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25 Jul 17:58

Here's Tina Fey & Rachel Dratch In a Great, Odd 1999 Two-Woman Show

by Kate Knibbs

about 45 min long...if someone has the time tell me the funny parts

Here's Tina Fey & Rachel Dratch In a Great, Odd 1999 Two-Woman Show

Some blessed Chicago improv fan has posted a full recording of Tina Fey and Rachel Dratch's two-woman show Dratch & Fey. It ran from 1999-2000 at Chicago's Second City and New York's UCB just before the women got famous on SNL.


25 Jul 17:18

Baseball team is so bad it had to install robots to cheer up human fans

by James Baker on Sploid, shared by Brian Barrett to Gizmodo

Baseball team is so bad it had to install robots to cheer up human fans

The Hanwha Eagles—a South Korean baseball team famed for losing—now have robot fans to cheer them on. Absent supporters can use social media to deliver messages and show their faces on the robots' LEDs. This has to be the saddest, most depressing thing I've ever seen in any sport.


25 Jul 17:12

This Free MIT Photojournalism Course Helps You Take Meaningful Photos

by Alan Henry

This Free MIT Photojournalism Course Helps You Take Meaningful Photos

We highlight a number of free online courses in our Lifehacker U series, but this free course from MIT on documentary photography and photojournalism is completely free, open to the public, and will teach you to improve your photography skills, even if you're not trying to catch a scoop.


24 Jul 22:38

A Brief History of Pi

by Melissa - Today I Found Out

somewhat interesting if you like math...but mainly sharing for the final calculation:

The mathematical volume of a pizza is pizza. How does that work you say? Well if z = radius of the pizza and a = the height then Π * radius2 * height = Pi * z * z * a = Pizza.

A Brief History of Pi

That the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter is constant has been known to humanity since ancient times; yet, even today, despite 2000 years of thought, theories, calculations and proofs, π's precise value remains elusive.


24 Jul 21:49

Twin skyscrapers linked by 3 skybridges approved by Vancouver City Council

by Vancity Buzz Staff

Vancouver City Council has approved Concord Pacific’s rezoning application to construct Arc Vancouver, a pair of market residential buildings that are linked together by three bridge. The development site at […]

The post Twin skyscrapers linked by 3 skybridges approved by Vancouver City Council appeared first on Vancity Buzz | Vancouver Events, News, Food, Lifestyle and More.

24 Jul 06:18

This 45-Story Slum Could Finally Become a Finished Skyscraper

by Alissa Walker


This 45-Story Slum Could Finally Become a Finished Skyscraper

There is perhaps no unfinished skyscraper more infamous than Torre de David , a 45-story shell of a building that has informally housed about 5,000 Venezuelans since 2007 . Now the property that has become known as the world's tallest slum is being acquired by Chinese investors, and this week, the government began evicting residents.


24 Jul 06:17

Wow, all these rotating white dots are actually moving in straight lines

by Jesus Diaz on Sploid, shared by Casey Chan to Gizmodo

Wow, all these rotating white dots are actually moving in straight lines

It looks like the white dots in this optical illusion are all orbiting an imaginary point in space that, at the same time, is orbiting the center of that red circle. They are not. In reality, they are all moving in straight lines going from one side of the red circle to the opposite one.


23 Jul 22:31

There's Such a Thing as "Too Honest"

23 Jul 22:03

An Automatic Parachute Will Keep You From Being Hit With a Drone

by Adam Clark Estes

An Automatic Parachute Will Keep You From Being Hit With a Drone

Here's the thing about drones—and really any machine that flies: If something goes wrong, it will fall to the ground. And if you are in the way, it will hurt you . That's why DJI is rolling out a new feature called DropSafe to ensure that a falling drone doesn't fall too hard.


23 Jul 19:40

Good News! Sitting Won't Kill You After All

by Kate Knibbs

just another one to add to all the contradictory stories out there.

Good News! Sitting Won't Kill You After All

Sitting is undeniably one of the comfiest ways to arrange your body. Almost as good as lounging, really, and just short of "dangling worry-free from hammock." But it has acquired a very bad rap over the past few years. A bad rap it doesn't quite deserve.


23 Jul 19:19

Coolio Is Releasing His Next Song on...PornHub?

by Kate Knibbs

Coolio Is Releasing His Next Song on...PornHub?

