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21 Jan 20:14

Broccoli Cat

Cat steals broccoli -

Jenny wasn’t about to let that bitch Natalie get the last broccoli. 

20 Jan 18:57

Newswire: The Grateful Dead to reunite for three final shows this summer

by Marah Eakin
Patrick Kennedy

@Andrew - hopefully they'll be webcasting it as well.

Patch up those already artfully patched pants and start thinking about edibles, because the remaining members of the Grateful Dead are reuniting for one final set of shows this summer. Fare Thee Well: Celebrating 50 Years Of Grateful Dead will take place July 3, 4, and 5 at Chicago’s Soldier Field and will mark the group’s final performance together ever. (Or so they say.) Mickey Hart, Bill Kreutzmann, Phil Lesh, and Bob Weir will be joined by Bruce Hornsby, Jeff Chimenti, and Phish’s Trey Anastasio and will ramble out two sets of music a night. Keeping in tradition with the band’s original organization, tickets, which start at about $60, will be available via a first-come, first-served mail order system, though they’ll also be available via an Internet pre-sale and through Ticketmaster.

The last time Hart, Kreutzmann, Lesh, and Weir played together was almost 20 years ...

16 Jan 16:13

The Packers Got Everyone In Green Bay Playing Settlers Of Catan

by Tom Ley
Patrick Kennedy

More people playing Settlers of Catan is never a bad thinig.

The Packers Got Everyone In Green Bay Playing Settlers Of Catan

The Wall Street Journal's Kevin Clark, who has been pumping out fun, off-color NFL stories all year, has another good one today. It's all about how a handful of Green Bay Packers got hooked on Settlers of Catan, the board game that all of your buddies who are bearded craft-beer enthusiasts are addicted to.


15 Jan 22:19

‘Kim Jong-un: Friend or Foe’, North Korean Dictator Kim Jong-un...

15 Jan 17:55

Newswire: Broad City is already renewed for season three

by Alex McCown
Patrick Kennedy

YAY! And season 2 premieres tonight. LOVE this show.

The girls are crushing it so hard, they don’t even need to wait until new ratings are in. They’re re-upping that shit now, son. Variety reports that Abbi Jacobson and Ilana Glazer’s Comedy Central show Broad City has already been renewed for season three, with the announcement coming before tonight’s season two premiere has even aired.

In a process that’s much easier than trying to transport an air conditioner across New York City without a car, Comedy Central has granted the show about two twenty-something best friends yet another season to hang out, smoke weed, and generally brighten each others’ lives. Along with Inside Amy Schumer, the returning series (which also co-stars John Gemberling, Hannibal Buress, and Stephen Schneider) is being held up as part of the network’s commitment to representing female talent on screen. Comedy Central is also touting the fact that Broad ...

13 Jan 19:33

The Hero Gotham Deserves


13 Jan 19:13

Official: Gerrard to Leave Liverpool

by Noel C
Patrick Kennedy

Inevitable really, but still weird to imagine.

This isn’t the way Steven Gerrard’s Liverpool career was supposed to end. This is the way Steven Gerrard’s Liverpool career ends.

This time yesterday, most Liverpool fans assumed Steven Gerrard would retire a Red. Today, he’s set to head abroad, likely to MLS, to see out the final years of his playing career in a lesser league where he believes he can still make an impact while logging heavy minutes. Despite the rumours of his impending departure coming from reliable sources, many wanted to believe that things might not end this way. Because they shouldn’t have ended this way and didn’t have to.

Official confirmation from Gerrard and the club today, though, means that his career as a Red is going to end this way, and that he will not be a one-club man when he does eventually retire. Steven Gerrard is leaving Liverpool when his current contract expires, likely to head to the MLS, and he intends to sign a pre-contract agreement with what will be his new club before the month is out. This isn’t how the career of one of Liverpool’s greatest ever players should have ended. This is how it ends.

"This has been the toughest decision of my life and one which both me and my family have agonised over," read a statement from the captain. "I am making the announcement now so that the manager and team are not distracted by stories or speculation about my future. Liverpool Football Club has been such a huge part of all our lives for so long and saying goodbye is difficult, but I feel it's something that's in the best interests of all involved, including my family and the club itself.

"I'm going to carry on playing and although I can't confirm at this stage where that will be, I can say it will be somewhere that means I won't be playing for a competing club and will not therefore be lining up against Liverpool—that is something I could never contemplate. My decision is completely based on my wish to experience something different in my career and life and I also want to make sure that I have no regrets when my playing career is eventually over."

