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13 Jun 16:43

How scientists in Iceland turned harmful greenhouse gases into rocks.

by James Gaines



For a modern-day climate scientist, this rock could be magical.

A basalt core with carbonate crystals growing inside.

A basalt core with carbonate crystals growing inside. Photo from Annette K. Mortensen/University of Southampton.

Humans release at least 35 billion tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere each year, which can be tough on the environment.

But what if, alchemy-like, we could take all that carbon dioxide and turn it into rock?

At Iceland's Hellisheidi power plant, that's what they've been trying to do.

Hellisheidi power plant, seen from above.

Photo from Árni Sæberg/University of Southampton.

Hellisheidi is a geothermal plant, which means it uses volcanically-heated water to run turbines, but the process isn't perfectly emission-free — it can bring up volcanic gases, including carbon dioxide.

And while the amount of those gases it generates are only a tiny fraction of what a coal plant would produce, the power plant still wanted to get rid of it.

So in 2012, they started a pilot program, Carbfix, to try putting that carbon back in the ground.

An early injection site.

An early injection site. Photo by Kevin Krajick/Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, used with permission.

How do they do it?

They capture the plant's carbon dioxide, mix it with water, and inject it nearly a half-mile down into the volcanic basalt.

This futuristic-looking space bubble is actually the newer injection site for the Carbfix project.

This futuristic-looking space bubble is actually the newer injection site for the Carbfix project. Photo by Kevin Krajick/Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, used with permission.

There, the carbon dioxide reacts with chemicals naturally found in the basalt and turns from a gas into chalky, white carbonate.

University of Iceland geologist and study co-author Sandra Snaebjornsdottir holds up a piece of basalt covered in carbonate deposits.

University of Iceland geologist and study co-author Sandra Snaebjornsdottir holds up a piece of basalt covered in carbonate deposits. Photo by Kevin Krajick/Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, used with permission.

Some previous projects have tried pumping carbon dioxide into sandstone or aquifers, but that was essentially just hiding the carbon dioxide. This process transforms it.

That's great! But the truly amazing thing is that the process works hundreds of times faster than anyone predicted.

Two scientists inspect some of the rock samples.

Two scientists inspect some of the rock samples. Photo by Kevin Krajick/Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, used with permission.

We knew this chemical reaction was theoretically possible, but previous studies guessed that it'd take hundreds, maybe even thousands, of years to work.

But Hellisheidi blew that timeline away. Within two years, 95% of the carbon dioxide pumped down had been turned into rock. The researchers just published these astounding findings in the journal Science.

This is amazing because it's not just Iceland that can do this. We could do this anywhere there's basalt.

At Iceland's Black Falls, water pours over columns of pure basalt rock.

At Iceland's Black Falls, water pours over columns of pure basalt rock. Photo by Kevin Krajick/Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, used with permission.

Basalt is formed from volcanoes. Most of the sea floor is made of basalt and about 10% of continental rocks are too.

The Iceland scientists aren't being too hasty though. The next step is to try again at a larger scale.

The Hellisheidi power plant, seen from a distance.

The Hellisheidi power plant from a distance. Photo by Kevin Krajick/Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, used with permission.

The project is currently injecting 5,000 tons of carbon dioxide per year. They're planning to double that rate this summer and see how it works.

They're also being careful about any unintended consequences.

A rock core covered in slime.

A rock core covered in slime. Photo by Kevin Krajick/Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, used with permission.

Some of the cores contained a greenish slime, for instance, which may be biological. Microbiologists are going to study this slime to learn how the Carbfix process might affect underground microbes.

And all of this research is key if we're going to stop climate change.

Carbon capture is a needed bridge to help us while we transition to clean energy.

The 38th Session of the IPCC.

The 38th Session of the IPCC. Photo from Yoshikazu Tsuno/AFP/Getty Images.

In 2014, the International Panel on Climate Change included carbon capture in their list of options to help us limit climate change.

There's still a lot we need to do to stop climate change, but this technique could be a huge step forward.

There are many things we can personally do — such as limiting energy use and using our cars less — but we need action at the systematic level too.

"We need to deal with rising carbon emissions," said Dr. Jeurg Matter, lead author of the paper, in an article from Columbia University.

"This is the ultimate permanent storage — turning them back to stone."

13 Jun 16:09

One woman's scathing letter to her coworker about Brock Turner and consent.

by Elizabeth Ruddy


This letter about Brock Turner and consent is a must-read.


An open letter to my coworker:

It’s a Monday morning and we’re making small-talk.

Like, “How was your weekend?”

“You see that fire out in Calabasas?”

“It’s been so cloudy lately.”

“So, how about that rape letter?” you say.

Yeah, you saw I’d posted about it “like seven times.”

Yeah, I tell you it makes me angry. Angrier than usual.

“Listen,” you say, and you pause, like: “I’m trying to figure out how to phrase this.”

That’s when I pull out the thick skin.

You know, the kind women always keep tied around their waists like an extra flannel shirt, ready to throw on before meetings or rape trials, or walking down the street, or making small talk at the office,

The thick skin that says, “I’ll try my best not to get offended by what you say because I know how offensive it is to have my own opinion.”

“People are saying that it’s 100% his fault and 0% her fault,” you say hesitantly.

You say it the way women are taught to speak, afraid of their own mouths. “And I agree…”

But…” you say. “But don't you also agree that this whole thing could have been avoided if she had just been more responsible."

I stare at you in disbelief for a moment.

I am sick to my stomach, like, stranger groping my ass in a crowded train kind of sick to my stomach, just as unable to respond, to discern bile from protest bubbling in my throat, wanting to explain, wanting to say:

”Hey, just so you know, you don’t need to play devil’s advocate — he’s already got one. And he’s good enough to get him off with only six months.”

But I knew that any response of mine would be sharp, like car keys between knuckles sharp. And so instead, I did the only responsible thing I could do in that situation. I walked away.

I should’ve remembered that my retreating back is an open invitation...

Because as I did so, you felt the need to add insult to injury.

Like turning away wasn’t enough of an indication that this subject was too painful for me to deal with right now.

You got in one last word: “Seriously! Just think about it!”

Think about it. Like I don’t.

Like I have the privilege of not thinking about it.

Like I don’t think about it when I go for a run after work and instead of using a timer, my personal best is just running faster than anyone who’s following me.

Like I don’t think about it when I leave the headphones at home on my way to pick up milk because I need to hear if anyone’s coming up behind me and it’s already hard enough to make out my music over the soundtrack of my someday interrogation:

“Don’t you know you live in K-town? Why would you walk alone after dark? What did you think was going to happen?”

Like I don’t think about it when I pick an outfit from my closet and look at it like a piece of evidence.

“If I get raped when I’m wearing this tonight, how guilty would it make me?”

