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18 Apr 16:38

Sen. Dennis Guth Goes on Anti-Gay Tirade, Gay Sen. Matt McCoy Shuts It Down

by Lester Brathwaite

guth-mccoyRepublican Iowa State Senator Dennis Guth had an anti-gay field day (no doubt sponsored by the Boy Scouts of America) during the Senate’s opening session on Wednesday.

“The media, for the most part, has bamboozled us into thinking that having a relationship outside of the boundaries of monogamous, heterosexual marriage is positive, happy and fulfilling,” Guth said. “Movies, television shows, articles and magazines abound with this theme, giving partial information to vulnerable audience: our children.”

Despite the fact that no one’s used “bamboozled” in a serious context since the 1930s, Guth does have a point. A recent study found that television does play a part in American’s acceptance of the godless, child-corrupting homosexuals and our quest to ruin traditional marriage, one state at a time. And as GLAAD reported, there are a record number of sodomite succubi on the tube nowadays, scandalizing the nation in primetime, which as we all know, is family time.

Guth, sensing he was onto something — or at the very least, on something — continued educating the masses gathered to run the state (into the ground) on the potential health hazards of homosexuality.

“Just as there are multiple ways that your smoking hurts me, such as second-hand smoke, so it is with same-sex relationships,” Guth muttered incoherently. “There are health risks that my family incurs because of the increase of sexually transmitted infections that this lifestyle invites. For example, there are more and more medical tests required before giving blood or giving birth.”

As if that wasn’t confusingly insulting enough, Guth also recommended that young gays change their lifestyle with another needless analogy about “going the wrong way on a one-way street.”

“I would make every effort to stop and redirect them,” he said. “It saves lives to have honest communication not only about the sexually transmitted diseases that shorten lifespans, but also about the deep loneliness that accompanies a life based on youth, beauty and sex.”

That’s called life in 2013, but okay. Once it was his turn to speak, Sen. Matt McCoy, who is openly gay and a Democrat, put the car in gear and drove that sucker all the way to the library where he proceeded to read Guth to filth.

”I was frankly just a little bit taken aback by some of the things that I heard today as I know some of my colleagues were as well. Much of what you heard today on the floor of the senate is warmed over rhetoric that has been invented by the Christian right, extreme groups,” McCoy said before refuting the specifics of many of Guth’s claims.

“While somebody can not choose to be gay, you certainly can choose not to be ignorant,” he concluded. “What I heard today was ignorant and I know where it came from. I am not gay by choice, but I choose not to be ignorant.”

The Senate then erupted into a cacophony of snaps and “weeeerq!” being yelled by McCoy’s colleagues — at least it would have if the Senate was the ballroom from Paris Is Burning. Because that was some grade-A reading.

Too bad Sen. Guth is illiterate — in an interview following his one-man triumph, Gay-Baiting for Godot, Guth said he had no intention of retracting his statements. Meanwhile, Iowa and the Internet are wrapped up in being McCoy.

18 Apr 15:09

This Ghibli Tattoo is Full of WIN!

This Ghibli Tattoo is Full of WIN!

sheepish c says: "This Studio Ghibli half sleeve was completed by the wickedly talented Steve Sklepic of Kamakaze Ink in Edmonton Alberta."

Submitted by: sheepish_c (via

Tagged: anime , toturo , win Share on Facebook
18 Apr 14:06

RuPaul Shares A Makeup-Free Pic, Looks Amazing

by Stacy Lambe

Screen Shot 2013-04-17 at 5.00.59 PMThe famed drag queen is rarely seen without makeup let alone not in drag. But he snapped a few photos with pal Nicole Richie that captured a rare, softer side of Ru. We’re so glad he did, it’s nice to see the guy underneath all the show.

[Photo: Instagram]

18 Apr 13:55

Fuck Cupcakes

by Katie J.M. Baker

Seriously? Cupcakes? Is this really going into our selfish id as a society? We are all just sugar addicts and these are fucking delicious. Deal with it.

The death of the cupcake is a victory for womankind.



