Shared posts

14 Jan 18:32

The Fake Weather: How They'll Make An Ice Rink At Dodger Stadium In 80° Weather

by Bianca Barragan

[Image via Dodgers]

It's supposed to be above 80 degrees every day this week, but nature be damned, there WILL be a sheet of ice thick enough to play hockey on in Dodger Stadium's infield for the Kings-Ducks hockey game on January 25. The ice rink, which will run from third base to first, is created and maintained via "the proven refrigeration technology of the imported floor and the 53-foot mobile refrigeration unit" that arrived today at the stadium, according to the Dodgers site. To avoid sloping or lumps in the ice, the rink had to have a subfloor built in. Now, the plan is to make ice at night, then to cover the entire field with "thermal blankets" during the day to shield it from sunlight.


That's right, according to this artist rendering that the NHL gave the LA Times, there will also be a beach volleyball court in left field and a rollerblade hockey court at home plate. Over in right field, all those pyrotechnics are for the band KISS, which is playing the show (the rendering specified KISS, though they're not the only act playing).

· Ho(t)ckey at Dodger Stadium Just Seems Really Cool [LA Dodgers]
· Taking the NHL Outside: The Making of Stadium Hockey [Sports Illustrated]

14 Jan 04:59

Fox Buys Rights to Magic: The Gathering

by Halle Kiefer


Awkward people who went to middle school in the nineties, rejoice. Twentieth Century Fox has acquired the screen rights to Hasbro's Magic: The Gathering card game, and allegedly intends to turn the game's fantasy universe into a franchise à la Harry Potter. Seeing as how Magic: The Gathering came out in 1993, it's sort of shocking it took this long for someone to recognize the game's big-screen potential. If nerds are still playing something during lunch twenty years later, there's power there. What other kid's game can you say that about? Not those Rainbow Looms everybody loves so much, that's for sure.

Read more posts by Halle Kiefer

Filed Under: magic the gathering ,fox ,big screen adaptations ,the new harry potter

14 Jan 04:11

I will stay true

by Stephanie Aurora Clark Nielson

I can't tell you how liberating it is to follow rules, follow a living prophet
of God, and to teach this to my family.

I have come to a few conclusions these past few days.
I feel like if I am not proactive in sharing 
how I feel then I am not being true to who I am, 
to my family, my duty as a mother and blogger, and most importantly to God.
First and foremost, I stand with and will defend my Mormon faith.  
Whatever the Prophet says, I do.
As a mother of five children I will not stand around 
and let the world decide what is moral,
 what is right, and how I should raise my children. 
And just because the world changes with 
every single trend doesn't mean I will too. 
As a Mormon, I want to make it clear that 
I can still love everyone but I don't have to 
agree or condone others lifestyle choices that go against the teachings of our 
Heavenly Father and His commandments and words.
If God changed at every single whim and fad, He would cease to be God.

I have heard it said that people think that being good, having a family, and following moral rules means you are stupid, and uneducated. 
Big news: It's not.
I will fiercely defend my family and will not change or become a "try-hard" to 
seem awesome and fit-in with the changing values of this world.
 I believe I am a woman of worth.
I believe I have a roll in my Mormon faith and I don't need anything more
to supplement or make me feel otherwise.
I am grateful for this knowledge and know that it is a blessing.
I also believe that God created His children and
loves each one of them equally, no matter what they do.
I believe that I can teach my children to love everyone, as I do--regardless
of what they choose to do in this life
or how they choose to live it and with whom.
But I also want them to know that they don't have to
accept or agree every one's lifestyle to feel like they can fit in society today.

I can't tell you how liberating it is to follow rules, follow a living prophet
of God, and to teach this to my family.

Happy weekend.

