Shared posts

09 Sep 04:38

As each sequence of this film was shot separately, new cast...


E tudo indica que a continuação seguirá o mesmo caminho.

As each sequence of this film was shot separately, new cast members were added and incorporated in the stories throughout the production. In many cases separate footage was composited in post-production to look as if it were all shot the same day.

Sin City (2005)

08 Sep 23:45

September 08, 2013

Only about a month till BAHFest returns! If you are in Boston or the Boston area, please check it out!
07 Sep 02:00

Shake That

How do I work it? IT'S ALREADY WORKING!
04 Sep 00:23



Disse no Twitter e repito aqui: a Capcom devia fazer as pazes com o Inafune e lançar esse projeto como Mega Man 11.

Click for full size

Looks like Megaman fans are finally getting their game. Except it's not called Megaman anymore.

I'm not even bothering in tagging this comic as "Mighty 9". Just "Megaman" will do.

Personally, I think I'd at least make him green. As he is right now it just too close to the original source to avoid a lawsuit. Really, he even have a robot sister.

Small critics aside, the game was funded in 24 hours so I guess the fans really wanted it. Not bad for a game which Capcom just keeps in the shelf.

30 Aug 03:37

What If You Cast A Part And No One Cared? Reaction To Spader As Ultron

by Dan Wickline

A escolha foi tão acertada que não deixa muito a comentar.

What if you casted a movie role and no one cared? That is almost the response from fans and industry folk alike. The news of James Spader being picked to play the Avengers 2 big baddy Ultron has been met with mild approval and some people preparing to defend a choice that is getting very little negative response.

Spader’s choice does negate the prevailing thought on the web that Ultron was going to be an extension of Jarvis and played by Paul Bettany. So unless in the Marvel Universe when computers turn evil they become less British, Ultron’s origins still remain a mystery.

Some of the reaction to Spader’s casting includes this awesome pic from Midtown Comics:

First photo of James Spader and Robert Downey Jr. from the set of Avengers 2: Age of Ultron?

— Midtown Comics (@MidtownComics) August 29, 2013

Most were supportive:

James Spader as Ultron. Now THAT is how you do casting. #AgeOfUltron

— Arune Singh, Eh? (@arune) August 29, 2013


It seems as though you guys dig the James Spader as Ultron news for #AgeofUltron. :) Trust us, not rumors, for this kinda news.

— Ryan Penagos (@AgentM) August 29, 2013


I’m psyched for Spader’s Ultron. He’ll bring the scary. #Avengers.

— Brad Meltzer (@bradmeltzer) August 29, 2013


Some were ready to fight:

Anyone dissing James Spader today needs to step away from the computer and rewatch his sexy ass in #Stargate pronto.

— Casey McKinnon (@caseymckinnon) August 29, 2013

And from one villain to the next:

Go on, James Spader. Go get ‘em. @Avengers #AgeOfUltron

— Tom Hiddleston (@twhiddleston) August 29, 2013


Overall most decided to go with humor:

Remember when James Spader was forcing RDJ to blow him for coke in Less Than Zero? So does @josswhedon I guess.

— Ed Brubaker (@brubaker) August 29, 2013


I always knew Rip from Less Than Zero was an untrustworthy fellow, but enslaving the human race?

— SCHOOOOOOOOOOOOOORK! (@SchorkWeek) August 29, 2013


I feel sorry for Ultron’s secretary in Avengers 2.

— Layman in Decline (@themightylayman) August 29, 2013


The start of all the raw footage you need for your IRON MAN vs. ULTRON YouTube mashups. Thank me later.

— Dan Slott (@DanSlott) August 29, 2013


First, RDJ. Now, James Spader. Which ’80s heartthrob actor is next to star in a superhero film? How about Judd Nelson?!?

— Mel Caylo (@melcaylo) August 29, 2013


RE: James Spader as Ultron. Really like that they’re going with personality vs. a MWAHAHAHA! voice.

— paul montgomery (@fuzzytypewriter) August 29, 2013


So they’re gonna recast the Breakfast Club as the Avengers to fight James Spader, right? #IronNelson

— Adam P. Knave (@adampknave) August 29, 2013


Now they need to get William Shatner to play Ultron’s lawyer, Denny Crane…!

— J.M. DeMatteis (@JMDeMatteis) August 29, 2013


Though Cameron Stewart had a hard time coming up with anything for the casting news:

Years ago when I worked in a comic shop an Irish guy came in and asked for “Spader-Man” comics. “You know, Peter Parker, Spader-Man” #true

— Cameron Stewart (@cameronMstewart) August 29, 2013


That’s the only Spader thing I can think of

— Cameron Stewart (@cameronMstewart) August 29, 2013


Perhaps the Affleck/Batman and Twilight Lobo stories sucked all the anger out of the fans… but there just wasn’t any nerd-rage for the announcement. It was expected and feared… but it never happened. Like a hurricane that never hit the coast line, Ultron was cast and everyone was okay with it.

There has been no official comment from Richard Dreyfuss as of yet.

What If You Cast A Part And No One Cared? Reaction To Spader As Ultron

30 Aug 03:28

Let’s Cut Out Early Tomorrow And Spend Labor Day Playing With ‘Back To The Future’ Legos

by Penn Collins

Agora só falta sair o game LEGO Back to the Future.

It’s $34.99, neither I nor Screen Junkies will receive any compensation for featuring or promoting this majesty, but…BUY THIS LEGO KIT BEFORE I BUY THEM ALL MYSELF.

Points to the designers for the little McFly vest, points deducted for lack of Biff or an Enchantment Under the Sea Dance. However, if you softly hum “Earth Angel” while assembling this car, you should get the drift.

Now please leave me to my Legos.

