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28 Sep 13:32


by shironeko


28 Sep 13:29


by shironeko


16 Sep 05:27

Part of a recent campaign for the Society of Biology

Part of a recent campaign for the Society of Biology

08 Sep 17:56

guest comic 4

by gigi


Okay, bad news: the hiatus is going to need to continue for a few more days. I’m in the process of moving into a new apartment, and I’ve got zero time to work on the comic until everything settles down. I’m really, really sorry about this, but I hope you’ll bear with me until the end of this week!

In the meantime, Zack Morrison’s guest strip contribution is here to fill the Cucumber-Quest-shaped bathtub drain in your heart. If you aren’t reading Paranatural yet, I don’t know what to do with you. Thanks, Zack!

07 Sep 17:31

The Psychology Behind Steam’s Summer Sale

by Jamie Madigan

Summer is here! Time to pump up your video game backlog until it’s bloated, gurgling, and making vaguely taunting motions from over in the corner. In other words, the Steam Summer Sale has begun. I just bought Hotline Miami, Fez, and The Swapper for like 14 cents1 while typing that.

Like last time, Steam is offering discounted digital downloads in the form of daily sales that change every 24 hours, plus “flash deals” that change every 8 hours. And there are community choice deals where users vote on which of three titles should get its price slashed next. But this time there’s something new: Steam is tying its summer sale in with its trading card system. For every $10 you spend, you get a random card2 from a limited edition set of 10 created just for the event. Collect all 10 of those cards and you can perform some digital origami to turn them into a special badge.3


Let me be clear: I love Valve, I love Steam, and I especially love Steam sales. But I thought it would be interesting to highlight a few of the ways that the these events nudge us towards making more purchases than we may intend to.

Artificial Scarcity

The research is pretty clear that “available for a limited time” is a super effective sales pitch because we value things more that have limited availability. Psychologist Stephen Worchel illustrated this with a study involving cookies unlike those that Steam’s website deals in.4 Posing as a consumer products survey, the experimenters offered subjects a chocolate chip cookie from one of two jars. One of the jars had many cookies in it. The other had only a few. People reported the cookies from the mostly empty jars as more delicious, more desirable, and more expensive. This despite that the cookies in both jars WERE THE SAME COOKIES.


Despite delivering games that are no more than streams of infinitely available 1s and 0s, Steam capitalizes on the scarcity effect because the bias applies to opportunities as well as physical goods. All the Steam deals are time limited and feature prominent countdowns. If you’re thinking of buying a game, you have no idea if it will come up again before the sale is over, so you’re more likely to grab it rather than lose your shot. And maybe for a slightly higher price than you would otherwise.

Psychological Reactance

This one is related to the scarcity effect, but worth addressing separately. Not only do we tend to value scarce things more highly, we often see them as better than more readily available alternatives. This is a kind of boomerang effect in response to perceived lost choice, a phenomenon psychologists have given the needlessly complicated name of “psychological reactance.” In one study of the effect, a group of psychologists studied Florida housewives’ reactions to the banning of laundry detergents containing environmentally unfriendly phosphates.5 Not only did those facing such loss of choice buy more of the product (both more than they did before learning about the upcoming ban and relative to a control group) they rated the phosphate-laden soaps as much more effective than the government mandated alternative.


Face it: you could spend the same money you’re spending on Steam games in any number of ways. You could buy other games, even if they are fewer in number. But psychological reactance might be making you think that you’ll get more total enjoyment out of the ones that will soon be unavailable.

The Endowed Progress Effect

It’s human nature to not want to leave something undone once we start it. It nags at our minds every time we’re reminded of it and checking the last thing off or filling in the final progress makes us feel a little better. It’s why so many of us have trouble moving on the main quest in a meaty RPG game when there are so many subquests left unchecked. In one experiment,6 researchers gave car wash customers a card that let them earn a wash if they collected enough stamps. Half the customers got a blank “Buy 8, get 1 free” card. The rest got a “Buy 10, get 1 free” card, but with two complimentary stamps to get them started. Thus, both groups needed to buy 8 to get 1 free. But those who got the “Buy 10, get 1 free” card with the 2 starter stamps tended to come back more often and to wait less time between purchases.