Home and Family
The family is the most basic and important
unit in society and the highest priority
 for members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

* * * * *
Speaking HERE tomorrow 
14 Jan 03:24

The Commute: The Freeway Widening That Gave You Carmageddon Now Wants You To Tangle With Jamzilla

by Neal Broverman

what the crap is Trafficnado

[The remade 405 entrances/exits to Wilshire]

Caltrans and Metro's Valentine's gift to LA is what they're calling Jamzilla (ok, ok, you've had your fun, guys), a part-time closure of the 405 Freeway that's part of the always-frustrating Sepulveda Pass Improvements Project. Between February 14 and 18 (the President's Day long weekend), they'll reduce lanes on five and a half miles of the northbound 405 through the Sepulveda Pass during the day and close the section completely at night. We asked Metro if we are nearing the end of this long nightmare—this year we'll mark the third anniversary of the original Carmageddon—and spokesman Marc Littman said, "Most of the major freeway widening work is done, the new Sunset and Mulholland bridges are done and Skirball Bridge is just about finished along with Wilshire and Sunset ramps work, etc. Last year we opened a general purpose lane from the I-10 to just north of Wilshire." The major project left to complete is the northbound HOV lane between West LA and the Valley. No specific date for completion has been named other than the previously-stated mid-2014 window. Littman stresses that when they finally finish this thing, we'll have continuous carpool lanes from Orange County to North LA County, so there's that.
· 405 Widening Archives [Curbed LA]

14 Jan 01:35

Rough Draft

by (C. Jane Kendrick)

Oh Shit! Kristen, this is the sister of the mommy blogger who I shared earlier, defending her previous one sentence mention of her friend's same-sex wedding.

You're reading a blog of an imperfect Mormon. I used to think I was pretty perfect, to be embarrassingly honest. I kept all my commandments without much effort. If you go back in my archives, you can read about that time in my life. I was also super skinny and that's because I thought it was unholy to eat certain foods, and really, if everyone was as holy as I was, they too wouldn't eat such satanic diets. That's what I really believed.

Now I think I was psychotic. But I was skinny! Oh boy. Modest and skinny. The winning combo!

Last year I realized that while I was keeping most of the day-to-day commandments, doing everything pretty well by a religious code, I was in fact, pretty selfish. In fact, writing my life story made me realize I've pretty much always been an angry person. I didn't like people. I didn't forgive them. I didn't give them the benefit of the doubt. And I sure didn't like people who thought or looked or acted differently from me.

So, I was keeping all the commandments, except, maybe the biggest one outside of loving God: loving others.

And I realized that maybe that anger fueled me into some success, but it was at the risk of relationships. And now I had children. I didn't want to be passive-aggressive angry mom. Oh gosh, I didn't.

So I started to pray for charity.

And I can't really describe what happened to me, except as I prayed for charity I realized I had to stop getting stuck on the other commandments. It was like I had to sacrifice my ego--my perfect commandment-keeping, shiny, Mormon ego--to really understand what love meant. I don't mean, I had to stop keeping commandments, I mean, stop keeping them only because it made me feel perfect.

And letting go of that ego was like a spiritual explosion. I crashed right into doubt. I met it head on. I looked it in the eyes and realized, I've been spiritually ignorant. I realized I was going to have to start using Christ to heal me. I was going to have to start learning what the gospel was about.

I'm learning the first rule of love is to mourn with those who mourn, and rejoice with those who rejoice. In other words, empathy--the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. I am almost devastating in this regard. I have carried on for almost four decades not really knowing how to feel outside myself. (So, three huge cheers for Chup who has suffered through eleven years of me!)

And so I guess this brings me to the questions people keeping leaving for me here on my blog, or on facebook or in emails: how can you be happy for your friend who got married to her same-sex partner when the church so explicitly condemns it?

Well, right now I'm allowing myself to try on empathy. I love my friend, when she was finally able to marry her partner of twelve years, having raised children and buried parents and worked through burdens together, I was happy with her. I couldn't help it, I felt what she was feeling.

And isn't that what I've been asking God to help me have for so long now? To put away my anger, my self-righteousness, my justifications and judgements for the opportunity to feel another person's heart?

So back to my point above: I'm working on the basics here. I got way ahead of myself in my late twenties/early thirties. I believed I had mastered such incredible commandment keeping skills I thought God was making up new ones for me so I didn't get bored.

I think I was in too many gifted-and-talented classes growing up...

Anyway, I'm grateful to Elder Uchtdorf whose beautiful talk last October assured me that there's room for me--for my thoughts, my beliefs, my strengths and my weaknesses--in this church. His outreach was perfectly timed, and gratefully accepted.

