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05 Mar 00:37

5 Things Conservative Media Think Are About Benghazi

Republican Senator Lindsey Graham (SC) sparked backlash when he sent an absurd tweet blaming the Russian invasion of Ukraine on the 2012 attacks in Benghazi, Libya. But Graham's tweet followed in the footsteps of conservative media, who have repeatedly attempted to link Benghazi to a variety of unrelated events, or invoke the tragedy to deflect conservatives from scrutiny.

Here are just a few examples of things conservative media have linked to Benghazi:

1. Openly Gay NFL Prospect Michael Sam. Washington Times columnist Steve Deace accused President Obama and the media of using openly gay NFL prospect Michael Sam as an excuse to divert attention from Benghazi and other alleged "failures" of the Obama administration. According to Deace, liberals pounced on Sam's coming out in February in order to advance "LGBTQ propaganda" -- and to shift focus away from the 2012 attack on the American diplomatic mission.

2. Ted Nugent. CNN political commentator Ben Ferguson invoked Benghazi in order to inexplicably shield NRA board member Ted Nugent from further scrutiny for calling President Obama a "subhuman mongrel." On CNN's New Day, Ferguson argued that Texas gubernatorial candidate Greg Abbott's loyalty to Nugent was no different than Obama's loyalty to former UN Ambassador Susan Rice, whom Ferguson falsely labeled a liar for her comments about Benghazi.

3. Chris Christie's Bridgegate. Fox & Friends devoted five segments during its January 10 broadcast to the scandal surrounding Republican Gov. Chris Christie and his administration's involvement in deliberate traffic gridlock across the George Washington Bridge as political retribution against a local mayor. But in every segment purporting to discuss Christie, the hosts and guests brought up Benghazi to attack Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. 

4. The Boston Bombing. In April 2013, Rush Limbaugh invoked the New Black Panthers, Reverend Jeremiah Wright, Fast and Furious, and Benghazi to pre-emptively attack Obama's handling of the Boston bombing suspect, who had been apprehended by police and charged that day with using and conspiring to use a weapon of mass destruction.

5. Monday Night Football, The New iPhone, And Yom Kippur. The week of the one-year anniversary of the Benghazi attacks, Fox & Friends aired an image of events that were supposedly distracting Americans from the anniversary and the ongoing conflict in Syria, including Monday Night Football, the NYC primary elections, the launch of the latest iPhone, and the Jewish holiday Yom Kippur.

04 Mar 14:24

Space Dandy #9

by Ben

Dandy teleports down to a planet overrun by sentient plants who have organized themselves into nations, replete with spies and aggressively guarded borders, but his search for a rare alien instead turns up the secret to the planet...

I have a new favorite episode. This episode was a very different beast from what came before, but it was a sheer delight and is easily the most consummately crafted episode of the bunch so far.

Organic, colorful, hand-drawn - all words that spring to mind for this unique episode that really feels like the creation of someone with a strong artistic vision. A delight to behold because of its riot of beautiful otherworldly visuals, it has the hand-drawn feeling of the Michio Mihara episode, and was crammed from start to finish with creative ideas and pleasing visual schemes.

The characters looked quite different in the hands of the staff here, and even the atmosphere was different from what we've grown used to; the silly gags and irony are absent and the story is told at more of a remove, both in terms of staging of shots and the more restrained style of directing. But the pacing, humor, characters, animation, music and backgrounds all work so well together that the episode that you're too busy enjoying it to care. Certain moments gave me goosebumps because of the perfectly beautiful combination of otherworldly music, colors and shapes.

Eunyoung Choi is the creative brain behind the episode, having come up with the idea for the story (which was then written by Shinichiro Watanabe), designed the aliens, done the conceptual art (settei), and storyboarded and directed. She's one of the most talented people to emerge from the Masaaki Yuasa group alongside Michio Mihara, and already proved that she can go it alone on that episode of Wakfu that I mentioned in the previous post.

The creatures in the episode are among the most fascinating in the show so far. Rather than just one or two new aliens, we're regaled with an entire planet populated by creatures that seem like a blend of plants and microorganisms. With membranes and receptors that allow passage only to certain microbes and not others, and strange creatures matter-of-factly going about their strange business, the episode feels like a cross between Fantastic Planet and Fantastic Voyage.

This episode works splendidly well because you come away feeling like it's thoroughly explored the world of the characters. It feels real. Much of the episode's runtime is devoted to depicting in meticulous detail the interaction between the planet's plant inhabitants, like some kind of alien nature channel program. It's like in Planete Sauvage - you don't know the logic underpinning the crazy interaction of all these bizarre alien life forms, but it feels like there IS some logic there, and together they form a living ecosystem.

The nice part is that these things aren't overexplained, and yet you don't feel like they're underexplained. If the goal of this series was to regale us with a bewildering array of colorful alien creatures, this episode feels like the one that delivered the best in this regard, because it creates a whole planet that feels like it is actual pulsing with various life forms that are all interconnected. The episode actually takes the time to show us snippets of this interaction in a way that evokes the bigger picture. You really feel like you're in Dandy's shoes, recoiling at a bizarre creature and gazing in awe at a beautiful scene as he explores the new world.

