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09 Jun 01:28

Overtime By TeraS

by TeraS

There are some souls in the Realm who are … far closer to reality than the stories themselves reveal. The colour of their hair, the slightly gruff nature, the walking stick that has been with a person as long as I can remember. Most of all, the phone call from a cherished uncle to his niece to talk about that night’s hockey game and how it went into …

By TeraS

She’d always been fascinated by how white my hair was, not realizing how many years there were between us. But then she didn’t really take age as the measure of a soul. Rather, she accepted all those she met for who they were, and then she’d wonder about the question that never left her.

I recall the first words she said to me. At the time, those present thought it to be something childish, a silly request that needed but a pat on her head and then sending her off to play some child’s game.

“Can I help?”

Her mother had been as pointed with her thoughts, as I recall. There was no hint of wondering if the question was odd or out of place. It needed to be asked, so why not ask it?

Those so-green eyes had some innocence in them, but they couldn’t hide the intelligence lurking, waiting to find the words to speak and make her thoughts clear to everyone around her. Those three words would become who she was; the decisions she made harkened back to that single purpose she had from the beginning.

She asked if she could help, and so she did.

Oh, she didn’t care at all about being what our society expected her to be. Truth be told, I didn’t expect her to simply accept her role and do what others wanted her to do. The first time we shared some ice cream in the park, her thoughts were about why things were. When I tried to explain in a way that a child could understand, she tilted her head and sighed in way that had no reflection of her age, but rather the maturity of her soul. I never spoke to her again in that way, having learned that she might be a young tail, but she was in no way a child, even at that age.

Time passed and she found herself challenged as a young Queen—I am very well aware that she dislikes that word, but I am her uncle, and so she allows my thoughts and words without comment, only the occasional arched eyebrow, at which I cannot help but chuckle. She had no Eternal, no Heart, no parents to turn to and ask. I remained nearby … and she came and found me, though I simply had to tell her to trust her instincts, which were spot on.

She always knew where to find me. Many times, I’d be working away, trimming a hedge, and she’d appear. She never interrupted, waiting for me to turn to her, smile, and ask: “Can I help?” Those three words became our connection. They expressed her need and my willingness to give her the wisdom I could. We spoke of the issues, what her options might be and where she might take things. But it was her choice, and whatever she decided that was how things where to be.

The accident almost took me away from her. It was a close thing, closer than I think she really knows. At least I hope so, sometimes she’s more concerned about how others feel about things than what she keeps bottled up inside. It was a long road to come back, the cane forever at my side. She always worries about me, and is always willing to shorten the distance. Those words came back, more meaningful than they were in the past: “Can I help?”

She found her Eternal in time, her Heart appeared and brought wisdom and understanding. Two souls who know her own better than most, and for that, for them being there for her, I am grateful. Few can really understand the soul of the Queen of the Realm.

For me, it’s somewhat different, she is my niece after all. The laughter when I rant over the hockey game tells of how she adores the time we have together. The thoughtfulness of her own wisdom, that she will never give herself credit for, brings me hope for the future.

The journey isn’t over, much like the hockey game, there is still more of the game to be played … and then overtime.

07 May 11:25

Now is your chance to participate in the Dewey Priorities Survey

by Alex

The Dewey Decimal Classification is a valuable resource and keeping it current is important to all of us. We work with users like you to constantly improve it, to make the system more valuable across cultures and types of libraries.

To better learn what's important to our users we invite you to participate in a brief Dewey priorities survey.

Please note that this survey will close on 28 May 2021.

We look forward to hearing from you!

02 May 14:55

Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Print


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They try to fight, but parts of them keep falling off.

Today's News:
02 May 14:50

alicemccombs:In case anyone is curious “True” Beltane, the exact moment of the cross quarter between...


In case anyone is curious “True” Beltane, the exact moment of the cross quarter between Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice, is on Wednesday May 5 at 1:36 pm CST.

02 May 14:50

Holidays & Items of Note for May 1, 2021*   Beltane (Wicca)...