Steam uses this quirk of human nature with its Summer Getaway trading cards by giving you one random card out of the set of 10 for every $10 you spend.7 Adding a game to your cart displays a progress bar showing how much more you need to spend to get your next card. Just showing that you’ve begun progress towards that goal is enough to create some mental tension over not having yet reached it, and some people are likely to toss in just one more cheap game to get them over that hump. It’s also clever of Steam to show you the progress before you check out so that you have one more reason to complete the transaction.

Of course, once you get the card, the effect happens again because you’ve now started checking off what you’ve collected from the 10 card set needed to craft the Summer Getaway Badge. So double whammy. That’s out of a three whammy set. Get just one more whammy to craft the “I Got Whammied!” badge.

Commitment and Consistency

We don’t like to appear inconsistent. Once we make a commitment or state a preference, some amount of mental inertia sets in and we feel pressure to keep our behaviors in line with our thoughts. In his book Influence: Science and Practice8 Robert Cialdini describes a trip to a introductory class on “transcendental meditation” that he and a friend attended on a lark. When the instructors offered to teach an advanced course on how to perform such wonders as floating and walking through walls, Cialdini’s friend tore into them and exposed their claims as impossible flimflam. Amazingly, many people in the audience who listened to him still proceeded to plunk down $75 for the advanced course because they had taken the time to attend and thus signal a belief in what was being sold. To back out then would send the wrong signal, they thought.


So, with that in mind, ever notice how Steam will e-mail you when something from your wish list goes on sale, including during the big sales events? I throw stuff on there all the time to keep track of what I want to buy during sales, and when I get a notification I feel like a commitment is being called in. Steam even has a “Friend Activity” page where you can see what other people have added to their wishlist.

Steam also banks on your commitment when you vote on Community Choice polls, assuming you don’t already own the game you vote for. Actively involving yourself, hoping for a certain outcome, and forming an intention means that you’re more likely to buy if your choice wins. And having your choice actually win feels like a reward –like you won a little contest– so you’re more likely to associate good feelings with that game.

Random Reward Schedules

One of the first topics covered in a Psychology 101 class is likely to be reward and punishment schedules. If your goal is to get people to adopt and then repeat behaviors, giving them rewards is key but the scheduling of those rewards can have a big impact. If you give someone a food pellet every tenth time they press a lever, that’s a fixed interval schedule.9 But randomly give or withhold a pellet after each lever press, that’s called a random or variable reward schedule, and it’s generally the most effective way to get people to keep slapping that lever.


Seeing a game you want show up as a Daily or Flash Deal on the Steam Summer Sale is like getting a food pellet. It’s a reward you get for checking the storefront. In fact, checking Steam at 12 noon every day to see what the new batch of deals are is my very favorite thing about the event –second only to checking back every 8 hours or so for the handful of Flash deals. And let’s not forget seeing what Community Choice games won the last round of votes. While I’m sure Valve has the slate of deals worked out ahead of time, the selection of games seems random to us. And Steam spaces things out masterfully, making sure that you come back to the site throughout the day to see if you’re going to get a reward in the form of a great deal.

So there you go: five psychological hooks to the Steam Summer Sale –or any of its sales for that matter. As I said, I love these events and get a lot out of them. You should buy stuff you want during them, because HEY VIDEOGAMES! But a little knowledge means that you can come at them more on your own terms.

Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, or RSS.

06 Sep 23:05

Whiskey Shits

Achewood strip for Friday, September 6, 2013
06 Sep 08:46

Nimona chapter 9 - page 19

by gingerhaze

You did good, Goldie. Here's a biscuit.

06 Sep 08:42

You know there was a web page with a walkthrough for your life...

You know there was a web page with a walkthrough for your life but now it’s just a 404.

06 Sep 08:35


by shironeko


06 Sep 08:35

08/28/13 PHD comic: 'Search Results'

Piled Higher & Deeper by Jorge Cham
Click on the title below to read the comic
title: "Search Results" - originally published 8/28/2013

For the latest news in PHD Comics, CLICK HERE!

03 Sep 09:11

For sale: possible futures, never born

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← previous August 27th, 2013 next

August 27th, 2013: A lot of people attribute the baby shoes story to Hemingway but it's pretty apocryphal, you guys! Y'all are getting mad apocryphal every time you do that, did you even realize?

Yesterday I implied that babies will eagerly crawl off a cliff, and it turns out there has been research vis-à-vis babies and cliffs and I maybe owe all of you, as former babies, an apology. Sorry babies.

