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04 Dec 20:54

Baby Alpaca Snuggles Up at Zoo Berlin

by Andrew Bleiman

1 alpaca

Little Alpaca Patrick at Zoo Berlin knows how to stay warm: playful jumping and kicking! And of course, some snuggling with mom, Olivia.

Alpacas, in the same family as camels and llamas, were domesticated in the Andes for use of their very dense, soft hair. Babies in the camelid family are called crias, from the Spanish word for baby, 'cría'. 

2 alpaca

3 alpacaPhoto credits: Zoo Berlin


03 Dec 19:03

This family’s corrected birth notice is filled with so many beautiful feelings

by Parker Molloy

This family’s corrected birth notice is filled with so many beautiful feelings

This family’s corrected birth notice is filled with so many beautiful feelings
01 Dec 16:15

Jaden Smith Wore a Space Suit to Go See Interstellar

by Lindsey Weber

Finally, the mystery of who shouted "That's my man, Nolan!" while wearing an "authentic-looking space suit" during an opening-week screening of Interstellar has been solved. It was America's Favorite Teen, Jaden Smith! He was spotted by the "spies" at The Hollywood Reporter. Though, to be fair, if you asked us before this leaked, "Which teen would dress up as a spaceman and shout out Chris Nolan at an Interstellar screening?" our first and only answer would've been Jaden Smith. See you in space, buddy!

Read more posts by Lindsey Weber

Filed Under: jaden smith ,interstellar ,christopher nolan ,movies ,just teen things

29 Nov 21:18

Jake Gyllenhaal Got Totally Jacked for Southpaw

by E. Alex Jung

Jake Gyllenhaal dropped 25 pounds to play a doe-eyed sociopath in Nightcrawler, and it looks like he also threw himself headlong into playing junior middleweight Champion Billy "The Great" Hope for Southpaw. Deadline has the first image from the film, showing a jacked Gyllenhaal (who reportedly put on 15 pounds of muscle for the role). "I had him training twice a day in the boxing ring, he did two-a-days seven days a week," said director Antoine Fuqua. "I think he broke up with his girlfriend because he was just in the gym every day. He was training like a fighter. I had him sparring, really getting hit. I put him in situations where I wanted to see what he was made of. No one but fighters understand the sacrifice it takes to be a fighter." Masculinity! 

Read more posts by E. Alex Jung

Filed Under: southpaw ,jake gyllenhaal ,muscle men ,movies

29 Nov 01:48

How a deaf couple had their baby officially registered with a sign name

by By Arika Okrent

Parents tend to give their children names in their own languages. What could be more natural? When Tomato Lichy and Paula Garfield, a British couple who are both Deaf (the capital "D" indicates that Deaf is a cultural identity), were about to have their second child, they began to look into whether it was possible to give their baby, legally, a sign name.

A sign name is not just an English name spelled out with the fingers. While Deaf people do have English names, which can be written, spelled out, or mouthed, they use signs, created specially for individuals, to refer to each other within their...

29 Nov 01:40

The latent sexism of the male marriage proposal

by By Meghan DeMaria

When I got engaged earlier this year, well-meaning friends excitedly asked "how he proposed" — and then immediately looked at my left hand.

I've been told I can thank the Archduke Maximilian of Austria, who proposed to Mary of Burgundy with a diamond ring in 1477, for such instincts. But maybe I should thank the originators: the prehistoric men who demonstrated their control over women by tying braided grass around their wrists and ankles.

You'd think the obvious sexism of the modern proposal would rankle my progressive friends. Yes, plenty of brides have men in their bridal parties, more...

29 Nov 01:35

Holiday gift ideas for those people you love who love Taylor Swift

by Melody Lau

'tis the season!

Holiday gift ideas for those people you love who love Taylor Swift

Holiday gift ideas for those people you love who love Taylor Swift
27 Nov 16:23

Lazarus the Gazelle Makes a Comeback

by Andrew Bleiman


A newborn Thomson’s Gazelle, abandoned by its mother, was taken home by a senior keeper at ZSL Whipsnade Zoo and nursed back to health.



10484549_974761079206629_7268796461622791201_oPhoto Credits: ZSL Whipsnade Zoo

‘Larry’, who was born October 9th, is one of only four Thomson’s Gazelles in the UK, all of which live at ZSL Whipsnade Zoo.

