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13 Jul 11:31

You can buy “Game of Thrones” stuffed direwolves at Comic-Con, and they are THE cutest

by Rachel Paige

You can buy “Game of Thrones” stuffed direwolves at Comic-Con, and they are THE cutest

You can buy “Game of Thrones” stuffed direwolves at Comic-Con, and they are THE cutest

Know what your life needs right now? A direwolf, obviously. However, seeing as how they’re in really short supply right now (cries forever), getting your hands on a pup might be harder than it looks. So how about instead, you buy a whole collection of stuffed direwolves??

Good idea, or BEST IDEA?

Factory Entertainment

With this year’s Comic-Con right around the corner, details are spilling out as to what goodies you’ll find down in San Diego this year. Factory Entertainment has just revealed some of their OMG products for this year’s line-up, and our favorite product is by far the collection of direvolves. ALL SIX OF THEM! FOR ALL SIX STARK CHILDREN!

The Stark direwolves come in three sets, priced depending on how many direwolves you’re getting for your dollar. The first set is $30, and includes Shaggydog, Summer, and Lady. Set two is $40 and now includes GHOST! The last set, and the best set, has all six dogs for a steal at $55. You’ll get Rickon’s Shaggydog, Bran’s Summer, Sansa’s Lady, and now also Arya’s Nymeria, Robb’s Grey Wind, and of course, Jon’s Ghost.

Factory Entertainment

Let’s be real, we need them all. Half because they’re adorable, half because we’re running out of things to cuddle and cry with when Game of Thrones wrecks our hearts.

You can go ahead and pre-order the direwolves right now, and either pick them up at Comic-Con (if you’re lucky enough to be attending) or they’ll be shipped to you after the con ends, on July 24th. It’ll be the best purchase you make this week, PROMISE. You were meant to have them.

The post You can buy “Game of Thrones” stuffed direwolves at Comic-Con, and they are THE cutest appeared first on HelloGiggles.

13 Jul 11:09

See Mountain Lion Kittens Just Discovered in the Santa Susana Mountains

by Elijah Chiland

Meet P-48-through-52

It’s a tough life for the mountain lions of Southern California—filled with murder, inbreeding, and perilous freeway crossings. But try not to think about that as you enjoy this video of kittens recently discovered by National Park Service researchers in the Santa Susana Mountains

The first litter of kittens are the offspring of P-35, recently seen chowing down on some deer meat and leaving her leftovers behind for a pair of bears. Park Service biologists have named her two female kittens P-48 and P-49 (the "P" stands for Puma). The second litter was born to P-39 and consists of two males (P-50 and P-52) and one female (P-51). Researchers believe the father of all five kittens is the territorial P-38, who chased another lion (P-32) across Highway 126 last summer. P-32 was later struck by a vehicle and killed while attempting to cross I-5.

Researchers expect that before long, these adorable kittens will have to face similar struggles. "The real challenge comes as these kittens grow older and disperse, especially the males," says Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area biologist Jeff Sikich in a press release. The male mountain lions will have to contend with a number of potential rivals, including their own father. Sikich says that "road mortality and the possibility of poisoning from anticoagulant rodenticide" are other dangers the kittens will run into as they grow older. For now, though, they seem quite content hissing at cameras and snoozing in their den.

Five Kittens Born in Santa Susana Mountains

12 Jul 00:35

Did Father John Misty Steal Moon Juice's Crystal?

by Devon McReynolds
Did Father John Misty Steal Moon Juice's Crystal? "The universe, however you may define her, brought this crystal into my life at what can only be described as a 'pivot moment,'" wrote the musician on his Instagram. [ more › ]
11 Jul 21:20

You Will Never Know Passion Like This Girl's Love for Drum and Bugle Corps

by Madeleine Davies
You Will Never Know Passion Like This Girl's Love for Drum and Bugle Corps

A pit keyboardist in the Boston Crusaders Drum and Bugle Corps has become our newest shero after a video of her intense, inspired, and (dare I say) beautiful performance was posted to Facebook and subsequently went viral.

In the footage, this master of the form is seen serving her goddamn face off, reacting and dancing to the music as if it was a part of her very soul.

The Crusaders are currently touring their 2016 show, Quixotic, a “reflection of the masterpiece The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha.”

According to the corps’ website:

On a field of windmills, the show opens with an interpretation of The Impossible Dream” and “I, Don Quixote” from the Broadway musical. The corps travels the entirety of the field, in itself a challenging musical and visual feat, reflecting Quixote’s quest “to travel the world, righting all wrongs.” The heart of the program presents a series of juxtaposed visual and musical events, non sequiturs reflecting the hero’s various adventures, battles and visions. Solo performers, small ensembles, mixed large ensembles, percussion interludes, guard layering and interruptions present full sensory “quixoticism.” The production climaxes with “tilting at windmills” (literally) ((or are they giants?)), the definitive image of Don Quixote.

In a video diary posted to the Crusaders’ YouTube page, a laughing member talks about her bandmate’s newfound fame, saying, “Someone came to the show just to watch [the keyboardist] and her faces.”

For what it’s worth, the entire team—our shero included—seems pretty psyched about it.

Via Mike O’Neil’s Facebook.