One year ago today: the sequel will be called, luke starwars and the events or circumstances

– Ryan

01 Sep 12:00

Infinite CHEST

by Justin Pierce

Disclaimer: Superhero breast augmentation is not without risk. Search 'Liefeld Captain America' for more details.

01 Sep 11:06

Project Quicksilver

by Adam Grossman

An attempt to create the world’s highest resolution real-time map of global temperature.

When we created Dark Sky, our core focus was on the idea of “hyperlocal” forecasting: knowing when it was going to rain at your exact location, with high precision. The old way of delivering the weather for an entire town or region was replaced by forecasts covering precisely where you are standing right now.

We’ve taken that same philosophy and have extended it beyond precipitation. Today, we’re excited to launch a new experiment: Quicksilver, a hyperlocal real-time map of global temperature. As far as we know, it’s the highest resolution map of its kind anywhere.

Each pixel measures, at most, 3.5 miles on a side — enough resolution to capture microclimate effects effects due to hills, valleys, proximity to water, etc. To put that in perspective, there are over 400 temperature zones in an area the size of the Los Angeles Metropolitan area.

It regenerates every hour, providing a constantly updating snapshot of air temperature around the globe.

It is still highly experimental (check out the caveats below), but we decided to making it available as is, starting today. It can be accessed as a 16-bit grayscale GeoTIFF image, which can be read programmatically or loaded into various off-the-shelf GIS tools. More info can be found here.

The folks at MapBox have also converted it to an absolutely stunning interactive tileset:

(They’ve also animated it.)

In our next blog post, we’ll go into more detail on how exactly we generate Quicksilver images. So stay tuned!

Some Caveats

  • This is still highly experimental, and verification has been limited. We currently validate it in the US by comparing it to RTMA data put out by NOAA, but there is a lot more work yet to be done.

  • Due to the nature of our ground-station and satellite-based adjustments, temperature data over oceans has a lower effective resolution and accuracy.

  • Areas where the ocean meets the land contains a number of discontinuities and inconsistencies.

  • We don’t provide any warranty or guarantee of uptime / accuracy. Use at your own risk (for now).

  • If you do anything cool with it, please let us know!

30 Aug 16:26

shouts out to the approximation of me living somewhere, somewhen, who is one inch taller than I am. I respect you, friend.

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dinosaur comics returns monday!

← previous August 22nd, 2013 next

August 22nd, 2013: HEY SPEAKING OF BODY HAIR, yesterday I shaved for the first time in several years! This is exciting for me but boring for most other people, so here's the wonderful Bee and Puppycat so you don't stop reading these posts down here due to extreme hair-based boredom.

One year ago today: short story: someone gets to the oceanic pole of inaccessibility, someone else is there, they both fall in love but get back to dry land and the magic is gone. sorry, that was a sad short story. it happens sometimes.

– Ryan

30 Aug 16:25

08/16/13 PHD comic: 'Of time and bionic cockroaches, Part 3 of 3'

Piled Higher & Deeper by Jorge Cham
Click on the title below to read the comic
title: "Of time and bionic cockroaches, Part 3 of 3" - originally published 8/16/2013

For the latest news in PHD Comics, CLICK HERE!

30 Aug 16:22

08/14/13 PHD comic: 'Of time and bionic cockroaches, Part 2 of 3'

Piled Higher & Deeper by Jorge Cham
Click on the title below to read the comic
title: "Of time and bionic cockroaches, Part 2 of 3" - originally published 8/14/2013

For the latest news in PHD Comics, CLICK HERE!

24 Aug 15:07

Some webcomic love (well, mostly love) from Kabuto the...

Some webcomic love (well, mostly love) from Kabuto the Python.

Thanks to anon for pointing this out!

24 Aug 13:36


by shironeko



12 Aug 06:28

by yasmine
My least favorite chore.
11 Aug 07:39

sleepmurder: On the importance of GOOD PHOTOS of shelter...


#3996's intake photo

#3997's intake photo



On the importance of GOOD PHOTOS of shelter pets:

These two precious little kits are at Gaston County Animal Control in Dallas, North Carolina (they are both adoptable). This is a high-intake kill shelter in an impoverished rural area. On some days in spring and early summer, they take in over 40 new animals in a seven-hour period (yesterday intake was 32). They have a few nice SLR cameras and a few ACOs who know how to use them, but with the sheer numbers coming in every day, in addition to all the other jobs the staff is doing, quite often there is just no time to set up a good photo. Most animals will not sit still and must be held by someone, leading to partially-obscured, shadowed, or unnaturally posed animals, and photos are usually taken immediately upon intake, which means inside a small room with no windows or in the box of the AC truck. Not ideal conditions for photography! Not to mention that AC probably smells like hell on earth for 90% of dogs and cats, so even friendly animals who will acclimate quickly are terrified upon arrival.