After the little gazelle, Larry, was born, keepers noticed that his first-time mother was not returning to feed him, and they grew concerned for his survival. Senior staff-members at the zoo were forced to make the difficult decision to step in and hand-rear Larry, requiring Team Leader, Mark Holden, to bottle-feed the calf with goat milk five times a day and at regular intervals during the night.

Mark said, “It’s always a last resort to separate a calf from the group, but little Larry was getting very weak and needed our help. As soon as we got some milk into him he started to improve. We named him ‘Lazarus’---Larry for short---because for a moment there, we really didn’t think he was going to pull through.”

“We put a sky kennel in our lounge for him and he quickly settled into a routine. When he’d had his milk and a little walk-about, he’d just take himself back off to bed. It was a little tricky having Larry in the house. We had to keep an eye on him after each feed and get ready with a towel in case he started to urinate.”

Mark continued, “After two weeks, Larry was healthy enough to go back to ZSL Whipsnade Zoo and be reunited with the group, although he’s still getting a lot of extra care. He’s doing really well now, growing nicely and putting on weight. He has started to eat some solids like grass and hay, and he can be properly weaned in a few months.”

26 Nov 17:19

A Set of Tools for People Who Have Difficulties Eating

by Pinch Food Design

A Set of Tools for People Who Have Difficulties Eating

One of our dear friends and former Pinch intern, Louise Knoppert, debuted her latest product concept at Dutch Design Week. Besides the beautiful design, PROEF is smart and thoughtful. And we would expect nothing less from Louise, a self-proclaimed ambitious enthusiastic perfectionist studying at the Design Academy Eindhoven in The Netherlands.

As a result, she has been nominated for a Better Award and is going to an expo about health-care in Taiwan to expose more of the world to PROEF.

Below is Louise’s thesis of PROEF:

Every year, around 5000 people in the Netherlands have a tube installed in their stomachs permanently for tube feeding. All food is being pumped into their stomach directly. Many of these people are capable of living regular lives like us, except they are not allowed to eat or drink ever again.

During my research I found that there are more groups of people who have difficulties eating and drinking. These are people suffering from ALS, dementia, terminal illnesses, neurological disease, cancer or children who have troubles with food.

I can’t imagine life without food and drinks, and missing out on all the social events that revolve around it. I want to give these people something back, something to experience, something to share. I want to invite them to the dinner table again.

With the set of tools I developed you can create a new food experience.
 The set includes a variety of sensations, flavors, feelings, movements, actions, etc. 
The flavors are related to particular cuisines or events so people can relate properly to what others around them are having.

A Set of Tools for People Who Have Difficulties Eating in style fashion main home furnishings art Category


 | This piece uses ultrasonic/atomizer technology to create smoke from a flavorful liquid.
 The rings around the top give a pleasant feeling of texture on the lips.

 This piece sprinkles tiny shunks on your tongue which pop, melt and tingle and spread the flavor.


A pinch of powder that melts on your tongue.

A Set of Tools for People Who Have Difficulties Eating in style fashion main home furnishings art Category


 This piece sucks up a liquid that can be squeezed out by using your mouth. The sponge feels soft, and the liquid inside is juicy.

A Set of Tools for People Who Have Difficulties Eating in style fashion main home furnishings art Category


 This piece must be shaken to create foam on the liquid inside. The flexibility makes sure you can squeeze out the foam, which will then make its way onto the textured surface.
In the mouth, the foam reveals a flavor burst and it leaves a tingly sensation and sound in the mouth when it goes away.

A Set of Tools for People Who Have Difficulties Eating in style fashion main home furnishings art Category


 | With this piece you can create a tiny layer of ice around the shape.
 Between the shape and the cap, which functions as a mould, is a flavorful liquid. After freezing you can take off the cap and enjoy the cold sensation with flavor and texture.

A Set of Tools for People Who Have Difficulties Eating in style fashion main home furnishings art Category


With this piece you can roll the flavor onto your tongue and lips, providing a massage and putting the flavors directly onto the taste buds at the same time.

A Set of Tools for People Who Have Difficulties Eating in style fashion main home furnishings art Category

DIP | 

This flexible piece is for dipping. After dipping it into a paste you can either lick it or brush it onto your tongue.
 The flexible arches make for a pleasant texture, and allow for playing around with.

