Shared posts

24 Feb 14:19

The Latest Generation Atlas Humanoid Robot Is Absolutely Incredible

by Greg Kumparak
stop making me feel bad for a robot Ready to feel bad for a pile of circuit boards? Wait ’til about a minute and twenty seconds into this video. That robot you see being pushed around is the latest generation of Atlas, the insanely advanced humanoid robot as built by the Google-owned Boston Dynamics. (Don’t feel too bad, by the way: they’re hitting stuff out of Atlas’ hands and pushing him around to test… Read More
17 Dec 20:52

Star Wars vs. toast

by Wrong Hands

Star Wars vs toast

16 Oct 15:57

Your PC may update to Windows 10 if you don't pay attention

by Steve Dent
Chris PeBenito

That's nice of them.

Microsoft really, really wants you on Windows 10. We noticed last month that it was downloading the optional Windows 10 updater whether you asked for it (and had space for it) or not. Now it's actually pre-ticking the update box, as Ars Technica re...
12 Oct 18:58

UK police pull Assange embassy guard after wasting millions waiting

by Matt Brian
Chris PeBenito

Interestingly, while the Ecuadorean embassy is probably nicer than any jail, he is still effectively incarcerated. His freedom of movement is just as restricted as if he were in jail.

For the past three years, London's Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) has maintained a 24/7 presence outside the Ecuadorean embassy in an attempt to arrest Wikileaks co-founder Julian Assange on sexual assault charges. It's been a costly operation:...
12 Oct 17:49

The hockey-stick from hell: US incarceration per 100,000 people, 1890-today

by Cory Doctorow
Chris PeBenito

How surprising. The spike begins with the war on drugs.


Vox parsed out the Bureau of Justice Statistics' numbers on incarceration in prisons (excluding jails) and produced this ghastly visualization tracking the transformaiton of America into the country with the highest rate of incarceration in the history of the world. (more…)

07 Oct 18:46

What the barcode on your discarded boarding-pass reveals

by Cory Doctorow


Mostly it's your record locator and frequent flier number, but with that, an attacker can access the ticket record, see your future flights, your email address, and the details of the emergency contacts you'd added to the reservation. (more…)

07 Oct 18:28

What's on the Other Side of the World?

by Rebecca OConnell

You can't actually dig to China.

22 Sep 20:34

anatomy of generations

by Wrong Hands

anatomy of generations

22 Sep 15:43

Flying somewhere? Don’t forget your second ID

by Kent Lawrence
Chris PeBenito

Neat. It's nice to know we can always find more ways to add more complexity to air travel. Luckily Maryland is compliant according

(not meant to be a comment on REAL ID being good or not)

On Jan. 1, 2016, your driver's license issued in Louisiana, Minnesota, New Hampshire or New York will not be enough to board your flight. Domestic travelers from those four states, no matter where they are, will need to bring a second form of identification such as a passport or U.S. military...
18 Sep 18:18

Magic: Super Permeable Concrete Makes Water Disappear

permeable-concrete.gif This is a video demonstration of Lafarge Tarmac's Topmix permeable concrete drinking up 4,000 liters of water poured onto it. That is impressive. The concrete in my apartment building's parking lot? It could drink 4,000 liters too, but only beer and liquor. It has a drinking problem but nobody in my building wants to talk about it. Keep going for the video.
16 Sep 17:40

Microsoft is downloading Windows 10 to your PC 'just in case'

Chris PeBenito

And also backporting the privacy reducing features to Win7 and 8 too.

Microsoft has confirmed that Windows 10 is being downloaded to computers whether or not users have opted in. An INQUIRER reader pointed out to us that, despite not having 'reserved' a copy of Windows 10, he had found that the ~BT folder, which has been the home of images of the new operating system since before rollout began, had appeared on his system. He had no plans to upgrade and had not put in a reservation request. I'm sure this is somehow my fault.
16 Sep 13:47

Non-religious woman who refused judge's order to meet with Christian counselor loses her sons

by Mark Frauenfelder
Chris PeBenito

This is wrong in several ways
1. the counselor was openly praying and handing out religious materials to the counseled person each session.
2. the counselor was operating out of a public library, which is illegal. She was aware of this and was actively evades detection by literal under-the-table cash payments and having the counseled person reserve the room.

How was this counselor even on the court's list of counselors because of the above?

3. the court did not respond to her request for a new counselor.

You could argue she probably should have continued going until they responded, but removing the children is an excessive response, considering the court did not respond to the issues regarding the counselor. Fortunately she got her children back (noted at the end of the original article)

Holly Salzman of Albuquerque, New Mexico went to court to resolve coparenting issues with her ex-husband. The judge ordered Salzman to attend 10 sessions with a counselor named Mary Pepper (Photo).