11 Jul 20:59

Man Who Lost Both Legs Crashing A Stolen Cop Car Arrested For Murder

by Juliet Bennett Rylah
Man Who Lost Both Legs Crashing A Stolen Cop Car Arrested For Murder Nicholas James Bowling jumped in an unattended LAPD cruiser and took it for a joyride that ended when he crashed the car at a high speed into a pole. [ more › ]
11 Jul 19:58

Cop crashes 3am 'Pokémon Go' meetup he mistook for drug deal

by (Gabe Bergado)
Turns out they were talking Onyx.
11 Jul 19:39

RHCP Autographed Some Metallica Memorabilia In Belarus, Because Why Not

by Devon McReynolds
RHCP Autographed Some Metallica Memorabilia In Belarus, Because Why Not "We tried to explain to them that we weren't Metallica but they insisted that we sign anyway." [ more › ]
24 Jun 12:06

Why Handwriting Is Still Essential in the Keyboard Age

by By Perri Klass, M.D.
It is more than just a motor skill, researchers say. It engages the mind.
22 Jun 18:49

Vegan YouTube Drama Update: Here Are the 'Dumbest Vegans on YouTube'

by Ellie Shechet

no jon sakars? incorrect list

Vegan YouTube Drama Update: Here Are the 'Dumbest Vegans on YouTube'

Charles Marlowe, aka YouTuber “thevegancheetah,” has fashioned himself as a critic of vegan YouTube personalities, a community to which he also belongs.

The Vegan Cheetah’s videos often involve loud (very loud) rants about frequent Vegan YouTube Drama Update subjects Harley “Durianrider” Johnstone and his girlfriend Freelee the Banana Girl. Recently, Cheetah encouraged viewers to donate to an IndieGogo campaign supporting some kind of unspecified legal action against Durianrider, who appears to have threatened violence against another vegan YouTuber, Eisel Mazard, who Durianrider apparently accused of sexually predatory behavior at the Raw Till 4 Thai Fruit Festival (after which another vegan YouTuber, Hannah Chloé, accused Durianrider of similarly sexually predatory behavior).

You don’t necessarily need to be following all of this (I barely am), except to note that at some point during our safari trek through the wilds of the vegan YouTube panopticon, things became rather dark!

The Vegan Cheetah, a recovering heroin addict and avid guitar player who used to be a loyal follower of the gospel of Freelee and Durianrider (the latter has claimed that VC took his followers’ money to buy heroin), has also accused Freelee of stealing content and having a secret relationship with her female assistant. (As a completely unrelated side-note, Freelee recently published an extremely grisly photo of the inside of her leg after it was torn open during a bike accident, framing it, rather counter-intuitively, as #inspo. “If you think adventure is dangerous then try ROUTINE, it is lethal!” she wrote underneath the gaping flesh wound.)

Anyway, although he only has about 13,000 subscribers—a fairly small number compared with those of his YouTube foes—VC has gained traction on one particular new series: “The Dumbest Vegans On YouTube.”

Dumbest Vegan #1: Sorsha Morava

In this video, which received over 76,000 views, Vegan Cheetah reacts to Sorsha’s reaction to Nicole Arbour’s video making fun of vegans.

VC explains without a hint of irony that Sorsha, who we have covered previously, “likes to do reaction videos, most of her videos involve somebody else’s name or some kind of drama,” adding that she is a “classic Freelee/Durianrider dickriding clone.” (“Dickrider” is, I believe, a made-up derogatory term for a Durianrider fan.)

After debating Sorsha’s response to Nicole Arbour, he criticizes Sorsha, “the dumbest vegan on YouTube,” for “trying to debate with a YouTube comedian, somebody that I would say is not that much of an intellectual.” VC says that Sorsha refers to herself as a “vegan activist” (in contrast he refers to himself as a “vegan YouTuber,” a designation that is apparently altogether different), and as such shouldn’t be engaging in petty drama. “How is this productive?” he asks Sorsha. Good question.

Vegan YouTube Drama Update: Here Are the 'Dumbest Vegans on YouTube'

Dumbest Vegan #2: Happy Healthy Vegan

In this second video, which received about 14,000 views, VC goes in on Happy Healthy Vegan. Happy Healthy Vegan is comprised of Anji and Ryan, a cartoonishly groovy 40-something vegan couple; Ryan, VC claims, is “one of the biggest dickriders on YouTube!”

Ryan posted a video musing over whether Fully Raw Kristina is a vegan activist or not, something Ryan should not have done, in VC’s opinion, “when people in the comments section are requesting a video of your stance about Durianrider and his behavior.”

“You’re a fucking coward,” Cheetah tells Ryan.

Dumbest Vegan #3: Freelee the Banana Girl

The most recent installment of “The Dumbest Vegan on YouTube” involves our very own YouTube drama queen, Freelee the Banana Girl.

VC refers to Freelee, not inaccurately, as a “lunatic, militant vegan” selling a “bullshit permanent vacation lifestyle” who gives terrible advice to kids (in the clip he shows, she tells a young teen whose parents don’t want her to go vegan to “contact the authorities” if they try to force-feed her animal products).

“You live in a fucking fantasy world, you’re fucking stupid,” Vegan Cheetah hollers, gazing into the impenetrable black depths of his webcam. What does all this mean? We don’t know, bye!

This has been a Vegan YouTube Drama Update.

Image via screenshot, animation by Bobby Finger.

22 Jun 17:56

A Happy Dad's Dad

by Jen

Right, bakers, this one's not too bad. All we need is "Happy Father's Day."

Aaaaand... GO.

No no, Happy FATHER'S day.




A little farther...


What is even happening right now.


Tell you what, just write, "#1 Dad."
Easy-peasy, pudding and...



::head in hands::


ARG, nooooo!
It's not "Day," it's "DAD!!"


I'm just not talking to you anymore.


That's right, DO WHATEVER YOU WANT, bakers.



Well, I guess I did ask for it.


Thanks to Katie M., Melissa D., Chelsea B., Michelle G., Lauren P., Krista D., Jenny W., Tyler C., Pam M., & Isabel M. for taking Dad jokes even farther.


Thank you for using our Amazon links to shop! USA, UK, Canada.

22 Jun 01:37

Fish Have Feelings, Too: The Inner Lives of Our ‘Underwater Cousins’

by KQED Science

When you think about fish, it’s probably at dinner time. Author Jonathan Balcombe, on the other hand, spends a lot of time pondering the emotional lives of fish. Balcombe, who serves as the director of animal sentience for the Humane Society Institute for Science and Policy, tells Fresh Air‘s Terry Gross that humans are closer to understanding fish than ever before.