And in the midst of all that, Eunyoung actually achieves the unlikely feat of making us invest in the strange plant creatures like the little one and her 'father'. The ending was actually surprisingly moving. The side-story about Meow meanwhile was amusing and added some variety to the proceedings while Dandy was on his adventure learning about the planet. So the episode isn't just artsy and quirky, love it or leave it - it has humor and heart too. It's a very likeable episode.

The episode even had something of a musical interlude, though it was very well done and didn't come across as an overt Disney-style musical interlude. In fact, the music of this episode was exceptional. With lots of odd noodly electronic soundscapes and a capella warbling, it was unusually organically linked to the goings-on, as if it had been specially commissioned for this episode. This is the first episode where the music felt simultaneously so beautiful and well integrated.

When I saw the preview I originally thought it was the Masaaki Yuasa episode, and many parts of the episode remind of his style. The episode felt like it could have come straight out of Kaiba. The visual style, with its weird colors and gradients, also reminded me of Cat Soup. This is perhaps due to a combination of the fact that Eunyoung has worked with him for so long and that the backgrounds were all drawn by Kevin Aymeric (tumblr), who was the art director of Yuasa's Kick Heart and is an incredibly talented and flexible artist. Look for more from this great talent in Masaaki Yuasa's upcoming Ping Pong.

(In a side-note, as a big fan of Disasterpeace, I bought The Floor is Jelly game when it came out to support him and because it looked awesome (and is), but I was surprised to find just now that the beautiful cover art was drawn by Kevin Aymeric.)

The sakkan was Kiyotaka Oshiyama, who first came to my attention for his work on Denno Coil. I don't know his style well, but the characters here are very uniquely drawn, with the sort of meandering, organic line that I associate with Yuasa. It works very well for the plant creatures in this episode. Dandy looks quite different from previous episodes, but the drawings are fantastically well done, and if anything he looks even more yankee Elvis than before. The lines of the characters bulge and twist in different directions in a stylized way that reminds me of a Yuasa production.

A bevy of talented animators helped bring the episode to life - Gosei Oda, Norifumi Kugai, Cedric Herole, Ikuro Kuwana - but I can't distinguish their work. Anyway it's not like in some episodes where the animation isn't particularly interesting most of the time except for certain highlights of good animation - every single shot of animation is pleasing to watch in this episode. This is a great example of an episode that is a perfectly balanced whole.

03 Mar 18:19


by acupofmstea


01 Mar 17:40

Watch the Black History Month Segment Viacom BEGGED Stephen Colbert Not to Air (Video)

by Susie Madrak
Viacom told Colbert in a letter, “We’re a little concerned because it is airing during Black History Month.”
01 Mar 05:52

Madhouse CEO Explains Status of "Ninja Scroll" Follow-Up

by Scott Green

When Ninja Scroll director Yoshiaki Kawajiri visited Sakura-Con 2012, he told fans of the hit anime bloodbath that he planned a feature sequel and even produced a sizzle reel to attract investors. The problem is that while there are plenty in the USA who would love a Ninja Scroll follow-up, Japanese audiences, and more importantly, investors were largely indifferent. Madhouse CEO Hiroyuki Okada has laid out the situation in an English language post post.


 It was the first time we picked up our project titled “Ninja Scroll Project begins!” on our official site (HP news) on the April 12th , 2012. This project is a sequel of the feature film “Ninja Scroll”, a Madhouse work released in 1993, created by Director Yoshiaki Kawajiri.< LINK >


   Then HP news in the year of the April 16th presented that a sneak peek of the new project was unveiled at a domestic special screening of “Ninja Scroll” event and that Director Kawajiri talked about the new project at a talk show. < LINK > Furthermore, we formally disclosed in HP news of the July 25th that the sneak peek was a part of three animated short films, “Ninja

Scroll BURST”, a part of the new feature film.  Those short films you can watch on youtube free.< LINK>

   Since then we keep quiet for a while. 
    But time hasn’t been freezing…

   I’ll tell you about it now.

    On May 2013, a script for the feature film including “Ninja Scroll BURST” was completed by Director Yoshiaki Kawajiri. The tentative title was named “Ninja Scroll KOCHO”.  After some amendment through internal discussion, Director Kawajiri agreed on the revised script, then we decided to step forward. 
    On December 2013, he finally completed storyboards.  I praised his tremendous work. 
    And now he has been drawing key animation.


   Madhouse will do its best for promoting this project. “Ninja Scroll” was a smash hit in the U.S.A, so there are some candidates for financial supporters but no one in Japan has been found yet. 
    It is maybe because of it’s low profile.  It was not a big hit in Japan.  Madhouse will, then, does its best for promoting by using any unconventional ways!

