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03 May 16:03

Beer Mapper: An experimental app to find the right beer for you

by Nathan Yau

Um guia, digamos que, funcional.

Beer map

Kevin Jamieson, an electrical and computer engineering graduate student at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, put his work in active ranking into practice. The experimental app is called Beer Mapper.

The application presents a pair of beers, one pair at a time, from a list of beers that you have indicated you know or have access to and then asks you to select which one you prefer. After you have provided a number of answers, the application shows you a heat map of your preferences over the "beer space."

Around 10,000 beers with at least 50 reviews on RateBeer were used as the foundation of the recommendation system. The reviews were reduced to just the individual words and counts, which gives sort of a profile for each beer (or a "weighted bag of words"). You rate beers, and the system tries to find profiles that are mathematically most similar.

Two caveats. The first is that it looks like the app just gives you a heat map of the styles of beer you might like. A recommended list of actual beers would be way better. Second, the app is a research project that likely won't be in the app store any time soon, so the first point is moot. Sad face. Maybe Untappd should read Jamieson's paper. [via Fast Company]

Data Points: Visualization That Means Something is available now. Order your copy.

22 Apr 23:43

RUTINA - Venga, gente, que aún estamos a tiempo para el verano

19 Apr 17:10

How the face changes with shifting light sources

by Rob Beschizza

Nacho Guzman demonstrates how much a face appears to change with differing lighting positions, in a teaser for a forthcoming music video from OPALE.


13 Apr 18:08

Strawberries + Angel Food Ice Cream

by elsiecake

OW Fuck Yeah

Strawberries and cream ice creamWith summer starting to feel like it's just around the corner I'm feeling the need to break out my ice cream maker more. I love keeping a small batch of homemade ice cream in my freezer in case of unexpected guests. Offering a friend a homemade dessert is the best feeling. It almost feels like a humble brag. :) Strawberry and angel food cake ice creamI love experimenting with all sorts of flavors. This recipe combines fresh strawberries with fluffy angel food cake and creamy cream cheese. If you've never tried making a cream cheese ice cream before, I highly recommend it. Not only are they deliciously decadent, they are also super easy to make! Strawberry ice cream ingredientsStrawberries + Angel Food Ice Cream, makes 3/4 quart (you can easily double this recipe).

8 oz. softened cream cheese
3/4 cup sugar
1 cup whole milk
a pinch of salt
1/2 cup heavy whipping cream
1/2 cup chopped strawberries
1/2 cup cubed angel food cake 

In a mixer cream together the cream cheese and sugar until well combined. Stir in the milk, salt and heavy whipping cream. Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator for 2 hours or overnight (most ice cream makers work better if the batter is very chilled before adding it). Pour into your ice cream maker and follow the manufacturer directions for use. I added in the strawberries and angel food cake just a few minutes before the ice cream was done. How to store homemade ice creamIce cream straight out of my ice cream maker tends to be the consistency of soft serve. If you like soft serve ice cream, great! If you want a more firm texture pop it in the freezer (in an air tight container) overnight. Angel food cake ice creamYou could serve this atop another slice of angel food cake. Angel food cake overkill? I think not. Easy homemade ice creamOr you could serve them in a waffle cone. Whatever your preference, you're gonna love this ice cream. Enjoy! xo. Emma

P.S. Want more ice cream ideas? Try baked apple and bourbon, chocolate chip cookie dough, lavender!, non dairy ice cream and cinnamon dolce. Yum!

13 Apr 17:51

Friendship Between a Girl and Her Cat

by Baptiste.B


Le photographe Andy Prokh nous propose une série de clichés adorables dans lesquels sa fille Katherine s’amuse et joue avec son chat appelé LiLu Blue Royal Lada. Avec des images en noir & blanc, l’artiste parvient à illustrer la complicité entre la fille et l’animal à travers des situations drôles & caricaturales.

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