Like maybe they should mark it on the tag: 60% cotton, 40% her fault.

Like I don’t think about it when strangers offer to buy me a beer.

Like this is Wonderland, and that bottle says, “Drink me,” and you think that my miniskirt says “Rape me.”

Like we’re all just making bad choices.

Like I don’t think about it when my little sister sends me photos that she wants to put on Facebook, for my approval, to make sure they’re appropriate.

To make sure they’re safe. To imagine them under a headline about how she got raped behind a dumpster.

“Just think about it,” you tell me.

Like I don’t think about it when boys like you say things like, “But don’t you also agree that this whole thing could have been avoided if she had just been more responsible.”

Like I don’t constantly think about how I live in a world where women are held responsible for the actions of men.

Like I didn’t learn that in middle school when girls were sent home for wearing tank tops with straps thinner than two fingers.

Like it wasn’t made clear every time they called us “daughters, sisters, mothers” — that we only exist in relation to men.

That naturally, we should be more responsible, so as not to let them rape us, and ruin their own life with the same two fingers they once used to measure our straps.

Like I don’t think about it. Like I can choose not to think about it. Like I wasn’t up all night thinking about it.

But it’s almost 5 a.m., and I need to sleep before tomorrow.

I need to sleep so I have the energy to smile at the men on the street, so they don’t have to ask me to.

But first, I need to make sure that I’m being perfectly clear:

Like, “no means no” clear.

Like, “an intoxicated person cannot consent” clear.

Like, “an unconscious person cannot consent” clear.

Like, “sex without consent is not sex, it’s rape” clear.

Like, “guilty on three counts of sexual assault” clear.

Let me keep it simple: No. I do not agree.


Think about it.


This viral letter was originally published on the author's Facebook page.

13 Jun 15:35

'Hamilton' won a Tony Award and its creator gave so much love to Orlando.

by Heather Libby

That's good.

'Love is Love is Love is Love is Love'


On the morning of June 12, 2016, America woke up to heartbreak: the largest mass shooting in the country's history at an LGBTQ dance club in Orlando.

What happened is a hate crime, a terrorist attack, and a national tragedy. But on Broadway, as in life, the show must go on. And the Tony Awards, Broadway's annual celebration, filled the stage at the Beacon Theatre in New York City.

Both places, dance clubs and Broadway, have long been safe havens where LGBTQ people have been free to express themselves without judgement. And so while these two events could not be more different, tonight's show holds a special significance. It gives the artists of Broadway a chance to further honor the community that has been a part of them for so long, which was so cruelly targeted in Orlando.

At this year's Tony Awards, Lin-Manuel Miranda's phenomenon "Hamilton" is winning nearly every other award.

He's likely to give many speeches tonight, but his first speech, for best musical score, has already hit the right notes.

When Miranda won big at the Tony Awards in 2008 for "In the Heights," he freestyled his thank-you speech. But tonight demanded something different. So instead, he wrote a sonnet and somehow managed, in just 16 lines, to say everything we needed to hear.

He started by thanking his wife, Vanessa Nadal, but quickly turned his moment of thanks into a poetic tribute on the searing events of the past 24 hours, incorporating the #loveislove rallying cry that's been ricocheting around Twitter all evening in support of the LGBTQ community.

Read his words below:

"My wife’s the reason anything gets done.

She nudges me towards promise by degrees.

She is a perfect symphony of one,

our son is her most beautiful reprise.

We chase the melodies that seem to find us,

until they’re finished songs and start to play,

when senseless acts of tragedy remind us

that nothing here is promised — not one day.

This show is proof that history remembers

we live through times where hate and fear seem stronger.

We rise and fall, and light from dying embers:

remembrances that hope and love last longer.

And love is love is love is love is love

is love is love is love cannot be killed or swept aside.

I sing Vanessa’s symphony, Eliza tells her story.

Now fill the world with music, love, and pride."

Watch his emotional reading here:


Thumbnail image by Theo Wargo/Getty Images.

11 Jun 15:11

McGhee Sextuplets Recreate Viral Photo 6 Years Later

by Rūta Grašytė

Wow, that is a lot all at once.

Today the adorable Ohio-based McGhee sextuplets turn 6 years old – happy birthday to them! Remember their family portrait that went viral in 2010? Four cute little boys and two little girls sleeping on their father… Pretty hard to forget. Well now, 6 years later, they’ve recreated the photo using the same photographer and studio. The results are absolutely adorable!

The sextuplets – Olivia, Madison, Rozonno Jr., Josiah, Elijah and Isaac – and their parents are also starring in a new UP show ‘Growing Up McGhee’, which premiered yesterday. It’s about how parents Rozonno and Mia balance their day-to-day life with caring for the sextuplets while juggling the needs of their family carpet and upholstery cleaning business.

More info: Twitter | Facebook (h/t: today)




10 Jun 15:53

Albanian Police Surprises Hospitalized Children By Dressing As Superheroes

by Dorela Lazaj

This is pretty sweet. I do worry that the kid that is so carelessly being held out the window will make one wrong move...

On June 1st, 2016, for the International Children Day, Albanian Police Force and Special Forces decided to make a surprise to the children who couldn’t celebrate this day outside with their friends.

Superheroes flew from the terrace in their windows, bearing gifts and badges with the print: You are our Hero!

More info: Facebook

09 Jun 02:17

Russian Couple Adopted An Orphaned Bear 23 Years Ago, And They Still Live Together

by Julija Televičiūtė

Ummmm, no thanks. Our Bear is best.

Meet Stepan, a domesticated bear who lives with his humans Svetlana and Yuriy Panteleenko in Moscow, Russia. The Panteleenkos adopted Stepan when he was just a 3-month-old orphaned cub. He was found by hunters in a forest all alone and in a very bad condition, so Svetlana and Yuriy decided to give him a home.

23 years later, Stepan has grown into a loving bear who helps around the house by watering plants and loves watching TV with his humans. “He absolutely loves people and is a really sociable bear – despite what people might think, he is not aggressive at all,” said Mrs Panteleenko. “We have never been bitten by Stepan.”

Stepan eats 25kg of fish, vegetables and eggs every day! But the goofball manages to stay in shape thanks to his love for football. He also keeps himself busy with acting in films and posing for photoshoots.

More info: (h/t: dailymail)

This couple adopted Stepan when he was a 3-month-old orphaned cub


He was found by hunters in a forest very weak and lonely


But Svetlana and Yuriy nurtured him back to health


Now he’s a 23-year-old loving goofball!


“He absolutely loves people and is a really sociable bear”


“Despite what people might think, he is not aggressive at all”


“We have never been bitten by Stepan”


The bear eats 25kg of fish, vegetables and eggs every day!