The post Let’s Cut Out Early Tomorrow And Spend Labor Day Playing With ‘Back To The Future’ Legos appeared first on Screen Junkies.

29 Aug 04:55

O que sempre falam do Santos

by Edu

Via Neimar


26 Aug 22:12

3 Easy Ways To Access Blocked Sites

by Arpit Kumar

There are several ways to access blocked websites like using a VPN or proxy server. Unfortunately, most of these methods require specific setup and configuration before you can use them. If you are using a restricted connection, it is best to use any reliable and secure VPN service.

Thankfully, there are few other ways to access blocked web pages easily without setting up anything. And, using these methods doesn’t require any kind of technical expertise – even your grandmother can use these tricks! We are sharing three easiest tricks here:

  • Use Google Translate: Google’s online translation service, Google Translate, is generally used for translating web pages from one language to another. It supports more than 70 languages including Arabic, Spanish, Hindi etc. You can easily use Google Translate for accessing blocked website. Visit Google Translate, enter the address of blocked page in the text area, select any language as source in the ‘from:’ dropdown list and ‘English’ (or your native language) as the destination language to translate.


The only shortcoming of Google Translate is that it shows media resources like images etc. right from the original source, so you may not see them on web pages.

  • Use online screenshot generating tools: These tools generate full-page screenshots of web pages. Some recommended sites are, Snapito! and Web Screenshots.


  • Use web page to PDF generators: Similar to screenshot generating services, there are many PDF generating services which enable you to generate PDF for any web page. Suggested tools are PDFmyURL, PDFCrowd and HTML to PDF. You can copy text or extract images from the generated PDF files.

Here are six tips you can use to get your creativity flowing How to Overcome Creative Blocks

The post 3 Easy Ways To Access Blocked Sites appeared first on Lifehack.

26 Aug 19:19

August 25, 2013

Friend of SMBC Theater Greg Platt is running to support research for Crohn's Disease! Please take a look!
22 Aug 01:52

August 21, 2013

21 Aug 05:27

Os torcedores

by marcus

Li isso e lembrei daquela história do Sandman em que o sonho de mil gatos poderia alterar a realidade. O duro é convencer mil gatos a fazerem qualquer coisa ao mesmo tempo...

Se eu tivesse talento com as palavras, escreveria um conto com o argumento a seguir.

Todo mundo conhece algum torcedor de algum clube de futebol que tem algum tipo de superstição, seja ela usar a mesma camisa durante os jogos, seja assistir os jogos sempre com as mesmas companhias ou seja roer apenas as unhas dos dedões dos pés durante as partidas.

Num exercício de realismo fantástico, imaginei um time de futebol cujos resultados dos jogos realmente dependessem das mandingas dos torcedores. Mas não de um torcedor apenas: de todos eles. Para que o time jogue bem (ou, vá lá, vença seus jogos), fulano deve usar a mesma camisa de sempre, beltrano deve assistir os jogos sempre com as mesmas companhias e cicrano deve roer apenas as unhas dos dedões dos pés.

A história giraria em torno de um torcedor específico deste clube, que ao perceber estes padrões, precisa dar um jeito de descobrir como fazer com que todos os outros torcedores acreditem nele e façam o que sempre fizeram nas vezes em que o time venceu. Deste modo, seria permitido ao clube vencer o campeonato que disputa atualmente.

Talvez a odisseia não funcionasse com times de massa, de milhões de torcedores, como qualquer um dos que disputam os torneios da CBF. Mas se a escala fosse diminuída para um time pequeno de várzea, esta poderia ser uma tarefa verossímil.

21 Aug 01:48

Oblique Strategies For Authors, By Stephen Blackmoore

by terribleminds

Today’s guest post is by esteemed urban fantasy slash crime writer, Stephen Blackmoore, who wrote the whip-cracking Dead Things last year (one of my favorites), and who will actually be carrying the Gods & Monsters mantled, continuing the series put forth in my own Gods & Monsters: Unclean Spirits. Stephen is here today — well, he’s here because he has incriminating photos and this is what it takes. SHUT UP DON’T JUDGE ME.

Back in the Seventies musician Brian Eno and artist Peter Schmidt came up with this thing called Oblique Strategies that was designed to help artists when they get blocked. It was a deck of cards containing a phrase or a word on each designed to help inspire the user to look at a problem in a slightly different way. Feeling stuck? Grab a card. See what it does for you. Maybe it does nothing. Maybe it unlocks the whole problem. If it doesn’t work, grab another. The point is that it give you something to help guide your problem solving.

The cards themselves are hard to come by these days, but you can see what was on them over at this site, which has an ever increasing list of these little phrases. Cryptic ones like “Honour thy error as a hidden intention” and “Use an old idea”. Things that you might need to unpack a little to really get a feel for what they’re trying to say.

Most times Oblique Strategies is a little too oblique for me. “Disconnect From Desire” or “Cascades” has never really done much for me. Possibly because the deck is really aimed at musicians. Or, more likely, I just need something a little more concrete because I’m an idiot.

What has worked, though, has been reminders. Things I always try to remember, but inevitably forget when I get stuck. Sometimes it’s a couple of words. Sometimes it’s a whole sentence. It’s still reads like bumper sticker advice, but the important thing is context. I know what I mean by them.

I started compiling these little phrases a while ago and I’m up to 15 at the moment. It’s a handy cheat sheet of my blind spots. At least the ones I know about. And remembering them helps me move forward when I get stuck.

So, here are my own oblique strategies. I’ve added context so you know where my brain is when I look at them, but this isn’t advice. This is just what works for me and has to do with my particular weaknesses. Maybe they’ll help you, maybe they won’t.


When in doubt, shoot the protagonist.

Sometimes you just gotta do it.

“But” and “Therefore”, not “And”.