Holidays & Items of Note for May 1, 2021

*   Beltane (Wicca) By the way the Gaelic or “Irish” for May is Bealtaine
*   May Day (International)
*   - 4 Green Corn Dance (Zuni) welcoming back the Corn Maidens, who flee the land during the Winter.
*   International Workers Day. What May Day has become in many parts of the world, in Russia however they have taken to calling it Labor & Coming of Spring Day.
*   Giorno dei Lavoratori (Italy)
*   National Love Day (Czech Republic) Couples go to the memorial of the poet Karel Hynek Mácha in  Prague and kiss.
*   Lei Day (Hawaii)
*   Save the Rhino Day
*   Worthy Wage Day
*   Silver Star Service Banner Day
*   Law day & Loyalty Day (U.S.) W jr. tried to start this one to fight May Day, it didn’t take.
*   Day in 1776 that the Order of the Illuminati of Bavaria was formed by Adam Weishaupt (1748 - 1811)
*   According to Ronald Hutton in Triumph of the Moon, it was this day in 1947 that Gardner (founder of modern Wicca) had the first of four May meetings with Aleister Crowley, where he bought a number of books and was recommend by him to be made a 4th-degree initiate of the O.T.O.
*   Samhain (Wicca) In the Southern Hemisphere.

01 May 10:52

After the Pandemic

I'm looking forward to having to worry a lot less about covid, but wouldn't mind if we worried a little more about giving each other colds. Colds are bad!
28 Apr 20:06

Consumer Price Complex – DORK TOWER 23.04.21

by John Kovalic


Please consider supporting the DORK TOWER Patreon! Dork Tower is 100% reader-funded, and  updated Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays thanks its Patreon Supporters. The next goal is four strips a week!! Enlist in the Army of Dorkness today! We have Igor Bars!

26 Apr 11:18

Small Talk

by S Frisk
24 Apr 12:36

Vilanda by chaosdmmAs found...

23 Apr 23:36

Behavioral economics.

by Jessica Hagy

The post Behavioral economics. appeared first on Indexed.

23 Apr 01:19

bobjackets:It’s Earth day today.Help the Earth out in your own way.


It’s Earth day today.Help the Earth out in your own way.

23 Apr 01:14

Morrigan Aensland by ZeskerrAs found...

22 Apr 02:01

Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Todo


Click here to go see the bonus panel!

I'm just saying, meeting all my deadlines at this point may be a form of murder.

Today's News:
21 Apr 12:52

Hair We Go Again

no long hair is safe in my comic (except Marigold's)

21 Apr 02:45

The worst kind of rut.

by Jessica Hagy

The post The worst kind of rut. appeared first on Indexed.

16 Apr 20:02

Morrigan Aensland by ND \( ̄︶ ̄)>As found...

Morrigan Aensland by ND \( ̄︶ ̄)>

As found at:

16 Apr 19:56

Looking For Love In All The Hard-to-reach Places – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 51

SelectSmart Love – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 59 Surprise Love From Behind – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 58 Heartatatatatata! – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 57 Did I Mention The Rise Of A Pink Princess Yet? – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 56 Stack Overflow Error – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 55 Trickbox! – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 54 A Candle in the Dark – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 53 Violence Is The Answer – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 52 Looking For Love In All The Hard-to-reach Places – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 51 Journey Into Darkness – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 50 Artist Existence Failure – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 49 Less Than Three! Less Than Three! Less Than Three! – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 48 What Kind Of Power Is “Heart”, Again? – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 47 It’s All About Getting Into The Mindset – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 46 Behold The Risen, With Snacks – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 45 Behold The Risen – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 44 Biff Has Risen, Too, But I Can’t Find Any Way To Tie That To Something About Princes – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 43 The Imp Prince Has Risen! – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 42 The Pink Prince Has Risen! (No Word on the Pink Panther yet) – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 41 The Pink …uh.. Black(?!) Princess Has Risen! – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 40 Rising Still on the Rise – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 39 The Pink Princess Does Rise, Ultimately And Somewhat Resignedly. – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 38 My Eyes Are Up Here – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 37 Round and Round She Goes – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 36 Covering the Basics – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 35 Blink, Blink, Blink – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 34 Lunar New Year’s Special – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 33 Will the Pink Princess Rise Again? – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 32 About Hurting And Hearing – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 31 Mass Movement – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 30 Sur La Barricade, Étudiants! – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 29 And Another Gratuitous Dig at the Arizona State Fair… – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 28 Zoids, Truncated Again! – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 27 As If Waking From a Long Slumber – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 26 The Road to Schicken? – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 25 Sugary Roots – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 24 There You Have It! – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 23 Egg and (some very large) Ham(s) – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 22 New Year’s Special 2020/2021 – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 21 Cracking Development. – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 20 The Ray! The Ray! The Ray! – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 19 Figures – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 18 Scraping, Testing, Boring – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 17 He Had no Chance, Really – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 16 The Testee Has Become the Tester – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 15 Satisfying Smash! – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 14 Egg Benepredict – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 13 Standard Piece of Rock – Check – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 12 Not Remotely Manipulated – Check – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 11 Signs And Portents – Check – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 10 Southern Discomfort – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 9 Tippy-Woes – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 8 Diaerated Head – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 7 That’s One Long And Narrow Letter – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 6 Yeah, Just Chalk it up to That – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 5 Still Biff After All Those Years (?) – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 4 Halloween Special 2020 Still Orange After All Those Years – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 3 Still Dead After All Those Years – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 2 Still Red After All Those Years – Chapter 8, Act 1, Strip 1 Credits Where Credits Are Due – Chapter 8, Prologue, Strip 5 St. Jenner Intercedes – Chapter 8, Prologue, Strip 4 Moodkiller – Chapter 8, Prologue, Strip 3 Solar Polonaise – Chapter 8, Prologue, Strip 2 One of Us – Chapter 8, Prologue, Strip 1 About Earlier Chapters Impressum Datenschutz

