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17 Dec 17:09

Mega Man Board Game Kickstarter Launches, Gets Fully Funded

by james_fudge

After only a day of being live, a Kickstarter campaign for a Mega Man Board game has managed to get fully funded. The board game, which secured an official license from Capcom, has raised $167,796 from 1,369 backers - well over its initial goal of $70,000. The campaign has 37 more days left, so expect a lot of stretch goals to be added.

Texas-based board game company Jasco Games initially ran the Kickstarter to make the board game a lot better:

read more

17 Dec 16:40

americanninjax: Waaaaaaaaagh Fabien Mense has a tumblr!...


Waaaaaaaaagh Fabien Mense has a tumblr! waaaaaaaaagh!


17 Dec 16:39

HAHA! They announced it, finally! I was incredibly fortunate to...



HAHA! They announced it, finally! I was incredibly fortunate to be asked to draw a short Avatar: The Last Airbender comic (10 pages) for Dark Horse’s Free Comic Book Day offerings! Being a giant ATLA nerd, I was BEYOND thrilled to contribute to that world in a small way. The story is written by one of my favourite comic people, Gene Yang, and will be available in May on Free Comic Book Day.

Above is the final cover, coloured by Cris Peter, who also coloured The Adventures of Superhero Girl, along with pencils, inks and thumbnails for the process junkies. I was drawing the cover before the story was nailed down, so I was told to draw “something exciting with Sokka & Suki, something action-y.” haha, okay.

So happy I go to do this! *_*

17 Dec 16:32

Bug Catching is Easy

by Steve Napierski
Bug Catching is Easy

Sometimes you just have to be a little more careful than you think you will need to be in games like Animal Crossing: New Leaf.

So what was the very first sneaking around video game anyway? It was Metal Gear for the Nintendo Entertainment System, right? When I think about sneaking around, I think about Super Mario 64 for the Nintendo 64. I remember doing an awful lot of tiptoeing around a lot in that game.

Can you think of some other good sneaky video games?

source: Pucca Draws
17 Dec 16:24

tdylan: ”Blade Runner” concept art by Syd Mead my god Just...


”Blade Runner” concept art by Syd Mead

my god

Just think, he drew all that without google image search for reference.

17 Dec 16:20

Autoblocks by MEKAZOO is available at Redbubble

Autoblocks by MEKAZOO is available at Redbubble

17 Dec 16:19

A Link Between Triforces by Drew Wise is available at Redbubble

17 Dec 16:19

Pocket Link by Harebrained is available at Redbubble

Pocket Link by Harebrained is available at Redbubble

17 Dec 15:59

Merry Christmas, From the Fangirls

by Susana Polo

Christmas isn’t just a special time for the Doctor Who fandom, but for lots of fandoms. Yes, even that one. Featuring a guest appearance by Fangirls creator, Leigh Lahav.

Previously in Fangirls

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17 Dec 14:38

Just how big of a hit was ‘Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Historia’?

by Kevin Melrose

Just how big of a hit was ‘Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Historia’?

We already knew Dark Horse’s video game art book The Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Historia was a pretty big deal. After all, it debuted in late January at the top of the Nielsen BookScan, Wall Street Journal and New York Times bestseller lists, making it clearly the No. 1 book in America that week. In [...]
17 Dec 14:36

Our Mutual Experience Gap b/w Feeling Bad About Feeling Mad

by david brothers

There’s a Village Voice piece on R Kelly going around. Voice writer Jessica Hopper interviews Jim DeRogatis, a journalist who helped break the story of R Kelly being a sexual predator years ago. It’s a good read, very thorough and timely, and it looks like it’s getting the reaction the writer (presumably) hoped for: people are reading and talking about it. Which is good.

I’ve been watching it spread over Twitter since I first saw a link this morning. My black friends have met it with a “yep :/” or whatever whatever, acknowledgement that it’s real, true, and that they’ve been known that fact. My non-black friends and followers, though, are coming with surprise, shock, “I can’t believe it,” that kind of thing.