“Thanks to the breakthroughs in ethology, socio-biology, neuro-biology and ecology, we can now better understand what the world looks like to fish,” Balcombe says.

In his new book, What A Fish Knows: The Inner Lives Of Our Underwater Cousins, Balcombe presents evidence that fish have a conscious awareness — or “sentience” — that allows them to experience pain, recognize individual humans and have memory. He argues that humans should consider the moral implications of how we catch and farm fish.

“We humans kill between 150 billion and over 2 trillion fishes a year. … And the way they die — certainly in commercial fishing — is really pretty grim, ” Balcombe says. “There’s a lot of change that would be needed to reflect an improvement in our relationship with fishes.”

Interview Highlights

On how we can know if fish feel pain

The most elegant study of fish pain that I’ve ever seen … was done a few years ago by a biologist named Lynne Sneddon … in the U.K. She used zebra fishes, which are very commonly used in research. And what they did was they put a group of zebra fishes — I don’t remember how many, perhaps 30 — in a complex tank that had two chambers. One chamber was enriched, it had rocks and vegetation, and the other chamber was barren. It was open. You can probably guess which chamber these fishes spent all their time in — it was the enriched one. Fishes like places to hide, they like stimulation in their environments.

And then they injected the fishes either with one of two things. One was with an acid solution, which is known to be caustic and presumably painful to these fishes, if they can feel pain. And then the other … half of the fishes were randomly selected; [they] were injected with saline, which causes just the pierce of the needle and then the pain is not going to be lasting, because it’s not acidic. And then they watched to see how they behaved, and they all remained swimming in the enriched tank. And then they dissolved a painkiller solution in the barren, undesirable chamber of this complex tank. And lo and behold, some of the fishes then started to migrate across and swim and hang out in that normally undesirable tank, and it was only the ones injected with the acid, and not the ones injected with the saline. I find that a pretty convincing demonstration of pain in fishes.

What animal sentience means

Sentience is like pregnancy. You’re either pregnant or you’re not, you’re either sentient or you’re not. And if an animal is sentient, which means some kind of conscious awareness, but particularly the capacity to feel pain, and, I would say, by extension, to feel pleasure, then, to me, that means that animal has moral traction, or it should have moral traction — that the animal is deserving of consideration of others. Because that animal can have a good day and a bad day and can have good or bad things happen to them. And that, as I say, is the bedrock of ethics.

On some reef fish appearing to recognize individual divers

There was a new study … showing individual recognition of human faces by fishes. So they probably do recognize individual divers. They come up to be stroked. It is almost like a dog. I don’t know if they roll over to have their belly petted, though some sharks will be sent into what looks like a euphoric state when they have their bellies rubbed.

On how fish use a ‘lateral line’ to sense water pressure and navigate at night

[Fish] have a couple of other pretty neat senses that are worth mentioning. One is a sense of water pressure or movement in the water that’s very acute, thanks to a lateral line.

We’re talking about bony fishes now, not the sharks and rays. … The bony fishes have a lateral line. You may notice a dark row of scales along the center line of a bony fish, and that’s actually the shadow cast by these specialized scales. Because there’s a depression in each one, and in that depression are specialized little cup-like chambers with gel in them and little hairs that stick out and they detect pressure changes. So it’s very useful for navigating at night, for avoiding dangerous things in limited vision conditions and that sort of thing.

On the electrical senses that some fish have

Some fishes, including sharks and I think rays as well, are electro-receptive. They can detect electrical signals from other organisms.

There’s also electro-producing fishes. The knife-fishes of South America and the elephant-nose fishes … they’re both electric-producing, so they have E.O.Ds, which are electric organ discharges, and they use those as communication signals, and they communicate in some pretty cool ways. They will change their own frequency if they’re swimming by another fish with a similar frequency, so they don’t jam and confuse each other. They also show deference by shutting of their E.O.Ds when they’re passing by a territory holder. You don’t want to piss off the territory holder, so it’s probably better to go “silent” during that time.

The perceptions and sensory abilities of fish, they’re the product of over 400 million years of evolution, so it might not surprise us that they’ve got some pretty cool ways of sensing their environments.

On fish using flatulence as a means of communication

There is one really curious example involving herrings that I can’t resist mentioning. I think if you were to come up with a phrase that best captures it, at least a delicate phrase, “flatulent communication” would be perhaps the right phrase. They live in big schools and they omit gasses from the anus in large numbers, and it makes a sound. And they appear to use this as a communication device to maybe signal to others that it’s time we moved up or down in the water column, because it’s that time of day when the predators are coming out and this sort of thing. The researchers who studied it use the more technical term “Frequent Repetitive Ticks.” and I’ll leave it to the listener to make an acronym out of that, which is quite appropriate to the behavior.

On the aquarium trade and the popularity of the blue tang, the fish featured in the movie Finding Dory

Some of the methods to catch [blue tang] are pretty awful. Cyanide poisoning, which often kills many of the fishes being targeted, or ones not being targeted, and explosive devices are sometimes used. And then you have the vicissitudes of transport, where they’re shipped over continents and the mortality rates are quite high. …

Dory [in the new Pixar film Finding Dory] is a blue tang. And they are probably going to be very popular in the aquarium trade because of the fact that this film will draw a lot of attention to that species. Well, unfortunately, blue tangs are caught in the wild, and they are subject to some of the ills of the industry. So we are campaigning actively to try to discourage … people from buying these fishes, because … when you purchase a product, you tell the manufacturer to do it again, and we don’t really want that happening.