You know, Mopey might be on to something, here. If there was anything even vaguely similar to love to be found in her innerspace, it surely wouldn’t be anywhere outside of the furthest, darkest, most secluded and most heavily secured corner of the whole thing. Which probably comes as a surprise to no one – or was there really anybody who had expected the interior of Mopey’s soul to be overflowing with sunlight, floaty glowing hearts and wellsprings of happy, pink flowers?

No, it’s naturally an elegantly monochromatic place – bordering on non-chromatic, actually. And Mopey is definitely standing right in front of its most secluded and most heavily secured corner. The sheer size and unnecessary complexity of that vault door leaves little doubt in that regard, since that is a well-established visual clue to that sort of thing. Sure, theoretically there could be a second, even larger vault door somewhere else in her soul, but let’s face it – that would just be gauche. One is acceptable and even kind of classy.

But will there be anything of note to be found behind that unnecessarily impressive portal? You can be sure there will! The sad trajectory of Geraldo Riviera’s career has taught a valuable lesson to me, and to anybody who was paying attention. >_>

More on Monday.

14 Apr 12:47


by Author

Those were the days.

13 Apr 12:07

ISS Vaccine

Because they orbit the Earth every 90 minutes, some astronauts should try to argue that, due to CDC regulations and time zone technicalities, they should be able to get their second dose just 30 or 40 hours after their first.
10 Apr 01:14

Sick Burn! – DORK TOWER 09.04.21

by John Kovalic

Please consider supporting the DORK TOWER Patreon! Dork Tower is 100% reader-funded, and  updated Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays thanks its Patreon Supporters. The next goal is four strips a week!! Enlist in the Army of Dorkness today! We have Igor Bars!

06 Apr 23:39

Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Detection


Click here to go see the bonus panel!

This may also work for the volume of the monologue.

Today's News:
06 Apr 23:37

GumroadDay – get your resources on Wednesday!


Hello friends,

If you’ve considered buying resources or anything else from my download shop – my Gumroad platform shop – if you wait until tomorrow, Wednesday April 7th, you’ll be doing me a huge favour: Gumroad is celebrating its 10th birthday and is celebrating by passing on 100% of sales to creators and taking no fees that day! Extremely kind of them 👌

The Gumroad shop:

What can you get in the shop?

How about a poster of the Greek pots to print off? What about Book 1 of the Odyssey in Comic strip form to read online or print for class? A print-and-build-your-own Knossos palace room or Labyrinth or Trojan War? A Roman handwriting font?

You can see the entire range either at the direct link above or at the catalogue-of-sorts, the Greek Myth Comix Shop – just click the link!

Thanks a lot, and I hope you find something you like!