    We will disclose a part of scripts and storyboards at Asagaya Madhouse, a small shop which will open in the suburbs of Tokyo in March. We will display “Ninja Scroll KOCHO” so that we could conduct passion of Director Kawajiri and that you could understand his vision of the “Ninja Scroll KOCHO”world. We also plan to have the world premier three animated full-short films of “Ninja Scroll BURST” in the shop.

We know this is challenge. 

But we will step forward even a little.

Keep watch on Madhouse and “Ninja Scroll KOCHO”!


MADHOUSE INC. CEO/Hiroyuki Okada



via molibdaenum


Scott Green is editor and reporter for anime and manga at geek entertainment site Ain't It Cool News. Follow him on Twitter at @aicnanime.


26 Feb 20:55

After her friend's complaints on the cast of the new FANTASTIC FOUR movie...


25 Feb 18:22

New Snowden Doc Reveals How GCHQ/NSA Use The Internet To 'Manipulate, Deceive And Destroy Reputations'

by Susie Madrak
As Glenn Greenwald notes, is this really a power you trust a totally secretive government agency with almost no real oversight to use without it being abused?
25 Feb 03:57

advice for no one

I had a now-deleted discussion on FB the other day, about somebody doing a lot of conventions and coming back from a convention to find an unexpected expense that wasn't taken care of because of being away doing conventions. The details of the conversation are now lost, but it bugged me. It bugs me because I've been there and it doesn't end well. It ends with unpaid bills and angry roommates and lost jobs and a big chunk of time in your life that you don't get back and you have nothing to show for.

I spent a lot of time on conventions in my life. I started AWA and that meant at least one con-related function a month for ten full years. I did Anime Hell at Dragoncon, at AWA, at Animazement, at Sugoicon, at Anime Central, at other shows here and there. I went to A-Kon for ten years. I think in my busiest convention attending year I went to eight shows - that's eight shows involving hotel rooms and travel to other cities and time off work, and food on the road, and gas, in exchange for unpaid labor entertaining strangers in hotel ballrooms. That's a lot of time. When you're working where I was working at the time, that meant my week of paid vacation was gone by May. I was begging UNPAID days off from the job that paid my rent, my car insurance and my grocery bill and my everything else.

It took me years to break the addiction. In July '04 we moved up here to Toronto. I went to Anime Central in May to do Anime Hell; Hell started super late because of the "rock superstars" that went on earlier and were so super professional they couldn't start on time. I spent most of one day trying to get reimbursed for my plane tickets. It was a convention I shouldn't have done, that didn't need me there, and that killed five days of time I desperately needed to get ready for my move. In November after the move, I drove back down to Cincinnati to do Anime Hell at Sugoicon. The car's transmission started to fail on that trip, Hell started late because the staff had no idea who I was or what I was doing there, I knew basically nobody at the convention other than Neil, and I spent the entire weekend in a state of low-grade panic worrying I'd be stranded on the side of the road somewhere in rural Ohio after my car died. No, I didn't have credit cards, I didn't have any money in the bank for emergencies, I didn't have a cell phone. I had zero backup for this trip, which served no purpose other than to be the last straw that broke the camel's back.

Since then, I've quit using my vacation days to deliver unpaid labor to strangers in hotel ballrooms. It is absolutely not my problem if people are entertained or not, if they get to see a panel about a cartoon show or not, if the main event room gets filled by someone whom the convention can't even reimburse in a timely fashion or throw a per diem at.

Oh yeah, I've done conventions since then, conventions away from home; and I make sure my airfare is paid for and I get something for my time. I learned to stick up for myself and my own peace of mind. Nobody else is going to.

I'm one of the lucky ones. There are plenty of fans who are in their 40s (or 50s or 60s) still working minimum wage jobs, still bouncing from paycheck to paycheck and crisis to crisis, never able to get out from under, who can't see that spending their money and their money-generating time on fan conventions doesn't pay off. Fan conventions are dessert. They are special occasions, meant to be enjoyed when your homework is done and your bills are paid and your laundry is folded and the car insurance is paid up - not before.

I know I've said this before but it bears repeating. Fandom doesn't come with health insurance or a retirement plan. Like they say on airplanes, "make sure your own oxygen mask is secure before assisting others" - make sure your own life is secure before securing fandom's life. Fandom will not do the same for you.
23 Feb 18:33

Tanahashi and New Japan stars coming to ROH

by (Dave Meltzer)

Ugh, the fucking Hammerstein

We'll have more details shortly, but the big announcement by ROH today is that several of the main stars of New Japan Pro Wrestling will be coming to shows in Toronto and New York.

Names in the video for the show were Hiroshi Tanahashi, Shinsuke Nakamura, Kazuchika Okada, Jushin Liger, Gedo, Jado and Kushida.

The two shows are May 10 in Toronto and May 17 in New York at the Hammerstein Ballroom.

22 Feb 17:02

White supremacist pastor accused of sexually assaulting South Carolina girl

by David

People would always try to say that Jerry Springer was a work

August Byron Kreis

A former leader of the Aryan Nation was charged this week with sexually assaulting a young girl and providing obscene material to her.