However, although this shelter is high-intake, most of the employees really do want to see animals get out the front door, and they manage to save way more than they euthanize. They are extremely accommodating to volunteers who want to take photos of the animals, and I went to help out for the first time last Saturday. 

It was so. Much. Fun! I was wrangling the dogs while another girl took photos, so basically I just got jumped on, slobbered all over, and yanked around at the end of a leash, but I loved it. We got some great photos, and of the eleven dogs we took out, nine of them were adopted or rescued, including several who’d been completely overlooked due to bad intake photos. I also got some great photos and videos of cats and kittens lounging and playing that were worlds better than their flash-in-the-face intake photos.

So what I’m saying here is, if you have a decent camera that you know how to use, your local shelter has an online presence, and you want to really and truly help animals, go volunteer! You will quite literally be saving lives just by snapping some photos! DO IT.

Pls signal boost!


Here are the kittens’ threads if you are local and interested in adopting or fostering:
Black with white feets, #3996, male
Gray tabby, #3997, male

Sorry - I’ll post some actual art here soon.

Meanwhile, I was asked to reblog this and it seemed worthwhile.  Photography is not the first thing that springs to mind when it comes to helping out kill or no-kill shelters, but it makes sense that it could make a difference for a lot of animals if you happen to be pretty good at it and you have a little time to volunteer.

31 Jul 00:18

You Say You Want a DEVOLUTION

by Justin Pierce

Sorry if today’s comic got a little cilia than usual.

31 Jul 00:14

Small campaign

by Juan

Dear Secret Knots readers: I started a funding campaign, express-mode, related to the website expenses. Donations of any amount are welcome and get you something cool in your email in return, but input above 10 lets you commission a drawing of any character you want from any media. OR it can be a personal portrait, The Secret Knots-style. Donations above 25 get you a more elaborated illustration.


Please  email for requests. I’m already taking some nice requests from the facebook page.

Paypal is

Thanks everybody!

30 Jul 21:50

Stray Cats of Singapore (#120)

by Chan Foo
Stray Cats of Singapore (#120)
28 Jul 09:55

07/17/13 PHD comic: 'Your Thesis Outline'

Piled Higher & Deeper by Jorge Cham
Click on the title below to read the comic
title: "Your Thesis Outline" - originally published 7/17/2013

For the latest news in PHD Comics, CLICK HERE!

28 Jul 09:53

Chivalry: Medieval Warfare Summer Sale Illustration Process...

Chivalry: Medieval Warfare Summer Sale Illustration Process gif.(final illustration)

This was one of the rare instances I did an illustration 100% digitally and it wound up being fairly involved.  I thought some people might dig how this thing was built!

The palette was largely based on this photo; I wanted something with a poppy saturated rainbow of color depth.

(Yikes, sorry for the multiple posts, guys! I couldn’t get the gif small enough to actually animate on the dash. :/ )

28 Jul 08:55

Chivalry: Medieval Warfare Steam Sale Postcard....

Chivalry: Medieval Warfare Steam Sale Postcard.  photoshop.

Valve got a buncha artists to do trading cards for this year’s Steam Summer Sale, and I got to do one!  A big thank-you to the lovely folks at Valve who I had the pleasure of workin’ with.  Thank you guys for asking me to draw burly men playing beach volleyball in various states of undress, it was so much fun.

The Summer Sale is still running til the 22nd and you can get my trading card on Steam ‘til then!

28 Jul 08:53

andrew hussie and i discussed making this book a few years ago. WE STILL MIGHT, WHO KNOWS

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← previous July 16th, 2013 next

July 16th, 2013: This Is How You Die is out today! It's an awesome book I helped edit! I keep saying how great this book is! I think you should buy it!

THIS IS HOW YOU DIE <-- click that link, make magic happen via capitalism

One year ago today: racisms against non-utah raptors

– Ryan

26 Jul 07:38


by shironeko

26 Jul 07:37


by shironeko



16 Jul 09:16



NSFW of course