Shared posts

30 Apr 01:28

RING RING POEM ONE, Saint Paul Central Library, Saint Paul, MN; May 2-5

by Cole
90 W 4th St., St. Paul, MN 55102 Library Hours: Monday 12:00–8:00 pm Tuesday 9:00 am – 5:30 pm Wednesday 9:00 am – 5:30 pm Thursday 9:00 am – 5:30 pm The library will be closed this Thursday for Staff Training! Friday 9:00 am – 5:30 pm Saturday 11:00 am – 5:00 pm Sunday 1:00 … Continue reading »
25 Apr 12:54

Enlightenment is neither a goal nor a destination. It’s a process of awakening to one’s inner light.

by Michael
20 Apr 22:36

What are your favorite places in Minneapolis and Saint Paul?

by Cole

Yooooo. What're your favorite places in the Twin Cities?

Start taking part in the project. With a thick layer of squishy snow drowning our late April, it’s a little hard to get in the right mindset for an outdoor poetry project. I can’t remember what my favorite places in the Twin Cities look like without a thick layer of white covering everything. Maybe you … Continue reading »
15 Apr 12:53

girls-will-be-boys: Daniela, Nikole Ivanova

by rosalafae

I love the crazy upside-down suspenders.


Daniela, Nikole Ivanova

09 Apr 01:49

140 – Minimalistic platformer by Jeppe Carlsen

by Filip Visnjic

This looks AWEsome.

140 - Minimalistic platformer by Jeppe Carlsen
140 is an upcoming platform game developed by Jeppe Carlsen, known for his gameplay direction for Playdead’s Limbo. The game is described as a “minimalistic platformer“, using electronic music to create synesthesia as the player manipulates their avatar, a character that can take on several basic geometric shapes. Carlsen described the gameplay as like “an [...]
08 Apr 16:21

HOWTO improve your startup's chances

by Cory Doctorow


Anil Dash has got ten dynamite top tips for people hoping to run a successful startup, based on his wide experience:

1. Be raised with access to clean drinking water and sanitation. (Every tech billionaire I've ever spoken to has a toilet!)

2. Try to be born in a region that is politically and militarily stable.

3. Grow up with a family that is as steady and secure as possible.

4. Have access to at least a basic free education in core subjects.

5 Avoid being abused by family members, loved ones, friends or acquaintances during the formative years of your life.

The other five are just as great!

Ten Tips Guaranteed to Improve Your Startup Success

03 Apr 13:03

2/30 The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe

by Cole

I'm doing the whole 30 poems in 30 days thing, these are all rough drafts.

small words spoke large the returning wobble in the bike’s wheel taste of soap, dusty feet as if eight and a half were a place one could return to the body tremble, I love you arm and I love you belly I will be so sad when I have to leave you I love you […]
02 Apr 16:50

1/30 collapse: alienation

by Cole

My first of 30/30.

To be noted, these are all rough drafts and WordPress does not believe in tabs or indents, so it does not look the way it ought. the bones rebel against the carpeting the muscles sing, minor key the skin– the skin shivers the skin is a wild animal accidentally caught indoors the muscle calls to […]
26 Mar 03:14

New Underwater Reefs and Landscapes Made of Paper by Amy Eisenfeld Genser

by Christopher Jobson


New Underwater Reefs and Landscapes Made of Paper by Amy Eisenfeld Genser sculpture paper ocean coral

New Underwater Reefs and Landscapes Made of Paper by Amy Eisenfeld Genser sculpture paper ocean coral

New Underwater Reefs and Landscapes Made of Paper by Amy Eisenfeld Genser sculpture paper ocean coral

New Underwater Reefs and Landscapes Made of Paper by Amy Eisenfeld Genser sculpture paper ocean coral

New Underwater Reefs and Landscapes Made of Paper by Amy Eisenfeld Genser sculpture paper ocean coral

New Underwater Reefs and Landscapes Made of Paper by Amy Eisenfeld Genser sculpture paper ocean coral

New Underwater Reefs and Landscapes Made of Paper by Amy Eisenfeld Genser sculpture paper ocean coral