Copyright 2016 Fresh Air. To see more, visit Fresh Air.
21 Jun 21:56

A Used Cargo Van Becomes a Mobile Studio

by Caroline Williamson

A Used Cargo Van Becomes a Mobile Studio

Filmmaker Zach Both got creative when it was time for him to hit the road for work last year. Needing to hit various locations around the U.S., 23-year old Both bought a 10-year old Chevy cargo van off of Craigslist and converted it into a mobile studio. This gave him complete freedom to work wherever the project took him, while giving him a comfortable place to live and work.


Once he bought the van, Both renovated the interior, taking inspiration from modern architecture. Despite having zero carpentry experience prior to this project, he completed all of the woodwork himself using reclaimed wood from a 19th century church in Cleveland, Ohio.


The interior might be small in size, but it comes with a futon bed, a kitchen with a stove, and solar panels on the roof to provide power for the fridge and a home theater system.






Having learned many lessons along the way, Both decided to share the entire process in a detailed, step-by-step guide at He’s also included tons of tips and tricks for living on the road in a van.









21 Jun 17:54

Here’s how to get free Taco Bell today!

by Sammy Nickalls

Here’s how to get free Taco Bell today!

Here’s how to get free Taco Bell today!

Taco Bell fans, listen up. You can make today your own personal Taco Tuesday. . . for free.

As part of its #StealATaco promotion, our fave taco franchise will be giving away FREE Doritos Locos tacos today. Why? Because the Golden State Warriors won game 4 of the NBA Finals in Cleveland, and Taco Bell is *pumped*. And let’s be real, even if you’re not a basketball fan, any celebration involving tacos is always a great one.


If you want to claim your free taco, you can go to Taco Bell’s site to find a participating location near you. But make sure to jump on this quick, because they’re only available from 2 to 6 p.m. local time today . . . while supplies last. So get going!

We’re majorly happy Taco Bell loves basketball so much, because WE love tacos. Happy Taco Tuesday!

The post Here’s how to get free Taco Bell today! appeared first on HelloGiggles.

19 Jun 22:34

Rare Lowland Anoa Calf Born at Chester Zoo

by Chris Eastland

1_A rare anoa calf has been born at Chester Zoo (5)

A rare Lowland Anoa calf, the world’s smallest species of wild cattle, was born June 1st at Chester Zoo.

Mum Oana welcomed the new youngster, which has yet to be sexed or named, after a 10-month pregnancy.

The Anoa, which is usually found in forests and swamps on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi, is listed as “Endangered” by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) with just 2,500 estimated to be left in the wild. Their falling numbers are largely attributed to habitat loss and overhunting for their meat.

Sometimes referred to as the ‘Demon of the Forest’, Anoas can often be persecuted by indigenous farmers who wrongly believe that they leave the forests at night and use their horns to attack other cattle.

2_A rare anoa calf has been born at Chester Zoo (1)

3_A rare anoa calf has been born at Chester Zoo (2)

4_A rare anoa calf has been born at Chester Zoo (3)Photo Credits: Chester Zoo

Tim Rowlands, Chester Zoo’s curator of mammals, said, “The Lowland Anoa is a species that’s coming under real pressure in its fight for survival. Not only are they suffering from loss of their forest habitat, which is being chopped down to make way for agricultural land, they are also hunted for their meat. Anoas are also sometimes mistakenly killed by farmers who hold them responsible for puncturing their cattle at night. All of this is sadly contributing to an uncertain future for the species.”

“That said, all is far from lost, and we are actively supporting conservation efforts to protect the Anoa and its habitat in Sulawesi. And our new calf can only help us to raise more awareness about this fantastic species,” Tim continued.

“Looking at our latest arrival, it’s impossible to see how anyone could harm Anoas or label them ‘demonic.’ They’re a beautiful, shy and secretive animal that are misunderstood and often overlooked.”

The new calf is the first of its kind to be born in the Zoo’s new Islands habitat (the biggest ever UK zoo development) since it opened last summer. The new Islands exhibit showcases threatened species from South East Asia and puts a spotlight on the conservation work Chester Zoo carries out in the region.

Johanna Rode-Margono, the Zoo’s South East Asia conservation field programme officer, who is working on the conservation of Asian wild cattle, added, “Together with the wider global zoo community, international conservationists and the Indonesian government, we’re supporting the conservation of the Anoa in South East Asia to counteract the increasing threats to its survival.

“The pressure on the species can be reduced through the improvement of law enforcement to prevent poaching, for example by providing training to patrol teams, by educating local people about their shy character and to reduce the demand for wild Anoa meat. Right now we are developing conservation projects in Sulawesi that will aim to achieve these exact goals.”

Anoa, also known as midget buffalo and sapiutan, are a subgenus of Bubalus comprising two species native to Indonesia: the Mountain Anoa (Bubalus quarlesi) and the Lowland Anoa (Bubalus depressicornis). Both live in undisturbed rainforest, and are essentially miniature water buffalo. They are similar in appearance to a deer, weighing 150–300 kg (330–660 lb).

The Lowland Anoa (Bubalus depressicornis) is a small bovid, standing barely over 90 cm (35 in) at the shoulder. They are also known as anoa de Ilanura or anoa des plaines. It is most closely allied to the larger Asiatic Buffaloes, showing the same reversal of the direction of the hair on their backs.

The horns are peculiar for their upright direction and comparative straightness, although they have the same triangular section as in other Buffaloes. White spots are sometimes present below the eyes, and there may be white markings on the legs and back; the absence or presence of these white markings may be indicative of distinct races. The horns of the cows are very small. It is usually solitary, living in lowland forests and wetlands, browsing on plants and understory.