He does enjoy his cup of tea, too


The gentle giant manages to stay in shape thanks to his love for games outdoors


But there’s nothing like snuggling with his humans on a couch…


And did we mention that gardening is his ultimate passion?


Watch the video here:

08 Jun 15:29

A Robot That Can Fold Your Laundry In Less Than 1 Minute And Costs Only $850

by James Gould-Bourn

I'll take one, maybe two.

Do you know anybody who likes folding laundry? If the answer is no then you’re not alone (and if the answer is yes then put me in touch). But thanks to the FoldiMate, the days of boring laundry folding may soon be a thing of the past.

Dubbed “Your Laundry Folding Friend” on the FoldiMate website, This robot loves to do what most of us hate. Not only that, it’ll do it better than you ever could. It can give your shirts the kind of right angles that would make Pythagoras weep, and it can do it in less than a minute without the slightest grumble of complaint. It’s also super simple to use. Just clip your garment to the integrated rack, tell it what sort of clothing it is and FoldiMate will do the rest. It’ll retail from between $700 and $850 when it hits the market, but as it won’t be available to buy until 2018, maybe don’t start stockpiling your laundry just yet…

More Info: FoldiMate






Watch the FoldiMate in action here:

07 Jun 11:43

15+ Superheroes Then And Now

by Viktorija G.

Wow. Power Rangers...haha!

Iron Man 1977 And 2008

Iron Man 1977 And 2008


Hulk 1978 And 2012

Hulk 1978 And 2012


Thor 1978 And 2015

Thor 1978 And 2015


Superman 1948 And 2016

Superman 1948 And 2016


Wolverine 2000 And 2013

Wolverine 2000 And 2013


Catwoman 1966 And 2012

Catwoman 1966 And 2012


Spider-Man 1977 And 2016

Spider-Man 1977 And 2016


Joker 1966 And 2016

Joker 1966 And 2016


Batman 1943 And 2016

Batman 1943 And 2016


Wonder Woman 1975 And 2017

Wonder Woman 1975 And 2017


Hulk And Thor 1988 And 2012

Hulk And Thor 1988 And 2012


Doctor Strange 1978 And 2016

Doctor Strange 1978 And 2016


Captain America 1990 And 2016

Captain America 1990 And 2016


Robocop 1987 And 2014

Robocop 1987 And 2014


Power Rangers 1993 And 2017

Power Rangers 1993 And 2017


31 May 15:52

Someone Put Glasses On Museum Floor And Visitors Thought It Was Art

by James Gould-Bourn

True art.

Some teens from San Francisco caused quite a spectacle (sorry) when they placed a pair of glasses on the floor of an art museum recently. Unsure what to make of it, bemused visitors did the only thing they could think of – they thought it was a piece of art and starting taking photographs of them.

The pranksters – Twitter users @TJCruda and @k_vinnn – decided to pull the stunt after being left unimpressed by the art on offer at San Francisco’s Museum of Modern Art. And within minutes of placing the glasses on the floor, a crowd of onlookers had gathered to ponder the metaphysical meaning of this piece of modern “art”. One of the teens, 17-year-old T.J. Khayatan, documented the public’s response and later uploaded pictures of the hilarious experiment to Twitter. Needless to say, they soon went viral and have since been shared over 40,000 times.

It might not have been art, but the prank was still priceless.









31 May 14:30

Post-It War Between Two Office Buildings Ends With Epic Finale

by James Gould-Bourn

Ha, Tom questions the reality of this, thoughts?

Post-it notes. The world would be in chaos without them. Nobody would remember anything. Nobody would be able to turn their office walls into superhero murals. Nobody would be able to leave passive-aggressive messages on the doors of communal refrigerators. And nobody would be able to have the sort of epic Post-it note battle that recently took place in New York.

It all started innocently enough. An employee at Harrison and Star wrote a simple “hi” in Post-it notes on her window and waited for somebody to respond. And somebody did. They wrote “sup”. So far, so civil. But it didn’t stop there. Oh no. It was only just getting started! Both buildings host a number of marketing and media agencies and their creative inhabitants couldn’t resist getting involved in the action. Soon enough the windows were full of funny messages and pictures. But as you’ll discover below, it all came to a devastating end in the most unexpected of ways…(h/t: twisted sifter)

Update: Wonder what they did with all of those used Post-it notes? They were used as part of a fundraising campaign for the NY Veteran’s Hospital! Click here to learn more.

Everything started with an innocent “HI” on the 6th floor at 75 Varick Street in NYC


Image credits: @freshasthedayshewasborn

Soon, “Sup” appeared on a building from across the street at 200 Hudson


Image credits: @Vinvox

As both buildings had a lot of media and marketing agencies, it eventually turned into WAR


Image credits: u/craftBK

The windows started filling up with funny pictures and messages


Image credits: Mike Segar

Somebody made a Snapchat icon


Image credits: Mike Segar

Others took a more random approach


Image credits: @gloddy

Even the Angry Birds got involved!


Image credits: Mike Segar

Post-it manufacturer 3M also joined the war by providing free ammunition (i.e Post-it notes!)


Image credits: Mike Segar

As the war got more creative, it seemed that nobody would win


Image credits: @kBostley

Not even Spiderman could stop it!


Image credits: Mike Segar

With no other option, Havas Worldwide brought the war to an end with this epic mic drop


Workers stayed late with beer and pizza to create the spectacular finale, and fellas from Spectacle Studio later posted this video


Image credits: spectacle_studio 

Unfortunately, the battle was ended by building managers who ordered all participants to have everything taken down by the weekend.

31 May 14:28

If Nicolas Cage Played Every Character In Game Of Thrones (12+ Pics)

by Iveta Pete


Stannis Baratheon

Stannis Baratheon



Brienne Of Tarth

Brienne Of Tarth

Tywin Lannister

Tywin Lannister

Jon Snow

Jon Snow

Sansa Stark

Sansa Stark



Jaime Lannister

Jaime Lannister

Bran Stark

Bran Stark

Cersei Lannister

Cersei Lannister

Ned Stark

Ned Stark

Daenerys Targaryen

Daenerys Targaryen

Man Of Many Nicks

Man Of Many Nicks

The Hound

The Hound



Margaery Tyrell

Margaery Tyrell

Arya Stark

Arya Stark

Lord ‘littlefinger’ Baelish

Lord 'littlefinger' Baelish

Nickastheprick :)

Nickastheprick :)

Samwell Tarly

Samwell Tarly

Tyrion Lannister

Tyrion Lannister

Aria Blinded By Her New Awesome Face

Aria Blinded By Her New Awesome Face



Prince Oberyn Martell

Prince Oberyn Martell



27 May 13:42

20+ Comics That introverts Will Understand

by James Gould-Bourn

My soul is leaving my mortal body.

