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28 Aug 22:22

Eatwell Product Design

by PauloGabriel
Eatwell Product Design

Gotta love when designers aim to make someone's life easier through good, well thought design. Sha Yao, a designer from California has thoughtfully designed a dining set for her grandmother who suffers from Alzheimer’s disease. The results are pretty outstanding and should be an inspiration for all.

Here's more about the project in Yao's own words:

I was inspired by my late grandmother who had Alzheimer’s disease. As her caregiver, I know the role of caregiving is not a simple one. Once people get Alzheimer’s, they will need all kinds of assistance in their daily lives. As the disease progresses and worsens for people with Alzheimer’s, the load the caregivers have to carry becomes heavier. Every time I looked at my grandmother, I wish I could have done something to help her. I believe there are many ways to improve the quality of life of our loved ones with progressive Alzheimer’s disease, as well as the lives of their caregivers.

To better understand this disease, I volunteered in adult day care centers. From exploring the daily activities through observation and talking with caregivers, I found that daily activities related to the everyday lives of people with Alzheimer's can be frustrating for their caregivers. I discovered that eating was one of the most challenging daily activities.

Eatwell Product Design

Eating should be a simple task for most people. However, the cognitive and various sensory impairments of Alzheimer’s may result in a variety of eating problems. I realized there were many people who have the same problems as my grandma. They often ate less than they should, and accidents with spilled food and tipped cups were common.

Eatwell Product Design

Eatwell Product Design

For many families, meals are a time for sharing and reconnecting, and enjoying each other’s company. When the disease affects one member of a family, the mealtime experience can become stressful and challenges are created for both caregivers and their loved ones. What’s more, once the patients stop eating or have general problems eating enough, their health condition often rapidly worsens.

Eatwell Product Design

Eatwell Product Design

That’s the reason I created Eatwell, a tableware set with a very user-centered design that helps to increase food intake and maintain dignity for its users, while also helping to alleviate caring burdens by making the process of eating as easy as possible.

Eatwell Product Design

For more information about the Eatwell set, please visit the official website and support Sha Yao at IndieGoGo!

20 Aug 19:17


17 Aug 21:30

Isso é o que acontece quando você se casa com um dançarino profissional

by IdeaFixa


Muitos noivos bem intencionados tentam surpreender suas noivas com danças surpresas no matrimônio, mas fica difícil superar um profissional.

Primeiro que dançar em casório já não é mais surpresa. Virou moda e febre no Youtube. Ainda assim, há quem se arrisque. Embora este não seja o caso de Kirk Henning. Ao se unir para o todo sempre à sua esposa, a bailarina do Richmond Ballet Valerie Tellman, o dançarino realizou uma verdadeira performance ao lado de seus padrinhos para impressionar a plateia de convidados e talvez a esposa.

Na ocasião, o grupo bem ensaiadinho dançou ao som de  “Uptown Funk” de Mark Ronson e Bruno Mars, “(You Drive Me) Crazy” de Britney Spears, “Danger Zone” de Kenny Loggins e “The World” de Brad Paisley. A coreografia foi registrada pela fotógrafa Ginger Tophan, que enfiou tudo no Youtube depois. Confira o auê abaixo:



The post Isso é o que acontece quando você se casa com um dançarino profissional appeared first on IdeaFixa.

13 Aug 13:15

Kitten And Owlet Become Best Friends And Nap Buddies

by Cute Master

This is not something you see everyday but I really wish it was. This owl and kitten are best of buddies and love to spend time together.kitten-and-owl-1 kitten-and-owl-2 kitten-and-owl-3 kitten-and-owl-4 kitten-and-owl-5

11 Aug 14:31

Portraits of a Baby Boy and Bulldog Who Were Born on the Same Day

by Michael Zhang


Chicago-based photographer Ivette Ivens has been shooting a heartwarming series of portraits of her son and dog and the special bond they share. The baby boy, Dilan, and the French bulldog puppy, Farley, were born on exactly the same day about 8 months ago.

Ever since Farley joined the family, he has been eating, napping, playing, and bathing together with Dilan.

“I’m pretty sure Dilan thinks they’re both the same species, as they are both going through the stage of chewing on everything,” the photographer tells The Daily Mail. She calls the relationship “pure, unconditional, irreplaceable and inseparable,” and that’s what she hopes to capture in her images.





“I just take these photographs during random parts of the day,” Ivens says. “There’s no need for another inspiration or idea when you see this out-of-control cuteness happening 24/7.”





You can find more of Ivens’ work on her website, Instagram, and Facebook.

Image credits: Photographs by Ivette Ivens and used with permission

06 Aug 18:44

WTF: Watch This Husband Surprise His Wife With Big News… That She’s Pregnant

by Sean Griffis
28 Jul 17:48

Our Cute Masters Have Arrived

by Brinke

They’re taking a bath at present, but once they dry off, they’ll assimilate the planet or whatever it is they do. Capiche?

