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18 Dec 19:15

DNA Data From California Newborn Blood Samples Stored, Sold To 3rd Parties

by Soulskill
schwit1 writes: "This might come as a surprise to California natives in their 20s and early 30s: The state owns your DNA. Every year about four million newborns in the U.S. get a heel prick at birth, to screen for congenital disorders, that if found early enough, can save their life." However, when those tests are done, the leftover blood isn't simply thrown away. Instead, they're taken to an office building and the DNA data is stored in a database. "It’s a treasure trove of information about you, from the color of your eyes and hair to your pre-disposition to diseases like Alzheimer’s and cancer." And that's not the end of it: "The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) is not the only agency using the blood spots. Law enforcement can request them. Private companies can buy them to do research – without your consent."

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17 Dec 20:38

Check Out These Scientific Alternatives to Traditional Christmas Carols

by Hemant Mehta

A group called Scientific Songs of Praise will soon release an album offering alternatives to traditional Christmas music.

Like “Solar Night” (instead of “Silent Night”).

UV light, shortwave light
Causes sunburn, when it’s bright
Used for sterilization
And forensics with irradiation
Flowers reflect it for bees
Flowers reflect it for bees

Touches your heart, doesn’t it? :)

The album also includes “Tectonic Plates” (Amazing Grace) and “Dear Large Hadron Collider” (Dear Lord and Father of Mankind). You can preorder the album on their website and stream many of the songs for free.

17 Dec 20:23

Comedian Lewis Black Reads an Incredible (and Hilarious) Mormon Resignation Letter

by Hemant Mehta

***Update***: You can read more about the 18-year-old who wrote the letter right here.

At a recent stand-up show in Oklahoma City, comedian Lewis Black read a letter written by an 18-year-old who is officially resigning from the Mormon Church in the wake of its new policies against gay couples and their children.

The language is NSFW, but you’ll want to find time to listen to this:

I don’t know who wrote that letter, but congratulations! You escaped!

Remember: There’s a mass resignation taking place in Salt Lake City this Saturday.

14 Dec 16:58

How Refrigerators Work

23 Nov 16:32

Cops kick in wrong door, kill wrong man

by Rob Beschizza


An unarmed North Carolina man was shot dead this weekend by Sheriff’s deputies in Harnett County, who reportedly kicked in his door after misidentifying his home as that of a suspect in another crime.

WNCN reports that John Livingston, 33, was shot several times during the incident. Few answers are forthcoming on the circumstances.

[room-mate] Carroll says sheriff’s deputies knocked on their door around 3:30 a.m.

Carroll said they were looking for someone that no longer lived there. When deputies asked Livingston if they could search the trailer, Livingston said “not without a search warrant,” according to Carroll.

Livingston then closed the door.

“The cop kicked in the door, got on top of him, started slinging him around beat him…” Carroll said.

The officers involved are on administrative leave, but their identities have not been released, according to ABC news. One of the deputies received minor injuries, but they were not specified.

23 Nov 15:47

Willy Wonka cast members reunited after 43 years

by Mark Frauenfelder

Charlie Bucket, Mike Teavee, Augustus Gloop, Veruca Salt, Violet Beauregarde, and an Oompa Loompa got together to chat about being in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. They haven't aged a day!

The notable person missing from the group, is the delightful Gene Wilder. Here's an interview with him from 2013:

I read his Gene Wilder's wonderful autobiography, Kiss Me Like a Stranger, a few years ago and highly recommend it, especially the audiobook, which he reads with his distinctive voice.

23 Nov 15:07

Man interviews himself 38 years later and makes it into an amazing movie

by Mark Frauenfelder


This is wonderful. When Stoney Emshwiller was 18 years old, he filmed himself interviewing his older self. Thirty-eight years later a 56-year-old Stoney completed the interview by answering his younger self's questions. He's funded the production of a movie, called "Later That Same Life."

19 Nov 20:05

Return of the Flying Toasters

by Rob Beschizza


The classic Mac screensaver Flying Toasters (from the "After Dark" suite) is yours to enjoy again, complete with Toast Controls and optional monochrome. And, thanks to the glory of modern web technology, it works on any computer. []

You can even share specific settings as a link. Here is the most existential setting: a single piece of toast in black and white.

Previously: recreating Flying Toasters with CSS.

