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20 Apr 07:03

Human Composting Bill Passes in Washington State

by Katie Herzog
Washington will likely be the first state to legalize this form of body disposal. by Katie Herzog
An artist rendering of the future Recompose Seattle
An artist rendering of the future Recompose Seattle Katrina Spade

Some excellent news for people who want to be composted came down from Olympia Friday when the Legislature passed Senate Bill 5001, which could change the future of after-death care in Washington state.

"I am over the moon!" Katrina Spade says about the bill's passage. "It feels amazing to have this bill pass, and with so much support behind it."

Spade, an architect by training, is the founder of Recompose, an organization working to revolutionize what we do with bodies after death. The phrase "human composting" describes it best, although, for obvious reasons, Spade prefers the term "recomposition" or “natural organic reduction." Until now, it hasn't been legal to compost people in any state in the U.S., but if, as expected, Gov. Inslee signs the bill, that will soon change: Instead of being buried or cremated, the two most popular forms of body disposal in the U.S., in the future, bodies could go to facilities like the one Spade is designing. They will be laid into a bed of wood chips, alfalfa, and straw—all materials that help speed the decomposition process—and broken down into soil. It happens shockingly quick: In around a month, the body will be transformed into rich, living soil by thermophilic bacteria that thrive at certain temperatures (and, yes, this includes the bones and the teeth).

Spade first came up with the idea of recomposition in grad school, when she realized that cities were running out of burial space. She's spent the last seven years not just building her organization, designing the facility, and working to reform the law, she's also been working with universities in Washington and North Carolina to figure out the perfect blend of materials for breaking down human bodies. During this process, Spade and the researchers found that the resulting soil meets state and federal safety standards. In other words, it's fine to use in your garden.

"The soil is safe for growing anything but we suggest it be used for tree and ornamentals," Spade says. (Note to my loved ones: I'd really prefer to be tomatoes, eaten with plenty of pepper and salt.)

If/when the bill is signed into law, it will take effect May 1, and it will also legalize alkaline hydrolysis, a sort of cremation by water instead of fire, as former Stranger staffer Sean Nelson called it last year. Both alkaline hydrolysis and recomposition are far less terrible for the environment than our current means of body disposal. Each cremation, according to the Funeral Consumers Alliance, takes 28 gallons of fuel and releases 540 pounds of carbon dioxide. Burial is even worse for the planet: Each year in the U.S., we bury 30 million board feet of wood, 1.6 million tons of concrete, 750,000 gallons of embalming fluid, and 90,000 tons of steel. That's as much steel as it took to build the Golden Gate bridge, but instead of using it for, say, bridges that living people can drive over, we bury it with our dead. It's an unsustainable model. Plus, the simple reality is that many cities are running out of space. We barely have room for the living residents in Seattle, much less dead ones.

While the idea of being allowed to decay is likely icky to some people, for others, "Returning to nature is a comforting idea," Spade says. And it won't take much longer for this service to open to the public, at least in Seattle. Recompose is looking for space now, and hopes to be up and running in two years or less.

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02 Apr 17:16

Half a million people are playing a game on Reddit called the button

by Mark Frauenfelder

There's a button on this Reddit page. If any of the 492,558 participants (and rising) presses it, the timer gets reset to 60 seconds and the game starts over.

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07 May 23:20

Comedian Patton Oswalt Trolls Twitter with Fake Offensive ‘Deleted’ Jokes

by Matt Wilstein

As found out last summer, comedian Patton Oswalt is a force to be reckoned with on Twitter. But today, Oswalt took his Twitter prowess to another level by posting a series of apologies for tweets he claimed to have deleted. Naturally, this sent his followers and detractors frantically searching for the deleted tweets, or just getting angry with him anyway.

In the process, he managed to imply that he had offended sufferers of Lyme disease, African-Americans, transgendered people, rape victims and more:

Oops. Just deleted my last Tweet. & would like to apologize to seniors & sufferers of Lyme disease. I was out of bounds.

— Patton Oswalt (@pattonoswalt) May 7, 2014

Yikes. Had to delete another Tweet. I crossed a line on that one. Also, I thought 12 YEARS A SLAVE and THE BUTLER were brilliant.

— Patton Oswalt (@pattonoswalt) May 7, 2014

PLEASE disregard last Tweet. Already deleted. Transphobia is hurtful, and I'm a big fan of HEDWIG & THE ANGRY INCH.

— Patton Oswalt (@pattonoswalt) May 7, 2014

Forgive me. Previous Tweet deleted. Sorry. Yes, we all know what "grape", "ape", "tape" & "cape" rhyme with. I'm an asshole.

— Patton Oswalt (@pattonoswalt) May 7, 2014

Previous Tweet very hurtful. Already deleted. @KimKardashian & @JoeBiden are national treasures. As are our Native American friends.

— Patton Oswalt (@pattonoswalt) May 7, 2014

Another Tweet deleted. I apologize. That one was just mean. Go ahead & block me, @AnthonyCumia & @thelindywest. #tolerance

— Patton Oswalt (@pattonoswalt) May 7, 2014

The FUCK is wrong with me? Last Tweet deleted. The victims of the Holocaust deserve our highest respect, not penis limericks.