The reactions from non-blacks tend toward the sympathetic and horrified almost universally, which is entirely appropriate and (for lack of a better word,) welcome, but—and you’ll have to pardon me if this is too flowery, but I’m trying to choose my words very carefully—the reactions feel like what happens when someone is initially dragged from ignorance toward knowledge. That combo of shock and acceptance, horror and belief…

I remember when the George Zimmerman thing happened, and myself and several other black people spoke out like, “Hey, this is real life, this happens all the time, our mothers constantly live in fear.” The reaction from black folks, men and women, then was “Right on, I’ve been there, keep your head up, stay safe.” A lot of us had shared stories or tips, too, like driving to a well-lit area when you’re being pulled over because you should never be alone with a cop. From non-blacks? “Holy crap are you for real? You have to live with this? I’m so sorry, I had no idea,” and so on.

I can’t fault somebody for not knowing, and I try to avoid treating people who don’t know the things I know differently. There’s a lot I don’t know, and there are some things I definitely should know that I don’t. Learning is part of being alive, possibly the best part of being alive. I think it’s important to educate, to put people up on game, before you condemn them for not having had the privilege—no matter how painful or ugly—of knowing what you do.

And part of me knows this is unfair, but the other part of me just watched a group of black women take part in a wide-ranging Twitter conversation on R Kelly with first-person accounts not two weeks ago. The other part of me knew about him messing with girls in the ’90s, despite living in Virginia and Georgia, away from the girls he preyed on. The other part of me has a mom who told him how to stay safe when dealing with the police before he was a teenager. The other part of me knows men who got beaten up, stabbed, and kidnapped for garbage reasons. The other part of me spent forever pulling teeth to write about race and comics and watched white people eat while I got stuck with the beef. That part of me says “Fuck fair.”

There is a gap, a gulf, between us. Between me and you, between black and white, between Latino and Japanese, between everyone. Every time one of those “This is what racism is” things roll down tumblr, and it’s somebody getting dragged behind a truck or beaten up on account of their skin or left in poverty because it’s economically convenient, I want to roll my eyes, which is a terrible reaction to sympathy. But I have that reaction because sure, this over-the-top and horrible example is racism, and that’s bad! But so is you calling your butt a “ghetto booty,” so is what motivates that dude at parties (literally every party I’ve been to with strangers as an adult) asking me stupid questions about my hair, like if I can store things in my afro. Racism is the Klan, but racism is in us, too. Racism is a lot of things. It’s the death of a thousand minor humiliations.

There is a difference between my experience and yours, is what I’m getting at. I don’t know the fullness of your experience, and you don’t know mine. I figure if you aren’t in it, you aren’t in it, so it’s unfair of me to expect you to know. I know that intellectually, as someone who makes a little bit of money spitting words for profit on occasion. But it still sucks to see your reality treated as a source of surprise. “It’s like that?” hurts when it’s been like that, when it’s never not been like that.

The gap in our experiences is real and the reasons for the gap are complicated. Sometimes it’s down to happenstance. Sometimes it’s thanks to the white supremacist standards that this country was founded on and which still infests a significant part of it today. “Black” news is special interest news. “White” news is the punchline to a joke. There’s a reason for that. And for situations like this, where R Kelly raped a lot of girls or a lot of boys live in fear of the police, that’s painfully relevant. The girls and boys are black, which makes it a “black problem.”

Knowledge is key and spreading that knowledge is vital. But at the same time, it’s draining to see people demonstrating their ignorance of something that is very plain to you, something you took for granted as being a capital T Truth, something you’ve lived with so long you can’t imagine life without that weight on your back. So you feel triple-bad. You’re frustrated at the situation and the country that let it happen due to malicious negligence, you’re frustrated at your friends for not realizing how much it matters to you, and you’re frustrated at yourself for being frustrated at your fam for matters beyond their control.

