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21 Feb 02:08

A Pile of Rambunctious Puppies Play With Ice Cubes, Getting Ice...

Patrick Kennedy

@ Davison

20 Feb 19:37

Space Probes

by Jason Kottke

Voyager 2

The site tracks the active probes in operation in and around our solar system, from Voyager I (19.56 billion km from Earth) to the Artemis probes (358,000 km away). (via @BadAstronomer)

Tags: astronomy   science   space
20 Feb 18:57

The coming American megadrought of 2050

by Jason Kottke
Patrick Kennedy

Get excited, America!

Seriously though, terrifying stuff...


A recent paper by three climate scientists concludes there's a high risk of an unprecedented drought in the Southwest and Midwest United States later this century, even if we manage to get our carbon emissions under control. The scientists say it'll be drier in the Western US than at any point in the past 1000 years.

In the Southwest and Central Plains of Western North America, climate change is expected to increase drought severity in the coming decades. These regions nevertheless experienced extended Medieval-era droughts that were more persistent than any historical event, providing crucial targets in the paleoclimate record for benchmarking the severity of future drought risks. We use an empirical drought reconstruction and three soil moisture metrics from 17 state-of-the-art general circulation models to show that these models project significantly drier conditions in the later half of the 21st century compared to the 20th century and earlier paleoclimatic intervals. This desiccation is consistent across most of the models and moisture balance variables, indicating a coherent and robust drying response to warming despite the diversity of models and metrics analyzed. Notably, future drought risk will likely exceed even the driest centuries of the Medieval Climate Anomaly (1100-1300 CE) in both moderate (RCP 4.5) and high (RCP 8.5) future emissions scenarios, leading to unprecedented drought conditions during the last millennium.

Eric Holthaus has the layperson's explanation of the study and its implications.

Smerdon's study is the first to examine the future risk of "megadrought" in the southwest and central United States in the context of historical episodes of drought in the same regions. Smerdon's study suggests that the coming years are likely to see droughts worse than the epic dry periods that are thought to have caused profound changes to human settlement in the region over the last millennium.

"They're 'mega' because they are droughts that lasted in these regions for multiple decades," said Smerdon in an interview with Slate. "We haven't seen anything like this since at least the 1400s." In comparison, the current California drought is four years old, though drought has been present in most of the last 15 years somewhere in the West.

Update: This NASA video provides a quick overview of this study and what it means for our climate.

Tags: Eric Holthaus   global warming   science   USA
20 Feb 17:53

The Front of a Jeep Creates an Accidental Freestanding Ice...

Patrick Kennedy

Ghost Jeep!

20 Feb 04:43

A Curious Crow Checks Out the Webcam at the New Levi’s Stadium,...

Patrick Kennedy

I for one welcome our new crow overlords.

19 Feb 18:49

A Gorgeous Vintage 1956 Kitchen With Original GE Appliances That...

Patrick Kennedy

Speaking of kitchens...

17 Feb 17:00

Facebook Legacy Contact, A Feature That Turns Over an Account to...

Patrick Kennedy

I really like this

16 Feb 18:09

Newswire: Jon Stewart’s announcement dropped Viacom’s stock by $350 million

by William Hughes
Patrick Kennedy

Woah. The power of Stewart compels.

Jon Stewart’s announcement of his retirement from The Daily Show has already had a financial impact on Comedy Central’s parent company Viacom, with The Wrap reporting that the company’s NASDAQ value slipped 1.5 percentroughly $350 millionin the wake of the news. Stewart has been an extremely lucrative employee for Viacom; besides acting as a shepherd for developing talents like Steve Carell and Stephen Colbert, his influence among young viewers and their precious disposable income is hard to overestimate. Although the host has been tight-lipped about what his post-Daily Show future involves, that didn’t stop CNBC’s Fast Money from bringing on former Yahoo CEO Ross Levinsohn to speculate wildly about the financial possibilities.

While acknowledging that Stewart’s departure from The Daily Show was unlikely to be related to moneyaccording to TV Guide, Stewart is already late night’s highest-paid host ...

12 Feb 22:45


12 Feb 22:04

Eagles Unsure How Riley Cooper Got Black History Month On Team Calendar [Update]

by Barry Petchesky

Riley Cooper, you might remember, did this . It was a whole big thing, and not even that long ago! Whatever company the Eagles contracted to make their official 2015 team calendar either didn't remember, or thought it was more prudent to try to get Cooper's appearance over with in the shortest month.


12 Feb 17:54

Vintage weekly bus passes

by Jason Kottke
Patrick Kennedy

Milwaukee...way to go.

