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22 Feb 15:31

Every sense you possess is an instrument for reacting to change....

Every sense you possess is an instrument for reacting to change. Does that tell you nothing?

09 Dec 20:15

The Great Bluff That Led To A 'Magical' Pill And A Sexual Revolution

In the '50s, four people collaborated to create a pill so women could enjoy sex. They fibbed about their motivations and skirted the law. Jonathan Eig details the history in The Birth of the Pill.

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12 Nov 20:28

Did You Know God Hates Shrimp?

by RemyCarreiro

Image Via Wingzone

There are few things out there as funny as religious fundamentalism. The idea that people like to use the concept of God or religion as an excuse to attack other people, sects, or beliefs is insane. While there are so many examples of it out there, I would like to take a moment to point out the website God Hates Shrimp to you all. I am pretty sure you can figure out who the site is satirizing, and it makes it all even more laughable.

You see, this site is here simply to prove how asinine the ideas of places like the Westboro Baptist Church are. Sites like this exist to show us that, sometimes, in our own narrowed mind, there can be huge gaps. The truth is, while we cannot prove or disprove the existence of God, and will like you no matter what your belief system is, the reality is, he or she would not likely hate shrimp. Or anyone or anything else that is different, for that matter.

A site like God Hates Shrimp just reminds us how skewered some people's views are, and does so in hilarious fasion.

11 Nov 19:57

samaelcarver: The Meme of our Years.


The Meme of our Years.

11 Nov 19:48


10 Oct 20:18


10 Oct 14:35

Adobe ebook DRM secretly builds and transmits a dossier of your reading habits

by Cory Doctorow

The latest version of Adobe's Digital Editions, a DRM system widely used for ebooks, gathers enormous amounts of sensitive personal information about its users' reading habits and transmits them, in the clear, to Adobe. Read the rest

10 Oct 14:25

Can you spot the difference between the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts science workshops?

by Rob Beschizza
10629620_745466952179458_1507716768032781674_n "I can't quite place it," writes David Shiffman. Update: The original is at Jezebel: "This Science Museum Has Royally Pissed Off a Bunch of Girl Scouts"
08 Oct 19:20


by Jennie Breeden
08 Oct 15:44

Let John Oliver Explain How Cops Can Take Anything From Anyone

by Andrew P Collins on Code 3, shared by Travis Okulski to Jalopnik

Civil forfeiture laws seem to give police the right to commandeer anything, including cash, that they deem associated with a real or "potential" crime and use it to buy, in one police chief's words, "toys." Like a zamboni or margarita machine. Let John Oliver explain.


08 Oct 15:34

This Is Definitely 100% Exactly How The Navy's Railgun Sounds

by Michael Ballaban on foxtrotalpha, shared by Matt Hardigree to Jalopnik

Yep, that's definitely it. The railgun , hailed as the future of the United States Navy, sounds exactly like this. No joking here at all.


30 Sep 19:02

Billionaire told he can't block access to public beach

by Rob Beschizza

Tech billionaire Vinod Khosla bought a house by a public beach, then cut off access to it. A court has ordered him to unlock the gates.

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24 Sep 13:26

Celebrate Your Right to Read at Gwinnett Library During Banned Book Week

by Scott Bernarde
Each year, the American Library Association dedicates a week to sponsor events throughout the country to shine a light on censorship.
22 Sep 14:15

Apple's Patriot-Act-detecting "warrant canary" dies

by Cory Doctorow

It's been less than a day since the company published its new, excellent privacy policy -- but Gigaom has noticed that the latest Apple transparency report, covering Jan 1-Jun 30 2014, has eliminated the line that says that the company has received no secret Patriot Act "section 215" requests, which come with gag orders prohibiting companies from discussing them. Read the rest

22 Sep 14:05

Florida schools open their doors to Satan

by Jason Weisberger

To ensure Florida's stupid laws allowing religion to be taught in public schools do not expose kids to just one idea the Satanic Temple is stepping up to provide alternate reading materials.