From the outside, heading abroad to a league where he will play at least some of his matches on artificial turf in stadiums not built for football and in search of an MLS Cup for a club that likely won’t have existed when his playing career began seems an unsatisfying conclusion to that career. Hopefully, though, Gerrard will find whatever it is that he’s looking for, be it playing time or importance to a side or simply a new experience. And hopefully, in the end for him, that will be worth what he’s giving up.

This isn’t the way Steven Gerrard’s Liverpool career was supposed to end. This is the way Steven Gerrard’s Liverpool career ends. All the luck in the world to him in finding what it is he’s looking for, wherever it is he ends up moving on to.

13 Jan 12:38

Every David Bowie hairstyle from 1964 to 2014

by Jason Kottke

Helen Green drew all the hairstyles worn by David Bowie from before he was a star in 1964 on up to the present day. Here's they are in a glorious animated GIF:

Bowie Hair

Green also did a one-sheet of the B&W drawings. See also every Prince hairstyle from 1978 to 2013. (via @Coudal)

Tags: David Bowie   Helen Green   illustration   music
12 Jan 21:58

Design Concept for a Slim and Simple Media Player That Streams...

Patrick Kennedy

Looks like a vape pen.

11 Jan 16:51

‘The Daily Routines of Famous Creative People’, An Informative...

10 Jan 03:27

Literature Lover in Los Angeles Hacks a Road Sign to Say ‘Read a...

09 Jan 12:23

Calvin and Hobbes for January 09, 2015

08 Jan 01:44

Gunmen Kill 12 in Shooting at Paris Satirical Newspaper

by Max Read

Gunmen Kill 12 in Shooting at Paris Satirical Newspaper

Masked gunmen wielding Kalashnikovs and a rocket launcher killed at least 12 people and injured 10 more at the Paris offices of satirical French newspaper Charlie Hebdo on Wednesday before escaping. French president François Hollande called the shooting "unquestionably a terrorist attack."


05 Jan 20:59

The sounds of The Wire

by Jason Kottke
Patrick Kennedy

Haha, "Susan's coming yo!" Also, the new high-def episodes look awesome - at worst it's a good excuse to watch this brilliant show again.

You don't typically think of The Wire as a show that used audio to great effect, but you'd be wrong. From the show's use of music only ambient to the scene (e.g. a car radio playing), the season-end montages, and the background soundtracks that accompanied certain characters or situations, The Wire's use of music and sound was quite calculated and effective. At Reddit, a sound editor who worked on the show shared her experiences.

One of my crew's challenges, then, was to find ways to evoke mood with backgrounds. When a character is in a crowded situation he is not comfortable with, listen for background laughter. When McNulty is drunk and on the prowl, listen for dogs barking (because he's a dog - my own private commentary on his character). There was a whole world of work that went in to creating the sound of Hamsterdam and building it from an empty to thriving enterprise.

Working with Felicia Pearson was challenging:

Snoop was tricky. That DeWalt scene wasn't the first time she was in the show (she's a scout for Marlo the first time we see him in season three maybe?) but it was the most dialog she had up until then, and the HBO note was that she was completely unintelligible. I had her in the studio to do pretty much the entire scene over it felt like, and whenever I had a new actor in the studio, I would always ask (unless I recognized them from something else) if they had done ADR before because "The Wire" used so many non-actors. She said "no ma'am" so I walked her through the process and she did a great job. Stayed in sync, matched her cadence... and sounded exactly as unintelligible as she did on set!

But so was Dominic West:

McNulty (Dom West) came in often and was awesome, as well. His accent showed most often when the character was drunk or angry. Oddly, the name "Stringer Bell" tripped him up a lot. "Stringa" and then a very over-enunciated end to "Bell-eh." Also, the words "fuck" and "cunt" came out "feck" and "cahnt" and the only way to break him of it was to stand right in front of him (so he could watch the mouth shape) and say the word over and over again. So a Dom West ADR session often went like this:

Me (with Dom staring at my mouth): Cunt. Cunt. Cunt.
Dom: Cahnt. Shit, do it again, please.
Me: Cunt. Cunt. Cunt.
Dom: Cunt. Cunt. OK, let's record...
(three beeps, the line starts and):
Dom: ...cahnt. Feck! Say it again.
Me: Cunt....

There were some instances where we didn't bring Dom in for ADR because the emotion and energy of the scene would be compromised if we tinkered with his accent, and I support that decision, but it still pains me to hear those lines and feel like something slipped by me. I was like, the last checkpoint before dialog went on the air.

Which reminds me, the "Fuck" scene (McNulty/Bunk) -- when picture came to me, there were only about 30 "fucks" in it. We brought the guys in together and played the scene over and over and slammed a variation of "fuck" everywhere it would fit. I think the final mix tops off at somewhere in the 80 range? My personal contribution was Bunk's "fuck, fuck fuckitty fuck."

