Shared posts

26 Aug 20:41

"The website should essentially be about the negative effects of drugs, the dark side, you know, the..."

“The website should essentially be about the negative effects of drugs, the dark side, you know, the horrible truth of addiction and desperation. And, also; I want a picture of Gandalf on there somewhere.”
26 Aug 16:21

Disney Announces New Animated CG Pic “Zootopia”

by Amid Amidi

Yesterday at D23 expo, Walt Disney Animation Studios announced Zootopia (working title), a feature slated for 2016 that will be directed by Byron Howard (Bolt, Tangled) and written by Jared Bush (a writer on the TV series All of Us). The film’s set-up is standard buddy-cop comedy, in which a fox named Nick Wilde who is framed for a crime he didn’t commit teams up with rabbit cop Lt. Judy Hops. The twist is that the entire film is set in a world in which humans never existed (a la Pixar’s Cars) and animals have built everything. Entertainment Weekly elaborated on this conceit:

[Disney] also displayed concept images of Zootopia’s title city. “One of the key concepts is if you squint at any frame of film you might think you’re looking at an animal in a natural environment,” Howard said. He then showed a frame of a snow-covered Alpine mountain, which faded into an irregularly shaped white pyramid luxury hotel. Just like New York has Chinatown and Little Italy, Zootopia has distinct regional neighborhoods like Tundratown, Sahara Square, Little Rodenta (the bad part of town, populated by vermin), and Burrowborough, populated by millions of bunnies.

24 Aug 12:10

Urasawa, Schuiten and Peeters rappin’ about comics

by Heidi MacDonald

Ah to have been in the room for this! At the recent International Manga Fest in Tokyo, manga superstar Naoki Urasawa (Monster), and the Euro-comics masters Benoît Peeters and François Schuiten (Cities of the Fantastic) appeared at a talk together , and here’s a translation of a Japanese report on the event. It turns out all three are interested in the “international style”:

One decisive difference between BD and Japanese manga is time, Urasawa noted—namely, the amount of time spent on production. When Schuiten disclosed that one volume takes him two years to complete, Urasawa sighed: “The norm in Japan is having to complete twenty pages a week. I’m jealous of that manner of working!” 

Schuiten, however, took the opposite tack in his response: “I feel like I’ve spent my entire life just drawing Les Cités Obscures. Sometimes I wish I could have drawn faster.”

Peeters, who also been active as a manga critic, offered his take on the differences between the two artistic approaches: “Japanese manga series draw readers into their long stories. So the artist draws panels that get them to keep turning the pages. Conversely, in a BD, you draw the scene in such a way that the reader’s gaze remains focused upon a single panel for a long time.”

Even with all the language barriers, this must have been some chat up!

18 Aug 21:55

AmiAmi gets an English blog

by Scarecroodle

AmiAmi has announced that it now has an English blog. The prominent retailer, which has long had a Japanese blog, apparently launched an English-language version last week.

The announcement mentions that the company is sorting out some bugs and preparing some previews, but I imagine that it could eventually prove a valuable resource like its Japanese counterpart once the ball gets rolling. For now, it does appear to have its own Wonder Festival coverage and it seems like the blog will cover more than just collectibles.

In the mean-time, you can get to know the editors/administrators: Boke Nasu (who apparently likes deep-fried eggplant), PuruPi (who enjoys barbeque potato chips), and Disposable Villain (a fan of flamethrowers). AmiAmi blog team, we here at Tomopop wish for your success!

[ AmiAmi's English blog ]

AmiAmi gets an English blog screenshot

18 Aug 21:52

Custom Council of Elrond could be a real Lego set

by Emily Smalara

Around this time last year we saw an utterly amazing Rivendell in Lego form, though it was certainly the stuff of legends and not something you'd ever imagine picking up on a shelf. Enter Flickr user Paul, aka Disco86. Focusing on a much tinier part of the outpost, he's brought the famed Council of Elrond to gorgeously detailed life.

You won't find a character out of place in the scene, and both the architecture and plant life have been recreated with surprising detail. I'm loving the golden tree used and what seem to be vines creeping down the side. I've got to agree with one Flickr commenter as well that the roofing is amazing in its simplicity.

The best part, of course, is while the scene is certainly complex, it's compact and features one key moment from the saga, and you wouldn't think it remotely out of place if it were added to the existing Lord of the Rings sets. Paul didn't stop here either, with some truly great depictions of Shelob and a Nazgul, along with a few other scenes you'd do well to check out!