Couple years ago Matt Stone and Trey Parker talked to a bunch of NYU and made an excellent point. “And” is fucking boring. This happens AND this happens AND this happens. Instead, try This happens, BUT this other thing gets in the way, THEREFORE these are the consequences. Easy to forget.

A straight line is the most boring way to get there.

Shit needs to happen between the plot points.

Own worst enemy

Fucking over a character is fine. Having them fuck themselves is better.

There are no darlings.

Words, sentences, scenes, chapters, characters, punctuation. Everything is on equal footing. If it’s in the way out it goes.

Zoom in.

I get caught up in the shape of the story rather than all of the moving parts a lot.

Watch the players, not the ball

And on the other hand, there are times where I get too caught up in the details.

A long time between monsters.

Read this. It’s educational. It’s a story about scheduling issues for The Thing that allowed John Carpenter to pull together a rough cut of the film between studio and location shooting. It didn’t work. Lots of problems. No one character driving the story, overly-bloated scenes. But the one thing that stuck with me was this. “He said the movie came to life for the first time during The Kennel, then lapsed into passivity until the next effects scene which was then the Norris transformation. And for a film that was trying to lay down its’ marker as a state of the art monster movie that, I remember John saying, was “a long time between monsters”"

Burn it all down

A plot point, a character, somebody’s car, the whole fucking book. Also occasionally good life advice.

Go back to the beginning.

If I’m stuck, it’s usually because I took a wrong turn somewhere and need to backtrack.

Jump to the end.

And sometimes I just need to remind myself where I’m going.

Check the wall for Chekhov’s gun

I hide shit I can use all the time. A long lost cousin, a dead hobo, a treasure map. But I can’t shoot the rifle on the wall if I don’t remember I put it there.

Sometimes walking across the room is just walking across the fucking room.

I can spend HOURS on scenes that turn into “He left.”

Only an idiot would do this.

I don’t want my characters to be too stupid. Kind of stupid, because we’re all kind of stupid, but not so stupid that they won’t call the cops, or that they’ll go into the basement alone.

Motive motive motive

But if they are going into the basement alone, they better have a fucking good reason to do it.

How about you? Got any of your own?

20 Aug 00:07

The British Isles, Explained

15 Aug 18:46

August 14, 2013

15 Aug 04:51

Laser, Hacksaw, Spanner, Hammer: A Post About Editing

by terribleminds

Minha vida quando estou escrevendo - e, imagino, a de todo escritor.

Here is what goes through my head when I edit:

Who wrote this drivel?

Shit, it was me. It was me.

This thing reads like a fucking VCR repair manual. Is this even English? It’s got all the grace and elegance of a drunk girl puking in a potted plant at a frat party. It’s got all the speed and potency of an old man with a colostomy bag rolling clumsily down a shallow hill. It’s ugly like the winking sphincter of a sick giraffe. IT’S TURDS THE WHOLE THING IS TURDS AAAAAAGH FIRST DRAFT? MORE LIKE WORST DRAFT AM I RIGHT OR AM I RIGHT





*ten minutes of sobbing*

Okay. No. It’s cool. This is where the magic happens. The first draft is just me dumping all the puzzle pieces out. But it’s still a jumbled image. This part is where the art lives. This is when the story is smashed together, piece after piece. I can make it all make sense! I can polish this turd to a burnished, blinding sheen so bright it will blind the very heavens!

Thank all the gods and all the devils for good editors.

These notes are great.

Though they remind me how terribly inadequate I am.

But that’s fine. I’ve got a shaky flashlight. I can see the way forward.

Okay, see, yeah, all right, this part’s pretty good. And I thought it was terrible when I wrote it. Sweet. Nice. Yes. Gold star. Trophy. Triumph. Except, this other part I thought was awesome – that I need to be awesome — is clunky. Kludgey. I’m reading it and it feels like I’m chewing a piece of dry bread and cheese — it’s a hard slog and I can’t swallow it oh my god the reviews when this book comes out are going to murder my soul.

*shallow breathing*

Breathe in. Breathe out.

It’s all just pieces. Start big. Go little.

Every component just needs some attention. That’s easy. Take a wrench to this one. A hammer to that one. We fix things by breaking them. This is surgery.

Sometimes you stitch. Sometimes you chop off a limb.

Nice. Yes. Things are looking better.

I’m feeling good.

Moving along at a nice clip, now


*falls into it*

*breaks narrative ankle*


crap crap crap crap

This thing’s like a Sarlacc pit — a suppurating desert canker. You could lose a whole Rancor Monster in this thing. It doesn’t make sense. Where’s the logic? What was I thinking? Was I high when I wrote this? Did someone else write this? IS THIS A PRANK BY A TIME-TRAVELER? This doesn’t feel right. The character wouldn’t act this way. This doesn’t feel authentic to the time or the place or the scene or my writing or to ANY AND ALL OF REALITY shit shit shit poop crap fuck balls cocktaco jizzwich shimmering blumpy nuggets AAAAAAAAA

*takes 15 minutes to commune with the sparkly collective intelligence called ‘Twitter’*

*trades witty banter with other procrastinating writers*

*improves mood by four micrometers*

Oh! Oh my gosh. Look. If I just rewrite this one tiny paragraph, add a couple hundred words, it ties everything together! Ha ha ha! It’s like a little knot! Like I’m tying a shoe! That’s all, a quick loop and lace and here we are, all fixed, all tidy, we can start to run again and –

GODDAMNIT this thing is so delicate, so sensitive — I moved once piece and now ten other parts don’t make sense. I removed one little widget, one tiny flywheel and now the watch doesn’t tell the right time in fact it’s not telling time at all but instead broadcasting HONEY BOO-BOO in Portuguese by the love of sweet saint fuck aaaaaagh