5_A rare anoa calf has been born at Chester Zoo (4)

6_A rare anoa calf has been born at Chester Zoo (9)

7_A rare anoa calf has been born at Chester Zoo (10)

8_A rare anoa calf has been born at Chester Zoo (6)

9_A rare anoa calf has been born at Chester Zoo (7)

10_A rare anoa calf has been born at Chester Zoo (8)

17 Jun 11:10

Be swept away by this vintage woodland wedding

by Offbeat Editors

this is my friend's little sister

Vintage forest wedding as seen on @offbeatbride
Photos by Alyssa Armstrong

The Offbeat Bride: Amy, artist

Her offbeat partner: Jake, chemist

Date and location of wedding: Cold Spring Tavern, Santa Barbara, CA — May 6, 2016

Our offbeat wedding at a glance:

We didn't have a rigid theme or color palette throughout our planning process but allowed ourselves to be inspired by our gorgeous venue, which was established in 1865 as a stage coach stop. We love living by the beach in Santa Barbara, but we both grew up in wooded/mountainous areas and that was the kind of scenery we wanted for our wedding. We're pretty casual people and aimed for a beautiful yet unpretentious event with great food and music. Cold Spring Tavern provided the perfect atmosphere for our day.

Vintage woodland wedding as seen on @offbeatbride

Vintage woodland wedding as seen on @offbeatbride

Vintage woodland wedding as seen on @offbeatbride

Vintage woodland wedding as seen on @offbeatbride

Vintage woodland wedding as seen on @offbeatbride

Vintage woodland wedding as seen on @offbeatbride

Vintage woodland wedding as seen on @offbeatbride

Vintage woodland wedding as seen on @offbeatbride

Vintage woodland wedding as seen on @offbeatbride

Tell us about the ceremony:

Our friend Lucy played a beautiful rendition of "God Only Knows" on piano for the processional. We opted not to have a wedding party and instead had our immediate families make a special entrance. Then Jake and I escorted each other to the altar, upon which hung a gorgeous floral garland designed by Jake's aunt (who also did my lovely bouquet).

Vintage woodland wedding as seen on @offbeatbride

Vintage woodland wedding as seen on @offbeatbride

Our friend Shaheen officiated the ceremony, which included details about how Jake and I met in college and that our wedding was our eight-year anniversary together. Jake's dad read a Jewish blessing, and we ended the ceremony with the Jewish tradition of breaking the glass. The recessional song was "Once in Love With Amy," which my grandpa used to sing to me when I was little.

Vintage forest wedding as seen on @offbeatbride

Vintage forest wedding as seen on @offbeatbride

Vintage forest wedding as seen on @offbeatbride

Vintage forest wedding as seen on @offbeatbride

Tell us about your reception:

I'll never forget how Jake and I returned to cocktail hour after stepping out to take couple portraits and were absolutely mobbed by our amazing wonderful guests with endless hugs and snapshots. We had long, banquet-style tables so everyone could be close together during dinner, and the tables were topped with more floral garlands and old fashioned kerosene lanterns which Jake and I had DIYed to look weathered with a copper chloride solution (chemist husband FTW!).

Vintage forest wedding as seen on @offbeatbride

Vintage forest wedding as seen on @offbeatbride

Vintage forest wedding as seen on @offbeatbride

It started to rain during dinner and our guests handled it SPECTACULARLY. There was nonstop laughter as everyone suited up in big black trash bags to cover their clothes. I never thought I'd appreciate rain on my wedding day but it ended up adding such a fun element. The hilarious and heartfelt speeches that our siblings and best friends gave were a highlight of the evening (one speech touched on the fact that we found a LIVE POSSUM in our bedroom the night/early morning before the wedding — yes, you read that correctly — which a Google search revealed to be a good wedding day omen!).

Vintage forest wedding as seen on @offbeatbride

We had an awesome vintage-inspired paper moon photo booth that we got on Etsy for our guests to take pictures with between dances. From cocktail hour to dinner to dancing, our music was curated by us using Spotify. We're both music freaks and spent hours putting the playlists together, which ranged from The Beatles to Django Reinhardt to Leon Bridges.

Vintage forest wedding as seen on @offbeatbride

Vintage forest wedding as seen on @offbeatbride

What was your most important lesson learned?

I personally had a hard time delegating. As an artist, I can be particularly control freak-ish about aesthetic stuff. I have to say, letting go on that a little bit and accepting some help paid off in spades. One of my favorite memories of my wedding day is seeing all of Jake's family working together the morning of to assemble the long floral garlands used throughout our venue. The garlands were stunning, but more importantly, I felt so humbled by the show of love and support. It was also critical that we assigned day-of tasks to family and friends to help everything flow. We couldn't have done it without them!

Vintage forest wedding as seen on @offbeatbride

Vintage forest wedding as seen on @offbeatbride



Click to view slideshow.

Recent Comments

  • Amy: Thanks Cat! I was really impressed with the quality of the faux fur. Rosa Bridal (an Etsy shop) did a… [Link]
  • Amy: Thank you, thank you! Nothing wrong with wrapping up in a blanket, but I gotta admit, the stole was REALLY… [Link]
  • Amy: Thank you so much Jessica! It was difficult when we were in the thick of planning to envision exactly how… [Link]
  • Amy: Hi Jessie! Thanks for the kind words. The possum thing is one for the books, that's for sure ;)… [Link]
  • Cat: Yeah, I loved the fur stole too! It looks so snuggly and warm, and it goes perfectly with the theme.… [Link]

+ 3 more! Join the discussion

14 Jun 11:21

Film student's paper on bizarre '90s movie 'Face/Off' is an analytical masterpiece

by (Gabe Bergado)
'I will fight anybody who dares to tell me this isn't the best goddamn movie in the world.'
13 Jun 17:58

Silver Lake Bungalow With 'Personal Pirate Dungeon' Asking $875K

by Pauline O'Connor

Sadly, it seems to be unpermitted—arrrrrrrrr!