[via The Brothers Brick]

Custom Council of Elrond could be a real Lego set screenshot

18 Aug 21:51

Cancel the apocalypse with Jin Saotome's Gipsy Danger

by Andres Cerrato

Saying that I loved Pacific Rim is an understatement. As much as I loved that NECA made some highly-detailed toys of the Jaegers and Kajiu, I wasn't exactly thrilled with the range of movement in the joints. Per usual, Jin Saotome has taken on the Gipsy Danger and improved the figure in a multitude of ways and has done so for a great cause.

Starting today, Jin Saotome has listed his custom of NECA's Gipsy Danger on eBay, with 100% of the proceeds benefiting the Special Olympics of Southern California. The improved Gipsy Danger features a number of improvements. First and foremost, the figure has been given a a much-needed better range of movement in its elbow joints. This improvement allows it to do the above elbow rocket punch, complete with thruster effect parts. In addition, Jin has included additional parts not originally included with the 7" figure, namely the chain swords and alternate hand parts featuring the plasma caster.

Per usual, Jin's work is outstanding and I'd love to have it. Bidding on the figure has a current high of $152.50 and will conceivably grow higher. The auction ends on August 19th and remember, all of the proceeds will go to the Special Olympics of Southern California. 

[Custom Gipsy Danger Jaeger - eBay]

Cancel the apocalypse with Jin Saotome's Gipsy Danger screenshot

14 Aug 20:05

Screen Acres

by Steve Napierski
Screen Acres

A creepy stranger peering over your daughter’s seat asking her about marriage? Might not have acted as forcefully, but my dad reaction probably would have been similar.

source: Whomp!
14 Aug 14:13




So, @sasuraiger I showed the @Kawaiikochans book to a sweet Japanese coworker. She said, “it sounds like you”. WIN?



14 Aug 13:42

Return to Lost Woods

by Steve Napierski
Return to Lost Woods

In this image, scrolling is half the fun!

source: deviantART
14 Aug 13:22


by thingsthatareawful

Dear Prudence, 8 August 2013:

Dear Prudence, My girlfriend and I are having a disagreement. I posed to her the following hypothetical situation: Would you rescue from fire and certain destruction the last surviving copy on earth of the complete works of Shakespeare or a single puppy? My girlfriend says that she would rescue the puppy because the puppy is a fellow living being. She is highly educated and claims to have great respect for Shakespeare. But I think my girlfriend’s choice is the wrong one. I would rescue the Shakespeare, not just because of the aesthetic enjoyment we get from his work but also because of all the moral insight it provides us (including possibly the insight that enables the concept of animal rights in the first place). We’ve argued a lot about this. I cannot take her answer seriously, but I find it rather disturbing nonetheless. She never rejected the hypothetical question out of hand or said that the two things aren’t even comparable. She says that preserving a living conscious thing is more valuable than preserving Shakespeare. My girlfriend loves animals, especially her poodle, and is a die-hard vegetarian. I am, on the other hand, obsessed with Shakespeare and rather neutral toward animals. What is the best way for us to defuse this situation? — Fireman

Dear Fireman,

The best way to defuse this situation is … hold on, wait a minute, can we just sit with the idea that your girlfriend seriously believes that animal rights would exist on planet earth in the year 2013 without the specific aid and assistance of the literary works and personal genius of William Shakespeare, the most amazing and important human being ever to walk the earth, and to whom all living beings owe an unimaginable debt of gratitude?

I just.



I’m not sure something like this can be “defused,” knowing what you know about your girlfriend’s wholesale lack of character as a human being, discovered only through shrewd wordsmithery of your own, good sir. After all, in the extremely likely event that the two of you are uniquely positioned to save either the complete (and completely amazeballs!) works of William Shakespeare or some fucking mutt, you don’t want to be standing in a fiery building patiently explaining to this dolt what a grotesque embarrassment to rational thinking she is while the most important piece of literature in the known universe burns to a crisp.

Your girlfriend could have answered in any number of acceptable ways to your inquiry (which: what intellectual strength have you, my good friend!), including but not limited to: “Why, I would save the works of William Shakespeare, he who gives this wretched world meaning!” or “Whatever you think is best, Vast God Of Knowledge, Made Man.” Instead, she treated your question like some kind of silly hypothetical, and not the critical indicator of her value as a person that it obviously is.