A Set of Tools for People Who Have Difficulties Eating in style fashion main home furnishings art Category

Squeezing this piece will spray mist from it. The vapor leaves a pleasant sensation in your mouth, and flavor of course.

A Set of Tools for People Who Have Difficulties Eating in style fashion main home furnishings art Category

A Set of Tools for People Who Have Difficulties Eating in style fashion main home furnishings art Category

25 Nov 02:42

​This HBO Documentary About Scientology Will Be Bonkers

by Clover Hope

​This HBO Documentary About Scientology Will Be Bonkers

A documentary about Scientology is coming to HBO in 2015, and it has the potential to make a lot of people mad while entertaining us all in the process.


19 Nov 22:52

Quiz: Who Said It, Will Smith’s Kids or L. Ron Hubbard?

by Jessica Roy

The son of Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith, Jaden, is currently into reading books that "can't be pre-dated." Their daughter, Willow, is trying to make music that comes "from source energy and universal truths." L. Ron Hubbard is a prolific science-fiction writer who established a controversial religion that some have deemed a cult. The stuff that comes out of each of their mouths is virtually indistinguishable (their parents are, of course, no strangers to Scientology). Come, take our quote quiz, and see if you can tell the difference between something L. Ron Hubbard said and something the Fresh Prince's kids said.

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Filed Under: quizzes

19 Nov 20:47

Humphrey J Hedgehog has an amazing (make-believe) life

by Jill Layton

Humphrey J Hedgehog has an amazing (make-believe) life

Humphrey J Hedgehog has an amazing (make-believe) life
17 Nov 23:54

Jaden and Willow Smith May Have Figured Out the Meaning of Life

by Lindsey Weber

Any interview with a Smith offspring is a joy, but a joint interview with T Magazine that answers the question, "So is the hardest education the unlearning of things?" That's a blessing. There is so much to learn from Jaden and Willow and their Zen gibberish, like how to deal with the passing of time ("I can make it go slow or fast, however I please, and that’s how I know it doesn’t exist") and the entire circle of life. Here's how it works:

First, you're a baby:

JADEN: When babies are born, their soft spots bump: It has, like, a heartbeat in it. That’s because energy is coming through their body, up and down.

WILLOW: Prana energy.

JADEN: It’s prana energy because they still breathe through their stomach. They remember. Babies remember.

WILLOW: When they’re in the stomach, they’re so aware, putting all their bones together, putting all their ligaments together. But they’re shocked by this harsh world.

And then, a teen:

JADEN: Here’s the deal: School is not authentic because it ends. It’s not true, it’s not real. Our learning will never end. The school that we go to every single morning, we will continue to go to ... Kids who go to normal school are so teenagery, so angsty.

WILLOW: They never want to do anything, they’re so tired.

JADEN: You never learn anything in school. Think about how many car accidents happen every day. Driver’s ed? What’s up? I still haven’t been to driver’s ed because if everybody I know has been in an accident, I can’t see how driver’s ed is really helping them out.

WILLOW: I went to school for one year. It was the best experience but the worst experience. The best experience because I was, like, “Oh, now I know why kids are so depressed.” But it was the worst experience because I was depressed.

Finally, an adult:

JADEN: That’s another thing: What’s your job, what’s your career? Nah, I am. I’m going to imprint myself on everything in this world.

Read more posts by Lindsey Weber

Filed Under: jaden smith ,willow smith ,music ,movies ,patterns ,the smiths

17 Nov 19:08

​Old Fashioned, the Christian Alternative to Fifty Shades, Has a Trailer

by Isha Aran

mary louise parker called, she wants her face back

When filmmaker Rik Swartwelder decided he was going to make a movie that would resurrect the idea of chivalry in love, he knew he had some tough competition—namely the adaptation to the fastest selling paperback book of all time, Fifty Shades of Grey. But Swartwelder is up for the challenge, comparing his film to the David to Fifty Shades' Goliath.


16 Nov 23:46

Sharpie-Sized Baby at Topeka Zoo

by Andrew Bleiman

y e s


Not much bigger than a Sharpie marker, a baby Greater Malayan Chevrotain was born at the Topeka Zoo on October 16. 