Funny Introvert Comics

Funny Introvert Comics


Funny Introvert Comics

Funny Introvert Comics


Funny Introvert Comics

Funny Introvert Comics


Funny Introvert Comics

Funny Introvert Comics


Funny Introvert Comics

Funny Introvert Comics


Funny Introvert Comics

Funny Introvert Comics


Funny Introvert Comics

Funny Introvert Comics


Funny Introvert Comics

Funny Introvert Comics


Funny Introvert Comics

Funny Introvert Comics


Funny Introvert Comics

Funny Introvert Comics


Funny Introvert Comics

Funny Introvert Comics


Funny Introvert Comics

Funny Introvert Comics


Funny Introvert Comics

Funny Introvert Comics


Funny Introvert Comics

Funny Introvert Comics


Funny Introvert Comics

Funny Introvert Comics


Funny Introvert Comics

Funny Introvert Comics


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Funny Introvert Comics


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Funny Introvert Comics

Funny Introvert Comics


Funny Introvert Comics

Funny Introvert Comics


Funny Introvert Comics

Funny Introvert Comics


Funny Introvert Comics

Funny Introvert Comics


20 May 00:18

20+ Reasons Why Husbands Can’t Be Trusted

by Inga Ko

I don't see the problem.

I Asked My Husband To Make A Shopping List

I Asked My Husband To Make A Shopping List

Came Home To This Last Night

Came Home To This Last Night


Walked On My Husband Walking The Cat Across The Ceiling While Singing “Spider Cat, Spider Cat Does Whatever A Spider Cat Does”

Walked On My Husband Walking The Cat Across The Ceiling While Singing


Last Night I Asked My Husband To Put Some Spaghetti On The Stove So I Could Start Dinner When I Got Home

Last Night I Asked My Husband To Put Some Spaghetti On The Stove So I Could Start Dinner When I Got Home


My Husband Slid This Note Under The Bathroom Door. I Married Him For Good Reasons

My Husband Slid This Note Under The Bathroom Door. I Married Him For Good Reasons


I Left My Husband Alone With The Baby For One Hour And Came Back To This

I Left My Husband Alone With The Baby For One Hour And Came Back To This


So I Asked My Husband To Buy 6 Potatoes

So I Asked My Husband To Buy 6 Potatoes


My Friends Wife Let Him Name Their New Puppy

My Friends Wife Let Him Name Their New Puppy


What Happens When I Send My Husband To The Store And There’s An Ice Cream Sale

What Happens When I Send My Husband To The Store And There's An Ice Cream Sale


Wife Bought A Label Maker To Help Get Organized With Our New Daughter. I’m Already Finding It Helpful

Wife Bought A Label Maker To Help Get Organized With Our New Daughter. I'm Already Finding It Helpful


Bedroom Is Really Sunny In The Morning. Found Husband Sleeping Like This

Bedroom Is Really Sunny In The Morning. Found Husband Sleeping Like This


I Am 5’1″. I Asked My 6’2″ Husband To Hang A Mirror For Me

I Am 5'1


Once Upon A Time, I Sent My Daughter And My Husband Off To Buy Her Some Nice New Clothes

Once Upon A Time, I Sent My Daughter And My Husband Off To Buy Her Some Nice New Clothes


Asked My Husband To Do A Lattice Over The Apple Pie I’m Making. This Is What He Came Back With

Asked My Husband To Do A Lattice Over The Apple Pie I'm Making. This Is What He Came Back With


When You Ask Your Husband To Pack Your Lunch

When You Ask Your Husband To Pack Your Lunch


I Asked My Husband If He Could Pack My Lunch This Morning. I Told Him To Surprise Me. This Will Be Lovely With My 2:00 Coffee

I Asked My Husband If He Could Pack My Lunch This Morning. I Told Him To Surprise Me. This Will Be Lovely With My 2:00 Coffee


So My Friend Asked Her Husband To Wrap At Least One Shirt, This Is What She Got

So My Friend Asked Her Husband To Wrap At Least One Shirt, This Is What She Got


My Husband Is An Asshole

My Husband Is An Asshole


My Wife Didn’t Appreciate My Fridge Magnet Poem

My Wife Didn't Appreciate My Fridge Magnet Poem


Asked My Husband To Watch The Baby

Asked My Husband To Watch The Baby


My Friend Convinced Her Husband To Go To Wine And Palette With Her

My Friend Convinced Her Husband To Go To Wine And Palette With Her


My Husband Turned Lambies Head Around. He Thinks He’s So Funny

My Husband Turned Lambies Head Around. He Thinks He's So Funny


I Might Have To Kill My Husband

I Might Have To Kill My Husband


I Leave My Husband With The Baby For Ten Minutes

I Leave My Husband With The Baby For Ten Minutes


My Wife Told Me To Play With Our Puppy More

My Wife Told Me To Play With Our Puppy More


16 May 14:33

I Create Costumes For My Children And Photograph Them In Magical Scenarios

by Anna Rozwadowska

Love the Rey one.

As a teenager or even young adult I woudn’t dare to call myself “creative”. It all changed when I got my first DSLR. Then my son, Jacob, was born. I discovered Pinterest, gave birth to my second child – Barbara, learned to sew… All these episodes have made me who I am now.

I’ve been photographing my kids since they were born. I’ve taken hundreds of thousands of photos. But it was about a year ago when I started looking for something more unique. Being inspired by amazing photographers from all over the world I was trying to find my own way to capture my children’s childhood. And I still am.

I create costumes by myself. Mostly, every single piece of the outfit for a photo session is made by me (except for the shoes) I generally use the cheapest available fabric I can get. I also try to choose a location for the photo shoots near my home (usually within 20 km).

A photo session lasts no longer than 10 to 15 minutes (when it comes to my daughter, aged 3, 5-6 minutes MUST be sufficient). I never pose my kids. It is a story or a tale told during the session that makes them react naturally.

I am not a professional photographer. By profession I am a teacher in a secondary school in Poland. Photography turned out to be my hobby, so as sewing. Both of them give me a huge amount of energy. My head is full of ideas for next pictures. If only a day was longer…

More info: Facebook

A fairy

Miss Pumpkin

Jacob vel. Harry

My Rey

Ballet school

Miss Charming

Sleeping beauty

In grandma’s garden

Real Me

To cold to dive

The Viking

Princess Confused

12 May 01:53

This Harry Potter Wedding Was Pure Magic

by James Gould-Bourn

Wow, too much?

Rumor has it that there are more Harry Potter fans on earth than there are stars in our solar system. But few of them can claim to be bigger fans of the world famous heptalogy than newlyweds Cassie and Lewis Byrom.

