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18 May 14:29

George Takei Reviews a Ridiculous $500 Ethernet Cable

03 May 13:08

I'll Just Clean This Restroom Tomorrow

smells bad,restroom

Submitted by: Unknown

Tagged: smells bad , restroom
23 Apr 13:29

KICKSTARTER: Code Monkey Save World!

by Lauren Berkley

Do you like comics? Do you like singer-songwriter Jonathan Coulton?

Then this “Code Monkey Save World” Kickstarter is for you!

code monkey save world 2

‘Comics writer Greg Pak (“Planet Hulk,” “Batman/Superman,” “Magneto Testament”), internet superstar musician Jonathan Coulton, and artist Takeshi Miyazawa (“Runaways”) have joined forces to create a graphic novel that stars the much-loved monsters and super-villains from classic Coulton songs like “Code Monkey,” “Skullcrusher Mountain,” “The Future Soon,” and “Re: Your Brains.” ”

There’s still about 20 days left for the “Code Monkey Save World” campaign. The initial goal is $39,000. As of this writing, over ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTEEN THOUSAND DOLLARS has been donated!

Check the page for frequent updates as to how that money will be used — i.e., spent on bonuses for you donors!

[Via Kickstarter]

14 Apr 21:53

Medieval Superhero Duo [Pic]

by Geeks are Sexy


Batman and Aquaman, looking more badass than ever!

[Armors by Deviantartist Azmal of Prince Armory]

14 Apr 14:35

Sonic screwdriver? I have a sonic laser

by Chris Lee
An atom, cycling through the various stages of life in a laser. It starts off all relaxed in the ground state. Then the pump drives it into an excited state. It quickly relaxes into the lasing state, where it waits around for many of its fellow atoms to join it. They then all emit in phase to return to the ground state. Chris Lee

Ever since the first demonstration of the laser, people have wondered if the same thing could be done with sound. Over the last few years, there have been demonstrations that are close but, in my opinion, not quite there. That all changed with a recent publication that is, I think, the first truly convincing demonstration of a phonon laser (a phonon is the sound equivalent of a photon: the smallest increment of energy at a given tone).

Experimentally, what a Japanese team has done is really cool. But unless you happen to be a physicist, to fully appreciate it requires quite a diversion. So, I suggest that you take a moment to read the next section. If you are a physicist, feel free to skip ahead to "The Phonon Laser" section.

What makes a laser a laser?

It is actually harder to define a laser than you might think. For instance, a common description is a light source that has just a single color. Yet there are many lasers that emit a band of colors far broader than many lamps do. So, no, lasers do not necessarily emit a single color.

Read 24 remaining paragraphs | Comments

10 Apr 23:43

Shooting Mosquitos With Lasers

Shooting Mosquitos With Lasers

Submitted by: Unknown

Tagged: insects , mosquito , lasers , science , School of FAIL Share on Facebook