This fawn, born to parents Nabisco and Wilma, is the second ever born at the Topeka Zoo. 

Chevyandmom Oct 25, 2014
Chev baby Oct 25, 2014 (1)
Unnamed (1)

Nursing Oct 25, 2014Photo Credit:  Wrylie Guthrie (1, 4); Topeka Zoo (2,3,5) 

With legs about the size of pencils, adult Chevrotains weigh only 10-13 pounds.  Males have small curved tusks.  This species is sometimes called the Mouse Deer, though they are not true deer.

These ungulates are native to Indonesia, Thailand, the Philippines, and Malaysia, where they dwell in forests and feed on fruit and berries.  Threats from overhunting and deforestation have caused this species to decline in the wild.

14 Nov 23:06

Two Too Good: Both Cookie Monster and cute kittens parody ‘Too Many Cooks’

by Blaire

Two Too Good: Both Cookie Monster and cute kittens parody ‘Too Many Cooks’

Two Too Good: Both Cookie Monster and cute kittens parody ‘Too Many Cooks’

Can’t stop, won’t stop! As the Internet eagerly awaits the return of Smarf and hopefully another earworm meets eyeworm from Chris “Casper” Kelly, parodies of ‘Too Many Cooks’ have begun popping up. In a twist just strange enough for the show Sesame Street fans and cute kittens have parodied the viral phenomenon. The Pet Collective tapped right into the sweet wholesome look turned visual nightmare with ‘Too Many Kits’ and, in the most surprising turn, Muppet fans Tough Pigs, take Cookie Monster and cut together footage to create ‘Too Many Cookies!’, a less jarring parody. Hopefully this will hold us over until Adult Swim surprises us with similar madness. Until then, enjoy these:

I apologize in advance for getting the song that never ends stuck in your head.

The post Two Too Good: Both Cookie Monster and cute kittens parody ‘Too Many Cooks’ appeared first on HelloGiggles.

14 Nov 07:49

Pizza Hut New Zealand is Serving Weird Pseudo-"Mexican" Pizzas

by C.A. Pinkham

Pizza Hut New Zealand is Serving Weird Pseudo-"Mexican" Pizzas

"Burrito sauce." What is it? Why is it? From whence did it come? Whatever it is, Pizza Hut New Zealand is apparently putting it on stuff in the hope that'll magically transform its pizzas into a South of the border culinary adventure.


14 Nov 00:44

Mormon church opens up, acknowledges Joseph Smith's 40 wives

by By Catherine Garcia

For the first time in its history, leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are saying publicly that founder Joseph Smith practiced polygamy and had as many as 40 wives, with a handful already married and one a young teenager.

Mormon church materials have always referred to Smith's first wife, Emma, but essays recently posted online by the church are shedding light on the various wives of the prophet: Most were between the ages of 20 and 40, but one, the daughter of two close friends, was just 14. Some of the women were married to Smith’s friends but "sealed" to him, meaning...

13 Nov 20:12

Future Airline Interior Cabins Might Become a 180° OLED Display

by Gregory Han

Future Airline Interior Cabins Might Become a 180° OLED Display

Whether you board 1st or last, sip champagne or beg for an extra bag of honey roasted peanuts, the view from the plane is a democratically ho-hum experience from any seat. Tiny, frosted and scratched plastic windows – hardly changed since the era of propeller-based flights – offer the most modest and warped glimpses of outside. But in the possible future, travelers might be offered a flying experience not unlike IMAX, with an all-encompassing OLED display simulating sensory-stimulating views not unlike wearing an Oculus Rift headset.

British technology research company, CPI (Centre for Process Innovation), envisions a near future when planes will be outfitted with low resolution flexible OLED displays (just 150 ppi resolution) embedded into fuselage lining panels and across seat backs, extending the view from outside the plane into the inside cabin. These multi-screen panels can be used either as entertainment displays, lighting, and likely for cabin crew notification and safety presentations, and in the process reducing overall weight.

Future Airline Interior Cabins Might Become a 180° OLED Display in technology main Category

Future Airline Interior Cabins Might Become a 180° OLED Display in technology main Category

Future Airline Interior Cabins Might Become a 180° OLED Display in technology main Category

Of course the tradeoff will be aircraft outfitted with this speculated future display technology will lose windows altogether, and the possibility those fearful of flying might experience increased dread with an inescapable 180° view of flying thousands of feet above the sky surrounds them, not to mention whether this sort of technology will only be reserved for those with first class tickets, leaving us economy class fliers still fighting for a window seat.