From Kim B. Also seen on Mashable.

Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: owl, The Big J
28 Jul 17:34

How Much Should You Pay Yourself as a Business Owner?

by The Staff of Entrepreneur Media, Inc.
Although you get to decide your own salary, determining the amount might be one of the toughest decisions you'll make.
15 Jul 15:00

You can’t solve a problem with the same mind that…

by Jelly Wong

You can’t solve a problem with the same mind that created it.

The post You can’t solve a problem with the same mind that… appeared first on Lifehack.

15 Jul 14:38

How ‘Bout A Cup Cat Of Coffee?

by Brinke

That’s all for this week on C.O.! We’ll leave you (for now) with Coffee The Kitteh, c/o Andrew Y. and A new Maru and terrific Headline THIS headed your way tomorrow morning, ’cause…Rats, It’s Monday!


Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Cats
14 Jul 20:43

Rescue Puppy And Big Dog Take Adorable Photo Shoot

by Cute Master

These two are naturals. They are 2 of 6 rescue dogs that @roofusandkilo fosters. As you can see, they are spoiled beyond belief. Some may say 6 is too many but we say the more the merrier!a-puppy-and-its-mother4 a-puppy-and-its-mother4 a-puppy-and-it's-mother3 a-puppy-and-it's-mother a-puppy-and-its-mother

Photos VIA @roofusandkilo

24 Jun 12:50

{Bichos} Manul, o gato mais expressivo do rolê

by Damaris de Angelo


Gatos Manul são uma espécie selvagem, de existência quase ameaçada, encontrados nas pradarias e estepes montanhosas da Ásia Central.

Mais conhecido como gatos Pallas, eles têm pupilas redondinhas, pernas curtas e um grande ar expressivo.

O bicho é tão engraçado que virou alvo diversas vezes de memes da internet.


Que se f#da! Tô melhor sozinho mesmo.




Véi, como é mesmo aquela música?




Merda de dieta!






Como assim “acabou o café”?


No inferno, Queimaaa!


Só queria essa fatia que está na sua mão.


Dafuuuuuuck, chega de foto.


Sim, estou te julgando.


The post {Bichos} Manul, o gato mais expressivo do rolê appeared first on IdeaFixa.

23 Jun 13:31

Happy Father’s Day: Real Men Love Cats

by Brinke

Even though Caturday was yesterday, we’re saving this one ’til today for obvy reasons- it’s Father’s Day! So Happy FD to all the Dads (and kitteh lovers) out there!

Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Cole & Marmalade
19 Jun 19:26

A to-do-list de Johnny Cash

by Janara Lopes




The post A to-do-list de Johnny Cash appeared first on IdeaFixa.

13 Jun 14:28


13 Jun 14:20

And more coffee

12 Jun 22:44

Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday…

by Jelly Wong

Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.

The post Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday… appeared first on Lifehack.

12 Jun 22:17

Cats Taking Showers

by Brinke

It’s a commonly held belief that cats pawsitively despise taking a shower/bath. This new video seems to show that some of them actually enjoy it!

Of course—your results may vary.

Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Cats, MASSIVE Impending Doom Tag
12 Jun 22:06

If You Want Something Done RIGHT…

by Brinke

[Ya just have to do it yourself. Give me THAT.]


Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Cats, Gif-tastic, Hoomin Interaction
02 Jun 15:35

This Is How the Young Couple React When They Preview Their Aging Faces With Make-Up Before Marriage

by Yong Kang Chan

What does it feels like to grow old with someone you love?

As part of a creative experiment, a team of make-up artists helped Tavis and Kristie, a young couple, transcends time one month before their marriage. The above video shows how they look like in their 50s, 70s and 90s.

What’s amazing about this video is it helps us imagine how it feels like to grow old with someone we love. Most dating couples are aware of how great their relationship is currently. But seldom do they see past the present and appreciate what it truly means to grow old with someone you love.

Romantic relationship is unlike any other relationships. It’s rare and precious. Your parents are there to see you grow up, but they don’t get to see you grow old. Your kids enter your life at a later stage and when they become adults, they have their own life to live. Your friends come and leave at different parts of your life. But only your partner spends the most time with you and accompany you till old. He or she is someone who knows you and see you at your best and worst.

See how emotional this sweet couple gets when they see each other with their aging faces. It’s heart-warming to hear them share their genuine thoughts on each other. Do watch the video till the end to hear their last words for each other. The couple looks really cute together in their 90s too. So don’t miss that.

Growing old with someone you love is a blessing. Who are you going to share that special moment with?

Share this video with someone you want to grow old with and tell them how much you love them.