19 Nov 16:14

Comic for 2015.11.19

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic
19 Nov 15:24


Researchers just found the gene responsible for mistakenly thinking we've found the gene for specific things. It's the region between the start and the end of every chromosome, plus a few segments in our mitochondria.
17 Nov 20:31

FHTAGN: Silver tentacle rings and earrings

by Cory Doctorow


The jewelry looks just as good as these pieces but their production doesn't harm any octopuses; they're made from high-quality Sterling and the rings come with three different finishes. The earrings are $20 and are through-the-ear/wrap around; the $40 rings can be easily adjusted for different-sized fingers. Both get top marks from reviewers.

17 Nov 20:30

Thanks to the meth wars, cold medicine's effective ingredient isn't

by Cory Doctorow


When the Combat Methamphetamine Epidemic Act of 2005 passed, pharmacies moved all cold-medicine with the actually-works ingredient pseudoephedrine, only available on request and with a copy of your ID. In its place, the pharmacy shelves were restocked with phenylephrine, which was alleged to work just as well. It doesn't work at all. (more…)

17 Nov 15:17

Everything You Need To Buy If You Love Motorcycles

by Sean MacDonald on Lanesplitter, shared by Patrick George to Jalopnik

Pumpkin spiced lattes and holiday music blaring at my local Whole Foods means it must be that time of year again when you do the shopping for the people you love, as well as a little shopping for yourself on the side. Make sure you, or the motorcyclist in your life, have these items come this holiday season.


16 Nov 19:31

Comic Anthony Jeselnik Trashes “Thoughts & Prayers” Tweets. I Disagree With Him (I Think)

by Terry Firma

In the wake of the Paris attacks, just when humor seemed temporarily in bad taste and frozen in suspension, I laughed much harder at Anthony Jeselnik‘s monologue than maybe I should have. Jeselnik has a knack for telling deeply uncomfortable, cringe-inducing jokes, and this bit from his latest Netflix special is no exception.

In times of calamity and crisis, Jeselnik says, people now flock to social media

…and they all write down the exact same thing: “My thoughts and prayers.” “My thoughts and prayers with the people in Aurora.” “My thoughts and prayers with the families in Boston.”

Do you know what that’s worth? Fucking nothing. Less than nothing. You are not giving any of your time, your money, or even your compassion. All you are doing is saying, “Don’t forget about me today. Lots of crazy distractions in the news right now, but don’t forget how sadz I am.” Those people are worthless, and they deserve to be made fun of.

I recognize the preening quality Jeselnik speaks of, and it’s true that “thoughts and prayers” is a ritual incantation that can be annoying for both its cheapnes and its lack of creativity. (Also, as an atheist, I think just about the last thing we need when religiously inspired madmen massacre 130 innocents in Paris is a call for more religion.)

But while “thoughts and prayers” is certainly inadequate, I disagree with Jeselnik when he says it means nothing. The phrase, ideally, accomplishes three things.

1. It gives the person who utters it a chance to say something about the tragic event, connecting with others whose mind space is also occupied by it.

2. It provides those words as an expression of succor and support to the families and friends of the victims.

3. It marks, albeit with only the tiniest soupçon of respect, one’s regret over the loss of innocent lives.

It does all these things feebly, to be sure, but that doesn’t mean the sentiment is devoid of meaning.

Again, I get where Jeselnik is coming from. The “thoughts and prayers” phrase reminds me of the almost comical lack of commitment by those who put magnetic yellow or U.S.-flag-themed ribbons on their cars after the start of the Iraq war — not stickers, mind you, ’cause apparently that would be too semi-permanent.

That said, not everyone has Jeselnik’s gift of gab, or creative-writing skills, or the ability to dream up a fresh meme. What’s the use in dumping on those who don’t? Or even on the merely lazy?

When it’s someone’s birthday, should we really have to come up with something less clichéd than, well, “Happy birthday”? When someone we know is sick, must we go out of our way to find new ways to express our concern and well wishes, rather than send the patient a heartfelt “Get well soon” message?

Next time I’m bereaved, I’ll accept any sign of sympathy in the spirit in which it was offered. If that expression of support comes in the form of genuine-seeming “thoughts and prayers,” I hope I will be gracious enough not to quibble, and to say my thanks.

