Shared posts

13 May 17:16

iambluedog: Now that we have that out of our way…lets science

Sarah Jamison



Now that we have that out of our way…lets science

12 May 21:29

Michael Palin and John Cleese

by ThisIsNotPorn

Michael Palin and John Cleese on the set of Monty Python and the Holy Grail | Rare and beautiful celebrity photosMichael Palin and John Cleese on the set of Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

12 May 20:45

This Just In and Out

by gerardvanderleun


12 May 20:27

ZZ TOP: “Dusty Hill, Frank Beard, and Billy Gibbons (ZZ Top)...

ZZ TOP: “Dusty Hill, Frank Beard, and Billy Gibbons (ZZ Top) playing the Senior Prom in May, 1970 at Little Cypress-Mauriceville High School in Orange, Texas. Apparently sometime between signing the contract and the actual prom itself, the band broke-out big. They tried to get out of the contract, but the school couldn’t find a replacement on such short notice so ZZ Top still performed…people were climbing through the windows, crashing the prom, just to hear the band play. This was all at a really small school with a graduating class of around 100, maybe less.”

12 May 18:42

"You would think that Andrew Jackson was giving you his undivided attention, and then you would..."

You would think that Andrew Jackson was giving you his undivided attention, and then you would glance over and notice that he had devoted the last several minutes to making a laborious sketch of an alligator.

“Mr. President!” you would gasp, indignantly.

“I have a bullet lodged inside my body,” he would say. “From killing a man in a duel. A better man than you.” He would resume drawing the alligator.


-On Presidential Doodlers

Said alligator:


(via thedancingtoast)

12 May 18:40

"“Suppose someone to assert: The gostak distims the doshes. You do not know what this means; nor do..."

““Suppose someone to assert: The gostak distims the doshes. You do not know what this means; nor do I. But if we assume that it is English, we know that the doshes are distimmed by the gostak. We know too that one distimmer of doshes is a gostak. If, moreover, the doshes are galloons, we know that some galloons are distimmed by the gostak. And so we may go on, and so we often do go on.” – Andrew Ingraham, Swain School Lectures, 1903”

- Language Arts – Futility Closet
12 May 17:37

imperialgoogie: midcenturyblog: publicdomaindiva: From a 1955...




From a 1955 Chevrolet screen advertisement.

Is this the lady-like way of getting out of the car?

Well you could always fall out.

11 May 23:03

The armrest entertainment control thing — Improved (via some...

The armrest entertainment control thing — Improved (via some charts I drew while on a 10 hour transatlantic flight — Editor’s Picks — Medium)

11 May 22:22

When a website forces me to create an account and then has really strict password requirements

animated rampage

08 May 16:54

radioactiveredhead: I’m complete


I’m complete

07 May 21:20

The Citrus Family Portrait

The Citrus Family Portrait

07 May 21:19


Sarah Jamison

Wait. What?

07 May 20:52

Cause and Effect - 5.18

by chozzles

Guess what! I’m not dead! Sorry I’ve been so AWOL, though I know Anna’s been taking real good care of you, better than I ever could.

So for my triumphant return I pick an ep that’s almost 100% uniforms, so, sorry about that, but this episode has a few saving graces, and one particular.

That one in particular, is Bev’s Tresses. 

The gist of this ep is that the Enterprise is stuck in a time loop (they have a fancier name for it but even though I JUST watched it I’ve already forgotten what it is. Temporal time distortion? I mean, you get it) and they keep blowing up over and over again because this ship comes out of nowheresville and hits their engine. It happens, like, four times in the episode, and eventually they figure it out. Spoiler alert, I guess, but no. 

Beverly is the main person who figures out what’s up, and it starts at this poker game between her, Rikes, Worf and Data. And here, we get the first few iterations of Bev’s Tresses:





Hey, Bev, how do you feel about this play?



I can talk fumblingly about Bev’s hair, which isn’t even at it’s peak performance in this season, as is well documented by Anna, but it’s working all over this episode. It’s almost as if she has a shining red pony tied up behind her head, and her (the pony’s) majestic mane is shining down like red sunlight around Beverly’s head. And those wispy bangs! Someone’s trapped in a time loop, and I’m NOT MAD AT IT.

There are a few more good tress moments that we get during the several repetitions of the Enterprise’s destruction:





It’s a pretty tressful situation

The solution to the problem is A THING WITH DATA and it involves DOING THINGS TO THE INSIDE OF HIS HEAD because WiFi was never invented. This doesn’t really have any fashion implications (that is, until someone at the MetGala decides to channel some Data-getting-his-head-worked-on-fashion-realness, which I think the world is ready for, but I digress), but it did give me the opportunity to make this fun animated gif:



Anyway, the only real sartorial excitement in this show comes at that time of night when Bev really lets her hair down, or at least, down farther? I don’t actually know how tresses work. Let’s just look at it.


I believe that this color is called “Oh d-d-d-d-dear” … BECAUSE IT LOOKS LIKE A PIGLET.