If the fires of true love are ever to be kindled between two people, they must agree on absolutely everything and have no differences between them whatsoever, as Shakespeare himself taught us in works like Romeo and Juliet, The Taming Of The Shrew, A Midsummer Night’s Dream and Much Ado About Nothing, in which only ideologically identical people who live in perfect harmonious agreement from the very beginning of their relationships ever succeed in love.

13 Aug 15:57

Finally! A Breaking Bad Lego Set That You Can Actually Buy!

by Tatiana Danger

Finally! A Breaking Bad Lego Set That You Can Actually Buy!

They said it couldn't be done. Well, it happened. Sorta. For the rock bottom price of $250 this custom-made Breaking Bad Lego set could be yours! The set comes with over 500 bricks and three minifigs! It doesn't get much better than this super-cute Lego meth lab.


13 Aug 15:10

Pepsi Flavored Cheetos Hit Japan

by Scott Green

Ever the pioneers in snack food, the Land of the Rising Sun and the purple sweet potato flavored Kit Kat bar is now home to Pepsi flavor Cheetos. The Frito Lay Cheetos x Pepsi Shuwa Shuwa Cola Corn Snack are said to have a bit of a cinnamon taste, a lot of citrus and even a bit of a fizz.


Reviews aren't terribly positive, with comparisons flat soda and " lime Trix. Fried in acid."


Cheetos are product of Frito-Lay, a subsidiary of PepsiCo, but if the consumer reactions are any indications, Pepsi Cheetos might not be too likely to expand beyond Japan.



via Impulse Buy


Scott Green is editor and reporter for anime and manga at geek entertainment site Ain't It Cool News. Follow him on Twitter at @aicnanime.

12 Aug 20:49

drawingeisu: bobbyrubio: Pacific Rim Drifting  Happy Kaiju...



Pacific Rim Drifting 

Happy Kaiju Day!

Sorry Bobby, I just saw this and had this idea and just had to draw it.


12 Aug 20:44

You're doing it wrong...


12 Aug 20:23

Attack on Titan Spawns Another Series in Shōnen Sirius Magazine

"Another story" to begin on August 26
12 Aug 20:22

Tamayura/Kaleido Star's Sato Makes Zetsumetsu Kigu Shōjo Amazing Twins Anime

anohana writer Okada, Disgaea designer Harada work on Sailor Moon helmer's 1st original action title in 10 years
12 Aug 20:21

Nisekoi, Ore Monogatari!! Get Crossover Shōnen/Shōjo Manga


Wow this is really interesting, have they ever done something like this before?

2-chapter special to include "girls side," "boys side"
12 Aug 20:16

Broken Blade Fantasy Robot Manga Has New Anime in the Works

2nd adaptation of Yunosuke Yoshinaga's manga after 2010-11 6-part film series
12 Aug 16:02

I Didn't Spend $150 To Be Told I Can't Harass And Abuse My Coworkers With My Car

by thingsthatareawful

Ask A Manager, 9 August 2013:

I recently broke up with my girlfriend and to retaliate, I put a sticker across the front windshield of my truck that says “Lift it! Fat girls can’t jump.” (My truck is raised or “lifted” really high. You have to climb up to get in. The sticker makes fun of fat girls not able to get in my truck.) It was funny to me and my friends. I drive the truck to work every day, and about the end of the first week, my manager came and asked me about it. I explained and he asked if I would take it off since some people had told him they found it offensive and embarrassing. I said I would park at the end of the lot and face it away from building. He came back next day and asked again if I would remove it. I said I would cover it up when coming on the property. The next week, HR approached me and reminded me of the anti-harassment policy. I am holding my ground on offering to cover it up but not removing it. I spent $150! I am waiting on what will be decided but what do you think I can expect?

Dear The Fuckin’ Funniest Fuckin Badass Brodog To Ever Walk This Sweet Fuckin’ Earth That Is Crawlin With Bitch-Ass Snizzatch,

Yo, what about the fact that fat women are harassing you, bro, by denying you their gross fat bodies which are totally gross when they are not willingly being offered to you and your delicate fucking sensibilities?