13 Jan 22:08

UPDATE! Mom and Baby Orangutan Reunite at Zoo Atlanta

by Andrew Bleiman

1 orangutan

Pongo the Orangutan just turned one year old just a few days ago, on January 10. He was born by Caesarian section at Zoo Atlanta and raised by a team of zoo keepers, volunteers and veterinarians while Blaze, the mother, recovered.

A first-time mom, Blaze fully recovered from the surgery but wasn't quite ready to take on the role of motherhood. Caregivers began a careful series of introductions, allowing mother and baby to see each other across a barrier (for safety). In the first two photos, Pongo is watching mom at an introdution session. 

(We're doing a bit of a recap here, but see our previous stories on the birth and early reintroductions for even more photos!) 

2 orangutan

3 orangutan

After two months of introductions, Blaze finally reached a curious hand out toward the little baby. 

4 orangutan

Reintroduction efforts continued daily. Pongo was taken to the orangutan building each morning for intros with Blaze, and each evening returned to a nursery to receive round-the-clock care and feeding from staff and volunteer caregivers. Meanwhile, he was growing steadily, gaining strength, and learning how to climb!

5 orangutan

6 orangutan

Photo credits: Zoo Atlanta / Adam K. Thompson (1-3, 11, 13, 15);  Primate Team (4, 7, 11); Laura Mayo (5); Lynn Yakubinis (6, 8); Kate Leach (9, 10, 12); Max Block (14)

See and read more after the fold!

In a stroke of amazing keeper ingenuity, the team provided Pongo, who had not gotten the hang of nursing, with a life-sized toy orangutan. The team has made a small hole in the plush and have pushed his bottle through in an attempt to help him learn how to nurse when he's with Mom. It worked!

Throughout the hand-raising process, caretakers tried to make the experience as natural for the baby as possible, even using fuzzy orange blankets to simular a mother's hair. 

7 orangutan

Finally in March, something clicked, and Blaze accepted her baby. 

8 orangutan

9 orangutan

10 orangutan

Pongo and Blaze were fully reuinted, but not ready to go outside yet, so plenty of fun was provided indoors. They loved to play with big sheets of paper!

11 orangutan

Finally the mother and baby were ready to move to their outdoor habitat. Pongo continued nursing from mom, but got supplemental feedings from human caregivers too, to manke sure he was getting all the nutrition he needed. The two are happy and well-adjusted, with lots of room to play outside. Now that he's back with mom, Pongo is learningeverything he needs to know about being an Orangutan. 

12 orangutan

13 orangutan

14 orangutan

15 orangutan

16 orangutan

12 Jan 21:32


by My Milk Toof




"Bonjour Madame. 
An invitation for you."


fancy 1


"Follow me..."


"Just a minute as we prepare you a table. 
Can I interest you in a FANCY beverage? "



"Lardee, we talked about this."


"For starters, we present FANCY charcuterie 
accompanied with FANCY string fromage."


"For your entrée, we present a FANCY dinosaur nugget with 
blueberry waffles, mac and cheese, and teddy bear crackers. 


"And now, the FANCY dinner show!






"And for dessert, we present a FANCY strawberry cake with 
sprinkles and cream. It's a cake, trust us."




"We hope you found today's FANCY dinner and show satisfactory."


"Here's your bill."

fancy 2


"Can you help us clean though?"

10 Jan 23:06

Ain't No Mountain High Enough: Meet Erykah Badu's New Hair

by Hillary Crosley

Ain't No Mountain High Enough: Meet Erykah Badu's New Hair

Few could pull of a coif made popular by Kid N' Play, but Erykah Badu is not your average woman. On her, this sky rise of a 'do looks like the new futuristic way forward, and I'm a fan.