Featured photo credit: 100 Years of Beauty: Aging | Cut Has A Field Day via

The post This Is How the Young Couple React When They Preview Their Aging Faces With Make-Up Before Marriage appeared first on Lifehack.

30 May 13:37

15 sites para encontrar imagens HD gratuítas

by Denise Helena

Agora mostraremos aqui mais opções dentro da categoria Bancos de imagens gratuitos, com uma lista de nada menos que 15 sites onde é possível encontrar centenas de imagens de alta qualidade, que podemos usar en nossos projetos (tanto pessoais como comerciais) e de forma completamente gratuita.

Boss Fight: Imagens capturadas e divulgadas por @bossfightco, classificadas por comida, tecnologia, objetos, gente, animais e edifícios, com possibilidade de realizar busacas entre uma coleção de fotos que cresce a um ritmo de 10 a 20 novas imagens diárias.

Realistic Shots: O fotógrafo Henry Reyes oferece uma extensa coleção com até 7 novas imagens por semana, todas elas com licença livre (CC0)

Camarama: Diretamente da Alemanha chega esse projeto que conta com algumas dezenas de fotos (número ampliado semanalmente) completamente gratuitas, embora não tenha um buscador.

MMT: Enormes e fantásticas fotos de Jeffrey Betts que são oferecidas com CC0, completamente gratuitas para uso pessoal e comercial.

Unsplash: São imagens de vários fotógrafos que colaboram com o site para oferecer 10 novas imagens a cada 10 dias.

Gratisography: Fotos e montagens criadas por RYAN MCGUIRE, que cede os direitos ao mundo deixando obras muito interessantes.

Startup Stock Photos: Sem menus, sem campo de busca, sem explicações… simplesmente uma lista de fotos de computadores e escritórios que podemos usar para artigos, sites entre outras opções.

SplitShire: Fotos realizadas por Daniel Nanescu, que criou o site, com imagens classificadas, para oferecer o resultado de seus anos trabalhando como fotógrafo. O site tem muita publicidade, porém, as imagens são excelentes.

Free Nature Stock: Um site de fotos gratuitas sobre natureza, mantida por Adrian Pelletier

Jay Mantri: Fotógrafo especializado em fotos em preto e branco. Publica 7 novas fotos a cada quinta-feira, sendo possível baixa-las em boa resolução.

New Old Stock: Fotos antigas recopiladas de arquivos públicos, embora, claro, no caso de encontrar alguma imagem protegida será preciso avisar para que a eliminem.

Moveast: Site do fotógrafo João Pacheco, que viaja pelo mundo oferecendo o trabalho fotográfico de forma gratuita.

Life of Pix: Fotos de diferentes fotógrafos que enviam seus trabalhos para que estejam disponíveis em um só site.

Skitterphoto: Uma excelente coleção de fotografias gratuitas classificadas. Há verdadeiras maravilhas na cateogoria de natureza.

FancyCrave: Lista de fotos, em estilo blog, que é atualizada com bastante frequência.

E se quiser ter um aplicativo que navegue entre todos estes sites (sem buscador), vale a pena dar uma olhadinha em (no momento só para Mac).

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27 May 15:53

Aventuras LEGO na vida Real

by (Rogério Morais)
Fotógrafo francês conhecido como Samsofy, com ajuda de sua enorme imaginação, define algumas figuras LEGO usando objetos e lugares do cotidiano. As situações criadas são bem-humorado e o artista usa perfeitamente os elementos que ele possui.

Vi aqui
26 May 15:04

Female-fitnessinspiration: Visit For More Female Fitness...

23 May 13:57

Mãe faz registros incríveis da relação dos filhos com seus gatinhos.

by Julia Kacurin
CUIDADO! Você vai encontrar muita fofura nesse post! A fotógrafa Beth Mancuso, dos Estados Unidos, resolveu presentear seus filhos com um gatinho. O sucesso foi tanto que um ano depois os meninos ganharam outro! Vendo que surgia uma amizade e um companheirismo intenso entre os filhos e os bichinhos, Beth percebeu que não poderia deixar de […]
22 May 13:04

Be a good person but don’t waste time to prove…

by Jelly Wong

Be a good person but don’t waste time to prove it.

The post Be a good person but don’t waste time to prove… appeared first on Lifehack.

16 May 12:27

Big Dogs: Bigger Hearts

by Brinke

We love ’em no matter HOW big they are! It just means there’s more of ’em to love! (OK, well, maybe the St.Bernie in the first..GASP..can’t..breath..GASP..there goes a rib…gif.)
















(Bored Panda.)

Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Hoomin Interaction, REALLY Big Puppehs
15 May 13:10

Novo trailer conta a origem dos “Minions”

by Amanda de Almeida


> LEIA MAIS: Novo trailer conta a origem dos “Minions”

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no B9
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14 May 13:23

40 Little Things In Daily Life That Bring Us True Happiness

by Amy Johnson
Little Things True Happiness

What makes you happy? Apparently it really is the little things in life that make us happy, according to research by DoubleTree involving 2,000 adults.

It may surprise you to learn humans are generally optimistic, with over half of the adults saying they have a “glass half full” attitude to life, and 56% describing themselves as particularly happy.

Over a quarter said a few little things will cheer them up, and the research determined that little surprises provide us with the greatest amount of happiness, with 82% saying the best things in life are unexpected.

Dr. Glenn Williams, Senior Lecturer in Psychology at Nottingham Trent University said: “An effective route to happiness is not necessarily through experiencing major events that we might have planned out such as getting married, moving house, getting that all-important promotion, or even being on a holiday.”

“Rather it is the small, and often unexpected, pleasures in life that can make us smile each and every day to help us build happier and more meaningful lives for ourselves and for others.”

Check out 40 little things in daily life that bring us true happiness.

1. Finding money in your pocket that you didn’t know you had.

2. Being asked by someone who cares how you are doing.

3. Climbing into bed when you have fresh sheets.

4. Taking an extra-long bath or shower when you have some free time.

5. Smiling at a child you see in public.

6. Receiving a 10 minute massage from your partner or friend.

7. Cuddling someone before you have to get up and start your day.

8. Waking up and realizing it is a sunny, beautiful day.

9. Having a long phone conversation with someone you care about and haven’t spoken to in a while.

10. Watching the rain fall when you have nowhere to be, and you can curl up on the sofa.

11. Watching children playing and laughing together, reminding you of the joy in the world.

12. Spending some time with your pets – or animals in general!

13. A stranger giving you a genuine smile.

14. Having a nice, long stretch when you first wake up to get your body moving.

15. Laughing out loud at a funny memory.

16. A gesture of kindness from someone in your life – as simple as your child helping you cook dinner.

17. A smell you love, from baked bread to a freshly mowed lawn.

18. A meaningful, long hug from somebody you care about.

19. Putting on clothes after they have been warmed on the radiator.

20. Taking a few moments alone when things get hectic.

21. Watching the sunset or the sunrise.

22. The smell outside after the rain has stopped.

23. Listening to your favorite artist or album.

24. Receiving an email or a letter from a friend.

25. The chance to be creative, from painting an old set of drawers to doodling a picture.

26. Holding hands with someone you love.

27. Eating your breakfast in bed.

28. Playing a game you used to love when you were younger.

29. Eating healthy, tasty food that makes you feel good about yourself.

30. An extra half an hour to snooze in bed.

31. Having some time to yourself to read a book you love.

32. Buying your favorite drink or snack and savoring it.

33. Receiving flowers from someone who cares about you.

34. Eating your lunch outside in the sun.

35. Trying out a new recipe and creating something delicious.

36. A gesture of support from your friends or family.

37. Listening to a song you used to love and haven’t heard in years.

38. Taking the time to help someone with their problems.

39. Spending time in your home when it is tidy and clean.

40. Achieving a small victory, like fixing the washing machine or replacing a light bulb.

Featured photo credit: young handsome bearded hipster man blowing bubbles soap in the city via

The post 40 Little Things In Daily Life That Bring Us True Happiness appeared first on Lifehack.

11 May 21:50

Photographer Captures Bond Between Her Boys and Their Cats

by Michael Zhang


For the past two years, photographer Beth Mancuso has been taking pictures of her three sons and their relationship with their two cats. Her portraits, both candid and posed, offer a glimpse into the bond that has formed as the boys and cats grow up together as a family.

“Each boy shares a different relationship with the cats,” Mancuso writes. “My oldest son is by far the most obsessed with the cats. He tries to smuggle one in to his bedroom every night.”

“We couldn’t have asked for better cats. They are both so gentle with the boys and really do put up with a lot.”





“Cats aren’t always the easiest animals to love,” says Mancuso. “Anyone can love a dog but loving cats takes patience and compassion, and it is my hope that my boys are learning both these things from our beloved cats.”











Mancuso says she plans on continuing this project until either her boys leave home or her cats do. You can follow along with the series on Instagram at @manicmotherphotography.

Image credits: Photographs by Beth Mancuso and used with permission

11 May 13:24

29 Sneaky Tips For Small Space Living

by Lilly Childers

Small homes and apartments are all the rage right now. But, just because you live in a small space doesn’t mean you have to feel like you do! Not with a few tips and hacks up your sleeve like these small space living ideas. :) Staying organized and finding room for all of your stuff […]

The post 29 Sneaky Tips For Small Space Living appeared first on Listotic.