Has your manager considered that little detail of this fucked up life we live, which is a bitch until we die? It’s not your job not to offend people man, your job is to make them think about their fucked up world for like two seconds, and if they can’t handle the truth you spit, then you just ask your sweet fuckin’ self: what would Dane Fucking Cook do? Moreover, what would THE DICEMAN DO? Would these seminal American humorists just bow to the weak-ass whims of some fucking “anti-harassment” policy that gets its lacy-ass panties in a wad over the greatest car decor ever sold at a Spencer’s Gifts?

No they fucking would not.

Here’s the way this fucked up cookie crumbles, dude: you tell your self-fucking-righteous manager that if he doesn’t like your fucking American right of self-expression which is in the fucking Declaration of Goddamned Independence, you are gonna tell everyone at the fucking Uncle Kracker concert this weekend to egg his stupid house. 

You didn’t spend $150 damn dollars to be silenced by a bunch of fucking politically correct buttsharts tryin to harsh your buzz over the hilarious visual of thousands upon thousands of fat women trying desperately to … man, you know what, I’m not even gonna write that out because if Larry the motherfucking Cable Guy gets ahold of this premise without permission, you could lose out on like easily hundreds of more greenbacks.

Go with the fucking flow man. Your boss is a total tipshank if he doesn’t show you the respect you deserve for trying to make someone who doesn’t want to go out with you any more feel sad because of a sticker on your car windshield.

12 Aug 15:52

Someone Made a Sci-Fi Version of The Room, Starring Christian Slater: Stranded

by Ryan Britt

There was a long and winding line last Friday at the AMC Empire in Times Square for the 8:35 showing of The Wolverine. It nearly obscured the entrance to the 7:35 showing of Stranded, a new science fiction thriller starring Christian Slater.

It came out last Friday, and a lot of people don’t know that!

When I walked into the theatre all the lights were still on as the previews were playing. The only other person in the theatre—a grumpy looking man with a cane—got up and told an attendant to turn off the lights. Did anyone know this movie was out? Is it possible I’m the only one who has seen it?

[A review of Stranded]

Stranded opens by desperately trying to ape the simplicity of Alien. Text on the screen tells us that we’re looking at Moonbase Ark, a plain old mining facility. Moonbase Ark is made up of small plastic boxes with blinking red lights on them, all hanging out in some grey dust. For those of us who love science fiction films which use real models instead of CGI, this movie will remind you how crappy models can look, too. Remember “sweding”? That adorable notion of making a movie with whatever happens to be lying around? The moonbase looks sweded.

Suddenly, an alarm goes off on Moonbase Ark; there’s a meteor shower! A bunch of ventilation systems get screwed up and Christian Slater starts freaking out and flipping switches. The base is suddenly a cacophony of people saying accusatory things directed at everyone and no one. Why weren’t we warned? How come nobody told us about the meteor shower? Why are you still sleeping? Where have you been? It’s a crash course in Bad Dialogue 101—the kind that assumes that if people are arguing about anything then BOOM, you’ve got conflict. Someone actually tells someone else to “shake a leg.”

Soon, it becomes necessary for Christian Slater to send a nice woman named Cameron (in the only working spacesuit) to fix the ventilation or something. We’ve also learned communication has been cut off which prompts someone named Johns to say: “Now we really are Stranded!” Yeah. That happened. When it did, the friend who had accompanied me to the screening and I laughed out loud.

Carbon dioxide is a big problem in this movie. Because of CO2 poisoining, all the crew might be going crazy. The doctor tells us to watch out for this, and to be careful about hallucinations. At this point the movie really starts to emulate Tommy Wiseau’s confounding cult classic The Room. People say and do things with no logical reaction from their friends/co-workers. Cameron is now referred to as Ava, and sometimes later as Eva. Sure, maybe her name is Eva Ava Cameron, or Cameron Eva Ava, whatever. But it’s not explained. She brings back a tiny meteor with her after fixing the vent, which doesn’t actually seem to be fixed, because there’s still the CO2 problem. She tells Christian Slater that the meteor has “some kind of spore on it.” He does not react. At all.

Time passes, and she mentions again that there’s this spore, but this time Christian Slater freaks out and tells them to go lock up the meteor! Ava and the Doctor want to study it, which prompts Christian Slater to shake his head and say “scientists!” Now, mind you, at this point, these people are running out of air, and have minimal power. But Slater has a time for a good-old anti-science dig.