To celebrate their mutual adoration for J.K. Rowling’s most famous series, the Potterheads decided to throw a Harry Potter-themed wedding unlike any you’ve ever seen before. The wedding took more than a year to plan and the couple used Ebay and charity shops to ensure that every single detail was faithful to the books. Each of the 130 guests received a wand upon arrival and the bridesmaids carried paper bouquets made from 20 cut-up novels. The rings were presented on a copy of the Half Blood Prince and were both inscribed ‘Always’ in homage to Severus Snape. They even had their faces printed on wanted posters from the Ministry of Magic! Sorry Potter fans, but this one’s going to take some beating!

More info: (h/t)

Cassie and Lewis Byrom decided to have a wedding inspired by their favorite thing in the world…


Harry Potter!


And as you can see from these pictures, no detail was spared on their big day


From shoes…


To jewelry…



The bride’s nails even had the deathly hallows sign drawn on them, for crying out loud!


And don’t forget the underwear!


The bridesmaids bouquets were made from 20 cut-up Harry Potter books…


And the groom had his own magical Harry-Potter accessories



They swapped the usual ring cushion and replaced it with the final Harry Potter book




And they got married under a Hogwarts banner


Each of the 130 guests were given a wand


They couple had Manchester’s Midland Hotel transformed into their very own Hogwarts!


The tables were decorated with various artifacts from the Harry Potter universe




The cake was also suitably magical



The bar was stocked with all sorts of potions


And the table settings were also scattered with pages from the books


This isn’t the first Harry Potter-themed experience that the couple have shared


Last year they got engaged in Diagon Alley In Harry Potter World in Orlando, Florida



Even the famous scene of Harry and Ron getting chased by Acromantulas found a place in this wedding



And the forever lost Rowena’s Ravenclaw’s diadem was found decorating this guest table


Every child (and adult) would be jealous of this magical desert table




The guest book table was decorated with round glasses and owls



Their biggest mischief was managed and they lived happily ever after…


Image credits: Kelly Clarke

11 May 23:22

Mike from McDonald's Is Blowing Up on Facebook With His Public Service Announcement About Fast Food Employees Getting a Bad Rep


Man, wish I was less judgmental. #workingonit

McDonald's,failbook,facebook,fast food,win

Fed up with customers and colleagues giving him grief over his "dead end" job, Mike Waite went on Facebook to drop a public announcement that has caught the attention of the entire internet. Mike, who works over 50 hours a week, is sick and tired of people claiming he has no aspirations. 

Well, the 20-year-old has been heard and hopefully his touching Facebook rant will change the way you look at the person behind the counter next time you order a McFlurry.

Submitted by: (via Mike Waite)

11 May 23:16

Too many unqualified white guys are running for office. These white guys decided to act.

by Erin Canty



I will never be as confident about anything as many mediocre white men seem to be about everything.

I'm a capable, talented woman of color. I'm pretty sure of myself and my ability, but I've got my limits. Some people just ... don't.

And, sadly, many of those people, who lack self-awareness or good friends who question their intentions, decide the best use of their time, resources, and position of privilege is to run for office.

Jeb Bush (center) and Chris Christie chat at a Republican debate. Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images.

Because who's better to speak for the many diverse and rapidly-changing communities that make up this great country than a straight white man?

Answer: Pretty much anybody.

That's why 20-something political operatives and white men Jack Teter and Kyle Huelsman launched the Can You Not PAC.

Their mission is simple: ask, persuade, and/or disempower people with privilege (specifically straight white men) from running for public office in progressive urban areas. And with the help of an advisory board, the group plans to endorse a slate of women, people of color, and LGBTQ candidates instead.

"It is our job to bring down the confidence level of mediocre straight white men to their corresponding level of competence," the duo told Upworthy. "We are in a crisis of under-qualified, over-confident candidates."

Photo by Mark Lyons/Getty Images.

They're not making this up.

In a recent study out of American University, men are nearly 60% more likely than women to evaluate themselves as "very qualified" to run for elected office. Among the men who assessed themselves as "not qualified," 55% of them have still considered the idea of running for office despite their qualifications (or lack thereof).

The whole thing began as a joke, but now it has taken off. After starting at the state level, with a Colorado Political Committee, the founders are thinking about expansion.

"After receiving contributions from coast to coast, we realized there was a whole country of people who are tired of electing Ken Doll lookalikes," they said.

Martin O'Malley, everybody! Photo by Mandel Ngan/AFP/Getty Images.

And no, this is not a case of self-loathing. It's political science.

Jack and Kyle are firm believers in progressive politics, and the data doesn't lie. A 2012 study from Emory University revealed African-Americans elected to the state legislature are more likely than other Democrats with similar constituencies to introduce measures that combat racial discrimination and improve access to health care.

Similarly, women in state legislatures are more likely to introduce legislation about reproductive health, bills dealing with children, women's health, and welfare.

So for people interested in progressive change, supporting women and people of color just makes sense.

But some would argue that if this all about dismantling ego and checking privilege, should two white dudes be leading the way?

Asking straight white men to take a seat is far from a new idea. People of color, women, and LGBTQ individuals have been raising this mantle since time eternal. There are organizations like Emily's List, Equality PAC, and the Latino Victory Project that encourage women, LGBTQ people, and people of color to pursue public office.

But Can You Not is the first one to actively encourage straight white men to sit out. That difference is especially noteworthy.

"I really, really firmly believe that it’s the absolute obligation of people in positions of privilege to dismantle oppressive power structures," Jack said. That goes for men calling B.S. on sexism, white people checking their privilege, and cisgender people speaking out against hateful legislation like North Carolina's recent "bathroom bill," HB2.

U.S. Congresswoman Tammy Duckworth speaks at the Emily's List 30th Anniversary Gala. Photo by Kris Connor/Getty Images for EMILY's List.

As one might assume, the Can You Not PAC is not without critics.

"We’ve been getting push back from two places: white supremacists who want to kill us, and young progressive white dudes who maybe want to run some day," Kyle said.

The former is difficult to reason with, but getting the latter on board is crucial and has already lead to some enlightening conversations.

Photo by iStock.

"People get defensive, as they should — anyone who wants to run for office better be ready to explain to people why they’re the best representative of their community," he added.

And hey, idealist, progressive white guys: Can You Not is not suggesting you abandon your political dreams altogether. As Jack said,

"We’re saying that aspirational young white guys who want to be in politics because they love the 'West Wing' should use their passion and their time and their talent to make politics look less like them — because it’s good government, because it’s good progressive policy, and because it’s the right thing to do to fight hundreds of years of egregious overrepresentation of straight white men to the disservice of marginalized communities all over the country. Sometimes the best thing you can do is step aside so other people can lead."