Anyway, it looks like it was made out of a duvet cover that your weird Aunt Lola always puts on the bed in the guest bedroom and is never really as comfortable as it should be and just makes you want your Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle comforter that you have at home but your parents always say FAMILY IS IMPORTANT so you deal with it. Really, it looks like something out of the Ruth Fisher collection, which is a weird time dysmorphia thing for me, but I digress. Can we talk about that shoelace in her hair though? Is it doing anything? My gut reaction is no, because look at those tresses… THEY AIN’T CUR. What are you doing in your PJs with scissors and a houseplant and a shoelace in your ha—



Well, now that we know that she’s just getting her nightcap on, let’s get a better look at that outfit.


PJ Bismol.

The reason we see Bev getting ready for sleepies is because she hears the whispers? From the previous time loops? Because of science? Anyway, she does what I certainly would do if I were her and I needed to be comforted.


Loungin’ in my Captain’s Lounge wearin’ my Loungewear. 

It’s hard to see in this shot, but his pants are elastic at the cuff and flowy through the leg. We’re just a hairsbreadth away from being in Basset by Angela for Angela Basset territory. Captain! Make us feel better.


Mission accomplished.

You can just make out the subtle ribbing on his shoulders. Come here, Picard, so I can give you a shoulder rub.

Hopefully Beverly ditched the Peptjamas for her intimate rendezvous with the Captain…


Goddammit, Bev.

Gurl, you look like you just emerged from the silly string portion of a slumber party, and I’d be okay with it if we actually got to see it. Also, why are you drinking hot milk with nutmeg out of a duotone hockey puck? Aw, how can I stay mad at you and those luxurious tresses?


That’s right, you can’t.

PS. I really wanted that to be Picard’s knee but it’s just Bev’s. Sigh.

Anyway, that’s mostly it, tresswise. We have one other great fashion moment, which is a BURNS-OFF between Data and Ro, and it’s INTENSE:


I mean, I feel like Data is rocking a tighter Starfleet point, but I want to give Ro the prize for working it into a larger, more severe concept. What do you guys think?

That just leaves the jerk who keeps crashing into the Enterprise and blowing it up over and over again… who could that be?





Wait a second… that lady isn’t Roz!

Apparently these poor bastards have been stuck in the time-loopy thing for 80 years? But it’s unclear what reset their clock, since the Enterprise has only been going through it for a couple of weeks? Also, they haven’t been hallucinating or having weird déjà vu, which got progressively worse on the Enterprise, but on the Bozeman they’re just straight chilling? I mean, that lady with the muted Marlo Thomas hair looks pretty suspicious of SOMETHING, so maybe it’s just stubborn Dr. Crane getting himself into another sticky situation! Did he accidentally fasten the wrong button on his one-button uniform? Horrors!

How does Captain Crane feel when he finds out that he’s been stuck in an extended groundhog day for 80 years?


What I imagine is that it’s the same thing as what happens in this video, but just sitting still.

Bev, what do you and your tresses think about all this?


07 May 20:45

(via gifak-net)

Sarah Jamison


(via gifak-net)

07 May 20:44


06 May 15:37

Photographs of 1.5 Million Balloons Being Released in Cleveland...

Photographs of 1.5 Million Balloons Being Released in Cleveland (via Photographs of 1.5 Million Balloons Being Released in Cleveland | HUH.)

06 May 15:36

Photographs of 1.5 Million Balloons Being Released in Cleveland...

Photographs of 1.5 Million Balloons Being Released in Cleveland (via Photographs of 1.5 Million Balloons Being Released in Cleveland | HUH.)

05 May 20:55


05 May 16:38

Hot off the press

Hot off the press

05 May 16:14


05 May 16:04


02 May 20:46

Judd Apatow and Harold Ramis

by ThisIsNotPorn

Judd Apatow and Harold Ramis | Rare and beautiful celebrity photosJudd Apatow and Harold Ramis.

02 May 20:44

neisecoli: Red music…


Red music…

02 May 20:28


02 May 20:27


02 May 19:33


01 May 20:23


01 May 17:23

nickelsonwooster: Pieces. archatlas: Plastic Classics Jane...




Plastic Classics Jane Perkins

"In my current body of work, Plastic Classics, Old Masters are given a contemporary twist. I use anything of the right size, shape or colour: toys, shells, buttons, beads, jewellery, curtain hooks, springs etc. No colour is added - everything is used exactly ‘as found’. Impressionist paintings are the perfect inspiration for my work. It needs to be viewed in two ways (as in Impressionism) - from a distance to make sense of the whole image, and close up to identify the materials used (the brush strokes)."

01 May 17:02

avantblargh: iambluedog: Life is too short to be holding on to...



Life is too short to be holding on to old grudges


30 Apr 14:58

lex-the-gaurd: r-igby: lokeanconcubine: MOTHER. FUCKING. CHEES...

Sarah Jamison

You're welcome!







this post means a lot to me

