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04 Apr 09:39

Tinder Users Who Were Extremely Candid With Their Dating Profile

by Zeon Santos

(Via Reddit)

Many people on dating sites like Tinder tell lies to help them hook up, and it's so common nowadays that everyone assumes our dating profiles are as padded as our resumés.

But those who like to keep it real don't mind letting a potential match take a peek behind the curtain and see who they really are, even if that means they get left swiped more often.

(Via Reddit)

Insecure daters could learn a thing or two about how to live fierce and fearless from these brave Tinder users, and their profiles are a refreshing change of pace from the usual pack of lies.

If you're totally conceited then be up front about it, that way your dates will know what they're getting themselves in to before they come face-to-face with royalty.

(Via Reddit)

See 14 Tinder Users Who Were Very Candid With Their Profiles here (barely NSFW due to language)

11 Mar 16:22

Dreamlike Travel Photography from All Around the World

by Léa
Ivy Esquero

@andrew more alien landscapes for you. Crazy how this is on earth!

Le photographe Tom Jacobi, ancien directeur artistique du prestigieux magazine allemand Stern, est un voyageur hors normes. Il a parcouru les six continents afin de constituer sa série Grey Matters(s). Au travers de ses clichés, il saisi les roches atypiques des paysages d’Islande, d’Australie ou des Etats-Unis. L’artiste offre un post-traitement entre gris et bleu à ses photographies, et leur offre ainsi un caractère onirique.

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10 Mar 13:27

Amazon launches first daily live show: ‘Style Code Live’ debuts today

by Todd Bishop
Ivy Esquero

Speaking of fake faces...that kid looks like a doll

Hosts Frankie Grande, Rachel Smith and Lyndsey Rodrigues on the ‘Style Code Live’ set.

Amazon is launching its first daily live show, a fashion and beauty program called “Style Code Live,” combining its e-commerce platform with its video streaming technology in a new bid to expand its appeal in the world of online retail.

Photo: Amazon

It’s the first step in a broader initiative that could have big implications for Amazon’s business. People watching “Style Code Live” on will see a carousel of products beneath the live video player, updating dynamically to point them to products on Amazon as they’re discussed during each episode.

GeekWire first reported in October that Amazon planned to launch its own online shopping shows starting this year, offering a digital alternative to the likes of QVC and the Home Shopping Network. Amazon has foreshadowed this possibility since its acquisition of live streaming platform Twitch in 2014.

In a related move, the company has also been testing the ability to let users of its Fire TV set-top box and streaming stick buy products directly from their television screens.

The 30-minute show, focusing on the latest trends and products in fashion and beauty, will premiere tonight at 9 ET/6 PT, streaming live on Mondays through Thursdays, with a highlights show on Fridays. It’s hosted by Lyndsey Rodrigues, a former host of MTV’s Total Request Live; Rachel Smith, a correspondent for Good Morning America and Nightline; and Frankie Grande, an actor and TV personality.

Features of the live stream will include the ability to chat with the hosts during the show. Guests during the first week include Danielle Bernstein, founder of fashion blog WeWoreWhat, and Grammy-winning musician Meghan Trainor.

The company says the show is best viewed on desktops, laptops and tablets, but mobile options will be added soon.

10 Mar 08:15

Hamburgers and Pizza Are Quickly Becoming France’s Top-Selling Dishes

by Clint Rainey
Ivy Esquero

@lindsay maybe it's a sign - more reasons to go back to France instead of the US ;-)

Très not French.

France's illustrious culinary traditions are facing their latest attack, only this time there's no microwave or doggy bag to blame — just the taste preferences of the nation's 65 million people. French diners' love for two dishes has reached epic levels, according to a new study, and it's a real problem because neither involves Nutella or a baguette. Per its findings, the future of French cuisine is le burger and la pizza, terms that frustrate culinary purists because all French food worth its salt requires translation.

The study, which was done by French food consultant Gira Conseil, shows a whopping 75 percent of the nation's restaurants have been forced to put a burger on the menu. Worse, 80 percent of those report it's become their top-selling item, enough to make the burger more popular than the ubiquitous ham sandwich. Pizza consumption, meanwhile, is so through the roof that the French find themselves second only to Americans in the number eaten annually. France, again, has about 65 million people (compared to America's 323 million), so that's a number worth keeping in mind in light of the amount of burger-eating that's going on — about 1.2 billion last year, roughly a 12 percent increase. The French ate a record number of pizzas in 2015 as well — 819 million, which is 10 million more than the previous year.

Naturally, this leaves gourmands in a tizzy, since the study warns "the erosion of French culinary heritage" is now all but complete. Especially because only 51 percent of those nearly 1 billion pizzas are even purchased at restaurants. Worse than Domino's, the remainder are store-bought — the height of déclassé.


