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18 Apr 21:50

7 Astrophysics Books For Ordinary People

by Anna Gooding-Call

We live in heady times. Hushed families gather around the glowing screen for news of the Higgs Boson—no? Just mine? Oh well. In that case, trust me when I say that we’re lucky to be alive right now. Take a gander at this first-ever, super exciting photograph of a black hole. Look at that and be excited! That’s one of the great mysteries of our universe and we now have it on film. We already have a great list of astronomy books on Book Riot, but it’s time that the world knew more about the why and wherefore of black holes so that it can properly appreciate how insanely baller it is that we’ve finally got a profile pic. Here are a few of the best astrophysics books for ordinary people to start you off.

Asteroid Hunters by Carrie Nugent

You probably know asteroids from the big one that left its autograph on the Yucatan Peninsula. You know, the one that killed the dinosaurs? Since that catastrophic impact with fate, Earthlings have gotten more careful about the rocks in the sky. Follow Nugent into our solar neighborhood as she seeks—and maybe destroys—the cosmic objects that could threaten life on our planet.

Black Holes, Wormholes and Time Machines by Jim Al-Khalili

When I first read this in 1999, it hooked me into space science for years. Since then, there have been several significant developments, so in 2016, Al-Khalili updated it. Don’t let yourself be scared off by the fact that it comes from the heavy science CRC press. Khalili is a fun, engaging writer who matches his astrophysics chops with literary style.

Catching Stardust: Comets, Asteroids and the Birth of the Solar System by Natalie Starkey

Asteroids aren’t always our deadly enemies. In fact, space objects might have seeded life on Earth by bringing water to our newly-formed planet eons ago! Despite the tragic loss of the dinosaurs (RIP), asteroids may have done way more good than harm for our little blue dot.

Hyperspace by Michio KakuHyperspace: A Scientific Odyssey Through Parallel Universes, Time Warps, and the Tenth Dimension By Michio Kaku

This book is a little dated, but way too much fun not to include here. Kaku takes you on a truly wild ride through the craziest corners of physics, including the tenth dimension. This is one to make you fall in love with the wackiest possible theories about how space works.

The Planet Factory: Exoplanets and the Search for a Second Earth by Elizabeth Tasker

Exoplanets orbit stars other than our own, and boy howdy are they weird. How they form, spin, and behave with one another influences whether or not life can survive on them. Is Earth unique? Or are there other candidates for living habitats out there? You’ll be packing your bags for the stars before you’re done with this book. Even when an exoplanet isn’t an ideal habitat, it’s always an adventure.

The Zoomable Universe: An Epic Tour Through Cosmic Scale, from Almost Everything to Nearly Nothing by Caleb Scharf and Ron Miller

Brace yourself: this one has visuals. The idea is to show you the scale of things. There is no faster way to feel small than to see the size of the Earth relative to the size of the sun, and then to see how tiny the sun is in comparison to a moderate-to-average largish star. Not even the biggest star, you guys. This book will actually expand your mind.

Exoplanets: Diamond Worlds, Super Earths, Pulsar Planets, and the New Search for Life Beyond Our Solar System by Michael Summers and James Trefil

More exoplanets? Don’t mind if we do! Alternate Earths are a never-ending source of fascination for Trekkies and Elon Musk alike. Armed with the knowledge in this book, you’ll be able to wax scientific about the true possibilities of Proxima Centauri, what kinds of radiation life can handle, and how you might or might not live on a waterless world.


18 Jun 16:58

6 Cookbooks to Turn Beginner Cooks into Kitchen Wizards

by Emma Nichols

For seven years I dated a man who could cook. He could cook so well that it never seemed worth cooking myself—nothing I made would turn out half as well as his meals. When we broke up, I realized that any cooking skills I’d picked up pre-relationship were so rusty, they were basically useless. This realization, plus a bunch of newly free time and an interest in distracting myself, led to an obvious project: teach myself to cook. But I had no idea where to begin. I needed some beginner cookbooks.