10 Jan 23:05

Let's All Pretend We're Michelle Dockery Going Out To Lunch Like This

by Rebecca Rose

4 jo

Let's All Pretend We're Michelle Dockery Going Out To Lunch Like This

LOS ANGELES, CA - JANUARY 09: Actress Michelle Dockery attends LOVEGOLD Luncheon celebrating Michelle Dockery at Chateau Marmont on January 9, 2014 in Los Angeles, California. (Photo by John Sciulli/Getty Images for LOVEGOLD)


10 Jan 10:54

Man's Stunning Rendition of 'Wuthering Heights' Moves World to Tears

by Madeleine Davies

nice teen wolf shirt and also poster

For the love of all that is holy (i.e. for the love of Kate Bush), this dude singing "Wuthering Heights" in its original key is one of the most beautiful things you will ever EVER witness. It's haunting, it's stunning, it's everything a Kate Bush fan could possibly dream of beyond dancing in a field with Kate Bush herself.


10 Jan 03:36

Matt Brown wants topless female fighters? Sara McMann tells him to fight in a speedo

by Chris Hall

"Legit Man Shit"

In the wake of Brown's controversial comments on his podcast, the next women's contender has a suggestion of her own for "The Immortal".

As we reported earlier today, while on leave due to a knee injury UFC welterweight Matt Brown decided to launch his own podcast. Legit Man Shit made it's first airing earlier this week. If nothing else, Brown certainly made an impression.

In the debut episode, Brown jokingly made this statement:

I just think this, if I'm [going] to pay $60 for a Pay-Per-View to watch women fight they should at least be topless.

As you can imagine, the sentiment wasn't well received and Brown has apparently pulled the podcast down. But the reaction is still there and has begun resonating in the WMMA world. Sara McMann who's set to challenge Ronda Rousey for the women's bantamweight title at UFC 170 was asked to comment on Thursday.

ESPN Radio reported her reaction from the media scrum for the late-February event:

"I want to make it absolutely clear ... I do not care if somebody wants to be a fan or not," exclaimed McMann. "Don't pay $60 then. Nobody's taking their top off."

Frankly McMann seemed a bit confused about the source, "I don't even know him. Why would I give a crap what he thinks about my fight? You know what, Matt Brown fight in a Speedo."

McMann's suggestion will bring back UFC 133 memories for many fans. After losing a bet, Dennis Hallman notoriously fought Brian Ebersole while wearing a speedo. Let's just say it didn't go over well and UFC president Dana White has since banned the swimwear from the Octagon.

McMann's shot at the title will happen on February 22 out of the Mandalay Bay Events Center in Las Vegas, NV. Brown is still on the shelf and has no set date for return.

10 Jan 00:28

Watch This Woman Devour a 4.5 Pound Steak in Under 3 Minutes

by Callie Beusman

Good news, everyone: women have finally gnawed our way through the meat ceiling. Specifically, competitive eater Molly Schuyler has set a new world record after consuming an entire 72 oz. steak in under three minutes. The previous record, held by some dude, was 6 minutes and 48 seconds. GIRL POWER.


09 Jan 23:19

Schooled: The LA Public Library Is Going To Offer High School Diplomas

by Bianca Barragan
The maxim over the entrance to the Central Public Library reminds us that it's a place that serves the community; the 72-branch LA Public Library system already offers all visitors free access to the internet, literacy programs, literary and cultural programs, and a discreet place to have casual encounters. Well this month, the LAPL is adding another public good to its resume: It's rolling out what is being called an unprecedented program that will allow dropouts to take actual high-school courses online and, upon successful completion, to receive an accredited high-school diploma, says KPCC. The library is hoping to award 150 diplomas in the first year of the program. Students would be selected to attend a private online high school (the library's ponying up for scholarships), and will use the library as a place where they can meet up with others in the program and get help from specially-trained library staff. The branches in areas with the highest dropout rates will be the first to offer the degrees, says city librarian/awesome human John Szabo, who's behind the program's implementation.
· Los Angeles Library to Offer High School Diplomas [SCPR]
09 Jan 22:54

Skip the Eggnog for Some Spiked Horchata

by Pinch Food Design

Skip the Eggnog for Some Spiked Horchata

Instead of serving the traditional eggnog this year why not try a Mexican classic with a similar flavor profile. Horchata is typically served at family gatherings and festivals, so we wanted to continue in that tradition. Some might mistake this creamy cocktail for a milkshake, but this version of the Mexican comfort drink is not as rich and filling. The rice is soaked, then pureed to make the horchata creamy and give it its unique taste. The evaporated milk gives the drink its sweetness and the rum cuts the thickness and marries all the flavors perfectly.