Running water doesn’t seem to be a problem though, since Eva/Ava/Cameron can take a regular shower. Then she and the doctor totally have time to do some lab work on the spore. (CO2 poisoning is so leisurely!) If you think the scientists in Prometheus were bad news, let me introduce you to the Keystone Cops of fake scientists. While putting a sample of the spore in a small centrifuge, Eva cuts her finger on the glass. SHE TELLS NO ONE. The plot makes her hide her cut, furtively and secretively, as if she were in league with the screenwriters. My friend departed after that, chuckling under his breath about going to sneak into The Wolverine.

We know where this is going. Ava suddenly becomes pregnant with something and the doctor assures everyone it’s not space-spore related, but probably just an enlarged cyst. Christian Slater demands to lock her up and put everyone in quarantine who has even like thought about the space spore. There’s a fun scene where upon seeing Ava space-pregnant, Christian Slater yells “OUTSIDE IN THE HALL!” to the doctor in order to bitch him out about protocol.

At this point, you need to know about Drunk Guy. He’s the one who said, “Now we’re really Stranded!” I think is named Bruce Johns. He drinks a lot and is in some ways the main character. He kind of looks like a cross between Anthony Michael Hall circa Weird Science and Leoben the Cylon. He’s really paranoid, and the doctor is constantly rolling his eyes at this guy. Like...get real, man.

Soon, Ava gives birth to a straight-up Gollum baby and it proceeds to bite the leg of Drunk Guy. When this happens, Drunk Guy exclaims: “something bit me!” to which the doctor responds: “it was probably just glass.” The scene is really dark, so probably nobody else saw Gollum baby escape out of Eva after it birthed itself, the audience assumes. In the movie, the CO2 poisoning is used as an excuse and the doctor and Christian Slater accuse Eva and Drunk Guy of hallucinating. Which is weird because she has very obviously given birth to something. Blood is everywhere.

You’d think this would mean the doctor was actually hiding the obvious, just like how Ash in Alien actually wanted all the bad stuff to happen. Maybe this doctor wants this thing to get born because he’s on a secret evil mission? This is not the case. He just kind of rolls his eyes again and Christian Slater is like “EVERYONE IS ON LOCKDOWN” even though there are only four people and they pretty much go wherever they want.

Soon, we see that the Gollum baby grows into a clone of Drunk Guy, which we will now call Drunk Baby, thanks to the bite.

Two sets of teenagers then wandered into the theatre, presumably looking for a place to make out on their double date.

Here’s what I think happened (in the movie): Ava somehow develops a telepathic link with Drunk Baby. Drunk Guy is killed by Drunk Baby. The doctor dies in an airlock for seemingly no reason and eventually, after Christian Slater points a ray guy that looks like an electric razor at some people, both Ava and he escape to Earth. But so does the Drunk Baby! In fact, the last shot of the movie is it waking up in a warehouse, having now evolved into something with a gross Predator-like mouth.

I did sit through the whole movie, and even waited until the end of the credits (no post-credits sequence!) but the teenagers in the theatre with me didn’t make it. I’m sure someone will see this movie on late-night cable at some point, but I’m confident, that at this point I’m the only one who has seen it, in its entirety, in a movie theatre. I may have dreamed it.

Which is too bad, because the inexplicable badness of Stranded makes me wonder if it couldn’t become a cult-kitsch hit, just like The Room. I can picture scores of hip folks laughing at lines like “we’ve got to fix that solar panel!” Movies are just entertainment, right? And if that’s true, then I have to admit that I laughed at Stranded. A LOT.

Ryan Britt is a longtime contributor to

06 Aug 18:23

Hugh Laurie And Stephen Colbert Read A List Of Words You CAN Say On Comedy Central

by Rich Johnston

From last night’s Colbert Report – if you can’t see it, go here. It’s not so much “seven words you can’t say on television” and more “seven things you can say on basic cable”, as read out to classical music by Hugh Laurie and Stephen Colbert.

But remember, circle-jerk is fine, jerk-off is not…

Hugh Laurie And Stephen Colbert Read A List Of Words You CAN Say On Comedy Central

06 Aug 16:16

Attack on Titan Gets 3DS Game from Spike Chunsoft in 2013

More details to come next month
06 Aug 15:21

FEATURE: Pretty Store in Tokyo "Dokidoki! PreCure" ver.

by Mikikazu Komatsu

So pink it nearly blinded me.

