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02 Dec 20:47

A rare event turns the Grand Canyon into Cloud City

by Robert T. Gonzalez

I wish i could have seen this!

A rare event turns the Grand Canyon into Cloud City

Over the weekend, rare atmospheric conditions gave rise to an even rarer scene: The Grand Canyon – that vast,gaping wonder of the naturalworld – filled to the brim with cold, dense, roiling fog. National Park officials have called the sight a "once in a lifetime" event. Looking at these photos, it's not hard to see why.



05 Sep 23:03

Two Guys You've Never Heard Of Just Released the Song of the Summer

by Neetzan Zimmerman

This song touches my heart.

Sure, summer is almost over. And we've already had plenty of worthy pretenders to the "Song of the Summer" throne. But that just makes this unknown duo's accomplishment that much more impressive.



18 Jul 18:29

Photogenic Fireflies

by Alex Santoso

Japanese photographer Yume Cyan captured this gorgeous long-exposure photo of twinkling fireflies in the forest near Nagoya, Japan, titled the Last Dance of the Fairies. Take a look at more of Yume's photos over at Colossal