Read more posts by Clint Rainey

Filed Under: l'affaire pizza, burgers, france, junk food, pizza

10 Mar 08:01

Little Mouse Drawing interacting with Real Elements

by Daniella
Ivy Esquero

hate mice, but this is cute

LoÏc Apreda, artiste connu sous le nom de Apredart, nous présente son fidèle compagnon, une petite souris nommée Rikiki. Si ce petit personnage attachant n’existe que sur le papier, imaginé à travers le crayon de Loïc, cela ne l’empêche pas d’interagir avec les éléments du réel. Il n’est pas rare de le voir s’enfuir avec une poignée de cacahuètes visiblement volées, de recevoir un petit bouquet de fleurs ou de déguster un carré de chocolat.

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18 Feb 16:02

Abandoned Temples in Cambodia

by Léa
Ivy Esquero

On the list....

Le photographe Alex Teuscher s’est rendu sur le cite archéologique d’Angkor au Cambodge pour saisir l’âme des temples abandonnés. Ces constructions remplies d’histoire sont peu à peu grignotées par le temps et le climat. La nature reprend ses droits dans une architecture, qui fait partie de la beauté des paysages de ce pays d’Asie du Sud-Est.

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16 Feb 17:54

Hoi An, Vietnam: Visiting this beautiful city on the cheap

by Carmen Allan-Petale
Ivy Esquero

Anyone been here? Looks nice!

An-Bang-beachHoi An is a magical place in Vietnam and I’ve yet to meet someone who didn’t enjoy their time there. It has a much more laid back vibe that the bigger cities like Saigon and Hanoi, and being along the coast means you can spend days relaxing on the beach.

But it’s the old town that truly steals the show in Hoi An. Its beautiful lantern-lined streets make it feel as though you are walking in a movie set at night time, with the old buildings lit up around you and local women punting their small wooden boats down the river that flows through the town.

Hoi An became a UNESCO world heritage listed city nearly twenty years ago and has grown in popularity since then. As the town gets busier, it’s best to visit before it turns into the Venice of South East Asia.

Although a UNESCO listed town, Hoi An is still a cheap place to visit and accommodation options are more inexpensive than those found in the center of Saigon. With street food on every corner and free walking tours to enjoy, a visit to Hoi An can be very inexpensive.

When to visit Hoi An

Because Hoi An has beautiful beaches, you’ll want to go when the weather is sunny so that you can make the most of your beach time. Although the weather is warm all year round, averaging about 29˚C, there is a rainy and dry season.

June to August are the hottest months when temperatures can soar to 40˚C, but more relentless than the heat is the monsoon like weather that comes between September and January. There can occasionally be typhoons during these months and sometimes this can cause flooding in the town and surrounding area – so avoid this time of year if you can.

It’s best to visit Hoi An during the dry season between February and May before the weather gets too hot and after the rains have stopped.

Accommodation within Hoi An

Charming-homestayFinding budget accommodation in Hoi An is very easy as there are plenty of homestays to choose from.

In terms of location, we found that the best place to stay was in between the beach and the old town. This means both the town and the beach will be a 2km bike ride away from you, making getting around easy.

Our favorite homestay in Hoi An is in this location, and is called Charming Homestay. Run by Nhi, an indeed charming lady in her 30s, and her sweet mother, Charming Homestay will make you feel welcome and so comfortable that you won’t want to leave.

If you stay long term – more than two weeks – you can expect to pay around $20 a night. Otherwise a double room here is $30 a night. For the deluxe rooms, expect to pay about $10 more. Your room comes with breakfast included with a choice of traditional Vietnamese beef pho or a western breakfast of scrambled eggs and baguette. All breakfasts come with fresh fruit.

There are also a number of backpackers around Hoi An and if you’re up for sharing a dorm, you can expect to pay as little as $8 a night.

A popular hostel in Hoi An is DK’s House which is known for its laidback vibe and friendly staff. Breakfast is included and there’s a pool. You pay around $12.50 for a four person dorm.

Another hostel with a pool, and one that is slightly cheaper, is the Sunflower Hotel where a bed in a six person dorm is $8.50. This hostel is next to a number of cheap restaurants and is about a ten minute walk from the center of the old town.

If you’re after long term accommodation in Hoi An, it can be found for a very reasonable price. You can pay just $300 a month for a two bedroomed house. Bargain!

The best restaurants in Hoi An

Morning-GloryTop quality food in Hoi An, and even dishes in the fancier restaurants are very reasonably priced.

A favourite for many, and a label that is well deserved, is the Morning Glory restaurant in the center of the Old Town. Run by Miss Vy, who is one of Vietnam’s most successful restauranteurs, the food from Morning Glory is traditional Vietnamese and is of a very high standard. Even so, a meal here will only set you back at about $20 for two people. (Not including alcohol.)

Morning Glory also has a few sister restaurants dotted around town. There’s Cargo which is well known for its cakes, Mermaid Restaurant which also serves traditional Vietnamese home cooking, and the Market Restaurant.

The Market Restaurant is a unique dining experience. It’s similar to a food hall, in that there are many different food stations dotted around the restaurant. You can browse all the different foods at your leisure and then choose whatever tickles your fancy.

