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23 Mar 20:47

Ex Libris Mr. Reaper (10)

by 50 Watts
Fifteen bookplates from the collection of Richard Sica Salzweld Bales Kalynovich Josef Vachal Josef Liesler Josef Liesler Werner R. Koch Blossfeld detail Blossfeld Blossfeld See all bookplate posts on 50 Watts.
22 Mar 20:53

These large-scale anamorphic illusions are absolutely spectacular

by Robert T. Gonzalez

We've shown you impressive anamorphic illusions in the past, but the work of Felice Varini brings the medium to an unprecedented level of grandeur. For decades now, the Swiss artist has been creating some of the most remarkable perspective-dependent illusions on Earth, painting rooms, buildings, and sometimes entire city squares with ribbons of color that make little-to-no sense – until the viewer finds herself in precisely the right location.


22 Mar 20:12

8-Bit GIFs of iconic scifi and fantasy films are infinite loops of awesome

by Robert T. Gonzalez

Via artist and designer Andy Helms comes a damn excellent series of 8-Bit GIFs depicting scenes from SciFi and fantasy classics, along with countless other films. Check out more, including tons of other artwork, over on his blog.


22 Mar 16:08

The Sheepshead Fish is a Dental Nightmare

by Miss Cellania



Open wide; let's take a look! The view of the inside of a sheepshead fish's mouth reveals several rows of strangely human-looking teeth. That's to help these fish eat everything in sight.

A fully-grown adult sheepshead will have well-defined incisors sitting at the front of the jaw, and molars set in three rows in the upper jaw and two rows in the lower jaw. It has strong, heavy grinders set in the rear of the jaw too, which are particularly important for crushing the shells of its prey. As with humans, this unique combination of teeth helps the sheepshead process a wide-ranging, omnivorous diet consisting of a variety of vertebrates, invertebrates and some plant material.

Why is it called a sheepshead fish? No one knows for sure, but the post at Scientific American has several possible theories, plus a look at some other fish that induce hallucinations. The sheepshead fish doesn't cause hallucinations; in fact it is supposed to be quite tasty. Even with our limited number of teeth. Link  -via Boing Boing

(Image credit: VA Institute of Marine Science)

22 Mar 15:57

Amanda Bynes: “I Want Drake to Murder My Vagina”

by Taylor Berman

pretty much perfect.

Click here to read Amanda Bynes: “I Want Drake to Murder My Vagina” There's really not much to say about or add to this story. Here's some context, though it won't help anything make any more sense: Thursday evening, Lohan nemesis Amanda Bynes tweeted the following statement: "I want @drake to murder my vagina." As of this writing, it's been retweeted 4,327 times. Happy birthday, Twitter. More »

22 Mar 05:46

Finally, a Tumblr That Says What You're Thinking About Plus-Size Clothes

by Dodai Stewart

It's true, the editor's notes make this tumblr amazing.

Click here to read Finally, a Tumblr That Says What You're Thinking About Plus-Size Clothes It's not just the hideous images that make so awesome, it's the commentary. Example: More »

22 Mar 01:50

Washington DC's Metro Line Makes A Perfect Super Mario World Map

by Gergo Vas

I am going to be buying this.

Click here to read Washington DC's Metro Line Makes A Perfect <em>Super Mario</em> World Map Designer Dave Delisle did a really great job recreating the Washington DC Metro Line as a Super Mario Bros 3 world map. With its 86 stations as separate levels, Washington's Metro would be an extremely long Mario game (and a damn good one, with names like The Pentagon). More »

21 Mar 05:36

Rupaul’s Drag Race: Season 5, Episode 8

by Chad Sell

Sorry, Skippy.

It’s a new day, darlings! No Rolaskatox, no names shouted into an empty workroom. Anything can happen with just seven queens left… and a couple dozen underwear models. “Whatcha Packin’” was a delightful way to start off the show, and it culminated in one of Ru’s best punchlines ever: “The winner of this challenge is… every straight woman and gay man in America!

One correction, Ru: surely the charms of these man can be appreciated by the entire world. (By the way, Detox totally already knew at least one of the underwear models–did you see the little wave she gave them as they came in? Go get it, girl.)

  Detox-heroineEarlier in the year, at this season’s premiere, Ru teased that two queens would develop a relationship over the course of the show, and I had assumed that couple was going to be Roxxxy and Detox, given their frequent flirting and pairing off. So I never anticipated Jinkx and Ivy as a potential match-up. My guess is that the producers didn’t, either, since it came up so abruptly this episode.

I have no idea if anything developed between those two, nor what Ivy’s feelings were, but who else was surprised that Jinkx chose to announce her crush to the full workroom while Ivy made her phone call? As many others have noted, Jinkx usually plays her cards close to her chest, so giving her competitors such a juicy piece of gossip seemed incredibly out of character for her. But I don’t know–maybe she was overwhelmed with her feelings, and perhaps she wanted to confide in the other queens when she had the chance. But Alaska was less than encouraging, saying, “Well… that’s… cute….?”

I’ve never really gotten all the gagging over perfume and celebrity scents. I’m not a glamour queen, girls, but I did love this challenge. (So did Ru–seeing her “sample” Alaska’s perfume in the workroom was comedy gold. If I had more time this week, I totally would have animated it. Yes, seriously.)

I’m a sucker for photo shoots, especially ones that allow some room for playing around with props and the Pit Crew. Jinkx’s entire shoot was hilarious, from the moment she whipped off her fur coat to reveal the lingerie underneath. She succinctly explained her vision to Shawn and Jason of the Pit Crew (“Like we just had a threeway, Eiffel Tower, all that stuff”) and got ON ‘em!