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19 Sep 19:56

​Deadmau5 Really Is Giving Uber Rides In His McLaren 650S

by Damon Lavrinc

If you're a frequent Uber user in Toronto, keep your eyes pealed for a McLaren 650S and a smiling mouse head. Deadmau5 is officially on the Uber X payroll and he started giving rides this week.


16 Sep 20:26

Fill Yourself With Dread Because The Terror Tractor Is Back

by Raphael Orlove

The turbo Volvo engine-swapped Terror Tractor has returned and it has its own soundtrack.


16 Sep 19:48

WATCH: self-appointed vigilante punishes litterbugs

by Mark Frauenfelder

This Russian motorcyclist throws trash into the windows of litterbugs she comes across.

16 Sep 15:36

Secret Law is Not Law

by Cory Doctorow

The Electronic Frontier Foundation's Cindy Cohn is on fire: "Let’s be clear: Under international human rights law, secret “law” doesn’t even qualify as 'law' at all."

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16 Sep 14:56

Burger King's gothburger

by David Pescovitz

Burger King has launched a black burger in Japan made from black peppered-beef, buns and cheese darkened with bamboo charcoal, and a topping of garlic sauce blackened with squid ink. Read the rest

16 Sep 14:53

Elizabeth Warren asks why criminal bankers are too big to jail

by Cory Doctorow

There were 800 convictions in the S&L crisis, but the DOJ hasn't prosecuted a single banker involved in the financial crisis; as Matt Taibbi points out in the brilliant, essential book The Divide, if shutting down a huge bank would impose too many costs on society, then why don't prosecutors insist that the banks be split up as a condition of not dropping the entire C-suite into the deepest dungeon in the nation? Read the rest

16 Sep 14:39

Study: 80% of female migrants who cross US-Mexico border are raped

by Xeni Jardin
How do many migrant women prepare for the likelihood of being raped? They take birth control as their journey begins. Read the rest
16 Sep 14:11

Police take hundreds of millions of dollars from motorists not charged with crimes

by Mark Frauenfelder

Encouraged by departments of Homeland Security and Justice police around the country make use of a private intelligence network to determine which motorists to rob, a Washington Post investigation found.

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10 Sep 14:46

NYPD arrest human rights lawyer waiting outside restaurant while kids used bathroom

by Cory Doctorow

Yet another example of unprompted brutality by the NYPD.

Chaumtoli Huq, former general counsel for NYC Public Advocate Tish James, attended a rally in Times Square with her family, and afterwards, waited on the sidewalk outside of a Ruby Tuesday restaurant while her husband took their children (10 and 6) to the bathroom. Read the rest

10 Sep 14:39

Being physically unable to commit a crime is no defense against a system that has been fine tuned for prosecution

by Cory Doctorow

Techdirt's Tim Cushing highlights some of the more Kafkaesque moments in modern American justice -- handcuffed men who shoot themselves in the back, men who are arraigned for crimes they allegedly committed while in jail, and comes to this conclusion: Read the rest

08 Sep 13:47


by Jennie Breeden
05 Sep 14:47

This honey will make you hallucinate

by Mark Frauenfelder

"Mad honey," or deli bal as it is call in Turkey, contains a neurotoxin from rhododendrons called grayanotoxin that can cause "low blood pressure and irregularities in the heartbeat that bring on nausea, numbness, blurred vision, fainting, potent hallucinations, seizures, and even death, in rare cases." Read the rest

03 Sep 20:12

Arby's new Meat Mountain

by David Pescovitz

Arby's, inspired by customers who inquired about a poster in the restaurant depicting a heap of myriad meats, now sells an off-menu "Meat Mountain" piled with various kinds of animal flesh for $10. Here's what's between the buns: Read the rest

03 Sep 19:24

Dashcam nails cops who beat man while shouting "Stop resisting arrest"

by Cory Doctorow

"The Bloomfield PD's internal investigations department found no evidence of any wrongdoing by the cops."

Two cops from Bloomfield, NJ's police department have been indicted, and another plead guilty after a suppressed dashcam video showed them beating a man who was facing years in prison for "resisting arrest" (the DA dropped his charges right away). Read the rest

03 Sep 17:13