16 Nov 15:47

Obama's coming for your Christmas drones

by Xeni Jardin


Amid growing fears about safety and security risks from unauthorized drone flights, federal regulators say they plan to require pretty much all recreational drones in the U.S. to be registered. (more…)

12 Nov 21:32

The Dude Who Built His Own Steampunk Gatling Gun Just Built A Railgun

by Tyler Rogoway on Foxtrot Alpha, shared by Patrick George to Jalopnik

Firearms tinkerer and car nut Alex fascinated the internet with his do-it-yourself steampunk gatling gun and now he has upped the ante significantly to what he says is his own homemade railgun. The contraption looks like a weapon right out of the movie District 9 and appears to work incredibly well in the test videos he just posted.


12 Nov 21:09

Tiny anti-snoring gadget for people with sleep apnea looks promising

by Mark Frauenfelder


If this little gadget called Airing really does prevent obstructive sleep apnea, then it's a big deal. The Indiegogo-funded project is described as the first hoseless, maskless, micro-CPAP. (more…)

12 Nov 16:04

Now we know the NSA blew the black budget breaking crypto, how can you defend yourself?

by Cory Doctorow


Well, obviously, we need to get Congress to start imposing adult supervision on the NSA, but until that happens, there are some relatively simple steps you can take to protect yourself. (more…)

09 Nov 20:54

This Dude's Functioning Steampunk Gatling Gun Is Pretty Outrageous

by Tyler Rogoway on Foxtrot Alpha, shared by Alanis King to Jalopnik

Some people are super serious about the whole steampunk thing, making their own elaborate costumes and props that rival anything your would see in a Hollywood production. But one guy built himself a functioning, real-deal, steampunk gatling gun a couple of years back, and the video can still put other fanatics to shame.


09 Nov 20:48

Local Motors Has An All New 3D Printed Car Design

by Jason Torchinsky

Local Motors, the innovative company with the deceptively low-key name, has been researching and developing the use of 3D printing for car bodies for some time. At the last Detroit Auto Show, they printed a car, right there at their booth. Now they have an all-new, sleeker, and more practical design.


05 Nov 15:10


by Jennie Breeden
05 Nov 14:39

New Automotive Customizing Subculture Idea: The KintsuKars 

by Jason Torchinsky

TIL about Bosozuku.

Automotive customizing subcultures are strange, glorious things that seem to arise from one odd detail and then grow into a massive movement, incomprehensible to anyone on the outside. Think Stance , Donk, Bosozuku, Rat Rods, Lowriders, you get it. Today I’d like to propose a new one.


03 Nov 16:30

Gwinnett E-SPLOST Vote Has $950M on the Line

by Scott Bernarde
Voters will consider the education referendum in Tuesday's general election.
30 Oct 17:11

Honda Neowing Leaning Three Wheeler Concept

by Paul Crowe
Honda is also joining the leaning three wheeler concept competition with the Neowing, unveiled at the Tokyo Motor Show. If both Honda and Yamaha are showing these concepts to the public, you can bet the showroom versions are coming in the not too distant future. The Neowing has an opposed flat four engine plus electric […]
30 Oct 14:05

A Softer World: 1244

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30 Oct 13:36


If that doesn't fix it, git.txt contains the phone number of a friend of mine who understands git. Just wait through a few minutes of 'It's really pretty simple, just think of branches as...' and eventually you'll learn the commands that will fix everything.
27 Oct 17:59

Google Software Engineer Lives In A Van To Avoid San Francisco Rent

by Andrew P Collins on Truck Yeah, shared by Michael Ballaban to Jalopnik

An educated full-time employee of a extremely high-paying company would rather live in a ten-year-old van in his office parking lot than pay San Francisco rent. How’s your apartment hunt going?


26 Oct 18:31

Kevin DeShazer Completes His 2400cc 3 Cylinder Radial Project

by Paul Crowe
About a year ago we wrote up a report on a work in progress, it was Kevin DeShazer's 3 cylinder radial engine, designed from scratch and created in his own shop. Well, as much as works in progress are interesting, it's always nice to see the project get to the finish line, or as much […]
22 Oct 16:07


by Jennie Breeden
22 Oct 15:10

Forced laborers sue Mississippi debtors' prison

by Cory Doctorow


If you're poor in Jackson, MS and you get a fine that you can't pay, the City of Jackson will sentence you to a "pay or stay" forced labor farm where you will work off your debts at $58/day literally shoveling shit; the alternative is to sit in an overcrowded, jail notorious for its violent guards and filthy conditions and pay down your fines at $25/day. (more…)