WIS-TV reported that authorities in South Carolina arrested 59-year-old August Byron Kreis on Wednesday after the girl's mother filed a report with the Richland County Sheriff's Department.

Sheriff Leon Lott said that investigators discovered that Kreis shared pornography with the girl and sexually abused her for a three month period from September to November 2013. He was charged with second-degree criminal sexual conduct with a minor under 12 and disseminating pornography to a child 12 or younger.

More charges were expected in Kershaw and Lexington counties.

The Southern Poverty Law Center, which tracks hate groups, described Kreis as a "hot-tempered, longtime white supremacist and Christian Identity minister."

Kreis and his two daughters appeared on a 1990s episode of "The Jerry Springer Show" titled "A Racist Family." During a conversation about why he taught his daughters to be racists, Kreis tried to provoke Springer by telling him that the Holocaust was hoax. At one point, Kreis tried to assault Springer and had to be restrained after the host told him to "shut your face."

read more

22 Feb 05:18

Kotobukiya Previews Bishoujo DC Comics Starfire and "Street Fighter" Juri

by Scott Green

With Winter Wonderfest earlier in the month, Kotobukiya posted a look at Shunya Yamashita's design illustration for their Bishoujo line figure of Street Fighter's Juri far ahead of its Q1 2015 release. And, following last week's kick off of New York Toy Fair 2014, they posted the event catalogue and an early look at DC Comics Bishoujo statue of Teen Titan's Starfire, due out this October. 







Shunya Yamashita also recently posted



Scott Green is editor and reporter for anime and manga at geek entertainment site Ain't It Cool News. Follow him on Twitter at @aicnanime.

20 Feb 00:39

To his friend...


19 Feb 14:08

Humble Indie Bundle 11 (PC Digital Download): Guacamelee! Gold Edition, Dust: An Elysian Tail, The Swapper, Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams Name Your Own Price


Every one of these games is something I bought separately so this is a really good deal with no weak links so to speak

18 Feb 06:24

Suda 51's Killer is Dead to Get PC Release

Deep Silver to publish Killer is Dead – Nightmare Edition on May 9
17 Feb 04:36

VIDEO: "Blazing Transfer Student" Blu-ray Ad

by Scott Green

In 1991, Gainax reunited Project A-Ko director Katsuhiko Nishijima and character designer Yuji Moriyama on a two episode OVA adaptation of Kazuhiko Shimamoto's Shonen Sunday comedy Blazing Transfer Student, in which the tranfer student of the title  joins a bully and "God's Hall Monitor" to box for a date with a lovely classmate.


A new special edition Blu-ray, featuring the anime remastered from the original 35mm original negative, is due March 19th.


This includes a bonus CD including original soundtrack by Kohei Tanaka, intro & outro themes, audio drama, as well as a 150-page booklet including a booklet "Hono no Tenkosei Anime Comics."

On disc special features include message footage from an original author and an animation director, teaser produced by Hideaki Anno, and more bonus video footage.



Since they're riffing on the same sort of story, Shimamoto has done a Kill La Kill crossover doujinshi


Scott Green is editor and reporter for anime and manga at geek entertainment site Ain't It Cool News. Follow him on Twitter at @aicnanime.

13 Feb 23:49

Kentucky trooper says raping girl was just a 'moral mistake' and wants job back

by David

Former trooper Jerry Clanton

A Kentucky state trooper told a trial board last month that he would like to have his job back after he was fired for having sex with a 15-year-old girl, calling the relationship a "moral mistake."

In a transcript obtained by WDRB, former Kentucky State Trooper Jerry Clanton asserted to the Kentucky State Police Trial Board that he was under the false impression that the 15-year-old girl was 18 years old when he started having sex with her.

"I made a moral mistake. And, I've gotten right with my family," the married former trooper insisted. "I recognize that it is an embarrassment to the State Police. But I have not compromised myself in the fact that, in my mind, all I was doing was making a moral mistake."

"I would never have gone over there. I would have never spoken to her, never texted her, never anything had I thought she was anything but 18."

KSP Commander of Legal Services Capt. Matt Feltner, however, felt that the incident was more serious.

"You can't put a 15-year-old girl in a car, drive her up in the middle of nowhere and have sex with her," Feltner said. "I mean that doesn't have to be written out somewhere to know it's completely wrong and outside the lines."

During the hearing, Clanton explained that State Trooper Stratford Young had sex with the girl first, which he said resulted in his inappropriate relationship.

read more

10 Feb 16:25

Millions Losing Unemployment Benefits Not A Priority For Broadcast Media

Broadcast evening news programs devoted zero coverage to Senate Republicans' harmful block on extending long-term unemployment benefits. The failed measure received only minimal attention from national media throughout the day.

Senate Failed To Extend Unemployment Benefits

Senate Republicans Block Three-Month Extension Of Unemployment Benefits. On February 6, the Senate voted to advance a bill that would extend recently expired unemployment benefits for three months. The proposal failed after a Republican filibuster, as The New York Times reported:

The Senate failed to move forward on a three-month extension of assistance for the long-term unemployed on Thursday, leaving it unlikely that Congress would approve the measure soon while undercutting a key aspect of President Obama's economic recovery plan.

