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15 Oct 22:27

Here's the Latest Entry in the "Products That Needed More Thought Put Into Them" Category

my eyes are up here hat,hats,herpderp,dumb products

If you don't get it, just take a second. We're sure you'll get it eventually.

Submitted by: Unknown

14 Oct 22:53


14 Oct 18:23

Oh look it's that thing I am'

10 Oct 21:24

How the new Alien, Predator and Prometheus comics will share a universe

by Rob Bricken

How the new Alien, Predator and Prometheus comics will share a universe

Dark Horse is remaking the universe. Aliens, Predators, and Engineers will come together in 2014 when the Aliens, Predators, and Alien Vs. Predator comics get completely rebooted, along with the first Prometheus comic series, and joined together in a single continuity next year. We spoke with all four writers — Chris Roberson, Paul Tobin , Joshua Williamson and Chris Sebela — to get all the details.



10 Oct 17:05

Little Boy Provides Adorable Potty Commentary After Eating Way Too Much

by Neetzan Zimmerman


We've all been there: You've had way too much apple. And poutine. And cheesestring. And pickle chips. And peanut butter and raisins. Ugh. And chocolate thingies. And more chocolate thingis. And gummies.



09 Oct 22:52

Horny Ghost Of Osama Bin Laden Is the Book of the Year

by Max Read

omg read the description.

Horny Ghost Of Osama Bin Laden Is the Book of the Year

Well, the Nobel Prize committee can give up right now, because P.R. Resurrector is the only author deserving of literature's greatest prize, and Horny Ghost of Osama Bin Laden: Rise of the Ghost is his masterpiece.



09 Oct 22:50

"Fake Or Real" Debate of the Day: Extreme Knife Ping Pong!

Check out this extreme knife-throwing performance by Sweden's table tennis stunt group (yes, it exists) Tumba Ping Pong Show that will either put you on the edge of your seat or make your eyes squint because it really does look too good to be real. What's your verdict?

Submitted by: Unknown (via Reddit)

09 Oct 22:22

Peggle 2 Might Be the Reason Your Grandma Would Want an Xbox One

by Evan Narcisse

Peggle 2 Might Be the Reason Your Grandma Would Want an Xbox One

I had a bit of cognitive whiplash when I saw Peggle 2 this afternoon. Its predecessor is a game that’s everywhere. Your mom or even grandmother probably plays it, or something heavily inspired by it. The browser version of the first Peggle is what helped its viral spread but there I was playing it on an Xbox One development unit.



09 Oct 21:23

Morrissey Gets A Job

Morrissey Gets A Job

Artist Brian Brooks, created these images of former Smiths frontman/solo artist, Morrissey in a dreary office job superimposed with existential lyrics from his greatest songs. The result is an honest look at how the rest of us live.

Submitted by: Unknown (via Brian Brooks)

09 Oct 18:42

Hilarious Must-Watch Web Series: Tumbleweed [Episode 1 to 3]

by Geeks are Sexy


A friend of mine just sent this awesome new web series to me, and I just had to share it with you guys. Tumbleweed is at episode 3 right now, so I’ve included all available episodes below for your watching convenience.

A gamer starts playing “Tumbleweed,’ the most modern, graphically advanced, video game in history. But his impatient want for violence and sex activates an unexpected feature in this highly advanced game… consequences.

Warning: Immature Humor, Inappropriate Language. The content warning right before each episode is a little overkill… for now.

09 Oct 18:15

Thanks, Matt.

09 Oct 03:36

An Utterly Gorgeous Bioshock Tattoo

by Geek Girl Diva


Send your nerdy tattoo pics to

(via Pinterest)


08 Oct 23:00

Awwww Yes!

08 Oct 22:49

Pimp2-D2 is the newest, greatest action figure in the galaxy

by Rob Bricken

omg this is great

Pimp2-D2 is the newest, greatest action figure in the galaxy

This is real. This is happening. Somehow, some way, Manly Art is producing this amazing Pimp2-D2 figure as an exclusive at this weekend's New York Comic-Con. It's $50 (AND YOU BETTER HAVE HIS MONEY) but I wouldn't worry about it because this droid is going to sell out almost instantly.



08 Oct 19:45

What would happen if you stood in the way of the LHC's proton beams?

by Robert T. Gonzalez

What would happen if you stood in the way of the LHC's proton beams?

Goddamn awfulness, that's what.



08 Oct 19:41

Dogfish Head brews a beer made with bits of the moon

by Lauren Davis

Dogfish Head brews a beer made with bits of the moon

The brewmasters at Dogfish Head are certainly no strangers to experimental beers, and their latest brew may just be out of this world. They've added a dose of lunar meteorite to the recipe.