*starts kicking holes in manuscript*

*takes an axe and starts chopping out whole paragraphs, chapters, characters*

*guzzles vodka and Red Bull*

*plays Xbox for a while*

*takes an angry nap*

*hastily rewrites destroyed sections*

These characters are stupid –

This plot is transparently bad –


I am inadequate as an author

Possibly as a human being

Nobody should let me near words again


theme what’s theme mood THERE IS NO MOOD this isn’t a story arc so much as it’s just a dead clown in the desert whose innards have been eaten by coyotes and whose gassy carcass is now the home of slumbering lizards everything is soggy and deflated and the tension is blown out like a nail-popped wheelbarrow tire and everything is falling out into the mud and the slurry

gazza booza fuzza wuzza


oh god help

hold up

what’s this now

hey wait

this section is pretty good

that section’s not bad either

man I kinda love this character

editing is rewriting is rewriting is rewriting

it’s better now than it was

that’s a good sign right?


maybe it doesn’t suck as bad

maybe it doesn’t suck at all


I’m doing it!

I’m editing it!

I’m turning a piece of lead into — well, not gold, exactly, but at least a reasonable facsimile of something that isn’t terrible! It’s amateur hour alchemy, motherfucker! it sucks less! I suck less! everything sucks less! I HAVE SUCKED THE SUCKITY SUCK FROM THIS SUCKY SUCKFEST



*cackles and weeps*

14 Aug 03:47

Orbital Speed


OK, a curiosidade do final foi de limpar os pedaços de cérebro do teto.

Orbital Speed

What if a spacecraft slowed down on re-entry to just a few miles per hour using rocket boosters like the Mars-sky-crane? Would it negate the need for a heat shield?


Is it possible for a spacecraft to control its reentry in such a way that it avoids the atmospheric compression and thus would not require the expensive (and relatively fragile) heat shield on the outside?

—Christopher Mallow

Could a (small) rocket (with payload) be lifted to a high point in the atmosphere where it would only need a small rocket to get to escape velocity?

—Kenny Van de Maele

The answers to these questions all hinge on the same idea. It's an idea I've touched on in other articles, but today I want to focus on it specifically:

The reason it's hard to get to orbit isn't that space is high up.

It's hard to get to orbit because you have to go so fast.

Space isn't like this:

Space is like this:

Space is about 100 kilometers away. That's far away—I wouldn't want to climb a ladder to get there—but it isn't that far away. If you're in Sacramento, Seattle, Canberra, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Phnom Penh, Cairo, Beijing, central Japan, central Sri Lanka, or Portland, space is closer than the sea.

Getting to space[1]Specifically, low Earth orbit, which is where the International Space Station is and where the shuttles could go. is easy. It's not, like, something you could do in your car, but it's not a huge challenge. You could get a person to space with a small sounding rocket the size of a telephone pole. The X-15 aircraft reached space[2]The X-15 reached 100 km on two occasions, both when flown by Joe Walker. just by going fast and then steering up.[3]Make sure to remember to steer up and not down, or you will have a bad time.

But getting to space is easy. The problem is staying there.

Gravity in low Earth orbit is almost as strong as gravity on the surface. The Space Station hasn't escaped Earth's gravity at all; it's experiencing about 90% the pull that we feel on the surface.

To avoid falling back into the atmosphere, you have to go sideways really, really fast.

The speed you need to stay in orbit is about 8 kilometers per second.[4]It's a little less if you're in the higher region of low Earth orbit. Only a fraction of a rocket's energy is used to lift up out of the atmosphere; the vast majority of it is used to gain orbital (sideways) speed.

This leads us to the central problem of getting into orbit: Reaching orbital speed takes much more fuel than reaching orbital height. Getting a ship up to 8 km/s takes a lot of booster rockets. Reaching orbital speed is hard enough; reaching to orbital speed while carrying enough fuel to slow back down would be completely impractical.[5]This exponential increase is the central problem of rocketry: The fuel required to increase your speed by one km/s multiplies your weight by about 1.4. To get into orbit, you need to increase your speed to 8 km/s, which means you'll need a lot of fuel: $ 1.4\times1.4\times1.4\times1.4\times1.4\times1.4\times1.4\times1.4\approx 15$ times the original weight of your ship.

Using a rocket to slow down carries the same problem: Every 1 km/s decrease in speed multiplies your starting mass by that same factor of 1.4. If you want to slow all the way down to zero—and drop gently into the atmosphere—the fuel requirements multiply your weight by 15 again.

These outrageous fuel requirements are why every spacecraft entering an atmosphere has braked using a heat shield instead of rockets—slamming into the air is the most practical way to slow down. (And to answer Brian's question, the Curiosity rover was no exception to this; although it used small rockets to hover when it was near the surface, it first used air-braking to shed the majority of its speed.)

How fast is 8 km/s, anyway?

I think the reason for a lot of confusion about these issues is that when astronauts are in orbit, it doesn't seem like they're moving that fast; they look like they're drifting slowly over a blue marble.

But 8 km/s is blisteringly fast. When you look at the sky near sunset, you can sometimes see the ISS go past ... and then, 90 minutes later, see it go past again.[6]There are some good apps and online tools to help you spot the station, along with other neat satellites. My favorite is ISS Detector, but if you Google you can find lots of others. In those 90 minutes, it's circled the entire world.

The ISS moves so quickly that if you fired a rifle bullet from one end of a football field,[7]Either kind. the International Space Station could cross the length of the field before the bullet traveled 10 yards.[8]This type of play is legal in Australian rules football.

Let's imagine what it would look like if you were speed-walking across the Earth's surface at 8 km/s.