As a bookseller and lifelong book nerd, I believe there’s nothing a good book can’t teach you. As I embarked on this project, I scoured the shelves/internet for beginner cookbooks that would assist me on my journey. These six are the best cookbooks that I found. They’re all a little different, so no matter your taste or temperament I think you’ll find something you too can learn from.

Haven's Kitchen Cooking School by Alison CayneThe Haven’s Kitchen Cooking School by Alison Cayne

Apparently, Haven’s Kitchen is a literal cooking school. I’ve never heard of it. But, as lover of school, this cookbook seemed like an ideal place to start. It begins by teaching you a few basic skills: the many ways to use a knife, how to season with salt, how to set up your workspace, etc. Next there are lists of pantry, fridge, and equipment basics. Then it jumps in to recipes, with each chapter focusing on a different skill and building-block for creating a lifetime of homemade meals. I skipped around, but this book would definitely benefit from a cover-to-cover read. I’d recommend it to any level of beginner. My favorite recipe: pesto with arugula and toasted walnuts.

Pesto with Arugula and Toasted Walnuts from The Haven's Kitchen Cooking School by Alison Cayne


Starving Artist Cookbook by Sara ZinThe Starving Artist Cookbook by Sara Zin

When Sara Zin was in her late twenties, she decided to learn how to cook (heard that story before). Eventually, she combined this project with her love of art; illustrating each meal she attempted, she began a blog, which eventually became The Starving Artist Cookbook. Like most books on this list, she begins with the basics—tips, equipment, ingredients—and then divides her recipes up by category, more or less moving from breakfast to dessert. Unlike the other books, each recipe is rendered in watercolor illustration. And her instructions are as simple as her illustrations are stunning. I’d recommend this to anyone who needs something to make tonight, doesn’t have time to waste, and wants to eat something delicious. Favorite recipe(s): the chicken gyro or the simple carbonara (I can’t decide).

Simple Carbonara from The Starving Artist Cookbook by Sara Zin

Basics to Brilliance by Donna HayBasics to Brilliance by Donna Hay

This book may look intimidating—it has the most gorgeous food photography I’ve ever seen—but it is meant for beginners. I’d never heard of Donna Hay before, but have since learned she’s kind of a big deal—Australian “food stylist,” author of 25 bestselling cookbooks, hell, she even has her own magazine. But, again, don’t be intimidated. Basics to Brilliance is all about providing basic recipes followed by a number of variations so you can build up your repertoire. While the recipes are easy to follow, they do include some ingredients that felt fancier than I was prepared for—I would recommend this book to any beginner who wants to think of themselves as a chef. My favorite recipe: buttermilk fried chicken and slaw sliders.

Buttermilk Fried Chicken and Slaw Sliders from Basics to Brilliance by Donna Hay


Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat by Samin NosratSalt, Fat, Acid, Heat by Samin Nosrat, illustrated by Wendy MacNaughton

Samin Nosrat, who got her start at Alice Waters’s Chez Panisse, blends science and taste beautifully in this illustrated cookbook. She focuses on four basic factors that determine how your food tastes: the titular salt, fat, acid, and heat. Each chapter begins with the science behind an element so you learn how and why it works (or doesn’t) in a recipe. Then there are “kitchen experiments” to apply what you’ve learned. After walking you through the four elements, Nosrat then teaches some kitchen basics and provides a bunch of recipes to test your newfound skills. I’d recommend this to anyone who wants to learn to cook without a recipe, and has the time to read this book cover-to-cover. I’m still working my way through it, so I don’t have a favorite recipe, but I did love the avocado salad with heirloom tomatoes and cucumber.