Read the rest
16 Sep 13:12

New Malware That Makes ATMs Keep Your Card

by l33tdawg
Chris PeBenito

This is why I avoid using ATMs that can eat your card.

A new type of malware that can be used to compromise ATMs independently of who their manufacturer is, and can make the machine steal card data but also the cards themselves, has been spotted by FireEye researchers.

The dubbed the malware Suceful, after the authors' faulty spelling of the word "successful". The sample they analyzed came from VirusTotal, and it's likely that the authors submitted it themselves in order to see whether the malware will be flagged down as such by the various AV engines employed by the testing service.

15 Sep 19:38

Only 6 Percent of Americans Aced This Basic Science Survey

by Michele Debczak

How do you compare?

08 Sep 01:50

Taco Bell Fried Chicken Taco Shells: Now a Thing

by Lisa Marcus

Image: Redditor Cheez4444 

Dear reader, I know you were sitting around anxiously awaiting information regarding the latest entry on the fast food wars menu. Well, wait no longer. Taco Bell would like to introduce their strong-stomached customers to fried chicken taco shells, which they refer to as Naked Crispy Chicken Tacos.

According to FoodBeast, the only known locations serving this rare, crispy unicorn are Lost Hills and Bakersville, California. I can imagine an entire country of fast foodies on edge as they wait for extensive U.S. distribution. Via Uproxx
  Image: Jonny Arguello, Foodbeast

25 Aug 11:36

New pornoscanners are also useless, cost $160 million

by Cory Doctorow

The new generation of millimeter-wave body scanners from the convicted war-criminals at L-3 were supposed to replace the useless, expensive backscatter radiation machines from Rapiscan with a more robust, less privacy invasive alternative. Read the rest

22 Aug 15:56

Modulo Camera Promises Unlimited Dynamic Range

by Zoltan Arva-Toth

News image

A group of researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have proposed a camera that can take a perfect picture, even in extremely contrasty lighting conditions.

Read more and comment »

19 Aug 13:49

Australia to capture biometrics at the border under new law

by l33tdawg

Australia's Parliament has passed a law that will make it possible to collect biometric data, from citizens and visitors alike, at the nation's borders.

The Migration Amendment (Strengthening Biometrics Integrity) Bill 2015, an amendment to the Migration Act of 1958, is explained as an effort to “streamline seven existing personal identifier collection powers into a broad, discretionary power to collect one or more personal identifiers from non-citizens, and citizens at the border.”

18 Aug 21:18

Security Researchers Crack Popular Anti-Theft Protection for Cars

by Jeremy Hsu

An electronic vehicle immobilizer used in popular car models has proven vulnerable to hackers with laptops
17 Aug 14:31

An Artist Proves There's Enough Sugar In Your Soda to Create a Lollipop

by Abbey Stone
Chris PeBenito

I wonder if this would be more effective at communicating the amount of sugar, rather than ones that I've seen that have a big pile of sugar equivalent to the amount in the drink.

The next time you go out to eat, consider ordering a lollipop to wash down your chicken caesar salad.

17 Aug 13:07

The True Purpose of Microsoft Solitaire, Minesweeper, and FreeCell

by James Hunt

Sure, you loved those old games—but did you know Microsoft was really tricking you into learning how to use their system?

12 Aug 13:05

Insurance/Uber monitoring dashboard devices let hackers "cut your brakes" over wireless

by Cory Doctorow
Chris PeBenito

I forgot about these dongles. Another reason not to use them.

UCSD computer scientist Stefan Savage and colleagues will present their work at Usenix Security: they were able to disable the brakes on a 2013 Corvette by breaking into a Mobile Devices/Metromile Pulse dongle, used by insurance companies to monitor driving in exchange for discounts on coverage. Read the rest

11 Aug 17:32

Prediction from 1985: No One Would Want a Portable Computer

by John Farrier

(Photo: Robert Crouse-Baker)

Why on Earth would anyone have a use for a portable computer instead of or in addition to a desktop model? In a December 8, 1985 column in the New York Times, Erik Sandberg-Diment is dismissive of arguments that laptops just haven't become small and powerful enough to be useful. They're fundamentally a bad idea:

The limitations come from what people actually do with computers, as opposed to what the marketers expect them to do. On the whole, people don't want to lug a computer with them to the beach or on a train to while away hours they would rather spend reading the sports or business section of the newspaper. Somehow, the microcomputer industry has assumed that everyone would love to have a keyboard grafted on as an extension of their fingers. It just is not so.