Fifty-nine senators, including four Republicans, voted to advance the legislation, falling one vote short of the 60 needed to break a Republican filibuster effort. 


"We've given them everything they wanted. Paid for," said Senator Harry Reid of Nevada, the majority leader, flashing his irritation at Republicans who blocked the bill.

He said Democrats would keep pushing to extend the benefits, which expired at the end of last year, cutting off more than 1.3 million Americans. That number has since grown to more than 1.7 million. [The New York Times2/6/14]

Broadcast Nightly News Ignored The Unemployment Benefits Vote Completely

ABC, CBS, And NBC News Ignored Proposal To Extend Unemployment Entirely. On their February 6 evening broadcasts, neither ABC, CBS, nor NBC mentioned the Senate vote to extend unemployment benefits.

Broadcast News

CNN, Fox Devoted Minimal Coverage To Unemployment Benefits Vote

CNN Gave Unemployment Benefits Vote Less Than Three Minutes Of Coverage. According to a Media Matters analysis, on February 6 CNN devoted five segments to the Senate vote on unemployment benefits, for a total of only 2 minutes and 50 seconds of coverage.   

Fox News Devoted Less Than Five Minutes Of Coverage To Unemployment Benefits Vote. Fox News ran only three segments on the proposal to extend unemployment benefits on February 6, totaling 4 minutes and 22 seconds of coverage according to Media Matters' analysis.

MSNBC Devoted Over 30 Minutes Of Coverage To Unemployment Benefits Vote. MSNBC devoted 12 segments to the Senate vote on unemployment benefits, for a total of 32 minutes and 26 seconds of coverage on February 6.

Cable News

Unemployed Americans Are Increasingly Burdened By Failure To Extend Benefits

CBPP: Failure To Extend Emergency Unemployment Benefits Will Cost Nearly Five Million Workers Their Benefits By The End of 2014. As the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities explained, an estimated 4.9 million workers will lose unemployment benefits by the end of 2014 if Congress does not extend benefits:

CBPP[Center for Budget and Policy Priorities, 12/11/13]

EPI: Congress Has Never Allowed Unemployment Insurance Extensions To Expire With Long-Term Unemployment So High.  As the Economic Policy Institute explained last month:

The share of the workforce that is long-term unemployed is nearly twice as high today as it was in any other period when Congress allowed an extended benefits program to expire.


Allowing extensions to expire when the labor market is still so weak is unprecedented in the context of previous unemployment insurance extensions in downturns prior to the Great Recession.

EPI[Economic Policy Institute, 1/8/14]


Media Matters searched an internal database of transcripts for the terms "unemployment" and "jobless" in the February 6 editions of broadcast nightly news. Transcripts for cable news programs were searched for the same terms from 6 am to 11 pm on February 6.

08 Feb 06:50

POLL: Top Mangaka Who Best Represent Japan

by Yomimaid

Who comes to your mind when you think of Japanese mangaka? To answer that question, NTT Docomo recently asked its mobile service subscribers that question and collected a total of 24,420 votes. The final results do not surprise anyone in Japan as the god of manga himself claimed more than 10,000 votes to represent Japan and Japanese manga culture. Let's see who else is following in his footsteps below.



#1 Osamu Tezuka 10751 votes: Astro Boy, Black Jack, Jungle Emperor Leo and others

Tezuka in the world of Jungle Emperor Leo


Astro Boy Images via HYPEBEAST from The Art of Osamu Tezuka: God of Manga Book

#2 Fujiko F. Fujio 4715 votes: Doraemon, Perman, Esper Mami and others

Photo via Japan三 

Hiroshi Fujimoto also known as Fujiko F Fujio with his characters from Doraemon. The mangaka of Draemon is credited as Fujiko Fujio, which was the partnership name of Fujimoto and Motoo Abiko, they work individually now with different pen names, Fujimoto as Fujiko F Fujio and Abiko as Fujiko Fujio (A).

#3 Akira Toriyama 3704 votes: Dr. Slump, Dragon Ball series and others

Image via Dragon Ball Wiki

Toriyama with Jackie Chan on Weekly Jump




#4 Eiichiro Oda 2212 votes: ONE PIECE

A cover of Switch Magazine with Oda drawing from ONE PIECE, from the December 2009 issue

#5 Fujiko Fujio (A) 833 votes: Kaibutsu-kun, Ninja Hattori-kun and others

Photo via bearide

Motoo Abiko on a Japanese TV show giving life advice "Do not do what you can do tomorrow today" with his characters from Warau Salesman and Ninja Hattori-kun, above.

#6 Takehiko Inoue 610 votes: Slam Dunk, Vagabond and Real

photo via Web Sportiva

Inoue with former scholaship students who were sponsored to study Basketball in US by the Slam Dunk Scholarship. From left, Ryo Yamazaki (Saitama Broncos, JB League), Jimmie Hayakawa (Toyota Tsusho Fighting Eagles Nagoya, NBDL), Inoue, and Daichi Taniguchi (Southeastern Oklahoma State University).