Y’all really shoulda known about him and Aaliyah, though. That’s on wikipedia.Similar Posts:

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17 Dec 14:32

Joseph Gordon-Levitt, David S. Goyer and a guy named Gaiman are making a Sandman movie

by Heidi MacDonald


Oi vey! My heart! Gotta sit down. The long, long LOOOOOOONG rumored Sandman movie is underway yet again, this time with Joseph Gordon-Levitt set to produce. Deadline had the details but JGL tweeted his involvement:

Ladies and gentlemen, I'm incredibly honored to be working with David Goyer, Warner Bros, and @neilhimself on SANDMAN. #Prelude

— Joseph Gordon-Levitt (@hitRECordJoe) December 17, 2013

Just to clarify, folks. I've signed on as a producer on Sandman. The rest remains to be seen. Delighted you guys are excited. I am too!

— Joseph Gordon-Levitt (@hitRECordJoe) December 17, 2013

The little #prelude hashtag indicates this would adapt “Preludes and Nocturnes” the first Sandman volume, a rather straightforward (by the series’ standards) tale of Morpheus battling an evil modern occultist.

Goyer, a Hollywood/Comic book workhorse who co-plotted the Batman series and Man of Steel among may other things, has been working on a Sandman treatment for a while. Creator Neil Gaiman has also written a script, although where that fits in with the many stops and starts for this beloved story is anyone’s guess. Directors James Mangold and Eric Kripke has previously taken a crack at it, at one point Roger Avary was going to direct it, and once a writer named William Farmer turned in a version that Gaiman called “one of the worst scripts I’ve ever seen.” (If you are able to decipher Moriarty/Drew McWeeny’s feverish As I Lay Dying account, more details of that version are here.)

The current deal will see Gordon-Levitt producing, and most probably starring and directing. Badass Digest had this story a few weeks ago, with more purported detail:

Trusted sources tell me that David Goyer has pitched Warner Bros a take on Sandman, Neil Gaiman’s career-defining comic, and the studio has been very receptive. Geoff Johns, DC’s Hollywood man, is very behind Goyer’s version. And what’s more, Joseph Gordon-Levitt is involved, almost certainly intending to play Morpheus, the lead character. Levitt’s gonna deny this, just like he’s denied a lot of other stuff that was true, by the way. 

Gordon-Levitt’s Don Jon, which he directed and starred in, opened to good reviews and tepid box office earlier this year. To say taking on Sandman would be a giant step up would be the understatement of the year.

Gaiman has yet to comment, but he did retweet JGL’s tweets above, so that constitutes some approval.

Sandman and Watchmen are K2 and Annapurna of comics/movies adaptations, with years of development stops and starts as the howling gusts of fan expectations and studio misunderstandings blow potential teams right off the face of the mountains. Watchmen eventually got made with incredible scrutiny and mixed results. I think even in the four years since Zack Snyder’s Watchmen came out, fan/audiences/studios are a bit more relaxed about comic book movies, since one comes out every five minutes and they tend to make money WHEN PROPERLY MADE, as Marvel has shown. Gordon-Levitt is an immensely talented performer who would certainly bring a great physicality to the brooding Morpheus, and WB wants to get him locked down to something so…we’ll see. It all depends on the script. Just like always.

17 Dec 14:31

Obligatory annual reblog of Santa Tuxedo Kamen :3

Obligatory annual reblog of Santa Tuxedo Kamen :3

17 Dec 14:30

Sawako <3


For Shad to get a taste of what is so hilarious and good about Kimi ni Todoke.


16 Dec 21:49

I Just Remembered

by Steve Napierski
I Just Remembered

There are two types of video games you will never find me playing again: MMORPGs and Animal Crossing titles. MMORPGs, because the lack of a finite end and my potentially addictive personally are not a good combination. And Animal Crossing titles, because I cannot deal with the guilt. I was not raised Catholic, but I truly understand the meaning of Catholic guilt after playing those titles. I actually mentioned it with another comic back in June. Just don’t think I can handle that kind of torture again…

16 Dec 21:41

John Doesn’t Care How—He Wants to Know Why. First Trailer for Sherlock’s Season 3!

by Stubby the Rocket

I couldn't help it, I had to watch it.

Sherlock series 3 trailer

The first full trailer for Sherlock's series three is here, and not only are we jumping out of our skins just to hear John and Sherlock's voices again, but it looks as though our favorite detective might be in for a bit of a rude awakening when he return to the land of the living...

[It's been two years...]

We won't keep you in suspense any longer. Watch!

