you’re going to by, choosing to vote is a much bigger deal. That’s why a new campaign called Save the Day has called upon an endless array of famous people to encourage you to vote.

Robert Downey Jr., Mark Ruffalo, Keegan-Michael Key, James Franco, Julianne Moore, Stanley Tucci, Nathan Fillion and a bunch more familiar faces (and some not so familiar) were rounded up to create this video that encourages people to register to vote. However, while this starts out like any other pro-voting campaign, it takes one hilarious turn right after the other, right down to a promise made by all the celebrities that Mark Ruffalo is tragically unaware of. Just watch the video below.

Here’s the Save the Day campaign video straight from the organization’s YouTube channel:

There are so many great moments in this video, not to mention half of the cast of The Avengers. Though it’s getting to the point that at least one person in every movie we see will either be an Avenger or part of the Marvel cinematic universe. However, the reason that there are a lot of Avengers cast members here is because the Save the Day initiative is spearheaded by director Joss Whedon. He apparently even shelved plans for his next movie to give this project his full attention.

Even though this video does skew towards hating on a certain candidate, albeit without supporting any of the others, regardless of who you vote for this election, it’s important to make your voice heard and cast your vote. Plus, this video promises that Mark Ruffalo will do a nude scene in his next movie if you all register to vote. That’s a pretty big deal. Or at least we hope it’s a big deal. We really won’t know until he takes his clothes off.

The post VOTD: Robert Downey Jr., Mark Ruffalo & Lots Of Famous People Hilariously Implore You To Vote appeared first on /Film.

22 Sep 21:06

Swipe File: Did Loki Steals Donald Trump’s Policy Approach?

by Rich Johnston

For the pic on the bottom.

Image (9)When asked about his much lauded secret plan to defeat ISIS, Donald Trump clarified when talking about what he would do on his first day in office. “I am also going to convene my top generals and give them a simple instruction: They will have 30 days to submit to the Oval Office a plan for defeating ISIS”.

In today’s Vote Loki #4, he appears to give a very similar answer. The plan is… to have a plan.

But as tempting as it is to see inspiration, the two can’t be connected, the comic was completed before the quote in question, but it did sort of leap out at me. As did what certain politicians might try before the Presidential vote in November.

Image (10)

I mean it all depends. You might prefer…


As long as you realise he was never meant to be the good guy…


Swipe File: Did Loki Steals Donald Trump’s Policy Approach?

22 Sep 16:54

Carvel Plans Major Expansion In NJ, Seeks Hoboken Franchisees

by Eric Kiefer
The total initial investment for a full-service Carvel shop ranges from about $250,000 to $380,000, the company says.
22 Sep 15:42

SEPTEMBER 22, 2016


















22 Sep 06:05

‘Passengers’ Trailer: Chris Pratt and Jennifer Lawrence Go to Space, Fall in Love, Have an Adventure

by Jacob Hall

passengers trailer

On paper, Passengers feels genetically modified to make all of the money in the world. It’s an action-packed science fiction spectacle that is also an intriguing mystery that is also romantic tale of (literally?) star-crossed lovers that also happens to star Jennifer Lawrence and Chris Pratt, two of the most instantly likable people being filmed by cameras today. Based purely on its concept (and on the fact that Jon Spaihts‘ screenplay was garnering acclaim for years before it was produced), the new film from director Morten Tyldum made our top 10 most anticipated movies of the fall.

Now that the first trailer has arrived, will I regret fighting for it to be ranked so high?

The short answer: not yet.

There’s a lot going on in the Passengers trailer, some of it silly and some of it awesome, but it remains one of the films I’m looking forward to the most as we charge into the final stretch of 2016. For better or worse, what’s on display in this footage reminds me a great deal of James Cameron’s Titanic: two very appealing (and let’s face it, sexy as hell) actors fall in love in front of a lot of fancy visual effects, finding their new relationship put to the test by all kinds of danger. There is also Michael Sheen as a robot bartender, which is the kind of thing that makes me yell “One ticket sold!” at my computer screen.

The core plot of Passengers is fairly simple. Two (ridiculously attractive) passengers on board a gigantic spaceship wake up from their hibernation 90 years from their destination. With nothing better to do, they go on dates and explore a meticulously designed ship and, of course, save the rest of their sleeping shipmates from disaster.

Passengers is the latest film from Morten Tyldum, whose The Imitation Game was an awards season favorite a few years ago despite not being particularly memorable. However, his other work (particular the fiendish black comedy Headhunters) has me interested in what he does with this material. I feel like I’ve been waiting for an unabashedly romantic science fiction movie like this for far too long. I’m allowing myself to get my hopes up for this one.

Passengers opens on December 21, 2016. Here’s the official synopsis:

Jennifer Lawrence and Chris Pratt are two passengers onboard a spaceship transporting them to a new life on another planet. The trip takes a deadly turn when their hibernation pods mysteriously wake them 90 years before they reach their destination. As Jim and Aurora try to unravel the mystery behind the malfunction, they begin to fall for each other, unable to deny their intense attraction… only to be threatened by the imminent collapse of the ship and the discovery of the truth behind why they woke up.

The post ‘Passengers’ Trailer: Chris Pratt and Jennifer Lawrence Go to Space, Fall in Love, Have an Adventure appeared first on /Film.