If you are only in Hoi An for a short amount of time, the Market Restaurant is a good place to go because they have all the different types of Vietnamese dishes in one place.

Another popular restaurant at similar prices is Son Restaurant, located about 2km out of the old town, on the way to the beach. The food here is of superb quality and the presentation is gourmet. The dishes are large enough to share between two, saving you some money.

Nearby there is Dingo Deli – the place to come if you’re over Vietnamese food (although seriously, how could you be?) as it serves western style sandwiches, burgers and desserts. It also has a deli shop where you can buy fresh bread, meats and expat food like Vegemite.

For seafood, there are many restaurants lining An Bang beach – although some are certainly better than others. If you’re after a local scene, head to Sau. The owner’s husband is a fisherman, ensuring the seafood served here is both fresh and cheap. Skip the menu and just pick your dishes from pointing at the live fish they’ve caught that day. It’s a favorite spot with the locals.

If you’re more in to the expat scene, relax at Soul Kitchen where you can easily spend a day lazily on one of the many beanbags they have scattered along the beach. The food here is certainly a lot pricier though – you pay more when there are foreign owners! Sundays are the most popular day when there is live music in the early evenings.

Street food stalls to enjoy

There are so many tasty street foods in Hoi An – virtually on every corner – that you won’t struggle to find cheap eats. Don’t fear the street food – because there is such a high turnover of people at these stalls, the food is always fresh. Plus, the meals are cooked in front of you so you can watch what goes in to them and see how hygienic they are.

Some must try Vietnamese street food stalls in Hoi An

One of the best banh mi (Vietnamese sandwich) stalls in town is called Lanh and can be found on the corner Cua Dai and Tran Nhan Tong streets. The stall is open from 3pm and a banh mi here will set you back 20,000 dong (90 cents).

Enjoy the best soup in the whole of Vietnam, pho, in the street food stall opposite the banh mi place. This little restaurant is called Muoi. It’s only open for breakfast though, so get there early. A bowl of tasty pho will cost you about 45,000 dong ($2).

Central-marketHen Xuc Banh Trang is a baby clam dish traditionally served with rice crackers and mainly eaten as a snack. Quan So 9, a street food restaurant located along the river, serves tasty Hen Xuc Banh Trang. Like most street food stalls, the chairs and tables are more suited to small children, but the food will be worth the discomfort.  If you come here during the day you have a nice view over the river. A meal here cost us about 45,000 dong ($2) each, including a beer.

Cao Lau is a traditional Hoi An dish that comes with noodles, barbecue sliced pork, pork crackling, bean sprouts, lettuce and herbs. To ensure the dish isn’t too dry, a spoonful of stock is ladled over the top. One of the best places to try Cao Lau is the Thuy food stall on the corner of Tran Phu and Hoang Dieu Streets, in the center of the old town. The stall is open early in the morning until 2pm. The dish will cost about 20,000 dong (90 cents).

The central market in the old town is a great place to come for a variety of street food options. There are numerous stalls and they all have menus, most of them with photos, so it makes it easy to order a tasty dish. You can get a fresh juice here for about 20,000 dong (90 cents) and a meal will set you back about 60,000 dong ($2.70).

Zen out at a spa

Lifestart-Foundation-lanternsVietnam is one of the cheapest places in South East Asia for spa treatments and it’d be a shame to miss out on a massage while you’re in Hoi An.

Avoid the spas at the hotels, as these are overpriced and the money is often going into the hands of big corporations rather than small businesses within the community.

One of the best places to relax is at the Ginger Spa on Cua Dai Street, about halfway between the old town and the beach. The owner Anh is a lovely, softly-spoken lady who’ll make sure you are floating on air by the time your treatments are finished.

The facilities are very clean and the massages are outstanding. The pedicures and manicures could be improved a little though. When we went, the staff were training so we got all our treatments for free and just left a tip – bargain! Normally the treatments are very reasonably priced regardless of training days.

The main street for spas is Ba Triu, where there are a number of establishments. Some of the more popular ones are Hoi An Day Spa, where the massages are meant to be great but the eyelash extensions not so wonderful, and Palmarosa Spa, where the massages are a little more pricey at about $20 for an hour but well-worth it.

Shop fair trade

Lifestart-FoundationIt can be difficult to know who is making your clothes in Hoi An, and with many tailoring shops dotted throughout the town it can be overwhelming. Some of these stores are known to be fronts for sweat shops so it’s important to shop fair trade where you can so you can be sure the workers are being fairly treated.

Bebe, which has two locations on both 11 Hoang Dieu St and 40 Tran Hung Dao, is known to make clothes is good conditions and of high quality. Our friends got their wedding clothes made there, with the groom paying about $120 for a three piece suit and the bride paying $180 for her dress. Both looked great.

Another fair trade store, which sells beautiful pottery and ceramics such as teapots, is Reaching Out on Nguyen Thai Học. All the items in the store are made locally and with high standards, and are also fair trade so you know your money is going to a good place.