We've been a country for nearly 240 years, and straight white guys have been a majority of the decisionmakers (for better or worse) for the entire time.

No matter where you fall politically, adding new and diverse voices is vital to sustaining thoughtful dialogue and best representing this country's rapidly changing demographics. There's no better time than right this minute for traditionally underrepresented voices to stand up and drive the nation forward, with or without groups like Can You Not.

"In short: Women, LGBT folks, and people of color don’t need straight white men to save them or to speak for them in politics," Jack said. "They need them to get the hell out of the way."

Photo by WOCInTech Chat/Flickr (cropped).


Thumbnail image by Brendan Smialowski/AFP/Getty Images.

Thanks to Jack and Kyle for the amazing interview over e-mail. They had some very thoughtful responses, and I appreciate them taking the time. Here's what they said when I asked if there was anything else they wanted readers to know.

"Give to us and we promise we won’t give any money to straight white dudes. Better yet — please check out EMILY’s list and Emerge America, The New Americans Leadership Project, Latino Victory Fund, Black Lives Matter, Higher Heights, the Victory Fund, and tons of other national and local groups doing this work on the ground. And also, straight white guys, can you not?"

11 May 18:35

They were injured in the line of duty. Now these veterans are going for gold.

by Erin Canty

Wow, I am a bad person cause I had no idea this was a thing. How cool.


The second Invictus Games began in Orlando, Florida, on Sunday, May 8.

Founded by Prince Harry, the biennial event brings together active duty and veteran military service members with visible and invisible injuries to compete in 10 different sports.

The games debuted in London in 2014, and this year, more than 500 athletes from 15 different countries, along with thousands of fans and family members converged in Orlando at the ESPN Wide World of Sports Complex for the five-day event.

Photo by Chris Jackson/Getty Images for Invictus.

Check out these 18 incredible images from Orlando as the Invictus Games get underway.

1. The opening ceremonies were a beautiful celebration of courage and competition.

Photo by Tim Rooke/Getty Images.

2. There were presentations from the U.S. military, including the U.S. Silent Drill Platoon, which performs exercises in absolute silence to showcase the discipline and professionalism of the Marine Corps.

Photo by Chris Jackson/Getty Images for Invictus.

3. Invictus Games founder and veteran Prince Harry spoke to the crowd of athletes, families, and fans.

"I'm a long way from London tonight..." the prince said, "...but when I look out, I see so many familiar faces, servicemen and women, their friends and their families, and all of the people who got them here. I feel like I'm at home."

Photo by Chris Jackson/Getty Images for Invictus.

4. All 15 teams entered the arena to a roaring crowd.

And just like the Olympics, there are matching uniforms, flags, and fanfare for the occasion.

The team from the Netherlands enters the arena. Photo by Gregg Newton/AFP/Getty Images.

5. That's because in addition to veteran-athletes, the complex was filled with families, friends, and fans.

Will Reynolds, captain of the American Invictus Team, was joined by his wife and daughters.

Photo by Chris Jackson/Getty Images for Invictus.

6. But soon it was time to compete. Check out this fierce competitor's Wonder Woman prosthetic at a sitting volleyball match.

Photo by Chris Jackson/Getty Images for Invictus.

7. There was plenty of excitement in the air as Team USA entered the Field House to compete in the rowing finals.

Photo by Alex Menendez/ Getty Images for Invictus Games.

8. To allow the athletes to compete at their highest level, there are adaptations and modifications to some of the events and equipment.

Powerlifter Christine Gauthier of Canada uses a wheelchair for mobility, but while she competes, she is secured to the weight bench.

Photo by Scott Iskowitz/Getty Images for Invictus Games.

8. Cyclists prepare to speed down the course on hand bikes.

Photo by Gerardo Mora/Getty Images for Invictus Games.

9. Archer Martin Clapton from the United Kingdom holds the arrow in his teeth while aiming at the target.

Photo by Gerardo Mora/Getty Images for Invictus Games.

10. And these competitors put it all on the line during the indoor rowing finals.

Photo by Alex Menendez/ Getty Images for Invictus Games.

11. Family members and fans from around the world have converged on Orlando to celebrate their favorite heroes.

Photo by Gerardo Mora/Getty Images for Invictus Games.

12. Even if they only get a glimpse of the competitors before they dash off.

Photo by Alex Menendez/Getty Images for Invictus Games.

13. There are 10 competitive events at the games, including sitting volleyball, indoor rowing, powerlifting, road cycling, track and field, swimming, wheelchair basketball, wheelchair rugby, and wheelchair tennis.

Photo by Scott Iskowitz/Getty Images for Invictus Games.

14. Each event requires some serious strength, along with hours of practice, dedication, and skill...

Photo by Gerardo Mora/Getty Images for Invictus Games.

15. ...things these veterans and active duty service members have no shortage of.

Photo by Alex Menendez/Getty Images for Invictus Games.

16. For every point, win, or goal, the fans go wild!

Photo by Gerardo Mora/Getty Images for Invictus Games.

17. Because at the end of the day, this is bigger than a sporting event.

Adaptive sports provide numerous benefits for veterans with disabilities, including decreased stress, increased independence, a reduced dependence on pain and depression medications, and even higher achievement in employment and education.

Photo by Alex Menendez/Getty Images for Invictus Games.

18. It's a celebration of teamwork, fortitude, and second chances.

Invictus is Latin for "unconquered," and these athletes are just that.

The games are only a few days long, but the impact they have on the competitors, families, and fans lasts much longer.

Nerys Pearce of Team Great Britain is presented with a silver medal in the powerlifting event by President George W. Bush, honorary chairman of the Invictus Games in Orlando. Photo by Chris Jackson/Getty Images for Invictus.

Events like these are a reminder of the resilience these veterans and their families possess.

Coming back from war with injuries and illnesses isn't easy, but opportunities to compete for and represent their home nations can be a light in the shadow of recovery for these athletes and their brothers and sisters in arms.

Photo by Alex Menendez/ Getty Images for Invictus Games.


Thumbnail photo by Chris Jackson/Getty Images for Invictus Games.

The games continue through May 12. You can watch many of the events on the ESPN family of networks.

10 May 17:07

Watch a Humpback Whale Surface Right Next to the Pier


Cool, but no thanks ocean, I'll stay over here.

Submitted by: (via National Geographic)

Tagged: dock , whale , Video
09 May 18:01

This Village Without Roads Is Straight Out Of A Fairytale Book

by Rūta Grašytė

Seems cool, but what about emergency situations?