The editing of these sequences allowed us to see the funny moments and blunders of each shoot, but without spoiling the best punchlines. I thought Jinkx’s concept behind Delusion was simple and hilarious. Some of the other queens’ ads? Not so much. I had expected that Alyssa, Roxxxy, and Ivy could at least offer up some glamour and eleganza, if not serve up the laughs. I did appreciate that Coco, bolstered by her win at the Ru Roast, tried to bring some levity to her shoot… but if you’re trying to be funny, you should be funny, girl.

Alaska-animated2You wanna see funny, you go to Alaska. All season, viewers have been rough on Alaska, too often comparing her to Sharon and just not getting her style of drag and humor. But her delightfully deranged Red for Filth commercial perfectly encapsulates her approach, the tongue-in-cheek caricature of class and glamour, and hopefully everyone can finally appreciate just how fierce and sharp this queen can be. It’s been a rough run for Alaska this season, but her win this week was, in her words, “right on f–king time.”

There’s been a lot of discussion about the overall quality of this season, and comparing it to your cherished memories of past seasons is inevitable. I’ve noticed that the show’s focus this season has been on performance and challenges, with many runway segments either skipped or served as an afterthought, which prevents some of the heart-stopping drama we’ve gotten from past seasons. (Remember the thrill each week as Raja came down the runway? Lordy…) But I did love some of the looks this week, particularly Jinkx’s and Detox’s. (and no, I’m not going to apologize for drawing them every damn week!)

I don’t think anyone can doubt the quality of this season’s cast of queens–as I’ve been pointing out from the beginning, there are almost too many queens competing for our attention. The fact that Detox, Alaska, Jinkx, Alyssa, and the others are all working at such a high level prevents any one frontrunner from stealing the spotlight, which has often characterized past seasons.

The challenges this year have been hilarious, and many of the queens have offered up stellar performances. What often sours my feelings for the show each week is the increasingly toxic tone of Untucked–I get that this kind of show is all about the drama, but it’s starting to feel like bullying, which is the last thing a drag queen should have to endure from her peers. Last season, with Sharon and Phi Phi, they were both typically dishing it out, whereas Jinkx neither incites conflict, nor escalates it when it’s shoved in her face. But I think that’s the best way to handle that kind of harassment–don’t give them the pleasure of getting you angry or breaking you down. I just hope Jinkx can stay strong this season, because each week, more and more queens seem to be coming for her. With her best friend (and crush) Ivy gone, who else is going to be on Team Jinkx? (Hint: Me!)

Jinkx-animatedIn any case, I have hope, and I’m eager to get into the second half of the season, which is where we really get to know each queen and see them shine.

Make sure to check out my store and buy some nice prints of all my best Drag Race work of this season! It looks like there may not be an episode of the show next week (Anyone know why?) but I’ll be here whenever there are new queens to draw!

20 Mar 21:43

Rainbow Road is Ruff

Rainbow Road is Ruff

Get Over Here and Play a Video Game

Submitted by: Unknown (via theminishcap)

Tagged: dogs , rainbow road , gifs Share on Facebook
20 Mar 18:54

Wait, I Have to Defeat HOW MANY?

20 Mar 18:23


by Joe
From the UK's Metro:
A Dutch dictionary has discovered the downside of letting online users vote for their "word of the year", after they overwhelmingly opted for a word that means "to swing your penis." "Swaffelen" – which, specifically, means to swing the penis so that it bumps into another object or person – got 57% of the vote in the poll conducted by Van Dale publishers, after a popular blog suggested readers vote for it. The word, which is thought to have originated over a decade ago, gained notoriety earlier in the year when a Dutch student got in trouble after he swaffeled the Taj Mahal, and then put the video of his swaffelen online. There are now a disturbing number of swaffel-related videos on YouTube.
Wait, come back. Where'd everybody go?
20 Mar 17:56

This is what it looks like to fight against the ocean

by Robert T. Gonzalez

The underwater images captured by photographer Mark Tipple are so unlike anything you've ever seen, it's easy to mistake them for scenes from another world. They belong to a series known collectively as The Underwater Project, and they are beyond spellbinding.

Below the surface, churning waves turn to billowing clouds. To the swimmers recently flung from their surfboards, gravity seems to almost lose meaning. The force of the water is more keenly felt, and becomes a double-edged sword. On one hand, the resistance that it provides as the surfers kick and paddle can help them return to the surface; on the other, a series of unfortunately timed surges can easily prevent them from reaching air, crushing them into the sea floor with mass unfathomable.

Via Tipple's webpage:

"Grip the sand, they remind themselves. Go low, stay low. Their faces contort, their muscles tighten in reaction to the struggle for power with the ocean. They surface when the surge has passed. Then breathe."

Check out many more photos from Tipple's series, over on his website.

H/T Craig!

20 Mar 17:53

Calvin and Hobbes animated!!

by thebrainbehind

Adam Brown animated a Calvin and Hobbes strip!! It looks awesome!! Bravo clap clap !!! Very cool …we want more!!!! More calvin and more hobbes here

20 Mar 17:52

Word on the street

by thebrainbehind
20 Mar 17:52

David Cristobal

by thebrainbehind

Wonderful illustrations to discover over at David Cristobal’s online portfolio

20 Mar 15:29

Too Soon, Dude!

Too Soon, Dude!

Submitted by: Unknown

Tagged: death in the family , Awkward , too soon , funeral , failbook Share on Facebook
20 Mar 11:27


by Chad Sell

Jinkx Monsoon of Rupaul’s Drag Race! Check out my other art from this episode!