The Lifestart Foundation is a beautiful gift shop located on Nguyen Thai Học in the old town. This is a not-for-profit organization where all the money made from purchases go straight to the charity that runs the place. The charity’s money pays the women who make the products, many of whom are disabled from polio in their youth or from stepping on landmines. Some of the charity’s funds also go towards more than 80 education scholarships for children in the Hoi An area.

The objects in the store are all handmade and you can purchase a whole range of things including lanterns, toys, scarves and vases.

Things to do in Hoi An

Hoi-An-night-marketAlthough some visitors may consider Hoi An to be a sleepy town, there are certainly a lot of things to do. However, it’s far from a party town and it gets quite quiet after about 10:30pm. But don’t let this put you off from venturing out in the evenings – the old town is spectacular with its brightly colored lanterns lit by lights, bobbing in the breeze overhead as you walk adjacent to the river.

Night Markets

The night markets are located opposite the main bridge leading out of the old town. Here you can find about a dozen lantern stores and the markets are a lovely place to stroll in the evenings. If you want to do a spot of souvenir shopping, come here but make sure you bargain for a deal.

Art class with the Lifestart Foundation

If you want to take home a more meaningful souvenir, spend some time at the Lifestart Foundation where they offer lantern making and Vietnamese painting classes. The three hour class will leave you with a beautifully painted card and a small silk lantern to take home. The class costs $30 and includes all materials. The profits go directly to the charity, so it’s for a good cause.

Tra Que Vegetable Village

Farmer-at-vegetable-gardenA 20 minute bike ride from the old town lands you at Tra Que Vegetable Village, where you can experience the rural side to Hoi An. Here you will see more than 40 farmers tending their plots, which are located side by side to each other.

Over the years, some of the wealthier farmers have been able to modernize their farming methods by installing reticulation, but many farmers still strap giant watering cans to their bodies and walk up and down their plots to water their vegetables and herbs.

You can go on a walking tour with staff from one of the neighboring restaurants and then enjoy the fresh produce for lunch.

Cooking class

Women-weaving-matsIt’s a sin not to partake in the food culture really makes Vietnam the country it is. One of the best ways to do this is to go to a cooking class. We chose the Ms Vy Cooking Class at the Market Restaurant, where there are eight or so classes to choose from.

The one we chose was more like a tasting class which led us around ten tasting stations, eating everything from duck fetuses (!) to pig’s brains (!). Never fear, there were also more tasty Vietnamese items on the menu, such as fresh Vietnamese rolls, crispy pork and shrimp pancakes and lemongrass ice cream for dessert. You certainly won’t leave feeling hungry. A two and a half hour class here costs $25.

If you’d rather learn the art of Vietnamese cooking rather than tasting, Vina Ngon restaurant on Cua Dai Street next to the Sunflower Hotel does cooking classes for the same price. You can order what you want to cook from their menu and then they’ll teach you how to make it.

Walking tour

One of the best ways to see Hoi An on a budget is to join a free walking tour. These are run by students who want to practice their English, and they will take you to see the local side of Hoi An. You will go biking around villages surrounding Hoi An during this four hour tour, exploring the fishing villages and rice paddy fields. It’s a great cultural exchange and you only have to pay a few dollars for the bike hire, the ferry trip and towards the local communities you visit.

Beach time

Bamboo-bridgeThe beach shouldn’t be missed during a trip to Hoi An. One of the more popular spots is An Bang beach which is also home to a dozen restaurants. If you buy lunch from one of the eateries then you can sit on the sun loungers all day for free.

Make sure you only pay the parking guys 5,000 dong – they will try and get 50,000 dong out of you if they can!

Transport in and around Hoi An

One of the easiest ways to get around town is by bicycle. Hoi An is very flat, so even in the heat of the day cycling the streets aren’t too much of a workout.

Most accommodations, even the budget ones, will lend you bicycles for free making it easy to explore the town.

If you want to go to the beach every day, but are staying in the center of the old town then you might get tired of cycling. Scooter rental is fairly reasonable and you can expect to pay about $5 a day. To fill a tank it costs about $5 and this will last you about a week. If you plan to rent for a week or more you can get yourself a good deal.

Riding a scooter in Hoi An is one of the best places to do it in Vietnam. The traffic isn’t congested like it is in bigger cities like Hanoi and Saigon, and the pace is relatively slow.

Keep in mind that the old town is closed to motorized transport between 8:30am and 11am, 2pm – 4:30pm and 6:30pm – 9pm every day.

Don’t ride around in a bikini, or with your shirt off, as this is very offensive to the Vietnamese, not to mention dangerous if you have a crash. You will also need to wear a helmet – you risk being fined if you don’t.

To get to and from the airport, which is located in Da Nang, you can pay about $6 for the shuttle, which will pick you up from your accommodation. It also takes you to the train station in Da Nang if that’s where you need to go. But if there’s two or more of you, it might be worth getting a taxi, which costs about $18 one way and can be organized for you by your homestay before you leave.