If you ever wanted to live your own fairy-tale, you may want to consider moving to the village Giethoorn. Also known as “Venice of the Netherlands”, this magical village founded around 1230 is the kind most people could only dream of…

It has no roads or any modern transportation at all, only canals. Well, and 176 bridges too. Tourists have to leave their cars outside of the village and travel here by foot or boat by (usually by “whisper boats”, which have noiseless engines). So you can probably imagine how peaceful it is here (well, when it isn’t flooded with tourists, of course)… Even the village’s website says that “the loudest sound you can normally hear is the quacking of a duck or the noise made by other birds”. It’s like something out of a storybook.

More info: (h/t: brightside)

The village Giethoorn has no roads


Image credits:

But that doesn’t mean there’s no way to get around…


Image credits:

The most common mode of transportation is by “whisper boats”, which have noiseless engines


Image credits: unknown

Therefore, the village is very peaceful…


Image credits: Dino Cutic

The loudest sounds you’ll hear is probably the quacking of a duck (well, when it isn’t flooded with tourists, of course)


Image credits:

Also known as “the Venice of the Netherlands”, this magical village was founded around 1230


Image credits: NLHank

Its first inhabitants found numerous peat deposits and dug many holes over the years


Image credits: Magda Djm

Eventually, these holes turned into lakes


Image credits:

The newly created islands were connected with more than 176 bridges 


Image credits:

Which give the village a cozy fairy-tale touch…


Image credits:

09 May 14:31

15+ Perfect Handwriting Examples That’ll Give You An Eyegasm

by Greta Jaruševičiūtė

These are all the opposite of me.

Beautiful Handwriting

Beautiful Handwriting


Beautiful Handwriting

Beautiful Handwriting


Beautiful Handwriting

Beautiful Handwriting


Beautiful Handwriting

Beautiful Handwriting


Beautiful Handwriting

Beautiful Handwriting


Beautiful Handwriting

Beautiful Handwriting


Beautiful Handwriting

Beautiful Handwriting


Beautiful Handwriting

Beautiful Handwriting


Beautiful Handwriting

Beautiful Handwriting


Beautiful Handwriting

Beautiful Handwriting


Beautiful Handwriting

Beautiful Handwriting


Beautiful Handwriting

Beautiful Handwriting


Beautiful Handwriting

Beautiful Handwriting


Beautiful Handwriting

Beautiful Handwriting


Beautiful Handwriting

Beautiful Handwriting


06 May 22:43

There’s A Sloth Institute Which Looks After Baby Sloths That Lost Their Moms

by Greta Jaruševičiūtė

Sam Trull, co founder of the Sloth Institute in Costa Rica, has been helping sloths return to the wild since 2013. The Institute has three main goals: 1. RESEARCH of captive and wild sloths; 2. COLLABORATION with other institutions that work with sloths around the world; and 3. EDUCATION to generate and disseminate responsible and balanced information about sloths to the public. Trull is also the author of Slothlove, a book about her beloved sloths.

“I think one of my favorite things about sloths is that they mind their own business,” Trill told the Manhattan Book Review. “I realize that the ‘circle of life’ requires all kinds of species of animals, including mischievous monkeys and carnivorous cats, and no offense to those animals that need to eat other animals to survive. But how can I not be drawn to species that just want to eat their leaves, relax in the sunshine and the breeze and have a good scratch?! In addition, they have a very curious and playful side, something most people have never and will never see, but it is definitely the most endearing thing I have ever seen.”

More info: | (h/t: upworthy, manhattanbookreview)

Human encroachment is a huge threat to sloth populations


That’s why Sam Trull started The Sloth Institute Costa Rica


This is Kermie, the sloth that Trull rescued and which inspired her to start the Institute


A special “soft” release technique is used at the Institute


It allows sloths to take their time getting acclimated to the jungle before they go off on their own


“I co-founded The Sloth Institute because I wanted to spend all of my energy and time getting my hand-raised babies back into the jungle”


“Sloths need trees to survive and not just any trees, but the right trees and enough trees”


“They need a connected and healthy forest”


“Those industries steal sloths from the wild for tourists to touch and the sloths die from stress”


“For a sloth living near humans just trimming a tree can lead to death, let alone actually cutting an entire tree down”


“In addition, humans come with electric wires, cars, dogs…”


“…all things that affect every wildlife species, but especially sloths that do not have the ability to jump away from danger or run quickly across the road”


“People can help by being responsible tourists”


“When visiting a country with sloths, never pay to take a picture with one, hold one or pet one”


“How can *you* not be drawn to species that just want to eat their leaves, relax in the sunshine and the breeze and have a good scratch?!”


“In addition, they have a very curious and playful side, something most people have never and will never see”


06 May 16:52

Broken Vases Repaired By Sewing Them With Gold Thread Using Ancient Japanese Technique

by James Gould-Bourn

Cooler than the original, although I can't have nice things.

Trying to fix a broken vase is a tricky and often unrewarding experience. While a gifted handful of people can repair one without any trouble at all, most of us end up making such a mess that we may as well just throw it away. And we would, if our fingers weren’t stuck together with super glue.

Whatever the level of your vase-fixing skills, chances are that you’re no way near the level of Charlotte Bailey. The Brighton-based artist turns broken vases into works of art and she doesn’t need glue to do it. Instead she sews them back together by mimicking a traditional Japanese mending technique known as Kintsugi. The original method uses gold, silver or platinum to stick the broken pieces back together, but Charlotte wraps each piece in fabric first before sewing them to their corresponding pieces using gold metallic thread. the vase will no longer be functional, but that’s the last thing you’ll care about when you take a look at the amazing results below.

More info: Charlotte Bailey







05 May 01:40

15+ Pieces Of Star Wars Jewellery To Celebrate May The 4th

by Viktorija G.

Happy Star Wars day!

Death Star Silver Pendant

Death Star Silver Pendant


Han Solo Frozen In Carbonite Necklace

Han Solo Frozen In Carbonite Necklace


Stormtrooper Tie Clip

Stormtrooper Tie Clip


TIE Fighter Earrings

TIE Fighter Earrings


BB-8 Droid Ring

BB-8 Droid Ring


Darth Vader Ring

Darth Vader Ring


R2-D2 And C-3PO Best Friends Necklace Set

R2-D2 And C-3PO Best Friends Necklace Set


BB-8 Pendant

BB-8 Pendant


R2-D2 Ring

R2-D2 Ring


TIE Fighter Ring

TIE Fighter Ring


C-3PO Necklace

C-3PO Necklace


Millennium Falcon Necklace

Millennium Falcon Necklace


BB-8 Kinetic Pendant

BB-8 Kinetic Pendant


X -Wing Earrings

X -Wing Earrings


Star Wars Ring In R2-D2 Ring Box

Star Wars Ring In R2-D2 Ring Box


Star Wars Silver Ring Set

Star Wars Silver Ring Set


Ewok Ring

Ewok Ring


Chewbacca Pendant

Chewbacca Pendant


Jedi Order Alliance Necklace

Jedi Order Alliance Necklace


Millennium Falcon Cufflinks

Millennium Falcon Cufflinks


Millennium Falcon Earrings

Millennium Falcon Earrings


X-Wing Cufflinks

X-Wing Cufflinks


R2-D2 And C-3PO Wedding Rings

R2-D2 And C-3PO Wedding Rings


Star Wars Rings

Star Wars Rings

C-3PO Ring

C-3PO Ring


04 May 22:26

These Teens Secretly Wore Superhero Outfits To Prom

by Iveta Pete

Man, I wish I had been this cool in High School, but no, I was just dumb and not cool. My adult life rocks!