To get a better sense of the pace at which you're traveling, let's use the beat of a song to mark the passage of time.[9]Using song beats to help measure the passage of time is a technique also used in CPR training, where the song "Stayin' Alive" is used to . suppose you started playing the 1988 song by The Proclaimers, I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles). That song is about 131.9 beats per minute, so imagine that with every beat of the song, you move forward more than two miles.

In the time it took to sing the first line of the chorus, you could walk from the Statue of Liberty all the way to the Bronx:

It would take you about two lines of the chorus (16 beats of the song) to cross the English Channel between London and France.

The song's length leads to an odd coincidence. The interval between the start and the end of I'm Gonna Be is 3 minutes and 30 seconds,[10]Based on timing from the official Youtube video and the ISS is moving is 7.66 km/s.

This means that if an astronaut on the ISS listens to I'm Gonna Be, in the time between the first beat of the song and the final lines ...

... they will have traveled just about exactly 1,000 miles.

04 Aug 06:26

July 31, 2013

Famed philanthropist and biscuit thief, Alexis Ohanian, has a new show called Small Empires about startups in NYC. Check it out!
04 Aug 04:50

Five Underutilized Game Settings That Shouldn't Be

by Ben Reeves

Ou "menos metrópoles distópicas e fuzileiros espaciais, por favor".

Summer is a great time to take a vacation, but I like to travel to exotic locations in video games. Here is a list of locales I'd love to visit in the digital world.

Admittedly, some of these locations have probably been featured before (as much as I try, I still haven't been able to play every game ever made). Still, these scenic points are highly underutilized and I'd love to see them featured in games more often.

The Aztecs were a dark and mysterious people. This highly artistic culture was more advanced than we give it credit for. They had an advanced system for writing and keeping records, strange burial customs, and would often sell their own children into slavery. Not to mention their brutal human sacrifice rituals. A setting this dangerous and seedy is begging to be explored in a brutal action game.

This might sound like an odd choice, but Ireland could be the perfect setting for a survival horror game (just check out the picture up top). Irish lore features some of the darkest and creepiest myths I've ever read: Halloween was derived from the Irish festival of Samhain, and Dracula may have been inspired by the Irish legend of Abhartach. Irish legends are filled with tales of magic and creepy forest creatures ripe for exploring.

Gangs Of New York-era New York
New York isn't new to the video game stage, but early, undeveloped New York is. Sure, Martin Scorsese's Oscar Nominated Gangs of New York was somewhat fictionalized, but that doesn't stop it from being a vibrant setting ripe for a video game. Imagine a New York set just before the Civil War, in a time when the laws were loose, and sword-slinging gangs ruled the streets. Imagine a New York where thousands of foreigners (many of whom didn't speak English) were crammed into a few blocks of New York slums. Now imagine GTA set in that version of Liberty City. (I'd also accept '80s New York.)

Forget about that silly Ben Stiller flick; if you want an alien landscape, check out Madagascar. This south African "island" is about the size of Texas and 70 percent of its animal species as well as 90 percent of its fauna are found nowhere else in the world. Take Far Cry 3's open-world gameplay and throw it into Madagascar for an interesting twist. Add some sci-fi elements or a some magical gnomes if you're feeling really spicy.

The Moon
Have you ever seen Duncan Jones' sci-fi thriller, Moon? If you have, then you know that a story-based murder mystery set in a lonely way station located on Earth's satellite would be killer. Explore a once high tech, but now largely outdated space station, leap to ridiculous heights thanks to the moon's low gravity, and brave the extremes of the lunar atmosphere. What will you do when the station's life support systems begin to fail?

Those are my ideas for some great video game locals. What setting would you pick for a game if you had the power?

29 Jul 03:32

Royal Pain


Para melhor compreensão da Internet, substitua "royal baby" por qualquer assunto da moda na mensagem acima.

Bar Graph royal baby complain posts - 7691984384

Graph by: Unknown

14 Jul 06:47

The Overlooked Benefit of Instagram

The Overlooked Benefit of Instagram

Graph by: Unknown

04 Jul 00:51

How to Tie a Tie Like an Expert

by Brian Penny

If you’re a man, tying a tie is going to come up. Aside from weddings and funerals, you’ll look good if you wear one at work regardless of the dress code. Prepare yourself for life with 12 ways to tie a tie like an expert.

1. Four in Hand

Lay the tie around your neck with the wide end about 12 inches lower than the narrow end of the tie.


Cross the wide end of the tie over the front of narrow end.


Cross the wide end back underneath the narrow end.


Cross back over the front of the narrow end again.

Four-in-Hand-Knot---Lifehack-Tie-a-Tie3Bring the wide end up behind the back of the loop.

Four-in-Hand-Knot---Lifehack-Tie-a-Tie4Pull the wide end down through the front knot.


Fix any twists, wrinkles, and folds, then tighten the knot and hold the narrow end, while sliding the knot up the narrow end. Fold your collar down, and take a selfie.


Don’t forget to smile… ;)

2. Windsor

Lay the tie around your neck with the wide end about 18 inches lower than the narrow end of the tie.


The original pic sucked, so I’m recycling

Cross the wide part of the tie over the narrow end.


Cross the wide end up and through the back of the loop and pull to the right.

Windsor--Knot---Lifehack-Tie-a-Tie3Bring the wide end back up behind the knot and to the left.


Bring the wide end up in front of the loop and drop down through the back of the loop.


Pull the wide end to the right.


Cross the wide part of the tie over the narrow end.

Windsor--Knot---Lifehack-Tie-a-Tie6Bring the wide end up and through the back of the loop.


Pull the wide end down and pass through the loop to form the knot.