Avocado Salad with Heirloom Tomatoes and Cucumber from Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat by Samin Nosrat


Cravings by Chrissy TeigenCravings By Chrissy Teigen

This is, hands down, the funniest cookbook on my list. Cooking from this book is like having your silly, hilarious, and talented friend walk you through a recipe. If you enjoy following Teigen on social media, you’ll enjoy following her recipes even more. Although not specifically meant for beginners, Cravings is super accessible; it begins with guidelines and tips that Teigen wishes someone had told her, and moves on to deliciously indulgent recipes. I’d recommend this to someone looking for a simple, accessible, crave-inducing recipe. My favorite recipe: lemony arugula spaghetti cacio e pepe.

lemony arugula spaghetti cacio e pepe

Twelve Recipes by Cal Peternell

Cal Peternell, also hailing from Chez Panisse, began this cookbook as a list of recipes for his college-bound son. Fortunately for us, he expanded that list into a cooking crash course, suitable for any beginner. Twelve Recipes is warm and inviting. Using simple ingredients and equipment, Peternell guides you through the recipes he thinks all cooks should know and anyone can master. Peppered throughout are helpful hints, variations, and stories and pictures of family and friends. Another book that’s best read all the way through, I’d recommend this to anyone who has that kind of time and may be less interested in the science that Nosrat delves into. Favorite recipe: risotto. Not pictured (sorry!) because I devoured it before I remembered to take a photo.

There you have it; six beginner cookbooks to start you on your journey from beginner cook to kitchen wizard. I’d love to hear what cookbooks have helped you master the fine art of making delicious food. After all, there’s always more to learn.

08 Mar 21:16

How to Make Legend of Zelda Rupee Sugar Cookies

by Geeks are Sexy

Watch as Rosanna Pansino teaches us how to prepare a bunch of Legend of Zelda rupee sugar cookies. For those interested in baking your own, you can get the rupee cookie cutter via right here.

The Etsy shop that sells those also has hundreds of other cookie cutters of all shapes and sizes, so be sure to check them all out as well!

[Rosanna Pansino]

The post How to Make Legend of Zelda Rupee Sugar Cookies appeared first on Geeks are Sexy Technology News.

17 Apr 22:14

Oklahoma 529 College Savings Plan essay contest winners announced

From Staff Reports

State Treasurer Ken Miller announced the five winners of the Oklahoma 529 College Savings Plan’s second biennial “Making a Difference” essay contest during a ceremony in the state Capitol.


09 Jul 17:22

Bookstore Hides Clever Message in Book Display [Pic]

by Geeks are Sexy


Rick roll FTW!

Also, Skin game is out! :)

[Via Reddit | Failblog]

04 Jun 14:14


10 Apr 21:26

Benedict Cumberbatch to Play Hamlet

by Lauren Berkley

Benedict Cumberbatch

Sherlock actor Benedict Cumberbatch will grace the London stage as the Prince of Denmark for 12 weeks.

The exact dates will be announced in May, but the production will run August-October next year at the Barbican Theatre. Lyndsey Turner will direct the show and has gotten rave reviews for her productions of Chimerica and Machinal.

“It’s a role I’ve been interested in for a long time,” he told the Daily Telegraph in 2012. ”I don’t know if there is such a thing as a right age to play the part, but 36 or 37 seems appropriate to me.”

[via BBC]

13 Feb 22:04

Chemistree [Pic]

by Geeks are Sexy
Jackie Kropp

Best. Tree. Ever.


[Via Reddit | Buzzfeed]

13 Feb 21:29

My Little Cthulhu: Friendship is Madness [Pics]

by Geeks are Sexy


The people from Bigshot Toyworks based themselves on My Little Pony to create this Cthulhu-themed version of the iconic characters. This one is named “Little Maddie” and will be featured in a series of animation shorts and toys.




[Source: Bigshot Toyworks on Behance | Via LS]

12 Feb 21:54

Cabbage Patch Kids-Inspired Knit Hats

by Lauren Berkley

Talk about a “baby doll”…heh heh heh!

cabbage patch hats

Seriously, though, these are a super-cute way to humiliate your daughter later when she starts dating.

Click here to get the patterns!

[via Diply]

24 Oct 19:33

Unspoiler Blocks Spoilers For Your Favorite Shows All Over the Web

by Alan Henry

Unspoiler Blocks Spoilers For Your Favorite Shows All Over the Web

Chrome: If you hate spoilers but also don't have the time to watch every episode of your favorite shows the night they air, Unspoiler lets you browse in peace. Add your favorite shows and keywords, and Unspoiler will automatically hide them on Twitter, Facebook, or anywhere else on the web.