— Patton Oswalt (@pattonoswalt) May 7, 2014

Gonna leave Twitter for a bit. Deleted my last Tweet. Just because "Don Sterling" rhymes with "Gone curling" doesn't make it funny.

— Patton Oswalt (@pattonoswalt) May 7, 2014

When people started complaining, Oswalt simply turned the whole thing around on them:

.@coolsexguy I didn't make a rape joke. But YOU somehow heard one in your head. Hm.

— Patton Oswalt (@pattonoswalt) May 7, 2014

.@samknight1 What exactly is the "wrong part of town"? That's a pretty racist thing for you to say.

— Patton Oswalt (@pattonoswalt) May 7, 2014

Then, there were the people who understood what was going on, like this writer, who perfectly summed up the entire situation like so:

Looks like it's "@pattonoswalt weeds out people who don't understand humor" day.

— Kay Reindl (@KayReindl) May 7, 2014

[Photo via Twitter]

– –

>> Follow Matt Wilstein (@TheMattWilstein) on Twitter

29 Apr 05:45

Cuisinart Cast Iron Chicken Fryer

Hard to imagine, but somewhere back in the mists of history, the only thing people chicken-fried was chicken. Then some unknown genius was struck by a bolt of divine inspiration and asked the important question: why couldn't you chicken-fry a steak?

Everything changed. The floodgates opened, and in rushed a wave of crackling hot oil, chicken-frying everything in its path. Pork. Turkey. Duck. Bison. Potatoes. Carrots. Cheese. Macaroni 'n' cheese. Bananas. Butterscotch pudding. Mustard. Deep-pile polyester carpet. Uranium. Each more chicken-fried than the last, each more delicious than anything not chicken-fried.

And each made possible by the deep, heavy enameled cast-iron Cuisinart Chicken Fryer. Because there are still new frontiers to discover. And then to chicken-fry and eat.

In the Box:

  • (1) Cuisinart CI45-30CR 12" Chef's Classic Enameled Cast Iron Chicken Fryer
18 Apr 06:04


06 Feb 06:23

Marshawn Lynch Reaches For A Bottle Of Fireball At The Seahawks Parade

by Tom Ley

Marshawn Lynch Reaches For A Bottle Of Fireball At The Seahawks Parade

This picture was sent to us by a reader who saw it pop up on his Facebook feed. According to the description added by the person who took the picture, that is Marshawn Lynch reaching for a bottle of Fireball while riding on the front of the duck boat during his team's Super Bowl parade.



02 Jan 07:57

Here's A Guy With Two Fully Functional Penises (NSFW)

by Kyle Wagner

Here's A Guy With Two Fully Functional Penises (NSFW)

2014 is one damn day old, and Reddit might have the scoop of the year. A redditor going by DoubleDickDude went ahead and answered a question every man has pondered: What if you had two dicks? Apparently, it's pretty great. (Yes, there is a photo.)



14 Dec 22:32

Seattle Can Raise the Minimum Wage to $15 an Hour While Barely Raising the Price of Your Burger

by Goldy


Of all the stoopid, stoopid arguments against raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour, by far the most stoopidest is the claim that higher wages would price fast food beyond the means of low-wage workers. "It would definitely hurt the consumer," International Franchise Association president Stephen J. Caldeira recently told the New York Times.

So how unaffordable might your favorite fast-food burger become should restaurants be forced to pay their employees a living wage? Caldeira warns that prices could rise by as much as 50 percent.

But that is bullshit.

Fifteen dollars would represent a 60 percent premium above Washington State's 2013 inflation-indexed $9.33 an hour minimum wage, but the fast-food industry estimates that labor accounts for only one-third of its total costs. One-third of 60 percent equals a 20 percent hike in operating costs.

But fast food is already incredibly cheap. I walked into the McDonald's on Madison Street last week to be confronted with a plethora of Dollar Menu and Extra Value Meal choices. Two bucks plus tax bought me a burger and a coffee. The coffee was actually good.

So even given a worst-case scenario in which the entire cost of higher wages is passed on to consumers in the form of higher prices, Seattleites would still only pay a far-from-wallet-busting $1.20 for an iconic McDonald's hamburger. That's 20 percent more than the current Dollar Menu price, but—adjusted for inflation—about 20 percent less than the same burger cost when McDonald's first opened back in 1948.

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20 Jul 06:59

"Christians Destroyed Marriage"

by Dan Savage

I don't know who this guy—another fundamentalist Christian who opposes marriage equality—but at least he's consistent: if marriage is so fucking sacred then Christians should be working to make divorce illegal. Period. For everyone.

Also, too, fornication is bad. (Thanks to Slog tipper Judy.)

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07 Jul 23:02

WATCH: Amateur Video Shows The Shocking Crash-Landing At San Francisco Airport

by Paul Szoldra

CNN has obtained dramatic video showing the crash-landing of Asiana Airlines flight 214 at San Francisco International Airport on Saturday.

The video, shot by aviation buff Fred Hayes, captures the landing of the Boeing 777 — which up until the crash was completely routine.