08 Oct 19:19

The Avengers assemble awesome Star Wars costumes for Halloween

by Rob Bricken

The Avengers assemble awesome Star Wars costumes for Halloween

Reddit user OdoWanKenobi took his amazing 12-inch Avengers figures from Hot Toys and got them ready for Halloween by dolling them up in Star Wars clothes, and the results are brilliant. Having Hawkeye as one of the least accurate soldiers in the galaxy is a spectacularly nice touch.



08 Oct 19:01

Totally Tubular Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Stacked Head Bong

by khz

The smoke goes directly through the heads of all four TMNTs. This beauty of a glass piece was contructed by Bob the Glass Blower and loved (immensely) by stoneymccoy.

08 Oct 18:38

This book covers all the bases.

08 Oct 18:31

This is my foot. I've been wanting to see an X-ray for 22 years. Thought you guys might want to see it too.

08 Oct 18:11

This Itty Bitty White Lion Cub Trying to Roar Is So Cute

by Lacey Donohue

For those interested in a distraction from Miley and / or shutdown-related news, this video posted by the AP should do it. Sometimes bleating baby animals make it all better. According to the video's description:



08 Oct 17:51

Firefighters Help Man Remove Penis From a Toaster

by Lacey Donohue

Because penis.

Firefighters Help Man Remove Penis From a Toaster

A London man called the London Fire Brigade to report that his penis was stuck in a toaster. While the firefighters were not given a sufficient explanation as to how his dick ended up in the appliance, they were able to safely extricate the organ.



08 Oct 17:48

Michigan Law Would Guarantee All Pints of Beer Are 16 Ounces

by Lacey Donohue


Michigan Law Would Guarantee All Pints of Beer Are 16 Ounces

The federal government might be shut down but Michigan lawmakers are hard at work protecting our right to a good value. Rep. David Knezek (D-Dearborn Heights) and Rep. Brandon Dillon (D-Grand Rapids) have written a proposal to amend the state Liquor Control Act to make sure that when a pint of beer is offered at a bar or restaurant, customers are getting an “honest pint.”



08 Oct 17:47

Here're All the Film Allusions in Guillermo Del Toro's Simpsons Opening

by Camille Dodero

Also worth noting that The Simpson is now available on the Hulu+ app on Xbox.

Here're All the Film Allusions in Guillermo Del Toro's Simpsons Opening

On Sunday night, The Simpsons aired its annual Halloween episode, Treehouse of Horror, which opened with Guillermo del Toro's brilliantly executed title sequence. An extended three-minute riff on the iconic couch gag, the Mexican director's treatment recast the citizens of Springfield into a seamless series of classic horror and thriller references, as well as nods to del Toro's oeuvre, from Cronos to Pacific Rim.



08 Oct 17:38

"Prankvertising" Comes to the States with Terrifying Telekinesis Stunt

by Neetzan Zimmerman

Good stuff.

It was just another day for patrons of the West Village's 'sNice Cafe, until one customer with obvious anger issues went supernaturally supernova and started hurling strangers across the room using her powers of telekinesis.



07 Oct 21:48

Pulling a bad tooth on a Tiger

02 Oct 20:46

“Masters of the Universe” Orko And Hordak Hoodies

by Nicole Wakelin



You can turn yourself into a Trollan with this Orko costume hoodie from Masters of the Universe. The hood has his big blue ears sewn right in and a mesh face mask for his eyes that can be tucked back into the hood. The orange hat and purple scarf can be removed completely. If evil is more your style, then try the Hordak hoodie with The Evil Horde’s logo in red on the front.

See more pictures after the break…



Product Page Orko/Hordak ($65/$40)


02 Oct 20:40

The Perfect Catch in the Eye of the Storm


Based on the title I kept looking for a couch...

The Perfect Catch in the Eye of the Storm

Submitted by: Unknown

Tagged: gif , BAMF , frisbee , funny , boats
02 Oct 20:29

If Disney Cartoons Were Historically Accurate [Disney Parody Video]

by Lauren Berkley

"Ye special
-Raccoon of unusual intelligence-
Eat his brain and gain his wisdom"

From the plague to cruel and unusual punishment to anti-Semitism, Cracked took it upon themselves to show what historically-set Disney movies do not.

[Cracked / Source: YouTube]

02 Oct 19:58

These face blends of the classic and new Star Trek crews are amazing

by Rob Bricken

These face blends of the classic and new Star Trek crews are amazing

Someone blended the faces of the Star Trek casts from the original series and the new movies to create the ultimate Enterprise crew, and the results are mindblowingly awesome. I ask — nay, demand — that these hybrids be genetically cloned and cast in all future Star Trek endeavors.