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04 Apr 18:40

BOSTON: Dreamworks Studios Buys Rights To Catholic Sexual Abuse Scandal Story

by Joe

This has "too soon" written all over it.

Dreamworks Studios has contracted with the Boston Globe for the movie rights to the Catholic sexual abuse scandal story that the paper broke ten years ago.
DreamWorks Studios and Participant Media announced their acquisition Tuesday, expressing the intention to create a drama with Tom McCarthy tapped to direct and co-write with Josh Singer. Holly Bario, DreamWorks President of Production, said in a statement that the story by the Globe was extremely important both for Massachusetts and eventually the global community.  "The Boston Globe's coverage of the Catholic priest scandal opened the door to a bigger story that had worldwide ramifications," said Bario. "The story of how this team of editors and reporters came to uncover the truth will make a dramatic and compelling film, especially with the talents of our director Tom McCarthy and his co-screenwriter Josh Singer on board."
As you'd expect, Bill Donohue has an opinion.
"Films about the sexual abuse of minors have all flopped – there is no market for such fare. People want to be entertained when they go to the movies, and there is no entertainment value in these flicks," said Donohue. Donohue also told CP that if "the film sticks to Boston alone, which admittedly was a pretty sick archdiocese, that may not be a problem." "But if it swings widely, painting all priests and bishops as miscreants, then it would be engaging in Catholic bashing. So we'll see," said Donohue.
In 2003 the Boston Globe won the Pulitzer Prize for their reporting on the scandal.
03 Apr 17:41

Stasia Burrington

by thebrainbehind

The lovely drawings of Stasia Burrington! Go get inspired here and here

03 Apr 14:42

Creepy Woody, Angry Link and Friends Make Plastic Benches Fun

by Brian Ashcraft

This is wonderful.

Japanese toy line Tomy Tec is releasing a series of train station benches. Boring, you say! Well, just look at all the possible figure hilarity these plastic seats make possible.

Below is a series of photos from the Hobby Search Blog. They are wonderful.

駅ベンチ(オレンジ色タイプ/緑色タイプ)で遊ぼう! [Hobby Search Blog]

Kotaku East is your slice of Asian internet culture, bringing you the latest talking points from Japan, Korea, China and beyond. Tune in every morning from 4am to 8am.

03 Apr 14:41

A LEGO City That Took, Well, Forever To Build

by Luke Plunkett

600 hours. Over 200,000 bricks. That's what it cost Mike Doyle to build this enormous LEGO city, called Odan.

It was totally worth it.

A lot of thought has gone into both the design and construction of Odan, which you should read about in this lengthy interview over on Brothers Brick.

Mike Doyle builds massive city of Odan from 200,000 Lego bricks [Interview] [Brothers Brick]

02 Apr 18:47

Audrey Hepburn Thought Her Nose Was Too Big, Her Breasts Were Too Small, and She Was Too Skinny

by Laura Beck
Click here to read Audrey Hepburn Thought Her Nose Was Too Big, Her Breasts Were Too Small, and She Was Too Skinny Everyone can relax about their faces and bodies because if Audrey Hepburn didn't think she was gorgeous, we can all just give the fuck up. More »

02 Apr 18:45

Redskins Bring Back DeAngelo Hall, To The Delight Of Everyone But Redskins Fans

by Christmas Ape

Drink it up, Skippy. Drink it up.

Schadenfreude is at its best when you can watch a team cut ties with a player who is universally detested by that team’s fan base, only to bring him back later, producing delightfully shrill cries of frustration and anguish. Such is the case with the Redskins and DeAngelo Hall.

At the beginning of March, Washington released Hall, the most visible and perhaps the most picked on member of the Redskins’ 30th ranked pass defense. Part of that was because he was due $8 million for the 2013 season and part of that was because he sucks. ‘Skins fans rejoiced at the idea of finally being rid of their team’s most boneheaded player.

But nope, Hall is back. While the terms of his new one-year contract are not yet available, depending on how much his salary will be reduced, it may not actually be that horrible of a value. But rest assured, even at the veteran minimum, Washington fans are miserable about the thought of watching DeAngelo extend an opponent’s drive with a mindless personal foul penalty.

If it’s any consolation to ‘Skins fans, the Steelers did the a similar thing with cornerback William Gay. He’s equally as horrible, if slightly less of a douchebag.

The post Redskins Bring Back DeAngelo Hall, To The Delight Of Everyone But Redskins Fans appeared first on Kissing Suzy Kolber.

02 Apr 18:38


by thebrainbehind


Interesting photo series by yago partal

02 Apr 18:17

What we are reading

by thebrainbehind
02 Apr 17:44

Surprised Patrick Is Surprised By Drag Queens, Sex And Andrew Christian Models

by Stacy Lambe

Why? Because.

The GIF that just keeps on giving involves the ever surprised Patrick Star. And thankfully the internet has produced some hilarious editions of this meme. Check out Patrick’s reaction to sex, the Bravo reality stars and drag queens.