[SPECIAL EQUIPMENT: blender, fine-mesh strainer, cooler-style serving vessel]

4 cups white rice
1/2 gallon (2 quarts; 8 cups) whole milk
1 12-oz. can evaporated milk
2 tablespoons cinnamon
1 tablespoon vanilla extract

Pour the rice into a large bowl and add enough water to cover by 1 inch. Soak the rice for 4 hours.

Drain the rice and puree with the milk, evaporated milk, cinnamon, and vanilla in a blender until smooth.

Strain the horchata through a fine-mesh strainer and chill.


Additional Ingredients:
24 fl. oz. (3 cups) amber rum
12 cinnamon sticks
12 vanilla beans
1 1/2 teaspoons cinnamon

Stir 48 fl. oz. (1 1/2 quarts; 6 cups) of horchata with the amber rum in a cooler-style serving vessel or 3-quart pitcher.

Garnish each glass with a cinnamon stick and a whole vanilla bean, or let your guests add a dash of cinnamon.

YIELD: 12 servings


09 Jan 21:44

These Vagina Decals Are Extremely Literal

by Tracie Egan Morrissey

These Vagina Decals Are Extremely Literal

If someone is actually close enough to read your bald pussy, wouldn't they already take the hint that you want to fuck?


09 Jan 18:06

Tiny Hippo Goes for First Swim at Marwell Zoo

by Andrew Bleiman

1 hippo

On December 13, keepers at Marwell Zoo in the UK discovered that Wendy the Pygmy Hippo had given birth! The calf is a healthy female who certainly lives up to the 'pygmy' name, weighing in at just 13 pounds (6 kg) and standing just 6 inches (15 cm) tall at birth. After a public vote, the calf has been named Gloria.

Born to 18-year-old Wendy and Dad, Nato, who stayed at Marwell Zoo over the summer, Gloria is an important addition to the European Endangered Breeding Programme (EEP).

Team Leader for Small Mammals Kevin Saunders says, “We think 'Gloria' really suits our new arrival. We wanted something that will fit well with her mum’s name ‘Wendy’ and we think they are great together!

“Gloria has now had a swim with Mum and we are very happy with how it went. Keepers will always stand by to make sure she doesn’t get into trouble, but Wendy is very experienced and keeps a close eye on her at all times.”

4 hippo

3 hippo

2 hippoPhoto credit: Marwell Zoo / Tony Gardner (1)

Gloria explores her enclosure with mom:


Gloria goes for her first swim:


In the wild Pygmy Hippos are elusive animals, living in the swamps of western Africa. Pygmy Hippos, and their larger cousins, the Common Hippopotamus, play an important part in maintaining the ecosystems of the African wetlands and the surrounding grasslands and forests.

According to the zoo, ongoing deforestation in their natural habitat, combined with civil unrest, are significant threats to Pygmy Hippos. Their numbers have steadily declined and the species is now listed as Endangered on the International Union for Conservation of Nature's Red List. It is estimated that the population is likely to continue to decline by 20% over the course of the next 20 years.

09 Jan 04:57

Gimmicks: Of Course Los Angeles Has a Burrito Vending Machine

by Kat Odell

[Photo: @burritoboxofficial/Instagram]

First there was Sprinkles' cupcake ATM, then came a caviar vending machine, followed by Kreation Juicery's juice box. So obviously the next logical piece of gimmicky food machinery is a burrito vending machine, now producing Evol brand pre-made burritos in flavors like free range chicken with beans and rice and uncured bacon with egg and cheese. The Burritobox is situated within a 24 hour gas station in West Hollywood, but a second unit is fated to hit Century City on January 18. Per creators The Box Brands, this is "the world's first burrito kiosk."
· Behold a Burrito Vending Machine in Los Angeles [E]

09 Jan 04:56

So This Exists: A Burger Bun Made From French Fries

by Erin Jackson

From A Hamburger Today


[Photograph: Dude Foods]

Last year, we saw buns made of ramen noodles, waffles, doughnuts and even mac and cheese, so if anything it's a little surprising that this is the first time we've seen a bun fashioned from fries. It's like it was right under our noses the entire time!

Fortunately, Nick of Dude Foods (whose previous forays into the world of wacky buns include a breakfast sandwich with hash browns for buns and the "bacon weave breakfast burger") put two and two together to create the french fry bun, which is exactly what it sounds like: a bun alternative made from french fries glued together and cut into a circle.

Nick's blog post on the subject reveals how you can make one yourself, should you be up for the challenge. Here are a few tips:

  • get some edible adhesive. Nick used "Dab-N-Hold" from Wilton, which you can find on Amazon
  • use straight-cut fries unless you want to drive yourself nuts
  • bake the fries in the oven, making sure they are nice and crisp so they don't smush when you glue them together (you'll need approximately 20 fries total)
  • the glue has a slight lemony flavor, so keep that in mind when you're figuring out your toppings
  • once you've glued the fries together, use the rim of a glass to cut the fry rafts into even circles

What do you think about the french fry bun? Anyone up for trying it at home?

About the author: Erin Jackson is a food writer and photographer who is obsessed with discovering the best eats in San Diego. You can find all of her discoveries on her San Diego food blog On Twitter, she's @ErinJax

Love hamburgers? Then you'll Like AHT on Facebook! And go follow us on Twitter while you're at it!

09 Jan 04:40

The Secret Life of Pie Town, New Mexico

by cakespy

From Sweets

Pie Town

[Photographs: Jessie Oleson Moore]

When I first learned that there was an actual place called Pie Town, I had a definite idea of how it should look. My rather intricate vision involved streets paved with cookie crust, street lamps shaped like apples, and churches with meringue spires.

Well, this vision turned out to be pie in the sky. In truth, Pie Town is located in a relatively remote part of southern New Mexico, and is very much the small frontier town. When I went there, I was told jokingly that its name is inspired by the fact that the town is "exactly 3.14 miles from the middle of nowhere."

Pie Town Sticker

It's true: Pie Town isn't considered a huge destination by itself, but is more of a pleasant stopping point when traveling along the Continental Divide Trail. Of course, I should pause to note that for me, Pie Town was in fact the total sum of the reason for my journey. Since that involved a total of 7 hours (three and a half each way) from Santa Fe, I would certainly classify this voyage as a pie pilgrimage.

Why Pie Town?

Pie Town history

As the legend goes, the town gets its name from an enterprising local who began to sell sundries and snacks, notably pies, to travelers passing through. Without much else to discern the town, it began to be referred to as "Pie Town". The name caught on, and has held strong.

Interestingly, pie has not been a constant in the town that bears its name. There have been long stretches when no pies, or worse, not very good pies, have been sold.

Today, two of the small handful of retail businesses in Pie Town are pie related: the Good Pie Cafe and the Pie-O-Neer. The former is only open seasonally, so you'll have to wait until spring to sample their pies; as the Pie-O-Neer advises, "our days and hours change like the weather"—that is to say, call ahead if you're planning a trip to try them out.

Living in Pie Town

Pie Town post office

So who lives in Pie Town? Originally settlers were from Texas and Oklahoma, heading west during the Dust Bowl days and hoping for better lives. Today, the residents are varied. The quiet nature of the town is great for individuals who appreciate solitude, but it also has an artistic magnetism: the town's remote location can be appealing to artistic types seeking freedom to pursue their art without distraction. I hear there are even a few people who "cashed in their 401k to live the dream" (of eating pie 24-7, perhaps?) Since there isn't much industry in Pie Town, however, many residents make their money elsewhere, or through ventures not associated with the town itself.

Interestingly, because there isn't a huge population in Pie Town, the pool of potential employment candidates isn't huge; many young workers at the town's cafes will actually come from elsewhere, hired for the season.

Owning a Business in Pie Town

Pie Sign

Working at the Pie-O-Neer makes for an ideal work-life balance, says proprietress Kathy Knapp; she gets plenty of interaction with people during the day, but then can settle into a quiet country life with no internet or TV after the cafe closes for the day.

She goes on to say that pie-wise, there's a lot to live up to in Pie Town. At one time, customers were so few and far between that "I used to be happy just to see people." Today, things have changed and Knapp says the restaurant has had to up the ante. "We've had a lot of good publicity, and we've worked hard to keep that standard high, but when people walk in, they are expecting pie theater."

