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20 Jun 15:20

Some of Japan's Cutest and Most Amusing Twitter Pics

by Brian Ashcraft

Some of Japan's Cutest and Most Amusing Twitter Pics

Twitter doesn't only inform at 140 characters a tweet, but it also amuses and delights with pictures. Here's a look at some, certainly not all, of Japan's most adorable, entertaining, and interesting photos found on Twitter.

As with these things, be aware that people in Japan also find these images unusual—hence, them being retweeted numerous times. Many of them were retweeted thousands of times.

Some of the photos are riffs one well-known memes, while others (such as the top image) can be easily explained(it's Halloween). And many of the photos are just people screwing around. You know, hijinks.

Then, there are simply the surprising sights people have encountered and shared online.

Some of Japan's Cutest and Most Amusing Twitter Pics

Some of Japan's Cutest and Most Amusing Twitter Pics

Some of Japan's Cutest and Most Amusing Twitter Pics

Some of Japan's Cutest and Most Amusing Twitter Pics

Some of Japan's Cutest and Most Amusing Twitter Pics

Some of Japan's Cutest and Most Amusing Twitter Pics

Some of Japan's Cutest and Most Amusing Twitter Pics

Some of Japan's Cutest and Most Amusing Twitter Pics

Some of Japan's Cutest and Most Amusing Twitter Pics

Some of Japan's Cutest and Most Amusing Twitter Pics

Some of Japan's Cutest and Most Amusing Twitter Pics

Some of Japan's Cutest and Most Amusing Twitter Pics

Some of Japan's Cutest and Most Amusing Twitter Pics

Some of Japan's Cutest and Most Amusing Twitter Pics

Some of Japan's Cutest and Most Amusing Twitter Pics

Some of Japan's Cutest and Most Amusing Twitter Pics

Some of Japan's Cutest and Most Amusing Twitter Pics

Some of Japan's Cutest and Most Amusing Twitter Pics

Some of Japan's Cutest and Most Amusing Twitter Pics

Some of Japan's Cutest and Most Amusing Twitter Pics

Some of Japan's Cutest and Most Amusing Twitter Pics

Some of Japan's Cutest and Most Amusing Twitter Pics

Some of Japan's Cutest and Most Amusing Twitter Pics

Some of Japan's Cutest and Most Amusing Twitter Pics

Some of Japan's Cutest and Most Amusing Twitter Pics

Some of Japan's Cutest and Most Amusing Twitter Pics

Some of Japan's Cutest and Most Amusing Twitter Pics

Photos: miryou, TSNet64, CatCutePhotos, k_ami_c, xX_harowan_Xx, napalmthing, _G_A_I, sorata22, hayama_syoko, nobu_12_, akiranagahashi, py0nk1ch7, kihhie_1052, Tired_Nova, hyper_shimeji, when_sir, matome, kataoka_k, xxkaixz, yuukitokuda, de_ji_be, nakamukae, Nekopic, ymtk_, kataoka, ag_gt

To contact the author of this post, write to or find him on Twitter @Brian_Ashcraft.

Kotaku East is your slice of Asian internet culture, bringing you the latest talking points from Japan, Korea, China and beyond. Tune in every morning from 4am to 8am.

20 Jun 14:43

He calls this "helping"...

20 Jun 14:40

Snooki Loves Gay People So Much that She's Praying for a Gay Son

by Lindy West


Snooki Loves Gay People So Much that She's Praying for a Gay Son

Snooki and JWoww appeared at a fundraiser for the Trevor Project and talked about how committed they are to LGBT rights. So committed, in fact, that Snooki is "praying" that she gives birth to a gay son someday. Because nothing says "super committed to equality" like treating a human baby like a fashion accessory. But I'm sure she means well. So...little gay baby steps, I guess.



20 Jun 13:48

This All-Male Dance Squad Is The Fierciest Sideline Support You’ll Ever Need

by Stacy Lambe

Meet the Prancing Elites. Hailing from Alabama, the group is an all-male squad that combines sideline support with the art of dance. They put so much fierceness into cheerleading, that they even caught the attention of former NBA player, Shaquille O’Neal, who recently tweeted that “THESE DUDES B JAMMIN.” Since then, they’ve won over the Internet with their Beyonce-inspired moves and (tight) outfits. If the video above doesn’t convince you, watch their performance at the “AL Senior Bowl” below:

If you’re a fan, be sure to follow them on Facebook and Twitter and pray they show up in the stands of your next sporting event.

19 Jun 19:26

It's a Miracle He Drank So Much

It's a Miracle He Drank So Much

Submitted by: Unknown

Tagged: jesus , Paul , hangover , funny , after 12
19 Jun 16:48

Adventure Time Children's Room

by John Farrier



Shelbi and her sons love Adventure Time and now two of them can live in Ooo all the time. You can view more photos of their new room at the link.

I'm not sure including Lemongrab was a good decision. He can get grating after a while--like five seconds.

Link -via reddit

19 Jun 13:39

Found this little waddling guy in the gallery. Reposting for personal usage and because the original post was deleted.


It's shaping up to be one of those weeks.

19 Jun 13:06

You've come to the wrong neighborhood.

19 Jun 12:51

sorry if repost, my excuse is I was on tumblr all day.

18 Jun 20:12

The Tale of the Knock Knock Joke


This is how you hijack a thread.

The Tale of the Knock Knock Joke

Submitted by: Unknown (via @busselling)

18 Jun 18:05

Gay Teen Invents Award-Winning Test For Cancer, Maintains He’s “Not That Smart”

by Lester Brathwaite

Jack_Andraka16-year-old Jack Andraka discovered a near-100 percent accurate test for pancreatic cancer that diagnoses early enough to ensure an almost 100 percent chance of survival. Oh, and he’s also a gay.

Andraka was inspired by the death of his uncle from pancreatic cancer, spurring in him an interest in early detection. Currently, only 5.5 percent of those diagnosed with pancreatic survive for five years.  At 15, he created a non-invasive paper sensor that detects an increase of a protein indicating the presence of pancreatic, ovarian, and lung cancer during early stages when there is a higher likelihood of a cure.

According to London Evening Standard, Andraka’s test is “400 times more sensitive, 168 times faster and 26,000 times cheaper than today’s.”

Last year, Jack, a native of Crownsville, Maryland, won the prestigious George E. Moore Award at the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair, which came with a $75,000 cash prize. His test can even be applied to the detection of HIV/AIDS, Alzheimer’s and heart disease, but for his extraordinary achievements, Jack doesn’t think he’s all that extraordinary.

“I wouldn’t call myself smart,” he said. “I know people who are way smarter. But … I guess it’s how you use information. It’s about creativity rather than facts. I’m a creative thinker. My parents never told me answers. They told me how to think, not what to think. I disagree with our bulimic education system: learning by rote and then puking up all the facts in an exam.”

Jack goes to, what he describes as, a “really bad” school about “one to four times a month” because of his lecturing but keeps up online. When he is in class, he avoids the bathrooms; not because he gets bullied — “they don’t put geeks in lockers any more” — but that’s where all the kids are doing drugs. When prompted by the reporter if he ever gets into trouble with girls or alcohol, Jack simply replied, “I’m gay, so no. And I wouldn’t know where to find alcohol.”

18 Jun 16:53

Doin’ It Right

by thebrainbehind

Gorgeous Daft Punk ft.Panda Bear (The Golden Pony Remix)…better than the original??

18 Jun 16:52

Skip this ad

by thebrainbehind

you only have to wait 5 … 4… 3 … 2 … 1 second to forward past it. via tomfishburne

18 Jun 15:22

Big Bang

by thebrainbehind

The wonderful work of Marcel Christ. Go get inspired here

18 Jun 13:59

Dissents Of The Day

by Andrew Sullivan

I think the idea is poor in that it does kind of ignore that not every gay male can afford the medication, and that it would create even more of a stigma for gays. Thoughts?

A reader writes:

Your surprised me when you wrote, “Every doctor who treats a sexually active gay man should put him on a daily retroviral in the Tenofovirsame way you might prescribe a daily anti-cholesterol drug for someone with high cholesterol.” Aside from the cost, prophylactic HIV medications do have side effects, don’t they? In light of the cost and the side effects, do prophylactic HIV medications make sense for gay men who are in monogamous relationships, who always use condoms, or who never have anal sex?

If my doctor recommended that I take prophylactic HIV medications based solely on the fact that I’m a sexually active gay man, and without knowing anything more specific about my sexual practices, my first thought would be, “This doctor is a bigot. I need to find another doctor, pronto.”

A doctor is not a bigot in recommending a preventive pill just in case for an at-risk population (and gay men remain disproportionately at risk for HIV infection). The costs are minor compared with those of combination therapy in perpetuity. And the side effects of just one Tenofovir or Truvada pill a day are also usually not a big deal – but I probably went too far in thinking this should be over the counter. A doctor should monitor your blood for any reactions or toxicity. But no more so than for countless other prescription drugs.

Of course, it’s your call. I’m not arguing for mandatory prophylaxis, for Pete’s sake. But trusting another man’s monogamy is not a great HIV prevention tool, and condoms fail. Anal sex is also not the only way to contract HIV, even if it is overwhelmingly the most risky behavior. I know that from personal experience. Another reader is more blunt than the first:

You are not seriously suggesting that every gay man take anti-retrovirals in perpetuity?

Not just sex workers, not just the extremely promiscuous, not just intravenous drug users – every single gay man? For his whole sexually active life? And to make them available over-the-counter and unmonitored by doctors? That sounds shockingly irresponsible, and besides being unmanageable and hugely expensive, these are toxic drugs with serious side effects.

And besides the practical considerations, what better way to connect gay sex to terror and and disease than to suggest that everyone having it take medicine every day?

One Truvada a day is not hugely expensive or unmanageable. And the rhetoric my reader uses – segregating HIV risk for only the “extremely promiscuous” or sex workers – is far more stigmatizing than a simple preventive medicine. Yes, more sexual partners will increase your risk of contracting HIV; but just one partner can give it to you; and we’re all human. I’m no more connecting gay sex to terror when used to lower the chances of infection than I would be recommending an anti-cholesterol drug to ward against a heart attack. Another reader:

I was put on PEP for a month after a potential exposure, and while I remain HIV negative, just four weeks of drugs knocked me on my ass. Taking those drugs daily is not an option, and while I have managed to remain negative for decades (I’m 47), my behavior in taking care of myself required neither “fear” nor “shaming” in keeping me HIV-free.

That’s a different case: after possible infection, my reader was probably treated with a powerful combination therapy to knock the virus silly. But this could be avoided with one pill that drastically lowers the chance of being infected in the first place. One more reader:

Just one tiny correction on the Plan B analogy: Plan B doesn’t work if you are already pregnant; it prevents ovulation and thus pregnancy.  So PrEP is not like Plan B for pregnant women, but rather like Plan B for a woman who recently had unprotected sex and is at risk.  Perhaps a small thing, but correcting the idea that Plan B can end a pregnancy/cause an abortion has been a long (and continuing) struggle for those of us working to increase access.

18 Jun 13:36

Bear Sees Hunter In A Tree, Climbs Tree Just To Say "Hey"

by Tom Ley

His response is appropriate.

Boom! That's a black bear getting right in your face, and he just wants to say, "What's up?"



17 Jun 16:57

Fake video game retells JJ Abrams' first Star Trek film in 90 seconds

by Lauren Davis

CineFix's 8-bit Cinema series reimagines movies as classic video games. This time, they've pixellated the first rebooted Star Trek movie, turning some of its key scenes into frustratingly non-playable levels.



17 Jun 15:17

If only I had something to shade my eyes at the game.

14 Jun 14:10


14 Jun 13:50

60,000 People Waiting For Green Day? Better Sing Bohemian Rhapsody

Submitted by: Celsius

14 Jun 13:15

Boy, the arguments in defense of the Redskins' name sound a lot like the arguments used to defend th

by Jack Dickey

Ugh. Just change the name already.

Boy, the arguments in defense of the Redskins' name sound a lot like the arguments used to defend the Confederate flag. [Sports on Earth]



13 Jun 15:30

New CIA Deputy Avril Haines Used To Run Erotic Fiction Readings At Her Bookstore. Good For Her.

by Alyssa Rosenberg

Image courtesy The Daily Beast.

Over at the Daily Beast, Avi Zenilman and Ben Jacobs report that Avril Haines, President Obama’s nominee to be Central Intelligence Agency deputy director, had an interesting former profession: she used to run a bookstore. And specifically, they report, she used to–in addition to promoting the work of local authors and books out of smaller publishing houses–Haines used to host erotic fiction readings:

But 20 years ago, Haines opened and co-owned Adrian’s Book Café in the Baltimore waterfront neighborhood of Fells Point. She opened Adrian’s after dropping out of a graduate program in physics at Johns Hopkins University. The store featured regular “Erotica Nights.” including dinner and a series of readings by guests of published work or their own prose, according to a 1995 report in the Baltimore Sun; couples could attend for $30, while singles paid $17.

“Erotica has become more prevalent because people are trying to have sex without having sex. Others are trying to find new fantasies to make their monogamous relationships more satisfying,” Haines, then in her twenties, told the Sun. “What the erotic offers is spontaneity, twists and turns. And it affects everyone.” (She also told Baltimore Sun reporter Mary Corey that friends heckled “you just want a mass orgy in your bookstore, while she and her co-owner were initially worried only “dirty old men” would show up.)

“At an Agency recently rocked by revelations about then-Director David Petraeus’ secret erotic emails while having an affair with his biographer, Haines’ bookstore past seems considerably more appealing, and about as racy as what a reader might find in a Lewis Libby or Jim Webb novel,” the two reporters write. But I’d actually argue that the fact that Haines can get nominated at all given her past employment speaks to a certain maturity at the Central Intelligence Agency and the Obama administration.