Windsor--Knot---Lifehack-Tie-a-Tie8Fix any twists, wrinkles, and folds, then tighten the knot and hold the narrow end, while sliding the knot up the narrow end. Fold your collar down, and take a selfie…

Windsor--Knot---Lifehack-Tie-a-Tie9“Get yourself a car and ride it on the wind” – Chris Cornell

3. Nicky

Lay the tie around your neck with the wide end about 8 inches below the narrow end. Make sure the tie is backwards (with the label facing out).


Cross the narrow end of the tie over front of the wide end.


Bring the wide end up over top of the narrow end.


Pull the wide end down behind the loop and to the right.


Cross the wide end over the front of the knot.


Bring the wide end up behind the back of the narrow end


Pull the wide end down through the loop to form the knot. Fix any twists, wrinkles, and folds, then tighten the knot and hold the narrow end, while sliding the knot up the narrow end. Fold your collar down, and take a selfie.

Nicky-Knot---Lifehack-Tie-a-Tie6“You’re the best around! Nothing’s gonna ever keep you down” – Joe Esposito

4. Half-Windsor

Lay the tie around your neck with the wide end about 12 inches lower than the narrow end of the tie.


Cross the wide part of the tie over front of the narrow end.


Bring the wide end back underneath the narrow end to the left.


Lift the wide end up in front of the loop and drop down through the back of the loop.


Pull the wide end to the right.

Half-Windsor-Knot---Lifehack-Tie-a-Tie4Cross the wide part of the tie over the front of the knot.

Half-Windsor-Knot---Lifehack-Tie-a-Tie5Bring the wide end up and through the back of the loop.


Pull the wide end down through the loop to form the knot. Fix any twists, wrinkles, and folds, then tighten the knot and hold the narrow end, while sliding the knot up the narrow end. Fold your collar down, and take a selfie.


Any man with a microphone can tell you what he loves the most…” – Jack White

5. Grantchester

Lay the tie around your neck with the wide end about 16 inches below the narrow end. Make sure the tie is backwards (with the label facing out).


Cross the narrow end of the tie over front of the wide end.


Cross the wide end over the narrow end.


 Cross the wide end under the knot to the other side.


Cross the wide part of the tie over the front of the knot.


Bring the wide end up and through the back of the loop.

Grantchester-Knot---Lifehack-Tie-a-Tie5Pull the wide end down and pass the loop in front and to the right.


Cross the wide end under the knot to the opposite side.


Cross the wide part of the tie over the front of the knot.


Bring the wide end up and through the back of the loop.


Pull the wide end down through the loop to form the knot. Fix any twists, wrinkles, and folds, then tighten the knot and hold the narrow end, while sliding the knot up the narrow end. Fold your collar down, and take a selfie.


Dark Knight feeling, die and be a hero. Or live long enough to see yourself become a villain…” – S. Carter

6. Balthus

Lay the tie around your neck with the wide end about 18 inches below the narrow end. Make sure the tie is backwards (with the label facing out).

Balthus-Knot---Lifehack-Tie-a-TieCross the narrow end of the tie over front of the wide end.


 Bring the wide end up over top of the narrow end.

Balthus-Knot---Lifehack-Tie-a-Tie2Pull the wide end down behind the loop and to the right.


Bring the wide end up and over the front of the knot.

Balthus-Knot---Lifehack-Tie-a-Tie4Pull the wide end down behind the loop and to the left.

Balthus-Knot---Lifehack-Tie-a-Tie5Bring the wide end up and over the front of the knot.


Pull the wide end down behind the knot and to the right.


Cross the wide part of the tie over the front of the knot.


Bring the wide end up behind the knot.


Pull the wide end down through the loop to form the knot. Fix any twists, wrinkles, and folds, then tighten the knot and hold the narrow end, while sliding the knot up the narrow end. Fold your collar down, and take a selfie.


“There’s room at the top I’m telling you still, but first you must learn how to smile as you kill…” – John Lennon

7. Kelvin

Lay the tie around your neck with the wide end about 8 inches below the narrow end. Make sure the tie is backwards (with the label facing out). Cross the narrow end of the tie over front of the wide end.

Kelvin-Knot---Lifehack-Tie-a-TieCross the wide end over the narrow end.


Cross the wide end under the knot to the other side.


Cross the wide part of the tie over the front of the knot.


Bring the wide end up and through the back of the loop.

Kelvin-Knot---Lifehack-Tie-a-Tie4Pull the wide end down through the loop to form the knot. Fix any twists, wrinkles, and folds, then tighten the knot and hold the narrow end, while sliding the knot up the narrow end. Fold your collar down, and take a selfie.

I’m a slave to myself and disobey my boss…” - Lupe Fiasco  

8. St Andrew

Lay the tie around your neck with the wide end about 8 inches below the narrow end. Make sure the tie is backwards (with the label facing out).


Cross the narrow end of the tie over front of the wide end.


Cross the wide end over the front of the narrow end.

St-Andrew-Knot---Lifehack-Tie-a-Tie2Cross the wide end behind the knot to the other side.

St-Andrew-Knot---Lifehack-Tie-a-Tie3 Bring the wide end up over the front of the knot.


 Pull the wide end down behind the knot and to the right.


Cross the wide end over the front of the narrow end.

St-Andrew-Knot---Lifehack-Tie-a-Tie6Bring the wide end up behind the knot.


Pull the wide end down through the loop to form the knot. Fix any twists, wrinkles, and folds, then tighten the knot and hold the narrow end, while sliding the knot up the narrow end. Fold your collar down, and take a selfie.


“Victory consistently – train all year to be the enemies misery. No stress visibly neither does it enter me. I think positively. You cant harm me mentally…” – Dwayne Carter Jr.

9. Victoria

Lay the tie around your neck with the wide end about 8 inches below the narrow end.


Cross the wide end of the tie over the front of the narrow end.


Cross the wide end behind the loop to the other side.