18 Apr 13:22

The force

by thebrainbehind

MJ Da Luz cartooning some Star Wars Characters

17 Apr 18:01

Patton Oswalt Explains a Marvel and Star Wars Episode VII Crossover

by Evan Narcisse

Patton Oswalt is awesome.

This preview of this weeks episode of NBC’s Parks and Recreation comedy series has comedian/geek icon Patton Oswalt delivering an epic filibuster that outlines impossibly great ideas for the recently announced Episode VII of Star Wars. This was all improvised, too. It’s freakin’ great. J.J. Abrams, call this man.

[via Vulture]

17 Apr 17:54

Listening Post

by Chez

This wins everything.

Here in Southern California, we're right in the middle of the two weekends out of the year when thousands of very high kids in very little clothing descend on the desert in Indio to get even higher, have sex with people they've never met, and watch dozens of bands very few people have ever heard of (and maybe six that people have). Yes, it's Coachella.

From last weekend, here's Phoenix and a surprisingly non-urinating R. Kelly doing 1901.
17 Apr 14:53

robyn cumming

by thebrainbehind

Great photography by robyn cumming! Go get inspired here

17 Apr 14:51

Zombie Snake

by Miss Cellania


Thomas Scott found a rattlesnake in his garage. He bravely chased the snake outside and decapitated it. But that doesn't mean the end of the snake -yet. A snake head, even without its body, can bite and kill up to an hour after decapitation. See a video of a the rattlesnake head looking around and ready to bite at Nat Geo TV. It's scary. Link  -via Uproxx

17 Apr 14:50

"Rick Astley" - Wed, 17 Apr 2013

Rick Astley
17 Apr 14:01

ICYMI: Gabby Douglas Breaks Into Her Own House in the Most Amazing Way

by Dodai Stewart

In case you missed it: This Nike Free ad from Nike Japan stars gold-medal-winning Olympian Gabby Douglas in a situation we can all relate to: She arrives home and finds that she's forgotten her keys. She's locked out. But Gabby Douglas does not need your stinking keys.



17 Apr 13:09

An Afternoon with the Ace of Swords

by Miss Cellania

Is there a metal band called Blood Rust yet?
Because there really should be.


Ben Marks of Collectors Weekly talked with Francis Boyd, who makes and repairs swords and teaches his craft to others. His shop has swords that are thousands of years old, and each has a story to tell -not necessarily a good story.  

“When I got this sword, it was completely covered in blood rust.” Sword maker Francis Boyd is showing me yet another weapon pulled from yet another safe in the heavily fortified workshop behind his northern California home.

“You can tell it’s blood,” he says matter-of-factly, “because ordinary rust turns the grinding water brown. If it’s blood rust it bleeds, it looks like blood in the water. Even 2,000 years old, it bleeds. And it smells like a steak cooking, like cooked meat. I’ve encountered this before with Japanese swords from World War II. If there’s blood on the sword and you start polishing it, the sword bleeds. It comes with the territory.”

Blood rust: I hadn’t thought of that. I guess it would turn water red, but the steak comment is kind of creeping me out, as is the growing realization that if these swords could talk, I couldn’t stomach half the tales they’d have to tell.

Boyd has the lowdown on how such ancient swords were made, and how the process has changed over time. It's a great read, whether you into weaponry or not, because of his extensive knowledge and care for the historical artifacts. Link

16 Apr 19:28


by abx

@chelsea This deserves a listen. So do that. NOW.

ABX - Ignition (1901 Remix) (R. Kelly vs Phoenix)
Download: direct via Raptorhideout | Soundcloud

BOUNCE BOUNCE: We don't usually repeat tracks, but when R. Kelly and Phoenix did a live mashup at Coachella we pretty much didn't have a choice but to recreate it. Hopefully this means R. Kelly is at the stage of his career where he just shows up and sings "Ignition (Remix)" over other people's songs all the time.

THAT'S GANGSTA: Potholes In My Blog has premiered the new single from SOLE, "Gangster Of Love" in where dude drops science atop the Hood Internet remix of SHAPERS' "Father Trout." Listen here.