The listing for this 1920s Craftsman in Silver Lake starts off pretty straightforward—"on the market for the first time in decades," "shows an incredible amount of pride of ownership," etc.—but things start to get a bit more interesting by the second sentence, which explains that while the 1,450-square-foot bungalow is officially considered a two-bedroom, one-bath, a bonus room has been converted sans permit into a bedroom, "with a bed suspended from the ceiling via chains."

Gathering steam, the listing then goes on to introduce the home's basement, which contains three rooms, one of which is "adorned" with "box logos of high end spirits," being that it's being used "as a personal pirate dungeon and den." Well shiver our timbers! Asking price for the versatile property, which occupies a 7,340-square-foot lot a block north of Sunset, is $875,000.

1635 Maltman Ave [Estately]

13 Jun 00:41

Broguiere's Dairy May Be Forced To Close Due To City Construction Project

by Matt Tinoco


Broguiere's Dairy May Be Forced To Close Due To City Construction Project You know their milk. You know how good it is. [ more › ]
10 Jun 08:38

DIY Display-Case Tube Top

by Rian Phin

this looks like shit

Summer, summer, summertime.

Summer, summer, summertime.

The multiplicity of one’s identity goes hand in hand with the multiplicity of one’s style representation. Because I’m constantly doing the most, and realized I am everything at once, I decided to create this Steph Linn–inspired display-case tube top. This way, you can adorn your top with whatever you see fit that day. Fill your pouch with confetti, flowers, or nothing at all/the void. You can represent your ever-changing self through your ever-changing decorations.

What you’ll need:


  • A tube top
  • Clear vinyl
  • Scissors
  • Fabric strips or cording
  • Needle and thread or hot glue

How to do it:

Step One


Cut an even square of clear vinyl.

Step Two


Position your vinyl at the center of your tube top, lining it up evenly (or make it uneven—free yourself).

Step Three


Now, if your fingers are strong enough to pull a needle and thread safely through vinyl, go for it! If your sewing machine needle is strong and sharp enough to sew through it, go for it! But I used a hot glue gun and Beacon 527 Multi-Use Glue around the perimeter of the vinyl. The important thing: Leave the top open! To finish, I lined the edges of the vinyl with the fabric cording.

Step Four


Press the glue firmly and allow it to dry (or secure with stitching). Then stuff, according to your emotions!


Mix it up and hit the streets! ♦

10 Jun 01:26

With this $200 knit tinfoil hat, you can protect your brainwaves in style

by (Miles Klee)
'They' can hear your thoughts. 'They' also hate great fashion.
09 Jun 14:58

The refined, sophisticated art of dipping your d**k in wine

by (Jay Hathaway)
Putting the 'weenie' in 'oenophile.'
09 Jun 14:34

Ancient Siberian ice princess to go on public display for first time despite 'curse'

by Jeva Lange

if u watched the show 'fortitude' u know this is a bad idea

A mummified 2,500-year-old "Siberian ice maiden" is set to go on public display in a museum near her original burial site despite many who believe her body carries a dangerous curse.

The skeleton was first discovered nearly perfectly preserved in permafrost on the Ukok Plateau in the Altay Mountains in 1993, where the woman had been buried alongside a team of six horses, RT reports. Estimated to have been 25 years old at the time of her death, the so-called "Princess of Ukok" has intricate, modern-looking animal tattoos covering her arms. She was found with a small stash of cannabis, among other artifacts.

DNA testing appears to link her to Scythian nomad ancestry. "Regarding the tattoo, they always say that it is made in the so-called animal style. Fighting animals. The Scythians are warriors. Their life is a constant struggle. They struggle for life, for good," Rimma Erkinova of the Anokhin Museum told RT.

However, council elders in the Altay region fear the excavation has been the cause of natural disasters in the area. "The dead cannot be disturbed, and especially they cannot be held on public display and carried out around the world. After she was dug out, we immediately saw earthquakes, floods, and hail which were not known previously," one Teles group leader told The Siberian Times. "[The ice maiden] stood as a guard at the gates of the underworld, preventing the penetration of evil from the lower worlds. However, after archaeologists removed the mummy, it has lost its strength and can no longer perform its protective function. So evil started to penetrate, natural disasters and human conflicts began."

In 2014, the region's council of elders voted for her body to be returned to her grave. A court overruled their decision earlier this year.

09 Jun 07:52

Summer 2016 Is the Summer of Frosé

by Aimée Lutkin

As a woman slurred in my face last weekend, “It’s the season for rosé!” Close, but not quite: it’s frosé season, pals.

Every type of drunk is different. Red wine is melancholy, champagne giddy, and rosé knocks you on your fucking face. For a long time I worked as a caterer and wine flowed freely, if illicitly. Nothing’s more beautiful than helping someone celebrate their special day—especially when you’re barely able to hold up a family size plate of gnocchi because you’ve had an entire bottle of pink wine.

Now, I no longer need to inhale an overflowing glass while my captain’s back is turned, and can maturely sip on the rooftop bar of my choosing, but that’s boring. Let’s make something disgusting (frozen, plus sugar) instead. This Frosé recipe from Bon Appétit begins as you might imagine, with you freezing a bottle of “full-flavored, full-bodied, dark-colored rosé.” Yum.

What’s next? Sugar. This momma bee likes it sweet:

Meanwhile, bring sugar and ½ cup water to a boil in a medium saucepan; cook, stirring constantly, until sugar dissolves, about 3 minutes. Add strawberries, remove from heat, and let sit 30 minutes to infuse syrup with strawberry flavor. Strain through a fine-mesh sieve into a small bowl (do not press on solids); cover and chill until cold, about 30 minutes.

You then put all that plus ice and frozen rosé into a blender and voila! An alcoholic beverage for an adult who will never grow up. I am officially declaring “Frozé” the Song of Summer.