Her staff, which includes talented musicians, is happy to oblige—it wouldn't be unheard of for one of the employees to strike up the fiddle or guitar to entertain guests while they enjoy their pie. Oh, and you might have to wait to Instagram that pie picture. Internet service isn't always reliable in Pie Town.

What to Eat in Pie Town

Of course you'll be eating, well, pie. But which type? Here's a rundown of what to expect at both of the town's pie cafes.

Good Pie Cafe

At the Good Pie Cafe, you'll find an atmosphere that kind of looks like your crazy uncle's garage—in an absolutely charming way, of course.

Good Pie Interior

Several types of pie are on offer each day. The flavors are noted on a "pie chart" drawn on a white board. The most popular is their New Mexican Apple Pie, which includes the state's famed green chile and is scented with piñon. It's even been featured in Smithsonian Magazine. Adorably, the finished pies are adorned with the state's symbol on top, forged in pie crust.

State symbol

Simple and homey, these pies are characterized by a sturdy crust and served without much pomp and circumstance. I wouldn't go out of my way to call any of the pies I tried here "complex" or "gourmet", but they were all very good.

Pie Town pie from Good Pie

Not too far away, you'll find the Pie-O-Neer.


The atmosphere is different here, sort of like grandma's house, if your grandma was a doily-loving homesteader. It's highly lovable.

Inside the Pie-O-Neer

Pies are a little more sophisticated here, with a flaky and tender crust. There are several flavor variations available on any given day; on the day I went, offerings included coconut cream with a delicate meringue topping, apple-cranberry, and chocolate cream. They also have an apple pie with green chile and piñon here, but on the day I went, they had already sold out.


The coconut cream pie was heavenly—upon taking a bite of the meringue puff on top, which disintegrated like a sweet cloud as the taste of the coconut cream made itself known, I found myself wondering why lemon meringue seems to have a monopoly on the meringue when it comes to pie real estate.

Will Pie Town Change Your Life?

Good Pie receipt

Listen, I drove 7 hours total to enjoy pie in the town that bears its name. Was it life changing, fireworks-inducing pie? No. But the experience calls to mind a passage in the classic Donuts: An American Passion in which John T. Edge refers to the act of eating beignets at the famous Cafe Du Monde as being a "rite of passage". While they're not the only friteur in town, he says, there's something to having the experience of eating them there and taking part in that ritual.

I vote that Pie Town is similar in this regard: while there's plenty of pie to be had in the USA, in bakeries, diners, and maybe even in your very own kitchen, there is something amazing about eating pie in a town which has a rich history attached to the buttery crusted stuff.

Forks on an empty plate

About the author: Jessie Oleson Moore is a writer, illustrator, gallery owner, and cake anthropologist who runs Cakespy, an award-winning dessert website. Her first book came out in October 2011, and her second book came out in May 2013.

09 Jan 00:01

This Photo of Taylor Swift With Bruno Mars Is Giving Me Nightmares

by Rebecca Rose

This Photo of Taylor Swift With Bruno Mars Is Giving Me Nightmares

OH MY GOD. This is what happens when you stare into the abyss of the Internet for too long. It stares back at you like this.


08 Jan 19:02

Michelle Rodriguez & Cara Delevingne Drunkenly Make Out at Knicks Game

by Callie Beusman

a hot couple i would drunkenly go to a basketball game with

Michelle Rodriguez & Cara Delevingne Drunkenly Make Out at Knicks GameCara Delevingne and Michelle Rodriguez went to a Knicks game, where they quickly realized that basketball is an extremely boring sport and spent the rest of their time drinking copiously, smoking e-cigs, taking selfies, and sporadically making out.


08 Jan 16:54

High There

by Sharyn

On January 1st, my home state of Colorado started selling legal recreational marijuana.

You know what that means, right?




Say, you think this cake comes with a side of brownies? [eyebrow waggle]


I live in a college town, so I'm used to the occasional whiff of weed here and there. Still, you can imagine how it is now. Not to worry, though; I have an extremely strong constitution. Yep, stone-cold-sober Sharyn, that's what they call me! Heh. Aheh. Heh.