05 Apr 12:47

Freefall 3576 April 5, 2021

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03 Apr 16:15

citruschickadee:Q: What is heraldry?Heraldry is the study of coats of arms, devices used to identify...


Q: What is heraldry?

Heraldry is the study of coats of arms, devices used to identify a person and their subsequent lineage. A coat of arms consists of symbols and colors commonly displayed on a shield, though other shapes have been used, as well supporters — animals that appear to hold the shield upwards — and a crest — an arrangement of symbols placed atop the shield itself. For the purposes of this handy-dandy guide, we’ll be focusing on the “lesser arms” — that is to say, only the shield, properly known as the escutcheon.

Coats of arms are the medieval equivalent of logos or even a graffiti tag. It was a display of nobility and pride; if you had one, chances are you’d put it on everything you could as a means of displaying your ownership or influence.

Q: Why should I care?

A good question! Beyond it just being appropriate for any medieval-era story in terms of timeframe, a coat of arms is a fantastic way of slipping in more symbolism. If the villain’s coat of arms includes an owl as a charge, maybe you could use an owl flying overhead or a hoot heard in the distance to foreshadow their coming. Emphasize the grandiosity of a character by having their arms be decked in purple and gold; a character constantly at odds with their history might have their father looming over their shoulder via his arms hanging on the wall.

Plus, it’s fun.

Q: What’s a charge?

Let’s go over some terminology!

As previously mentioned, the escutcheon is the shield. The “background” is known as the field; any symbols — whether geometric shapes, animals, or objects — are charges; anything that divides the field is an ordinary.

Dexter is right, sinister is left; that is, the right and left of the bearer of the shield rather than the viewer.

Red is gules; blue is azure; green is vert; black is sable; purple is purpure — these are your colors. Yellow (Or) and white (argent) are your metals. More on what that means later.

There are more terms, but these are the most essential to know right off the bat.

Q: Why does everything have a funny name?

If I said “white with a red horse”, what would you draw? Would the horse be in the center, towards the top, the bottom? Would it be lying down? Rearing up?

Blazonry is the language used to describe a coat of arms. The purpose being that two people from two different places and no access to an illustration could read the blazon — that is, this special description of the coat of arms — and draw something that looks almost exactly the same, Less room for variation means less risk your arms get drawn in a way that they’re mistaken for someone else’s.

Q: Colors? Metals?

The chief design principle of heraldry is known as the Rule of Tincture; no metals on metals, no colors on colors.

If you’re on a battlefield, it’s important that you can identify which arms are what — arms with details that are difficult to make out from a distance are liable to be mistaken for someone they’re not. In a suit of armor, your arms are the only way you can be identified, so making sure you don’t get mistaken for the enemy by your allies is very, very important.

At a distance, a red horse on a black field is likely to just look like a dark blob. A red horse on a white field? Now, that’s much more distinct. Following RoT (the Rule of Tincture) basically means you can’t have colors — red, blue, black, green, or purple — on top of or touching each other. The same goes for the metals, yellow and white — you can’t have white with yellow stripes, nor can you have black with red stripes. You can have black with white stripes, or yellow with red stripes, though!

This has been part one! Part two is in the works, and will come out depending on how well this guide does. Feel free to send me any questions you might have in the meantime!
Thanks to @e-catboy @medievalcorefantasy @moss-gremby @wordwizards @guitarvillian for the encouragement, and @pens-swords-stuff for the inspiration!

Always up for a heraldry 101!

30 Mar 00:00

Self Care 101

by Jessica Hagy

The post Self Care 101 appeared first on Indexed.

28 Mar 01:22

Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Emotion


Click here to go see the bonus panel!

I'm actually not sure any of those feelings work without time, so maybe the voice is just lying?

Today's News:
27 Mar 12:59

Help! Help! I’m feeling repressed! – DORK TOWER 26.03.21

by John Kovalic

Join the DORK TOWER Patreon! Dork Tower is updated Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays thanks its Patreon Supporters. Help bring more strips to the world! Enlist in the Army of Dorkness today!

26 Mar 21:35

Freefall 3571 March 26, 2021

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26 Mar 21:32

Six feet, you monsters!

by Jessica Hagy

The post Six feet, you monsters! appeared first on Indexed.

26 Mar 21:27


by Author

That’s a pleonastic superfluity.