"Oh my God, it's an accident!," Hayes says, as the plane hits the seawall and then tumbles on the tarmac. 

Two were killed in the crash, and more than 70 were injured. There were 291 passengers and 16 crew members on board.

Watch the video below:

NOW: See more of what happened in the SFO Crash

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01 Jul 19:13

Chris Hedges’ Interview About the ‘Bowl Phone’ (Full Transcript and Audio)

Truthdig columnist Chris Hedges recently interviewed three former inmates of a New Jersey jail to learn about the way prisoners communicate among themselves through the plumbing—the “bowl phone.” Click to the inside page for an audio recording and a transcript of the interview.

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22 Jun 18:24

Aliens let their balls loose on Earth in Syfy's Independence Daysaster

by Rob Bricken

It's looking bad for humanity this July 4th. If Syfy's next TV movie is right, we're going to have some major balls on our hands. These balls are extra-terrestrial in origin, and they're a deep threat to our survival. Terrifyingly, it seems the aliens plan to drop these deadly balls right on our unsuspecting faces.



17 Jun 18:38

Here's What We Can Expect From 'The Hobbit: The Desolation Of Smaug' Based On The Trailer

by Mark Newton

The Hobbit 2 Trailer

Last week The Hobbit 2 trailer finally broke free and swarmed all over the internet.

As an avid reader of The Hobbit, I was certainly curious to see what Peter Jackson had in store for the middle installment of his Hobbit Trilogy.

So far The Hobbit has been a mix of original lore-based moments, for example the cave troll scene, and new and unexpected additions, such as Azog The Defiler.

Does The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug continue this tradition?

Well, watch the trailer again below and then head down to check out my observations:

Tensions Are Rising

Any fan of Middle-Earth lore will know that Elves and Dwarves have a pretty rocky relationship. For centuries the two races have had an uneasy and often turbulent cordon sanitaire between their homelands.

However, Thorin’s journey takes him straight through the center of Mirkwood, the home of the Elves led by Thranduil. The trailer opens with the Elvenking (played by Lee Pace) giving Thorin a dressing down, and as you can tell from Thorin’s expression, he doesn’t like it one bit. It looks like the friction between the two fantastical races could become a central plot point forThe Hobbit 2. I don’t know about you guys, but I’m always pro-Dwarf. Mostly due to their awesome facial hair.

Do A Barrel Roll!

The scenes in Mirkwood are some of the most iconic in The Hobbit. The trailer gives us several glimpses of the gang avoiding the giant spiders that plague the wood, but most prominent is the scene in which Thorin’s company escape down a river in barrels.

Now, I can imagine it might jar with some hardcore Lord of the Rings fans who preferred the original movie trilogy’s more adult tone. Having said that, the moment is one of the most memorable chapters in the original book and not to lovingly recreate it would have been sacrilege. For better or worse, Jackson seems to have souped up the original scene with some added sword fighting and chasing Elves.

Sword Swinging Galore

Talking about fighting, the trailer wasn’t wanting for action scenes. With a few exceptions, the trailer was basically a quick-fire montage of elves firing arrows, goblins jumping around and Dwarves swinging blades. Now much of the exposition is out of the way, here’s hoping The Hobbit 2 can dedicate more screentime to some great battle scenes. There certainly seemed to be more clashes than was present in the original book, and of course, Azog The Defiler has made a terrifying return.

Meeting the New Characters

As well as the aforementioned Thranduil, the trailer also provided some quick glances of other incoming characters. We saw Evangeline Lilly as the conscientious elf Tauriel, and Luke Evans as Lake-Town’s premiere bow-slinger, Bard. We also caught a glimpse of what appeared to be a giant bear attacking the Dwarves. Was this Beorn? In the book Beorn is a giant man who can transform into an even giant-er bear. Officially, he is an ally of the Dwarves, but he is also known to anger quickly and be distrustful of outsiders. Does this blink-and-you’ll-miss it moment hint that Thorin and Co will incur Beorn’s wrath when they first meet?

Smaug The Money-Hungry Dragon

Although technically a ‘new character’, I think Smaug at least deserves his own paragraph. I was quite surprised to actually get a good look at the titular antagonist in The Hobbit 2 trailer. Jackson had kept his appearance hidden throughout An Unexpected Journey, and I thought he might be maintaining the shroud of secrecy until closer to theDesolation of Smaug’s release.

Luckily, I was proven wrong and we got to see Smaug in all his red-scaled glory. What was immediately noticeable is that Jackson’s Smaug has a surprisingly emotive face for a giant lizard. Of course this makes sense considering Smaug can talk and was motion captured by Benedict Cumberbatch. Hopefully, later trailers will show even more of the dragon within the Lonely Mountain.

What did you think? Did The Hobbit 2 trailer give you everything you wanted, or were you left a bit disappointed? Let us know below.

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20 Mar 18:04

Gawker Publishes Dubya's Email Address

by Joe
To mark the tenth anniversary of the Iraq war, yesterday Gawker published the personal email address of former President George W. Bush.  The move has angered some Gawker commenters and Michele Malkin's Twitchy, whose editors last night called Gawker "cretinous slime."