[long pause]

Man, I could really go for some nachos right now.

Weird. I don't even like refried beans.


Anyway, like I said, there's no chance of me being affected...

Hey, there's leftover spaghetti and biscotti! Brilliant!

It never even occurred to me to combine these before!
I think I'll call it "Bisghetti." No, "Spaghotti!"

Anyway, definitely getting a patent on this.


Wait. Waitwaitwait.
I don't want to scare you guys, but I think we're being watched.

[staring intently at the salt shaker]

(40 minutes later)


Hey, have you seen this picture of my brother's levitating cat?

I didn't even know c@s could DO th@!

=^..^= (The kids call that "texting.")


Well, I'm feeling a bit sleepy. So. You know...

Cha. Righteous.


Thanks to Anony M., Lisa H., Debra B., Rachael D., Jill A., Kelly B., & MJ. I'd say more, but I really need a snack...

08 Jan 07:03


08 Jan 00:40

Batman Bat-Shaped Bookshelf

by Jaime Derringer

na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na BATMAAAAAN

Batman Bat-Shaped Bookshelf

I just had to post about this. The Batman bat-shaped bookshelf is a creation of Etsy seller FictionFurniture. It comes in two versions: classic Batman and The Dark Knight. LOVE!

Batman Bat Shaped Bookshelf in home furnishings Category

Batman Bat Shaped Bookshelf in home furnishings Category

Batman Bat Shaped Bookshelf in home furnishings Category

[via This Is Why I'm Broke]

07 Jan 19:02

Blind Item #11

by ent lawyer


This former A list reality star/mom not named Kris Jenner says she is getting her daughter extensive plastic surgery before she also has her daughter start modeling.
07 Jan 18:42

Look at These Talking Eggs. Just Look at 'Em.

by Robyn Lee

[Video: Matthew Black on YouTube]

I can't tell you how many times I've watched this video. Because I lost count.

[Via Buzzfeed]

About the author: Robyn Lee is the editor of A Hamburger Today and takes many of the photos for Serious Eats. She'll also doodle cute stuff when necessary. Read more from Robyn at her personal food blog, The Girl Who Ate Everything.

07 Jan 07:53

Garage Wire: It's possible that your insatiable urge...

by Bianca Barragan

it feels good to drive fast

garage.JPGIt's possible that your insatiable urge to drive faster on certain streets is connected to how many front garages are on it. Front garages mean that street parking is super-limited, leaving drivers with "extra-wide driving lanes" that invite gunning it. Front garages also have an impact on neighborhoods' walkability and even their ability to "improve in beauty as they age." [Huffington Post]

07 Jan 05:44


06 Jan 19:38

Woman Who Was Never Vaccinated: I've Had Measles, Mumps, Meningitis

by Kate Dries

Woman Who Was Never Vaccinated: I've Had Measles, Mumps, Meningitis

On Friday morning, the Australian website Mamamia republished an article originally written for the parent-led non-profit Voices for Vaccines by Amy Parker, an English woman who was raised in the 1970s by a mother who thought she was giving her daughter the most healthy lifestyle possible. She was wrong.


06 Jan 18:53

Channel 4 Doc Explores the Men Who Turn Themselves into Living Dolls

by Isha Aran

Tonight, Channel 4 in the UK will premiere an hour long documentary, Secrets of the Living Dolls, about female maskers and the men behind them.

Female maskers/dolls are a community of men who use latex rubber suits to recreate and exaggerate the female form. Also, they wear full face masks often with heavy drag makeup—literally objectifying themselves by becoming dolls. Fantasy/fetish maskers have lots of crossover with trans, exhibitionist, and BDSM communities.

The doc — which comes to us from Jezebel alum Luke Malone — explores maskers' alter egos, ranging from a 70-year-old man who has had trouble getting back into the dating game to a bartender who's decided to open up and share his fetish with his friends. We also meet 'Dominique,' a black former track athlete from the Bronx who (despite having several different color masks) chooses to mask as a white woman as a way to deal with the racial microaggressions he has been subject to:

You gotta admire that commitment to rubber not only as a meticulous transformative art in itself, but also because that shit looks like it would get real hot and sweaty real fast. I don't think I could smell my own breath for that long.