#7 Leiji Matsumoto 517 votes: Space Battleship Yamato, Captain Harlock and Galaxy Express 999

photo via anoword

Matsumoto with his character, Captain Harlock, above.




#8 Mitsuru Adachi 506 votes:  Touch, H2, and Cross Game

Photo by yukiyuki

Adachi in front of a poster of his art.



#9 Gosho Aoyama 457 votes: Case Closed

Photo via Cinema Today

Aoyama (right) with his character, Conan (center) and Japanese actress Kou Shibasaki (left) to promote the film Detective Conan: Private Eye in the Distant Sea in 2013.



#10 Fujio Akatsuka 443 votes: Tensai Bakabon, Osomatsu-Kun, Himitsu no Akko-chan, and Mōretsu Atarō

Image via Fujio Akatsuka Official Site

Akatsuka featured along with his characters in the promotional poster for a domumentary-drama in his honor after his passing in 2008.



#11 Shotaro Ishinomori 385 votes: Cyborg 009, Kamen Rider series

#12 Rumiko Takahashi 323 votes: Inu Yasha, Ranma 1/2, Maison Ikkoku, Urusei Yatsura

#13 Hirohiko Araki 212 votes: JOJO'S BIZARRE ADVENTURE series

#14 Hiromu Arakawa 194 votes: Full Metal Alchemist, Silver Spoon

#15 Naoki Urasawa 170 votes: YAWARA!, 20th Century Boys

#16 Yoshihiro Togashi 146 votes: HUNTER x HUNTER

#17 Masashi Kishimoto 137 votes: NARUTO

#18 Chika Umino 65 votes: Honey And Clover

#19 Masakazu Katsura 29 votes: Video Girl Ai, ZETMAN, character design for Tiger & Bunny

#20 Others 719 votes

Source: Goo Ranking

07 Feb 18:43

Thiago Silva charged; gone from UFC; arrest details

by (Dave Meltzer)

UFC fighter Thiago Silva was charged this morning with two counts of aggravated assault with a weapon, aggravated battery with a deadly weapon and one count of resisting an officer without violence stemming from last night's incident at the martial arts academy of Pablo Popvitch, his wife's trainer, who she apparently is having a romantic relationship with which he was aware of.

Dana White has since said in interviews with several media outlets that Silva was cut and will never fight in the UFC again.  Silva was scheduled to face Ovince St. Preux on 3/15 in Dallas.

More details have come out on last night's incidents.

Accoding to the police reort Silva, 31, separated from wife Thaysa, a high-level Jiu Jitsu competitor who is a long-time student of Popvitch, in December 2012.  The couple was married for 13 years.

On 1/30, Thaysa Silva had called officers to the Oakland Park, FL, residence where she was living, visibly shaken and sobbing uncontrollably.  She claimed the two had an argument about an affair he believed she had been having, at which point he picked up a revolver, pushed her onto the sofa, pointed it at her and threatened to kill her.  She claimed when she started screaming, he put his hand on her mouth, held her down and put the gun in her mouth, but then left the residence.  She then filed for a protection order with police.

On Wednesday night, she called police at 8:53 p.m. when Thiago Silva was at the residence.  She told him to leave, and noted the protection order.  He at first refused to leave, saying she should leave, but eventually left.

She claimed he then sent her a text message, claiming he was going to hire someone to kill her and move his new girlfriend into the place.

Last night at about 7:44 p.m., Thiago Silva allegedly showed up at the Popovitch school where about two dozen adult students were training. 

The police report stated that he kept honking the horn until Thaysa Silva went outside, and she described him  as "extremely intoxicated."  He allegedly produced a pistol, pointed it at her and told her to bring Popovitch to him or he will start shooting people inside the gym.

Popovitch came out and Silva threatened him, at which point he locked the front door and called police.  He drove off.  Police went to his residence and he came out and allegedly flipped them off and went inside.

The SWAT team was called and after several hours, and with use of a taser, he was taken into custody at 11:12 p.m.

There are a series of stories at regarding last night's incidents.

07 Feb 18:41

While voicing her demand for an ANGRY BIRDS movie...


07 Feb 14:17

manga test one

by Patrick Macias

It may not be clear, but this is a harbinger of our destruction


07 Feb 14:13

Artist Redesigned Logos With Studio Ghibli Characters

by Scott Green

Seattle-based art director and designer Bruce Yan recently opened his first one-person show, “Brand New” at Gallery 1988 in Los Angeles with iconic logos redesigned to feature iconic characters, mostly from animated classics.


So, along with likes of Ariel as the Starbucks mermaid and Bugs as the Playboy bunny, there was out great Hayao Miyaki inspired graphic work.


Examples include..


John Deere


Girl Scouts of the USA


via Morton Salt


Hawaiian Airlines


and, not Studio Ghibli, but certainly anime related...



via Cartoon Brew and Super Punch


Scott Green is editor and reporter for anime and manga at geek entertainment site Ain't It Cool News. Follow him on Twitter at @aicnanime.