On April 30th, several new superheroes were introduced to the world. Well, not new superheroes per say, but certainly younger versions of Batman, Superman, Green Lantern, Iron Man, and Captain America made an appearance at the Subiaco Academy prom, in Arkansas.

Fittingly enough, the photo was taken by Mr. Bolinger, a police officer who moonlights as a photographer with a co-worker on their off time. News sources say Bolinger’s cousin asked him to take photos of his son, who is the young man dressed as Superman below.

More info: Facebook | bnfocusphotography (h/t)





03 May 21:35

Glowing Dress Turns Claire Danes Into Cinderella At The Met Gala

by Iveta Pete

Would wear that dress, like every day!

The theme of this year’s Met Ball, fittingly sponsored by Apple, was Manus x Machina: Fashion in an Age of Technology, and Claire Danes’ dress took the cake. Designed by Zac Posen, he “sourced the fiber optic woven organza in this dress from France, and there are 30 mini battery packs sewn into the gown’s understructure,” according to FastCo.

The Met Gala is held annually for the benefit of the Metropolitan Museum Of Art’s Costume (Fashion) Institute in New York City, the only department that has to fund itself. The invitation-only black-tie event is held on the first Monday in May, with tickets this year going for 30,000 USD, and tables for 275,000 USD.

More info: Instagram (h/t: elitedaily)


Image credits: itsmatin


Image credits: zacposen


Image credits: zacposen


Image credits: itsmatin


Image credits: zacposen


Image credits: zacposen


Image credits: zacposen

28 Apr 03:33

How Did You Celebrate 4/20?

by Jamey Stegmaier

Haha, that half baked burger sounds like Tom's kind of thing, minus the meat of course since he is a vegetarian now.

April 20th isn’t a date that ever occurs to me as something special, as I don’t smoke marijuana. But sometimes when other people are celebrating a special occasion, I like to join in the excitement. That’s what happened today. (And no, I didn’t do anything illegal that I’m aware of.)

I was out at lunch at a fantastic burger/Mediterranean restaurant called Layla. They have great turkey burgers, so I was planning on getting one of them.

But the waiter cheerfully informed us that to commemorate 4/20, they had two special deals: A half baked burger with bacon, peanut butter, jelly, and Funyuns, as well as an “Up in Smoke” burger (barbecue pork and pickles) at a $4.20 discount. For some reason the whole idea of ordering a special burger on a day that’s special to some people put me in a festive mood, so I ordered the Up in Smoke burger. Here’s what it looked like:


It was delicious. I love that hummus is a side dish at this restaurant. I only ate half the burger and none of the hummus, so that’s two more meals for later!

Because of the discount, I tipped well…but then I realized I was missing out on an opportunity, so I changed my tip to this:


Just some fun for 4/20. How did you celebrate?

(Also, to be clear, I’m not endorsing an illegal activity [though, at the same time, I don’t judge people who do this particular activity]. My “celebration” of 4/20 had absolutely no connection to marijuana.)

27 Apr 14:29

Secret Photos Reveal Where Donald Trump Grows His Hair

by Greta Jaruševičiūtė


BREAKING NEWS: The original habitat used to grow Donald Trump’s hair has been located in Tromsø, Norway, one of the northernmost cities in the world. Scientists confirm that Trump, just like the Biblical Samson, draws most of his power from his hair.

Jokes aside, there has been much speculation about Donald Trump’s hair. Michael R. Cunningham, Ph.D., a professor and psychologist at the University of Louisville, thinks that Trump just likes it that way, whereas Dr. Paul McAndrews, a dermatologist who specializes in hair restoration, suggests three other reasons why Donald Trump might choose a comb-over: “To hide baldness, to hide a bad transplant, or to hide a flap surgery scar.”

OK, enough with the suspense. Brace yourselves! You’re in for a harry ride!

More info:


Image credits: Smiley Face


Video credits: Premier League


Image credits: ztirfeed


Image credits: Daniel Kordan


Image credits: Smiley Face (left) Photoshop Fix (right)

26 Apr 22:28

Women Are Creating She-Sheds, A Female Alternative To Man Caves (15+ Pics)

by Viktorija G.

Wow, there are a ton of these. The only one I am interested in is the art one so Tom can't get mad at the mess I make.

She Shed

She Shed


She Shed

She Shed


She Shed

She Shed


She Shed

She Shed


She Shed

She Shed


She Shed

She Shed


She Shed

She Shed

She Shed

She Shed


She Shed

She Shed


She Shed

She Shed


She Shed

She Shed


She Shed

She Shed


She Shed

She Shed

She Shed

She Shed


She Shed

She Shed


She Shed

She Shed


She Shed

She Shed


She Shed

She Shed


She Shed

She Shed


She Shed

She Shed


She Shed

She Shed


She Shed

She Shed


She Shed

She Shed


She Shed

She Shed


She Shed

She Shed


26 Apr 22:25

Stockings With Pre-Painted Toenails Are The Latest Craze In Japan

by James Gould-Bourn

Wow, convenient if they weren't hose. I mean, who wears hose to the beach?

Can’t be bothered to paint your toenails or simply don’t have the time? Well good news, because now you don’t have to thanks to these toe-tally (sorry) bizarre pre-painted toenail stockings.

Invented in Japan (where else?) by Belle Maison, the stockings come with a variety of pre-painted colors and designs that are sure to suit every occasion. You can even change them throughout the day to select the colors that best suit your mood! From stripes and polka dots to tiny hearts and shells, the only limit is your imagination.

So next time you’re thinking of decorating your toenails, leave the polish on the shelf and pick up a pair of pre-painted tights instead. They’re cheaper than a pedicure and they last longer too. They’ll also make you the talking point of parties and social events, for one reason or another…

More info: Belle Maison


Image credits: gmarket


Image credits: bellemaison


Image credits: twcoupon


Image credits: global rakuten


Image credits: bellemaison


Image credits: unknown (left)/ bellemaison (right)


Image credits: bellemaison


Image credits: hosinabi


Image credits: mamajob


Image credits: hosinabi