And Michael K. Williams cannot whistle:

Michael K Williams cannot whistle! It's totally true. We brought him in and he tried but it just wasn't happening. Omar's whistle is provided by a lovely and talented loop group member named Susan, who is an actor and John Waters' personal assistant.

To which another Redditor replied, "Susan's coming yo!" The whole thread is great, read it.

Tags: audio   The Wire   TV
05 Jan 19:59

Autism linked to 3rd trimester pollution exposure

by Jason Kottke

A major study conducted by the Harvard School of Public Health has found a significant link between autism and the exposure of the mother to high levels of air pollution during the third trimester of pregnancy.

Researchers focused on 1,767 children born from 1990 to 2002, including 245 diagnosed with autism. The design of the study and the results rule out many confounding measures that can create a bias, Weisskopf said. The researchers took into account socioeconomic factors that can influence exposure to pollution or play a role in whether a child is diagnosed with autism.

The fact that pollution caused problems only during pregnancy strengthened the findings, since it's unlikely other factors would have changed markedly before or after those nine months, he said in a telephone interview.

The ultimate cause of autism remains a mystery in most cases, said Charis Eng, chairwoman of the Lerner Research Institute's Genomic Medicine Institute at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio. While the Harvard study isn't definitive and the findings could be coincidental, it's not likely given the large size and the precise results, she said in a telephone interview.

"The truth is there has to be gene and environmental interactions," said Eng, who wasn't involved in the study. "I suspect the fetus already had the weak autism spectrum disorder genes, and then the genes and the environment interacted."

It would be a huge help (and I am not in any way being facetious about this) if Jenny McCarthy and all the other celebrity "vaccines cause autism" folks threw their weight behind cleaning up pollution the way they attacked vaccination. Redeem yourselves. (via @john_overholt)

Tags: autism   Jenny McCarthy   medicine   science
05 Jan 18:13

This Is The Video CNN Will Play When The World Ends

by Michael Ballaban
Patrick Kennedy

Ted Turner is an insane person.

This Is The Video CNN Will Play When The World Ends

Thirty-four years ago, at the launch of Ted Turner's Cable News Network, the founder made a grandiose and specific promise about his newly created round-the-clock operation. "Barring satellite problems, we won't be signing off until the world ends," Turner declared. And in anticipation, he prepared a final video segment for the apocalypse:


03 Jan 13:22

Calvin and Hobbes for January 03, 2015

30 Dec 12:37

Calvin and Hobbes for December 30, 2014

23 Dec 18:33

People bought bullshit, so Cards Against Humanity donated $250K to a nonprofit (correction)

by Dave Tach
Patrick Kennedy

The CAH team seems like an amazing group. Love the usage here of the profits from an ingenious/devious Black Friday sale.

Cards Against Humanity took its "windfall profits" from its "Holiday Bullshit Promotion" and donated $250,000 to The Sunlight Foundation, an organization that tracks campaign contributions and lobbyist activities directed at the U.S. government.

"Cards Against Humanity believes that in American politics, cash is king," a post on the card game's official site reads. "If you want to get anything done, you've got to buy your way in. That's why this year, $2,414,337,089 was spent by 11,509 professional lobbyists trying to sell their bullshit to Congress."

On Black Friday, Cards Against Humanity sold cow dung to anyone willing to buy it for $6. It also offered a wider, days-long promotion including multiple gifts for $15. As announced...

Continue reading…

21 Dec 13:39

kylemetcalf: Fuller, Go easy on the Pepsi! We TOTALLY...


Fuller, Go easy on the Pepsi!

We TOTALLY watched this again last night.


17 Dec 21:32

A Skewed but Accurate Synopsis of ‘The Wizard of Oz’ That Makes...

17 Dec 17:04

The best book covers of 2014

by Jason Kottke

At the NY Times, Nicholas Blechman weighs in with his picks for the best book covers of 2014.

Area X Book Cover

Dan Wagstaff, aka The Casual Optimist, picked 50 Covers for 2014.

Napoleon The Great Book Cover

From Jarry Lee at Buzzfeed, 32 Of The Most Beautiful Book Covers Of 2014.

Strange New Things Book Cover

Paste's Liz Shinn and Alisan Lemay present their 30 Best Book Covers of 2014.

Wolf In White Van

And from much earlier in the year (for some reason), Zachary Petit's 19 of the Best Book Covers of 2014 at Print.