Cross the wide end over the front of the knot to the other side.


Cross the wide end behind the knot to the other side.


Cross the wide end over the front of the knot to the other side.


Bring the wide end up behind the back of the knot.

Victoria-Knot---Lifehack-Tie-a-Tie5Pull the wide end down through the loop to form the knot. Fix any twists, wrinkles, and folds, then tighten the knot and hold the narrow end, while sliding the knot up the narrow end. Fold your collar down, and take a selfie.


“You want to succeed you have to try or one day you’ll get older, and regret it all cause you can’t provide…” - Marcus Hopsin


10. Hanover

Lay the tie around your neck with the wide end about 12 inches below the narrow end. Make sure the tie is backwards (with the label facing out).


Cross the narrow end of the tie over the front of the wide end.

Hanover-Knot---Lifehack-Tie-a-Tie1Cross the wide end over the front of the knot to the other side.


Bring the wide end up behind the back of the knot.


Pull the wide end down over the front of the knot and to the left.


Cross the wide end behind the back of the knot to the other side.


Bring the wide end up over the front of the knot.

Hanover-Knot---Lifehack-Tie-a-Tie6 Pull the wide end down behind the back of the knot to the left.


 Cross the wide end over the front of the knot to the other side.


Bring the wide end up behind the back of the knot.


Pull the wide end down through the loop to form the knot. Fix any twists, wrinkles, and folds, then tighten the knot and hold the narrow end, while sliding the knot up the narrow end. Fold your collar down, and take a selfie.


“Bow-wow-yippie-yo-yippie-yay. Bow-wow-wow-yippie-yo-yippie-yeah” – George Clinton

11. Shelby (Pratt)

Lay the tie around your neck with the wide end about 8 inches below the narrow end. Make sure the tie is backwards (with the label facing out).

Shelby-Knot---Lifehack-Tie-a-TieCross the narrow end of the tie over front of the wide end.


Bring the wide end up over top of the loop.

Shelby-Knot---Lifehack-Tie-a-Tie2 Pull the wide end down and to the left.


Cross the wide part of the tie over the front of the knot.


Bring the wide end up and through the back of the loop.

Shelby-Knot---Lifehack-Tie-a-Tie5Pull the wide end down through the loop to form the knot. Fix any twists, wrinkles, and folds, then tighten the knot and hold the narrow end, while sliding the knot up the narrow end. Fold your collar down, and take a selfie.


“It’s hard being young from the slums, eatin five cent gums, not knowin where your meals comin from” – Christopher Wallace

12. Cavendish

Lay the tie around your neck with the wide end about 12 inches below the narrow end.

Cavendish-Knot---Lifehack-Tie-a-TieCross the wide end of the tie over the front of narrow end.

Cavendish-Knot---Lifehack-Tie-a-Tie1 Cross the wide end underneath the narrow end to the other side.

Cavendish-Knot---Lifehack-Tie-a-Tie2Cross the wide end over the front of the loop.


Bring the wide end up behind the back of the knot.


Pull the wide end down over the front of the knot and to the right.


Cross the wide end behind the back of the knot to the other side.

Cavendish-Knot---Lifehack-Tie-a-Tie6Cross the wide end up over the front of the knot.


Bring the wide end up behind the back of the knot.


Pull the wide end down through the loop to form the knot. Fix any twists, wrinkles, and folds, then tighten the knot and hold the narrow end, while sliding the knot up the narrow end. Fold your collar down, and take a selfie…

Cavendish-Knot---Lifehack-Tie-a-Tie9“Put the gloves on, sparring with my ego. Everyone’s greatest obstacle, I beat ‘em,,,” – Ben Haggerty

General Tips:

When you’re finished, the wide end of your tie should barely touch your belt buckle.

Untie your tie every night before storage to prevent wrinkles.

You should own at least 5 ties: 1 Solid Black, 1 Solid Red, 3 Misc

You can purchase ties for $1-$5 at any thrift shop, clothing exchange, Salvation Army, Goodwill, etc.

Always wear a tie to an interview, and if nobody else is wearing a tie at work, be the only guy doing it.

Only wear a tie on a date if it’s required where you’re going.

Need more men's fashion tips? : 20 Fashion Laws That All Men Should Follow

All dressed up with no place to go? How You Can Broaden Your Horizons with Travel

The post How to Tie a Tie Like an Expert appeared first on Lifehack.

04 Jul 00:40

Sintomas de retardo mental no trânsito

by Ivo Neuman

Uma campanha de utilidade pública:

– – –

Cinismo Educativo.

Sintomas de retardo mental no trânsito foi publicado originalmente no TRETA.

03 Jul 22:51

The Joke

03 Jul 22:50

Gay Marriage Totally Looks Like Marriage

28 Jun 20:48

Uma das melhores coisas que eu li hoje, essa semana e...

Uma das melhores coisas que eu li hoje, essa semana e possivelmente este mês.


My comic; “Introversion” is finished! Please go to the main page of my blog to read it in full size (the text is kinda small)

I really hope you’ll like it!

24 Jun 21:50

20 Online Resources for Free E-Books

by Lana Winter-Hébert

Many people are turning from traditional paper-based books to e-readers these days, and though the demand for printed books might be lessening somewhat, folks are certainly not reading any less! If anything, the ability to download e-books has made it easier for many people to feed their voracious reading habits.

Note: regardless of whether you’re reading e-books on a Kindle, Kobo, Nook, tablet, or even a laptop, you should get a copy of Calibre E-book Management software (a free download): it helps to manage and file all of your e-books, and can convert files to the format that your particular device needs to display everything properly.

1. Libraries

Many libraries around the world are now loaning e-books as well as printed copies, so look up your area’s local library website to see if they offer this service.