24 Sep 18:51


'Sorry, I left out my glass of water from last night.' OH GOD I APPARENTLY LIVE IN A GARBAGE PIT.
24 Sep 16:53

Simple Ways for Big and Tall Men to Look Sharp and Stylish

by Alan Henry

If you're on the larger side, buying clothes can be frustrating. It's easy to think there's no way to sport the clothes you can find in a way that looks sharp. Nothing could be further from the truth. The fine folks at The Art of Manliness put together this video guide to look good at any size.



19 Sep 17:31

4 Questions You Must Ask at Your Next Job Interview

by Megan Brame
job interview

Job interviews can be stressful. Quite often you've focused so much of your energy on making a good impression that the last portion of the interview, when you can ask questions, can leave you with a deer-in-headlights look and make you feel like you've wasted any goodwill from the interviewer. Here are four questions to ask during an interview that will show your interest in the company and the position and demonstrate your potential as an employee. (See also: How to Answer the Most Common Interview Questions)

1. "While Researching the Company, I Stumbled on X and Was Intrigued. Can You Expand on That?"

This shows the interviewer that you've done your research on the company and have taken the time to learn about its history. Just make sure "X" is something they would want to expand on, not a scandal or embarrassing business moment. (See also: 5 Things to Learn About the Company Before Your Interview)

2. "Do You Have Any Examples of Projects I Would Be Working On?"

While this presents you as someone that is interested in diving head-first into the position, it also gives you a better idea if this is a role you can see yourself handling. Sometimes, the answer to this question can help you realize that this isn't the position for you.

3. "Is This Position New to the Company?"

While this question may not inherently seem useful, the follow-ups to it can give you some insight into the path for this position.

If it's not a new position, ask: "What has the previous person gone on to do?"

This can help you find out if the job has been laid out and was the start of someone's ascent at the company, or if it was a dead end job where the last person decided to move on to something else. (See also: 10 Signs That Your Job Sucks)

If it's a completely new position, ask: "Why was the position created?"

Was it to help take some burden off of another employee? Is the company embracing new technology that you would be in charge of? Finding out the company's motivation for creating the position can give you some idea on how they will view you in that role.

4. "What Does a Typical Workday or Workweek Look Like for a Person in This Position?"

The answer to this can help you flush out what kind of work the company will expect from this position. Will you be involved in day-to-day, nitty gritty tasks, or will you spend a lot of time in meetings, getting to have your ideas heard? Also, it can help you understand if this position is very regimented or if there is room for you to have a more fluid role at the company. (See also: 3 Rules for Starting a New Job)

Topics to Avoid

In the preliminary interview, it's best to assume the company has no scandals or hidden skeletons in its history (even if you know better). Asking questions regarding proprietary information, competitive strategies, or asking about dark spots on their record may come across as inappropriate and endanger your chances of getting the job.

Lastly, do your research on the company ahead of time. Sometimes bad questions are worse than no questions at all. Don't ask about basic information that is readily available on the company website or via Google.

Stay positive about yourself, the interviewer, and the company. Good luck!

What questions have helped you land the job?

17 Sep 21:59

Clothing, Matching your coworkers'

by J
Jackie Kropp


If you and another library colleague arrive at work wearing remarkably similar outfits, you both automatically qualify for a one-time $500 wardrobe bonus and a paid "shopping day." Editor's note: To claim this offer, just print this page and give it to your immediate library supervisor.
09 Sep 22:16

Being Single vs. Being in a Relationship [Comic]

by Geeks are Sexy








The 7 actual differences between being single and being in a relationship by Caldwell Tanner from College Humor. Apart from those listed in the comic, can you list a few other differences? Let us know in the comments section below!

[Source: CH]

09 Sep 22:16

Dear Algebra [Pic]

by Geeks are Sexy


[Via IFLS]

29 Aug 18:11

Amigurumi Iron Man [Pic]

by Geeks are Sexy


This adorable Amigurumi Iron Man was made by Jackie over at and features Tony Stark and his deadly suit. It even has a removable mask!



[Amidorable Crochet | Via]

19 Aug 21:16

AKC will not attend show in Russia

by Jason Weisberger
In a stand for human rights, AKC Chairman Dennis Sprung has sent the following letter, refusing to participate in the 2016 World Dog Show, to Rafael de Santiago, President of the Fédération Cynologique Internationale, if the event is held in Russia.

Dear Rafael,

One of the most compelling aspects of the human-canine bond - cherished internationally more than ever before - is the fact that our dogs love us unconditionally. Dogs do not discriminate. Gender, race, sexual orientation and other status do not enter the equation of responsible pet ownership. That is why the American Kennel Club and our constituency are puzzled and disappointed by the decision to allow Russia to host the 2016 World Dog Show. The proliferation of anti-gay and lesbian laws in Russia today is both disturbing and shocking to our community. The choice of this country as a venue for such a prestigious dog show flies in the face of the ideals of the human-canine bond.

On behalf of the American Kennel Club, our member clubs, and the American purebred dog fancy, we urge you to move the 2016 World Dog Show from Russia to a nation that respects and upholds human rights for all its citizens. The international dog community deserves to enjoy the World Dog Show in a place that stands for freedom and equal rights for all. AKC cannot and will not support participation in the 2016 World Dog Show if it is held in Russia.

As exhibitors, breeders, handlers and trainers, we teach our dogs many things. But there is no denying, they teach us too. Our bond with dogs is not defined by the type of person who holds the leash. We cannot support competition in an environment where tolerance does not exist.

Yours respectfully,

Alan T. Kalter

Chairman of the Board

Dennis B. Sprung

President and CEO

American Kennel Club: Russia is in the Doghouse


02 Aug 18:53

Please Bake me a Great Old One? [Pic]

by Geeks are Sexy


Om nom nom nom. Someone even composed a song in honor of this pie. Please be sure to sing the song with the tune from “American Pie” in mind.

A long, long time ago
I can still remember those berries in the grocery aisle
And I knew right then at first glance
That I could make a pie perchance
And maybe it would have a little smile

But the result, it made me shiver
As I removed it after dinner
Bad news on the stove top
My breathing came to a stop

I can’t remember if I cried
when I looked into its evil eyes
But something touched me deep inside
The day I baked that pie

So, Bye Bye Cthulhu Pie
you made my berries look so scary and I just don’t know why
Your evil crust makes me want to cry
this will be the day that I die…

Did you come here to make me flee,
And were you sent by the devil to me,
Will the Bible tell me so?
Did you come here to devour my soul,
and will locusts fly out of your berry holes.
I had to back away real slow!

Well, I know that you’re an evil dessert
and I’m not sure I can get away unhurt
I figured what have I got to lose
Man, it was time for me to choose.

I was a lonely teenage pastry cook
with a soul that heaven had forsook
so I knew that it was time to book
The day I baked that pie.

I started singing
Bye Bye Cthulhu Pie
you made my berries look so scary and I just don’t know why
Your evil crust makes me want to cry
this will be the day that I die…

Now for ten years I’ve been on my own
but the pie still haunts me when I’m all alone,
But that’s not how it should be.
When I grabbed my things, and I ran away
the pie spoke to me in an ominous way
with a voice that came from you and me

Oh, and while I thought I was safe and sound,
the pie’s power grew by leaps and bounds.
Humanity was enslaved;
No one could be saved.
And while all I wanted was a tasty treat,
the pie took over the world’s elite,
And we were forced to make a hasty retreat,
The day I baked that pie.

We started singing
Bye Bye Cthulhu Pie
you made my berries look so scary and I just don’t know why
Your evil crust makes me want to cry
this will be the day that I die…

Helter skelter the hell fires made us swelter.
The survivors hid in a fallout shelter,
But our supplies weren’t going to last.
It was time to strike, to save our lives.
Before the pie lead to our demise,
So we came up with a plan really fast.

Now an evil mist was everywhere
and Cthulhu’s minions reaped death and despair
we only had one chance,
we had to make our stance!
The pie it tried to make us scream
so we found a freezer full of vanilla ice cream
and we filled a truck to the extreme
The day I baked that pie

We started singing
Bye Bye Cthulhu Pie
you made my berries look so scary and I just don’t know why
Your evil crust makes me want to cry
this will be the day that I die…

Oh, and there we were all in one place,
the Cthulhu Pie had given us chase
but there was no time left to run and hide.
So come on: jack be nimble, jack be quick!
our plan was crazy, and our implementation drastic
but we lured the pie into an ice cream landslide

Oh, and as I watched it shout with rage
My hands clenched a spoon, ready to engage.
The pie was born in hell
but we broke that satan’s spell.
and as we devoured its tasty crust
and enjoyed the ice cream in a fit of lust
I saw Cthulhu laughing with disgust
The day I baked that pie

He started singing
Bye Bye Cthulhu Pie
you made my berries look so scary and I just don’t know why
Your evil crust makes me want to cry
this will be the day that I die…

Now, 100 years have come and gone
and the Cthulhu Pie is legend and song
and that’s the way it stayed for a while.
Until, a girl went to the grocery store
Where I had gone years before,
and she baked apples in a crust, and gave it a smile.

And in the streets: the children screamed,
The lovers cried, and the poets blasphemed.
the evil had returned;
all of humanity burned.
And the three men I admire most:
The father, son, and the holy ghost,
They caught the last train for the coast
The day she baked that pie.

and they were singing…
Bye Bye Cthulhu Pie
you made my berries look so scary and I just don’t know why
Your evil crust makes me want to cry
this will be the day that I die…
this will be the day that I die…

[Via Neatorama]

29 Jul 17:13

Rescued labradoodle helps Army vet cope with PTSD in ways drugs and therapy could not

by Xeni Jardin
Jackie Kropp

Behold the power of a good dog. :)

Steven S. Harman / The Tennessean

At The Tennessean, there's a beautiful video profile of a young Iraq War veteran who was paired up with Skip, a dog rescued from a shelter, to help with PTSD.

"Before I got Skip about a year ago, I didn't leave my room, and i thought about killing myself every day," Alex Brown says in the interview, as the dog licks his hand.

"I tried every therapy the VA offered, every medicine, and it only got worse. With him, the first night he was with me there was a thunderstorm and he woke me up from a nightmare, and my life hasn't been the same since."

Where would he be without the dog?

"I'd be dead. One hundred percent certain."

More in the accompanying article:

Brown, who lives in Louisville, met the dog through K9s for Warriors, a program that pairs veterans with highly-trained dogs. The canine companions, which mostly come from animal shelters, serve as bodyguard, therapist, and friend to soldiers grappling with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. The program has a 95 percent success rate, according to Sandi Capra, director of development for K9s for Warriors. Because of what it does for them, the vast majority of its participants have either scaled back pharmaceutical treatment for PTSD or cut it out entirely, she said.
The organization's website is here: Below, another happy team of survivors, paired up by the nonprofit: Chris and Jake.


27 Jul 21:07

Cool Science Tee: Long Live Heavy Metals!

by Geeks are Sexy


Long live heavy metals! A cool Tee by artist extraordinaire Wirdou.


[Available @ The Neatoshop]

27 Jul 21:05

Beard Facts [Pic]

by Geeks are Sexy
27 Jul 20:51

Sleuth and Deduce With This Handmade ‘Sherlock’ Shoulder Bag!

by Lauren Berkley

For just $30, you can nab yourself one of these hand-printed shoulder bags inspired by the Sherlock BBC series!


Click here to order one from FeerieDoll!

[via The Mary Sue]

27 Jul 18:30

How to Make Your Own Eco-Friendly Pet-Stain Cleaner

by POPSUGAR Smart Living

Pet owners know that accidents happen, so take action with this easy and budget-friendly pet-stain cleaner. Along with tackling discoloration, this concoction removes any lingering smell. Made with eco-friendly ingredients that you probably already have in your pantry, this DIY is safe to use on most carpets and fabrics that can't be tossed in the washing machine.

RELATED: Make These 20 DIY Cleaning Products for Pennies

Here's what to do:

1. Tackle the stain as soon as possible, blotting the urine with paper towels or an old towel. Just like with removing tough stains on carpeting, work from the outside in.

2. Before cleaning, spritz the area with equal parts vinegar and warm water, which deodorizes the urine and helps remove any discoloration.

3. Mix together 1 cup hydrogen peroxide, 1 teaspoon liquid dish soap, and 2 teaspoons baking soda in a squirt or spray bottle, and give things a good shake to incorporate the ingredients. Hydrogen peroxide is a natural cleaning agent that tackles the stain along with the dish soap, while baking soda helps whisk away any lingering smell. Hydrogen peroxide may alter colored carpets, so do a quick test to check for discoloration before dousing carpet or fabrics. Cover the stain with the cleaner, and gently massage into the carpet.

4. While the cleaning concoction is working its magic, lightly cover the area with tinfoil, which deters pets from resoiling the area. (Pets don't care for the way tinfoil feels on their feet.) Allow the cleaner to air-dry for several hours, and then vacuum.

5. If any unwanted pet scents remain, then spray again with the vinegar and water, which will really tackle deep-set smells in carpets and fabrics.

Pet stain cleaner

Photo: Sarah Lipoff for POPSUGAR Smart Living

Pets are furry, friendly...and messy. If your pet soils the rug or furniture, get the spot (and smell) out with this green, DIY cleaner.
Guest Post Blurb: 

This is a guest contribution from our friends at POPSUGAR Smart Living. Check out more useful articles from this partner:


27 Jul 17:20

Combine a Mason Jar and Juice Carton into a Resealable Dispenser

by Shep McAllister

Combine a Mason Jar and Juice Carton into a Resealable Dispenser

Mason jars are great for holding cleaning supplies and cooking ingredients, but they aren't great at dispensing them in moderation. Adding the top of a juice carton to your jars though can give you the best of both worlds.



18 Jul 15:14

Replace Your Car's Gear Shift with a Gaming Joystick

by Alan Henry

Replace Your Car's Gear Shift with a Gaming Joystick

If you want to add a little geeky flair to your car (and elicit laughter from anyone who rides shotgun) this quick project is a good use for an old or broken flight stick: Pop off the shift cover in your car's center console and replace it with a joystick. It may not add functionality, but it'll make driving more fun.



10 Jul 15:10

Big List of Senior Discounts

by Mikey Rox

Senior citizens have it made. Not only do they have retirement and senior centers (two things I can't wait to enjoy when I get older — hello, bingo!), but they also get to take advantage of a long list of discounts on entertainment, travel, dining, shopping, and more. What are those savings exactly? Find out right here in this big list of senior discounts. (See also: Amazing AAA Discounts)

Dining and Groceries

I knew that just about every restaurant offered senior discounts, but what a nice surprise to find that many grocery chains do, too.


Seniors age 60 and older can save 15% at Applebee's.


Seniors age 55 and older can receive 10% off and discounted drinks at participating locations.

Ben & Jerry's

Seniors age 60 and older can receive 10% off in-store.

Boston Market

Seniors age 65 and older can receive 10% off.

Burger King

Seniors age 60 and older can receive 10% off at participating locations.

C-Town Supermarkets

Seniors age 60 and older can save 5% on their grocery bill on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays and participating locations.


Seniors age 55 and older can receive 10% off and free small beverages at participating locations.


Seniors age 55 and older can save 10% at participating locations.


Participating Denny's offer a discounted menu for seniors age 55 and older, plus AARP members can take advantage of everyday discounts on regular menu items for seniors and their guests.

Dunkin' Donuts

AARP members can receive a free donut with the purchase of a large coffee.


Participating Friendly's restaurants offer senior-friendly pricing to those age 60 and older.


Seniors age 55 and older can save 10% at participating locations.

Golden Corral

Seniors age 60 and older can receive 10% off at participating Golden Corral restaurants.


Seniors age 60 and older can save 10% on their grocery bill every Tuesday at participating locations.

