Shared posts

28 Aug 22:13

Mars in true color from Curiosity!

27 Aug 23:10

My local brewery now sells 99-packs

27 Aug 19:34

Smoke my skillfully rolled ass.

27 Aug 19:10

Screech Punches Zack in the Face in Lifetime's Saved by the Bell Movie

by Jay Hathaway

I kinda want to watch this..

Lifetime has dropped the latest trailer for The Unauthorized Saved by the Bell Story, the possibly factual dramatization of the behind-the-scenes fighting and makeouts of your favorite '90s TV teens. As expected, there is fighting and there are makeouts.


27 Aug 18:58

Jimmy Fallon Murders Pierce Brosnan at GoldenEye 007

by Jay Hathaway

Jimmy Fallon got to live the (1997 version of the) dream on his show last night, playing the classic Nintendo 64 shooter GoldenEye 007 with James Bond in GoldenEye himself, Pierce Brosnan.


27 Aug 18:17

Attention Tennis Players: Alec Baldwin Will Catch Your Stray Balls

by Aleksander Chan

Great gif.

Attention Tennis Players: Alec Baldwin Will Catch Your Stray Balls

Alec Baldwin, former celebrity still involved in things only famous people get to do, attended the U.S. Open match between Maria Sharapova and Maria Kirilenko last night and when a stray ball went flying into the stands, he calmly reached out and caught it. It was no big deal. "I don't play tennis well, but I can catch a slow-moving tennis ball," Baldwin told ESPN.


27 Aug 18:15

World's Greatest Two-Year-Old Drops F-Bomb After Ice Bucket Challenge

by Andy Cush

Fookin' hell!

We have seen have seen more ice buckets dropped on heads than we care to remember. We have seen superheroes and wanted criminals, former presidents and wisdom teeth patients who are obviously faking it . Today, we see a marvelously sassy British(?) toddler hop up and yell "fookin' 'ell!" as soon as she's doused.


27 Aug 18:03

Smoking Weed Leads to Less Domestic Violence, Study Says

by Andy Cush on Drugs, shared by Lacey Donohue to Gawker

Smoking Weed Leads to Less Domestic Violence, Study Says

A new University at Buffalo study based on many years of data found that married couples who smoke pot are less likely to engage in domestic violence over the course of their relationship.


27 Aug 18:02

This Panda May Have Faked a Pregnancy So She Could Eat Better

by Jay Hathaway

Fact: Pandas are magic.

The first-ever live broadcast of giant panda cubs being born has suffered a major setback—the star of the show, Ai Hin, isn't actually pregnant. Zookeepers now believe she was "faking it" to get a cushier room and more food.


26 Aug 21:17

A Rubik's Cube solving machine


When I see things like this I can't help but think that I'm wasting my time in all the wrong ways.

26 Aug 19:27

If Jennifer Lawrence and scarlett Johansson morphed together


Now all that's left is to 'morph' my penis inside her.

26 Aug 19:26

[No Spoilers] That time when Daenerys was so unimpressed she looked directly into the camera like she was on an episode of The Office

26 Aug 19:21

Picture of the longest Solar Eclipse we observed so far. It lasted up to six minutes and 39 seconds, a duration that will not be surpassed until 2132.

26 Aug 19:20

Perfectly timed dog selfie


This is one of the grossest and yet most amazing pictures I have ever seen.

26 Aug 19:18

Story of my life.

26 Aug 19:16

The 10 Commandments of Logic

26 Aug 19:11

Well that is one way to take a selfie

26 Aug 19:09




26 Aug 18:49

Seriously, put it back bitch.

26 Aug 18:45


26 Aug 18:23

Farrah Abraham's Strip Club Contract Just Bought Her a $100,000 Car

by Jay Hathaway

"Farrah's residency at the Palazio Gentleman's Club begins tonight (08/22) and runs through New Year's Eve. A dance from her reportedly costs $500 for 10 minutes, or $2,500 for an hour."

Farrah Abraham's Strip Club Contract Just Bought Her a $100,000 Car

Former Teen Mom Farrah Abraham, fresh from landing what she claims is a $544,000 contract to dance at an Austin, Tex. strip club, has wisely reinvested the money in her burgeoning frozen yogurt business . Just kidding: She bought a very expensive new car.


26 Aug 18:14

Watch As a SpaceX Test Rocket Explodes Mid-Flight

by Dayna Evans

Damn that was cool!

A SpaceX test rocket that launched over McGregor, Texas experienced an "anomaly" while propelling into the atmosphere, causing an explosion mid-flight on Friday afternoon.


26 Aug 18:11

Building Gets Implosion Sendoff That All Buildings Dream Of

by Dayna Evans

The Wellington Hotel Annex in Albany, N.Y. was treated to a very special goodbye party when it was murdered in plain sight in front of hundreds of onlookers with the exciting funereal touch of colored fireworks. If I were a building, this is how I'd like to go. Take note!!!


26 Aug 18:09

Horse and Buggy Robbed by Masked Gunmen

by Aleksander Chan

Horse and Buggy Robbed by Masked Gunmen

A group of Amish riding in a horse and buggy along a East Lampeter Township, Penn. road were robbed at gunpoint by a man in a mask. The robber apparently drove up to the horse and buggy in a white minivan, swerving into the buggy's lane to force it to stop, got out, and demanded the wallets of all three people inside.


26 Aug 17:41

Dumbass Manages to Set Himself on Fire During Ice Bucket Challenge

by Jay Hathaway

If you had to imagine the platonic form of a failed ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, it would probably involve a guy in camo cargo pants and an American flag vest, waving an even bigger confederate flag, who sets his own hair on fire.


24 Aug 21:50

Someone's having a better night than me...

24 Aug 21:47

Do Different Kinds Of Alcohol Get You Different Kinds Of Drunk?

by Robbie Gonzalez

Someone should test this...

Do Different Kinds Of Alcohol Get You Different Kinds Of Drunk?

When your friend gets tipsy and starts rambling about how tequila turns her into a savage party monster, and then your other friend vehemently calls bullshit, calmly put your hands up and say this: "Friends. Please. I got this." And then explain to them what I'm about to explain to you.


18 Aug 21:47

Video game streaming in a nutshell

18 Aug 21:08

The official symbol for people with lisps


I see what you did there...

18 Aug 18:55

New Hampshire Declares State of Emergency Over 41 Fake Pot Overdoses

by Megan Reynolds

Here we go again...
Kids, just buy real pot.

New Hampshire Declares State of Emergency Over 41 Fake Pot Overdoses

Governor Margaret Wood Hassan of New Hampshire has declared a state of emergency after at least 41 reported overdoses of fake pot in the Manchester area. According to a statement issued by the governor, the "Bubblegum" flavor of "Smacked!", a synthetic cannabinoid has been linked to a spate of overdoses, and poses "a serious threat to public health, especially to young people."