Milwaukee Bus Passes

Milwaukee Bus Passes

Milwaukee Bus Passes

A collection of weekly bus passes from Milwaukee, WI. Years covered are 1930-1979. Was there a new design every single week? (via @slowernet)

Tags: design
11 Feb 19:47

Coming Distractions: Amy Schumer takes a shot at love with Bill Hader in the Trainwreck trailer

by Katie Rife
Patrick Kennedy

"This is 40" was not great, but Amy Schumer is amazing. So I'm optimistic bordering on cautiously so here.

And hey! Bill Hader! Never a bad thing.

The first official trailer for Trainwreck, written by and starring Amy Schumer and directed by Judd Apatow, has hit the Internet. As one might expect from Schumer, it’s red-band. And as one might expect from the comedic pedigree of its writer and director, Trainwreck appears to be packed with Schumer and Apatow’s comedy buddies, like Colin Quinn as Amy’s dad, SNL’s Vanessa Bayer as her smoothie-sipping gal pal, Dave Attell as a smartass homeless guy, and Bill Hader as the sports doctor who might be the one to change Amy’s wanton ways.

WWE star/occasional actor John Cena and Cleveland’s prodigal son LeBron James also make appearances; James appears to play a significant supporting role in the film, actually, albeit as himself. Trainwreck marks Apatow’s first time directing a film written by someone else, and if he lets Schumer’s comedic voice shine ...

11 Feb 06:47

I'm an Anti-Braker

Patrick Kennedy

Spot on, worth the click-through.

I'm so sick of Big Automotive hiding the truth  
11 Feb 04:51

Dr. Phil Without Dialogue Is Haunting Performance Art

by Tom Ley
Patrick Kennedy

Simultaneously super-dumb and pretty dang compelling

Great idea, even better execution. David Lynch wishes he could make some shit like this.


11 Feb 03:40

‘Descension’, A Mesmerizing Indoor Whirlpool Installation by...

Patrick Kennedy


10 Feb 21:47

Dave Chappelle announces five Gramercy Theatre shows; Comedy Night at The Knit continues without Hannibal Buress

by brooklynvegan
Patrick Kennedy

Man! Gramercy Theatre is SMALL. These should be amazing shows.

photo: Dave Chappelle @ Knit last month (by Ray Kump, via Knit Twitter)

Dave Chappelle will be playing five shows over four nights at Gramercy Theatre on February 12, 14, 15 and 16 (two shows on the 16th). Tickets go on sale at 5 PM today (2/10), and the schedule looks like this:

Show Date: Thursday, February 12th
Doors: 10:00 PM
Showtime: 11:00 PM

Show Date: Saturday, February 14th (late Friday / early Saturday)
Doors: 1:00 AM
Showtime: 1:30 AM

Show Date: Sunday, February 15th (late Saturday / early Sunday)
Doors: 12:00 AM
Showtime: 12:30 AM

Show Date: Monday, February 16th
Doors: 7:00 PM
Showtime: 8:00 PM

Show Date: Monday, February 16th
Doors: 10:00 PM
Showtime: 10:30 PM
These shows are significantly smaller than his last multi-night NYC run which was at Radio City, though they're not as small as the surprise show he did at Knitting Factory on January 18. That Knit show was during what up until recently was Hannibal Buress's weekly free show at the Brooklyn venue. But as the NY Times points out in a big article today, Hannibal has evolved "From Cult Star to Showman." He is busy playing headline shows at BAM, touring and being a cast member on Comedy Central's Broad City, and so Knitting Factory comedy shows go on without him.

New regulars Will Miles, Clark Jones and Kenny DeForest keep Comedy Night at The Knit alive every Sunday though. Maybe Hannibal will be a special guest at his own old show one of these days too. You never know when Chappelle might pop in again either.

Continue reading "Dave Chappelle announces five Gramercy Theatre shows; Comedy Night at The Knit continues without Hannibal Buress" at brooklynvegan

10 Feb 14:37

Calvin and Hobbes for February 10, 2015

Patrick Kennedy

Salient point.

09 Feb 21:43

Taylor Swift's Nine Inch Nails

by Jason Kottke
Patrick Kennedy

All in. So good.

If you take the vocals from The Perfect Drug by Nine Inch Nails and match them to the beats from Taylor Swift's Shake It Off, you get this little bit of magic:

Update: I totally forgot I'd previously featured this awesomeness: NIN's Head Like a Hole vs. Carly Rae Jepsen's Call Me Maybe. Also of note: Mark Romanek directed the videos for Shake It Off and The Perfect Drug. (via ★interesting, @sarahmakespics, and mark)

Tags: music   Nine Inch Nails   remix   Taylor Swift   video
09 Feb 01:02

Mallory Ortberg on the Harper Lee interview

Patrick Kennedy

a nice look into why a famously reclusive (and super-old) author is suddenly OK with putting out new material

the To Kill A Mockingbird prequel is being released under very shady circumstances  
08 Feb 02:08

Beautiful hand painted ski trail maps

by Jason Kottke

If you've ever noticed most ski trail maps look kinda the same, the reason is many of them have been painted by a single individual: James Niehues.

