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19 Nov 19:26


19 Nov 19:26


07 Nov 19:38

Arrested on acid...

07 Nov 19:30

Tex-Dot discusses ways to battle congestion on I-35 including 'flipping' it with SH 130

by Newsroom

I-35 a toll road? I don't think so...

State transportation officials are kicking around the idea of flipping I-35 and State Highway 130, making I-35 a toll road and opening up 130 as a free highway. 

At a Transportation meeting, Chair Ted Haufton says right now the idea is not even a proposal.  Staff says the Capitol Area Improvement Program has been studying various innovative ideas for taking congestion off of I-35. 

A portion of State Highway 130 may go bankrupt because of a lack of users on that tollway.  It may present an opportunity to make the flip.  Officials want to know if that idea is even legal.  Tex-Dot is holding meetings with taxpayers across the state, taking ideas about what to do about congestion.

07 Nov 19:07

Little Boy Dressed as a Tiger Cub Plays with an Actual Tiger Cub

by Neetzan Zimmerman

This is the anti this: Two-year-old Marshall Shaffer visited Tacoma, Washington's Point Defiance Zoo on Halloween, and got to run around with Kali the tiger cub while dressed as a tiger cub himself.



06 Nov 23:31

Spot On Tina Belcher Costume from Bob’s Burgers [Cosplay]

by Stefan A. Slater

For Eric.


Send your cosplay pics to

(via Pleated Jeans)


06 Nov 23:31

Painting a guitar like a boss

06 Nov 23:29

Hey Carl..

06 Nov 23:24

Now That’s One Deadly Darth Talon [Cosplay]

by Stefan A. Slater

Wouldn't have to Force me to show her my lightsaber. Eh? Eh?


Austrian cosplayer Narga-Chan worked with her boyfriend to create this totally awesome Darth Talon cosplay costume. Everything, save for the lightsaber, was done by the nerdy couple. Photographer Greencat shot the photos.

Check out more pics after the break…












Send your cosplay pics to

(via Geek X Girls)


06 Nov 23:20

Transylvanian "Scientist" Not Even Trying to Hide that He's a Vampire

by Caity Weaver

An artificial blood substitute would be incredible. Save some lives, dude.

Transylvanian "Scientist" Not Even Trying to Hide that He's a Vampire

A kind-eyed Romanian doctor announced this week that he, along with a team of colleagues at Babeş-Bolyai University, had made a marvelous and potentially life-saving stride for medicine, science, and humanity following the successful completion of a round of testing on the artificial blood product they have devoted the last six years of their lives to developing. PROBABLY BECAUSE THEY ARE A BUNCH OF VAMPIRES.



06 Nov 23:16

Stock Photo Model Labeled as Obese Elderly Orgy Lover Speaks Out

by Neetzan Zimmerman

Stock Photo Model Labeled as Obese Elderly Orgy Lover Speaks Out

Stock photography models are no strangers to the world of Internet mockery. In fact, their mock-human poses practically satirize themselves.



06 Nov 00:07

Oh, the hypocrisy...

06 Nov 00:04

This happened!


Lucky son of a bitch...

05 Nov 21:15

"Nobody does the Facepalm better than we did on Star Trek." - Courtesy of George Takei's Twitter feed.

04 Nov 19:51

Gum on a Fork.

04 Nov 19:47

Man staring at a single button? Check

04 Nov 19:30

Huge Electrical Fireball in Montreal After Wind Knocks Out Power Lines

by Max Rivlin-Nadler

Last night, a huge wind storm knocked out power lines in Lachine, a suburb of Montreal. This amazing video captures an electrical fireball traveling down power lines outside of some very luck (to survive) person's home.



04 Nov 19:25

$1.3 Billion in Nazi-Looted Art Discovered in Munich Apartment

by Taylor Berman

$1.3 Billion in Nazi-Looted Art Discovered in Munich Apartment

More than 1,500 Nazi-confiscated modernist paintings, including pieces by Picasso, Matisse, and Chagall, were discovered in a Munich apartment during a tax evasion-related raid in 2011, according to a report in German magazine Focus.



