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18 Sep 12:15

La Naissance du Bop (2/2) l'avénement avec Franck Bergerot

durée : 01:25:57 - Le matin des musiciens - par : Arnaud Merlin
09 Sep 08:27

New Hyperrealistic Sculptures by Ron Mueck

by Christopher Jobson

New Hyperrealistic Sculptures by Ron Mueck sculpture hyperrealism
Ron Mueck’s Studio, January 2013. Photo by Gautier Deblonde.

New Hyperrealistic Sculptures by Ron Mueck sculpture hyperrealism
Photo by Thomas Salva courtesy Fondation Cartier pour l’art contemporain.

New Hyperrealistic Sculptures by Ron Mueck sculpture hyperrealism
Photo by Thomas Salva courtesy Fondation Cartier pour l’art contemporain.

New Hyperrealistic Sculptures by Ron Mueck sculpture hyperrealism
Photo by Thomas Salva courtesy Fondation Cartier pour l’art contemporain.

New Hyperrealistic Sculptures by Ron Mueck sculpture hyperrealism
Photo by Thomas Salva courtesy Fondation Cartier pour l’art contemporain.

New Hyperrealistic Sculptures by Ron Mueck sculpture hyperrealism
Photo by Thomas Salva courtesy Fondation Cartier pour l’art contemporain.

Hyperrealist sculptor Ron Mueck works in the realm of the ultra-real where he spends hundreds of hours perfecting the shape of the human form, the appropriate color of skin, and the most realistic hair texture. All of his efforts culminate in incredibly lifelike figurative sculptures with one small (or large) exception: the artworks are often gigantic or miniaturized, resulting in an uncomfortable “does not compute” moment when trying to comprehend exactly what you’re looking at. Each sculpted person is as bizarre as it is amazing, in part because of the raw intimacy portrayed in their faces, as if we are somehow witnessing the documentation of a private moment.

New Hyperrealistic Sculptures by Ron Mueck sculpture hyperrealism
Ron Mueck’s Studio, January 2013. Photo by Gautier Deblonde.

New Hyperrealistic Sculptures by Ron Mueck sculpture hyperrealism
Photo by Thomas Salva courtesy Fondation Cartier pour l’art contemporain.

New Hyperrealistic Sculptures by Ron Mueck sculpture hyperrealism
Photo by Thomas Salva courtesy Fondation Cartier pour l’art contemporain.

New Hyperrealistic Sculptures by Ron Mueck sculpture hyperrealism
Photo by Thomas Salva courtesy Fondation Cartier pour l’art contemporain.

New Hyperrealistic Sculptures by Ron Mueck sculpture hyperrealism
Photo by Thomas Salva courtesy Fondation Cartier pour l’art contemporain.

Like several other hyperrealist sculptors Mueck began his sculpting career in entertainment where he started work as a puppeteer, creating models and puppets for children’s movies and TV shows. Most notably he worked on Jim Henson’s film Labyrinth and even provided the voice for the character Ludo. In 1996 he made the switch to fine art and quickly rose to prominence with exhibitions at the Royal Academy and the National Gallery in London.

Last month Mueck unveiled three new works at the Fondation Cartier in Paris as part of an exhibition that runs through September 29th, including the extraordinary Couple Under an Umbrella shown above. You can watch the video to get a little more perspective on just how large this artwork really is. All images above courtesy Fondation Cartier. (via my amp goes to 11)

06 Sep 09:30

Minimals: Modular Toy Animals by Sebastián Burga

by Christopher Jobson

Minimals: Modular Toy Animals by Sebastián Burga toys animals

Minimals: Modular Toy Animals by Sebastián Burga toys animals

Minimals: Modular Toy Animals by Sebastián Burga toys animals

Minimals: Modular Toy Animals by Sebastián Burga toys animals

Minimals: Modular Toy Animals by Sebastián Burga toys animals

Minimals are a new line of modular toy models currently in development by designer Sebastián Burga. The designer has been working on the wacky looking animals since 2008 and they recently won a Silver A Design Award at the A’Design Awards. While it doesn’t look like they are currently available for purchase, you can see a lot more over on Facebook and Behance.

06 Sep 09:19

An Ingenious Bicycle-Powered Treehouse Elevator Lifts a Rider 30 Feet in Seconds

by Christopher Jobson

Pour monter dans la cabane

An Ingenious Bicycle Powered Treehouse Elevator Lifts a Rider 30 Feet in Seconds  treehouses elevators bicycles

An Ingenious Bicycle Powered Treehouse Elevator Lifts a Rider 30 Feet in Seconds  treehouses elevators bicycles

An Ingenious Bicycle Powered Treehouse Elevator Lifts a Rider 30 Feet in Seconds  treehouses elevators bicycles

Over the last few weeks Ethan Schlussler has been working on a beautifully designed 30-foot-high treehouse and quickly became tired of “climbing a ladder six and a half million times a day,” so he decided to build a human-powered elevator out of an old bicycle. At first I was expecting something pretty tedious to pedal in order to lift the weight of a full-grown man, yet as soon as he starts pedaling in the video it seems to work almost like magic. It really is a clever idea. (via MAKE)

06 Sep 08:22

Bella Feldman

by Quinquabelle
"Bella fait d'extraordinaires objets qui retiennent notre attention par leur apparence physique, le poids, la masse, le volume, le matériel, la posture, l'équilibre et le mouvement "
"Bien que les objets soient beaux, ils contiennent un élément de menace et d'ironie. Ils sont ce que le critique Harold Rosenberg a justement appelé«objets anxieux."

29 Aug 16:26

Gregory Grozos

by Quinquabelle
29 Aug 16:24

Ce matin

by Quinquabelle

Fin de la saison des roses
29 Aug 16:22

Alicia Merrett

by Quinquabelle
Les superbes courtepointes d'Alicia Merrett, inspirée par les cartes routières ou les vues de dessus.

29 Aug 06:41

Cristina Troufa

by Quinquabelle
La cohabitation admirable du "négatif" sans couleurs et du "positif" coloré pour dépeindre les émotions. Remarquable!

08 Jul 09:18


by bleu marie
Un message écologique à travers ce graff plein d'humour ! Personnellement, j'adore...

Artiste : NemO's (Milan)
08 Jul 08:32


by samoa raku

Ha ! Qu'est-ce qu'on est serré, au fond de cette boite,
Chantent les sardines, chantent les sardines,


DSC09921 DSC09922


20 May 15:28

Brock Davis

by Quinquabelle