2. Amazon

When you go to (or any of its international sites), click on the Kindle tab, go to e-books, and then search for the word “free”. Just keep in mind that e-books downloaded from Amazon cannot be read on a competitor’s e-reader, so Nooks and Kobos are incompatible. You can, however, read Kindle e-books on your computer, smartphone, tablet, iPad, or any other device; you just need the Kindle App in order to do so.


This site has thousands of titles to choose from in just about any genre imaginable, and if you don’t mind wading through some truly horrendous book cover design, you can find some real treasures. Most of their books are by independent, self-published authors, and they also have titles in Hindi, Tamil, and Marathi.

4. EReader IQ

Daily free e-books are the main feature on this site, and there are some spectacular titles to choose from, including a large number of children’s books and young adult novels. The format is specific to Kindle though, so unless you have a conversion program, you might be out of luck if you’re using a different e-reader.

5. Free Book Spot

The website might not be terribly impressive or polished, but they have an extensive selection of books ranging from reference materials to fiction novels. You can find some absolute gems on this site, but be aware that you may come across some broken links on occasion: please report them if and when you do.


If you’re in need of something new to read but aren’t quite sure what you’d like, you can go through the most popular titles and recommendations on this site and read reviews from those who have stopped by before you: maybe you’ll find something brilliant to delve into. There are over 21,000 titles on this site, and they can be downloaded for iPods, PDAs, and e-book readers.

7. Baen Free Library

Baen, a free e-book library specifically for sci-fi/fantasy novels, is unique in that all of the books that are available there have been uploaded (or approved for upload) by authors themselves. This is done in the hope that if people enjoy the work they’ve read for free, they will either contribute what they can, or buy print versions of the books.

8. Free E-Books

This site requires you to create an account in order to access their library, but registration is free, and you then have the ability to download as many e-books, magazines, and academic papers as you like. Be forewarned that the vast majority of books on there are self-published, so although you may find the occasional well-written novel on the site, there’s also a lot of dross to sort through.

9. Free Computer

If you’re looking for e-books on computer languages, web design/programming, or any number of specific programs, this is one of the best places for free resources that you can find online.


A great venue for self-published authors, Scribd gives people the opportunity to upload their own work, and download books by other authors. There’s a small catch: not all the books are free. You can read free excerpts of some novels and then purchase them in their entirety for a nominal fee, but rest assured that there are many spectacular titles available for no charge whatsoever.

11. Planet

This is the place you want to visit if you’re in love with classics. Works by Arthur Conan Doyle, the Brontë sisters, Jane Austen, Tolstoy, and Victor Hugo are just a few of the fabulous reads you can download free of charge here.

12. Daily Free E-Books

A great site with a wide array of read-ables, Daily Free E-books will also send you free reading materials in your genre(s) of choice. It also provides you with an app that can convert the Kindle format to suit whichever device you’re using.

13. Ereader Love

The majority of books on this site are in the sci-fi/fantasy and romance genres, but there are little gems to be found in the other sections as well. Young adult readers may find some unique stories to dive into, and there are a few hundred mystery and horror novels to plough through too.

14. Project Gutenberg

This site deals specifically with older books such as classic novels and reference materials, and are free in the United States because their copyright has expired. Gutenberg has over 42,000 free e-books available, so even the most voracious reader will have plenty of material to chew through.

15. Booksie

Over 400,000 titles reside on the Booksie website, and all can be downloaded for free. They’re all self-published books, so be aware that the content will vary as far as quality is concerned. They do have a large selection of decent children’s books available, so your literary little ones will have plenty of content to enjoy.

16. Barnes and Noble

For U.S. readers who use the Nook for their e-books, Barnes and Noble has an extensive collection of free materials to download. Now, by “extensive collection” I mean nearly 2 million titles, so you can go hog wild on this site if you’re up for it.

17. ManyBooks

Hundreds of free e-books are available on this site, with subjects ranging from African-American studies to Zoroastrianism. Take your pick and download away.


I don’t know how legit this site is, but there are thousands of popular books by well-known authors available for free, and you can either read the texts right on the site, or download them in formats such as PDF, Epub, RTF, and more.

19. The Baldwin Online Children’s Project

Consider this “Project Gutenberg”, but for the younger crowd: all the classic books on this site are geared towards the 12-and-under crowd, with titles ranging from Aesop’s fables to faerie tales, mythology, history, and spiritual stories.

20. Google Books

Last, but certainly not least, Google Books allows you to search for the title, genre, author, or keyword that you’re most interested in so you can delve into bookish glee without having to shell out any cash.

If you have an Amazon Kindle, then you’ve probably already discovered that the site has a pretty nice library of free books available for download. : Finding Free Books For Your Amazon Kindle

The post 20 Online Resources for Free E-Books appeared first on Lifehack.


23 Jun 23:18

They Usually End Up Disappointed


E quem tem vontade de treinar por que sempre jogava com o Sagat?

22 Jun 00:22


'I'm here to return what Prometheus stole.' would be a good thing to say if you were a fighter pilot in a Michael Bay movie where for some reason the world's militaries had to team up to defeat every god from human mythology, and you'd just broken through the perimeter and gotten a missile lock on Mount Olympus.
22 Jun 00:21

Someone help.


Someone help.

And there’s still so much I’ve left off. Standards (the lack thereof, really) have failed us. There’s money to be made! Tell us what your biggest gripe is on Facebook, or Twitter, or you know, any of the other ten trillion services there are. I need a nap.

21 Jun 11:02

5 Ways Regular Guys Ruin Their First Impression With Women

By John Cheese  Published: June 20th, 2013  One of the weirdest things about high school is that they don't teach you the really important shit that you need in order to survive. We spent so much time in health class learning how to prevent teenage pregnancy and crotch diseases that we didn't