Each view is hand painted by brush and airbrush using opaque watercolor to capture the detail and variations of nature's beauty. In many instances, distortions are necessary to bring everything into a single view. The trick is to do this without the viewer realizing that anything has been altered from the actual perspective.

Here's a selection of his work:

James Niehues

James Niehues

James Niehues

Tags: art   design   James Niehues   skiing   sports
06 Feb 08:50

How to Build an Alarm Clock That Plays the Audio From the...

Patrick Kennedy

Great prank potential. Or, for the embittered existentialist who has everything.

04 Feb 09:56

Newswire: The Mountain from Game Of Thrones broke a thousand-year-old strength record

by William Hughes
Patrick Kennedy

Good goddamn.

Actor, weightlifter, and king of the stones Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson, best known to Western audiences as Gregor “The Mountain” Clegane on HBO’s Game Of Thrones, has shattered yet another record in his terrifying quest to become the Earth’s strongest man. But unlike the rest, this record was 1,000 years old.

While competing at the World’s Strongest Viking competition (Norway’s stop on the qualifying tour to compete for the title of World’s Strongest Man), Björnsson broke through a record once described in ancient Icelandic sagas. According to Strongman Champion League promoter Ilkka Kinnunen, the feat, in which a participant must walk while carrying a massive, 1,250 pound log on their back, was once attempted by the legendary Icelander Ormur Stórólfsson, to middling-positive results. Stórólfsson did manage to carry the log for three steps, but then, according to Kinnunen, “His back broke under the enormous ...

02 Feb 18:07

Williamsburg's Favorite Bearded Pizza Delivery Man Bill Meier Has Passed Away

by Devra Ferst
Patrick Kennedy

Damn, this guy was a neighborhood legend. RIP.

Fans and friends banded together in the past few weeks to raise money to care for Meier.

Legendary pizza delivery guy Bill Meier passed away this weekend. Meier, who was in his early 50's, was delivering pizzas for Williamsburg's Best Pizza on his bike regularly until he became sick and was hospitalized last month. Fans and friends, more than a 1000 of whom joined "Let's Help Bill Meier" on Facebook, hosted an auction and set up a donation page to help pay for his medical bills.

Meier shared some of his favorite delivery stories with Eater a couple years back. Check it out.

30 Jan 18:59

Great Job, Internet!: Please enjoy these all-new, robot-enhanced thrift store paintings

by Alex McCown

Someday, when you are very old, you will look back on your life and tally up the things you did, the things you never could, and the things you wish you hadn’t done. The list of things that you regret may include such items as watching Terminator: Salvation, giving the paleo diet a try, and every single purchase of a Subway Cold Cut Combo. What will definitively not be on that list, however, is “looking at augmented thrift store paintings,” because, much like photos of dogs in bow ties, these improvements on cookie-cutter art are always a net gain for the world.

This time, we’re looking at the work of artist Mike Wellins. Wellins, a director and animator at Walt Disney Studios, has his own particular style of thrift store enhancements, which include a skeleton romance, jet-pack-wearing bunnies, and the ever-popular giant robot. You can purchase prints—or ...

30 Jan 18:10

Marshawn Lynch And Gronk Got Together To Play Some Video Games

by Kevin Draper
Patrick Kennedy

I love so very much about this. Also, yet another reason why I love Marshawn Lynch.

Conan had Rob Gronkowsi and Marshawn Lynch on his show to play the yet-to-be-released Mortal Kombat X, and there was really no way the premise couldn't deliver. Come for the discussion about Mario Kart characters, and stay for Marshawn Lynch teaching Conan how to properly taunt the opposition by grabbing your nuts. Also, the necrophilia jokes!


26 Jan 16:13

Millions of Tiny Red Crabs Blanket the Ground as They Migrate En...

Patrick Kennedy

So cool! (Also - turn your damn phone, people!)

24 Jan 19:55

Bioluminescent Plankton Illuminate the Waters Off Hong Kong

Patrick Kennedy


24 Jan 17:57

“The Best and Brightest” Art Print by Ryan Lynn

by admin

I’m really into this new art print by Pennsylvania artist Ryan Lynn. “The Best and Brightest” is a 12″ x 18″ screenprint, has an edition of 27, and costs $20. Visit

Ryan Lynn

The post “The Best and Brightest” Art Print by Ryan Lynn appeared first on OMG Posters!.

22 Jan 14:34

Calvin and Hobbes for January 22, 2015

Patrick Kennedy

Still relevant.

22 Jan 02:30

The ‘Stock Photobomber’ Hilariously Inserts Himself Into Stock...