More like wanker's paradise: Rapper and hairstyle pioneer Coolio is releasing his new music through Pornhub in a bold new plan to change online music distribution forever.


23 Jul 04:33

Choose From 300,000 Aromatic Attachments to Accompany Your Instagram

by Gregory Han

Choose From 300,000 Aromatic Attachments to Accompany Your Instagram

Remember Google’s April Fool’s day NoseBETA prank launch? Well, it appears yesterday’s joke is becoming tomorrow’s reality. The oPhone DUO is a “Scent-Based Mobile Messaging” system readying for launch, offering users a selection of over 300,000 scents to attach onto emails, mobile messaging, or social network updates.

Choose From 300,000 Aromatic Attachments to Accompany Your Instagram in technology main Category

The oPhone DUO is analogous to an inkjet printer, but instead of ink cartridges to print an image, the system utilizes a combination of eight scent cartridges called “oChips” to deliver simulated odors. Each oChip contains 4 aromas for a total of 32 primitive smells; from these 32 base scents over 300,000 scents can be formulated into an “aromatic vocabulary” to send to others. Theoretically, a near endless array of formulations could be explored provided enough cartridges; the oPhone will initially launch with “foodie” and “coffee” cartridges with additional themed packages planned with funding.

Choose From 300,000 Aromatic Attachments to Accompany Your Instagram in technology main Category

The oPhone DUO iOS app, oSnap, combines a camera app with a scent formulation and tagging system. Specific areas of a photo can be tagged with a matching aroma, similar to tagging faces on Instagram.

Since your nose loses its sensitivity to scent after a relatively short period, it’s better for an aroma to be detected in the short term,” Harvard professor and oPhone DUO co-Founder David Edwards says. “Your nose is made for olfactory tweets.”

Choose From 300,000 Aromatic Attachments to Accompany Your Instagram in technology main Category

If this olfactory experience sounds dubious, there are aroma oPhone HotSpots in Paris and the New York American Natural History Museum to test and experience the technology firsthand.

Choose From 300,000 Aromatic Attachments to Accompany Your Instagram in technology main Category

Considering scent is arguably the strongest memory imprinting sensory experience, it’s no surprise technologists like David Edwards and Rachel Field – the co-inventors of the oPhone – are trying to integrate scent into messaging systems. Imagining virtually sampling the smell of bouquets before choosing a Mother’s Day arrangement online or a restaurant menu attached with the aromas of several dishes, and the aroma delivery system becomes more of a convincing consumerist technology.

Yet it might be the simple joy of friends embedding and sharing the smell of their foodie excursions attached to their Instagrams which may one day make systems like the oPhone+oSnap a popular expansion of how we share our lives virtually from a distance. Beyond capturing and formulating “hammer to head” scents like coffee or chocolate, the cerebral skill of capturing more ephemeral scents evoking emotional memory – the scent of a puppy’s head, the warm comforting smell of lover’s neck, the ever-changing smell of a forest in spring – could be where the oPhone DUO could transcend from the smelly equivalent of emojis and into artistry.

More about the oPhone DUO here.

22 Jul 05:50

Gawker Men Talk About Being Unemployed in Their Prime | Jezebel Washington's Weird Bikini Barista Cu

by Jessica Smith on Jessica, shared by Whitson Gordon to Lifehacker

sharing this again because I cant even comment on this and its in my comments list!

22 Jul 05:41

How to Make Foolproof Homemade Pasta

by Tessa Miller

I ashamed to admit as an Italian that I have only made gnocchi.Soon I will try pappardelle.

How to Make Foolproof Homemade PastaThere are certain dishes most amateur chefs refuse to try. One of the biggies: homemade pasta. But good DIY tagliatelle, fettucini, and tortellini is doable—you don't even need a pasta machine. The cooks at Stack Exchange provide tips on cooking up pasta from scratch.



16 Jul 12:20

2014 Global Games Quidditch in Burnaby

by Rebecca Bollwitt

might need to go watch this.

© 2004-2014 Rebecca Bollwitt - Miss604.

An international quidditch championship, featuring a competitive sport from the wizarding world of the Harry Potter books and movies, will be hosted in Burnaby this Saturday. 7 countries will take part in the tournament, including Australia, Belgium, Canada, France, Mexico, the UK and the USA.