16 Apr 18:01

Sir Ian McKellen Reflects On Thatcher’s Final Acts: Section 28 And His Knighthood

by Lester Brathwaite


The official obituaries have been, as often happens, partial in both senses: sympathetic and incomplete. With regard to the divisive effect of her reign, one omission was significant and glaring: Section 28.

Lest we forget, this nasty, brutish and short measure of the third Thatcher administration, was designed to slander homosexuality, by prohibiting state schools from discussing positively gay people and our “pretended family relations”. Opposition to Section 28 galvanised a new generation of activists who joined with long-time campaigners for equality. Stonewall UK was founded, to repeal Section 28 and pluck older rotten anti-gay legislation from the constitutional tree. This has taken two decades to achieve.

Pathetically, in her dotage, Baroness Thatcher was led by her supporters into the House of Lords to vote against Section 28′s repeal: her final contribution to UK politics. She dies too early to oppose Parliament’s inevitable acceptance of same–gender marriage.

Thatcher misjudged the future when, according to her deputy chief whip, she “threw a piece of red meat (Section 28) to her right-wing wolves”. Some of these beasts survive her, albeit de-fanged. When, to take a recent example, a disgraced cardinal delivers anti-gay diatribes, the spirit of social Thatcherism is revealed as barren, hypocritical and now pointless….

Now the phone rang: “This is 10 Downing Street”. I thought it was a colleague having a joke but no: “The Prime Minister has been trying to reach you. She has it in mind (so the officialese goes) to recommend that the Queen give you a knighthood.” Flummoxed, I asked for time to think it over. Then, just as I put down the phone, the big black shiny door opened and the Thatchers emerged, she crying a little. It was if she had kept the world waiting until she knew for sure that I’d been contacted. Of course not. But nevertheless, I suppose the very last thing Thatcher did as prime minster was to organise my knighthood. Ding dong, maybe, but thanks all the same.”

Sir Ian McKellen’s “tribute” to the late Margaret Thatcher.

16 Apr 17:21

These Real Totoro Catbuses Will Delight You

by Brian Ashcraft

In the anime My Neighbor Totoro, the Catbus is a large, furry cat that is, well, a bus. But the Catbus isn't only the stuff of fantasy. There are a handful of real catbuses.

While there was an impressive one at Burning Man (apparently, a Subaru!), let's take a look at the catbuses spotted around Japan over the years.

From bakeries to car garages, a couple of businesses in Japan seem to be using catbuses to entice customers. Why catbuses? Everyone loves Totoro, that's why! One town in Hokkaido even has a "Totoro Ridge", which looks like a scene from the famed anime; visitors are carted up in a Catbus style painted bus.

Some pre-schools use catbuses to pick up and drop off little kids. In Japan, pre-school buses are typically very colorful to ease children's separation anxiety. That's why the buses are shaped like trains, dogs, or even Pikachu.

The Pikachu pre-school buses you see in Japan are probably licensed. The nondescript cat ones are vaguely like Totoro's Catbus and aren't official catbuses. In fact, none of the catbuses in Japan seem official. They do seem wonderful, though.

Photos: めだかちゃん, BikeBros, ミニチュアダックス, レンジローバー, 茄子の徒然日記, 大空を, zumi, コミュニティサロン, じゅんさん, AMADA, 深爪, Osakajj, 日々是好日, 猫と田舎の風景と, Impression, 親方のチャリと祭りな話, スマイル北海道, ドライブ好き!

Kotaku East is your slice of Asian internet culture, bringing you the latest talking points from Japan, Korea, China and beyond. Tune in every morning from 4am to 8am.

16 Apr 16:48

Matt Salmon: 'Gay Reparative Therapy' Helped Me Meet Guys - VIDEO

by Andy Towle

You do not truly love a child and then send them to ex-gay therapy.


Matt R. Salmon, the gay son of Rep. Matt Salmon (R-AZ), sat down with Anderson Cooper on Friday night to talk about his father, who has spoken publicly of his opposition to same-sex marriage, and his mother, who worked on an anti-gay constitutional amendment in Arizona, about his love for them.

Ac_salmonI posted a brief segment on Saturday but here's the full version. Anderson asks Salmon if his parents would be okay with meeting somebody he was dating, and also about his experiences with gay reparative therapy.

SALMON: "Looking back I don't regret it. The goal was to become straight. And it turns out what I took away from it was an increased confidence...A big part of it was really teaching me to make relationships with straight men because that would help me to kind of take on this straightness and so it really helped me actually learn how to talk with men and..."

AC: "It helped you meet guys."

SALMON: "Yeah, yeah, it did."

AC: "I think your doctor right now is spitting up his coffee."

Salmon says that it was his decision to begin reparative therapy (he was 18 at the time he says) but he is very happy now that he is gay and he hopes talking about it will help others in his situation.


16 Apr 16:20

Is “RuPaul’s Drag Race” Queen Alyssa Edwards Getting Her Own Show?

by Stacy Lambe



Last night at the MTV Movie Awards, RuPaul showed up with some surprising arm candy: Alyssa Edwards. The queen was eliminated a few weeks ago but she popped up at both MTV’s award show and Logo’s NewNowNext Awards (airing after RuPaul’s Drag Race) over the past weekend.

On Twitter, a fan asked why Ru had chosen to walk the red carpet with the former Miss Gay America. Ru responded that she was the executive producer of her new spin-off show. Reps at LOGO and VH1 did not confirm whether or not this information was true. So the mystery remains, at least for now, if the girl who gives all the face will be seen on TV again.

Screen Shot 2013-04-15 at 3.27.32 PMWhat do you think? Is it possible she’s getting her own show? What would it be about – her on the pageant circuit, a dissection of all her faces, an odd couple show with Coco? And more importantly, would you watch?

[Images: Getty, Twitter]

16 Apr 14:00

Should Guys Wear Tinted Moisturizer? We Made 'Em Try It.

by Tracie Egan Morrissey

Calling it "tinted moisturizer" instead of "makeup" seems to make men more comfortable with the idea of wearing it. But are you comfortable with men wearing it? You should be. In case you needed any convincing of its unisex benefits, we applied tinted moisturizer to the faces of our colleagues at Deadspin. Check out how beautiful they became.



16 Apr 13:51

Tom Brady Is A Sad Yankees Fan

by Christmas Ape

Endlessly satisfying.

It’s not a secret that Tom Brady is a fan of the New York Yankees, much to the dismay of Massholes everywhere. He’s been photographed wearing Yankees stuff on numerous occasions. He crushes hard on Derek Jeter. Hell, I’m surprised he hasn’t named one of his kids Bomber. Either way, Dreamboat caught a game at Yankee Stadium over the weekend, where he was shown getting all upset about the Orioles homering off his beloved baseball team. It’s not quiet Tom Brady anguish from losing on the football field, but it should help sustain me for a little longer during the off-season.

The post Tom Brady Is A Sad Yankees Fan appeared first on Kissing Suzy Kolber.

15 Apr 19:14

Wave of nostalgia

by thebrainbehind
15 Apr 18:34

"Hopefully Anne Frank Would've Been a Belieber," Writes Justin Bieber

by Max Rivlin-Nadler

Way to keep it classy, Justin.

Click here to read "Hopefully Anne Frank Would've Been a Belieber," Writes Justin Bieber Last night, Justin Bieber, along with a few friends and guards, paid an after-hours visit to the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam. The Anne Frank House is the house where Anne Frank, along with several other Jews, hid from the Nazis for two years before eventually being found by them and killed. It's where she wrote her famous diary, the one that has become required reading in school rooms everywhere. And if she could have just escaped the Nazis and been born in 1992, Justin Bieber would like to believe that she would have been a big fan of his. More »

15 Apr 13:32

End Of Gay Culture Watch

by Andrew Sullivan

Bitch, it won last year too.

The Best Sports Bar in the nation’s capital, as voted for in Washington DC’s City Paper, is this year a gay bar. And it’s called Nellie’s.

In some ways, though, that isn’t a sign of the end of gay culture (perhaps that phase has already passed). Nellie’s – natsnight-gmcw (43)its slogan is “Are You Nellie Enough?” – is a product of the maturation of the gay community as more and more types of gay men – especially those who could and did “pass” for straight in decades past – are able to be who they are. My boyfriend before Aaron, for example, was a sports nut, a Cubs fan, and a stats wonk. All he really wanted to do on a weekend was head to a sports bar and drink beers and watch the game. For a long time, gay culture didn’t give him that option. But the free market is a wonderful thing.

The twist, of course, is in the ironic name. We can’t integrate without some kind of wink. Even when we are fully part of society, I suspect there will always be a tinge of Wildean irony to our identity. This is often not true of the more humorless activists, or smugger, tight-assed liberals. But among regular homos? Yep, they’re nellie enough.

(Photo: Nats Night out, 2009, with the Gay Men’s Chorus of Washington singing the national anthem, Team Nellie from the Aids Walk being honored and more. By Chadwick Cipiti.)

13 Apr 11:33

Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon Out In May, Has Michael Biehn

by Luke Plunkett

I really, really want to play this.

If the last part of that headline didn't make you happy deep inside, then this post - and this game - is not for you.

With a lack of any official PR helping keep players in the dark about the finer details of Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon, we're left with piecemeal bits of info like this new listing to help fill in the gaps.

While it carries the same screenshots we've shown you previously, the listing does have a short blurb on the game, which reads:

Far Cry® 3 Blood Dragon is THE Kick-Ass Cyber Shooter taking place on a bizarre open-world island crawling with evil. Welcome to an 80’s VHS vision of the future. The year is 2007 and you are Sargent Rex Colt, a Mark IV Cyber Commando who’s fighting against a cyborg army gone rogue. Your mission: get the girl, kill the baddies, and save the world. Experience every cliché of a VHS era vision of a nuclear future, where cyborgs, blood dragons, mutants, and Michael Biehn (Terminator, Aliens, Navy Seals) collide. Playing Far Cry® 3 Blood Dragon doesn't require a copy of Far Cry® 3.

If he is actually in this game/expansion/thing, as a voiced actor and not just some digital tribute, we're looking at a game of the year candidate here, people.

The listing also says Blood Dragon will be out on May 1. Oh, and perhaps most importantly for people interested in this but not the main game, you won't need a copy of the 2012 shooter.

If you missed it last week, you really should check out the game/expansion's soundtrack.

Far Cry® 3 Blood Dragon [, via duckroll @ NeoGAF]

12 Apr 17:08

Image of the day

by thebrainbehind


via quoteskin

12 Apr 13:44

PHOTOS: Andrew Christian Models Colby Melvin And Brandon Brown’s Adorable Engagement Album

by Stacy Lambe

Of course two models will have the most incredible looking engagement photos. It is their sole gig in life: To look incredible. Obviously, I am speaking from a place of deep Jealousy.


As you may have heard, the two Andrew Christian models Colby Melvin and Brandon Brown recently got engaged. The happy couple obviously looks hot in scantily-clad underwear but they look adorably romantic (and sexy) in new images from their engagement photo shoot. Gabriel Gastelum, the couple’s photographer that was responsible for the paint pics, kindly shared new photos from their special day. Congrats to both!














12 Apr 13:42

Please Enjoy This Photo Of Morgan Freeman Nuzzling Robert Griffin III

by Tom Ley

Seriously, RG3 is friends with GOD.

Such a warm embrace.



12 Apr 13:34

In the Arch of a Branch on the Outskirts of Fuji

In the Arch of a Branch on the Outskirts of Fuji

Submitted by: Unknown

Tagged: Japan , landscape , mt-fuji , fall , g rated , destination WIN! Share on Facebook
12 Apr 13:03

Fun With Puns

12 Apr 12:59

Some Things Are Meant to Be Held Sacred, Like Bingo



Some Things Are Meant to Be Held Sacred, Like Bingo

Submitted by: Unknown

Tagged: news , weird , bingo , g rated , fail nation Share on Facebook
11 Apr 16:42

Watch Eli Manning Caress Chris Mortensen's Head

by Barry Petchesky

Peyton Manning is working out with Wes Welker at Duke University, which is the second-whitest sentence ever written. (The first is "The Masters starts today.")