09 Jun 07:33

The surreal beauty of organized chaos

by Loren Talbot

Flocks of birds. Swarming locusts. Schools of fish. Such self-organizing behavior in nature tends to evoke both fear and fascination, emotions that photographer Thomas Jackson taps into with his beautifully surreal series Emergent Behavior.

Cups no. 2, Saratoga, Wyoming, 2013 | (Thomas Jackson)

Inspired by the creatures and critters that gather and swarm en masse, Jackson creates intricate, hovering installations in breathtaking settings, from California to New York. Working with unnatural and often surprising materials, from plastic cups and tutus to hula hoops and junk food, Jackson arranges the items on location, modeling their mob-like behaviors after those found in nature.

Cheese Balls, Nananoch, New York, 2012 | (Thomas Jackson)

Tutus no. 1, Montara, California, 2015 | (Thomas Jackson)

Jackson's images may appear Photoshopped, but they are as real as the sandy, rocky, and lush landscapes they are built upon. Though the artist won't divulge his process, he said it took him about a year of trial and error to figure out how to technically and seamlessly create the installations without any digital intervention.

"I realized [this] would add a new layer of intrigue to the work and perhaps add something to the ongoing conversation about authenticity in photography, and whether it matters at all, particularly in our digital age," Jackson said in an interview.

"Creating images that appear 'fake' at first glance — but are in fact 'real' — is my mischievous little contribution to the debate."

The series is ongoing, which means Jackson is constantly innovating his technique to fit the material or the location. In striving to capture "an image that feels simultaneously discordant and harmonious,” he imaginatively inserts bursts of color, whimsy, and mystery into the natural world, challenging viewers to look a little closer and figure out his tricks.

Straws no. 3, San Francisco, California, 2015 | (Thomas Jackson)

Hula Hoops no. 1, Lee Vining, California, 2015 | (Thomas Jackson)

Cups no. 3, Novato, California, 2014 | (Thomas Jackson)

**Thomas Jackson's Emergent Behavior will be on view this November at the Miller Yezerski Gallery in Boston. To see more of his work, check out his website and Instagram.**

08 Jun 20:04

This Bob the Builder makeup look actually used a hammer for contouring

by Sammy Nickalls

This Bob the Builder makeup look actually used a hammer for contouring

This Bob the Builder makeup look actually used a hammer for contouring

It’s no secret that model and beauty conoisseur Jony Sios is absolutely amazing at makeup. After all, it’s one of the things that has shot him to Instagram stardom. And when you’re really, really good at something, sometimes you want to challenge yourself. . . which is exactly what Jony did by doing a flawless contour job with a hammer. Yes, seriously.

This week, Jony created a Bob the Builder-themed look (which looks *way* more glamorous than it sounds). The finished product included a bold blue lip and a stunning contour along with a construction hat and the tools he needed for the job — a hammer.

The post This Bob the Builder makeup look actually used a hammer for contouring appeared first on HelloGiggles.

08 Jun 18:16

Zoo Santo Inácio Announces New Pygmy Hippo

by Andrew Bleiman

1_ZSI.cria.hipopotamo (4)

Zoo Santo Inácio, in northern Portugal, announced their newest family member, a male Pygmy Hippo.

After almost nine months of pregnancy, little Mendes (named by affectionate keepers) was born weighing just over 4 kilos (9 lbs).

For several months after the birth, Mendes and his mother, Romina, were kept off-exhibit, giving them opportunity to bond. The time alone also allowed the new calf to practice swimming and learn other essential skills.

At three months old and 20 kilos heavier, Mendes and his mother can now be seen, on-exhibit, enjoying their mornings outside.

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3_ZSI.cria.hipopotamo (5)

4_ZSI.cria.hipopotamo (6)Photo Credits: Zoo Santo Inacio


The Pygmy Hippopotamus (Choeropsis liberiensis or Hexaprotodon liberiensis) is a small hippopotamid, native to the forests and swamps of West Africa, primarily in Liberia, with small populations in Sierra Leone, Guinea, and Ivory Coast.

They are reclusive and nocturnal and one of only two extant species in the family Hippopotamidae, the other being its much larger cousin the common hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius).

The Pygmy Hippo displays many terrestrial adaptations, but like its larger cousin, it is semi-aquatic and relies on water to keep its skin moist and its body temperature cool. Behaviors such as mating and giving birth may occur in water or on land.

They are herbivorous, feeding on ferns, broad-leaved plants, grasses, and fruits it finds in the forests.

In captivity, Pygmy Hippos have been conceived and born in all months of the year. The gestation period ranges from 190–210 days, and usually a single young is born.

The Common Hippopotamus gives birth and mates only in the water, but Pygmy Hippos mate and give birth on both land and water. Their young can swim almost immediately. At birth, they weigh 4.5–6.2 kg (9.9–13.7 lb) with males weighing about 0.25 kg (0.55 lb) more than females. They are fully weaned between six and eight months of age (before weaning they hide in the water by themselves, when mother leaves to forage for food). Suckling occurs with the mother lying on her side.

The Pygmy Hippo is classified as “Endangered” by IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature). The main threats to these herbivores are deforestation due to rubber plantations, palm oil and coffee; hunting for its meat and its skull (used in traditional medicine and rituals); and civil strife. The World Conservation Union estimates there are fewer than 3,000 individuals remaining in the wild.

Zoo Santo Inácio joined the cause for protecting the Pygmy Hippo in 2006 with the receipt of a female, Romina, and two years later, with the arrival of a male, the Kibwana. The breeding couple entered an important European Programme for Endangered Species Breeding (EEP), led by the European Association of Zoos and Aquariums (EAZA).

5_ZSI.cria.hipopotamo (11)

6_ZSI.cria.hipopotamo (10)

08 Jun 18:07

Australian “fairy bread” NEEDS to be a trend

by Emily Baines

Australian “fairy bread” NEEDS to be a trend

Australian “fairy bread” NEEDS to be a trend

Our friends over at Pop Sugar have introduced us to the Australian food staple known as “fairy bread,” and we wants it — we wants it now!