Alyssa Edwards from RuPaul’s Drag Race

tumblr_mkdmd5jouC1qlvwnco1_r2_250tumblr_mkdmd5jouC1qlvwnco2_250(Image: LogoTV)

The X-Factor

tumblr_mken20CcUM1ql5yr7o1_500(Image: RealityTVGIFs)

Honey Boo Boo’s Mama

tumblr_mkk2vvcc3c1rievgfo1_500(Image: MoraGarcia)

RHOBH‘s Kim Richards

tumblr_mklj780rDY1ql5yr7o2_250tumblr_mklj780rDY1ql5yr7o1_250(Image: RealityTVGIFs)

Sharon Stone’s vagina

tumblr_mkiqyifj9q1qck2mdo1_r1_400(Image: GazPachoBlog)

Julia Robert’s teeth

tumblr_mkdksmHvi71rw9dz1o1_r1_500(Image: Awkward-Elevator)

Andrew Christian Models

tumblr_mkclhyVZgX1qzo384o1_500(Image: Acciowine)


tumblr_mkjf8ePhds1rtamb1o1_500(Image: Beautifauna)

02 Apr 13:41

The Time Freddie Mercury Snuck Princess Diana Into A Gay Club Dressed As A Boy

by Dan Avery

Too awesome.

diana freddieBack in the late 1980s, queer singer Freddie Mercury brought Princess Diana to a London gay club in disguise, according to a new book by British actress Cleo Rocos.

In The Power of Positive Drinking, Rocos explains how she and gay comedian Kenny Everett accompanied the rocker and the royal to Royal Vauxhall Tavern, the oldest gay bar in South London, with Diana disguised in an army jacket, cap and dark sunglasses.

Rocos says the princess looked “like a beautiful young man.”

“When we walked in… we felt she was obviously Princess Diana and would be discovered at any minute. But people just seemed to blank her. She sort of disappeared. But she loved it.”

Apparently the presence of the three other celebrities allowed Diana to mingle undetected and even order a round of drinks.

Oh, to be in England!

02 Apr 13:28

Troll Booth

02 Apr 13:20

Face Of The Day

by Andrew Sullivan


Mixed media by Januz Miralles, from the series “Nothing To See Here.”

29 Mar 17:19

Pop Culture Mash-up Posters

by Miss Cellania


Jennifer Lewis of Flavorwire has another round of posters created by making a pun of two themes, at least one of them a movie. Spring Beakers is a movie I'd want to see! Don't miss Jennifer Lawrence of Arabia, Winter is Coming to America, and the others. Link

28 Mar 19:30

Classic Atari Cartridges for Modern Video Games

by John Farrier






Dust off your old Atari 2600 console and see if these modern games will work in it. StarRoivas imagined what modern games would look like if they were produced 30 years ago.

Link -via Geek Art

28 Mar 15:59

Channing Tatum: Yeah, I’d Have Sex With George Clooney

by Lester Brathwaite

Damn right. Now Soderberg should make it into a movie, cause I would watch the shit out of it.


Well I’ve spent time with George Clooney and he’s the most interesting man on the planet. He can do it all. Yep, I guess what I’m saying is I’d have sex with him.”

Reigning “Sexiest Man AliveChanning Tatum opines on banging the quintessential sexiest man alive, in The Sun.

28 Mar 15:56

Diet Wiegman

by thebrainbehind

Diet Wiegman creates sculptures by arranging piles of rubbish which later when lit in a special way, result in producing a perfect shadow! Way way cool!Via ignant

26 Mar 15:40


25 Mar 23:28

Harsh Reality Brought to You by Street Art

Harsh Reality Brought to You by Street Art

Submitted by: Unknown (via Street Art Utopia)

Tagged: wisdom , graffiti , hacked irl , true facts , g rated , win Share on Facebook
25 Mar 20:00

Alexey Menschikov's Subtle Street Art

by John Farrier




The best street artists need only add a few touches to the pre-existing environment to bring out striking images. These three pieces by Russian artist Alexey Menschikov are good demonstrations of this ability.

Menschikov's LiveJournal Page -via Twisted Sifter

25 Mar 19:41

PHOTOS: Mom Walks In On Son And His Boyfriend, Has Awesomest Response

by Dan Avery



PHOTO: Nineteen-year-old Tumblr member lampsarepeopletoo posted the above photo on his feed, with the message “My mom walked in on my boyfriend and i naked and then five minutes later she slipped this note under my door.”

Hmm, was mama buzzed from the brownies—or did she perhaps have herself a nice box of wine after seeing her son in the altogether with his cute beau?

The followup post was even more precious:


“My mom responded to the situation by buying me a door knob with a lock on it—best parental reaction or best parental reaction?”

You better do right on Mother’s Day, son.