Displaying interest in anything other than the most basic heterosexual sex acts has long been suspect when it comes to the world of government secrets. Simply being gay or lesbian meant you were out of the running for a federal security clearance for decades: the National Security Agency gave a clearance to its first non-closeted employee until 1980, and as of 1989, the Federal Bureau of Investigation was saying it had no plans to grant such clearances to gay and lesbian applicants, and while the Central Intelligence Agency didn’t have the same blanket policy of exclusion, the organization said that same year that it was confident it had never cleared a gay employee. It took until 1995 for President Clinton to issue an executive order saying the federal government wouldn’t discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation when it came to classified material. And it’s not just your own sexual behavior that could cause suspicion. Among the novels targeted by Sen. Joe McCarthy in his attempts to purge volumes from federal libraries overseas was From Here to Eternity, which acknowledges both infidelity and homosexuality. Consumption of pornography that’s considered “compulsive” can still potentially get you denied a security clearance for government work.

And treating erotic fiction with moral suspicion isn’t entirely an artifact of the past. Pelican Bay State Prison recently found itself in front of the California State Court of Appeal for confiscating The Silver Crown, an erotic novel about a werewolf hunter who falls in love with a werewolf, from Andres Martinez, an inmate who had ordered it. Martinez has a less than charming criminal record, including attempted murder–one of the crimes for which he’s incarcerated–and battery on inmates and peace officers, acts of violence that have gotten him assigned to a secure housing unit in prison. But he doesn’t have a record of sexual offenses where consuming erotic literature might conflict with psychological treatment to prevent recidivism, or act as some sort of trigger. And the prison system’s claims that banning material with a lower standard for what constitutes obscenity than would apply in the real world has decreased harassment didn’t turn out to be backed up by actual statistics. As Justice James Richman wrote of The Silver Crown itself, in the order allowing Martinez to have his book: “The sex is sometimes rough but always consensual. Women are portrayed as frequently aggressive, always willing, and seemingly insatiable. Men are portrayed as frequently demanding, always ready, and seemingly inexhaustible. The sex occurs between humans and werewolves, as well as intra-species. On the other hand, the sex appears to be between consenting adults. No minors are involved. No bestiality is portrayed (unless werewolves count). And there is no sadomasochism.”*

It’s simultaneously amusing and sad that we still treat erotic fiction and interest in depictions of sexuality as if they’re likely to cause real-world trouble. But it’s a relief to see the California courts and the Obama administration act sensibly, in declaring that reading work like The Silver Crown or Anne Rice’s pseudonymous erotic novels won’t make the people who consume them act out or turn into security risks. In decades past, Haines might have been treated like a deviant, or as if she were oversexed, and even today, I wouldn’t be surprised if one of the talking points around her appointment is that her interest in erotic fiction renders her frivolous or naughty. But like the millions of other Americans who read books like Fifty Shades of Grey, Haines is just a grown-up. And the sooner we can all acknowledge that reading sexy literature doesn’t render anyone blackmailable or unfit for serious work, the more adult our country will be, too.

*The decision is truly entertaining reading, including this vigorous argument in support of genre fiction: “To begin with, we cannot simply dismiss the work as nonserious literature because it deals with werewolves and other paranormal creatures and activities…Whether contemporary readers drawn to this genre actually believe in werewolves, whether they see in such works a metaphor for some kind of human transformation, or whether they simply read werewolf literature as escapist fantasy, the fact remains that werewolf literature retains a place in modern American and European society.”


13 Jun 15:09



Submitted by: Unknown

Tagged: engrish , Movie , DVD , funny , fail nation
13 Jun 14:34

"I need a cake for a gay friend who works at a clothes store..."



13 Jun 13:33

S'More Than Enough

13 Jun 13:05

Wonderful comment on a classic image.

12 Jun 21:28


12 Jun 18:53

How to freeze water in about half a second

by Robert T. Gonzalez

Consider this your first class in ice wizardy 101.



12 Jun 16:32

Evolution of Get Lucky [Daft Punk chronologic cover]

by thebrainbehind

Spreading like a wildfire! The artist PV Nova, tried, and succeeded in doing it, to express with music what the song ‘Get Lucky’ would have sounded like if it had been created in 1920 – 1930 etc. until 2020

12 Jun 14:43

Have a Good Look at Final Fantasy XV Gameplay

by Brian Ashcraft

Excited about Final Fantasy XV? Want to see more footage of FFXV gameplay? Here ya go.

To contact the author of this post, write to or find him on Twitter @Brian_Ashcraft.