07 Feb 13:58

Arrest at home of UFC fighter Thiago Silva tonight

by (Dave Meltzer)

I happened to drive past that place not 30 minutes before

NBC news in South Florida reported today that an armed suspect went to a Jiu Jitsu school in Oakland Park, FL, and threatened people there, before the Broward Sheriff's Office was called at about 7:45 p.m.  The address listed was of the Pablo Popovitch Mixed Martial Arts Academy Academy

The suspect, a male, left the place and locked himself inside what was reported as his home at 2041 Coral Heights Blvd., in Fort Lauderdale, the home owned by UFC fighter Thiago Silva.

A SWAT team came to his home and at about 11:15 p.m., The person in the home, whose name was not released by police, was taken into custody.

Popovitch is the trainer of Thaysa Silva, the wife of Thiago Silva, and a high level competitve black belt in BJJ.  Thaysa Silva competes for The Avengers, which is Popovitch's team.

07 Feb 03:29

VIDEO: "History’s Strongest Disciple Kenichi" Volume 55 OVA Preview

by Scott Green

As with September's release of History’s Strongest Disciple Kenichi volume 53 and November's release of volume 54, the limited edition of February 18th's release of volume 55 of Shun Matsuena's martial arts manga will bundle new anime.




Regular edition


Limited Edition


via manganewsjapon



Scott Green is editor and reporter for anime and manga at geek entertainment site Ain't It Cool News. Follow him on Twitter at @aicnanime.

07 Feb 03:25

Space Pirate Battleship Arcadia Plastic Model from "Captain Harlock" 1978 TV Series

by Mikikazu Komatsu

On February 14, Hasegawa Corporation will release a 1/1500 scale plastic model kit of Space Pirate Battleship Arcadia Second Ship from the 1978 TV anime series Space Pirate Captain Harlock based on Leiji Matsumoto's popular manga of the same name. The biggest difference with the later versions of the ship is its fighter-like bow, while the "Third Ship" appeared in the 1979 film Galaxy Express 999 and 1982 film Arcadia of My Youth had a skull-shaped one (see the pics below).


The box art is newly drawn by Naoyuki Kato, who is well known for his illustration works for the Japanese covers of Robert A. Heinlein's Sci-Fi novel Starship Troopers, featuring the powered armor exoskeletons which were believed to inspire the mobile suits in the Mobile Suit Gundam series later. The price for the 31.3cm kit is 5,040 yen (about US$49.67).



Arcadia Third Ship by Hasegawa released in November 2012


Source: Game Watch


© Leiji Matsumoto/Toei Animation

05 Feb 16:28

Fist of the North Star Joins J-Stars Victory Vs. Game

Kenshirō & Raoh are playable characters in March 19 PS3/Vita game
04 Feb 12:58

Cartoon Networks Pulls Teenage "Powerpuff Girls" Comic Cover Following Criticism

by Scott Green

At the end of last month, following Cartoon Network withdraw plans to release a variant cover for IDW Publishing’s The Powerpuff Girls #6 comic following a retailer's criticism that the illustration by Mimi Yoon, depicting Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup as teenagers, overly sexualized the young protagonists.



Dirk Wood, IDW’s vice president of marketing, explained the cover was actually “mandated” by Cartoon Network, using an artist of its choosing. “I think they were thinking of it more along the lines of ‘female empowerment’ than the kind of thing you guys are talking about,” he wrote in the lengthy comments thread, “but certainly, we’re sensitive to the issues here.”


Cartoon Network's licensing division intended to be released as a “collectible item”, but changed their position, saying "we recognize some fans’ reaction to the cover and, as such, will no longer be releasing it at comic book shops.”


Yoon responsed Facebook page:



my objective was to illustrate modern, pop cultured, SASSY (not sexy), and humanized Powerpuff Girls who have just beaten the crime lord and have him on the ground. yes, the girls are wearing latex costumes… SO?!?!?! don’t all superpowered heroes wear latex?

unfortunately, the comic book will never make it to the stores… yes, i’m truely disappointed… because a perverted mind decided to see in this image what his dirty mind has conjured up, and barked loud enough. worse, he brought up kids and used protecting kids and kids’ perspective in his reasoning/excuse. does he think kids are dumber than him?


Dennis L. Barger Jr, the retailer at the center of the controversy, who prompted Cartoon Network response with comments like “Are we seriously sexualizing pre-teen girls like perverted writing fan fiction writers on the internet?” further explained his position in an open letter.



Yoon also has a cover for cover for BOOM! Studios’ Adventure Time  comic in the pipeline


via Robot6


Scott Green is editor and reporter for anime and manga at geek entertainment site Ain't It Cool News. Follow him on Twitter at @aicnanime.

31 Jan 14:52

REPORT: Ethnic Diversity On The 2013 Sunday Morning Talk Shows

White guests greatly outnumbered all other guests on the broadcast and CNN Sunday morning talk shows in 2013. Melissa Harris-Perry continued to be the most ethnically diverse program.