New Underwater Reefs and Landscapes Made of Paper by Amy Eisenfeld Genser sculpture paper ocean coral

Connecticut-based artist Amy Eisenfeld Genser (previously) recently completed a new series of coral reefs that she painstakingly recreates using rolled bits of paper and acrylic paint. Ahead of her upcoming exhibition at the Architectural Digest Home Show, Genser sat down with All Things Paper for a brief interview. An excerpt on her process:

These days I usually work with Thai Unryu [mulberry paper], but I have hundreds of papers in my studio from all around the world. I treat the paper almost as a pigment, layering colors one on top of the other to create different colors. My pieces are about a foot wide. Then I roll one layer on top of the other in all different thicknesses. I seal the roll with acid-free, archival glue stick, and then cut the long piece into sections with scissors or pruning shears. I have pruning shears of all different sizes to accommodate different widths.

See and learn more over on All Things Paper.

15 Mar 02:36

A Softer World


This made me cackle aloud, because it's TOO RIGHT.

14 Mar 18:49

Unexpected day: what are we gonna do about Google Reader death? Keep calm and carry on.


Thanks, The Old Reader.

Hello everyone!

This morning I have mixed feelings: I am happy that we have the possibility to bring our beloved The Old Reader to a new level, and I am sad that Google Reader soon will be completely over. It was a large part of my daily internet life. We even started making The Old Reader because no one could stand my whining anymore.

News came unexpected (mind you, we are living in GMT, so it was literally the middle of the night), but we are doing out best. We tripled our user base (and still counting), and our servers are not amused so far. We will be deploying more capacity shortly, so things should get better by the end of the day. Please, be patient with us.

image(The Old Reader’s team before March 13, photo by

This is overwhelming. When we started this as something for us and our friends to use, we never expected so many of you to join us in our journey. Thank you very much for your kind words and support, we appreciate this.

Seeing Google Reader go, many of you are asking whether The Old Reader is going to stick around. Also, quite a lot of people would like to donate to keep our project running. We have been discussing this quite a lot recently, and we decided that paid accounts (the freemium model) are the way to go. We want to keep making a great product for our users, not cater it for advertisers’ needs.

We are going to be honest, we have not even started coding this yet. However, we would like to get this news out as soon as possible for everyone to know the way we will be going. Paid accounts will have some additional features, but the basic free accounts will still be 100% usable. We are not in this game to make money, but we want to give something special back to the people who are going to be supporting us.

We have our daily jobs, so we can’t promise that new features will be ready tomorrow or next week. We have no investors or fancy business plans, but we are open about everything we do, and we want to do it the right way.

We reworked the plans according to the news today. Creating an API for mobile clients is the number one priority in our roadmap. We would love to collaborate with any developers who were making Google Reader clients. Please, spread the word about this if you can.

For those of you who are posting feedback and creating new feature requests - please, double-check for existing items in Uservoice. We hate answering the same questions multiple times and removing duplicate requests.

Most asked questions are:
- “When will OPML import be working again?” As soon as we launch more capacity to handle this. Hopefully, later today.
- “Why are you asking for access to my Google contacts when I log in via Google account?” We don’t anymore.
- “When will you make an iOS app? How about Android?” We will start with API as soon as we can and see how it goes.
- “Why is there no way to login without Google or Facebook accounts?” We cover that one in our knowledge base, but we plan to implement own login code. The demand is high.
- “How do I rename a feed?”. Just browse the Tour page, please? 
- “Shut up and take my money!”. Will work on that, stay tuned.

We have lots of things to do, and it will probably take us several days to reply to all emails and tickets. Also, Twitter keeps reminding us about daily tweet limits, so there might be delays as well.

Some other news: last week our developer (on the left) turned 21, and we have implemented PubSubHubbub support. Many of you asked us to make feed updates faster, and PubSubHubbub makes compatible feeds refresh almost instantly. Yay!

Thank you very much for your support. We will do our best during next three months to prepare for the day Google Reader will no longer be around.