Happy travels around Hoi An

And there you have it – my tips for a budget visit to Hoi An! It really is one of my favorite places in South East Asia and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. If you have any questions, please comment below or drop me an email at Carmen(at)double-barrelledtravel(dot)com and I’ll be happy to help.

The post Hoi An, Vietnam: Visiting this beautiful city on the cheap appeared first on Price of Travel.

13 Jan 19:24

Backpacks Shaped Like Ethnical Masks

by Donnia
Ivy Esquero

I would die if I accidentally saw this in a jungle.

Le designer ukrainien Konstantin Kofta continue de s’inspirer de thèmes singuliers, tels que l’architecture baroque, pour imaginer des collections de sacs-à-dos. Il est le créateur d’une nouvelle collection de sacs en forme de masques ethniques qui font référence aux cultures chinoise, indienne et africaine.

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13 Jan 18:41

Amusing Graphs Reveal Truths About Our Life

by Katia

Truth Facts et Truth Graphs sont deux sites qui nous font beaucoup rire avec ces infographies réalistes et parfois embarrassantes, dans lesquelles nous nous reconnaissons tous. Elles révèlent tour à tour la prétention croissante sur l’échelle des films vus de Wes Anderson, le temps passé sur Netflix à chercher une série, largement supérieur à celui passé à en regarder une, présentent les provisions de base qu’on retrouve dans chaque cuisine qui se respecte, ou encore se demande d’où provient la mystérieuse viande utilisée pour les kebabs…

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12 Jan 19:34

The Atlas of Beauty Part II

by Daniella
Ivy Esquero

beautiful portraits

Équipée de son appareil photo, la photographe Roumaine Miahela Noroc voyage de pays en pays dans le but de capturer la beauté des femmes à travers le monde. De Rio aux régions reculées de Chine en passant par l’Éthiopie et les rues d’Harlem, elle célèbre la diversité culturelle en nous dévoilant avec beaucoup de sensibilité des portraits de femmes toutes plus belles les unes que les autres dans leur quotidien. Plus à découvrir ici.

Rio De Janeiro, Brazil.

Arequipa, Peru.

Arequipa, Peru.

Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.

Cali, Colombia.

Cluj, Romania.

Colombian In Ecuador.

Dushanbe, Tajikistan.


Harlem, New York, Usa.

Havana, Cuba.

Indian In Japan.

Istanbul, Turkey.

Jodhpur, India.

Kathmandu, Nepal.



New York, USA.


Sichuan Province, China.

Turkish Cypriot In Turkey.

Varanasi, India.

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12 Jan 18:21

A crumbling Space Needle? MTV’s ‘Shannara Chronicles’ is TV’s latest fictional vision of Seattle

by Melanie McFarland
Ivy Esquero

MTV does scripted shows now? Where have I been? Also - good series...

Futuristic Landscape of The Shannara Chronicles
Four decades ago, when author Terry Brooks published the first novel in his incredibly successful Shannara series, readers probably didn’t know that the story’s otherworldly setting, the Four Lands, is actually a future version of the Pacific Northwest. That fact is impossible to ignore if you watch the opening frames of MTV’s new fantasy series The Shannara Chronicles, which premiered last week and airs at 10 p.m. Tuesdays on the cable channel. One of Shannara’s earliest frames is an illustration of a fallen, crumbling Space Needle partially propped up on the skeleton of a ruined building. The destruction of both… Read More
07 Nov 00:16

Modular Floating Cabin

by Donnia
Ivy Esquero

Like! Hut over water, cabin style.

Friday a développé une maison modulable et flottante sur l’eau. Conçue pour quelques jours agréables au milieu de la nature, cette cabane a été construite en suivant les dernières évolutions technologiques dans le domaine de l’équipement nautique. Floatwing mesure initialement 6 mètres de large mais elle peut être étendue pour contenir 3 chambres de plus.

Photos by Jose Campos.
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03 Nov 17:37

On the Street…Rue de Rivoli, Paris

by The Sartorialist
Ivy Esquero

Those teeth....


I love this guy. Apparently he’s a fashion professor in Japan so I only occasionally see him at the fashion shows in Paris and it’s always a surprise and delight when I do. I happened to see him as he was crossing Rue de Rivoli on this last trip to Paris.


I’ve learned as soon as I see him to shoot immediately.


As it turns out, I found myself sitting next to him later in the day at the Isabel Marant show.


I love when someone has a fashion that’s very noticable from across the room, but as you get closer to that person the small details turn out to be what are even more interesting. The dramataic flare on his pants I thought really looked fresh, new, and totally old school at the same time.