13 Nov 18:16

Movember Madness at Belfast Zoo

by Andrew Bleiman

lookit these beardos

(1)  Movember is in full swing at Belfast Zoo with the arrival of an emperor tamarin!

The Emperor Tamarins, at Belfast Zoo, are up and ready for “Movember”!  The newest moustached member of the zoo, ‘Lucky’, was born on September 28th to mother, ‘Bella’ and father, ‘Alfie’.

(2)  The moustached little monkey, who has been named Lucky, was born on 28 September 2014 to mother, Bella and father, Alfie.

(3)  These primates live in family groups and, while the mother nurses her offspring, it is the father who carries and cares for them.

(4)  Alfie certainly has his hands full with the new arrival but luckily the pair’s other offspring, Dot, Ethel, Ping and Pong help out with the childcare!Photo Credits: Belfast Zoo

“Movember” is an international campaign, held every November. Men across the globe are encouraged to grow moustaches as a means to promote and raise awareness for men’s health issues, such as prostate cancer.

Zoo manager, Mark Challis, said, “Emperor Tamarins are named after the German Emperor, Wilhelm II, because of their long white moustaches. It is fantastic that at less than two months old, little Lucky has a ‘Movember’ moustache to rival anyone’s!  Lucky is the third Emperor Tamarin to be born at the zoo in 2014, and we are delighted to welcome him to the Belfast Zoo family!”

Emperor Tamarins are found in the tropical rainforests along the Amazon River in Peru, Brazil and Bolivia.  These primates live in family groups, and, while the mother nurses her offspring, it is the father who carries and cares for them. Little Lucky’s father, ‘Alfie’, certainly has his hands full with the new arrival, but luckily the parent’s other offspring, ‘Dot’, ‘Ethel’, ‘Ping’ and ‘Pong’, help out with the childcare!

More pics below the fold!

(5)  Lucky is the third emperor tamarin to be born at the zoo in 2014

(6)  You can support the care of Lucky the emperor tamarin by taking part in the animal adoption scheme.

13 Nov 17:59

James Franco’s Whimsical Antics Continue With an Album of ‘Smiths-Inspired’ Songs

by Nate Jones


What's the James Franco version of releasing an album of cover songs? Writing a collection of poems about your favorite songs, and then turning those poems into their own songs. (It's one more degree removed, which makes it art.) Let Me Get What I Want is an upcoming Smiths tribute album from Franco's band Daddy, and the project comes 25 percent Smiths-approved: They got bassist Andy Rourke to play on it. Each song on the album will be accompanied by a short film, which means that James Franco is the new Beyoncé, whether you like it or not. Listen below to Daddy's version of "This Charming Man," the chorus of which goes: "I would go out tonight, but ... I think I'll pass."

Read more posts by Nate Jones

Filed Under: james franco ,the smiths ,music

11 Nov 09:12

Here Are Four Grown Adults Dressed as Corgis Dancing to 'Shake it Off'

by Rebecca Rose

Hey, what did you do this weekend? I'm betting it wasn't nearly as good as dressing up as a corgi with your friends and dancing with a bunch of real corgis to a Taylor Swift song.


08 Nov 17:21


08 Nov 17:21


08 Nov 17:20


08 Nov 17:20


03 Nov 20:41

Iggy Azalea Totally Won Celebrity Halloween As Brittany From White Chicks

by E. Alex Jung

As any good celebrity watcher knows, Halloween is a time for famous people to really strut their stuff and show us how imaginative they — or rather, their stylists — can be. Going as generically sexy or a generic zombie or vampire (or a generically sexy vampire — sorry, Lindsay) doesn't really cut it anymore. We now expect elaborate designs, family-themed getups, and self-referential jokes. Here are the celebrities who didn't disappoint this year.

Iggy Azalea has been teased for looking like one of the Wayans brothers from White Chicks, so what did she do? She dressed up like Brittany from White Chicks.

And then she even hung out with J. Lo and Demi Lovato looking like that.

Beyoncé dressed up as Janet Jackson circa Rhythm Nation. Blue Ivy was her MJ.