Quidditch 2013 Quidditch World Cup
Photo credit: John Morgan & Joe on Flickr

It’s been 10 years since the first Harry Potter film was released and 17 since the first book hit store shelves in the United Kingdom. However the made-up game of quidditch (well, Muggle Quidditch) is gaining momentum, especially in Vancouver. Local leading social media dashboard company HootSuite has a quidditch team, as does tech company Mobify, Simon Fraser University, University of British Columbia, and other organizations around town.

There’s even a National Organization of Quidditch in Canada. “Our brooms don’t fly and our Golden Snitch is in fact just a person with a tennis ball attached to the back of their shorts, but the magic is real.”

Follow the International Quidditch Association Global Games on Twitter for more information and find the full 2014 Global Games Quidditch schedule online.

© 2004-2012 Rebecca Bollwitt - If you are not reading this via official Miss604 channels, this content is being reproduced without permission.

The post 2014 Global Games Quidditch in Burnaby appeared first on Vancouver Blog Miss604.

16 Jul 08:04

German Government Is Using Typewriters to Avoid the NSA's Gaze

by Jamie Condliffe

German Government Is Using Typewriters to Avoid the NSA's Gaze

Germany hasn't been best pleased by the NSA's attention over the last few years. Now, though, it's revealed that it's taking drastic action, and ditching computers in favor of something more secure: typewriters.


16 Jul 08:02

The World's Largest Floating Prison Is In NYC

by Nicholas Stango

The World's Largest Floating Prison Is In NYC

Docked off the Bronx in Long Island Sound, the Vernon C. Bain Correctional Center prison barge is recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records as the largest operational prison ship in the world. Yet many New Yorkers might be surprised to find out it exists.


15 Jul 22:04

Weird Al Is Releasing a Video From His New Album Every Day This Week

by Alissa Walker

Weird Al Is Releasing a Video From His New Album Every Day This Week

The world has been Weird Al-less since 2011—it was three years ago that Alpocalypse was released, bringing us gems like "Polka Face." His new album, Mandatory Fun, drops tomorrow and he's gifting us with eight new videos, one each day this week. First up, he tackles the most parody-worthy song in recent memory: "Happy."


15 Jul 21:13

These Are the 11 Most Endangered Places In the United States

by Kelsey Campbell-Dollaghan

@dani - Check out the hotel in Bay Harbor's East Island. Looks like The Burrard

These Are the 11 Most Endangered Places In the United States

Americans tend not to be too nostalgic when it comes to our past—but in some cases, it's resulted in the loss of priceless pieces of history . That's why the National Trust for Historic Preservation puts out a "most endangered" list of important building and places that aren't long for this world—unless someone takes notice.


15 Jul 21:13

This is the weirdest engine I have ever seen

by Jesus Diaz on Sploid, shared by Jesus Diaz to Gizmodo

This is the weirdest engine I have ever seen

According to Duke Engineering, their axial engine is the most efficient and lightest engine you can put in boats, light aircrafts, and generators—the mechanical engine of the (near) future! Maybe. I don't know if their claims are true and I don't really care. I just love watching it in action in this eternal gif.


15 Jul 21:00

Sensual images of dreamy women are actually incredible oil paintings

by Jesus Diaz on Sploid, shared by Casey Chan to Gizmodo

the click through is NSFW, but cool art!

Sensual images of dreamy women are actually incredible oil paintings

Few artists in the world have the perfect command of lighting, color, and oil media technique of Yigal Ozeri. His always sensual and sometimes disturbing hyperrealistic art—which usually focuses on women in dreamy and contemplative states—is simply stunning. Warning: Some paintings are NSFW (nipples shown).


15 Jul 20:25

A Taste of Belgium – Belgium Place

by Randy Schisler

Belgium is a very small and relatively new European country that features delicious food and drink. Their cuisine is much larger than their geographical size. For a taste of Belgium […]

The post A Taste of Belgium – Belgium Place appeared first on Vancity Buzz | Vancouver Events, News, Food, Lifestyle and More.

15 Jul 18:06

Massive algae bloom turns Burrard Inlet and English Bay waters red (PHOTOS)

by Vancity Buzz Staff

@dani - it was red tide...the aerial pictures are pretty crazy

If you have noticed that much of the waters in Burrard Inlet are looking red, you are not alone. There were some initial concerns by locals about an oil or […]

The post Massive algae bloom turns Burrard Inlet and English Bay waters red (PHOTOS) appeared first on Vancity Buzz | Vancouver Events, News, Food, Lifestyle and More.