25 Mar 18:12



Skippy, just pass this along to Ebony


Submitted by: Unknown

Tagged: more wine , wine , tanked toddlers , after 12 , g rated Share on Facebook
25 Mar 18:02

No More Papal Golden Throne

by Joe

Good start, now how about the rest of the papal palace, priceless art, and the rest of the millions of tax free dollars that the Vatican is sitting on? This is window dressing.

(Tipped by JMG reader Nicholas)
25 Mar 17:52

Rob Portman's Son Will Talks About Coming Out to His Father

by Andy Towle

Would have been an interesting election had Portman been selected. Although this may have been ultimately why he WASN'T picked.

Senator Rob Portman's son Will, talks about his entire coming out process, from being completely closeted, to telling his best friends, to writing a letter coming out to his parents, to finally experiencing the freedom of being fully out in an essay in the Yale Daily News that will likely resonate with a lot of people.

2_portmanHere's an excerpt:

I started talking to my dad more about being gay. Through the process of my coming out, we’d had a tacit understanding that he was my dad first and my senator a distant second. Eventually, though, we began talking about the policy issues surrounding marriage for same-sex couples.

The following summer, the summer of 2012, my dad was under consideration to be Gov. Romney’s running mate. The rest of my family and I had given him the go-ahead to enter the vetting process. My dad told the Romney campaign that I was gay, that he and my mom were supportive and proud of their son, and that we’d be open about it on the campaign trail.

When he ultimately wasn’t chosen for the ticket, I was pretty relieved to have avoided the spotlight of a presidential campaign. Some people have criticized my dad for waiting for two years after I came out to him before he endorsed marriage for gay couples. Part of the reason for that is that it took time for him to think through the issue more deeply after the impetus of my coming out. But another factor was my reluctance to make my personal life public.

We had decided that my dad would talk about having a gay son if he were to change his position on marriage equality. It would be the only honest way to explain his change of heart. Besides, the fact that I was gay would probably become public anyway. I had encouraged my dad all along to change his position, but it gave me pause to think that the one thing that nobody had known about me for so many years would suddenly become the one thing that everybody knew about me.

It has been strange to have my personal life in the headlines. I could certainly do without having my sexual orientation announced on the evening news, or commentators weighing in to tell me things like living my life honestly and fully is “harmful to [me] and society as a whole.” But in many ways it’s been a privilege to come out so publicly. Now, my friends at Yale and the folks in my dad’s political orbit in Ohio are all on the same page. They know two things about me that I’m very proud of, not just one or the other: that I’m gay, and that I’m Rob and Jane Portman’s son.

Check it all here.

25 Mar 17:09

Akira-Meets-The-Simpsons Gets a Full Cast. It Might Surprise You.

by Brian Ashcraft

This is eerily well thought out.

When I look at iconic manga and anime Akira, I don't immediately think of Bart Simpson and Milhouse. Cartoonist James Harvey does.

Harvey is spearheading the "Bartkira" project. It's a group project that consists of over three hundred artists, all working in their own styles. Below you can see the cast of characters:

As noted by sister site io9, this was inspired by Ryan Humphrey's Bartkira art (top). The Bartkira project, however, recasts Bart as Kaneda and Ralph Wiggum as the titular character, Akira.

As Harvey explains: "Some aspects of the cast list might be surprising, but I’m confident that you’ll see the logic and consideration that went into the choices I ended up making when you read the book. Believe me, I went through nearly every reasonable combination of characters and this roster works the best, in terms of character motivation and interaction."

This is a "free-wheeling" project, but eventually, the goal seems to be completing all six volumes (over 2,000 pages!) of the Akira manga.

The Awakening of Bartkira [James Harvey]

Springfield Is About to Explode [James Harvey]

Kotaku East is your slice of Asian internet culture, bringing you the latest talking points from Japan, Korea, China and beyond. Tune in every morning from 4am to 8am.
25 Mar 15:29


25 Mar 03:08

They Call It PRIDE Rock for a Reason!

24 Mar 18:05

Subversively Tweaked Ads by Depressed Copywriter

by Alex Santoso

Everytime Depressed Copywriter, a subversively fun group composed of Chris Sheldon, Mariana Oliveira, Whitney Ruef and Tedd Wood, see an example of corporate happiness, they can't help but to rewrite their ad copy to reflect the reality of life.

The result is depressing/interesting/mind blowing (best of all, you can submit your own!) Check 'em out at their Tumblr site: Link

View more over at the Depressed Copywriter Tumblr page: Link

24 Mar 02:25

Arizona (Band) Beats Harvard (Band)

by Timothy Burke

David at Peach Pit.



24 Mar 00:11

Shorts: Not For Every One

Shorts: Not For Every One

Submitted by: Unknown (via Shoeboxblog)

Tagged: shorts , spring , comics , poorly dressed , g rated Share on Facebook
23 Mar 21:11

Face Of The Day

by Andrew Sullivan

From a series of photographs of the work of Russian graffiti artist Nomerz, “who transforms old buildings into wonderfully realistic faces”: