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03 Jul 22:51

People are Stupid

To everyone who responds to everything by saying they've 'lost their faith in humanity': Thanks--I'll let humanity know. I'm sure they'll be crushed.
11 Jun 06:39


Ok, plan B: Fly a kite into the blades, with a rock in a sling dangling below it, and create the world's largest trebuchet.
12 Jul 10:06


You may point out that this very retreat into ironic detachment while still clearly participating in the thing in question is the very definition of contemporary hipsterdom. But on the other hand, wait, you're in an empty room. Who are you talking to?
30 Jun 18:20

guitar synthesizer in one line of C

by tehdog
Steffen Hönig

totally awesome

$ f=220;echo "int s=16e3/$f;main(i){unsigned char v[s];read(0,v,s);for(;;)putchar(v[i%s]=(v[i%s]+v[++i%s])/2);}"|gcc -x c -&&./a.out</dev/urandom|aplay -d 2

outputs a f=220Hz guitar string sound (fifth string A)

needs ALSA

by David Winterbottom (