Harris Teeter

Seniors age 60 and older can save 5% off the grocery bill every Thursday with the store's VIC card.


Seniors age 55 and older can receive 10% off at participating IHOP locations.


Seniors age 60 and older can receive 10% off their grocery bill on the first Wednesday of every month at participating locations.


Seniors age 60 and older can receive 5% off their grocery bill on Wednesdays at participating locations.

Super Fresh

Seniors age 55 and older can save 5% on purchases over $30 on Tuesdays with Club Card.


You're only as old as the style you wear.

Banana Republic

Shoppers age 50 and older can receive 10% off at Banana Republic.


Seniors age 62 and older can save 10% at Clarks shoes.


Seniors age 55 and older can save 10% at Dressbarn.


Gold K members age 55 and older can save 20% on prescriptions.


Seniors citizens can save 15% every Wednesday at Kohl's with a valid ID.


Shoppers age 55 and older can save 10% on Tuesdays.

Lodging and Travel

You'll find plenty of discounts on cars, boats, and trains, and on lodging when you get where you're going.


AARP members can receive discounts on vehicle rentals from Alamo with a valid AARP membership number.


Amtrak travelers age 62 and older can save 15% on train tickets within the U.S. and 10% on tickets to Canada. Some restrictions apply.

Best Western

AARP Members age 55 and older are entitled to at least 10% off hotel rooms at Best Western hotels.

Choice Hotels

AARP Members age 60 and older can save up to 10% with advance reservations.

DoubleTree Hotels

Seniors age 65 and older can take advantage of Senior Discount Rates at participating DoubleTree by Hilton Hotels.


Seniors age 62 and older can save 5% on unrestricted passenger fares. Some restrictions apply.

Hampton Inn

AARP members can save up to 10% off the Best Available Rate by entering your AARP member number when booking online.

Holiday Inn Express

Seniors age 62 and older are eligible for a senior discount at participating Holiday Inn Express hotels.

Hyatt Hotels

Seniors age 62 and older can save up to 50% on prevailing rates at participating Hyatt properties.

La Quinta

AARP members can save up to 10% at La Quinta hotels.

Marriott Hotels

Seniors age 62 or older can save 15% or more on room rates at Marriott hotels worldwide.

Motel 6

Seniors age 60 and older can save 10% off standard rates at Motel 6.

National Parks

Seniors age 62 and older can receive free admission to America's national parks with the purchase of a $10 Senior Pass from USGS.

Norwegian Cruise Line

AARP members can save 5% on cruises that are booked at least nine months in advance.


Seniors age 60 and older can save 10% on standard rates.


Many theaters offer discounted movies and so does a landmark water park.

AMC Theaters

Kick back and enjoy a flick on Tuesdays with discounts for seniors age 60 and older at participating AMC Theaters.

Bow Tie Cinemas

Seniors age 62 and older can save up to 25% off regular-priced adult tickets.

Carmike Cinemas

Seniors age 65 and older can save up to 35% off regular-priced adult tickets.

Celebration Cinemas

Seniors age 60 and older can save up to 20% off regular-priced adult tickets.

Cinemark/Century Theaters

Seniors age 62 and older can save up to 35% on regular-priced adult tickets, plus an additional 10% on all showing on Mondays.

Clearview Cinemas

Seniors age 62 and older can save up to 25% at participating locations.

Landmark Theaters

Seniors age 62 and older can save up to 30% off regular-priced adult tickets.

Muvico Theaters

Seniors age 55 and older can save up to 30% off regular-priced adult tickets.

Regal Theaters

Seniors age 60 and older can save up to 30% off regular-priced adult tickets.


Visitors age 50 and older can receive $3 off a one-day ticket at SeaWorld in Orlando.


These last few discounts are for everyday things that didn't go anywhere else in this list.


Seniors age 60 and older can save $2 on services at Supercuts.


AARP members save 20% at Teleflora.


Seniors age 65 and older can purchase 200-anytime-minute plans for $29.99.

Do you know of other senior discounts not listed here? Let me know in the comments below.