-via David Thompson

11 Aug 17:20

Texas cops smell weed in black woman's car so they stick hand up her vagina in public

by Mark Frauenfelder

A Houston deputy who pulled over Charnesia Corley, a 21-year-old black woman on her way to the store to pick up medicine for her sick mother, thought he smelled weed in Corley's car.

Read the rest
10 Aug 19:15

Testing Trust in Autonomous Vehicles through Suspension of Disbelief

by Evan Ackerman
Chris PeBenito

Amusing. Tell them this study is for measuring trust in automated vehicles, but the fine print on the release says that a person will always be driving. Set up an opaque partition between the driver and the subject during the test. 8 of 35 really thought they were in an automated car.

The easiest way to test how humans react to autonomous cars is by getting them to believe they're in one
10 Aug 14:47

HTC “worthless” – Tech giant trading below cash

by Matt Adams
Chris PeBenito

Sad. I thought they'd be able to regain some momentum after M8 successes.

HTC, one of the biggest Android OEMs on the planet is essentially worthless. The company has taken a massive hit, losing 60% of its stock’s value. Currently the troubled tech giant has more cash on hand than the value of it’s stock which means investors think that the assets the company owns are essentially worthless. HTC’s assets are not only physical things like factories, building and their current stock of products but also their brand which has taken a huge hit in the last year.

HTC had NT47.2 billion cash on hand and their market price has fallen to NT47 billion ($1.5 billion). This counts as a 60% drop in the company’s value this year and almost 10% since June. HTC had been valued as high as NT900 billion in 2011 about two years before the release of the redesigned HTC One M7.

Since then a series of strange advertising choices, small evolutionary changes in their flagship devices and changes at the top of the company have signaled to investors that the path forward for HTC is going to be rocky, if there is one at all. In the third quarter, HTC is forecasting sales as low as 48% below analyst estimates.

In the early days of Android, HTC was the best selling brand in the United States. Google thought so much of the company that they’ve partnered with them on several projects including the Nexus One in 2010 and Nexus 9 in 2014. But after the failure of the One, Butterfly and Desire lines to gain any traction in globally, HTC now sits in peril. It should be no surprise that they’re in trouble right now.

They bet big on the HTC One M9 which many people have seen as a step back from the HTC One M8 and sales back that up. Many tech sites have panned the camera as a regression and the processor, a Snapdragon 810, as reason to avoid the newest flagship. In a day when one failed launch can significantly hurt you, the consequences loom large.

Source: Bloomberg

The post HTC “worthless” – Tech giant trading below cash appeared first on AndroidGuys.

04 Aug 17:18

Blast from the past — Google Wave began closing down five years ago today

by Russell Holly

"What might email look like if it was invented today?" is the question Lars Rasmussen asked a room full of developers at the 2009 Google I/O right before taking everyone on a tour of Google Wave. It couldn't be more clear from Vic Gundotra's introduction of the developer preview during the Day 2 keynote this was something Google expected to take off and be a big deal. Unfortunately, that excitement never grew into a successful product.

03 Aug 14:35


Chris PeBenito

Randall does some very interesting and clever comics, but I find this incredibly hilarious.

It's probably for the best. Since Roombas are native to North America, it's illegal for Americans to keep them in their houses under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act.
31 Jul 17:43

Why Windows 10 Shares Your Wi-Fi Password And How To Stop It

by l33tdawg

Microsoft Windows 10 will have a number of improvements when it launches tomorrow, including a revamped Start menu, a speedy Microsoft Edge web browser, a built-in Cortana digital assistant and the ability to stream games from an Xbox One console to another device. But there is a controversial feature shipping with Windows 10 called Wi-Fi Sense — which will be enabled by default.

26 Jul 15:30

Winner of French Scrabble Championship Does Not Speak French

by Miss Cellania

This French #Scrabble champion doesn’t speak the language. Wait, what?!

— CNN International (@cnni) July 22, 2015

Nigel Richards of New Zealand entered the French-language Scrabble tournament in Louvain, Belgium, and took first place. But he doesn’t speak a word of French. Instead, he memorized a French dictionary.

"He can say 'Bonjour' and count from one to ten, so he can give the score to his opponents" said Liz Fagerlund, a friend, Scrabble aficionado, and longtime supporter. "I believe it took him about nine weeks to memorize all the French words for the tournament."

The trick to his success is learning the words without taking up the brain-space to remember their definitions.

"For Scrabble, there is a dictionary of words without their meanings," says Fagerlund. "It's most likely that he's wired differently; he doesn't even study the pages word by word. He can look at a page full of words and absorb them all."

Richards knows his Scrabble, though, and how to win. He’s held several English-language U.S. and world championships.