30 Oct 17:15

Portraits of Auto Mechanics in the Style of Renaissance Paintings

by Donnia
Ivy Esquero

Amazing - also the first guy kinda looks like Steven Tyler

Le photographe Freddy Fabris, basé à Chicago, a longtemps travaillé pour des projets publicitaires dans des agences telles que Leo Burnett, Saatchi & Saatchi et Ogilvy & Mather. Récemment, il s’est concentré sur des séries personnelles comme ces portraits de mécaniciens, capturés à la manière des peintures classiques. Ces clichés nous font penser à des toiles de Rembrandt, Da Vinci et reprennent directement des scènes de Philippe de Champaigne (Le Dernier Souper) et de Michelangelo (La Création d’Adam).

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30 Oct 12:08

6 Modern Side Tables for the Entertaining Season

by Promila Shastri
Ivy Esquero

Love these. @Andrew - note for SG

Modern Side TablesWith entertaining season on the horizon, the modern side table takes on more significance—for good reason. Side tables may be supporting players in an interior design scheme, but, given a chance, can fulfill their minor parts impressively—and, occasionally, even steal the show. Easily movable and functionally versatile, modern side tables may be small in scale, but pay big dividends when it most matters, whether as last minute additions or permanent members of a room’s composition. Our picks for best modern side tables for the entertaining season—and beyond—include an exalted Mid Century gem, an 80 year-old Finnish beauty, and a fine collection of inventive contemporary designs—each and everyone one offering enduring style that’s anything but a side show.

Platner Side Table

Mid Century Classic: Knoll Platner Side Table

For most design buffs, Warren Platner’s gleaming collection of seating and tables, designed for Knoll in 1966, is the stuff of dreams, but the Knoll Platner Side Table affords a realistic shot at owning one of the more glamorous emblems of the Mid Century era. Illustrating both “structure and ornament,” the Platner Side Table’s dazzling arrangement of nickel-plated steel rods offers unparalleled elegance in a form that’s compact and refined enough to complement any interior scheme, be it formal or casual. The only drawback to this supporting player is that it may upstage its co-stars—effortlessly.

Knoll Platner Side Table >

Kartell Max Beam Side Table

See-through Eye Candy: Kartell Max Beam Side Table

Light as air is a Kartell signature—and the Max Beam Side Table makes moving furniture around transparently easy. This modern side table’s precise, monolithic form effortlessly fits into tight spaces, while its barely-there purity and candy-sweet colors offer appealing contemporary style at an accessible price. When a table is this breezy, easy to move, and suitable to most any application, there’s no point in stopping at just one.

Kartell Max Beam Side Table >

Mater Bowl Side Table

Sustainable & Stylish: Mater Bowl Table

Befitting its name, the Mater Bowl Table has a deep, rounded surface area—its shape modeled after kneading bowls found in parts of India—fashioned from mango wood. This modern side table’s unusual good looks are derived from both its burnished, sustainably sourced materials and hand crafted detailing, each table top having been manually turned on a lathe by highly skilled Indian artisans. Handsome, versatile, and responsibly manufactured. Who could ask more from a contemporary side table?

Mater Bowl Table >

Artek 915 Side Table

Finnishing Touch: Artek 915 Side Table

Can a table designed in 1932 still be modern? Well, yes, if its creator was Alvar Aalto. The great Finnish architect’s love of wood and gently undulating forms are evident in the Artek 915 Side Table, which makes elegant use of two parallel frames and a pair of perpendicular curved plywood trays.  No ornamentation in needed when a design is this exacting, and for admirers of Nordic restraint, here’s a chance to own a piece of design history that can cooly segue from living room to bedroom to office with unparalleled grace.

Artek 915 Side Table >


Fine Wood: Sentient Log Side Table

A solid piece of  live-edge American black walnut, carved and fitted with a glass insert, is the simple formula for the Sentient Log Side Table, a  modern table which gives tree hugging a singular Brooklyn spin. Refined by hand to showcase its intrinsic live-edge characteristics, the rugged beauty of this modern side table is a refreshing visual counterpoint to glossy contemporary furnishings, and a reminder that sometimes less can be more…dramatic. Brass rolling casters means this solid little table doesn’t have to stay planted in any one place, either.

Sentient Log Side Table >

Ferm Living Cluster Tables

Danish Dash: Ferm Living Cluster Tables

Giving nesting tables a graphic modern identity are Ferm Living Cluster Tables, which combine linear elements and solid planes in translating ho-hum square side tables into something special. Mondrian-esque compositions rendered in powder coated steel give these tables—which fit into each other in novel ways—minimalist panache, whether used alone or in groupings. Supremely adaptable to any number of needs, this is a three-for-one modern side table proposition that’s both pretty—and pretty hard to beat.

Ferm Living Cluster Tables >

29 Oct 15:11

Security Camera Shaped Like a Bird

by Donnia
Ivy Esquero

Like. I hate birds normally tho....

Ulo est une caméra de surveillance ayant la forme d’une petite chouette, conçue par le jeune designer français Vivien Muller et lancée à travers une campagne Kickstarter. Cette caméra fonctionne grâce au wi-fi et possède un regard qui interagit avec les utilisateurs et le tactile, créant ainsi un nouveau mode de communication objet-humain, à la manière d’un animal de compagnie.

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29 Oct 10:53

Futuristic House Designed as Trees

by Donnia
Ivy Esquero

Ewok houses!

Oas1s a imaginé un concept d’habitations végétales et futuristes appelées Treescrapers. En plein coeur de la ville ou de la nature, vous pourrez un jour tomber sur ces grattes-ciels recouverts de plantes vertes. L’idée originale est de considérer ces immeubles de 4 étages comme des arbres. Un dispositif sera mis en place sur les façades des bâtiments pour arroser les plantes et optimiser la captation de la lumière du soleil à travers des panneaux solaires. Ce projet d’oasis urbain fait écho au projet de la ville de bambous dont nous avons parlé récemment.

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28 Oct 21:21

Playful and Amazing Food Art

by Daniella
Ivy Esquero

I wonder if these are actually edible.

Avec des aliments sains et variés, Samantha Lee compose des plats ludiques faisant référence à des personnages de dessins animés, des célébrités ou invente d’adorables mises en scène tout droit sorties de son imagination. Une sélection d’assiettes visuelles et colorées qui plaira aussi bien aux enfants qu’aux adultes est à découvrir dans la suite.

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28 Oct 17:07

Facebook starts ‘2G Tuesdays’ to teach employees what it’s like to have a slow connection

by Molly Brown
Ivy Esquero

Be interesting how many people actually do this....

As far as connection goes, 2G sounds about as antiquated as a fax machine. But to many people worldwide, especially in emerging markets, that is the standard connection available. Now, Facebook wants its staff to experience what that might be like. The company is starting what it calls “2G Tuesdays,” to help close the “empathy gap” between Westerners with 3 or 4G, and people in emerging markets when it comes to speed, according to Business Insider. “I felt like, ‘Whoa!’ ” Facebook engineering director Tom Alison told Business Insider. “It definitely tested my patience — it felt like parts of the product… Read More
26 Oct 16:37

Religious Edifices Facades in Europe

by Léa
Ivy Esquero

I <3 churches

Le photographe allemand Markus Brunetti vient d’achever sa première exposition à New York au cours de laquelle il a présenté sa magnifique série intitulée Facades. L’artiste à choisi de photographier les façades de différents édifices religieux à travers l’Europe. Des clichés mettant en valeurs l’architecture de ces lieux.

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26 Oct 16:15

Nike officially unveils self-lacing ‘Mag’ shoes, gives first pair to Michael J. Fox

by Taylor Soper
Photo via Nike.
Just in time for Back To The Future Day, Nike’s self-lacing shoes are officially here. The shoe giant originally released its “Nike Air Mag” kicks in 2011 that were based on the futuristic shoes Marty McFly wore in Back To The Future II. But those did not have “power laces” that automatically tighten the shoe’s grip on your foot like what was portrayed in the movie. The 2015 version, however, does. Nike calls it an “individually responsive system that senses the wearer’s motion to provide adaptive on-demand comfort and support.” The company teased the announcement on Monday, sending this tweet to Back To The Future… Read More
23 Oct 19:28

“I met John in India while studying in a Hindi language...

Ivy Esquero


“I met John in India while studying in a Hindi language program. He did all sorts of exciting things. He was from San Francisco and worked for all these super lefty politicians. In his twenties, he pretended to be a teenager so he could go back to high school and write an article about it. He did philanthropic work in African rain forests. Life with him was like a long vacation. Every day was an adventure. He’d literally wake up every morning and say: ‘Today’s an adventure.’ We dated for nine years. But he didn’t want to get married. He didn’t want to have kids. And even though he wanted to save humanity on a macro scale, he just wasn’t that warm. I never felt like I could come home in a way. So eventually I ended it. I met my current husband online. He was ‘all in’ from the very beginning. He doesn’t live in a rainforest, but he feels like home. If my sister sends me a picture of my niece wearing huge sunglasses, he doesn’t roll his eyes. He laughs even harder than I do.”

23 Oct 10:49

David Chang Floods the Streets of Manhattan With Crispy Chicken Sandwiches

by Greg Morabito
Ivy Esquero

so hungry....

Get that crispy chicken thunder delivered straight to your door.

New York's hottest chicken sandwich restaurant (that's not Chick-fil-A) now offers delivery to anywhere below 85th Street via Caviar. Until today, Fuku had been a dine-in-only operation, but now you can skip the line and get it delivered straight to your home, office, school, business, or place of worship. The delivery menu includes the original chicken sandwich (big version, not the MiniMe), potato wedges, the "163 Salad," and the recently-introduced Fuku Fingers. The special dishes from Fuku +, like the Sichuan pork flatbread and Jucy Lucy, are not available — just items from the East Village original. A five-pack of sandwiches, fries, and Milk Bar cookies is $65. Caviar and Momofuku have been working together since early 2014. If you happen to order Fuku for lunch or dinner today, let us know what you think of the delivery experience.