Throughout 2013, Media Matters has analyzed guest appearances on ABC's This Week with George Stephanopoulos, CBS' Face the Nation with Bob Schieffer, Fox Broadcasting Co.'s Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace, NBC's Meet the Press with David Gregory, CNN's State of the Union with Candy Crowley, and MSNBC's Up with Steve Kornacki and Melissa Harris-Perry, political talk shows that often set the media and political agenda. Media Matters has previously released analyses of the firstsecond, and third quarters of the year and an overview analysis of the whole year.

This report examines the ethnicity of guests in a more detailed manner.

Whites Dominated Guest Lists On Broadcast And CNN In 2013

More Than Seven In Ten Guests On Broadcast, CNN Were White. The four broadcast Sunday shows hosted white people 84 percent of the time, and CNN hosted whites 73 percent of the time. 

Increased Ethnic Diversity Reversed Course In Fourth Quarter Of 2013. During the first three quarters of 2013, all seven Sunday shows demonstrated increased diversity among guests in this measure -- CNN particularly so, with a drop from an 83 percent white majority in the first quarter to a 64 percent white majority in the third quarter. But that trend reversed in the last three months of the year, with broadcast, CNN, and MSNBC (slightly) showing a decrease in ethnic diversity: broadcast returned to its high of an 85 percent white majority, CNN had a 75 percent white majority, and MSNBC had its highest white majority in the fourth quarter at 58 percent of all guests.

White Men Were By Far The Largest Group Represented On Broadcast, CNN. While only 31 percent of Americans are white men, the group constituted 64 percent of guests on broadcast and 54 percent on CNN. MSNBC was the only network to host white men closer to their proportion in the general population -- 34 percent of guests on MSNBC were white men.

Proportion Of White Men Increased After Downward Trend Earlier In 2013. The proportion of white men on CNN decreased dramatically between the first and second quarters of the year, but the number of white men has increased slightly since, with the group representing 54 percent of all guests in the fourth quarter on CNN. The proportions of white men on broadcast and MSNBC reached their highest in the fourth quarter -- 67 percent of guests on broadcast and 38 percent of guests on MSNBC were white men.

Melissa Harris-Perry Continued To Be The Most Ethnically Diverse Sunday Show. With only 44 percent of white guests, Melissa Harris-Perry was the only program to have a combined majority of Africa-American, Asian-American, Latino, and Middle Eastern guests, totaling 56 percent of all guests. All other shows had a significant majority of white guests; broadcast was particularly egregious, with all four shows hosting white guests at least 80 percent of the time.

Melissa Harris-Perry Was The Only Show To Give Non-White Guests A Majority Of Solo Interview Time.Melissa Harris-Perry devoted 61 percent of its solo interview time to non-white guests, leaving the show in stark contrast with all other Sunday programs. At least 72 percent of one-on-one interview time on broadcast and CNN went to white guests, with Face the Nation and Fox News Sunday being the worst in this measure --86 percent of their solo interview time went to white guests. Up did not conduct enough solo interviews in the period studied to be included in this chart.

Melissa Harris-Perry and Up Were The Only Shows To Host A Majority Of Guests Other Than White Men. Both MSNBC programs hosted white men at much lower rates than their broadcast and CNN counterparts, with only 27 of guests on Melissa Harris-Perry and 42 percent on Up being white men. On broadcast, all four shows hosted white men at least 60 percent of the time. CNN trailed closely with 54 percent of guests being white men.


We reviewed every edition of ABC's This Week with George Stephanopoulos, CBS' Face The Nation with Bob Schieffer, NBC's Meet The Press with David Gregory, Fox Broadcasting Co.'s Fox News Sunday, CNN's State of the Union with Candy Crowley, and the Sunday editions of MSNBC's Up with Steve Kornacki (previously Up with Chris Hayes prior to April 13, 2013) and Melissa Harris-Perry during 2013. Guest appearances for all seven programs were coded for gender and ethnicity. Not all percentages add up to 100 due to rounding.

Charts by Oliver Willis and Ben Dimiero. Hannah Groch-Begley contributed research to this report.

30 Jan 21:28

Katsuhiro Otomo's Short Peace Project Gets U.S. Release on PS3

4 anime shorts, 1 action game to get release on PSN this spring
30 Jan 17:40

“What’s That Smell?”

by gooberzilla


Lace up your boots, because No Holds Barred is the Greatest Movie EVER!

Click on the movie poster or the title above to download our review of the film, featuring Daryl Surat of AnimeWorldOrder and Ryan Williams of the One Nerd’s Opinion Video Show.

Review in a Nutshell: A vanity piece designed to prop up the film career of Hulk Hogan, No Holds Barred features weird tonal shifts, bizarre editing choices, and a career-making performance by Tom “Tiny” Lister as the villainous wrestler, Zeus. It’s the kind of film that needs to be seen to be believed.

This movie contains:


Scary Face.


Scary Face.