On Such A Full Sea Book Cover

Tags: best of   best of 2014   books   design   lists
17 Dec 03:02

Newswire: Sneaky Congress lifts federal ban on medical marijuana

by John Teti

A few episodes of IFC’s Comedy Bang! Bang! this season have been preceded by a puckish bumper that reads, “Enhanced viewing for Comedy Bang! Bang! available in Washington & Colorado.” The network might need to update that graphic before long, because over the weekend, Congress took a big step toward a nation that can unite in enjoyment of a THC-enhanced Scott Aukerman. It happened with the passage of the “CRomnibus,” a massive spending bill that may have been named by a bunch of stoned Congressman. The Los Angeles Times reports that the 1,603-page bill contains a little-noticed provision that effectively ends the federal prohibition on medical marijuana. As the Times’ Evan Halper explains:

Under the provision, states where medical pot is legal would no longer need to worry about federal drug agents raiding retail operations. Agents would be prohibited from doing so.

The Obama administration has largely followed ...

15 Dec 14:09

Review: Brilliant British sci-fi drama 'Black Mirror' comes to Netflix

Patrick Kennedy

Oooh...very awesome. If anyone here hasn't seen Black Mirror yet, be sure to check it out. Like a modern-day "Twilight Zone" with a heavy focus on technology. Highly recommended.

Technology makes a convenient villain in science fiction(*). In our books, movies and TV shows, computers, robots and other inventions are forever gaining sentience and turning on us, punishing mankind for the hubris of trying to make like the Almighty. (*) Also, at times in traditional fictio...
11 Dec 20:53

Power Cuts Off Mid-Match In Europa League; Fans Light Arena With Phones

by Billy Haisley on Screamer, shared by Billy Haisley to Deadspin
Patrick Kennedy

Super cool.

Power Cuts Off Mid-Match In Europa League; Fans Light Arena With Phones

Play was temporarily suspended in today's Beşiktaş-Tottenham Europa League match when the power in the stadium went out in the eighth minute. In the interim, fans used the glow of their cell phones to light up the place. Here's video of when the lights went out, and some cool shots of fans waving their phones:


11 Dec 19:03

Orlando Scandrick Plays Madden To Win, Even At A Children's Hospital

by Samer Kalaf

Orlando Scandrick Plays Madden To Win, Even At A Children's Hospital

Orlando Scandrick apparently visited a children's hospital yesterday, and according to linebacker Justin Durant, Scandrick whooped some punk in Madden. The Cowboys cornerback even went with a surprise onside kick on the kid. You have to be ready for anything, little Timmy.


10 Dec 22:41

Newswire: Kirsten Dunst and Jesse Plemons join Fargo’s second season

by Sean O'Neal
Patrick Kennedy

Awesome...starting to get excited for season 2!

While overtures to Nick Offerman are apparently still in the “sending him pictures of Minnesota trees he could kill” phase, Fargo has secured another familiar face from a fellow cult television show: Jesse Plemons, whose roles on Breaking Bad and Friday Night Lights make that doubly true. FX has announced that Plemons will join the show’s second season alongside Kirsten Dunst in her first regular TV role (save for a handful of appearances on shows like ER, Sisters, and Star Trek: The Next Generation). Plemons and Dunst will co-star as a married couple, Ed and Peggy Bloomquist, with Dunst playing a “small town beautician with big-city dreams,” and Plemons a butcher’s assistant who supports her ambitions, but doesn’t entirely understand them. (“Are they about meat?” he no doubt asks. “Because I can get more meat.”)

As previously reported, season two takes place in 1979 Sioux Falls, South ...

09 Dec 15:05

Playing House Has Been Renewed For A Second Season! :: SOMEONE TELL BOSEPHUS!!! [Playing House]

by Tara Ariano
Patrick Kennedy

YES. Love this show.

[Internetwork Notes]

I'll admit it: when some six months passed after the airing of the Playing House season finale, and USA said nothing about its intentions to renew it despite having renewed its other sitcom, Sirens, almost immediately, I gave up hope that we would ever get to see more of Maggie and Emma and Mark and Bruce and Zach and Birdbones and the guy with all the gnomes and the baby I guess. But CHRISTMAS DONE COME EARLY, Y'ALL!

I was thrilled to stagger out of bed this morning and see the news that Playing House is getting a second season -- "Better late than never," as Deadline's Nellie Andreeva very rightly put it. But now is not the time for recriminations. Now's the time to celebrate. And to start making lists of UCB alumni who still need to show up in guest roles.

Update: This just in via press release: USA is using Playing House to pilot a new scheme, by which VOD viewers will be able to watch episodes a week before they air on USA. I seem to recall that FX did this with Season 2 of The Bridge and it...didn't work. I am going to make it my personal business to ensure that it DOES work here, AND SO SHOULD YOU.

Explore the Playing House forum.

Playing House Has Been Renewed For A Second Season! appeared first on Previously.TV.

05 Dec 15:13

Calvin and Hobbes for December 05, 2014

04 Dec 20:48

‘My email is a monster’, A Comic by The Oatmeal About the...