John doesn't sound too impressed to learn how Sherlock managed his swan dive. And it would appear that Sherlock himself expected to return and find everything just as he left it. Mycroft is so very happy to inform him that, no, that's not how it works. Ouch. This is just gonna get worse, isn't it?

16 Dec 21:35

Disney’s Next Animated Feature is Moana, A Mythical Sea Voyage

by Stubby the Rocket

Disney, Moana art

Disney's latest venture is set for release in 2018, titled Moana. Said to be the adventures of the eponymous character, Moana is a chief's only daughter from a long line of navigators. Her adventure will take place on the high seas in the South Pacific, set 2000 years ago, and will likely have mythic underpinnings.

It is being directed by John Musker and Ron Clement (Aladdin, The Princess and the Frog), and is said to have the same animation style as the praised animated short, Paperman. Are you excited for this one, or skeptical until you see more?

News via io9.

16 Dec 21:26

20 Rare Pieces of Animation Art You Can Buy at Auction This Week

by Amid Amidi

For the past year, media outlets have been reporting that the animation art market is making a comeback, marking a turnaround from a decade of depressed prices. With the year drawing to a close, we can now confirm that the reports are true, and 2013 will go down as a banner year for animation art.

The market continued to pick up steam throughout the year. Auction house Heritage hosted its first-ever auction devoted solely to animation art last February, and followed with a second auction last month that netted $1.3+ million. Profiles in History, which has been doing animation-specific auctions since 2011, ran an animation auction last July, and their second auction this year will take place later this week. Other major auction houses like Bonhams are also testing the waters with animation art, and animation art conserver S/R Laboratories had an auction of its own last October. Meanwhile, veteran animation art dealer Howard Lowery hosts near-weekly online auctions on his website. (Disclosure: Bonhams, Heritage and Profiles in History are Cartoon Brew sponsors.)

What is remarkable about this surge in animation art sales is the sheer amount of quality work that has become available. Every auction I’ve seen this year has had appealing and rare items in it. The consistently high quality can be attributed to a variety of factors. For starters, many collectors had been holding on to their best pieces for years waiting for a good opportunity to put them back onto the market. Secondly, many Golden Age animation artists have passed away in the past decade, and the families of those artists are consigning personal collections that have never been available before. The bottomline is that it’s a really exciting time if you collect animation art. I’m not much of a collector myself, but even I haven’t been able to resist picking up a few pieces this year, and I might add, at affordable prices, too.

The upcoming Profiles in History animation auction will take place this Friday, December 20. To view the artwork, bid online, or register for the live-action, visit their website. Below is a gallery of just a few of the nearly 600 pieces that will go on the auction block this week:

1924 publicity photo of Dinky Doodle with Walter Lantz and original artwork. Production drawing by Ub Iwerks from the 1928 Mickey Mouse short Plane Crazy. Model drawing from the 1935 MGM short The Chinese Nightingale. Production background from a 1940s Columbia Screen Gems short. Production layout drawing from Tex Avery's Dumb-Hounded.. Background concept painting from Pinocchio. Concept drawing from Fantasia by Sylvia Holland. Concept painting for live-action sequences of Song of the South. Pastel concept art from Melody Time's "Once Upon a Wintertime" sequence. Mary Blair concept painting of the "Indian Village" from Peter Pan. Concept painting from Working for Peanuts by Eyvind Earle. Production cel and background from the 1954 3-D Casper short Boo Moon. Color keys from Pigs is Pigs by Eyvind Earle. Production cel and background from animated sequence of the 1956 MGM feature Invitation to the Dance. Concept painting from Sleeping Beauty by Eyvind Earle. Pan production background from a 1960s Speedy Gonzales theatrical short. Production cel and background from The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show. Production cel of the Vultures from The Jungle Book. Presentation art for Ralph Bakshi's Wizards. Production storyboard drawing from Disney's The Black Cauldron.
16 Dec 19:40

To his friend while looking at DANGER GIRL comics...