Later, she changed into a Frida Kahlo costume. Jay Z went as Jean-Michel Basquiat.

Kim Kardashian did a Vogue-themed group look. She dressed up as Anna Wintour with her daughter as André Leon Talley. Rounding out the foursome in the photo are makeup artist Joyce Bonnelli as Grace Coddington and her son as baby Karl Lagerfeld.

Before that, she was a less-inspired sexy skeleton.

Neil Patrick Harris and his family went Gotham.

Katy Perry is a Cheeto. This is why you either love/hate Katy Perry.

Heidi Klum celebrated her 15th annual Halloween party — this time as a butterfly.

The Cutest Couple award goes to Padma Lakshmi and Susan Sarandon.

Rihanna was Raphael from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

Kelly Osbourne was Margot Tenenbaum.

Taylor Swift was a winged unicorn — or rather, a "pegicorn."

Katie Lowes went on Ellen dressed up as the tooth fairy, only to have Ellen (as Amal Alamuddin getting married to George Clooney) get her Scandal co-star Guillermo Díaz to jump out and scare her.

Alyson Hannigan was an adorable frog.

Liv Tyler had a "bun in the oven." Get it?

Kate Hudson and her mom, Goldie Hawn, did a Sons of Anarchy–themed costume (meaning: sexy biker chicks).

And Terry Crews and Robin Roberts did their best Jay Z and Beyoncé. The circle of life is complete.

Read more posts by E. Alex Jung

Filed Under: beyonce ,halloween ,kim kardashian ,halloween costumes ,jay-z ,padma lakshmi ,susan sarandon ,blue ivy carter ,heidi klum ,neil patrick harris ,iggy azalea ,terry crews ,robin roberts ,north west ,taylor swift

01 Nov 10:01

Keepers Raise Tiny Dik Dik at Pueblo Zoo

by Andrew Bleiman

10648408_10152351559991744_4913354173236862633_oWhen a Kirk’s Dik Dik was born in mid-October at thePueblo Zoo, keepers were thrilled.  But when his mother did not feed the male calf, keepers stepped in to provide daily care.

Photo Credit:  Pueblo Zoo

Though they look like miniature deer, Dik Diks are small antelope that stand just over a foot high at the shoulder.  Found on eastern Africa’s savannahs, Dik Diks may appear small and vulnerable.  But their excellent eyesight and ability to run up to 26 miles per hour enable them to escape predatory lions, hyenas, and wild dogs. 

In addition, Dik Diks run in zig-zags as they escape, further confounding their pursuers.  As they flee, females emit an alarm call that sounds like “dik dik,” hence their name.

Dik Diks are widespread in Kenya and Tanzania, and populations are considered stable.

31 Oct 16:44

Nails of the day: Crime scene

by Sarah Waite

ooh i love this

Nails of the day: Crime scene

Nails of the day: Crime scene

Here’s a creepy, chic manicure that would be well-suited for Halloween! You can try this look yourself by using your finger and silver polish to press the pattern on over a matte black base.

See more of Michelle’s nail art at UnMoineau and follow her on Instagram @unmoineau.

The post Nails of the day: Crime scene appeared first on HelloGiggles.

31 Oct 15:14

Suge Knight Faces Life In Prison For Stealing Pap's Camera

by ent lawyer

Yesterday my dad said to me, "You know that tall woman? The host of So You Think You Can Dance? She was arrested with 'Suhj' Knight." HE THOUGHT KATT WILLIAMS WAS CAT DEELEY

Back in early September Suge Knight and Katt Williams were hanging out together discussing the fine art of posing for the perfect mugshot. Their reverie was interrupted by a female pap photographer. When she began taking photos, the two got nasty with her and took her camera from her. Both men were arrested yesterday. Katt was arrested while in court on an assault case and Suge was arrested in Las Vegas. Police took this seriously enough to have Vegas police make the arrest and to go through the extradition process. I know they would love to lock him up forever and with his arrest record, he is looking at 30 to life for stealing the camera. Yeah, that headline doesn't look good so prosecutors will probably make a deal and he will get some probation or have to write a check because there is no one who is going to send someone to prison for life for taking a camera. Katt will probably do the same thing. I'm shocked Katt even has time to do anything other than go to court.