Toei Animation's long running PreCure/Pretty Cure is no doubt one of the most successful TV anime series in Japan today. Thanks to the great popularity, the series opened its own official permanent character goods store named "PreCure Pretty Store" at the Tokyo Character Street in the JR Tokyo station in July 2011 and it has become the hottest place in the street. The visitors can find almost every items for kids related to each year's PreCure characters. Now the store is featuring the latest series Dokidoki! PreCure which has been broadcasted in Japan since February this year. Let's find your favorite Dokidoki! character's goods!


Past reports

FEATURE: PreCure Pretty Store in Tokyo Photo Report (featuring 2011-2012 series Suite PreCure♪)

FEATURE: Newest PreCure Photo Session in Tokyo Station (featuring 2012-2013 series Smile PreCure!)


*all of the photos were taken by the writer Mikikazu Komatsu with the store's permission


PreCure Allstars poster


Cure Heart character panel


Cure Diamond charcter panel


Sharuru and Candy's big stuffed dolls (not for sale)


Beach bags


Round fans




Hug pillows







Cure Doll (Rosetta, Sword, Heart, Diamond)


Cure Doll (Ace)


Ai-chan doll


Love Heart Arrow & Lovely Income


Cure Heart and Cure Ace's "Funwari Cure Friends" stuffed dolls


Drink bottles


Plates & bowls


Chopsticks, spoons, forks


Sticking plaster & toothbrushes


Kisekae stickers


Pencils & crayons


Stationery set


Memo pad & pocketbook


Mini coloring book & sticker binder




Coloring books



Pretty Store limited goods section

Key holders


Clear files


Marble chocolate & Konpeitou (sugar candy) set


Milk cream cookies


Baked seaweed


© ABC/Toei Animation

06 Aug 15:20

Bandai's New "Sailor Moon" Silver Pendants & Pierced Earrings

by Mikikazu Komatsu

The newest items from Bandai's Sailor Moon 20th anniversary accessory collection are "Moon Stick Design silver 925 Pendant," "Sailor Pluto Key of Space-Time Design silver 925 Pendant K18 Gold Coating," and "Sailor Moon silver 925 Pierced Earring K18 Gold Coating." They are designed after the two important items in the series, Sailor Moon's Moon Stick and Sailor Pluto & Chibiusa's Key of Space-Time. Bandai's official online store Premium Bandai has already started accepting pre-orders for the limited items. The price for the Moon Stick pendant is 11,550 yen (about US$115), the Key of Space-Time's is 13,650 (about US$136), and the pierced earrings' is 9,975 (about US$99). All of the items will be shipped in October.



"Moon Stick Design silver 925 Pendant"

"Sailor Pluto Key of Space-Time Design silver 925 Pendant K18 Gold Coating"

"Sailor Moon silver 925 Pierced Earring K18 Gold Coating"

Source: press release

© Naoko Takeuchi © Naoko Takeuchi/PNP/Toei Animation

05 Aug 21:38

New IDW My Little Pony collection is the price of an actual pony

by Heidi MacDonald

Although the title says My LITTLE Pony, this collection of IDW’s run of the book will be anything but, and in true IDW fashion it will come in six variants, each more luxurious than the other. The creme de le creme is the My Little Pony: Return Of Queen Of Chrysalis – Blue Label – Rainbow Dash edition which exists only in FIVE copies, comes with original paintings and sells for $650. That’s a book for a very special brony little girl. Only one edition of this will be offered each day and all five will feature a DIFFERENT pony, starting with Pinkie Pie. Anyway, check out all the limited editions in the link. IDW has basically found a way to print money with this collector’s edition line, but people seem to love it. More deets below:

Starting Monday, the site will begin taking pre-orders on one variation of the book beginning with RAINBOW DASH, and continuing with TWILIGHT SPARKLE on Tuesday, and rounding out the week with FLUTTERSHY, PINKY PIE, APPLEJACK and RARITY.  
“Working on the MY LITTLE PONY comics have been an absolute blast!” said series writer Katie Cook. “Each of the ponies has such a distinct voice, they bring their own unique flair and excitement into any storyline. It’s great to see them each get their due with these beautiful IDW Limited books. Andy (Price) and I were happy to sign each one for the fans, because from day one these fans have been amazing, and it felt good to personally touch each of these treasured books so that we’ll always have that connection to each other.”
IDW Limited has examined every detail in the design of this book line. From hand-built color printed tray cases to exclusive covers and vellum overlays, every book will be a magical experience. Presented in three tiers of collectibility, fans will have their choice of the Red Label (limited to 100 books per character) which comes with a hand-drawn sketch card, Black Label (50 per character) which includes a sketch card and a 9” x 12” sketch plate with a hand-drawn illustration from an amazing stable of top talent including current MLP artists Agnes Grabowska and Amy Mebberson, or the Blue Label Edition (just 5 per character) which will come with an 11” x 14” original painting by premier MY LITTLE PONY cover artist Sara Richard!
“This is the biggest book we’ve ever done,” said IDW Limited director Jerry Bennington. “The most art, the most variants and the most custom components. If you’re a fan of Applejack your book is going to reflect that cover to cover. People connect on a deep level with their favorite pony character, and we want to make sure we’re offering something that fosters that connection.”




05 Aug 20:29


by Steve Napierski

I like this version of Mario. He reminds me of Alexander “The Mad Duck” Karras and Peach is adorable as hell.

05 Aug 19:04

Robert Valley Talks About “Shinjuku” Webseries and Wonder Woman for DC Nation

by C. Edwards

A quick glance at animation director Robert Valley’s filmography reveals major projects from storyboard work on Aeon Flux in 1994 to animation for big corporate names like Nike and Coca Cola, and working with Passion Pictures on music videos and short films for the Gorillaz. When he discussed his latest project—a new feature film being released online in installments called Shinjuku—with Cartoon Brew he was quick to relate his professional experiences with that of an assistant coach in the major league. “At some point I needed to venture out and present myself as a coach in my own right, so regardless of success or failure I feel compelled to put myself out there and see what happens.”

Shinjuku, which is a Twistory property by Christopher ‘Mink’ Morrison and Yoshitaka Amano (Final Fantasy), is a work of noir fiction based in a Tokyo of a not-too-distant future. Morrison presented the project to Valley with the intention of adapting it into a feature-length bigscreen film. Valley has been directing segments of the film, which are being released online in short installments, while simultaneously collecting the artwork from the episodes into book form. “What’s really important for me is this cross-over between animation and graphic novel, so periodically we will be releasing a book based on the animated films,” Valley explained. “This [is] my goal, film, book, film book, and so on…”

Over the last several years, Valley has been honing his personal aesthetic by self-publishing his own comic series—turned—animated film, Massive Swerve, which has become a creative jumping off point for defining his approach. “This has been a great way to develop a personal style and voice. I take ideas from my Massive Swerve books and re-purpose them for the task at hand.” His look, which he defines as a “burning man/muscle car/beach theme” was heavily debated by comic book fanboys when DC Comics unveiled his recent Wonder Woman shorts for their DC Nation franchise.

The shorts, produced by Valley and his buddy Jorden Oliwa, and featuring Wonder Woman as a West Coast urbanite cruising the shores in her invisible Charger, seemed to be a perfect fit for DC Nation, which showcases creative reinterpretations of popular superhero properties. “Some people like the spin I had,” Valley said. “Others are completely repulsed by it.” When you consider the fickle nature of comic book geeks, perhaps that is the greatest compliment one can receive.

UPDATE (July 28, 2013): This story was updated to reflect that Shinjuku is owned by Twistory, although Dark Horse had earlier released a Shinjuku comic. The story was also updated to list Shinjuku as a feature film project that is being released online in installments, rather than being a webseries.

05 Aug 18:33

Wacom Teases Upcoming Mystery Tablet Tech With Comic Strips

by Caleb Goellner


It's been months since Wacom took to its social media accounts to tease its mysterious upcoming "on-the-go dream device" -- an HD graphics tablet with a pressure-sensitive pen, multi-touch, and "other valuable features that you haven’t seen in other tablets" -- leaving many in the comics biz yearning for more info before they, say, spend a bunch of money on a Cintiq or Yiynova. Weekly details about the new mobile tablet began rolling out at the end of July on Wacom's European Facebook page in the form of intentionally goofy comics strips of all things, but it wasn't until last week's third installment of "The Innovation Spy" that some juicy tidbits were revealed. Among them? It seems they'll run Windows and Android.

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05 Aug 02:05

Attack No.1 Volleyball Manga Gets Comedy Remake

"Hot-blooded short comedy" follows Kozue & Japan's team to Grand Champion's Cup
04 Aug 18:47