The writers at Vice’s food blog Munchies describe this wonderful phenomenon perfectly: “To the non-initiated i.e. the rest of the world, Fairy Bread is triangles of white bread covered with butter and topped with multi-coloured “hundreds and thousands”—the Australian term for sprinkles.”

Yes — that’s right. Buttered bread with sprinkles. It doesn’t get any better than that. Also —hundreds and thousands? What a great phrase for sprinkles.

• fairy bread • #home #kids #fairybread #heart #sprinkles #100sand1000s #yummy #party

A photo posted by Paper Daisy (@paper__daisy) on

And it seems that people in Australia are still enjoying this tasty snack. Hugh Jackman has admitted that he still serves it to his daughter, and a quick search on YouTube finds a video of Russell Crowe enjoying fairy bread with Jimmy Fallon. Apparently, fairy bread is sort of a national treasure for Australia, one that is often enjoyed at children’s birthday parties.

Well, we may no longer be children, but we want to try this delicious treat! It just looks so darn tasty, regardless of the eater’s age.

Champagne and fairy bread #classy #happybirthday @aliens_at_earth56789 #fairybread

A photo posted by @nancy_on_ig on

Breakfast of champions. #FairyBread 📷 : Activations Assistant @ajparker179

A photo posted by mamamiaaus (@mamamiaaus) on

Lucky for us, there are plenty of recipes for fairy bread on the internet. Though, honestly, white bread + butter + rainbow sprinkles — how can you go wrong? What a perfect staple to add to tea parties, pity parties, days when you just want to watch Sleeping Beauty and feel like a princess, or just a Tuesday morning breakfast. Let’s get on this one and get it trending so sprinkle-toast is the newest thing on the menu at any restaurant!

The post Australian “fairy bread” NEEDS to be a trend appeared first on HelloGiggles.

08 Jun 15:39

Koko the gorilla has a crush on Benedict Cumberbatch and we can relate

by Sammy Nickalls


Koko the gorilla has a crush on Benedict Cumberbatch and we can relate

Koko the gorilla has a crush on Benedict Cumberbatch and we can relate
06 Jun 19:53

The week's best photojournalism

by Lauren Hansen


Brides and grooms arrive for a mass wedding ceremony in Mumbai, India. | (REUTERS/Danish Siddiqui)

U.S. Army soldiers embrace as they visit graves on Memorial Day at Arlington National Cemetery in Washington, D.C. | (REUTERS/Lucas Jackson)

Students learn to perform a dragon dance in Chongqing, China. | (REUTERS/Stringer)

Members of the Bar Palestine team practice in Gaza City, Palestine. | (REUTERS/Mohammed Salem)

A wrestler practices in Allahabad, India. | (REUTERS/Jitendra Prakash)

Graduating students of the City College of New York at the commencement ceremony in Manhattan, New York. | (REUTERS/Mike Segar)

A wild leopard runs up the stairs as it tries to escape from a compound of a house in Kathmandu, Nepal. | (REUTERS/Navesh Chitrakar)

Models dressed in Khakas national costumes climb over a wooden fence during a photoshoot in preparation for the Tun-Pairam traditional holiday in the Republic of Khakassia, Russia. | (REUTERS/Ilya Naymushin)

A farmer collects wheat in Zaozhuang, China. | (China Daily/via REUTERS)

A decked-out cat rests at a parade in central Kiev, Ukraine. | (REUTERS/Gleb Garanich)

Smoke billows from a fire at a chemical company in Yichang, China. | (REUTERS/Stringer)

A surfer walks on Recreio dos Bandeirantes beach in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. | (REUTERS/Sergio Moraes)

**Check out last week's best photojournalism**

06 Jun 12:39

Viceland Employee Calls out Vice’s 'Sexist' Reputation on Live TV While Co-hosts Put a Condom on a Microphone

by Hannah Gold on Gawker, shared by JE Reich to Jezebel
Viceland Employee Calls out Vice’s 'Sexist' Reputation on Live TV While Co-hosts Put a Condom on a Microphone
Photo: Youtube

Viceland’s live broadcast from the Governors Ball music festival this Saturday night was a sloppy, sexist (I mean, “edgy”) mess, and the only person who seemed to notice was one very pissed-off host.

Amidst rain delays and soaked TV equipment, three Viceland employees were brought in front of the cameras to waste time until The Killers performed. The hosts—production assistant Jake Lawson, equipment manager Dan Meyer, and former intern Taji Ameen—were reporting on the giant puddles of water pooling at their feet when shit got real.

Lawson—inhabiting the role of a safety inspector, crossed with a men’s rights activist, topped off with a skinny tie—attempted a flaccid comedy bit with co-host Ameen. The duo gave viewers a “sex-ed class” with Lawson’s mic serving as makeshift banana-and-or-dildo.

This juvenile display upset Meyer, who delivered the following exquisite diatribe amidst shouts of “you gotta pinch the tip” and “we’re gonna bring it on down.”

Whose idea is this? It isn’t funny…there’s enough dicks on TV already…I hate this, I’m just gonna say full-on that this is stupid…I can say what I think, I know how to do this…You know, we’ve been struggling with the fact that we’re considered a sexist company because we only have men on TV and now we’re doing dick jokes? This is embarrassing. I don’t think we should even be doing this at all. And if our viewers are too stupid to…you want sincere, honest advice about safety? Why don’t you talk about the fact that we’re standing in water surrounded by electronics.

Meyer had a lot of great lines that night, in fact. He kicked off the segment saying, “I just want to thank Viceland for having the faith in me not to say something that would completely bankrupt their entire enterprise. Which I very well could do.”

Meyer later apologized to Lawson on TV.