16 Dec 19:38

Paul Dini: Superhero cartoon execs don't want largely female audiences

by Lauren Davis

Paul Dini: Superhero cartoon execs don't want largely female audiences

In an interview with Kevin Smith, writer and television producer Paul Dini complained about a worrying trend he sees in television animation and superhero shows in particular: executives spurning female viewers because they believe girls and women don't buy the shows' toys.


16 Dec 19:18

Elsa and her ice palace - Frozen Visual Development and Final...

Elsa and her ice palace - Frozen Visual Development and Final Frames

16 Dec 19:15

The Best Comic Books of 2013, Part Five

by CA Staff

The last twelve months offered comic book readers a wide variety of work ranging from the most crowd-pleasing superhero epics to the most idiosyncratic of indies, and the return of old favorites to the emergence of exciting new talent. It was a busy and productive year for the industry, and one we’re pleased to celebrate with what we’re certain will be an uncontroversial, unenumerated list of awards that will prompt only resounding agreement and unbroken fellowship amongst our readers in the comments below. Welcome to part five of ComicsAlliance’s Best Comic Books of 2013.

Continue reading…

16 Dec 17:21

The Big Friend by kharmazero is $11 today only (12/16)...

The Big Friend by kharmazero is $11 today only (12/16) at TeeFury

16 Dec 16:00

kuroneko003: Poor Hayate


Poor Hayate

16 Dec 15:02

This Lego custom is the Bob-omb... battlefield

by Scarecroodle

Super Mario 64 was a revolutionary change for Nintendo's Mario series,  bringing the 2D platformer into glorious, clunky 3D. Matt De Lanoy (Pepa Quin) has honored that legacy with an amazing Lego sculpture of the Bob-omb Battlefield that's every bit the piece of art that was the first "painting" in the game's castle.

The Lego Bob-omb Battlefield is an abridged version of the game's, capturing the landscape's details while eliminating much of the empty space. King Bob-omb and other elements are removable allowing them to placed wherever on the field.

Check out additional images in the gallery.

[ via The Brothers Brick ]

This Lego custom is the Bob-omb... battlefield screenshot

16 Dec 14:53

A Heathers Musical Is Headed To Broadway Next Year

by Jill Pantozzi

Corn nuts! 

Surprisingly, this is the first I’ve heard of it. Which is weird, considering I was on top of that TV reboot Bravo was trying to do. Then didn’t. Thank god. But apparently, the Heathers musical has already been running for a while in Los Angeles.

“The musical stage adaptation of Michael Lehmann’s iconic 1988 dark comedy will get a limited engagement at New World Stages,” writes The Hollywood Reporter. “The announcement of the cross-country move comes as Heathers: The Musical wraps a sold-out engagement at the Hudson Backstage Theatre in Los Angeles.”

Normally I’d be wary of such a project but THR cites an impressive team behind it:

Book, music and lyrics for the stage adaptation are written by Tony nominee Laurence O’Keefe (Legally Blonde) and Emmy winner Kevin Murphy (Reefer Madness: The Movie MusicalDesperate Housewives). Andy Fickman (Reefer Madness) directs the production, with choreography by three-time Emmy winner Marguerite Derricks (Behind the CandelabraBunheads).

Previews will begin March 17 of next year with opening night set for March 31. Did anyone see this while it was in LA? I think this will definitely have to be a girls’ night for my NYC crew. After a round of croquet and a dinner of spaghetti with lots of oregano, of course.

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16 Dec 14:52

I’m Sorry, But You Can’t Actually Buy These Amazing Superhero Hoodies

by Rebecca Pahle

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But I’m feeling evil, so I’ve decided to show them to you anyway. Yes, these hoodies by deviantARTist seventhirtytwo are only concept designs, not actual products. Feel the pain.

(via: Fashionably Geek)

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16 Dec 14:48

blablabladg: Source: Mussum Fantastic princess tutu cosplay


Source: Mussum

Fantastic princess tutu cosplay

16 Dec 14:48

oh-glasgow: Wow. Such whisky. The Pot Still, Glasgow.


Wow. Such whisky.

The Pot Still, Glasgow.

16 Dec 14:20

Hyrule Airlines by Louis Roskosch is available at Society6

Hyrule Airlines by Louis Roskosch is available at Society6