15 Jul 17:56

North Korea ‘media’ tells citizens it will play against Portugal in World Cup Final (VIDEO)

by Vancity Buzz Staff

According to the YouTube video, North Korea will play Portugal in the championship final. It won all of its matches in the group stages, defeating Japan 7-0, United States 4-0 and China 2-0....however, internet commentators on Reddit believe it could be a high-quality parody.

A video of North Korea’s state-controlled media telling the hermit nation’s citizens that its national team will play in the FIFA World Cup has gone viral. SEE ALSO: North Korea […]

The post North Korea ‘media’ tells citizens it will play against Portugal in World Cup Final (VIDEO) appeared first on Vancity Buzz | Vancouver Events, News, Food, Lifestyle and More.

15 Jul 17:54

Planes with pyrotechnics, not UFOs, seen over English Bay (PHOTOS, VIDEOS)

by Vancity Buzz Staff

definitely worth a click through...

Is that a plane catching on fire? Some who watched the fiery spectacle from English Bay even speculated that it might be an UFO or disintegrating satellite. But there is […]

The post Planes with pyrotechnics, not UFOs, seen over English Bay (PHOTOS, VIDEOS) appeared first on Vancity Buzz | Vancouver Events, News, Food, Lifestyle and More.

15 Jul 17:51

City Supports Vancouver Incubator Kitchen

by Vancity Buzz Staff

cool idea

Vancouver has thrown its support behind the Vancouver Incubator Kitchen, a partnership between Vancouver Community College, Mark Brand Inc., Vancity Credit Union, and the City of Vancouver. This week, the […]

The post City Supports Vancouver Incubator Kitchen appeared first on Vancity Buzz | Vancouver Events, News, Food, Lifestyle and More.

15 Jul 12:18

Good Grief - Bad Reef

by Leif
Prettocraig blog of photos from MLS listings.

They created a beach cove in their family room.  How nice.

amateur bad wall mural beach cove reef scene 3D fireplace family room Casa Grande Arizona homes house for sale photo

They built a ”reef” around the fireplace.

amateur bad wall mural beach cove reef scene 3D fireplace family room Casa Grande Arizona homes house for sale photo

You can hear the ocean waves lapping the shore.

amateur bad wall mural beach cove reef scene 3D fireplace family room Casa Grande Arizona homes house for sale photo

Tropical paradise!

amateur bad wall mural beach cove reef scene 3D fireplace family room Casa Grande Arizona homes house for sale photo

15 Jul 05:43

In case you were wondering where to find $200 watermelons in Vancouver

by Bob Kronbauer

total ripoff...these used to be $100

In case you were wondering where to find $200 watermelons in Vancouver, they’re right near the checkout counter at Urban Fare in the Olympic Village. Right in front of the $1.49 Stride gum.

Every year they bring these in to their locations and I always wonder if it’s simply a way to get people talking – ala “OMG DID YOU HEAR URBAN FARE’S SELLING SQUARE WATERMELONS FOR $200?!” – or if there’s actually a market for insanely priced novelty fruit in this city of ours.

Either way, this is what $1,000 worth of watermelons looks like!

13 Jul 02:25

The Simplest Way to Track Your Sleep Yet

by Brent Rose

Does anybody use something to track sleep...I feel like its just more useless data. On a side note we recently started using do not disturb at night and its incredible how much better I am sleeping. Maybe everyone does this and we are just late bloomers, but I had no idea how often email alerts were waking me up in the middle of the night!

The Simplest Way to Track Your Sleep Yet

A lot of us suck at sleep. But exactly how do we suck at it? Do we toss and turn a lot? Snore? Are we roused by outside noises? Well, the new Misfit Beddit Sleep System promises to answer those questions.


11 Jul 06:46

Google Maps Update Lets You Measure Distances (or Aimlessly Doodle)

by Robert Sorokanich on Gizmodo, shared by Andy Orin to Lifehacker

Google Maps Update Lets You Measure Distances (or Aimlessly Doodle)

Ever try measuring the straight-line distance between two points on Google Maps? You had to hold some object or appendage up to the little scale, then eyeball-measure the distance on your screen. What a mess. No more—a new update puts the task a right-click away. Also, you can doodle with it.