23 Oct 02:11

Here’s the Trailer for the Next Season of Top Chef

by Chris Crowley
Ivy Esquero

@Andrew are you still doing Plex? May we add this one please?

Bravo has released the trailer for the upcoming season of Top Chef, which will see the cooks pack their knives for California and cook for Chrissy Teigen and MC Hammer. It kicks off with a two-night premiere on December 2 and 3 and looks, well, very ... Top Chef–y.

Read more posts by Chris Crowley

Filed Under: food television, top chef

22 Oct 20:42

Wolfgang Puck to Open First-Ever New York City Restaurant Next Year

by Greg Morabito

Wolfie is headed to the FiDi with a location of his popular steakhouse, Cut.

Wolfgang Puck has opened dozens of restaurants around the globe over the last three decades, but the chef has never operated a restaurant in Manhattan. That's all about to change next year when Puck will open a branch of his popular upscale steakhouse chain Cut in the new Four Seasons hotel at 99 Church Street in the Financial District. The chef tells Flo Fab that he had opportunities to open in NYC over the years but "the location was not right, or we as a team were not ready."  But now the stars are aligned and Puck is ready to fire up the grill (or broiler) and serve the good people of this city some fancy steaks.  Eater LA described the original Cut in the Beverly Wilshire as Puck's "minimalist masterpiece," where guests can choose from American Wagyu or "true Japanese 100% Wagyu beef from Miyazaki Prefecture, Kyushu."  It's slated to open in summer 2016.

Eater Video: You better not break these steakhouse rules

22 Oct 19:27

Miniature Film Set Museum

by Daniella
Ivy Esquero

Love these...a little creepy but really cool

Voici ce que vous pourrez découvrir si vous vous rendez au musée Miniature et Cinéma de Lyon : des décors de films créés en version miniature. Conçus par des miniaturistes reconnus dans le monde entier, ces dioramas hyperréalistes servent à donner l’illusion de décors grandeur nature.

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22 Oct 13:46

Headphone Necklace

by Daniella
Ivy Esquero

Like the idea and the look, but those buds looks terrible - just like the iPhone ones that are useless and always fall out of my ears.

Aniyia Williams, fondatrice du studio Tinsel a eu la merveilleuse idée de combiner mode et technologie en créant un collier faisant office d’écouteurs. Décliné en plaqué or 24 carats ou argent, The Dipper Audio Necklace est également ajustable et dispose d’un microphone intégré. À découvrir.

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15 Oct 13:37

Fjords of Norways from a Kayaker Perspective

by Léa
Ivy Esquero

Beautiful! Almost makes me want to be a kayaker. Or I can just visit Norway I guess.

Tomasz Furmanek est un photographe féru d’aventures et de sensations fortes. Depuis trois ans il parcourt les nombreux fjords que compte la Norvège, à bord de son kayak. Il photographie ces paysages à couper le souffle à l’aide d’une caméra GoPro. Ses clichés nous offrent une nouvelle perspective de ces lieux typiques, comme si nous y étions.

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28 Aug 02:03

Sadelle’s Grandiose Smoked-Fish Tower Takes Bagel Brunch to the Next Level

by Robin Raisfeld and Rob Patronite
Ivy Esquero

Andrew - this may need to be our last meal in NY.

It is the firm belief of Melissa Weller, Jeff Zalaznick, Mario Carbone, and Rich Torrisi that no one has ever accorded the canonical Jewish appetizing platter of bagels and lox the respect it deserves. And so when the quartet open Sadelle’s, their bagel bakery and New York bistro, later this month, its featured attraction will be presented with the eye-catching grandeur of a plateau de fruits de mer and the posh elegance of English afternoon tea. Weller has spent years researching the minutiae of bagel-baking, from seed coverage to barley-malt syrup, and this large-format order, intended for three or four, may be the world’s first market-priced smoked-fish sampler.

Mouse over or tap the image to read more.

On the menu at Sadelle’s; 463 W. Broadway, nr. Houston St.; 212-254-3000.

Photo: Bobby Doherty/New York Magazine

*This article appears in the August 10, 2015 issue of New York Magazine.

Read more posts by Robin Raisfeld and Rob Patronite

Filed Under: the dish, fish tower, sadelle's

20 Aug 03:35

Glamorous Underwater Restaurant in the Maldives

by Donnia
Ivy Esquero

@Andrew - flights are a little pricey, but we may need to go before they sink.

Les designers d’intérieur Poole Associates ont imaginé le Subsix nightclub de l’hôtel PER AQUUM Niyama, situé aux Maldives, à 500 mètres du large. Ils ont voulu transformer ce restaurant en un milieu marin enfoui dans les profondeurs de l’océan. L’atmosphère aquatique se lit bien évidemment dans les meubles et éléments décoratifs : des chaises semblables à des anémones ou suspensions ressemblant à des coquillages. Bien sûr, nous ne pouvons avoir accès au restaurant qu’en prenant le bateau.

Photos by PER AQUUM Niyama.

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