01 Nov 23:13

Finally! A black hole that you can visit and survive!

by Esther Inglis-Arkell

For Binsky, Eric, Amy, and Natalie. Because of our awesome black hole discussion.

Finally! A black hole that you can visit and survive!

Want a trip through a black hole without having to experience that pesky death? You're in luck. There's a special kind of black hole that's not just survivable, but might get you to another time, or another universe.



01 Nov 23:12

Geons have gravity, but no mass. Could they really exist?

by Esther Inglis-Arkell

For Binsky.

Geons have gravity, but no mass. Could they really exist?

John Archibald Wheeler is a physicist who coined a lot of terms. You may have heard of a few of them. Wormhole. Black hole. Quantum foam. And geon. Wait, geon?



01 Nov 21:26

Rearcoil "problems"

01 Nov 20:48

Riker Leans [T-Shirt]

by Nicole Wakelin


We’ve already seen video evidence of just how masterfully Commander Riker takes a seat, so this shirt analyzing how he leans is the perfect follow-up. Even his hand on his hip is part of the equation.

Product Page ($25 via shirtoid)


01 Nov 19:55

Elderly Man Survives Being Thrown Off a Cliff by the Bear He Headbutted

by Neetzan Zimmerman

Dat headline..

Elderly Man Survives Being Thrown Off a Cliff by the Bear He Headbutted

An aging shepherd who was confronted by a bear while walking through a raspberry field near his home lived to tell his tale despite being thrown off a cliff by the animal after the two came to blows.



01 Nov 13:58

Two-Year-Old Dresses As All Of The Doctors For Halloween

by Stefan A. Slater

Because Doctor Who.


Filmmaker Todd Kent dressed up his daughter Katie as all of the Avengers last year, but this Halloween he went for something a little different: He dressed her up as all of the Doctors. You’ve got to love the Eleven bow tie on her!

Check out the rest of the pics after the break…











Send your cosplay pics to

(Comic Book Literacy via The Mary Sue)


31 Oct 22:02

Patrick Stewart just posted this to Twitter. Happy Halloween!

31 Oct 20:15

Watch this Map Show You the Most Popular US Boys' Names Since 1960


Texas 1996 to 2009.

Watch this Map Show You the Most Popular US Boys' Names Since 1960

In case you missed it last week, below is the gif map of Girls' name.

Submitted by: Unknown (via Jezebel)

31 Oct 20:09

bad typo, Marisa. [via]

bad typo, Marisa.


31 Oct 19:06

Hero Bus Driver Stops to Save Woman from Jumping Off a Bridge

by Neetzan Zimmerman

Faith in humanity.

Buffalo bus driver Darnell "Big Country" Barton says he only did what he felt he was supposed to do when he stopped his bus to rescue a woman threatening to jump from an overpass above the Scajaquada Expressway.



30 Oct 21:12

Engage In Comfortability With These Star Trek: TNG Uniform Robes

by Amy Ratcliffe

What's up with the sudden deluge of TNG uniform clothing items?


The Starfleet uniforms in Star Trek: The Next Generation look like they’re anything but comfortable. I’ve never wanted to wear one – until now. They’re available every which way. If the TNG uniform hoodies aren’t for you, then how about these lush robes? They’re 100% terry cotton and have the important communicator badge and rank pips embroidered right onto the fabric. Choose from red, blue, or gold – whichever department you want to sink into at the end of the day.

See more pictures of the robes after the break.





Product Page ($59.99)


30 Oct 20:24

El Chupacabra Exists And Definitely Isn't Just a Mangy Coyote

by Katie Stroh

Chupacabra comin' to get ya!!

El Chupacabra Exists And Definitely Isn't Just a Mangy Coyote WAKE UP, SHEEPLE. [ more › ]